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Words Lesson 1-3 | CLAS 1030 - Medical Terminology, Quizzes of Medical Sciences

Class: CLAS 1030 - Medical Terminology; Subject: Classical Culture; University: University of Georgia; Term: Spring 2013;

Typology: Quizzes


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Download Words Lesson 1-3 | CLAS 1030 - Medical Terminology and more Quizzes Medical Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 abiosis DEFINITION 1 lack of life TERM 2 acanthocyte DEFINITION 2 RBC with multiple spiny cytoplasmic projections TERM 3 analgesic DEFINITION 3 agent that relieves pain TERM 4 analgia DEFINITION 4 condition of being without pain TERM 5 angiostenosis DEFINITION 5 narrowing of [blood] vessel or duct TERM 6 antibiotic DEFINITION 6 drug/substance that kills harmful microorganisms TERM 7 antitoxin DEFINITION 7 antibody capable of neutralizing a specific biological toxin/poison TERM 8 arteriostosis DEFINITION 8 hardening/calcification of an artery TERM 9 arthritides DEFINITION 9 inflammation of various joints TERM 10 arthritis DEFINITION 10 inflammation of a joint TERM 21 epicardium DEFINITION 21 inner layer of the pericardium in contact with surface of the heart TERM 22 epicranium DEFINITION 22 tissues covering the skull TERM 23 erythrocytosis DEFINITION 23 abnormal increase in number/production of RBC TERM 24 erythroprosopalgia DEFINITION 24 disorder that causes redness and pain in the face TERM 25 exocardia DEFINITION 25 congenital displacement of the heart; heart lies outside of the body TERM 26 exotoxin DEFINITION 26 poison secreted by microorganism/bacterium and released into the environment in which it grows TERM 27 hemialgia DEFINITION 27 pain that affects one side of the body TERM 28 hypalgesia DEFINITION 28 decreased sensitivity to pain TERM 29 hyperalgesia DEFINITION 29 increased/excessive sensitivity to pain TERM 30 leptocephalia DEFINITION 30 having abnormally long, narrowed-shaped head TERM 31 leukotoxin DEFINITION 31 poison that destroys/inactivates WBC TERM 32 lithiasis DEFINITION 32 formation of calculi in the body TERM 33 mesocardia DEFINITION 33 location of heart in midline of the thorax TERM 34 nephrocsclerosis DEFINITION 34 hardening of a kidney TERM 35 neuritis DEFINITION 35 inflammation of a nerve TERM 46 synalgic DEFINITION 46 referred pain; pain perceived as coming from one part of the body but experienced in another part of the body (other than that of painful stimuli) TERM 47 toxicosis DEFINITION 47 diseased condition resulting from poisoning TERM 48 acanthocytosis DEFINITION 48 presence of acanthocyte (RBC with multiple spiny cytoplasmic projections) TERM 49 acardia DEFINITION 49 congenital absence of the heart TERM 50 angiitis DEFINITION 50 inflammation of the walls of a vessel TERM 51 angiocardiitis DEFINITION 51 inflammation of the blood vessels around the heart TERM 52 angiolith DEFINITION 52 calcareous deposit in the wall of a blood vessel TERM 53 andiosclerosis DEFINITION 53 hardening of the walls of blood vessels TERM 54 angiosis DEFINITION 54 disease of blood vessels TERM 55 antiarthritic DEFINITION 55 prevent/relieve of inflammation of a joint TERM 56 anticytotoxin DEFINITION 56 substance the counteracts poison TERM 57 antilithic DEFINITION 57 [agent that] preventing the formation of calculi TERM 58 arteriolith DEFINITION 58 formation of calculi in an artery TERM 59 arteritis DEFINITION 59 inflammation of a blood vessel that conveys blood away from the heart TERM 60 arthroneuralgia DEFINITION 60 nerve pain in and around a joint TERM 71 endangiitis DEFINITION 71 inflammation within the innermost layer of blood vessels TERM 72 endangium DEFINITION 72 innermost layer of blood vessels TERM 73 endarteritis DEFINITION 73 inflammation within inner layer of arteries TERM 74 endocranium DEFINITION 74 membrane within the skull; outermost layer of dura mater TERM 75 erythroleukemia DEFINITION 75 malignant disorder characterized by proliferation of erythroblastic and leukoblastic tissues TERM 76 erythrotoxin DEFINITION 76 poisonous substance destructive to RBC TERM 77 exencephalia DEFINITION 77 condition in which brain is located outside (exposed or extruding) TERM 78 hemianalgesia DEFINITION 78 loss of sensitivity to pain on one side of the body TERM 79 hyperalgia DEFINITION 79 extreme sensitivity to pain TERM 80 hypologia DEFINITION 80 talking less than normal TERM 81 lithonephritis DEFINITION 81 inflammation of kidney due to irritation by calculi TERM 82 malacosteon DEFINITION 82 softening of the bones TERM 83 mesocephalic DEFINITION 83 medium size head; pertaining to