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Comunicación Publicitaria Bilingüe, Apuntes de Comunicación

Profesora Susana Asenjo McCabe, curso 2018/2019

Tipo: Apuntes


Subido el 16/09/2019

samia-jahjah-salihi 🇪🇸



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¡Descarga Comunicación Publicitaria Bilingüe y más Apuntes en PDF de Comunicación solo en Docsity! Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. 12th of February, 2019 UNIT 1​: GENERAL FRAME OF ADVERTISING. DEFINITION FOR ADVERTISING. 1. General frame​ for advertising communication 2. Where do we come from? Thoughts about the concept of advertising origins 3. Are there magical recipes in advertising 4. Definition of advertising 5. Who is advertising addressing to? 6. Advertising within marketing 7. Advertising IMC and 360º 1. GENERAL FRAME FOR ADVERTISING COMMUNICATION. Advertising has always existed and will always exist as a mean to sell something to someone else. It was a powerful tool to differentiate the products in the market. Advertising and economy has been always of such importance, because of the capitalism. The subjects are focused in: 1. Increase of ​production​. 2. Increase of ​buying and selling​ transactions. 3. Diversification and appearance of new products and services (inventions, ​leisure​). 4. Growth of ​competition​. 5. ​Mass media development​. 2. WHERE DO WE COME FROM? THOUGHTS ABOUT THE CONCEPT OF ADVERTISING ORIGINS The objective of all the economic strategies are centered in the creation of ​demand​. The energies long ago destined to the production are now oriented to the construction of something deeper: ​the whole “world” around a brand​, which is much more than the ​product itself​. You have to enhance the brand itself, not so much the product (its quality). E.g., how do you choose among the brands of yoghurt? It depends both in terms of ​emotional connection and the ​rational benefit​. The figure of the ​consumer​ becomes the key piece of the system. - ​Target group​: Group of people that a campaign is hoping to influence. “The advertiser can define the target group with a high degree of accuracy and can focus all media expenditure on them”. Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. - ​Where is advertising heading to?​: Advertising can make you buy something you do not need, but never something you do not want. Advertising also does not sell, but makes you want to buy: the final decision is in the consumer. 3. ARE THERE MAGICAL RECIPES IN ADVERTISING? (AIDA MODEL!) - ​A.I.D.A.: ​The AIDA model stands for attention, interest, desire and action. It is a model used in marketing that describes the steps a customer goes through in the process of purchasing a product. The AIDA model has been in use since the late 19th century. The AIDA model was developed by the American businessman, E. St. Elmo Lewis, in 1898. The original main purpose was to optimize sales calls, specifically the interaction between seller and buyer concerning the product. 1. Call consumer’s ​attention​: ​awareness​. 2. Hold ​interest​: ​consideration​. 3. Arouse a ​desire​: ​engagement​. 4. Induce to ​action​: ​purchase​. Many brands -> Fewer brands -> Final choice -> ​Buy​. - ​Consumer Decision Journey (McKinsey, 2009)​: 1. Consumer ​considers purchase: ​Views your brand on retailer site and is impressed by enthusiastic user reviews. 2. Consumer ​evaluates brand: ​Watches YouTube video posted by enthusiastic owner showing the product´s innovative uses. 3. Consumer ​buys product: ​Photographs the product in store, posts it for others to comment on, and receives personal message with coupon from the brand​. 4. Consumers interacts ​(​experience//enjoy​) with brand after purchase: ​Follows your expert on Twitter to receive product updates; retweets to friends​. 5. Consumer ​advocates for brand: ​Comments on your representative´s helpful advice in a user forum, then likes your Facebook page​. 6. Consumer ​bonds​: ​Tips friends on Foursquarñe after revisiting your store to purchase again​. Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. 3. Place. 4. Promotion (Communication Mix): Advertising, P.R. (public relations), P.O.S. (point of sale), Sales promotion, etc. Examples of Zara (no commercials) and Ferrero Rocher (luxury, elegance, expensive, good quality) - Luis Bassat: “Advertising is the art to ​persuade​ the consumer”. 