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Writing paragraph/ english................................................................, Assignments of English Language


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Download Writing paragraph/ english................................................................ and more Assignments English Language in PDF only on Docsity! CHUYEN DE 3 THi DONG TU - VERB TENSES 1. Cach dung: a. Dung dé dién ta nhitng hanh d6ng thuéng xuyén xay ra, lap di lap lai nhiéu Ian & hién tai Vi du: I go to school by bus every day. (Hang ngay tdi dén trudng bang xe buyt.) She always has milk for breakfast. (C6 ay luGn uGng sita vao budi sang.) b. Dung dé dién ta thoi quen Vi du: My sister often/ always/ usually/ sleeps late at night and gets up late in the next morning. (Chi gai toi thuéng thitc khuya va ngu day mu6n vao sang hém sau.) c. Dung dé dién ta chan li, su that hién nhién Vi du: The Earth moves around the Sun. (Trai Dat quay quanh Mat Trdi.) Mother's mother is grandmother. (Me ctia me 1a ba.) Vit d. Dung dé noi vé thoi gian biéu, chong trinh hodc ké hoach da duge cé dinh theo thai gian biéu Vi du: The plane takes off/ cdi bo, cat canh_ at 3 p.m this afternoon. (Chiéc may bay cat canh hic 3 gid chiéu nay.) The train leaves at 8 a.m tomorrowé (Tau khdi hanh hic 8 gid sang mai.) e. Dung dé dién ta nghé nghiép Vi du: My mother is a doctor in a big hospital. (Me tdi 1a bac si trong m6t bénh vién Ién.) My brothers work as mechanics. (Cac anh trai t6i déu lam thg sta chira.) f- Dung dé dién ta nguén géc, xuat xit Vi du: I come from Thai Nguyen city. (T6i dén tir thanh phé Thai Nguyén.) g. Dung dé dién ta binh pham Vi du: She is not only beautiful but also intelligent. (C6 ay khong nhitng xinh dep ma con thong minh nita.) h. Dung dé dién ta so thich Vi du: I love walking in the rain because it gives me a pleasure. (T6i thich di b6 duwéi trdi mua vi no cho téi suv dé chiu 2. Céng thitc a. Cau khang dinh (2): Do they clean the bedroom twice a day? Vi du 2. (+): My mother helps me with my homework every evening. (-): My mother doesn't help me with my homework every evening. (2): Does your mother help you with your homework every evening? 3. Dau hiéu nhan biét thi hién tai don Always (luén lu6én), usually (thuong xuyén), often (thuong xuyén), frequently (thwong xuyén), sometimes (thinh thoang), seldom (hiém khi), rarely (hiém khi), hardly (hiém khi), never (khéng bao gid), generally (nhin chung), regularly (thong xuyén). S adv V : I often go Every day, every week, every month, every year,... (M6i ngay, m6i tuan, moi thang, mi nam). Once/twice/three times/four times... a day/week/month/year,... (m6t lan/hai lan/ba lan/ b6n Jan... m6t ngay/tuan/thang/nam). 4. Bai tap ap dung Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets 1. He (go) goes to school every day. 2. She (come) __comes___ from Germany. 3. My parents usually (go)_go_ to work by car. 4. We (watch) _watch TV every night. 5. He (walk) walks to work every day. 6. He (be) _is in Ca Mau. 7. They (be) are. students. 8. She (wash) _washes. her clothes every Sunday. 9. She (study) _studies English every day. 10. He (want) _ wants. to become a teacher. 11. She usually (walk) _walks to school. 12. What time does Mary usually (get) __get__Vo. up every morning? 13. She (not wash) doesn’t her clothes every weekend. 14 they (be) teachers? Is/ am/ are: are they teachers? 15. It (isn’t) often _isn’t cold in summer. Dap an 1. He (go) to school every day. Dap an: goes, do chu ngir 1a ngéi thi? ba s6 it "He". 2. She (come) from Germany. Dap an: comes, do chu ngif 1a ng6i thi? ba sé it "She". 3. My parents usually (go) to work by car. Dap an: go, do chu ngif 1a ngéi thi? ba s6 nhiéu "They". 4. We (watch) TV every night. Dap an: watch, do chu ngit 1a ngéi thi? nhat s6 nhiéu "We". 5. He (walk) to work every day. Dap an: walks, do chu ngir 1a ngéi tht? ba sé it "He". 6. He (be) in Ca Mau. Dap an: is, do chu ngit 1a ngéi thi? ba sé it "He". 7. They (be) students. Dap an: are, do chu ngif 1a ngéi thi ba s6 nhiéu "They". 8. She (wash) her clothes every Sunday. Dap an: washes, do chu ngit 1a ng6i thi? ba s6 it "She". 9. She (study) English every day. Dap an: studies, do chu ngir 1a ngéi thi? ba sé it "She". 10. He (want) to become a teacher. Dap an: wants, do chu ngir 1a ngéi tht? ba sé it "He". 11. She usually (walk) to school. Dap an: walks, do chu ngir 1a ngéi thi? ba sé it "She". 