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B2-USE-OF-ENGLISH-PART-4-1, Ejercicios de Inglés

Sirve para practicar el use of english parte 4, 1

Qué aprenderás

  • What is the meaning of the phrasal verb 'put off'?
  • What is the difference between 'get around to' and 'get up to'?
  • What is the meaning of the phrasal verb 'carry on'?
  • What does it mean to 'get into' something?
  • What is the difference between 'be into' and 'be up to'?

Tipo: Ejercicios


Subido el 09/06/2021

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¡Descarga B2-USE-OF-ENGLISH-PART-4-1 y más Ejercicios en PDF de Inglés solo en Docsity! WWW.INTERCAMBIOIDIOMASONLINE.COM | Marc Andrew Huckle INTERCAMBIOIDIOMASONLINE USE OF ENGLISH PART 4 2 CONTENTS 1. The task Page 3 2. Phrasal verbs Page 4-17 3. Fixed expressions Page 18-23 4. Grammar points Page 24-36 5. Example answers Page 37-38 6. 100 example exam questions Page 39- 5 Travel and getting around Get/go away – go on holiday/escape Set off – start a journey Hold up – delay Pick up – collect Get around – move from place to place Drop off – leave in a place Get back – return Make for – head in a direction Check in – enter a hotel/flight Check out – leave a hotel Take off – the plane leaves the ground Look around – explore Hurry up – go faster Check out – look at sth Look forward to – be excited about See off – say goodbye at the airport etc. Catch up with – get to the same point as 6 Education and lifestyles Drop out (of) – stop studying/going to school Deal with – handle/cope with Get on with – continue doing Think over – consider Get at – suggest Catch on – understand Go for – choose Be into – like Find out – discover information Fall behind – not do sth fast enough Go over - review Go into – begin to describe in detail Get away with – not be caught or punished Make up – invent information or a story Take down – write down Take in – understand 7 Work and obligations Carry out – do sth/realize an action Back out (of) – decide not to Turn down – reject Set up – start a business Stand in for – substitute Bring out – start selling a new product Keep on – continue Work away – work abroad Work on – spend time to try to perfect sth Work out – solve or find a solution Catch up (on/with) – reach the same level as sb Take to – become good at/become a habit Go over – review Opt out of – decide not to Take over – take control of Take on – hire/employ 10 Eating and drinking Go for – choose Eat out – eat in a restaurant Go/keep on – continue Put off – make sb not want sth any more Run out of – not have any left Eat/drink up – eat or drink all of sth Try out – experiment with Take to – begin to like Throw away/out – put in the rubbish Wash up – clean the dishes Turn out – have a particular result 11 Health and fitness Feel up (to) – feel well enough to Cut down (on) – reduce the amount of Get over – recover from Give up/in – stop doing Look after – take care of Put on – gain weight Pass out – faint/become unconscious Work out – do exercise Go/come down with – become ill Bring on – cause an illness Warm up – prepare for sth Swell up – become inflamed Get rid of – throw/give away or sell Pull through – recover from Pass away – die 12 People and their lives Bring up - start talking about sth Get at – suggest Grow up – become older Look up to – admire Pass away – die Get along (with) – have a good relationship Stick to – continue doing the same Chill out – relax Get into – start liking Go off – stop liking Stay up – not go to bed Stay out – not go home Stay in – not go out Fit in with – be assimilated into friends Stand out – be different/remarkable Put up with – stand for 15 Life, crime and society Give up/in – stop doing Back down – stop demanding sth Get away with – not be punished for sth Look into – investigate Be into – be interested in Get away – escape Lock up – put in prison Blow up – explode Run away – flee/ escape by running Beat up – attack with violence Tell off – shout at Let off – not punish/forgive Break in – force entry 16 Design and creativity Lay out – plan Work out – solve/plan Dream up – create an idea Set out – organize/arrange Make up – create a story/information Go over – review Set up – start and prepare for an activity Think over – consider Wear out – become exhausted or unusable Grow out of – develop from a certain point Do away with – get rid of Draw up – create a plan of action Dress up – get well dressed/put on a costume Cut out – stop using/doing sth 17 Happiness and relationships Fall out with – argue with Fall for – fall in love with Get on with – be friends with Get along with – have a good relationship with Look up to – admire Look down on – think badly of Make up – make peace Stand up for – protect/defend Put up with – tolerate Pick on – tease/make fun of Put down – criticize Look after – take care of Go out with – be in a relationship with 20 Money and spending Be on sale Break down in tears Have/keep something under control Dream come true Make an impression on The advantage/disadvantage of Time As soon as By the time On/at the point of Take ages Take by surprise From time to time A matter of time At this point At a time During which 21 Eating and drinking Be keen on There is no comparison To have nothing to do with – (no tener nada que ver con) Health and fitness As far as I know Likely to result in Take care People and their lives At its height At that time Ever since For a long time to come On the outskirts Technological advances In fact On average As a result All in all 22 Wildlife and the environment By chance By no means On purpose By accident In no time Set a fire A means by which Life, crime and society Against the law On purpose Safe and sound Commit a crime Commit suicide Break the law On account of Be at fault 25 Past simple 1. We use the past simple for complete/finished past actions 2. We use the past simple for important events in the past. 3. We use the past simple with words like yesterday/last…/ago Past continuous 1. We use the past continuous to talk about a past action that is in progress. 