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¡Descarga COMO ESCRIBIR UN ENSAYO DE OPINIÓN EN INGLÉS y más Apuntes en PDF de Inglés solo en Docsity! WRITING 3rd TERM BLACKBOARD FOR AND AGAINST ESSAY For and against essay is one type of discursive writing in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a specific topic. A For and against essay should consist of: *INTRODUCTION (paragraph ONE) present the topic making a general remark about it without giving your opinion; *MAIN BODY (Paragraph TWO) arguments FOR, with justifications/examples. (Paragraph THREE) arguments AGAINST , with justifications/examples. *CONCLUSION (final paragraph) your OPINION/ balanced summary. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROS AND CONS OF… Eating out at restaurant Fun to eat out / not as tiring as cooking/ have to book in advance/ expensive / unhealthy / not hygienic. Living in the country (living in the country has always appealed to a lot of people. One advantage of…) No shops nearby/ no hospitals nearby/ no noise from traffic / lower house prices / safe place to bring up children / faraway from friends / long car journeys to school. / Healthy environment. 1 FOR AND AGAINST ESSAY 1. Read the article and label the paragraphs with the correct headlines. * Arguments against *arguments for *opinion *present topic Did you know that the boat was one of the first forms of transport? A hundred years ago, the only way to make a journey across the sea was by boat. Nowadays, however, when it is possible to fly from one continent to another in the space of a few hours, is there any reason to travel by boat? Although the boat is a rather old-fashioned way of travelling, it has certain advantages._________________________________ To begin with, boats are usually more comfortable than planes or cars. Instead of staying in your seat for the whole journey, you can go for a walk on the deck, eat in a restaurant, or even go shopping. Having more space to move around makes a long journey much more pleasant. Furthermore, boats are often cheaper than other forms of travel. For example, a boat ticket usually costs less than a plane ticket. Finally, boats are a safe alternative to cars and planes. There are fewer accidents at sea than in the air or on the roads. _________________ However, travelling by boat does have its disadvantages. It usually takes much longer than other forms of travel. As a result. It can be more tiring. In addition, boat trips can be very unpleasant when the weather is bad or the sea is rough, making journeys uncomfortable or even frightening. _________________________________ All things considered, although there are some disadvantages to travelling by boat, I believe it is a very enjoyable experience .Journeys may take longer, but you have time to spare, you can take advantage of the many facilities which boats have to offer and enjoy a pleasant voyage. _________________________________ Useful expressions and linking words/phrases • to list and add points: In the first place, To start/begin with, Secondly, Thirdly, finally, In addition (to this), Furthermore, Moreover, Besides, etc. • to introduce or list advantages: The main/first/most important advantage of..., One/Another/ An additional advantage of..., One point of view in favour of..., It is often suggested/ believed/argued that..., Some/Many people suggest/feel/ argue that..; Some/ Many people are in favour of / are convinced that.. etc. • to introduce or list disadvantages: The main/most important disadvantage/ drawback of..., One/Another/An additional disadvantage of..., One point/argument against.; Some/Many people are against... , etc. • to introduce examples/reasons/results: for example/instance, such as, like, in particular, therefore, for this reason, because, as, since, as a result. etc. • to show contrast: On the other hand, However, still, but, Nonetheless, Nevertheless, Although, Even though. Despite/In spite of(the fact that), etc. • to introduce a conclusion: In conclusion, To conclude/sum up, All in all, Finally, Lastly, All things considered, Taking everything into account/consideration, etc. How to list ADVANTAGES: *There are advantages to being vice-president: one is that you have servants. *It is an advantage to being vice-president: you have servants. 2 You can END a For and Against essay by a) giving a balance consideration of the points on the topic or b) giving your opinion, that is, for example, by expressing whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa. To state your personal opinion, you can use: in my opinion/ I believe / in my view,/ it seems to me, /the way I see it, / I think…etc. 6. Read the closing paragraphs below and say whether they express a balance consideration or the writer’s opinion. 1. In conclusion, getting married has, to my mind, more advantages than disadvantages. After all, what can be more fulfilling than a steady relationship with the person you love that lasts for the rest of your life? 2. To sum up, camping holidays do have advantages, the main one being that they are far cheaper than other holidays. In my opinion, however, there is too much hard work involved for them to ever feel like a real holiday. 3. To conclude, by looking after animals and helping them to breed, zoos play an important part in protecting many species from becoming extinct. Therefore, the negative aspects of keeping animals in captivity are balance out by the positive ones. 4. All in all, computers have both advantages and disadvantages. They may have replaced humans in many jobs, but they have also made our lives considerably easier, and it is now difficult to imagine life without them. 5. On the whole, while most people go on holiday to rest, this is one thing you are unlikely to do on an adventure holiday. In my opinion, this disadvantage outweighs all the advantages associated with this kind of holiday. 6. Taking everything into account, there are both advantages and disadvantages in keeping pets. In the end it is up to the individual to decide whether the pleasure associated with owning a pet is worth the work that goes with it. Extension: brainstorm points for and points against: getting married, camping holidays, keeping animals in zoos, computers, adventure holidays, keeping pets. 7. Read the TOPIC SENTENCES and think of appropriate supporting ones. 1. There are certain drawbacks to being a doctor.  