12. What time Mary usually (get) up every morning? Dap an: does/get, do chu ngir 1a ngéi thi? ba sé it "Mary". 13. She (not wash) her clothes every weekend. Dap an: doesn't wash, do chu ngif la ngéi thi? ba sé it "She”. 14 they (be) teachers? Dap an: Are, do chu ngir 1a ngéi thi? ba s6 nhiéu "They". 15. It (not be) often cold in summer. Dap an: is not, do cht ngi 1a ngéi thi? ba sé it "It". ILThi hign tai tiép dién - The present continuous tense 1. Cach ding a. Dung dé dién ta nhitng hanh d6ng dang xdy ra tai thoi diém noi Vi du: They are learning English at the moment (Hién tai ho dang hoc tiéng Anh) b. Dién dat mét hanh dong sap x4ay ra trong tuong lai gan. Thuéng dién ta mét ké hoagch da lén lich san Vi du: We are having a big birthday party next weekend. (Chuing tdi sé cd m6t bira tiéc sinh nhat Ién vao cudi tuan tdi.) c. Hanh dong thu6ng xuyén lap di lap Iai gay su burc minh hay kho chiu cho nguoi noi. Cach dung nay duc dung voi trang tir “always, continually” Vi du: “You are always coming late” said the teacher Giao vién noi: “Em ltic nao cing di mu6n”. d. Dién ta su thay déi cia théi quen Vi du: I often have bread for breakfast but today I am having cakes and milk. (Bita sang téi thudng ding banh mi nhung hém nay t6i lai An banh ngot va sita) - Keep silent! (Hay im lang!) Vi du: Look! The train is coming. (Nhin kia! Tau dang dén.) Listen! Someone is crying. (Nghe nay! Ai do dang khéc.) Keep silent! The baby is sleeping. (Hay im lang! Em bé dang ngu.) 4. Bai tap ap dung 1. He (watch) is watching TV right now. 2 At present they (sit) in the class. 3. This year we (learn) English. 4. Look! Peter (play) is Ving football in the schoolyard. 5. Be quiet! The baby (sleep) 6. Look! The man (smoke) smoking there. 7. She (write) is writing to her parents now. 8. My father (work) is working in the garden at the moment. 9. John (listen) is S listening to the radio now? 10. He (play) is palying___chess at the moment. 11. The workers (work) are Ving. in the firm at the moment. 12. Please be quiet! You always (make) make so much noise so I can't concentrate. 13. Tony (not have) a bath at the moment. 4. Listen! He (read) a story by Shakespeare. 15. At present Richard (study) in London. 1. Cach ding a. Dién ta hanh d6ng xay ra trong qua khit, kéo dai téi hién tai va van con kha nang sé tiép dién trong tuong lai Vi du: T have learned English for 10 years (T6i da hoc tiéng Anh dugc 10 nam.) b. Dién ta hanh d6ng xay ra trong qua khit nhutng khéng ro thoi gian Vi du: Someone has stolen my car. (C6 ai do da lay trom 6 6 cua tdi.) c. Dién ta hanh dong lap di lap lai nhiéu Ian trong qua khit Vi du: She has seen this film several times. (CO ay da xem bé phim nay vai lan réi.) d. Dién ta hanh d6ng xay ra trong qua khit nhung dé lai dau higu hodc hau qua hién tai Vi du: The children are dirty. Where have they been? (Bon tré rat ban. Chting da ¢ dau thé?) The baby is crying. Have you made fun of him? (Em bé dang khéc. Cé phai cau da tréu choc né khong?) e. Dién ta nhitng kinh nghiém, trai nghiém Vi du: This is the first time I have ever eaten that kind of food. So sanh nhat: this is best/ most: HTHT (Day 1a lan dau tién téi an loai tht?c an dé.) 2. Céng thitc + Cau khang dinh (+): S + have/has + V(p2) + Cau phu dinh (-): : S + have/has + not + V(p2) + Cau nghi van (?): Have/Has + S + V(p2) Vi du:(+): My mother as a teacher of English for 10 years. (-): My mothe asn't worked as a teacher of English for 10 years. (T) as a teacher of English for 10 years? 3. Dau hiéu nhan biét thi hién tai hoan thanh - just (viva m@i): ding sau have/has, truéc Vp2. I have just met .. - recently, lately, so far (gan day): thwong ditng 6 cudi cau. - already (ri): dung sau have/has, trudc Vp2. - before (trwéc day): ditng & cudi cau. - ever (da ting): dting sau have/has, truéc Vp2. - never (chu ting, khéng bao gid): dung sau have/has, trudc Vp2. - for + N - quang thi gian: trong khoang (for a year, for a long time,...). for 3 years/ for 2 months.... - : tty khi (since 1992, since June,...). since she got maried - yet (chiva): dung trong cau pha dinh va cau héi. - until now = up to now = up to the present (cho dén bay gid). 4. Bai tap ap dun; 1. Tom (see) fhas S@8H/QKETL___ this film BRFSS HMD/ORD 2. Talready (finish) I have already finish my exercise. 3. How long they (live) _have they lived here? They (live) have lived here a 4. My father [vest has just washed his car. 5. The students (discuss) have discussed the question recently. 6. Mary (never, be) has never been to Hanoi. 