2. We use the past continuous to talk about non-important information in the past. 3. We use the past continuous with words such as while/whilst/as. 4. We use the past continuous to talk about past actions in progress at a specific time. Past perfect 1. We use the past perfect to talk about the first of two completed past actions. 26 PRESENT PERFECT GRAMMAR Present perfect simple: Subject + have + past participle e.g. I have eaten lunch today - We use the present perfect simple to talk about actions that happened in the past but no time is mentioned or if we are still inside the time period (today, this week, this month, this year, recently). - We also use the present perfect to talk about experiences when the time is not important (in my life) Focus on the word order of the following adverbs: ALREADY (ya) – I have already finished my homework. YET (ya) – Have you seen that movie yet? YET (aún) – I haven´t had breakfast yet this morning. STILL (aún) – I still haven´t set off for work. JUST (acabar de) – I have just arrived home from work. EVER (alguna vez) – Have you ever been to Japan? FOR (durante) – I have studied English for 4 years. SINCE (desde) – I have lived in Spain since 7 years ago/2010. Present perfect continuous: We use the present perfect continuous to talk about actions that started in the past but continue. Subject + have + been + gerund e.g. I have been working in this job 27 Passive We use the passive voice in 3 situations: 1. When the subject is not known e.g. Someone killed the president The president was killed (by someone) 2. When the subject is obvious e.g. The cleaner has cleaned the office The office has been cleaned (by the cleaner) 3. When the subject is not important e.g. Alex Huckle eats all of the pies. All of the pies are eaten by Alex Huckle The best way to form the passive is with this simple 5 step rule: Active = The man swept the floor last Friday. Passive = The floor was swept by the man last Friday. *you can omit by the man because it is irrelevant 1. Object – singular or plural 2. Tense – conjugate the verb to be in this tense 3. Verb – past participle 4. Subject – can it be omitted? (unknown, obvious, irrelevant) 5. Complements – extra information An important part of the passive is knowing how to conjugate the verb to be. Present simple = is/are Past simple = was/were Present continuous = is/are being Present perfect = has/have been Going to = is/are going to be Will = will be 30 Focus on: - the change in subject pronoun (I, you, he, she, it, they, we) or object pronoun (me, you, him, her, them, it, them, us) or possessive determiner (my, your, his, her, their, our) - The change in time and place TIME PLACE Now – then/at that moment Yesterday – the day before Last week – the week before Ago – before Tonight – that night Tomorrow – the next day Next week – the following week Here – there This place – that place Reported Questions: IF/WHETHER OR THE QUESTION WORD The principle is the same as reported speech. You need to change the tense in the same ways. There are two types of questions that you need to look at. Auxiliary verbs: IF/WHETHER “Did you go out last night” asked Marc. Marc asked if you had gone out the night before. “Are you fond of watching TV?” asked Marc. Marc asked if/whether you are fond of watching TV. Question words: QUESTION WORD “When did you see this movie?” asked Marc. Marc asked when you had seen that movie. “Where do you live?” asked Marc Marc asked where you live. As if it were the affirmative + 31 Gerund versus Infinitive To understand the gerund and infinitive, you need to remember 3 rules. Gerund 1. Subject of the sentence e.g. swimming is good for your health. 2. After a preposition e.g. I am keen on running to get fit. 3. After certain/some verbs e.g. I fancy having a beer with my meal. Infinitive 1. Purpose of another action e.g. I do the shopping once a week to buy food. 2. After an adjective e.g. It is easy to pass the exam with this course. 3. After certain/some verbs e.g. He managed to get a 10 on the exam. Here is a list of the most common verbs that are followed by either the gerund or infinitive: GERUND BOTH INFINITIVE Deny Enjoy Mind Fancy Feel like Suggest Discuss Avoid Finish Practice Give up Take up Take to Like Love Hate Begin Continue Prefer Start Refuse Seem Decide Want Need Plan Learn Advise Afford Pretend Manage Hope expect *When in doubt. Use the gerund 32 Change in meaning between gerund and infinitive: Like (no change) I like swimming I like to swim Remember (change) I didn´t remember doing it I didn´t remember to do it Gerund form normally means that the action was completed, the infinitive not completed. 35 Third (3RD) conditional: We use the 3rd conditional for a hypothetical past. e.g. If I had saved more money last year, I would have gone to Bali on holiday. Word order change: If I had saved more money last year, I would have gone to Bali on holiday. I would have gone to Bali on holiday if I had saved more money last year. NO COMMA Change would for (could, might): e.g. If I had saved more money last year, I would have gone to Bali on holiday. e.g. If I had saved more money last year, I could have gone to Bali on holiday. 