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Road to Westernization & Nationalism in Middle East & Asia: Iran, Palestine, India, China, Study notes of World History

The historical developments of iran, palestine, india, and china during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It covers the rise of reza khan in iran, the emergence of zionism and the balfour declaration in palestine, the amritsar massacre and the may 4th movement in india, and the economic and political instability in china. The document highlights the tensions between westernization and traditional culture, the struggle for national identity, and the impact of imperialism.

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Download Road to Westernization & Nationalism in Middle East & Asia: Iran, Palestine, India, China and more Study notes World History in PDF only on Docsity! Monday, March 18, 2013 Lecture 15 The Middle East After WWI Iclicker – What Significant Historical Phenomenon is the the Film Clip, from Lawrence of Arabia, Depicting? - Fall of the ottoman empire, colonization, rise of nationalism around arabian peninsula, imperialism - Part of WWI - Tells the beginning of the nation states of the middle east - This war was supposed to be the war that ended all wars - Peace conference after it ended; peace of paris; treaty of versailles - Tried to make sure that this would be the last great war - But it was only a bandaid - Creation of brand new imagined communities I. Building Empire and New Nations A.The Mandate System 1.WWI – The Arab Revolt, Nationalism, and British Interests a)The automobile, diesel engines, airplanes all want oil b)British and french have influence because they won the war (1)Three fronts in the war (2)British are interested in the middle east c)Rise of nationalism d)Arabs begin to want their own imagined community 2.The League of Nations and Article 22 a)August 22 (1)Treaty of versailles (2)International body of all leading nations that get together to make sure no conflict b)Congress refuses to ratify a part of the treaty (1)So the league of nations does not have all the big powers there (a)No checks and balances c)Able to get the league of nations to pass article 22 (1)Stipulates that the people of the middle east have become backward (2)Creates the mandate system where they carve out chunks and have the british and the french organize things for the good will of the people of the middle east (a)Have straight lined borders (b)Borders created arbitrarily without any geographic/religious/ethnic consideration 3.1920s – British and French Exert Imperial Influence a)British and french create colonies b)Local arab elites c)Holy religious sites 1 4.The Hashemite Family – Amir Faysal and Amir Abdallah a)Worked hand in hand with Lawrence b)Wanted to create a broad arab nation c)Abdallah wants revenge on his brother and gets a big army together (1)Calls a conference in Cairo (2)Create trans Jordan 5.Imagining Iraq and Jordan a)Trans Jordan- not good land b)Suni muslims were running the show Wednesday, March 20, 2013 B.Turkey, Iran, and Egypt 1.Post-WWI – Revolution and Conquest Also Key a) 2.Egypt – Sa’d Zaghlul, Uprising, and The Muslim Brotherhood a)Constitutional monarchies and liberal ideals b)British have interest in suez canal, but Egypt wants their own nation state c)Egyptians get home rule, but british still have influence over government d)Create nation state created around islamic beliefs (1)Muslim brotherhood- concepts from Quran and how prophet muhammad conducted himself (2)Want a nation state free of western ideas 3.Turkey – Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) a)Turkey was the remnants of the Ottoman empire (1)Still turkish cultures that inhabited Anatolia (Republic of Turkey) b)Mustafa Kemal was a general within the Ottoman army (1)Held position within military after the fall of the empire (2)Concerned about what was gonna happen to turkish people (a)Scared they would succumb to imperialism and british/french interests (b)Wanted to use control to cree a new republic of turkey c)Adopts a new name for himself “Ataturk” (father of the turks) (1)Realizes that his society is predominantly muslim d)Modeled republic after US and France- secular society (1)Takes turkish language and incorporates the latin alphabet (2)Encourages western dress code (3)Reform the education system (4)Begins to industrialize (telephone wires, electricity, railroads, telegraphs) e)Made sure the imagined community of turkey would always be sovereign and not fall to imperialism 4.Persia (Iran) – Reza Khan and the “New Order” a)Had a large Islamic empire b)Persia had come under the influence of the Russians and the British c)Reza Khan (Persian military man) had risen through the Kasak battalion (1)Uses his position to have a military coup to take over Persia 2 Friday, March 22, 2013 I. Anti-Colonialism in India A.Swaraj 1.WWI and Amritsar Alter the Situation in India a)Swaraj- self rule (1)The national party wanted to work with the british to try to achieve home rule and gain independence from the British empire b) 2.1919 – Slight Reform of Indian Legislative Assembly a)Legislative assembly decided to expand the number of seats to 150 in the assembly (1)More representation b)Expand the franchise (1)Peoples right to vote 3.The I.N.C. Calls for Swaraj a)Two individuals have a profound effect in shaping the imagined community b)The INC pushes for swaraj 4.1920s – Jawaharlal Nehru’s Rise in the I.N.C. a)Nehru: Hindu background; well educated; liked Indian nationalism (1)Began to rise through the ranks and had an enormous influence (2)Became one of the key leaders within the party (3)Able to become the prime minister 5.1913 – The Muslim League and Muhammad Ali Jinnah a)Jinnah: same viewpoints as Nehru (1)Had an important difference: Muslim background b)Jinnah thinks Muslims can work with the INC, but as he goes along he joins the Muslim League c)Realizes that the demographics put Muslims at a disadvantage because they are a minority (1)They will face prejudice d)Jinnah wants South Asia to be divided up: Hindu State and Muslim State B.Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi 1.Son of Devout, Prosperous Hindu Parents a)Gandhi had a Hindu background b)Parents spent money for him to have legal training c)Decided he was going to go to South Africa 2.1893 – Begins Practicing Law in South Africa a)Indians face the reality of the local populations of South Africa (1)The Afrikaners, the British and the locals are all there (2)The apartheid system was in place- segregation b)The Afrikaners don’t like the Indians living in South Africa c)Gandhi sees discrimination and isn’t happy about it d)Decides to fight against the discrimination 3.Indianness and Satyagraha 5 a)Looks at the Indian population and sees Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus with a common Indianness (1)So they should unit as one people (2)Decides to fight for all indians b)Method: Satyagraha: truth force (1)Civil disobedience; peaceful resistance 4.1915 – Returns to India a)Goes home to India to try to fight for Indian independence 5.1921 – Head of the I.N.C. a)Abandons his western ideas and dress and goes to an un-complex type of dress (1)Develops a spiritual sense about his actions (2)He begins to be noticed b)Becomes the head of the INC (1)As the head, he instills Satyagraha to bring change 6.Marches, Boycotts, Imprisonments a)Hunger strikes: gets a lot of attention; people will die for their beliefs (1)Gets international attention through media: film and radio b)Successful because non violent (1)If the other people fight/resist you then it makes them look bad c)Marches: peaceful, show discontent, but always refrain from violence d)Boycotts: cut off people’s money; boycott British goods e)Imprisonments: Gandhi II.Anti-Colonialism in China A.The Three Principles of the People 1.Post Boxer Rebellion – Qing Decline and Emperor Puyi a)New flag for China created: ideas of creating of Chinese Republic (1)Symbol in corner for nationalist party: KMT b)Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists (1)Fighting against foreign powers (2)Puyi is the last emperor; comes into power and is gone in four years 2.Post 1890 – Rise of Sun Yat-Sen a)Yat-Sen went to Hawaii and was exposed to enlightenment thought (1)Influenced by these concepts (a)Moved back to China and lives in Hong Kong (b)Wants to study medicine (2)Influenced about how government should be structured b)Wants to abandon his studies and become a professional revolutionary c)Organize a movement for revolution: raise funds and recruits 3.The Kuomintang (KMT) a)Yat-Sen establishes the KMT b)3 principles of the people (1)Nationalism (2)Democracy (3)Livelihood 4.Nationalism, Democracy, Livelihood 6 a)Nationalism: China is only for Chinese; get rid of foreigners b)Democracy: a republic ruled by an emperor (based on mandate of heaven) c)Livelihood: citizens are no longer subjects, need to look out for their livelihood (1)In order to do this, need access to find good jobs and high standard of living d)These ideas are spread; he gets a good following 5.1911 – Revolution Begins a)Revolution is a long drawn out process b)Get rid of the emperor c)Does not end until 1949 B.The KMT v. CCP 1.Warlords and Japanese Imperialism Become Issues a)The KMT isn't successful in uniting the diverse b)Warlords: local strong men throughout China (1)Create their own private armies (not loyal to KMT) (2)Aspire to make their local power national power c)Japanese imperialism: Japanese are eying the main land of Asia (1)Want to build an empire there 2.May 4th Movement a)Students began to read the writings of Karl Marx b)Attracted to his ideas 3.1921 – Chinese Communist Party Founded (CCP) a)Form the CCP b)Everyone would be equal economically and socially c)Yat-Sen sees this as a potential rival force (1)Wants a partnership with the CCP 4.1923 – Sun Yat-Sen Accepts Assistance from U.S.S.R. a)Becomes disillusioned with western powers (1)Needs help from a different source (2)Look to Russia because they just had a revolution (3)Asked for military training, the USSR says yes (a)Decided to help Yat-Sen out 5.Post 1925 – Chiang Kai-Shek (KMT) v. Mao Zedong (CCP) a) Kai-Shek gets the soviet military training (1)But he does not like the communist (2)Becomes the head of the KMT after Yat-Sen dies (3)Gets rid of the warlords and turns against the CCP to destroy the communists b)Zedong is the rising leader of the CCP c)These two are in conflict III. Conclusion (Lectures 15-16) A.The “Fall-Out” of the WWI Greatly Impacts the Dynamics of Imperialism and Nationalism in the 1920s and 1930s B.The Mandate System, Militarism, Revolution, and Zionism Shape the Middle East After the War 7 (1)Switched sides to the Allied Powers (2)On the winning side thinking they would get more territory (a)Mistaken; Britain and France say you switched sides so you do not get anything c)Italians are resentful (1)Soldiers come back and have psychological scars and they are resentful that they put so much time and effort and they are not getting anything out of it d)Italy’s economy is in dire straights (1)Flood of lost generations (soldiers) that have no jobs 5.The Fascists – Benito Mussolini and Blackshirts a)Mussolini emerges; journalist for socialist magazines (1)Turns his back on these ideas (2)Angry (3)Decides their needs to be massive changes in Italy (a)Begins to form a new political party (b)Ultra-nationalist party (c)Known as Fascists b)Mussolini organizes and gets a lot of members (1)Decide to use political violence to achieve their ends (a)Riots, beatings, etc. (2)Paramilitary segments of the fascist party: Blackshirts (a)Under