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Spanish Colonization of North America: War Economies & the Birth of the US, Resúmenes de Historia

An overview of the spanish colonization of north america, focusing on the economic motivations of the iberian powers and the political culture that shaped the early united states. The spanish colonization process, the role of war in iberian economies, and the complex political landscape of the united states during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

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Subido el 02/08/2019

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¡Descarga Spanish Colonization of North America: War Economies & the Birth of the US y más Resúmenes en PDF de Historia solo en Docsity! Civilization and Colonization of North America The first powers that will go to America are Castile and Portugal. They need to reach Asia by trade itself of the big European cities like Burgos, Barcelona or Lisbon, the spices for cooking and keep the food, opiates for medicine and silk. Europe needs to reach Asia via a route other than that of the Mediterranean, since since the fall of Constantinople in 1453 this route has been cut. Thanks to the Muslim presence in the Iberian Peninsula, Castile and Portugal have absorbed knowledge scientists from the Arab world, which will result in very advanced techniques. By far the extension and idiosyncrasy of the Muslim people, this culture has brought advanced navigation instruments from Asia to Castile like the compass, the sextant or the astrolabe, from India has brought the round ships - coconuts - predecessors of the caravel. These cocas need very little crew and are very stable, which contrasts with the systems European sailing, big ships that needed a great crew. The Arabs also export to Castile from India the number zero, oriental tales, chess - which is a war game -, the idea of the sphericity of the earth That is to say, they bring to the Iberian Peninsula the necessary knowledge to be able to Browse for long periods. Iberian economies are economies of war, that is, they have little agricultural activity and there is great activity social (something that does not happen in the rest of Europe). Here the young people were accustomed to ascend socially because of war merits, they were accustomed to enrich themselves with war spoils and looting It is not, therefore, a coincidence that, after the Reconquest, the Colombian project is approved, since there are that give way to both warlike gentleman. The fall of Constantinople, the quality of being Atlantic kingdoms and the war economy, make Portugal and Castile are looking for alternative routes to reach Asia. Portugal will begin the search for this route bordering Africa, as this has been established in the Treaty of Alcaçobas, treaty in which Castile and Portugal have divided the world with an imaginary line, the northern hemisphere will dominate Castilian and southern Portuguese domain. Columbus will then try to reach Asia without going through the aforementioned imaginary line established in the treaty. Columbus was a great traveler obsessed with Marco Polo's Book of Wonders . His calculations were full of errors, which caused Portugal to reject the project. The wise council of the crown of Castile He also rejected it, but Isabel the Catholic approved it, since there was too much idle gentleman. Columbus died thinking that he had arrived in Asia, and Americo Vespuccio, Genoese sailor, was the only one defended that this was another continent, since it was the only cult navigator who is interested in what he sees in other lands and it is thanks to its ability to observe that it does not recognize as Asia the new continent in which it is. The Spanish arrive very soon in North America. In 1513, from Cuba arrives Ponce de León to the Florida peninsula, which is named after having arrived on Easter morning Florida. His main object was to find slaves, due to the great mortality suffered by the Indians of the Caribbean by the bad deals that have inflicted them, as well as for the new diseases that the Spanish have brought. As well Expeditions will be made from Mexico. Spanish trips Spanish trips are made from American ports and follow two main routes: On the one hand there is the Pacific route (from Mexico) and on the other hand is the Antilles route (along the Atlantic). Expeditions they are carried out both for scientific reasons such as land exploration, and for economic reasons, since they are still looking for the way to Asia. The Spanish will colonize 15 of the current states of the union, such as Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, California, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona This colonization process will begin in 1512 and not It will end until 1812. It is Vasco Núñez de Balboa who sees for the first time the Pacific Ocean. Rodríguez Cabrillo manages to reach Alta California, which is already explored and will be repopulated with missions, hence almost all cities in California have names of saints. These expeditions will be completed with ground explorations. In 1540, Coronado begins an expedition from Mexico in search of the mythical culture of the Tuñi , which were said to have golden cities, symmetrical and that they were a complex culture and worth knowing; which leads Coronado to start a large-scale expedition. They will not find the mythical cultures, instead they will only find warlike indigenous to those who will submit later. It is on this expedition that the Colorado Canyon will be explored. The limits of the Spanish empire were understood as transition zones between the indigenous world and the empire. The main interest was political and strategic, so that nobody used the route to get to Asia and to thus protect the empire. However, they were sparsely populated areas of