7. We (know) _have known. each other for 5 years. 8. we (learn) have learnt/ ed five lessons. 9. We (be) __have been pen pals 10. They (not stay) haven’t stayed here 11. Bob (see) _has seen this movie 12. Sandra (lend) has lent her brother $ 200 so far. 13. Rashid (just pass) has just passed his driving test. 14. Karen (study) has studied/ studies. Italian for three years now and is still studying. 15. The teacher (already, tell) _has already told to be quiet. - The present perfect continuous tense 1. Cach ding a. Hanh d6ng bat dau 6 qua khit va con dang tiép tuc o hién tai (nhGn manh tinh lién tuc) Vi du: My sitter has been working here since 2010. (Chi gai tdi da lam viéc 6 day tiv ném 2010.) b. Hanh d6ng da két thiic trong qua khit, nhung ching ta quan tam tdi két qua tdi hién tai Vi du: I am very tired now because I have been working hard for 12 hours. (Bay gid téi rat mét vi t6i da lam viéc vat va trong 12 tiéng d6ng ho. 2. Céng thifc + Cau khang dinh (+): S + have/has + been + Ving + Cau phu dinh (-): S + have/has + not + been +Ving + Cau nghi van (?): Have/Has + S + been +Ving3. Dau hiéu nhan biét thi hién tai hoan thanh tiép dién - Since + méc thdi gian Vi du: She has been working since the early morning. (C6 ay lam viéc tir sang som.) Q + V6i nhifng tir tan cing 1a -y: Néu truéc -y 1a m6t nguyén am thi ta chi viéc thém -ed vao sau "y". Vi du: play played stay stayed Q (JNéu truéc -y 1a mét phy am thi ta phai chuyén “y” thanh "i" réi mdi thém -ed. Vi du: study studied cry cried Q Q b. V6i cau phu dinh va nghi van V6i d6ng tir thudng ta mugn tro dong tir “did” (-): S + did + not + V (nguyén dang) did not = didn't (2): Did + S + V (nguyén dang)? V6i déng ttrto be (-): S + was/were + not +... (2): Was/were + S+........006. ? Vi du: (+): He came to school last week. ): (-): He did not come to school last week. (-): I wasn't at home last night. (?): Did she come to school last week? (2): Were you at home last night? 3. Dau hiéu nhan biét thi qua khi don Trong cau cé cac trang ti? chi thdi gian trong qua kh: - yesterday (h6m qua). - last night/last week/last month/last year: t6i qua/tuan truéc/thang truéc/nam ngoai. - ago: cach day (two hours ago: cach day 2 gid/ two weeks ago: cach day 2 tuan...). - in + m6t méc thdi gian trong qua khi? (in 1998, in 2000...). - when: khi (trong cau ké). 4. Bai tap ap dung 1. Mary (go) _went. shopping with me yesterday. 2. The policeman (drive) _drove away ten minutes ago. 3. The biscuit factory (close) closed last year. 4. The headmaster (come) _came to the hol 5. You (spend) _did you spend a lot of mone 6. I last (go) _ went to Spain in 1990. 7. The boy (finish) _ed their homework yesterday. 8. Rolf (buy) _bought the leather jacket last week. 9. I (not have) didn’t have any trouble with my car last week. 10. She (wash) _ed her clothes last night 11. What you (do) _did you do. last weekend? I (sta stayed at home and (sleep) slept__ she (be) was beautiful and attractive. 13. Where you (be) _were you __N last night? 14. The man (get) __ got out of the car, (lock) __ looked it and (come) came ____ into the building. 15. You (join) did you join with them on a picnic last week? 1. Mary (go) _went. shopping with me yesterday. {] Dap an: went 2. The policeman (drive) __drove away ten minutes ago. [Jap an: drove 3. The biscuit factory (close) last year. {] Dap an: closed 4. The headmaster (come) to the school in 1985. {] Dap an: came 5. You (spend) a lot of money last month? {] Dap an: did you spend 6. I last (go) to Spainin 1990. {] Dap an: went 7. The boy (finish) their homework yesterday. {] Dap an: finished 8. Rolf (buy) the leather jacket last week. {] Dap an: bought 9.1 (not have) any trouble with my car last week. {] Dap an: didn't have 10. She (wash) her clothes last night. {] Dap an: washed 11. What you (do) last weekend? I (stay) at home and (sleep) {] Dap an: did you do; stayed; slept 12. When she was young, she (be) beautiful and attractive. {] Dap an: was 13. Where you (be) last night? []Dap an: were you 14. The man (get) out of the car, (lock) it and (come) building. {] Dap an: got; locked; /came 15. You (join) with them on a picnic last week? {] Dap an: did you join VI. Thi qua khi tiép dién - The past continuous tense 1. Cach ding a. Dién dat hanh dong dang xay ra tai mét thoi diém trong qua khir Vi du: We were having dinner at 7 p.m yesterday. (Vao ltic 7 gid tdi qua, ching t6i dang an tdi.) b. Dién dat hai hanh d6ng xay ra dong thoi trong qua khiv Vi du: While I was doing my homework, my sister was listening to music. (Trong khi t6i dang 1am bai tap thi chi gai tdi nghe nhac.) c. Dién dat hanh d6ng dang xay ra thi cé hanh dong khdc xen vao Vi du: When she was having a bath, the telephone rang. (Trong khi cé ay dang tam thi chu6ng dién thoai kéu.) (+) I was thinking about him last night. (-): I wasn't thinking about him last night. (?): Were you thinking about him last night? 