the command of Mussolini (b)Have their rise to power in 1922 c)October 1922 Mussolini organizes the Fascists on a huge march towards Rome (1)The Blackshirts are messing with people, political violence d)Constitutional monarchy in Italy (1)King sees the situation and gets nervous (2)Scared of the fascists (a)Goes to Mussolini; creates a deal to where Fascists will have ⅔ majority in Parliament 6.c. 1923 – Mussolini (El Duce) a)El Duce: the leader (of Fascists and all of Italy) b)Uses this position to undermine the political apparatus in Italy and he becomes essentially a dictator in Italy C.The Soviet Union 1.1917-22 – The Russian Civil War and The U.S.S.R. a)Last we heard of them was the October Revolution (takes over Tsar/ monarchy) b)Marx believed in ideas of progress (1)Was an enlightenment thinker (a)Societies evolved and the ultimate end of that development would be a communist society (2)Promise of communism becomes attractive to many in Russia (a)Use the Soviet Union as a base for communism 10 c)Whites vs. The Reds (1)Whites are non-communists; have help from Britain and US (a)Send in special forces (2)Known as Russian Civil War (a)3 million died (b)12 million casualties total between the Great War and the Russian Civil War (3)Reds win (4)15 socialist republics -> USSR (a)Of these 15 republics, one of these is Russia with the capital of Moscow d)The economy goes down 2.Lenin’s Take on Marxism a)Lenin believes in communism and Marx (1)Idea of a society that is evolving (2)Industrialized to have the two classes: Proletariat and Bourgeoisie b)Lenin alters the ideas of Marxism to the situation in the Soviet Union (1)Says that a communist party must leave the society towards socialism then towards a communist society that is stateless c)Communist party is running the show; economy is run by the state, so communist party is running the economy 3.Famine and Economy Weak a)5 million die of starvation b)Lenin decides something needs to jump start the economy (1)Calls for the New Economic Policy (NEP) 4.Lenin Calls for N.E.P. a)NEP was a compromise: allow a degree of free market capitalism to exist in order to jump start the economy (1)This actually works 5.1924 – Lenin Dies a)Was not able to see this because he died of a stroke b)Looks like Italy would go into a crisis; who would run the country? 6.Will It Be Joseph Stalin or Leon Trotsky? a)Stalin becomes the head of the communist party or Trotsky who organized the party (1)Trotsky was preferred by lenin b)Stalin used his position to organize alliances and obtain power c)Stalin always had a hit man chasing Trotsky who was in exile (1)Trotsky was in Mexico City and was assassinated with a hatchet (a)Long and painful death II.The Crash and Its Consequences Do Re Mi - by Woody Guthrie- talks about the promise of better life in California but if you don’t have the cash then you won’t have a better of life A.Boom and Bust in the United States 1.Oct. 29, 1929 – Wall Street Crash a)Overproduction- made too much stuff for people to buy it 11 b)People took their money and invested it in the stock company to sell it for profit once the market rose 2.Speculation and Debt Major Cause a)Began to borrow money- bought shares with credit (1)Gambling without their own money (2)Price of the stocks went so low that the people who bought their money couldn’t pay back their creditors causing a ripple effect (3)Banks had to take money from people (a)When the banks don’t have the profits, the money is gone forever 3.Bank Runs, Unemployment, Migration a)People caught on quickly and people fled to the banks: Bank Runs (1)But the banks had no money to give them b)People begin to invest in mechanized agriculture (1)Farmers were not very wealthy and had to borrow money from the banks (2)Had to put up their land for collateral (3)When prices fell, they did not have enough money to pay off the bank c)Overproduction in the Great Plains of the US (1)Winds picked up dust in these areas during droughts (2)Crops can’t be grown: Dust Bowl (a)Gigantic dust storms d)Unemployment skyrockets: 30% (1)Leads to mass migrations around the country 4.1932 – Herbert Hoover v. Franklin D. Roosevelt a)Hoover (Republican) believed in the ideas of Adam Smith- laissez faire (1)If we allow for free market capitalism, the economy would recover on its own (2)People had no money, housing, or food (a)So they were impatient b)Roosevelt ran against Hoover (1)Promised that he would implement and New Deal 5.F.D.R. and the New Deal a)New Deal: to stabilize the economy (1)Was going to jump start the economy (2)Built dams and roads and infrastructure to give people jobs and money b)Helped stabilized the economy, but the depression was so immense that it did not alleviate the huge amounts of unemployment B.The World Suffers 1.U.S. Troubles Have Ripple Effect Throughout World a)Industrialized societies offered loans of credit to Britain, France, Germany etc. (1)If the banks do not have money, then the US can’t offer the credit anymore 2.Industrialized and Imperial Powers Rely on U.S. Loans and Investment a)So in places that were seeing recovery, everything falls apart again b)Global effect 12 c)Nation state: extreme nationalism (1)Everything is done for the nation d)Gear your nation towards war, militarism (1)Society is focused on the war effort (2)When you win, patriotism will increase e)Fascists were intensely anti communist (1)They hate each other (2)Hate them because fascists buy into social Darwinism (3)Mussolini is the first to articulate these ideas 2.Nazism – Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf, Eugenics a)Hitler has off the wall ideas based on social Darwinism (1)The Arian race was the superior race in his mind (a)Because they were genetically superior (b)Had to eliminate the inferior b)Eugenics: ethnic cleansing; eliminating the inferior c)November 