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20th Century Spanish History: Reigns of Carlos, Fernando VII, Isabel II, Alfonso XII - Par, Apuntes de Contabilidad Financiera

An overview of the spanish history during the 20th century, focusing on the reigns of carlos, fernando vii, isabel ii, and alfonso xii. It covers the political landscape, including the main political parties such as republicans, socialists, anarchists, and nationalists in catalonia and the basque country. The economic overview discusses the development of industries in catalonia, basque, mining, and agriculture. International conflicts include spain's colonies, the loss of cuba, and the spanish-american war. The document also touches upon the unification of laws, the catalan civil code, and the impact of the spanish flu and social unrest.

Tipo: Apuntes


Subido el 03/11/2017

anthony_merheb 🇪🇸

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¡Descarga 20th Century Spanish History: Reigns of Carlos, Fernando VII, Isabel II, Alfonso XII - Par y más Apuntes en PDF de Contabilidad Financiera solo en Docsity! Spanish History: 20th Century. Exams -> 60% Personal work -> Individual 20% • Group Final Exam is Oral??? • The practical class is NOT every week. Sometimes it is every other week. First film: -The kid has a communist Nazi dad, while he is a liberal who has a girlfriend his mom does not like and it seems that the boy is in a liberal movement. - W1: September 13th Carlos 1808-1814 IV Fernando VII Isabel II Alfonso (Isabel’s son) AN INTRODUCTION -> Six-year revolutionary period (it put an end to the monarchy, queen goes to exile very turbulent!) 1868-1874 . Military serrano 2 years . AMADEO 3 years . REPUBLIC • The wars: 1- Cantonalist. (fierce in Cartagena, Canton system like Switzerland, self gov) 2- Carlista. (When Isabella was exiled, Carlistas wanted their heir) 3- Cuba civil war. (1868-1878) Martinez Campos The general who did a coup d’état right before 1874. He was also sent to Cuba later on to put an end to the war. Canovas = the leader of the conservative party who prepared the return of Alfonso and asked him to write a letter declaring himself the HEIR to become the king of Spain. Alfonso was in sandhurst military academy at the time in London, and the made the letter that became known as the Sandhurst Manifesto. Meanwhile a military man in Valencia by the name of Martinez Campos wanted to also become king (not knowing that Canovas was preparing the return of Alfonso). Spanish people decide they want Alfonso and thus the start of the Alfonso XII. • Constitution of 1876: - It was very flexible and allowed different types of government as a result of much turbulence. • Shared sovereignty (Parliamentary Monarchy) • Election System (Universal Suffrage or voting system, men only) • Catholicism was the official religion, however freedom of worship was allowed. THE PERIODS • Reign (1874-1885) • Regency Maria Cristina (1885-1902) Alfonso XII married Maria Cristina, and died 3 months after getting her pregnant. Alfonso XIII was born a few months later. EL PARDO PACS, happened after the death of Alfonso, because Maria did not care about the government. The pact was between the liberals and conservatives that guaranteed only they got power in the election (TURNISMO SYSTEM) This system committed electoral fraud. Note: Before dying in 1885, Alfonso suffered 2 terrorist attacks from anarchists in 1878. These attacks were happening on kings of all countries. Alexandre II of Russia was killed in 1881 by anarchists. They also had a failed attempt on the Italian king. Economic overview & development -> Industrial -> Catalonia, Barcelona (Textile Industry was the only industry therefore there was demand to secure that industry) -> Basque, Bilbao (Metallurgy Industry) • Mining > Rio Tinto in Huelva (The oldest mine in the world, many English people lived here and in fact they setup the first soccer game in Spain > In Asturias/Leon Coal mines) > BASQUE C (Iron made from steel and coal required a BESSEMER converter) Iron of Basque was of great quality and was famous. NOTE: Mining was privatized in that period, many British and foreign companies bought rights to mines. • Agriculture ▲ Cereal C (was only produced in the central areas of the country which made it expensive to transport to harbours) ▲ Wine (France was the biggest and first producer of wine but the Phyloxera decease affected production which enticed other countries to take advantage and step up production). 2nd Cuba & PHILLIPINES- • CUBA: - Introduction -1st Cuban War (same as previously mentioned 10-year war) 1868-1878 NOTABLE: All started at the same time ISABELLE went to exile, they were trying to take advantage of the power vacuum). (Also known as the 10-year war) (It started in a city called YARA, and finished in the peace agreement of ZANJON) What Happened? Cuban Insurgents or Guerillas were attacking cities in CUBA trying to take control of them. Spain’s Tactic was to make roads with watch towers to prevent the guerillas from crossing from one part of the island to another in an attempt to isolate them. - Guerra Chiquita Some guerillas did not like the peace agreement, so they went to Jamaica to regroup and started a small Chiquita war. - Peace 14 years We had a period of highly turbulent