3. Dau hiéu nhan biét thi qua khit tiép dién -Trong cau cé cac trang tir chi thoi gian trong qua kht? kém theo théi diém xac dinh. + at + gid + thdi gian trong qua khit (at 12 o'clock last night...) + at this time + thdi gian trong qua khi? (at this time two weeks ago...) - Trong cau cé6 "when” khi dién ta mt hanh dong dang xay ra va mt hanh dong khac xen vao. 4. Bai tap ap dung Exercise 1: Chia dang ding cua dong tir cua thi trong ngoac 6é thi thich hgp. e (play) were playing tennis in the schoolyard. e (watch) was watching TV. my father (watch) was watching TV, my mother (read) __was reading. the newspaper, my sister (do) __was doing her homework and I (play) was playing. chess with my friend. 4. What were you doing when I phoned you? I (have) was havin; a bath. 5. She (do) _was doing her homewor! 6. Marry (water) was watering the flowers 7. They (visit) were visting the zoo at ten o'clock yesterday. 8. Peter and I (do) the exercise at this time last night. 9. At 7 p.m last night my father (feed) the pigeons. 10. At this time last year we (learn) English in London. Exercise 2: Chia dang dung cua déng tu trong ngoac 6 thi qua khur don va qua kha tiép dién. 1. When I (arrive) at this house, he still (sleep) 2. The light (go) out while we (have) dinner. 3. Bill (have) breakfast when I (stop) at this house this morning. 4. When I (come) to his house, he (work) 5. As we (cross) the street, we (see) an accident.6. Tom (see) a serious accident while he (stand) at the bus stop. 7. The children (play) football when their mother (come) back home. 8. The bell (ring) while Tom (take) a bath. 9. He (sit) in a car when I (see) him. 10. We (clean) the house when she (come) yesterday. (Vao ltic ma ban dén nha ga, con tau da di.) c. after (sau khi) Ménh dé cé “after” chia qua khi? hoan thanh, ménh dé con lai chia qua kh don Vi du: What did you do after you had graduated from university? (Ban da lam gi sau khi tét nghiép dai hoc?) d. by + trang tu’ cua qua kh Vi du: By the end of last month, we had worked here for 20 years. (Chung tdi da lam viéc 6 day dugc 20 nam tinh dén cuéi cua thang tru’éc.) 4. Bai tap ap dung Exercise 1: Chia dang dung cua dong ti trong ngoac @ thi qua khit hoan thanh. 1. Yesterday the: jome after they (finish) _HAD finished their work. 2. When we to the stadium, the match start) __ had already started 3. Many people (move) _ had moved to the new place before the storm 4. I sat down and rested after they (go) _ had gone 5. Before he he (be) had been ill for several days. 6. Last nig e watched TV, he (do) _ had done. the exercise. 7. She went to the department after she (clean) _had cleaned the floor. 8. When I got to the party, they (go) _had gone home. 9. e police , the house (be) had been_ burned down. 10. , twenty schools in this province (be) _ had been built. Exercise 2: Chia dang dung cua déng tu trong ngoac 6 thi qua khtr don va qua kht hoan thanh. 1. They (go) home after they (finish) their study. 2. Yesterday when I (arrive) to the party, they (already go) home. 3. After the guests (leave) , she (go) back into the living-room and (switch) off the light. 4. On arrival at home I (find) that she (just leave) just a few minutes before. 5. Before he (go) to bed, he (do) his homework. 6. When they (get to the place, the man (die) 7. He (do) nothing before he (see) me.8. He (thank) me for what I (do) for him. 9. I (be) sorry that I [hurt] him. 10. After they (go) I (sit) down and (rest) Dap an Exercise 1: 1. Yesterday they went home after they (finish) their work. {] Dap an: had finished 2. When we came to the stadium, the match (already start) [Jap an: had already started 3. Many people (move) to the new place before the storm occurred. {] Dap an: had moved 4. I sat down and rested after they (go) [JBap an: had gone 5. Before he died, he (be) ill for several days. {] Dap an: had been 6. Last night before he watched TV, he (do) the exercise. [JBap an: had done 7. She went to the department after she (clean) the floor. [Jap an: had cleaned 8. When I got to the party, they (go) home. {] Dap an: had gone 