1923; arrested and is in prison and writes Mein Kampf (1)Theme of the book: Anti-Semitism 3.Supremacist Nationalism – The Yamato and Militarism a)Nationalism can morph into racism (1)Happens within Japan also 4.Great Depression Proves Improvement a)Great Depression happens and the military is the only elite that the people have faith in (1)Ensures that the military will run the show (2)Believe in the concept of supremacist nationalism (3)The Yamato is racially superior (a)The japanese nation is better than the rest of asia (b)The japanese should build the empire in Asia and raise up all of Asia (4)Also promise that through warfare: nationalism enhances, communism won’t seep in, empire will be built, jobs created (factory production, soldiers) (a)Militarize the society to give people work i) Begins to prove attractive to the common people since everyone is doing it 5.Leading Nations – Germany, Japan, and Italy a)Able to lead their countries into war Monday, April 1, 2013 C.Communism 1.Based on the Philosophy of Karl Marx a)Industrialism was key for moving towards communism (1)Proletariats are the good guys for Marx (a)They are the working class that work in the factories (2)New class of people: Bourgeoise b)Marx thought societies evolved to new stages (1)Number of classes dwindled down 15 c)Dictatorship of the Proletariat-establish socialists and make it state owned then redistribute it with everybody d)Stalin was going to lead the way to communism e)Lenin decides to do the new economic policy; they begin to function as an economy 2.Russian Revolution Makes The Soviet Union the Leader a) 3.c. 1927 – Rise of Joseph Stalin and Stalinism a)Stalinism: make the economy state run, state owned (1)Build socialism within the Soviet Union 4.Five-Year Plans and Building “Socialism” a)Implements five year plans to build up socialism b)Going to massively industrialize to have the working class (1)Projects begin: state run (2)In order for this to happen, people move into the cities and serve as workers within factories (a)Need food i) Stalin is going to industrialize agricultural production (1)Going to get rid of private property and collectivize all of the property and redistribute it to peasants who will work the land and turn it into commercial agriculture 5.Soviet Union Largely Immune to Great Depression a)Soviet union was not really affected by the depression b)But not good for everyone: Stalin worried about his position and power within the soviet union (1)Worried about counter revolutionaries (2)Arrested and killed 1.5 million counter revolutionaries (a)Sent them to a prison camp where they had to do slave labor c)The collectivization of the land was not really successful (1)Around 5 million died of famine Lecture 19 World War II - The Holocaust Iclicker – From the Following, What Best Explains Why the Holocaust Occurred? - 60 million died in WWII - Majority of those people were civilians - Total War: noncombatants are free game in this war - Mechanized war - Amount of people who you can kill goes into mass levels - 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust - Hitler and the Nazis engaged in total war to get to the Final Solution - Pseudoscientific ideas - Began to invade territories and capture Jews and undesirables (disabilities, Gypsies, homosexuals) - Final Solution: pure race; cleansed from undesirables - Line up people and shoot them; mass graves 16 - Not efficient enough - Make compartments with in trucks, put people in there and gas them - Concentration camps, death camps, gas chambers, slave labor, cremate the bodies A. The Existence of Pseudoscientific Concepts like Eugenics and Social Darwinism B. Beliefs in Supremacist Nationalism C. Total War D. Anti-Semitism in Europe E.All of the Above I. Imperial Desires A.Japan in Asia 1.Japanese Nationalism and Industrial Needs a)Japan had a constitutional monarchy (1)People were angry and threw blame around (2)The elites of the military bought into concepts of supremacist nationalism (a)Nationalism morphed into racism (3)The military starts to run the show b)Japan is pulled out of the Depression by the military 2.Conflict With China Over Manchuria a)Japan got worried over what was happening in China b)Raw minerals were in manchuria (1)High yields of wheat crops (2)The KMT found this attractive as did the Japanese 3.1931 – Japan Invades Manchuria a)The japanese decide to conquer it (1)Invade manchuria; use a puppet ruler (2)Build of their military and eye China (3)Start another war 4.1937 – Second Sino-Japanese War Begins a)Beginning of WWII (1)The japanese are successful in cities because of their military prowess and better technology (2)Difficulty conquering the countryside b)High levels of patriotism and nationalism in japan c)Believe that the Japanese are superior (1)Creates a level of dehumanization 5.The “Rape” of Nanking a)Japanese take over the city of Nanking and occupy it for 6 weeks and soldiers terrorize the inhabitants b)Mass rapes (1)Families butchered, babies killed, mass killings, executions, burning people alive in buildings (2)Killed 250-300,000 people in a 6 week period 17 (1)Use lightning war, pretty successful (a)Gaining territory 4.1942-43 – Battle of Stalingrad Marks Turning Point a) Turning point: Germans decide to invade the Caucasus because it is rich with oil fields to supply airplanes (1)Hitler wants Stalingrad (named after Stalin); go in and the Soviets knew they were coming (a)The Germans have more troops arrive but the soviets surround the city and lob shells into the city i) The citizens of the city are victims of total war b)When the battle is over, the entire 6th army of Germany is devastated (1)Bloodiest battle (2)2 million causalities (a)Germany is on the retreat c)Soviets do the heavy lifting and push the Germans west back to Berlin (1)Now have the strongest industrial base