midbrain TERM 84 monocyte DEFINITION 84 1 cell TERM 85 nephralgia DEFINITION 85 pain in a kidney TERM 96 toxicology DEFINITION 96 science and study of poisons TERM 97 toxin DEFINITION 97 poisonous substance TERM 98 acromegaly DEFINITION 98 chronic disease marked by enlargement of bones of the extremities TERM 99 allodynia DEFINITION 99 pain due to stimulus which doesn't normally provoke pain TERM 100 amphocyte DEFINITION 100 cell staining with either acidic or basic dyes TERM 101 anastomosis DEFINITION 101 natural/surgical connection between two ducts which are normally distinct TERM 102 anemic DEFINITION 102 deficiency of RBC; reduction below normal number of RBC TERM 103 anergia DEFINITION 103 inability to work; lack of energy TERM 104 anodynic DEFINITION 104 capable of soothing or eliminating pain TERM 105 arthropyosis DEFINITION 105 formation of pus in a joint TERM 106 asynergy DEFINITION 106 absence of coordination of organ/body parts TERM 107 cheirology DEFINITION 107 sign language TERM 108 cholelithiasis DEFINITION 108 formation of gallstones in gallbladder or bile ducts TERM 109 colicystitis DEFINITION 109 inflammation of bladder owing to Ecoli infection TERM 110 coloenteritis DEFINITION 110 inflammation of both large (colon) and small intestine TERM 121 gastrocele DEFINITION 121 hernia of gastric pouch TERM 122 gastrolithiasis DEFINITION 122 formation of calculi in the stomach TERM 123 hematoma DEFINITION 123 swelling filled with blood resulting from break in blood vessel TERM 124 heparin DEFINITION 124 substance produced by the liver TERM 125 hepatosplenitis DEFINITION 125 inflammation of the liver and spleen TERM 126 heteroprosopus DEFINITION 126 congenitally deformed fetus having 1 head and 2 faces TERM 127 hyperemia DEFINITION 127 excess of blood in a part or organ TERM 128 lipemia DEFINITION 128 excessive fat in the blood TERM 129 melanoma DEFINITION 129 dark tumor in skin/eye TERM 130 metabiosis DEFINITION 130 dependence of 1 organism upon another TERM 131 microbe DEFINITION 131 microorganism; tiny living creature TERM 132 microcephalia DEFINITION 132 abnormally small head TERM 133 nephrocystanastomosis DEFINITION 133 surgical reconnection of kidney and urinary bladder TERM 134 nephropyosis DEFINITION 134 suppuration of the kidney TERM 135 nyctalgia DEFINITION 135 pain occurring at night TERM 146 stomatitis DEFINITION 146 inflammation of the mouth TERM 147 synergy DEFINITION 147 2 or more agents working together to produce a result TERM 148 acromicria DEFINITION 148 abnormally small extremities TERM 149 allochiria DEFINITION 149 perception of stimulus in limb opposite its origin TERM 150 antianemic DEFINITION 150 drug counteracting deficiency of RBC TERM 151 arthrodynia DEFINITION 151 pain in a joint TERM 152 cephalodynia DEFINITION 152 pain in the head; headache TERM 153 cholangioma DEFINITION 153 tumor of bile duct TERM 154 cholecysteneterostomy DEFINITION 154 formation of the opening between gallbladder and intestine TERM 155 colicolitis DEFINITION 155 inflammation of large intestine due to Ecoli infection TERM 156 colinephritis DEFINITION 156 inflammation of kidney due to Ecoli infection TERM 157 colonitis DEFINITION 157 inflammation of the large intestine TERM 158 cystoid DEFINITION 158 resembling a cyst (abnormal sac-like formation) TERM 159 cystolith DEFINITION 159 abnormal concretion in the bladder TERM 160 endostoma DEFINITION 160 tumor in the medullary cavity of a bone TERM 171 hepatomelanosis DEFINITION 171 dark/black condition of the liver TERM 172 heterotoxin DEFINITION 172 poison introduced into but formed outside of the body TERM 173 hypoliposis DEFINITION 173 presence of abnormally small amount of fat in the tissues TERM 174 leukocytoid DEFINITION 174 resembling a WBC TERM 175 lipocele DEFINITION 175 presence of fatty tissue in a hernia sac TERM 176 macrocaridus DEFINITION 176 fetus with an extremely large heart TERM 177 macrocheiria DEFINITION 177 abnormal largeness of the hands TERM 178 megalocystis DEFINITION 178 abnormally enlarged bladder TERM 179 melanomatosis DEFINITION 179 condition characterized by numerous widespread melanomas (tumor arising from melanocytic system of skin TERM 180 mesogastrium DEFINITION 180 portion of primitive mesentery which encloses stomach and from which greater omentum develops TERM 181 microlithiasis DEFINITION 181 formation of minute concretions in an organ TERM 182 microstomia DEFINITION 182 small size of the mouth TERM 183 oncology DEFINITION 183 study of tumors TERM 184 ostempyesis DEFINITION 184 accumulation of pus within a bone TERM 185 pachyostosis DEFINITION 185 bone thickening