9. By the time the police arrived, the house (be) burned down. []Dap an: had been 10. By last year, twenty schools in this province (be) built. []Dap an: had been Exercise 2: 1.They (go) home after they (finish) their study. {] Dap an: went; had finished 2. Yesterday when I (arrive) to the party, they (already go) home. {] Dap an: arrived; had already gone 3. After the guests (leave) , she (go) back into the living-room and (switch) off the light. {] Dap an: had left; went; switched 4. On arrival at home I (find) that she (just leave) justa few minutes before. {] Dap an: found; had just left 5. Before he (go) to bed, he (do) his homework. {] Dap an: went; had done 6. When they (get) to the place, the man (die) Dap an: got; had died 7. He (do) nothing before he (see) me. {] Dap an: had done; saw 8. He (thank) me for what I (do) for him. {] Dap an: thanked; had done 9. I (be) sorry that I (hurt) him. {] Dap an: was; had hurt 10. After they (go) [Jap an: had gone; sat; rested VIII. Thi qua khit hoan thanh tiép dién -The past perfect continuous tense 1. Cach ding a. Dién dat mét hanh dong dang xay ra triu’6c mét hanh dong trong qua kh (nhan manh tinh tiép dién) Vi du: Thad been thinking about that before you mentioned it. (Téi van dang nghi vé diéu do truéc khi cau dé cap tdi.) b. Dién dat hanh d6ng Ia nguyén nhan cua mét diéu gi dé trong qua kh Vi du: She didn't pass the final test because she hadn't been attending class. (C6 ay da tru¢gt bai kiém tra cudi ki vi c6 ay khong tham gia Iép hoc.) I (sit) down and (rest) 2. Céng thitc + Cau khang dinh (+): S + had + been + V-ing + Cau phu dinh (-): S + had + not + been + V-ing + Cau nghi van (?}: Had + S + been + V-ing? Vi du: (+): It had been raining very hard for two hours before it stopped. (Troi da mua trong khoang hai tiéng dong hé truéc khi no tanh.) (-): My father hadn't been doing anything when my mother came home. (B6 toi da khong 1am bat ci? thi? gi cho dén khi me tdi vé nha.) (?): Had they been waiting for me when you met them? (Ho da dang doi tdi khi ban gap ho phai khong?) 3. Dau hiéu nhan biét thi qua khiv hoan thanh tiép dién Thi qua khi? hoan thanh tiép dién khong co dau hiéu dé nhan biét ngoai viéc can ci? vao cach ding va dich cau. 4. Bai tap ap dung Read the situations and complete the sentences 1. We played tennis yesterday. Half an hour after we began playing, it started to rain. => We ___ had been playing for half an hour when it started to 2. [had arranged to meet Tom in a restaurant. I arrived and waited for him. After 20 minutes I suddenly realized that I was in the wrong restaurant. => I had been waiting (wait) for 20 minutes when I was__ the wrong restaurant. 3. Sarah got a job in a factory. Five years later, the factory dosed down. => At the time the factory closed down, (Got) Sarah __ had been got/ gotten there for five years. 4. I went to a concert last week. The orchestra began playing. After about ten minutes, aman in the audience suddenly started shouting. => The orchestra qkht/ qkhttd: ( begin) _had been beginning. for about ten aman in the audience ___ started shouting. 5. I began walking along the road ten minutes ago and then a car suddenly stopped just behind me. =>I along the road for ten minutes when a car suddenly just behind me. Dap an 1. had been playing; started 2. had been waiting; realised B. lived C. had lived D. has lived 26. When he came, A. I was watching TV. B. I watched TV. C. Iam watching TV D. I have watched TV. 27.Everyday, my sister the floor. A. usually clean B. cleans usually C. usually cleaned D. usually cleans 28. After they their breakfast, they shopping yesterday. A. have; go B. had had; go C. had; had gone D. had had; went29. Father his pipe while mother a magazine. A. smoked; read B. was smoking; was reading C. had smoked; read D. smoking; reading 30. When we came to the stadium, the match A. already begins. B. had already begun. C. already began. D. have already begun. Dap an STT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an 1 Cc C&n cif vao "usually"/ "once or twice a week" thi cau nay sé chia @ thi hién tai don. Do do, ta sé loai cdc phu’ong an A va B. Quy tac: Trang ti’ chi tan suat "usually" luén ding trudc dong ti thong, difng sau "to be". => Dap anC Dich nghia: John thvéng choi tennis mét hodc hai Jan mét tuan. 2 A Can ci? vao nghia cua cau (Tom bi bong tay trong khi anh ay dang nau bita tdi.) ta thay: Hanh d6ng "nau bita toi" 1a hanh dong xay ra tru@c va van con dang xay ra thi hanh dong "bong tay" Ja hanh dong xay ra sau va xen vao. Do do, hanh dng bong tay sé chia thi qua kht? don. => Dap an A 3 Cc Dich nghia: Jim dang di du lich xa. Anh ay da dén Tay Ban Nha. Hanh d6ng dén Tay Ban Nha 1a hanh dong da xay ra nhung khong biét anh ay dén hic nao nén ta chia 6 thi hién tai hoan thanh. => Dap anC 4 Cc Can ci? vao trang ti? "so far" cau chia 6 thi hién tai hoan thanh. Q => Dap anC Dich nghia: Moi thi dang tién trién tét. Ching tdi khong gap bat ct? van dé gi gan day. 5 A Can ci? vao tir “ago” cau nay chia thi qua khit don. Q => Dap anA Dich nghia: Jane da di tiv mot vai phut truéc. 