because they moved it (2)Soviets and America have the strongest industrialists base put together which will be important III.The End of the War A.The Collapse of Germany 1.1943 – Soviets Make Push Toward Berlin a)The Red Army pushes the Germans towards Berlin b)Stalin asks for help from Britain and US (1)Wants to open up a Western Front 2.Allies Focus First on North Africa and Italian Front a)Churchill occupied with Africa (1)Wants to take out Italy through the South up through the North to Germany (a)Mountains: Alps got in the way (b)Made it hard to get to Germany b)US sent planes to drop bombs on the Germans (1)Bombed factories (2)Some hit civilians, but it did not matter because of total war 3.June 1944 – D-Day Invasion a)The Allies finally invade France with a massive force on the Beaches of Normandy: D-DAY 4.1945 – Germany Caught in Massive Vise a)Soviet Union and the British and the Americans are causing the Germans to retreat back to Berlin 5.May 8, 1945 – V-E Day a)Soviets come into Berlin b)Hitler did not want to face his mistakes, so he committed suicide c)Victory in Europe: V-E Day (1)War comes to an end in Europe B.Dropping the Bombs 1.1944 – U.S. Begins Firebombing Tokyo and Other Japanese Cities 20 a)Most Americans die on the Pacific Front (1)Battles become worse (2)Realize that they can send in massive amounts of war to Japan and bomb their cities and factories b)Engaged in firebombing: massive amounts of bombs dropped on cities (1)Petroleum bombs; massive fires break out in the cities (2)Bomb japanese into submission 2.Japanese Resolute Defense and Kamikaze Attacks a) know they cant match this so they begin to tell their pilots to go on suicide missions and slam into US boats (kamikaze attacks) b)Scares the US because how do you defeat when the enemy does things like that 3.1942 – Manhattan Project Begins a)Doomsday project (1)Nuclear weapons (a)Have two bombs: Little Boy and Fat Man b)New president- Truman (VP for FDR) (1)Decides to use these bombs (2)Japanese are scared 4.Soviets Promise to Invade Manchuria Japan a)Stalin has decided to fight the Japanese by going through Manchuria b)Stalin is helping out his ally: The US 5.August, 1945 – Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombed a)Truman drops one bomb on Hiroshima (1)The doomsday device has been use, levels the city with one bomb (2)Survivors suffered from radiation b)Japanese still don’t surrender (1)Role of the second bomb on Nagasaki (a)Did not give the Japanese enough time to surrender (b)Was a statement to the Soviets because the US now has the ability to create more than one types of these bombs (c)Know that US and Soviets will be the two main powers after the war, so the US is sending a message c)War finally comes to an end C.Consequences of Total War 1.Technology, Genocidal Practices Make War Bloodiest In History a)Technology that is unleashed and harnessed used in war is unprecedented and when it is used, it makes WWI look pale in comparison b)Supremacist nationalism leads to the Holocaust 2.20 Million Military Combatants Die 3.40 Million Civilians Die (6 Million Die In Holocaust) 4.30 Million Displaced Europeans a)Do not have homes after the war: refugees displaced 5.Imperial Powers Severely Weakened a)The world will not be the same after this b)Reshape the political map and dynamics of the world 21 IV.Conclusion (Lectures 17-19) A.WWI Either Cripples or Weakens Most of the Major Powers in the World B.United States Sees Boom Years in 1920s, But Its Economic Collapse Sends World Into Great Depression C.Three Main Ideologies – Democratic Capitalism, Fascism, and Communism – Articulate Different and Competing Visions for the World D.WWII is Largely the Consequence of These Competing Visions and the Great Depression E.WWII is a “Total War” and Reshapes the Political Landscape of the World Monday, April 8, 2013 Lecture 20 The Cold War Iclicker – What Does Burt the Turtle Reveal About the World in the 1950s? - Fear I. Super Powers A.Post-War Settlements 1.1945 – Potsdam Conference a)The war came to an end with VE-Day b)Potsdam- old german palaces (1)Potsdam in July c)Two leaders: Truman and FDR (1)FDR and Stalin had mutual respect (2)Truman is fearful of communism (a)Nervous and apprehensive (b)Gets news that the Manhattan Project has been successful (c)Now the US has two atomic bombs (d)His mood changed instantly d)Suspicions grow immediately (1)Stalin is suspicious because beliefs disagree 2.Creation of the United Nations a)Like the League of Nations b)Representatives from major nations gather together to make sure there would be diplomatic solutions to potential wars (1)Make sure the huge nations participated, so there was a Security Council with five permanent seats: Britain, France, China, US, Soviet Union c)This body is formed to maintain peace 3.Creation of the World Bank, IMF a)Create financial bodies (1)Use of depression to gain power b)World bank: purpose to offer loans at low interest rates to nations to help them rebuild (like Germany and Japan) 22 (1)Communists has taken over mainland China (2)Sung is asking China if he can go invade the South 3.1950 – North Invades South, U.S. and China’s Subsequent Involvement a)Sung invades the South (1)The world goes nuts b)The US goes crazy because communism isn’t being contained c)Police action to try and stop this from happening d)US goes into South Korea and they push the North Koreans up North (1)The communist army is on the run (2)McArthur pushes them all the way almost up to China e)The Chinese army is really strong; Mao Zedong gets nervous that US will cross into China (1)So the Chinese invade, and catches US off guard (2)Chinese push the US back South (3)McArthur wants to use the bombs, but Truman doesn’t really want to use them (4)Truman says to use conventional weaponry (5)This could spiral into a broader war (6)The