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Words Lesson 4-6 | CLAS 1030 - Medical Terminology, Quizzes of Medical Sciences

Class: CLAS 1030 - Medical Terminology; Subject: Classical Culture; University: University of Georgia; Term: Spring 2013;

Typology: Quizzes


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Download Words Lesson 4-6 | CLAS 1030 - Medical Terminology and more Quizzes Medical Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 amyxia DEFINITION 1 lack of mucus secretion TERM 2 anesthesiology DEFINITION 2 medical study and application of anesthesia (total or partial loss of sensitivity) TERM 3 angiogram DEFINITION 3 record of the size, shape, etc of the heart and its blood vessels TERM 4 arachnolysin DEFINITION 4 substance in spider venom that causes destruction of RBC TERM 5 atelocardia DEFINITION 5 congenital, imperfect development of the heart TERM 6 autism DEFINITION 6 developmental disease resulting in extreme introversion TERM 7 autohemolysis DEFINITION 7 spontaneous destruction of RBC due to factor in patients' own plasma TERM 8 cardiotomy DEFINITION 8 incision of the heart TERM 9 crinogenic DEFINITION 9 causing secretion TERM 10 dysgraphia DEFINITION 10 difficulty writing TERM 21 iatrogenesis DEFINITION 21 resulting from activities of physicians TERM 22 idiopathic DEFINITION 22 disease occurring without known cause TERM 23 leukorrhagia DEFINITION 23 profuse white discharge from vagina TERM 24 meningorrhea DEFINITION 24 effusion of blood upon or between meninges TERM 25 myectomy DEFINITION 25 surgical removal of all or part of a muscle TERM 26 myelatelia DEFINITION 26 congenital, incomplete formation of spinal cord TERM 27 myotatic DEFINITION 27 pertaining to stretching of a muscle TERM 28 myxoma DEFINITION 28 tumor of mucus connection tissue TERM 29 necrogenous DEFINITION 29 originating from dead matter TERM 30 onychorrhexis DEFINITION 30 breaking of the nails TERM 31 orthodiagraph DEFINITION 31 instrument for recording activity of the outline positions of organs TERM 32 orthosis DEFINITION 32 orthopedic appliance that prevents/assists movement of spine and its limbs; corrects deformity TERM 33 otomycosis DEFINITION 33 lesion of ear caused by fungal infection TERM 34 pachyrhinic DEFINITION 34 pertaining to a thick or broad nose TERM 35 pathogenic DEFINITION 35 pertaining to the origin of diseases TERM 46 tenontography DEFINITION 46 book/treatise about tendons TERM 47 tenontomyotomy DEFINITION 47 incision into the muscle and its tendons TERM 48 tenostosis DEFINITION 48 calcification of tendon into bone TERM 49 therapeutics DEFINITION 49 medical treatment of disease TERM 50 toxolysin DEFINITION 50 substance that destroys poison TERM 51 akinesia DEFINITION 51 loss of voluntary movement TERM 52 anesthesia DEFINITION 52 total or partial loss of sensation TERM 53 antihemorrhagic DEFINITION 53 agent used to stop a hemorrhage (profuse bleeding) TERM 54 apyrexia DEFINITION 54 absence of fever TERM 55 atelocheiria DEFINITION 55 congenital, incomplete development of the hand TERM 56 autosepticemia DEFINITION 56 blood poisoning due to bacteria already in the body TERM 57 chondrectomy DEFINITION 57 surgical removal of a cartilage TERM 58 cystoscopy DEFINITION 58 examination of the bladder TERM 59 dermatotherapy DEFINITION 59 treatment of skin diseases TERM 60 ectogenous DEFINITION 60 originating outside of the body TERM 71 iatrology DEFINITION 71 the science of medicine TERM 72 idiogram DEFINITION 72 graphic representation of karyotype TERM 73 isotonia DEFINITION 73 condition of equal tone or tension TERM 74 kinesiatrics DEFINITION 74 treatment of disease by movement or exercise; physical therapy TERM 75 macrotia DEFINITION 75 congenital state of having abnormally long ears TERM 76 meningorrhagia DEFINITION 76 profuse bleeding from cerebral or spinal membranes TERM 77 metakinesis DEFINITION 77 movement of parts TERM 78 mycetogenetic DEFINITION 78 caused by fungi TERM 79 mycosis DEFINITION 79 any disease caused by fungi TERM 80 myotasis DEFINITION 80 stretching of a muscle TERM 81 myxangitis DEFINITION 81 inflammation of mucus gland duct TERM 82 myxochondroma DEFINITION 82 tumor involving mucous tissue and cartilage TERM 83 nephrolithotomy DEFINITION 83 incision of kidney for removal of calculi TERM 84 oncolysis DEFINITION 84 break down, destruction of a tumor TERM 85 orthopsychiatry