6 Cc Dich nghia: Timson da san xuat 13 b6 phim va tdi nghi b6 phim gan day nhat 1a bé phim hay nhat. Viéc san xuat 13 b6 phim 1a hanh dong 1ap di lap lai nhiéu lan trong qua khi nén ta sé chia d6ng ti? ¢ thi hién tai hoan thanh. => Dap anC 7 B Can ci? vao tir "lately" cau nay chia thi hién tai hoan thanh. Q => Dap 4anB Dich nghia: Dao gan day ban c6 thay Robert khong? 8 Cc Dich nghia: Khi téi con tré, toi choi violin. Can ci? vao nghia cua cau: ké vé m6t hdi tic ta chia thi qua khiv don. => Dap anC 9 A Can ci? vao trang tir "so far” cau chia 6 thi hién tai hoan thanh. (=> Dap an A Dich nghia: Anh ay da thi dau 65 tran trong di tuyén quéc gia gan day. 10 Cc Can ci? vao trang tir "at the moment" cau chia 6 thi hién tai tiép dién. Q => Dap anC Dich nghia: Tai hién tai dang rat ban. Toi lam viéc trén may tinh. 11 Cc Dich nghia: Khi ti nhin qua ctfa, em bé dang ngu ngon. Hanh d6éng em bé ngu 1a hanh dong xay ra truéc va van con dang xay ra nen ta chia thi qua khi? tiép dién. => Dap anC 12 B Can ci? vao trang tir "for" cau chia 6 thi hién tai hoan thanh. Q => Dap 4anB Dich nghia: Robert bi 6m trong khoang ba tuan nay. Anh ay van con dang 6 vién 13 D Dich nghia: Toi rat mét. Hom nay toi da lai xe hon 400 dam. Hanh d6ng xay ra trong qua kht? nhung dé lai hau qua @ hién tai. Hau qua 1a hién gio tdi dang rat mét nén ta chia thi hién tai hoan thanh. => Dap anD 14 A Dich nghia: Sang nay cau di lam lic may gid? => Cau nay dong tir chia thi qua kh don => Dap an A 15 Cc Dich nghia: Khi tdi nhin thay anh ay, anh ay dang bo chay. => Hanh dong "anh ay dang bo chay" 1a hanh d6ng xay ra truc thi hanh dOng "tdi nhin thay anh ta" 1a hanh dong xay ra sau chia thi qua kh Q don => Dap anC 16 B Dich nghia: Ngay khi Martina nhin thay dam chay, cé ay goi dién cho phong chia chay. => Dién ta hanh d6ng xay ra néi tiép nhau chia thi qua khi don Q => Dap 4anB 17 Cc Cn cif vao ti’ “every” {J hién tai don => Dap an C Dich nghia: Mi khi Parkas xem mot bé phim cia An Dé, anh ay lai cam thay nhé nha. 18 A Can ci? vao tir "after": sau after chia qua khi? hoan thanh, ménh dé con Jai chia thi qua khiv don. => Dap an A Dich nghia: Sau khi da gianh chién thang, budi 1é an ming bat dau. 19 B Dich nghia: Trai Dat phu thuéc vao Mat Trai dé lay hoi 4m va Anh sang. => Can cif vao nghia ctia cau Su that hién nhién Hién tai don => Dap Trong cau cé cac trang tir chi thdi gian trong trong lai: - in + thoi gian: trong ... niva (in 2 minutes: trong 2 phut nita) - tomorrow: ngay mai - next day: ngay hom téi - next week/next month/next year: Tuan téi/thang téi/nam tdi Trong cau cé nhitng d6ng tir chi quan diém nhu: - think/believe/suppose/...: nghi/tin/cho 1a - perhaps: co 1é - probably: cd 1é 4. Bai tap ap dung 1 you (take) at trip to London next week? 2. She (water) the flowers next month. 3. They (build) a new bridge in this province next year. 4. Tomorrow she (send) the letter to Hanoi. 5. In 2020 she (move) to live in Ho Chi Minh City. 6. I (meet) my parents in an hour. 7. I think it (be) sunny tomorrow. 8. Iam sure he (pass) the exam. 9. I (stay) at home if it rains. 10. He (send) the letter when he goes to the post office. Dap an 1 you (take) at trip to London next week? {] Dap an: will; take 2. She (water) the flowers next month. {] Dap an: will water 3. They (build) a new bridge in this province next year. {] Dap an: will build 4. Tomorrow she (send) the letter to Hanoi. {] Dap an: will send 5. In 2020 she (move) to live in Ho Chi Minh City.