Chinese push them back to the 38th parallel and everything is back to where it was 4.1953 – Armistice Declared a)Decide to sign an armistice: cease fire (1)Not a peace treaty, but a timeout (2)38th parallel is a demilitarized area (a)Still see ramifications today B.Cuba 1.Cuba Long Within the U.S.’s Orbit of Influence a)Latin America had fallen into a sphere of influence of the US because the US was the biggest trading parter (1)Banana republics export of crops to the US because it was closer and the US was industrialized and could process the goods and sell them b)The Americans help the Cubans gain their independence (1)Wanted to get a hold of the main crop: sugar (2)The american factories could do all sorts of things with sugar so they want to maintain the supply of sugar (a)US buys land to have sugar plantations (b)40% of the land that grew sugar was owned by the US (3)Elite Cubans don’t want to upset the US; the US government support the people in power who will keep the system working 2.1952 – Fulgencio Batista a)Batista is a dictator b)Cuba has the highest income of the Latin American countries (1)But, wealth is still only ⅙ of that of an American (a)Still pretty poor (b)People start to get upset (c)Leads to people being attracted to becoming revolutionary leaders 25 3.1959 – Fidel Castro Leads Successful Revolution a)Castro leads a revolution to pose Batista b)He was upset that Cuba was under the sphere of influence of US (1)Anti-colonialism (2)Imagined that Cuba should be based on Marxist principles c)Nationalizes the land and doesn’t compensate the companies (1)Wealthy cubans were on the outs, so they fled into exile into Miami 4.April, 1961 – Bay of Pigs Invasion a)Americans feel this is their sphere of influence; Truman Doctrine saying they need to contain the communism and keep it from spreading (1)Scared that all of the Latin American countries will fall to communism (2)US decides to use the CIA to oust Castro (a)CIA plans to train the exiles to get ready to invade Cuba b)Bay of Pigs invasion: launched and the US and exiles face plant (1)Horrible failure (2)JFK’s honor is besmirched by it 5.Soviet-Cuban Alliance a)Castro is convinced that the US is after him; reaches out to the Soviet Union for support 6.1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis a)Leader of the Soviet Union sees how close Cuba is and figures to put missiles in Cuba (1)US had recently put missiles in Turkey (2)US sees this as a threat when they get evidence that the missiles are being shipped in (3)JFK says you better stop or else and the US will retaliate b)Big game of chicken between the countries c)Soviet Union takes the missiles out of cuba and the US takes theirs out of Turkey (1)Soviet Union and Cuba will still keep a close tie in trading and everything else (a)US enacts an embargo on Cuba that still exists today (b)Castro family still has power today C.Vietnam 1.1954 – French Rule Ends a)Part of the French empire (1)Japanese kick the French out (2)Ho Chi Minh leaves conference and thinks that this is not negotiable (a)Only will be solved with war (b)Wants to liberate Vietnam (c)Ho Chi Minh likes Marx’s ideas; wants to create a communist controlled government i) Creates the IndoChina war between the French and Vietnamese (1)Very bloody war; guerrilla warfare b)Discontent in France emerges 26 (1)French aren’t strong enough to exert their power and their rule ends 2.Partition Along 17th Parallel a)Decide to split the country in half at the 17th parallel (1)The South: the US props up rulers (2)Ho Chi Minh is the leader of the North; he wants to unify all of Vietnam (3)Creates the Viet Cong 3.Ho Chi Minh Seeks to Unify all of Vietnam a)US realizes the South’s government won’t be able to hold on (1)Increase their involvement (2)Lindon Johnson increases the involvement once he becomes US president (a)½ million US troops move in b)The North fights the war through guerrilla; US uses their industrial might with bombs (1)Drop hundreds of bombs on the North (2)The North is resolute through it all and won’t give up c)North gets some backing but it’s really just US vs. North Vietnam Friday, April 12, 2013 4.Viet Cong in the South a)The Viet Cong is a guerrilla army that invades from the North b)Underground army in the south 5.1960s – U.S. Involvement Escalates a)US starts seeing footage on TV about the war (1)Tons of body bags start coming back 6.1973-75 – Paris Peace Accords and Northern Victory a)Americans de escalate their involvement and almost all of them are home b)Vietnam is united into one nation c)Vietnamese people went through a lot of bad things; vietnamese people want their own homeland and imagined community; they are resolute through the entire war (1)Decolonization in the cold war explain why these things happen September 1991 Iclicker – What Does Metallica’s Appearance in Moscow Reveal About the Soviet Union in the Early 1990s? Unified - Concert is organized weeks after a military coup - Soviet Union dissolves soon after III.The Cold War Ends A.Decline and Reform 1.Soviet Union Reeling From 1970s a)In 1980, many people boycotted the olympics; the American president Carter said there was a humans right issue by the Soviet Union and boycotted; 4 years later the olympics were in LA, and the Soviets boycotted 27 Monday, April 15, 2013 Lecture 21 Fashioning States in South Asia and China Iclicker – What Do Gandhi and Mao’s Experiences Tell Us About Decolonization in the late 1940s? Violence - India - Summer 1947: India achieved its independence from Britain - Gandhi becomes an essential leader with his practice of civil disobedience - Two most dominant religions: Hindu and Muslim - When the country gains its independence, they have to decide what they are going to do - Hindus and muslims get really nervous and take it out on each other - Communal violence - Horrible