Europeans. In addition, there were the missions and the so-called stone presidios or forts in which the mercenaries who were the ones who lived They faced the Indians. There will also be some isolated villages or agricultural properties. Activity Main economic was mining. The Spanish limits are only intended to move the natives and others away powers of America. However, population shortages make them very vulnerable. French trips Also in the sixteenth century there will be French travelers. In 1524, Giovanni de Verrazano travels to America with French financing, like Jacques Cartier, which crosses the Strait of Newfoundland (Newfoundland) and The Labrador Peninsula. These trips served for France to take advantage of the Spanish crisis and claim, Like England, the territories visited. In 1588, at the end of the reign of Philip II, the defeat of the Invincible Armada, which highlights the lack of resources of Spain and its confrontation with other great powers like England or the Netherlands. It is now when the Spanish monopoly is broken, in the seventeenth century. France claims its territories in Newfoundland, Eastern Canada and the San Lorenzo River Valley (Québec, Montreal), the riverside territories of the Mississippi, where they will found the city of San Luis and, at the mouth of the Mississippi, the city of New Orleans. The French Empire was not very populated either, France moved its political structure to the colonies and economic, they traded with skins and dedicated themselves mainly to coastal activity. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Illustration in North America. Strengthening of Colonial politics, 1764-1776. The American reaction. Political evolution of the Congresses Bernard Baylin is a great historian who will change the course of the revolution, since part of the culture popular as a revolutionary principle. Considers that the political culture of the colonies is the same as that of England during the 18th century. Gordon S. Wood was his disciple and both will be the great observers of the revolution. At this time, the revolution had a Copernican sense. Until the French and American revolution, the sense of revolution was to "turn and return to the origin." The riots in the Old Regime are they considered as temporary illnesses of the population. With these two historical events, "Revolution" takes the current meaning of erasing and creating a new scheme and will give rise to the term "revolutionary". This will always be ambitious and arrogant and the first time it happens is in the United States from 1774 to 1783. Causes of the revolution: Illustration and reinforcement of colonial culture The political culture of the United States is complex, since liberal elements (John Locke, Adam Smith) are unite elements of political tradition (Salustio, Tito Livio). There will be then so there will be influences Greek, Roman and Italian republics (Machiavelli), the English revolution and the Scottish illustration (David Hume), which gives a very new dye to this revolution. On the one hand, there is a very rich culture that proposes the rupture with the metropolis and, on the other hand they are also the enlightened ideas that propose change and renewal. In the Enlightenment, light is rightly identified and there is a exaltation of humanistic values, since in the Middle Ages there was only faith and blindness. This illustration starts from John Locke, a disciple of Newton, so the humanities and natural sciences share something. He part of a natural order and universal guiding principles. According to Newton, the natural order is seen if we apply a logical principle of observation. Locke picks up this thought and applies it to the laws social: If we apply a logical method, we will also know what are the principles that govern the laws social. In the American Revolution the fact that the theory ceases to be such to become practice. In the race towards action we have the Declaration of Independence in the current sense of finished. Illustrated culture already existed in the eighteenth century, there were more than thirty written publications and superiority that has brought them peace. Is an equality that is felt in the American political work, the certainty that the superiority of the race Anglo-Saxon has generated that happiness. Through this faith, manifest destiny is transformed into certainty, into ethical obligation to be understood as such beyond its borders. This manifest destiny has always been Thus, the first step to happiness will be the conversion to Protestantism. The second step will be to acquire the American political and economic system. All the conflicts of the nineteenth century will justify them with this concept, because it brings peace and order to these places where there is only chaos, disorder and predestination (it is vain to consider Latin America). In Texas, they had established themselves since the end of the 18th and mid-19th centuries settlers of Anglo origin invited by the Mexican government, since Texas was a very little territory populated and the Mexican government had offered facilities for this territory. By 1830 there were already about twenty million Americans from the southern United States in Texas with their slaves. They will try to impose an economy of plantation and slave labor, they will try to establish a free trade with the southern United States without respecting the tariffs that the Mexican government had filed for USA In the 1830s, the Mexican government, suspecting the illegality in the possession of slaves and of This free trade decides not to face this, since the Texan community is thriving and being very productive This peaceful coexistence begins to fracture around 1835-1836, when the Mexican president considers that slavery should not be pampered and sends federal troops to get the African-American worker be free