[] Dap an: will move 6. I (meet) my parents in an hour. {] Dap an: will meet 7. I think it (be) sunny tomorrow. {] Dap an: will be 8. Iam sure he (pass) the exam. {] Dap an: will pass 9. I (stay) at home if it rains. {] Dap an: will stay 10. He (send) the letter when he goes to the post office. {] Dap an: will send X. Thi tuong lai tiép dién - the continuous future tense j 1. Cach dung a. Dién ta nhitng hanh déng sé dang xay ra tai mét thoi diém xdac dinh trong tuong lai. Vi du: At 8:00 tomorrow, he will he working in his office. (Vao ltic 8 gid sang mai, anh ay sé dang lam viéc 6 van phong.) b. Dién ta mét hanh d6ng dang xay ra trong tuong lai thi cé hanh déng khac xen vao. Hanh déng nao xay ra truéc chia thi tuong lai tiép dién, hanh déng nao xay ra sau chia thi hién tai don. Vi du: When we come to see our uncle next Sunday, he will be working in the garden. (Khi chung t6i téi tham bac vao chu nhat téi, bac ay sé dang lam vudn.) 2. Céng thtic + Cau khang dinh (+): S + will + be + Ving + Cau phu dinh (-): S + will + not + be + Ving + Cau nghi van (?): Will + S + be + Ving? Vi du: (+): She will be waiting for me at this time tomorrow. (-): She will not/won't be waiting for me at this time tomorrow. (?): Will she be waiting for you at this time tomorrow? 3. Dau hiéu nhan biét thi tuong lai tiép dién - gid + trang tir cua tuong lai (at 3 pm tomorrow) - at this/that time+ trang ti cua tuong lai (at this time next week) 4. Bai tap ap dung Chia dang dung cua nhitng déng tir trong ngoac 6 thi hién tai don/ tuong lai don/ tuong lai tiép dién . When you (go) into the office, Mr John (sit) at the front desk. Our English teacher (explain) that lesson to us tomorrow. . We (wait) for you when you (get) back tomorrow. What you (do) at 7:00 pm next Sunday?! (practice) my English lesson then. When I see Mr Pike tomorrow, I (remind) him of that. When you (come) next Monday, I (work) at my desk in Room in 12. He (work) on the report at this time tomorrow. . Please wait here until you (see) her. . The Browns (do) their housework when you (come) next Sunday. 10. Don't leave until you (see) her. Dap an 1. When you (go) into the office, Mr John (sit) at the front desk. Can ci? vao nghia cua cau:" Khi ban vao van phong thi 6ng John sé dang ngoi bén ban lam viéc." "Ong John ngéi & ban 1am viéc truéc" chia thi tutong lai tiép dién nén "Sit" chia thanh "will be Q Q sitting" “Ban vao van phong sau" chia thi hién tai don nén “go” git? nguyén. Q Q 2. Our English teacher (explain) that lesson to us tomorrow. Can ct? vao trang ti’ thdi gian "tomorrow" nén dong tir "explain" chia thanh "will explain” 3. We (wait) for you when you (get) back tomorrow. Can ci? vao nghia cia cau: "Chuing téi sé dang doi ban khi ban quay lai vao ngay mai." Chung t6i doi ban truéc réi ban mdi quay tré lai Uj will be waiting/get. SNay swe wo 4. What you (do) at 7:00 pm next Sunday? I (practice] my English lesson then. Can ci? vao trang tir thdi gian "at 7:00 pm next Sunday" Uiwill you be doing/ will be practicing. 5. When I see Mr Pike tomorrow, I (remind] him of that. Can ci? vao nghia cua cau: "Ngay mai khi tdi gap Gng Pike, tdi sé nhac 6ng ay vé diéu do.” Q] will remind. 6. When you (come) next Monday, I (work) at my desk in Room in 12. Can cit vao nghia cua cau:" Thi? 2 téi khi ban dén tdi sé dang lam viéc ¢ phong 12." () come/will be working. 7. He (work) on the report at this time tomorrow. Can ci? vao trang tir thdi gian "at this time tomorrow” Oiwill be working. 8. Please wait here until you (see) her. Ta cé quy tac truéc "until" chia tong lai don/thitc ménh lénh, sau "until" chia hién tai don/ hién tai hoan thanh. Can ci? vao nghia cua cau:" Lam on dgi 6 day cho téi khi ban thay cé ay." {] see. 9. The Browns (do) their housework when you (come) next Sunday. Can ci? vao nghia cua cau: "Gia dinh nha Brown sé dang lam viéc nha khi ban dén vao chu nhat tdi." Uwill be doing/come. 10. Don't leave until you (see) her.Can ci? vao "until" va nghia cia cau see. Q XI. Thi tuong lai hoan thanh - the perfect future tense 1, Cach dung a. Dién ta mét hanh déng dugc hoan thanh truéc mét thoi diém trong tuong lai Vi du: We will have paid the loan by August. (Chung ta sé tra xong ng vao thang 8.) b. Dién ta mét hanh d6éng sé duoc hoan thanh truéc mét hanh déng khac trong tuong lai. Vi du: They will have finished buiding a new bridge when we return to the town next year. (Nam tdi khi chung tdi quay lai thi tran, ho sé da xay xong m6t cay cau mdi.) 2. Céng thtrc + Cau khang dinh (+): S + will + have + Vp2 + Cau pht dinh (-): S + have + not + Vp2 + Cau nghi van (?): Will + S + have + Vp2? Vi du: (+): She will have worked here for 3 years by next month. (-): She will not/won't have worked here for 3 years by next month. (?): Will she have worked here for 3 years by next month? 