amounts of violence - Gandhi wanted an all inclusive India - Engages in a hunger strike to shame the people of India to stop the violence - At a prayer meeting, 4 shots to Gandhi - A hindu extremist had assassinated Gandhi - China - Mao Zedong was finally victorious - Declares China is now the Peoples Republic of China - The KMT had gotten the CCP isolated in southern China - Looked like the CCP was going to be destroyed - Mao sneaks out and engages the Long March - Try to get to North West China - The KMT forces are always after them - They meander to avoid the KMT - By the time they get to NW China, only 20,000 left - During WWII, Mao builds his control in the NW - Finally successful against the KMT I. Post-War China A.The KMT and CCP at it Again 1.KMT and CCP Renew Rivalry After WWII a)Shek was known for saying “The Japanese are the disease of the skin to China, and the communists are a disease to the heart” (1)Feels that the long term threat is the CCP b)China is a huge mess after the war ends; 30 million people died c)Shek and Mao get together to figure out a truce (1)Want a coalition government 2.1949 – CCP Wins Civil War a)Marxists ideas win; Shek has to flee (1)Flee to Taiwan b)Establish the Republic of China c)The CCP establishes the People’s Republic of China d) 30 3.U.S. Backs KMT, Soviets Back CCP a) 4.Sino-Soviet Rivalry Grows After Their Alliance a)Stalin dies and is replaced by Kershaw (1)Mao thinks Kershaw as a buffoon b)Sino-Soviet rivalry c)Mao declares he should be the leader of the communist movement d)Tension creates a division between both companies 5.Anti-Colonialism and Cold War Important a)China emerges as a very powerful and independent state Wednesday, April 17, 2013 B.Chairman Mao’s China 1.The Society of “Collective Man” in People’s Republic of China a)When Mao comes to power, he has to build socialism (1)China is not industrialized so building up socialism would be hard (a)China spirals into instability because they are not industrialized b)Majority of the population are peasants; population approaching 600 million (1)Needs to create a society of the “collective man” (a)Where they are all collective and there to look out for each other (b)To do this, you need to fast forward the society 2.1958 – The Great Leap Forward a)Enacts a crash course of industrialization/modernization (1)Establishes 5 year plans like Stalin b)Try to industrialize china as much as he can (1)Peasants engage in industrialization too; peasants have to make iron in their backyards (a)Metallurgy furnaces used (b)Most peasants don’t have a lot of knowledge about how to make iron (c)Can’t grow food at the same time; shortage of food i) People begin to starve to death ii)30 million people die of starvation (d)A created artificial famine 3.Early 1960s – Mao’s Position Declines a)The CCP talks with Mao about the famine, and tell him he probably shouldn’t be in charge b)Still called Chairman Mao but he will have no practical power or authority (1)Mao doesn’t like this 4.1966 – Cultural Revolution and Little Red Book a)Decides to mobilize all of the young people who see him as a founding father of China (1)Encourages them to attack older people with positions to remove them in power and put Mao back in power (2)Known as the Cultural Revolution b)Little red Book: had all the sayings and slogans that Mao said over his life 31 (1)Mao gains his actual power back 5.1976 – Mao Dies a)Mao is pretty old b)Began to decline in health C.“Made in China” 1.1972 – “Only Nixon Could Go to China” a)US is in Vietnam; nixon is president (1)Nixon reaches out to China (ironic because he spearheaded the Red Scare which drove out communists in US) b)Slogan: Only Nixon Could Go To China (1)The international situation: Vietnam isn’t going to well, china and soviet union are not seeing eye to eye (2)Chinese understand that maybe things aren’t going too well economically for them (a)So they let Air Force One land in China and let Nixon talk to Mao i) Mends fences between two countries that haven’t seen eye to eye in a long time 2.c. 1980 – “To Get Rich is Glorious” a)New leader: Ping; realized the economy was really bad and the population was still growing to almost a billion (1)The Chinese government was going to have to enact reforms b)Glorious to Get Rich: as long as the economic growth was practical, everything was okay c)No one was really educated in common industrialized skills so the government sent out young people around the world to be trained at universities to bring technical knowledge 3.1989 – “Spiritual Pollution” and Tiananmen Square a)Issue: CCP wanted to have control of all of China (1)When they went off to study, they would be exposed to democratic capitalism and they would come back and the CCP was concerned that they could be “spiritually polluted” b)Finally boils over in 1989 when students have a mass demonstration in Tiananmen Square in Beijing (1)Army kills some individuals (2)Watershed for the Chinese government; begin to invite foreign companies to establish factories within China to help their economy (a)Private enterprise aspect 4.1991 – China in a Post-Soviet World a)The Soviet Union collapses and China’s doesn’t so they see that what they’ve done is weather the storm and improved their economy II.Post-War India A.Imagining An Independent India 1.WWII Final Straw to Break British Power a)India was the Jewel in the crown of the British empire (1)India had gained independence; divided up into India and Pakistan 32 I. UnderstandingThe Middle East After WWII A.Decolonization in the Middle East 1.The “Third World” and Anti-Colonialism a)Mandate systems of Britain and France began to break down b)Third world: did not choose to side with anyone in the Cold War (1)Anti-colonialism move because they don’t want to fall to the sphere of influence of either superpower 2.Oil Revenues