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West Coast EMT Block 4 Exam Study Guide Questions and Answers Latest Update 2023/2023 | 10, Exams of Music and Technology: Algorithmic and Generative Music

West Coast EMT Block 4 Exam Study Guide Questions and Answers Latest Update 2023/2023 | 100% Verified Assured A+West Coast EMT Block 4 Exam Study Guide Questions and Answers Latest Update 2023/2023 | 100% Verified Assured A+

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Download West Coast EMT Block 4 Exam Study Guide Questions and Answers Latest Update 2023/2023 | 10 and more Exams Music and Technology: Algorithmic and Generative Music in PDF only on Docsity! West Coast EM T Block 4 Exam Study Guide Questions and Answers Latest Update 2023/2023 | 100% Verified Assured A+ Know what cavitation is - ☑☑️☑️R️esults from rapid changes in tissue and fluid pressure that occur with the passage of the projectile, can result in serious injury to internal organs distant to the actual path of the bullet. Know Newton's First Law of Motion - ☑☑️☑️T️he first law states that objects at rest tend to stay at rest and objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. Kinetic Energy - ☑☑️☑️T️he energy of a moving object. Reflects the relationship between the mass (weight) of the object and the velocity (speed) at which it is traveling. Potential Energy - ☑☑️☑️T️he product of mass (weight), force of gravity, and height and is mostly associated with the energy of falling objects. The energy stored within an object. Know the 3 collisions that occur in a car accident. First Collision: - ☑☑️☑️T️he collision of the car against another car, a tree, or other objects. Does not directly affect patient care except making extrication difficult The damage to the car can indicate how severe the patient's injury is and help determine the mechanism of injury. Know the 3 collisions that occur in a car accident. P a g e 1 | 14 Second Collision: - ☑☑️☑️T️he collision of the passenger against the interior of the car. This damage is caused by the kinetic energy produced by the passenger's mass and velocity is converted into the work of stopping the passenger's body. It can cause severe traumatic injury that can be apparent during the scene size up or primary assessment. The most dramatic injury occurs when the passenger is not restrained. Know the 3 collisions that occur in a car accident. Third Collision: - ☑☑️☑️T️he collision of the passenger's internal organs against the solid structures of the body. These injuries may not be as obvious as external injuries but they are often the most life-threatening. When the car hits an object, the internal organs also hit the inside structure of the body which can result in compression or stretching (tearing). What to assume with the death of an occupant in the same vehicle as another person? - ☑☑️☑️S️uspect that the other person has sustained serious injuries even if the injuries are not obvious. Treat life-threatening injuries and provide rapid transport to a trauma center. These passengers have likely experienced the same amount of force that caused the death of the other. What is the purpose of airbags? What happens if airbags don't deploy + what should you do? - ☑☑️☑️A️ir bags gently cushions the occupant as the body slows and decelerates to decrease the severity of the impact of the second and third collision. If the airbags did not inflate during the accident, there is a chance they will deploy during extrication which can cause severe injury to the EMT. P a g e 2 | 14 Movement, removal of bandages, external environment, or body temperature may also affect the blood's clotting factors in cases of external bleeding. S&S of intra-abdominal bleeding (*know the early and late signs especially!) - ☑☑️☑️E️arly signs: Pain and distention. referred pain. Late signs: Tachycardia, weakness, fainting, or dizziness at rest, thirst, nausea and vomiting, cold moist skin, dull eyes and slightly dilated pupils, shallow rapid breathing, capillary refill time longer than 2 seconds in infants and children, weak rapid pulse, decreasing blood pressure, and altered level of consciousness. When should we suspect a GI bleed? - ☑☑️☑️V️omiting dark red blood (UPPER gi tract) Vomiting bright red blood and rectum (LOWER gi tract) Bloody diarrhea Know the early & late signs of non-traumatic GI bleeds - ☑☑️☑️E️arly: Contusion/ ecchymosis caused by the accumulation of blood around Late: Hypovolemic Shock How do we control external bleeds? - ☑☑️☑️D️irect even pressure Pressure dressing and/or splint Tourniquets What's the most effective way to control arterial bleeds? - ☑☑️☑️D️irect pressure and tourniquet. Know the rule of 9's + differences between adults and children in relation to TBSA - ☑☑️☑️A️dult Head: 4.5% each side = 9% whole head Torso: 9% chest & 9% abdomen = 18% one side (18% anterior and 18% posterior = 36% whole torso) Arms: 4.5% each side = 9% whole arm Legs: 9% each side = 18% whole leg Groin: 1% P a g e 5 | 14 Infant Head: 8% each side = 18% whole head Torso: 18% each side = 36% whole torso Arms: 4.5% each side = 9% whole arm Leg: 6.7% each side = 13.5% whole leg Groin: 1% Know differences in burns (1st, 2nd & 3rd degree) - ☑☑️☑️S️uperficial (first-degree) burn: Involves only the top layer of the skin, the epidermis. The skin turns red but does not blister or burn through this top layer. often painful. Partial-thickness (second-degree) burns: Involves the epidermis and some portion of the dermis. These burns do not destroy the entire thickness of the skin nor is the subcutaneous tissue injured. - Skin is moist, mottled, and white to red. Blisters are present. Pain. Full-thickness (third-degree) burn: Extends through all layers of skin, sometimes muscle bones, and internal organs are affected too. - Dry and leathery. Feels hard to touch. Appear white, dark brown, or even charred. Severely burned areas may not feel anything. Know electrical burns - ☑☑️☑️T️here must be a complete circuit between the electrical source and ground for the electricity to flow. Any substance that prevents this flow is an insulator, any substance that allows the flow of current is a conductor. The type of electric current, the magnitude of current, and voltage have effects on the seriousness of burns. When an electric current enters the body, the skin is burned at the entrance wound as well as everywhere along the path until the current grounds and exits the body. In addition to tissue damage by the heat, significant chemical changes take place in the nervous, cardiovascular, and muscular systems of the body causing disruption of the body's normal functions. P a g e 6 | 14 What happens when a person is exposed to cold? - ☑☑️☑️I️f the body or any parts of it is exposed to cold environments, the complicated mechanisms that regulate internal temperature may be overwhelmed. Cold exposure can cause injury to individual parts of the body such as the feet, hands, ears, or nose, or the body as a whole. Hypothermia: When core temperature of the body drops below 95 °F. Progressive loss of body heat begins because the body cannot regulate its temperature. Know what an avulsion is - ☑☑️☑️A️n avulsion is an injury that separates various layers of soft tissue (usually between the subcutaneous layer and fascia) so they become either completely detached or hang as a flap. Know what a sucking chest wound is and how to treat it - ☑☑️☑️S️ucking chest wound is an open or penetrating chest wall wound through which air passes during inspiration and expiration, creating a sucking sound. Also called an open pneumothorax. Immediate emergency medical car and transport. Clear and maintain the airway and provide oxygen and us occlusive dressings to seal the open wound and prevent air from being sucked into the chest. What should you suspect with a patient who suffered a closed soft-tissue injury? - ☑☑️☑️S️uspect internal bleeding and damaged internal organs. Remain alert for signs of shock. Know what the mandible is - ☑☑️☑️J️aw bone Where is the mastoid process located? - ☑☑️☑️O️ne inch posterior to the external opening of the ear is a prominent bony mass at the base of the skull. Where is the cricoid cartilage located? - ☑☑️☑️T️he other portion of the larynx. A firm ridge of cartilage below the thyroid cartilage. What is another name for your eyeball? - ☑☑️☑️T️he globe What is conjunctiva & sclera? - ☑☑️☑️C️onjunctiva: The delicate membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the exposed surface of the eye. P a g e 7 | 14 What is the purpose of the parasympathetic nervous system? How can you tell when it's activated? - ☑☑️☑️T️he parasympathetic nervous system has the opposite effect of the fight-or-flight mode causing blood vessels to dilate, slowing heart rate, and relaxing the muscle sphincters. When this system is activated, the body shunts blood to the digestive organs. What organs are contained in