peace. - Final Cuba war Martinez Campos Weyer = A bloody general who invented the concentration camps or (concentramiento) After the president was killed by the Anarchists (he was the conservative Canovas), a liberal president went in power and sent a more diplomatic general BLANCO ERENAS to stop the concentration camps and negotiate with the insurgents which led to an end of war. NARCISO LOPEZ: He wanted to change the government in Cuba and become the new president. JOSE MARTI: A Cuban intellectual who was living in Madrid. He went into exile to New York and he setup the (Partido Revolucionario Cuban) • The Phillipines: (1896-1897) BONIFACIO -> KATIPUNAN started a war in 1896 to gain independence from Spain, it started in BALINTAWAK. PROVINCIA After some war Spain made a peace treaty with the KATIPUNAN forces where the leaders of the KATIPUNAN accepted to go into exile (treaty called BIAK NA BATO). The Spanish caught the Pilipino leader who wanted a Provincia and killed him because they thought he is connected to the KATIPUNAN, this was a mistake as it caused an outrage withing the KATIPUNAN. • The Spanish-American war: (Why?) - USA GROWTH - USA/SPAIN/CUBA (The US did not want Spain to continue controlling Florida as it controls entrance into the bay, a treating known as ADAMS-ONIS was made that sold Florida and all the right of the OREGON territory to the USA) (In one speech Quincy jones I think said that Cuba is the appendix of the USA and controls the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico bay, at first USA offered $100 Million to buy CUBA). (OSTENDE MANIFESTO, was another attempt to buy Cuba which was not backed by the president) (Relationships between the USA and Spain was bad already because of NARCISO LOPEZ and other factors) - 3 Doctrines - MONROE (The US could consider ANY European presence in the American continent as an aggression against the USA) - MANIFEST DESTINY (Was the manifest the stated that the USA should continue expansion westwards) - MAHAN (He wrote a book in 1890 where he claimed that the most important was to grow is to have a big Navy force as this is the way to become a significant power internationally). Therefore (From the 1890 to 1899 the USA developed their Navy to where it was the third most significant navy worldwide. - US Public Opinion - CUBAN LOBBY (PRC) Partido Revolutcionario Cubano! - “Media War” Yellow Journalism - AT - Alliance - De Lome “Casus Belli” > “USS MAINE” Warship explosion. The USS MAINE Explodes mysteriously on its way to CUBA Everyone starts to blame the Spaniards. There were 2 prevailing theories one was that the explosion was from outside therefore an attack, or the explosion could have happened from the inside due to COAL problems. WAR Consequences for Spain. 1. Constitutional Democracy (1902-1923) ALFONSO XIII 1.1. Period Overview 1.2. More Defined Phases Maura (1902-1909) A NEW KIND OF ADMINISTRATION CALLED PROVINCIA Canalejas (1909-1912) 4 DIFFERENT ADMINSTRATION LEVELS - ESTADO - Mancomunidad - Provincia - Municipio - in 1912 Canalejas was in puerta del sol watching a library and got killed by an Anarchist. After the killing Romanones became president for a short time. After an election was helded Dato became the new president of Spain. to attack abd el krim (taking the side of the africanistas) and they both attacked at the same time. Spanish embarked by sea from the north and french from the south. Following this the Spanish military was capable of controlling the areas in Morocco. The commander of this operation was Sanjurjo (an important figure that we will talk about later) Another figure became prominent in this war (Mola) so did (Francisco Franco). Franco became the youngest general of all Europe as a result of taking advantage of the easy promotions given to the africanists. After 2 years of dictatorship(1923-1925) a new form of dictatorship was created called Directorio Civil (1925-1930) Overview: Political: Now civilians occupied governmental positions. A new constitution (Amsablea National constitution) no real power since they just offer suggestions even-though they looked like a parliament. New constitution.(only a draft) would reduce the power of the king which caused him to refuse the draft and stopped to support the government. Underground political parties continue to organize and the underground republican party setup up a unified underground alliance called Alianza Republica. Similar situation in the socialist party. Catalan party was very unhappy with centralization. Economic: Social: Military: The crisis of the thirties A. The Second Spanish Republic (1931-1936) 1. Provisional Government (1931) -Government: (Did not trust the military therefore they started to reform it) (They focused on farmers who did not have adequate land). -Event leading to social unrest and religious unrest: Some people still wanted the monarchy therefore they started to organize in a new group they called (Circulo Monarchio). These guys started to play the monarchial music on the street getting the republicans angry. After getting fake news that 2 taxi drivers were killed the republicans start to riot and they burn the ABC radio station building, and then they go on to start burning churches because they associated churches to have close ties with the monarchy. -Constitution 1939 Constitutional Assembly Elections: -Clara Campoamor (RADICAL P) – Victoria Kent (Republican) –Margarita Nelken (Socialist)…. Clara wanted women to gain the immediate right to vote while Victoria preffered to wait until women were more educated. (Women were illiterate at the time) Features: -Women Suffrage -Secularism (separation between church and state) -Human Rights -Tribunal De Garantia Constitucionales. - Seperation of powers {(Presidente de la republica) Head of state} {(Presidente del Gobierno) Prime minister} -Territorial System: 4 Administration levels (Local->Auvntamiento, Provincia->Diputacion, Mancomunidad, Estado) They chaged the mancomunidad to a comunidad, Statuto de Autonomia allowed Communidad entities to be setup. 