and Export Economies a)Huge amounts of oil under the ground b)These oil reserves are going to be focused on to see how much money they can get out of it c)A lot of economies base it around oil: export economies 3.Monarchies, Political Parties, and Militaries a)Monarchies in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Iran (1)Are in tension with Arab parties to do away with monarchy and create a secular society b)Some political parties want to get rid of monarchies to raise welfare of people in the nations c)The generals of these armies are often those in charge of these countries 4.The Cold War and Role of U.S.A. a)Us has a big interest in the Middle East because of the Cold War, no domino effect in the Middle East b)The oil in the middle east is key to Europe’s overall stability and economy 5.The Israel Question and Pan-Arabism a)US backs Israel and its claims for existence b)Interpreted by non-Israelis that the cold war is interfering with the Third World c)Pan-Arabism: Arabs live in the same are 6.Islamic Fundamentalism v. Secularization a)Fundamentalism: alternative idea to how governments should be formed (around the teachings of Muhammad) B.Israel and Palestine 1.1947-48 – Creation of the State of Israel a)Birth of Israel as a brand new sovereign nation b)Issue for Britain after WWII: empire is crumbling after being weakened after the war c)Have tensions with the Palestinians (1)Decide that it is too costly to try and keep Israel (a)Have bigger fish to fry (b)Make it the UN’s problem d)Two state solution: West Bank and Israel e)Before it is official, a key leader declares that Israel is a nation (1)All the different Arab countries around the region don’t like this (2)See it as a form of imperialism because the UN established it (3)War between Israelis and arab nations neighboring them 35 2.Palestinian Refugees (Jordan and Lebanon) a)Palestinians fled their homes b)Refugees flee because they fear discrimination and persecution c)The Israelis win the war (1)Had received aid from big countries like the US 3.The “New Zionist” Man/Woman a)People of Jewish descent come to Israel (people who survived the holocaust) b)Law that all men and women are conscripted into the Israeli army c)Israel builds up a huge military d)Gives israel an advantage 4.1967 – The Six-Day War a)Egypt, Jordan, and Syria go against Israel b)Israel goes at them with a preemptive strike (1)Devastate the key artillery c)Occupy the Sinai Peninsula (1)The Israeli army is really strong (also got a lot of assistance) d)Palestinians can’t rely on their Arab allies and have to do it on their own 5.The U.S., Resistance Movements, and a Two-State Solution a)Use violence to gain political gains b)Some Palestinians want to get rid of Israel all together, some say to negotiate c)Bombings, terrorism, total war, hijack planes, assassinate people d)This resistance keeps growing Monday, April 22, 2013 C.Pan-Arabism and Egypt 1.1952 – Military Coup and Rise of Gamal Abdel Nasser a)Anger directed towards government run by king Ferric b)Military removed the king c)Nasser- good speaker (1)Becomes president of Egypt (2)Wants to have a united Pan-Arab nation state 2.Anti-Colonialism and Economic Development a)Anti-colonial sentiment (1)Relates to the ideas of the Third World (compromise) (2)Do not want the Americans or the Soviets to have any impluence b)Wants to maximize the economy (1)Needs to build up infrastructure 3.The Aswan Dam (1954) and Suez Crisis (1956) a)Nile: longest river in the world with lots of water (1)If he could harness the water, he could get electricity by building a large dam: Aswan Dam (a)One of his main policies as president (b)Harness the energy of the river for electricity (c)Also can be used to help irrigation 36 (2)Aswan Dam: huge dam; Egyptians can’t pay for it all (a)Nasser asks for money and loans from the US and the Soviet Union (b)The Americans are interested in helping them early on i) Want to make them an ally (3)When he goes to the Soviets, the US says no (a)Nasser wants aid from both sides b)Uses a bargaining chip: Suez Canal (1)Controlled by European countries (2)Egyptian troops nationalize the Suez Canal (3)The allies of the Americans enter into secret talks (a)The british, french, and the Israelis go to kick out the Egyptians out of the Suez Canal: Suez Crisis i) Successful but they didn’t get the go ahead from the Americans to do it ii)Suez Canal officially owned by the Egyptians 4.1979 – Tensions With Israel End a)Creates even more tensions between israel and Egypt (1)Nasser then supports the Pan-Arab idea (2)Nasser’s image skyrockets throughout the Arab world (3)He realizes that his image of being a poster child of Pan-Arabism is his idea of standing up to Israel as a whole (4)Nasser dies leaving a power vacuum in Egypt (5)His successor engages in another war in 1973 b)Finally tensions end when the Egyptians and the Israelis recognize each other as nations (1)Camp David Accords 5.2011 – The Arab Spring a)Mass demonstrations that caused a lot of new changes in Egypt D.The Pahlavi Dynasty and Revolution 1.1941 – British and Soviets Force Reza Shah Out a)People lose faith in Egypt (1)Social welfare declines in the Middle East b)Reza Shah created a royal dynasty with the monarchy (1)Wanted to keep Iran autonomous (2)At the beginning of WWII, he allowed the US and Britain to use Iran as a base to fight Germany (3)Removed from power to use Iran as a base and put his son in place (a)A constitutional monarchy (b)Danger of free elections: elect someone you don’t like 2.Early 1950s – Mohammad Mosaddegh and Cold War a)Becomes prime minister (1)Wants to make Iran strong on its own (2)Knows these big powers need the oil thats under his land (a)Americans aren’t too keen when the his government takes over the oil fields 37
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