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Words Lesson 7-9 | CLAS 1030 - Medical Terminology, Quizzes of Medical Sciences

Class: CLAS 1030 - Medical Terminology; Subject: Classical Culture; University: University of Georgia; Term: Spring 2013;

Typology: Quizzes


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Download Words Lesson 7-9 | CLAS 1030 - Medical Terminology and more Quizzes Medical Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 adenoids DEFINITION 1 lymphatic tissue that look like glands (important in immune response) TERM 2 aerobe DEFINITION 2 requires oxygen to livev TERM 3 aerotropism DEFINITION 3 tendency of organisms to turn towards air TERM 4 alloplasia DEFINITION 4 malposition of normal cells TERM 5 ankylochilia DEFINITION 5 congenital fusion of upper and lower lips TERM 6 aplasia DEFINITION 6 congenital lack of formation of an organ TERM 7 ataxophobia DEFINITION 7 fear of disorder and tidyness TERM 8 blennadenitis DEFINITION 8 inflammation of mucus glands TERM 9 celiocentesis DEFINITION 9 puncture of abdomen with a hollow needle to withdraw fluid (relieve ascites) TERM 10 cheiloschisis DEFINITION 10 fissure of the upper lip (under the base of the nose) TERM 21 geriatrics DEFINITION 21 branch of health care concerned with the elderly TERM 22 gnathalgia DEFINITION 22 pain in the jaw TERM 23 hematomphalocele DEFINITION 23 fusion of blood into umbilical hernia TERM 24 hemiataxia DEFINITION 24 lack of coordination on 1 side of the body TERM 25 hemodynamics DEFINITION 25 study of blood flow/ circulation TERM 26 hyperthermalgesia DEFINITION 26 painful sensation caused byover-sensitivityto heat TERM 27 idiotropic DEFINITION 27 turning to ones self; egocentric TERM 28 ischesis DEFINITION 28 checking flow of body fluid TERM 29 kleptomania DEFINITION 29 compulsion to steal TERM 30 leiomyoma DEFINITION 30 tumor of smooth muscle tissue in the wound TERM 31 macrocheilia DEFINITION 31 having large lips TERM 32 myotenontoplasty DEFINITION 32 reconstructive surgery/formation of tendon to muscle TERM 33 narcolepsy DEFINITION 33 disorder of recurrent attacks of daytime sleepiness TERM 34 omphaloncus DEFINITION 34 tumor of the naval TERM 35 pancytopenia DEFINITION 35 abnormally low number of all formed elements in the blood TERM 46 thermanesthesia DEFINITION 46 lack of perception of heat TERM 47 adenidectomy DEFINITION 47 surgical removal of adenoids TERM 48 aerotitis DEFINITION 48 inflammation of the ear due to change in air pressure TERM 49 aerothermotherapy DEFINITION 49 therapeutic use of warm air TERM 50 anerythroplasia DEFINITION 50 absence of RBC formation in bone marrow TERM 51 angiorrhaphy DEFINITION 51 suture of a vessel TERM 52 aptyalia DEFINITION 52 absence of saliva; dry mouth TERM 53 blennemesis DEFINITION 53 vomiting of mucus TERM 54 celiac DEFINITION 54 pertaining to abdomen TERM 55 cheilophagia DEFINITION 55 habit of biting one's lips TERM 56 chronobiology DEFINITION 56 study of effects of time in biochemistry TERM 57 cryptolith DEFINITION 57 concretion in glandular follicle TERM 58 desmorrhexis DEFINITION 58 rupture of a ligament TERM 59 dynamic DEFINITION 59 characterized by constant change or activity TERM 60 endoparasite DEFINITION 60 parasite living within its host TERM 71 maniacal DEFINITION 71 afflicted with madness TERM 72 melalgia DEFINITION 72 pain in the limb TERM 73 myodynamometer DEFINITION 73 instrument for measuring force of a muscle TERM 74 myoischemia DEFINITION 74 temporary interruption of blood flow to the muscles TERM 75 nephrotropic DEFINITION 75 drug that affects the kidney TERM 76 nomography DEFINITION 76 construction of a nomogram TERM 77 odontoclasia DEFINITION 77 breaking a tooth TERM 78 omphalorrhexis DEFINITION 78 rupture of the naval TERM 79 oreximania DEFINITION 79 mad craving to eat too much TERM 80 pachycheilia DEFINITION 80 thick lips TERM 81 pedomorphism DEFINITION 81 retention of build/body type of a child in an adult TERM 82 periomphalic DEFINITION 82 around or near the naval TERM 83 phototropism DEFINITION 83 plant/organism turning towards the light TERM 84 phrenohepatic DEFINITION 84 pertaining to diaphragm and liver TERM 85 prostatodynia DEFINITION 