In 1836, Texans of Anglo origin threaten President Santana with independence from Mexico. Before proclaiming independence, Texans seek protection and protection from the United States, who It will maintain an ambiguous attitude: it will not deny protection to Texas but neither will it support it, which implies acceptance of slave territory by virtue of its manifest destiny . In late 1836, the Anglo population of Texas proclaimed the Republic of the Lone Star, with certain fear of the possibility that the Mexican government prevents this independence. For this reason, Texas asks joining the Federal Union and will also seek the support of England and France, with which he will sign trade agreements that will force the United States to restart talks with Texas. In the presidential elections of 1844 the Texan affair is obvious because it gives a certain boost to the confrontation between abolitionist states and slaveholders. This year's elections are won by James K. Polk, defender of the manifest destiny , convinced expansionist and defender of the admission of Texas into the Union. Thus, in 1845, Texas becomes part of the Union accepting the public debate on Texan slavery. THE CIVIL WAR. The kingdom of cotton. At the same time that the westward expansion takes place, the differences between North, West and South are accent The main differences are economic and social. Economic differences: While the South is sustained by an agricultural economy, the Northeast does with an industrial economy; and both systems are unable to complement each other. The industry of Northeast was textile and mechanical, they had shipyards that grew with the Napoleonic wars. When reestablishes peace, the US still cannot compete with the English industry, which will make them bet on a protectionist economy. On the contrary, the southern monoculture economy had been strengthened through the introduction of the cotton demotator that allows the cultivation of cotton even in poor soil; what makes the South defend free trade. On the other hand, the West also defends free trade for the agricultural economy of farmers with small territories. Social differences: The South increases the number of slaves since the eighteenth century and has since been reinforced, while in the North slavery has disappeared since the Constitution. In the North the Romantic abolitionist movements. Shortly before the civil war was declared, a country for former black slaves is created in Africa. Is a Very romantic perspective as it frees slaves but separates them from whites. In 1847 they moved to areas bought by the US in Africa whose capital is Monrovia, in honor of Monroe. In the southern United States there are more than two million slaves working in large plantations. Although the Most work in the field, there is also domestic service and specialized jobs such as carpenters or blacksmiths The housing of these slaves were small wooden cabins without a window, the food they perceived It was very scarce but enough. They were given clothes twice a year but only provided with footwear during the winter and they had a doctor for them. His workday was 16 hours in summer and 15 in winter. Only three slave insurrections are known in the North. In 1800, an insurrection led by Gabriel was organized in Richmond and they wanted to organize a massacre of white. They were discovered and not killed because slaves should be taken into account as investment, if they did they stayed if the workers for whom they had paid. In 1822 there was another insurrection and then Turner was given, convinced that God had called him to free the blacks. He murdered his white family and, in retaliation, whites indiscriminately killed blacks, hanged at 16 and many more were deported. It is surprising that, despite the harsh conditions in which they lived and worked, they rebelled in so few occasions compared to the Indies and the Caribbean islands. The incorporation of new territories Mexico will poison the new states like New Mexico, as political differences arise and economic (protectionism and free trade). Wilmont proposes an amendment saying that the Slavery will be banned in all territories that the United States was to acquire, but it was not accepted. Wilmont he also proposed that this slavery should be legislated, since the northern states were more populated and they dominated the house of representatives while the Senate maintained a certain balance. Southerners thought that everyone had the right to emigrate to the new territories. Polk proposed a line divide in parallel 36 (Missouri) that divided the US into two and that above this parallel did not There would be slavery. Armad conflict The federal government acts very quickly in the face of the secession of these states so as not to encourage further secession. On the contrary, the separate states move quickly and send Jefferson David to Georgia in quality of president of the confederate states. The southern states base their economy on slavery, the North thinks the solution is to stand firm against them. This is how the nation is organized and Lincoln He delivers his inaugural address. The idea of secession is not new, since the Theory of Cancellation was known. When Lincoln accesses power behaves as if nothing had happened. The war in the North and the Federal Union will not start He thinks the South is still part of it while the southern states think otherwise. In Charleston the garrison of Fort Sunter remains faithful to the Union and does not abandon it. In April 1861 the Confederation's new army opens fire on the fort and war begins. Some of the dubious states like Tennessee, Virginia, Arkansas and North Carolina join the confederation, so there are already 11 confederate states. The president must accept, if not the confederation, Yes the war. Although the North had an economic, geographical and military