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Advertising and Marketing: Traditional and Non-Conventional Approaches, Apuntes de Comunicación Audiovisual

An overview of advertising and marketing, focusing on traditional and non-conventional approaches. It covers the importance of advertising, the basic structure of an advertising campaign, integrated marketing communications, and the impact of the internet and social media. The document also discusses the concept of consumer engagement and the use of social media for advertising. Additionally, it touches upon the topic of non-conventional advertising on tv and outdoors.

Tipo: Apuntes


Subido el 20/05/2014

antoabanto 🇪🇸



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¡Descarga Advertising and Marketing: Traditional and Non-Conventional Approaches y más Apuntes en PDF de Comunicación Audiovisual solo en Docsity! Syllabus 1. General frame for advertising communication 2. New marketing for a new communication 3. Non conventional advertising on TV: special initiative 4. Outdoor advertising 3000 advertising impacts per person per day. Advertising grabs our attention. Brands are everywhere. Where's advertising heading to? What has change is the media, also the aesthetics...? How the messages are send has not change. Their advertisements are addressed to the consumer as they are the best getting it or that his life is going to change the best. Decision-to-buy process Awareness Consideration Engagement Purchase AIDA-> Call consumer’s attention. First they hold interest in the product after that they arouse a desire and finally they are induced to make the action. Advertising makes us aware of the brands, when we know the brands we consider what to buy. After that advertising make you desire the product they are selling (within all brands you choose the one you are going to buy) finally the consumer buy the product. All this process is made automatically. If they buy the products once you can make them repeat, it is like a hook. That's the ideal stage all products want to be. In common products maybe this is made more faster (ex: milk), but with expensive products (ex: cars), the process we take is slow because the money invest and the important of that product a car is more lasting that a bottle of milk. Media cannot live without advertising and vice versa. There are too many products that are very similar therefore advertising is very useful to inform the consumers. Many brands Fewer brands Final choice Buy. Lovemarks: emotional connection, rational benefit. The aim of all brands is to be loved by consumers. There can be an emotional connection or a rational benefit. We live in a brand world. That's why is difficult for consumers to make decisions. We are surrounded by brands Advertising are present during the whole process of a purchase. What makes good advertising? One thing is to catch people attention but also they are different variables that take place in the successful of advertisement. When attempting to influence in others attitudes and actions you have to choose between different possible communication tones: • Emotion is always a good choice; if you reach people emotionally you have a good opportunity to succeed. Emotion is a good way to star communicating with your audience. PUBLICIDAD “The essential difference between reason (logic) and emotion is that reason leads to conclusion and emotion leads to actions”. • Humor is also a good option and is always infallible. The absurd is used. The consumer has a horrible life and what he wants is your product to improve it. That is the promise made by the one who sells the product. Information in advertisements is called “copy”. Key benefit Create an incalculable and unique value for your Brand/product (key benefit). We have to make our product special, different. Let the costumers know what they are offering, differencing the own product from the competence. The brand stands for a reason, for a cause. General Law of Publicity. Art. 2: “All ways of communication made by a physical or legal, public or private person, in the exercise of commercial, industrial and artisan or professional activity, with the purpose of promoting by direct or indirect forms the hiring of personal or immovable property, services, rights and obligations.” Definition of advertising Let's define Advertising...there is no perfect definition. All ways of communication made by a physical or legal, public or private person, in the exercise of commercial, industrial and artisan or professional activity, with the purpose of PROMOTING by direct or indirect forms the hiring of personal or immovable property, services, rights and obligations. An advertising message can: • Create, reinforce or change attitudes. • Add knowledge, value and awareness. • Increase brand awareness and acceptance. • Develop or change an image. • Enhance product differentiation. • Remember and overcome inertia. • Disseminate news. • Induce purchase. It is not marketing, but part of the Marketing Mix. Marketing takes care of the different variables that take part in the purchase decisions. Advertising is a marketing tool and may be used in combination with other marketing tools, and they all work to present the product as a special one. Marketing Mix 1) Product 2) Price 3) Placement 4) Promotion (Communication mix). Advertising, P.R, POS, Sales Promotion, others... Basic advertising structure • Sender: *Advertiser *Advertising/communication Agency. Develops the advertising message • Channel: *Conventional *Non-conventional media. Spreads advertising messages 1 The brief is the most