2. First Biennium (2 Years) /progressive B (1931-1933) (The left controls the Govt.) • Government President of Republic Alcala-Zamora President of state (he erased the name) • Governmental Reforms Religion (Civil Marriage, seizing some church lands, Christians get a bit angry) Military (The government had stopped trusting the military and only allowed military personnel close to the government to higher positions, they also changed the process to become an officer) Economic (The morgan bank was against the system) (This was a problem because the government needed money to carry out all these reforms) Women (Suffrage) Education (Setup many public schools, and increased teacher’s salary, (Missiones Pedagogicas: A group of teachers that would go all over the rural areas to teach), Schools started to feed the children, “Colonias Escolares” Summer camp schools that also fed the children. Social Reforms Jurados Mixtos, worked to provide pensions, Health insurance, minimum Salary, Paid holidays. Agrarian (Land Related reforms) -IRA (Instituto De Reforma AGRARIA) Land was given to peasants. -Hydraulic Territorial Catalonia –Estatuto De Nuria (The government was called Generalitat,) Basque Country –They were trying to gain more autonomy 1-> INV -> Estatuto De Estella. 2-Socialist party controlled the 3 province council. Basques succeeded in autonomy only after the start of the civil war. Galicia started the process for autonomy but never succeeded Foreign Policy Italy’s Musolini was against this whole new system, did not trust republic government. He thought in event of a war the republican government would ally with the French (Who they were trying to isolate. Portugal was also against this system; (It was ruled by a dictator Salazar) Salazar was worried that the same thing could happen in Portugal League of nations (like the united nations, spain was neutral) • Government Opponents >> First Opponent = Church >> Second Group = Military (They did not the regulation regarding promotions in the Army) (A significant part was conservative) (Coup D’etat was attempted in the summer of 1932 by Sanjurjo) (The coup is reffered to as Sanjurjada) (Only succeeded for a short period in Sevilla) (Sanjurjo goes into exile into Portugal) (He stays in Portugal from 1932 till 1936) >> Right Wing Parties (It was a Coalition of Parties setup by Herrera Oria, it was called CEDA Confederacion Espanola De DERECHAS Autonomas it was led by GIL ROBLES) F 0 2 0 F 0 2 0 F 0 2 0 F 0 2 0 F 0 3 EMonarchy supporters >>Facism > Ledesma J.O.N.S (Juntas de ofensiva nacional sindicalista) It became very relevant with the rise of Hitler >> 1933 Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera (Son of Miguel Primo De Rivera) > Sets up a workers union called Movimiento Espanol Sindicalista. > Then sets up a party called Falange Espanola >> Left Wing – Comunists and – Anarchist (Remember CNT is the anarchist union) The most significant event 1933 “Casas Viejas” (CADIZ) Anarchist Revolution, many people got killed by the police. As a result the president Azana resigns which leads us to the Second Biennium. 3. Second Biennium (Right Wing Parties) (Also known as Black Biennium) • New Election ▲ The first election where women had the right to vote. ▲ C.E.D.A (Gil Robles) Vs. Partido Radical (Leroux) ▲ CEDA wins due to several reasons, 1- Church Support, 2- The events of Casas Viejas cast doubt. 3-The Anarchists did not support anyone. ▲ Despite winning Gil Robles did not want to be the president so he decided to make Leroux President and keep control throught the parliament Majority, this way he could control the government without being at the forefront of responsibility. • Government ▲ Presidente Republica >> Alcala Zamora ▲ Presidente del Gobierno >> Leroux (In October 4th 1934 Robles decides to join the Government). • Policies ▲ Leroux has to roll out Conservative Policies that countered those of the first Biennium. ▲ Return to financing the Church. ▲ Allow the interference of the Church In Education. ▲ Land policies (Land was returned back to the original owners). ▲ Many economic cuts. • Political Evolution ▲ Centrist Wing Parties ▲ Military, wanted to prevent the leftists from returning to the Govt. so they setup a Military Union. ▲ Right Wing Parties, many different groups but the main one was the winning coalition CEDA (Gil Robles) ▲ Monarchy Supporters 1. Alfonsinos (They wanted the return of Alfonso) (They setup the Bloque Nacional) [JOSE CALVO SOTELO]
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