36 Wish/ if only: (Wish can be substituted with if only) We use wish or if only for something that we would like to change. e.g. I wish I had more free time to spend with my children. e.g. If only I had more free time to spend with my children. (Past simple) change the present I wish I had more free time to spend with my children. (Past perfect) change the past I wish I had taken more free time to spend with my children. (Would) annoyance/dislike I wish I would have more free time to spend with my children 37 Passive voice The examiner tells candidates the rules before the start of the exam. TOLD At the beginning of the exam candidates ................................................................... the rules. Answer: are told Comparatives The pizza was so good we had to ask for seconds. SUCH It ................................................................... we had to ask for seconds. Answer: was such good/great pizza Reported speech 'You look really upset,' he told his brother. SAID He ................................................................... really upset. Answer: said that he/his brother looked Verb patterns (gerund vs infinitive) I think it would be a good idea if you joined the beginner's class. SUGGEST I ................................................................... the beginners class. Answer: suggested joining Phrasal verbs They've cancelled the meeting as the boss couldn´t make it. OFF They have ................................................................... the meeting because of the boss´s absence. Answer: had to call off 40 11. Let´s cancel the meeting this afternoon, I won´t be able to make it. OFF I reckon we _____________________ the meeting this afternoon, I won´t get there on time. 12. Would you mind passing me the salt? COULD _____________________ me the salt, please? 13. What do you normally go for in a restaurant? EAT What do you normally _____________________ in a restaurant? 14. “It is getting late so we had better set off for home”, said Ash. Head Ash said that it was getting late and _____________________ home. 15. The hotel turned out to be more expensive than we had thought. ENDED The hotel _____________________ more expensive than we had thought. 16. He said that he needed to sell his car. RID “I need to _____________________ my car”, he said. 17. Even though I am not a fan of his music, I will still go to the concert. OF In _____________________ being a fan of his music, I will still go to the concert. 18. What did you get up to in the club last night? DO What _____________________ the club last night? 19. My brother shouted, “Wait for me!” TOLD My _____________________ wait for him. 20. It is hard to pay all of the bills on my salary. AFFORD I can´t _____________________ all the bills on my salary alone. 41 21. Jose is into spending time alone. BY Jose enjoys spending time _____________________ 22. Although he is tired, he continued working on the project. Despite _____________________ tiredness, he carried on working on the project. 23. We don´t have a lot of time left to finish the coursework. RUNNING We _____________________ time to finish the coursework. 24. I have always thought that learning languages with grammar is a waste of time. POINT I can´t _____________________ learning languages with lots of grammar. 25. He finds it hard to speak even basic English to native speakers. BY He can´t _____________________ speaking to native speakers. 26. If you want to travel around the world, you will have to do without some things and save. UP You will need _____________________ money if you want to travel around the world. 27. According to the teacher, we have an exam next month. Said The teacher _____________________ we have an exam next month. 28. In hindsight, Marc regretted having stayed up so late. ONLY “_____________________ hadn´t stayed up so late”, said Marc. 29. I enjoy spending time with my parents. OUT I am into _____________________ my friends. 30. Why don´t we start a business exporting wine from Castilla La Mancha? UP Let´s _____________________ business exporting wine from Castilla La Mancha? 42 31. We took on a new teacher as we have so many students. HAD We _____________________ teacher because the language school had lots of students. 32. The businessman opted out of the agreement as it seemed like a bad idea. NOT The businessman _____________________ ahead with the agreement. 33. The teacher likes students who participate in class. ON The teacher _____________________ students who participate in class. 34. He was accused of killing the pedestrian by the police. OF The police _____________________ running over the pedestrian. 35. I am really getting good at learning new vocabulary. TO I am really _____________________ new vocabulary. 36. We should go out this evening to celebrate the birth of your child. TO We _____________________ out this evening to celebrate the birth of your child. 37. Did you really have no idea that I was married to Inés? UNAWARE _____________________ that Inés was my wife? 38. Just in case you weren´t able to collect my son, I made other arrangements. UP I made other arrangements in case you _____________________ my son. 39. “I am not a fan of swimming in the sea” he said. FOND He said that he _____________________ swimming in the sea. 40. They carried out the road works on Main Street the week before last. WERE The road on Main Street works _____________________ week before last. 45 61. She was so angry because of my lateness. AS _____________________ late, she got really angry. 