of vertebrae and ribs TERM 196 achlorhydria DEFINITION 196 lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach TERM 197 angiosclerotic myasthenia DEFINITION 197 hardening of blood vessel leads to muscular weakness TERM 198 anisocytosis DEFINITION 198 marked inequality in size of RBC TERM 199 antihypnotic DEFINITION 199 drug that keeps you from falling asleep TERM 200 arachnodactyly DEFINITION 200 having long, skinny fingers TERM 201 arteriomyomatosis DEFINITION 201 overgrowth of irregular muscular fibers causing a thickening of walls in an artery TERM 202 asthenia DEFINITION 202 weakness; lack of bodily strength TERM 203 chloroleukemia DEFINITION 203 proliferation of WBC in blood with iron deficiency given pale green appearance of skin TERM 204 chondralgia DEFINITION 204 pain in a cartilage TERM 205 dermatosclerosis DEFINITION 205 hardening of the skin TERM 206 dermatomycosis DEFINITION 206 infection of skin caused by fungus TERM 207 helcoma DEFINITION 207 ulcer of the cornea TERM 208 hidrosis DEFINITION 208 excessive sweating TERM 209 histiocyte DEFINITION 209 tissue cell TERM 210 histiocytosis DEFINITION 210 abnormal appearance of histiocytes (tissue cells) in blood TERM 221 myoendocarditis DEFINITION 221 inflammation of muscular wall and membrane lining the heart TERM 222 narcosis DEFINITION 222 unconsciousness induced by a drug TERM 223 narcotize DEFINITION 223 to put under the influence of drugs TERM 224 necrocytotoxin DEFINITION 224 poisonous substance that causes the death of cells TERM 225 necrosis DEFINITION 225 death of cells and living tissue TERM 226 neurasthenia DEFINITION 226 disorder marked by chronic fatigue and weakness TERM 227 onychomycosis DEFINITION 227 fungal infection of fingernails and toenails TERM 228 osteochondroma DEFINITION 228 tumor of cartilage and bone TERM 229 pachyderma DEFINITION 229 abnormal thickening of the skin TERM 230 perionychia DEFINITION 230 abnormal thickening of the nails TERM 231 perionychium DEFINITION 231 cuticle; tissue bordering root/sides of fingernail or toenail TERM 232 poliomyelitis DEFINITION 232 inflammation of gray matter of spinal cord TERM 233 polymyositis DEFINITION 233 inflammation of many muscles TERM 234 polyp DEFINITION 234 tiny tumor projecting from mucuous membrane TERM 235 pseudoicterus DEFINITION 235 yellowish discoloration of the skin, resembling jaundice, not caused by bile pigments TERM 246 acrohyperhidrosis DEFINITION 246 excessive sweating of the extremities TERM 247 amyosthenia/myasthenia DEFINITION 247 weakness of the muscles TERM 248 anonychia DEFINITION 248 congenital absence of a nail or nails TERM 249 antasthenic DEFINITION 249 agent that strengthens/ invigorates; relieves weakness TERM 250 anti-icteric DEFINITION 250 prevents jaundice TERM 251 antinarcotic DEFINITION 251 agent that counteracts the effects of drugs TERM 252 chondrocyte DEFINITION 252 cartilage cell TERM 253 chlorosis DEFINITION 253 iron deficiency anemia characterized by greenish-yellow discoloration of skin TERM 254 cyanoderma DEFINITION 254 blue skin TERM 255 dermalgia DEFINITION 255 localized pain usually confined to skin TERM 256 dermatomyoma DEFINITION 256 tumor involving skin and muscle tissue TERM 257 dyshidrosis DEFINITION 257 disorder of endocrine sweat glands TERM 258 epidermitis DEFINITION 258 inflammation of the outermost layer of skin TERM 259 helcosis DEFINITION 259 ulceration; formation and development of an ulcer TERM 260 hematomyelia DEFINITION 260 hemorrhage in spinal cord TERM 271 myeloid DEFINITION 271 resembling bone marrow TERM 272 myodynia DEFINITION 272 muscular pain TERM 273 myolipoma DEFINITION 273 benign tumor that consists chiefly of fat cells TERM 274 myoneural DEFINITION 274 relating to both muscles and nerves TERM 275 myosclerosis DEFINITION 275 hardening of muscle or muscle tissue TERM 276 neurohistology DEFINITION 276 study of nerves and nervous tissue TERM 277 neuromyelitis DEFINITION 277 inflammation of spinal cord and peripheral nerves TERM 278 osteoporosis DEFINITION 278 loss of bone mass TERM 279 paronychomycosis DEFINITION 279 fungal infection around the nail TERM 280 polyarthritis DEFINITION 280 inflammation of several joints TERM 281 polyneuritis DEFINITION 281 inflammation of several nerves TERM 282 psychometry DEFINITION 282 measuring psychological variables TERM 283 scleronychia DEFINITION 283 thickening of nails TERM 284 splenicterus DEFINITION 284 jaundice condition of the spleen TERM 285 symbiotic DEFINITION 285 relationship between two or more organisms benefiting from each other; living together
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