superiority, it was difficult to win the war by three reasons. The first reason is demographic, since the 23 states faithful to the Union had 22 million inhabitants and Confederates only 8.5 million inhabitants, of which 3.5 million were slaves. The economic reasons were that the North had all the iron coal mines and factories, too it had twice the mileage of railways, naval and banking capacity was also greater. The political reasons also invited a crushing triumph of the North, which remained true to the Constitution and thus reinforces the presidential power, exaggerated by Lincoln as Jackson did when facing the Court Supreme or Jefferson with the purchase of the Louisiana. In the South the confederation with the theoretician Calhoun and his theory of the cancellation is defended. Any decision of the president was discussed in the South in the Confederate chamber, so the president lacked power Direct over the South. In this way, the North and the South presented very different political realities, but, despite the apparent advantage of the North, its victory was delayed because the South assumed the war as a defensive war: the South did not advances, only defends itself to maintain its independence. Despite being the South who starts the war, It is the North who initiates the movement of troops. The south had the help of its population, they are in their terrain and know the lands they move on, while for the North the terrain is new and hostile. The best military of the war remained faithful to the confederation because the values that the south He defended ―hombría, honor, valor–, are the values by which the best military have always been guided. Lee, Thomas Jackson are the great military of the South. It is typical in the South that children of elites They will study in military academies before leading the plantation. Lincoln was happy to find a good boss military. In addition, the North had problems recruiting military, while the South did not, since it was a Patriot issue enlisting. In the North, Lincoln had to impose mandatory cams and in 1863 he had to impose mandatory recruitment, which made the war mostly immigrants to That had to be paid. Lincoln did not take clear measures for the war because he always thought he would win, that the victory was going to be easy. Lincoln did not use the patriotic soldiers of the North because he did not want to upset the Confederates. This is the first modern war, caused by the industrialization of the North. It is the first total war of history, since it involves all aspects of the country, economy, civilian population, occurs anywhere, cities, towns, countryside, there is no enclosed area of war. It is also a war of positions, since the trench is used a lot. For the first time, battleship and weapons are used that have a lot to do with the industrial revolution and they use wholesale metal. It is the first time there is a civil war in a industrialized country. War development It explodes in the South and it is in this scenario that it develops. The North takes time to find the strategy, but when it finds it, it works: it blocks all the ports of the South to close its markets, thus strangling The southern economy. The South will not recover its place as a major seller of textile material, since it will be Now for the colonies (India). This war was very expensive, since, in addition to the six hundred thousand deaths it left, fields were destroyed, crops were burned and it meant the end of the dominance of the South in the cotton market, which brought economic consequences. A NATION OF NATIONS. Stages of immigration. As of 1815, about 46 million immigrants arrive in the United States to settle there, due to repulsion and attraction factors. As factors of repulsion we find that the economy of nations Asians and Europeans were unable to assume the great population growth (almost tripled during the century xix) experienced in recent times; which reversed low wages, famine and unemployment. Is social instability gives rise to the political revolutions of the years 1830 and 1848, persecutions begin to democrats, socialists and anarchists. There are also religious persecutions, to the Jews in the Balkans and Russia and the Mormons in Denmark. There will also be ethnic, Slavic, Croatian and Czech persecutions, That everyone will go to America. The main forces of attraction are, above all, those ideas related to sleep American built during the nineteenth century: America is considered as the place of opportunities and This permeates European culture. Salaries are also higher and there was greater employment diversity (An immigrant did not necessarily have to be a farmer), the demographic rate was low, which he did This immigration is necessary to meet the demand for labor. 1st stage: 1820-1896 : Immigrants arriving in the United States come from the North and West of Europe, that is, they come from the same sites as the first settlers, so there will be no problems of assimilation in terms of language, religion and customs. In the decade 1840-1850 immigration occurs massive Irish and German. Also, in 1854 Chinese immigrants begin to arrive for the construction of the railroad, which will be very badly received and badly treated, and in 1882 they begin to enact laws against them to prevent their immigration. 2nd stage: 1896-1921 : This stage is characterized because all migrants will have problems with assimilation. They come from Portugal, Italy, some from Spain - the Spanish emigrated mostly to America from the South - from Poland, from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia, have different languages, very different cultures and others religions, which will make their integration quite difficult; and the first Japanese also arrive in Hawaii and the California coast. All these groups will be
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