85 pain in the prostate gland (stands in front) TERM 96 auris externa DEFINITION 96 external ear (eardrum outward) TERM 97 bacillar DEFINITION 97 relating to/pertaining to/containing bacilli (tiny microorganisms) TERM 98 biceps DEFINITION 98 2 heads; 2 points of origin TERM 99 bursae DEFINITION 99 fluid filled sac that provides lubrication TERM 100 calcipenia DEFINITION 100 low calcium levels in the blood TERM 101 calcium DEFINITION 101 white metallic element; lime TERM 102 calorimeter DEFINITION 102 instrument for measuring the amount of heat exchanged in a chemical reaction TERM 103 cerebellum DEFINITION 103 trilobed structure TERM 104 costotome DEFINITION 104 instrument to cut ribs TERM 105 denticle DEFINITION 105 small toothlike projection TERM 106 diplobaccilus DEFINITION 106 2 rod shaped microorganisms linked together at ends TERM 107 dorsad DEFINITION 107 toward the back TERM 108 externalize DEFINITION 108 to turn outward TERM 109 fibromyoma DEFINITION 109 tumor containing large amounts of muscle and fibrous tissue TERM 110 fistula DEFINITION 110 abnormal tubelike passageway in the body TERM 121 occiput DEFINITION 121 the back part of the head TERM 122 osteosynovitis DEFINITION 122 inflammation of the synovial membrane (membrane lining the bursa) and surrounding bone TERM 123 pertussis DEFINITION 123 whooping cough TERM 124 polyradiculitis DEFINITION 124 inflammation of the nerve roots TERM 125 postnasal DEFINITION 125 posterior to the nose (behind the nasal cavities) TERM 126 quadriplegia DEFINITION 126 paralysis of all 4 limbs/extremities TERM 127 purulent DEFINITION 127 containing/producing pus TERM 128 radiculomeningomyelitis DEFINITION 128 inflammation of spinal cord, spinal nerve roots, and meninges (its investing membranes) TERM 129 radix DEFINITION 129 root portion of a part or organ TERM 130 renogastric DEFINITION 130 pertaining to the kidney and stomach TERM 131 retrovirus DEFINITION 131 virus containing reverse transcriptase TERM 132 sanguine DEFINITION 132 pertaining to blood; optimistic TERM 133 subaural DEFINITION 133 below the ear TERM 134 synovia DEFINITION 134 lubricating fluid found in joint cavities, bursae, or tendon sheath TERM 135 tubectomy DEFINITION 135 excision of tube (especially fallopian tube) TERM 146 auris interna DEFINITION 146 inner ear TERM 147 avirulent DEFINITION 147 not infectious TERM 148 binotic DEFINITION 148 pertaining to both ears TERM 149 bursopathy DEFINITION 149 disease of bursa (fluid filled sac in joints containing synovial fluid) TERM 150 cerebellar ataxia DEFINITION 150 loss of muscle coordination caused by lesion in cerebellum TERM 151 chronograph DEFINITION 151 instrument for recording intervals of time TERM 152 circumrenal DEFINITION 152 around the kidney TERM 153 chondrocostal DEFINITION 153 pertaining to the ribs and costal cartilages TERM 154 costalgia DEFINITION 154 pain in the ribs (chest) TERM 155 decimeter DEFINITION 155 1/10 of a meter TERM 156 dentin DEFINITION 156 pertaining tocalcareouspart of a tooth TERM 157 dorsodynia DEFINITION 157 back pain TERM 158 extrahepatic DEFINITION 158 outside the liver TERM 159 fibromyalgia DEFINITION 159 chronic pain in various muscles and surrounding soft tissues TERM 160 fistulatome DEFINITION 160 instrument for cutting fistula (abnormal tubelike passageway in the body) TERM 171 parasynovitis DEFINITION 171 inflammation around the synovial membrane TERM 172 perivisceritis DEFINITION 172 inflammation around internal organs TERM 173 pertussoid DEFINITION 173 resembling the whooping cough TERM 174 polyblennia DEFINITION 174 excessive secretion of mucus TERM 175 posticteric DEFINITION 175 following jaundice TERM 176 prenarcosis DEFINITION 176 initial stages of patient falling asleep TERM 177 purulent synovitis DEFINITION 177 inflammation of synovial membrane with pus formation TERM 178 renogram DEFINITION 178 record of rate of removal of _______________ from kidney TERM 179 sanguineous DEFINITION 179 full of blood TERM 180 sincipital DEFINITION 180 upper and front part of the skull TERM 181 supervirulent DEFINITION 181 very infectious TERM 182 supradiaphragmatic DEFINITION 182 above the diaphragm (muscular membrane separating the