3. Dau hiéu nhan biét thi tuong lai hoan thanh - By + trang tir thdi gian ctia tong lai (by the end of this month, by next week...) 4. Phan biét su khac nhau gitta thi tuong lai hoan thanh va thi tuong lai hoan thanh tiép dién a. Céng thitc 4. Lien (not go) to the movie theater tomorrow. She (stay) at home and watch TV. 5. The film (end) by the time we (get) there. 6. After I (finish) all my homework, he (invite) me a drink. 7. They (go) home after they (finish) their work. 8. At 5 a.m yesterday, I (iron) my clothes. 9. My grandfather (die) many years ago. 10. They (tell) me about it last week. 11. My mother (come) to stay with us next weekend. 12. I (walk) along the beach while my sister (swim) 13. After the telephone (buzz) for a minute, the doctor (answer) it. 14. At 5 p.m yesterday, I (watch) TV. 15. Thu (look) after her little brother next Sunday. Dap an Exercise 1: 1. Két hgp thi: Hién tai hoan thanh + since + thi qua kht? don. {] Dap an: haven't heard; disappeared2. Két hgp thi: After + qua khiv hoan thanh, thi qua khiv don. {] Dap an: Had left; went; turned 3. Két hgp thi: By the time + qua khi? don, thi qua khi? hoan thanh. {] Dap an: had done 4. "This time yesterday" 1a trang tir di kém véi thi qua kht? tiép dién. [Bap an: were sitting 5. Két hgp thi: When + qua khi? don, qua khi? tiép dién (mét hanh dng dang dién ra trong qua khit thi bi 1 hanh dong khac cat ngang). {] Dap an: entered; was writing 6. (C6 ay di giay, mac do va ra khoi ctta.) Vi m6t chudi hanh d6ng xay ra lién tiép nhau trong qua khi? thi ta ding thi qua kh’ don. {] Dap an: got; put; went 7. Két hgp thi: Qua khiv don + after + qua kht? hoan thanh. {] Dap an: was; had died 8. Khi ké vé hdi t?c, ta st? dung thi qua kht? don. {] Dap an: was; wanted 9. At + thoi gian 4- yesterday la trang tir di kem vi qua khi? tiép dién. {] Dap an: was working 10. Last night 1a trang tir di kém vi qua khiv don. {] Dap an: listened 11. (Ngay h6ém qua, tén trom dét nhap vao nha va lay trom rat nhiéu ao long trong khi khach mai khiéu vu.) => Hanh dong "dot nhap”, "lay tr6m” xay ra néi tiép nhau nén chia thi qua khi? don. Hanh d6ng "khiéu vii” xay ra tru’éc hai hanh dong kia va van con dang xay ra khi hai hanh dong do xen vao. Do do: {] Dap an: broke; stole; were dancing 12. Két hgp thi: Qua khiv hoan thanh + before + qua khi? don. {] Dap an: had done 13. Két hgp thi: Qua khi? don + after + qua khi? hoan thanh. {] Dap an: did you do; had gone 14. Tomorrow 1a trang tir di kém véi thi tung lai don. {J Dap an: will not come 15. At + thdi gian + last evening 1a trang tir di kém véi qua khit tiép dién. {] Dap an: was watching 16. Két hgp thi: Qua khiv hoan thanh + before + qua khi? don. {] Dap an: had started; was 17. Két hgp thi: Qua khi? tiép dién + when + qua khi? don (m6t hanh d6ng dang dién ra trong qua khi? thi mot hanh dong khac cat ngang). {] Dap an: were you doing; rang 18. Két hgp thi: Hién tai hoan thanh + since + qua khi? don. [Bap an: has driven; knew19. "Ago" 1a trang tir di kem véi qua kht? don. []Dap an: discovered 20. Két hgp thi: When + thi qua khi? don, thi qua kht? tiép dién (m6t hanh dong dang dién ra trong qua kh thi bi mét hanh dong khac cat ngang). {] Dap an: were playing Exercise 2: 1. Khi noi vé m6t hanh dong khi con tré thi ta dung thi qua kht? don. [Jap an: joined; was 2. "Last month" 1a trang ti? cua thi qua kht? don, con since 1a trang tir cua thi hién tai hoan thanh. {] Dap an: lost; has been 3. "Last night" 1a trang tir di kém véi thi qua khiv don. {] Dap an: was 4. "Tomorrow" 1a trang ti? di kém vi thi twong lai don. {] Dap an: will not go; will stay 5. Két hgp thi: qua kht? hoan thanh + by the time + qua khiv don. [Jap an: had ended; got 6. Két hgp thi: After + qua kht? hoan thanh, qua khi? don. {] Dap an: had finished; invited 7. Két hgp thi: qua khtv don + after + qua kht hoan thanh. {] Dap an: went; had finished 8. At + gid + yesterday 1a trang tir di kém véi thi qua khv tiép dién. {] Dap an: was ironing 9. "Ago" 1a trang tir di kém vdi thi qua kh? don. {] Dap an: died 10. "Last week" 1a trang tir di kém véi thi qua kh don. {] Dap an: told 11. "Next weekend" 1a trang tir di kém véi thi trong lai don. {] Dap an: will come 12. Két hgp thi: aua khi? tiéD dién + while + qua khit tiép dién. [Dap an: was walking; was swimming 13. Két hgp thi: After + qua khiv hoan thanh, qua khiv don. {] Dap an: had buzzed; answered 14. At + gid + yesterday 1a trang tir di kém vi thi qua khit tiép dién. {] Dap an: was watching 15. “Next Sunday” 1a trang tir di kém véi thi tong lai don. {] Dap an: will look
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