have to study all their lives in order to keep up with the latest medical developments.   2. Watching television has certainly got its advantages. *Keep up to date with current news. * * 3. There are many arguments against being a famous rock star. * never home because they travel all over the world giving concerts. * * 5 8. Read the TOPIC SENTENCES and write appropriate supporting ones. Joint the sentences with appropriate linking words / phrases in order to write a complete paragraph. SMALL NOTEBOOK 1. There is no doubt that going on holiday during the winter is an attractive option. 2. On the other hand, there are drawbacks to being a fire-fighter. 3. There are certain disadvantages to owning a dog. 9. a. Discuss the following questions.  Do many people in your country use bicycles instead of cars?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a bicycle?  What are the differences between cycling in the city and in the country?  Do you think more people should cycle to work instead of using other forms of transport? b. Look at the list of points below and tick the six points that should be included in your article. Mark these as A (advantage) or D (disadvantage), as in the example. Cycling is an inexpensive form of transport √ A Fumes from cars and lorries are bad for your health There are lots of different bicycles in the shops Cycling helps you to stay fit Cycling on busy roads is not very safe My cousins go cycling at weekends Cycling is an environmentally-friendly way to travel Bicycles are unsuitable for long journeys c. Match the relevant points from above to the justifications below. Then, make sentences using linking appropriate words / phrases. a. it is a good form of exercise, particularly for the legs, heart and lungs. b. it does not create air pollution. c. you do not have to spend money on things such as petrol or costly repairs. d. drivers do not always give way to cyclists. e. there is a limit to the distance a cyclist can reasonably travel in one day. f. in some cities the fumes are so bad that cyclists have to wear masks to protect them from pollution. TASK A health and fitness magazine has asked its readers to write an article discussing the advantages and disadvantages of cycling as a form of transport. Write your article for the magazine. Use your answers from exercise 7 to write your article on the advantages and disadvantages of cycling as a means of transport (120-180 words). 6 FOR AND AGAINST ESSAYS-UPPER INTERMEDIATE 1. Read through the arguments and match each argument with its corresponding justification. Then say which are In favour of and which are against using mobile phones. 1. Using mobile phones can be dangerous. a. if you find yourself in a dangerous situation, you can call for help no matter where you are. 2. Mobile phones are very useful for people who are often on the move. b. talking on a mobile phone while driving reduces concentration by up to 30% and so greatly increases the chances of causing an accident. 3. Some people claim that owning a mobile phone is a waste of money. c. they can easily be contacted no matter where you are. 4. Having a mobile phone increases your personal security. d. the basic charge for the service is much higher than for a normal telephone, and the calls are extremely expensive. Write these essays (120-180 words) 1. Your teacher has asked you to write a composition giving arguments for and against owning a mobile phone. 2. You have been asked to write a composition on the advantages and disadvantages of living in the country. List advantages and disadvantages first. Living in the country has always appealed to a lot of people. ……………………………………....................... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… One advantage of living in the country is that……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… All things considered, ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of LIVING IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY. Then read the beginnings and endings and write your own composition. BEGINNINGS a. Every morning some people strap on their skis, climb into their canoes or ride a horse to get to their jobs. They are not eccentrics, though; they have simply chosen to live in a place where ways of getting to work differ from those in their own country. b. As foreign travel becomes increasingly cheap and convenient, more and more people are discovering new places. Many prefer them to their own countries and decide to move there. But is living abroad as easy as it seems? c. Have you ever thought of setting down in your dream country? It is undoubtedly a big decision to make, but it can often change your life for the better. One of the main advantages of living in a foreign country is that it gives you the opportunity to experience an entirely different way of life, which can be a valuable form of education. Moreover, one is given the chance to learn and become fluent in another language through everyday use. In addition, many people become more independent and self-reliant by having to cope with difficult situations on their own. Finally, living in a country with a different climate can prove beneficial to both one’s health and state of mind. 7 Going to work by car, while favoured by some, can be more trouble than it is worth for others. Outlined below are some of the advantages and disadvantages. On the other hand, going to work by car every day can be expensive as it costs a lot of money to keep a car on the road. In addition, you can waste a lot of time looking for somewhere to park. Another disadvantage is getting stuck in traffic jams; not only is this stressful, it is also time-consuming. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages OF LIVING IN A FLAT. Put these jumbled paragraphs in the correct order. On the other hand, living in a flat certainly has some disadvantages. Those helpful neighbours may also be extremely noisy and bothersome. This can make life extremely unpleasant, particularly if your sleep is constantly interrupted. Not having a backyard or garden can prove to be a disadvantage for a family with small children. Also, living in a neighbourhood crowded with blocks of flats means that parking is limited and finding a space for your car could take a considerable amount of time. Taking everything into account, whether living in a flat has more advantages than disadvantages depends upon the individual. For some people it may be an unpleasant experience, while for others it may be ideal. As the saying goes, “what is one man’s meat is another man’s poison.” What is more, flats are usually located close to the city centre and public transport is easily accessible. For those who work in the city centre, living in a flat is a sensible decision. One major advantage of living in a flat is that you feel secure knowing that there is always somebody nearby to help you in an emergency or watch your flat while you are away. As well as this, flats have very low maintenance costs. For example, with only one balcony, there is no lawn to cut, bushes to trim or leaves to rake. Have you ever wished that the teenager next door wouldn’t play his music so loudly or that your neighbours didn’t argue at one o’clock in the morning? If you live in a block of flats, the chances are that you have. Nevertheless, living in a block of flats is not always as bad as it may seem. LIVING IN THE COUNTRY. Suggested beginnings A. Can you imagine yourself living in the heart of the country woken up every morning by birds singing happily? Many people choose this way of life and there are both advantages and disadvantages to it. B. Desmond Morries, the British anthropologist, once said, “the city is not a concrete jungle. It is the human zoo.” This may be the reason why some people choose to live in the country. C. Isn’t it strange how being in the country relaxes us? Because of this, many people decide to live there permanently. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this way of life. D. Living miles away from your nearest neighbour, with only animals for company, may sound like heaven. It could also be your idea of a nightmare. Body paragraphs One advantage of living in the country is that it is a safe place for children to play and grow up in. what is more, house prices are lower and there is also far less noise from traffic. 10 On the other hand, car journeys to work and school are much longer than they are in towns. Sort out these sentences to write a composition about the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV. -On the other hand, there is often not much censorship of television. Because of this, programmes containing violence, horror and other unsuitable viewing material can be broadcast and watched by your children without your knowledge. -To begin with, television can be educational as well as entertaining. There is usually a whole range of interesting documentaries to watch which bring sights and sounds into your home that you would not otherwise have the opportunity to experience. -Almost everyone owns a television these days and watches it regularly. However, there are many arguments for and against this form of entertainment. -All things considered, television is something that can be enjoyed by all. However, we must decide what is worth viewing and what is not. -Also, watching television encourages people to be lazy and not to communicate with each other. -What is more, it is very relaxing to sit in the comfort of your own home and be entertained without having to worry about getting dressed up and spending a lot of money to have a good time. Fill in the gaps with words that have been removed from the essay Moreover , However, One advantage of, feel, What’s more, On balance, On the other hand, For example, For this reason 11 What are the advantages and disadvantages of single-sex schools? Most people agree that girls and boys are different._______________, boys are often more competitive than girls, and girls are often more hard-working than boys. Some people think that because boys and girls are different, they should be taught separately. _______________, there are also disadvantages to single- sex schools. _______________single-sex schools is that boys and girls do not distract each other. _______________, pupils can concentrate more on their studies. _______________, teachers in single-sex schools can change their teaching style to suit their students. Boys and girls learn differently! _______________, women and men have to learn to live together in the outside world. Single-sex schools prevent boys and girls from learning to work together. _______________, single-sex schools could make boys and girls uncomfortable with each other. _______________, I _______________that mixed schools are better than single-sex schools because both sexes learn how to cooperate, which is important when students leave school and enter the real world. TASK : WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SCHOOL UNIFORMS? Write an essay in your small notebook. IDEAS: they make everybody feel equal , they are smart and they make a good impression/ they are boring / they are old-fashioned / they can reduce bullying, because everybody looks the same/ they stop people feeling that they have to wear expensive designer clothes to school / they stop people expressing their creativity / they are to formal and uncomfortable. MODEL ESSAYS The advantages and disadvantages of free public transport In some cities, public transport is subsidised to make it cheaper. However, some people think it should be completely free. Would it be a positive or a negative thing? There are several arguments in favour of free public transport. More people would use it, consequently cities would be cleaner and safer. Another advantage is that people would have more money for shopping and leisure, and so business would benefit. On the other hand, if all fares were free, taxes would be higher. As a result, some people might protest. What is more, councils would have to improve services, which would be expensive. In conclusion, free public transport has advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, it is better to pay if you want a good service. Read this essay about the Internet and write a new one about the advantages and disadvantages of whatsapp. What are the arguments for and against the Internet? The Internet is something people are using more and more. Young people especially are spending more time surfing. However, is this new technology a positive or a negative thing? 12
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