the mediastinum? - ☑☑️☑️H️eart, thymus gland, great vessels, portions of the esophagus, and trachea. What does the phrenic nerve do and where does it exit the spinal cord? - ☑☑️☑️I️nnervates the diaphragm muscle. Originates at the C3 through C5 which exists the spinal cord at the neck root and descends caudally, parallel to the pericardial sac. What is peritonitis? - ☑☑️☑️I️nflammation of the peritoneum. The first signs of peritonitis are severe abdominal pain, tenderness, and muscular spasm. Later, bowel sounds diminish or disappear as the bowel stops functioning. A patient may feel nauseous and vomit; the abdomen may become distended and firm to the touch; and infection may occur. Peritonitis is serious and may become life threatening. Bruising to the liver would be indicative of what? - ☑☑️☑️B️lunt trauma, closed injury. What is the mesentery? - ☑☑️☑️T️he intestinal blood supply comes from the mesentery The term refers to any fold of tissue that attaches an organ to the body wall. Usually used in reference to the intestinal mesentery: a fold of tissue that contains a web of vessels, both arteries and veins, as well as nerves and lymphatic tissues. What are distention & guarding from DR-GERM? - ☑☑️☑️D️istention: Abdominal distention or swelling that occurs between the xiphoid process and the groin is often the result of free fluid, blood, or organ contents spilling into the peritoneal cavity. P a g e 10 | 14 Guarding: Contracting the stomach muscles to minimize the pain of abdominal movements; a sign of peritonitis. How should a seatbelt be worn? - ☑☑️☑️S️eat belt should lie below the anterior superior iliac spines of the pelvis and against the hip joints. How does early bruising present? - ☑☑️☑️R️ed areas are early signs of bruising. What is a sign of intra-abdominal bleeding? - ☑☑️☑️B️ruising or discoloration, tenderness. S&S of a dislocated AC joint - ☑☑️☑️T️he distal end of the clavicle will often stick out, and the patient will report pain, including point tenderness over the AC joint. When to apply a traction splint/when should you NOT apply a traction splint? What happens if your patient complains of intense pain while applying the traction splint? - ☑☑️☑️A️pply traction splint to the femoral shaft fractures Do not apply traction splint: - Injury to the upper extremities - Injury close to or involving the knee - Injury to the pelvis - Partial amputation s or avulsions with bone separation - Lower leg, foot, or ankle injury If the traction causes more pain, stop and splint the limb in the deformed position. When do we use a scoop stretcher & why. - ☑☑️☑️U️sed for patients who have been struck by a motor vehicle. It can be sectioned into two or four pieces and can be fitted around a patient who is lying on the ground or other relatively flat surface. P a g e 11 | 14 Remember 1 liter per femur! (also 1 liter = 1,000mL....hint, hint) - ☑☑️☑️R️emember 1 liter per femur! (also 1 liter = 1,000mL....hint, hint) What is the most common & severe complication of dislocations to the knee? - ☑☑️☑️P️osterior knee dislocations, which results from hyperextension of the knee, are the most common. There is a high risk of injury to the popliteal artery. What is the most commonly fractured bone in the body? - ☑☑️☑️T️he clavicle or collarbone What is a Colles fracture? - ☑☑️☑️F️racture of the distal radius. How do you splint the wrist? - ☑☑️☑️S️tep 1: Support the injured limb and move the hand into the position of function. Place a soft roller bandage in the palm. Step 2: Apply a padded board splint on the palmar side with fingers exposed. Step 3: Secure the splint with a roller bandage. Know what striated muscle is and where it's found. Is it voluntary or involuntary? - ☑☑️☑️S️keletal muscles that attach to the bones and usually cross at least one joint. Voluntary What is atrophy? - ☑☑️☑️D️ecrease in the size of the muscle and its inherent ability to function. How do we assess a patient's general body temperature? (*besides using a thermometer) - ☑☑️☑️P️lace the back of your hand on the patient's skin at the abdomen. If the skin feels cool, he/she is likely experiencing a cold emergency. How can you get the most accurate reading of a patient's core body temperature? - ☑☑️☑️I️nsert the thermometer in the rectum. When does a person lose their ability to shiver? - ☑☑️☑️A️s cold exposure worsens and hypothermia gradually becomes severe. P a g e 12 | 14
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