DEFINITION 85 branch of psychiatry that deals with the prevention of emotional and behavioral problems TERM 96 telangiitis DEFINITION 96 inflammation of the capillaries TERM 97 tenalgia DEFINITION 97 pain in a tendon TERM 98 therapy DEFINITION 98 medical treatment TERM 99 achromatosis DEFINITION 99 absence of pigmentation TERM 100 agnosia DEFINITION 100 loss of ability to interpret sensory stimuli TERM 101 amniography DEFINITION 101 radiographic exam (xray) of uterine cavity and fetus for birth defects TERM 102 anaphylaxis DEFINITION 102 extreme sensitivity to injected antigen following previous injection (serious allergic reaction) TERM 103 anoxia DEFINITION 103 absence of oxygen TERM 104 aphemia DEFINITION 104 loss of speech TERM 105 barylalia DEFINITION 105 indistinct/slurred/thick speech TERM 106 bradylexia DEFINITION 106 abnormal slowness in reading TERM 107 cholemesis DEFINITION 107 vomiting of bile TERM 108 chromophobia DEFINITION 108 resistance of certain cells and tissues to stain TERM 109 diaphragmitis DEFINITION 109 inflammation of the diaphragm TERM 110 dipsophobia DEFINITION 110 fear of being addicted to alcohol TERM 121 monophasia DEFINITION 121 saying one thing over and over again TERM 122 neostomy DEFINITION 122 surgical construction of a new or artificial opening TERM 123 nephremphraxis DEFINITION 123 obstruction of circulation of blood through kidneys TERM 124 osteophyte DEFINITION 124 outgrowth of bone TERM 125 oxyacusis DEFINITION 125 abnormal acuteness of hearing TERM 126 oxyesthesia DEFINITION 126 excessive sensitivity to pain or discomfort TERM 127 paracentesis DEFINITION 127 procedure during which fluid is removed through a needle TERM 128 paranoid DEFINITION 128 resembling paranoia (psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution) TERM 129 paraphemia DEFINITION 129 disordered speech using wrong/meaningless words TERM 130 parorexia DEFINITION 130 abnormal/disordered appetite with craving for unusual foods TERM 131 periphrenitis DEFINITION 131 inflammation around the diaphragm TERM 132 phage DEFINITION 132 virus capable of destroying bacterial cells TERM 133 phagocytosis DEFINITION 133 ingestion of bacteria by phagocytes TERM 134 phoniatrics DEFINITION 134 treatment of disorders of voice TERM 135 phrenicotomy DEFINITION 135 stimulus to one of the special organs of sense produces the mental image of color TERM 146 algophobia DEFINITION 146 fear of pain TERM 147 amblychromatic DEFINITION 147 lightly/faintly staining TERM 148 amniocentesis DEFINITION 148 puncture of amniotic sac with hollow needle with purpose of withdrawing fluid TERM 149 amniorrhexis DEFINITION 149 rupture of amnion TERM 150 anisochromatic DEFINITION 150 not having the same color throughout TERM 151 baryophobia DEFINITION 151 fear of child becoming obese TERM 152 centesis DEFINITION 152 puncture with hollow needle to extract fluid TERM 153 chromatogenous DEFINITION 153 causing/producing color TERM 154 chromidrosis DEFINITION 154 excretion of colored sweat TERM 155 chromotherapy DEFINITION 155 color therapy TERM 156 dyslalia DEFINITION 156 difficulty speaking TERM 157 echopathy DEFINITION 157 pathological repetition of anothers actions/words TERM 158 ectophyte DEFINITION 158 parasite growing outside of its host TERM 159 erythrophage DEFINITION 159 phagocyte that destroys RBC TERM 160 erythropoiesis DEFINITION 160 formation of RBC TERM 171 leukopoietic DEFINITION 171 production of WBC TERM 172 monophagia DEFINITION 172 eating one thing TERM 173 necrophagous DEFINITION 173 eating on dead flesh TERM 174 odynacusis DEFINITION 174 painful hearing TERM 175 oligohydramnios DEFINITION 175 condition of having two little amniotic fluid TERM 176 onychophagy DEFINITION 176 eating/biting/chewing nails TERM 177 paranoia DEFINITION 177 abnormal thinking; delusions of persecution TERM 178 paraphrenitis DEFINITION 178 inflammation of the region of diaphragm TERM 179 phagocytolysis DEFINITION 179 destruction of phagocytes (engulf bacteria and foreign matter in the bloodstream) TERM 180 pharmacotherapy DEFINITION 180 treatment with drugs TERM 181 phonopathy DEFINITION 181 disorder of voice TERM 182 phytogenous DEFINITION 182 originating in a plant TERM 183 polyphagia DEFINITION 183 excessive eating TERM 184 prophylactic DEFINITION 184 agent that aimed at prevention of disease TERM 185 pyemia DEFINITION 185 pus in the blood TERM 196 ankylosis