important bit of information issued by a client to an agency EXAMPLE The advertiser: Channel Four What to say? Product positioning Tone of communication Copy strategy (brands promise) TO WHO am I saying to? Target group for the Advertising campaign Channel four briefing Channel four have an array of channels that cater for an array of audiences. We would like to launch a new channel specifically for older 60 plus audience. This would consist of programs that challenge our audience in a Channel 4 way. This is about quality shows with a focus on quality drama, documentary and arts. The challenge Create a campaign promoting this new channel. We need to come up with a name, design and TV campaign that will appeal to this older audience. What do we communicate? Positioning: What do we want people to think? At last there is a channel that challenges me on my terms, without showing me re-runs of old shows or period dramas that are the same. Who do we want to communicate? Target market: • Anyone over 60 who cares about quality TV. • They may have enjoyed the Danish version of The Killing and will be regular viewers of shows like Gran Designs and Dispatches. • They love the fact that Channel 4 has a point of view, even thou8gh they may not agree with it. The Advertising Agency's Challenge How to say it? • To create a name, a logo, a TV campaign The web is going social: Advertising 2.0 People are taking back the web. Media democratization Millions of micro media. From consumers to media producers. Blogs, podcasts, videocasts, wikis, RSS. Social media: By understanding how social media support the human desire for conversations, business can open vibrant interactions with individuals and communities. Listening is more important than talking, and it allows you to get to know your costumer and his needs and opinions. The new costumer: • Producer+Consumer = Prosumer. • Cross+Consumer = Crossumer • Dominates the advertising language. • Has its own opinion. • Rejects advertisers monologue (doesn’t want to be talked at, but rather talked to) • Produces and broadcasts texts, images and audio. • Interacts. • Searches and compares. Before: Mass media, massive audience, unidirectional communication, information asymmetry and passivity. Today: micromedia, hyper-targeted and personalized audience, multidirectional communication, connected knowledge, interactivity. Broadcasting Narrowcasting Cybercasting New marketing for a new communication Marketing by interrupting people isn’t cost-effective anymore. We live in a world where consumers actively resist marketing. so it's imperative to stop marketing at people. The idea is to create an environment where consumers will market to each other. Instead of always talking to consumers, they have to help consumers talk to each other. Ignite con sum er net wor ks and then get out of the way and let the m talk. Th e New Model It is no longer about pure advertising; it’s about consumer engagement. This engagement is achieve by delivering the brand to consumers in a compelling, relevant way in an environment which is dialogue driven. Marketing solutions: ·Go beyond commercial messages ·Solve something ·Involve people ·Enable people ·Allow people to participate ·Create brands fans ·Deliver value SWOT analysis (DAFO): 1 • Strengths: • Technological skills. • Leading brands • Distributions channels • Customer loyalty/relationship • Production quality • Scale • Management • Weaknesses • Absence of important skills • Weak brands • Poor access to distribution • Low customer retention • Unreliable product/service • Sub-scale • Management • Opportunities • Changing customer tastes • Technological advances • Changes in government politics • Lower personal taxes • Change in population age • New distribution channels • Threats: • Changing customer base • Closing of geographic markets • Technological advances • Changes in government politics • Tax increases. ■ Introducing the concept of short entertaining films made by brands and primarily delivered via the internet. Websodies Brands create their own content, known as websodies . The aim is to be touch by the brand for more of 30 seconds. A series is delivered through the Internet. A character that represents the values of your brand. If it is made very obvious people won't like it. You reach you audience and make them know about your values. The way in which the product is shown is not forced; it is not like an obvious advertising. Mobisodies And branded mobisodies are viewed on cell phones and mobile devices. There are lots of people nowadays that don't use TV and uses other media as mobile phone. It is not the same the creation of something for different media. Create an online TV channel. A whole support where people can share content created by them. A channel in which you are in touch with the target market, this channel may be promoted by traditional media (TV). You provide the audience interested content to catch their attention. Brands increasingly create their own content, in any possible media and of course on TV (bartering) Building the brand into the storyline. TOPIC 3: Non-conventional advertising on TV: special initiatives Traditional media (cine, TV, outdoors, radio, newspaper). They have had a standard format for advertisement. You have to adapt the message to the type of media in order to reaching a massive audience. Traditional formula = a chain of 30'' commercials Conventional ads breaks are annoying and interruptive. Advertising represents around 14% of the total daily broadcasting in the most National Channels. Advertising occupies around 200 minutes per day/national