62. I am not used to wearing winter clothes. TEND I _____________________ wear winter clothes. 63. You are looking forward to your next holiday as you will relax. WAIT You _____________________ away on holiday because you want to relax. 64. Tom said to Oliver, “I can´t stand speaking French in front of people”. HATES Tom said _____________________ French in front of people. 65. You are not supposed to memorize vocabulary if you don’t understand the context. ALLOWED You _____________________ memorize vocabulary unless you understand the context. 66. If I were you, I would hang out with Tom because he is really funny. SPENDING I ____________________ Tom, he is really funny. 67. This is the first time I have met your husband. HAD I __________________________ your husband until today. 68. It´s not a good idea to try to do a government exam. WORTH It is hardly ___________________ do a government exam. 69. Singing lessons are something I have never wanted to do. APPEALED Singing lessons _________________ me. 70. Jaime says that he will pass the exam on his own, without the help of the teacher. BY Without any help, Jamie says he can pass the exam _________________. 46 71. I hardly ever get the opportunity to have a good time ALMOST I ____________________ the chance to have a good time. 72. In the end, he was a bad person to hang out with. TURNED He __________________ be a bad person to spend time with. 73. I haven´t had the opportunity to buy a house yet. STILL Buying a house ________________ possible for me. 74. “I think we ought to take a long look in the mirror” she said. BETTER “I reckon _____________________ a long look at ourselves” She said. 75. I haven´t got anything in mind for my thesis yet. THOUGHT I still haven´t _______________ idea for my thesis. 76. Suddenly, I felt very alone and started to worry about my future. SUDDEN All ____________________ felt lonely and I started to become concerned about my future. 77. I helped him avoid a huge mistake with my advice. PREVENTED My advice ___________________ a huge mistake. 78. I´m not sure we can afford to buy a house at the moment. FOR I really don´t think we ________________________ a house at the moment. 79. I asked a few friends of mine over to have a couple of drinks. IF I asked _______________ to come over to have some drinks with me. 80. I don´t have many interests outside of my friendship circle. FEW I have ______________ interests outside of my friendship circle. 47 81. In the past we didn´t have the internet in our office. USE We didn´t ____________ the internet in our workplace. 82. I really don´t know how you managed to pass that exam, it was a nightmare. SUCCEEDED I don´t understand ___________________passing that exam, it was almost impossible. 83. We started studying English over a decade ago and have only just got the B2. UP We ___________________ English more than 10 years ago, but we have only recently passed the B2. 84. In the past we always used to go away on the weekends. WOULD We _________________ on holiday at the weekends in the past. 85. I have enjoyed much more success this year than in the past. SUCCESSFUL I have _________________________ this year than in the past. 86. Nobody does as good a job as Marc by far in the office. BETTER Marc ____________________ than anyone else in the office. 87. I have never heard such nonsense in my whole life. EVER In my life I __________________ so many lies. 88. I will only help you providing that you ask for my help. LONG I will help you __________________ you ask me. 89. This is the most logical solution to the problem. SENSE This is the only solution that ______________. 90. I really am not up for taking part in such a time consuming course. WILLING I don´t think I ___________________ take part in such a difficult course. 50 27. has said that 28. If only I 29. hanging out with 30. set up a 31. had to hire a new 32. decided not to go 33. is keen on 34. accused him of 35. taking to learning 36. ought to go 37. Were you really unaware 38. Could not/couldn´t pick up 39. Was not/wasn´t fond of 40. were done the 41. had better listen 42. was disappointed to 43. stopped going to 44. am unlikely 45. should go over 46. found it difficult to 47. If only I had 48. speak German as clearly 49. to hurry up as 50. paid far more for 51. excited about 52. he was sorry for 53. they got back 54. been such a stressful 55. is so excellent that 51 56. such strong coffee that 57. drink this coffee because/as 58. such an old house that 59. was such an expensive sandwich 60. has been ages 61. As I was 62. do not/don´t tend to 63. cannot/can´t wait to go 64. that he hates speaking 65. aren’t/are not allowed to 66. recommend spending time with 67. had never met 68. worth trying to 69. have never appealed to 70. by himself 71. almost never have 72. turned out to 73. still has not been 74. we had better take 75. thought about an 76. of a sudden I 77. prevented him from making 78. can pay for 79. if some friends wanted 80. very few 81. use to have 82. how you succeeded in 83. took up studying 84. would always go 52 85. been much more successful 86. works much better 87. have not ever heard 88. as long as 89. makes sense 90. am willing to 91. me on purpose 92. banking on this course 93. face up to 94. to go over phrasal 95. looked up to my 96. went off it 97. have really taken to 98. look after you as 99. how to find the 100. hired over the
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