DEFINITION 196 immobility of a joint TERM 197 antaphrodisiac DEFINITION 197 drug used to suppress sexual desire TERM 198 apoplexy DEFINITION 198 stroke; striking away from consciousness due to blockage of circulation in the brain TERM 199 atrophy DEFINITION 199 decrease in size of a part resulting from lack of cell nourishment TERM 200 autoerotism DEFINITION 200 masturbation; self satisfaction of sexual desire TERM 201 brachycephalous DEFINITION 201 having a short broad head TERM 202 chromatophore DEFINITION 202 cell bearing pigment that causes change in color of skin TERM 203 cryptanamnesia DEFINITION 203 subconscious memory; hidden forgetfulness TERM 204 demography DEFINITION 204 study of characteristics of human populations TERM 205 dermonosology DEFINITION 205 study of skin diseases TERM 206 diaphoresis DEFINITION 206 profuse sweating TERM 207 diplegia DEFINITION 207 paralysis on both sides of the body TERM 208 dolichocephalic DEFINITION 208 having a relatively long/narrow head TERM 209 dystrophy DEFINITION 209 inadequate/defective nutrition with wasting away of muscle tissues TERM 210 endemic DEFINITION 210 prevalent in/peculiar to a particular region of people TERM 221 heterodromus DEFINITION 221 moving in the opposite direction TERM 222 homoerotic DEFINITION 222 sexual feeling directed toward member of same sex TERM 223 hydrorrhachis DEFINITION 223 increased fluid in spinal cord TERM 224 hypertrichosis DEFINITION 224 excessive growth of hair TERM 225 mesodont DEFINITION 225 teeth of moderate size TERM 226 nematology DEFINITION 226 study of nematodes TERM 227 odontonecrosis DEFINITION 227 extensive decay of a tooth TERM 228 osteosynthesis DEFINITION 228 fastening the ends of fragmented bone by metallic/plastic pen TERM 229 palinodromia DEFINITION 229 relapse/recurrence of the entire heart TERM 230 pancarditis DEFINITION 230 inflammation of the entire heart TERM 231 paraplegia DEFINITION 231 paralysis from the waste down TERM 232 photodysphoria DEFINITION 232 intolerance of light TERM 233 prosopoplegia DEFINITION 233 facial paralysis TERM 234 schistocytosis DEFINITION 234 fragmentation of RBC in the blood TERM 235 schizonychia DEFINITION 235 splitting of the nails TERM 246 chondrodystrophy DEFINITION 246 disorder of cartilage formation TERM 247 chromophore DEFINITION 247 gives color to a cell TERM 248 craniorachischisis DEFINITION 248 congenital fissure of the skull and vertebral column TERM 249 cryptogenic DEFINITION 249 obscure origin TERM 250 endocrinotherapy DEFINITION 250 treatment with synthesized hormones TERM 251 erotophobia DEFINITION 251 fear of sex;aversionto sexual love TERM 252 exodontia DEFINITION 252 dental extraction of a tooth TERM 253 gastroschisis DEFINITION 253 congenital cleft of the stomach TERM 254 gynandrism DEFINITION 254 combination of male and female genitals TERM 255 gynecophonus DEFINITION 255 individual male with the voice of a female TERM 256 gynoplasty DEFINITION 256 plastic or reconstructive surgery of female genitals TERM 257 helminthemesis DEFINITION 257 vomiting of intestinal worms TERM 258 hypertrophy DEFINITION 258 increase in size of an organ due to overuse TERM 259 hypotrichosis DEFINITION 259 deficiency of hair TERM 260 melanophore DEFINITION 260 dark pigment-bearing cell TERM 271 palilalia DEFINITION 271 saying the same thing over and over again TERM 272 palingraphia DEFINITION 272 writing the same thing over and over again TERM 273 panasthenia DEFINITION 273 weakness all over TERM 274 panoptosis DEFINITION 274 drooping of all parts of the body TERM 275 periodontal DEFINITION 275 tissues surrounding/supporting the teeth (gums) TERM 276 photogenic DEFINITION 276 originating in daylight TERM 277 protopathic DEFINITION 277 primitive, undiscriminating pain stimuli TERM 278 rachitome DEFINITION 278 instrument for cutting the spine for surgery TERM 279 rhachialgia DEFINITION 279 pain in the spine TERM 280 sclerotrichia DEFINITION 280 hardness/brittleness of hair (split ends) TERM 281 spondylarthritis DEFINITION 281 inflammation of the joints of the spinal column TERM 282 spondylopyosis DEFINITION 282 formation of pus in the vertebrae TERM 283 symphysodactyly DEFINITION 283 fused together fingers or toes TERM 284 synthetic DEFINITION 284 artificially produced TERM 285 toxonosis DEFINITION 285 disease resulting from poison
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