channel programming. Advertising investment in all media Spain in 2011: 12,061,000,000€ / 1,12% GDP Its huge moment was in 90's but since then advertising revenues have decreased. Advertisers are turning away from conventional media. Non-conventional media (54,4%), conventional media (45,6%). This is the investment made in 2011. TV is still the king of media with 40,6% the other media is secondary. TV is really important nowadays because of its representation for advertising. The advertising industry goes behind what society wants. TV has the greatest penetration of all media (number of individuals who are actually exposed to the advertising medium). TV daily consumption per person (Spain November 2012) is 242 minutes!! Attempts to prevent consumer from avoiding advertising: Special initiatives (e.g. morphing) TOPIC 4: Outdoors advertising (conventional traditional media) Print advertising: radio, cinema (insignificant), TV, outdoors, magazines... Outdoors. Originalism on the streets. Tries to fit the New Market Paradigm. You can choose some supports and adapt your ad to that support. This media is more alternative; streets display ads in a more no-conventional way. It is every single advertising action impact played in the streets. 1 Very heterogeneous urban element in it supports, located outside the domestic scope (out-of- home advertising) in public places. Media and message is the same. Media is only to promote advertisement.First massive media of advertising: from the town criers and the graffito to the poster and modern billboards. Features • Seek for a great impact due the distracting conditions and high competitiveness with other tasks (the cityscape and everything that is going on it it). • Diversity of the vehicles. • Creative versatility. • Fits to the budget. There are lots of tasks fighting with the advertising impact, such as talking on the phone, or driving or maybe listening music. That forces to creative people to be extra creative for the advertising. The aim is to make an impact for people to take their time to watch the ad. Specific pieces for specific places. It is very versatile it also fits all the type of budget. 1.Diversity of the vehicles O-O-H advertising formats: • Street furniture (mupis, bus shelters, columns, etc.) • Billboards/poster panels (4/16/24/48 sheet, super sites, fixed, painted, dynamized, luminous, etc.) • Transport/transit advertising (inner and outer) • Guerrilla marketing: alternative way to use the street. It is a non-conventional way of fitting the streets. • Others. 2. Creative versatility The fugacity of the message (impact of seconds) and facility of access demand a message that has: • Simplicity (Simple and direct communication) • Great visual force and creative effort • Ideas that register quickly (short copy message because of the lack of reading time) • The support is part of the message. 3. Distribution by exclusivists (plant owners) • Red and Publivia: 50’s and 70’s (lack of control and over-exploited media). • Avenir, Spoluz, Danphin, Cemusa, Decaux: 80’s and so far (a more restrictive regulation begins). 4. Flexible hiring as much in vehicles as in periods. Circuits (local media par excellence). 5. Support, supplementary and continuation for the other media and reminder of campaigns with diversified media plan call to action • TV wakes up our design, outdoor ads make us remind it • Reinforces brand message from other media closer to point-of-purchase • Don’t compete: TV at home, outdoors in the streets • Provide a path to purchase 6.Great reach of the local population. 7. Geographic flexibility and extraordinary segmentation It can pinpoint sales messages in the exact areas where costumers or advertisers are located (specific street, enclosures, circuits…) 8. Long exposure of the message • ·Repetition of impacts • ·Multiple impressions • ·24h per day, 7days a week presence and activation of the message 9. Attempts to fit to the new Market Paradigm • ·Interactivity • ·Experiences • ·Narrowcasting • ·Customized messages depending on the placement and target • ·Contextual furniture Street furniture Advertising displays in municipal equipment many which provide a public amenity, placed along streets. ·Mupis (Mobilier Urbain Plans-Informations). Social purpose: provides info to the citizen about maps cultural activities… ·Bus shelter. On closed waiting are structure meant to shelter passengers while waiting for their public vehicle to arrive, that can feature great range in design. ·Colum. It appears in 1868 as support for entertainment advertising. It has 3 parts: Base, cylinder and roof. ·Lamp post Billboards “It should be like a punch in the face or a cry in the wall” –Luis Bassat Telesponsorship content spot Great advantages: ·Increase brand awareness and notoriety ·Generates predisposition to the use or consumption ·Best position · Relevant prescriber ·Ad messages linked in its creativity with a program (association between product and image of the program) by using some of its identity elements ·With scenes, sets and prominent figures of the program. Virtual Advertising Ad messages usually without argument (signed logo) inserted electronically in special program with an overlapping technique. Short inlay of a logo on a small part of screen, e.g. during the sequence in slow motion or a crucial phase in a football match. Split screen -> simultaneous transmission of a program and advertising bodies. Mention ·Inside a program, the conductor of a famous person names the product and the brands and speaks about it for a few seconds. 1
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