thoracic and abdominal cavity) TERM 183 synovectomy DEFINITION 183 excision of synovial membrane TERM 184 trigastric DEFINITION 184 having 3 bulges TERM 185 tuborrhea DEFINITION 185 discharge of tube of the middle ear TERM 196 calcification DEFINITION 196 deposits of calcium salts in a tissue TERM 197 calorific DEFINITION 197 generating heat TERM 198 contralateral DEFINITION 198 pertaining to opposite sides TERM 199 decalcify DEFINITION 199 remove calcium deposits TERM 200 dentigerous DEFINITION 200 having or furnished with teeth TERM 201 detoxify DEFINITION 201 destroy toxic/poisonous properties of a substance TERM 202 digestion DEFINITION 202 breaking down of ingested food material into easily absorbed and assimilated substances TERM 203 digiti DEFINITION 203 fingers or toes TERM 204 dorsiflect DEFINITION 204 to bend backwards TERM 205 ductile DEFINITION 205 capable of being drawn out (stretched thin without breaking) TERM 206 excrescence DEFINITION 206 abnormal growth; outgrowth TERM 207 frigolabile DEFINITION 207 destroyed by low temperatures TERM 208 fungistasis DEFINITION 208 inhibition of growth of fungi TERM 209 genitalia DEFINITION 209 reproductive organs TERM 210 gestosis DEFINITION 210 any disorder of pregnancy TERM 221 orifice DEFINITION 221 body opening (makes a mouth or an opening) TERM 222 ossification DEFINITION 222 to turn to bone TERM 223 pediculus DEFINITION 223 generic name for lice TERM 224 posteroexternal DEFINITION 224 situated in back and to outerside TERM 225 prolapse DEFINITION 225 downward displacement of bodily organ TERM 226 reflex DEFINITION 226 involuntary action or movement; pulled back TERM 227 relapse DEFINITION 227 return of disease after its apparent cessation TERM 228 section DEFINITION 228 slice or cutting TERM 229 somnifacient DEFINITION 229 produce sleep TERM 230 somnolent DEFINITION 230 drowsy; sleepy TERM 231 stabile DEFINITION 231 stable; fixed; stationary TERM 232 subfebrile DEFINITION 232 mildly feverish condition TERM 233 superficial DEFINITION 233 pertaining to or situated near the surface TERM 234 tumefaction DEFINITION 234 process of swelling TERM 235 tumescence DEFINITION 235 swelling TERM 246 decalcification DEFINITION 246 loss of calcium leads to softening of the bone TERM 247 deossification DEFINITION 247 loss of mineral content of bone; causes softening TERM 248 digitate DEFINITION 248 having fingerlike projections TERM 249 dorsiduction DEFINITION 249 movement of arm/leg toward the back TERM 250 ductule DEFINITION 250 a small duct or passageway TERM 251 exsanguination DEFINITION 251 massive bleeding TERM 252 facial DEFINITION 252 pertaining to the face TERM 253 faciobrachial DEFINITION 253 pertaining to the face and arm TERM 254 febrifacient DEFINITION 254 substance the causes fever TERM 255 flexor DEFINITION 255 bender; muscle that bends arm or leg TERM 256 fungoid DEFINITION 256 resembling fungus TERM 257 fungistatic DEFINITION 257 agent that causes halting growth of fungi TERM 258 genitoplasty DEFINITION 258 plastic surgery on reproductive organs TERM 259 hemifacial DEFINITION 259 relating to one side of the face TERM 260 hypergenitalism DEFINITION 260 overdeveloped reproductive organs TERM 271 ossific DEFINITION 271 becoming bone TERM 272 pediculicide DEFINITION 272 agent used to kill lice TERM 273 pediculophobia DEFINITION 273 abnormal fear of lice TERM 274 posterointernal DEFINITION 274 in back and interior of the body TERM 275 prolapse DEFINITION 275 displacement of an organ forward and downward (esp uterus) TERM 276 prosopospasm DEFINITION 276 facial tick TERM 277 reflexogenic DEFINITION 277 causing a reflex action TERM 278 resectable DEFINITION 278 capable of being cut down or back TERM 279 sanguinopurulent DEFINITION 279 containing both blood and pus TERM 280 schizophrenia DEFINITION 280 split personality TERM 281 somniferous DEFINITION 281 inducing sleep TERM 282 thermostabile DEFINITION 282 not destroyed in the presence of heat TERM 283 transection DEFINITION 283 cutting crossways TERM 284 tumefacient DEFINITION 284 producing swelling TERM 285 viscerosomatic DEFINITION 285 related to internal organs and the body
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