7. ADVERTISING IMC AND 360º Definition by the American Marketing Association: A planning process designed to assure that all brand contacts received by a customer or prospect for a product, service, or organization are relevant to that person and consistent over time. I.M.C/C.I.M One voice: Integrated Marketing Communication combining and integrating in a coordinated manner different elements of the marketing and communication mix, to build a consistent positioning, message and tone for the brand/product, to achieve target communication goals, to maximize the impact on your audience and lead to some behavioral action, Advertising 360º (IMC + Digital Media): ● Focus on your target group ● Customer-centric approach ● Use offline and online media ● Connect with customer Go and be where the consumer naturally touches the brand. ● Set up collaborative tools ● Engage users to buzz and in product testing ● Trigger the conversation Ensure the inclusion of consumer-generated feedback Blended marketing: Integration of both online and traditional tools and formats that reinforces the brand’s values. Comparisons between Obama, Hillary Clinton and Trump’s electoral campaigns. Obama’s campaign was more personal, talk to people, each donation was important, actually listen to people, he used a 360º.Hillary used a more traditional approach, although she did have a website and stuff, she used money from big promoters, and failed at connecting with other consumers. Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. One of the most powerful tools Trump has used is Twitter, more than any politician ever, He has somehow used this tool to present himself as real, another citizen, engage in conversation. Strong online campaign, empowering consumers and include them in the campaign (Trump and Obama). Also RRSS; peer to peer conversation, we perceive it as the person who is talking is real. Enhance brand likeability by uploading photos and stuff, show themselves more vulnerable and human, again it works successfully. Text messages accepted by users: PERMISSION MARKETING, based in database and subscriptions. New paradigm: new tools for new politics. Obama was the first candidate to promote himself in a video game. He also went to Jimmy Kimmel’s show to address youngsters through a jam session, talking the same language they will understand. He also engaged in conversation in Hangouts where citizens could ask him things and he would answer. POSITIONING Brand Positioning is the set of associations and values that come to the consumers mind when they think about a product/brand compared to the competition. A brand communicates specific information about a company, product or service and it distingishes it from the competition in the marketplace. A brand carries a “promise” about the qualities and characteristics that make a company, product or service unique. The goal of positioning is to keep the brand in the top of mind of consumers, so it must: - Differentiate your product from the competition ones. - Communicate relevant buying criteria. - Articulate the key characteristics of the product/brand. Positiong is established when taking into consideration: - How the target makes its purchase decisions - How competition positions its products - What the product really offers Positioning is the first thought that comes to the consumers mind when thinking about a brand, and it should be: - Solid and clearly defined - Important - Significative - Sustainable - Different - Plausible and credible BRANDING The purpose of branding is to create and manage a brand and provide it with a personality, establishing a clear positioning. That is to say, a positioning that clearly Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. associates a company, product or service with an image or identity in the mind of consumers. 26th of February, 2019 UNIT 2​: EMOTIONAL ADVERTISING. LOVEMARKS. THE INSIGHT IN ADVERTISING. Emotional advertising: Emotion that engages and connects. 1.LOVEMARKS Pursue more from life: Metlife ad Fear and hope are usually the emotions that are most exploited since they are very effective when leading consumers to action. Recipes to be a​ ​LOVEMARK​: Lovemarks: Worshipped brands Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. Notoriety Aspiration to be known doesn’t mean to be loved Function Feeling function = shallow qualities > feelings= are part of the consumer Communication Dialogue communicate =to say what I offer>dialogue= to share Service Relationship service is sold > relationship generate fidelity and loyalty Emotional advertising: - It aspires to connect brands/products with consumers - It focuses in the desire to transcend the mere material satisfaction - Brands try to access the aspirational urges that underlie human drives (consumer insights) - It focuses in the long term relationship with consumers and it favours intimacy and connectivity - The advertising message engages with consumers through intimate connections that activate a positive attitude towards the marketing content. ...but be careful “ Advertising shouldn’t attempt to make consumers fall in love with the advertisements, but with the product showcased in them” (Leo Burnett) 5th of March, 2019 2. THE INSIGHT IN ADVERTISING. INSIGHT, ​some definitions: (perception, revelation) CONSUMER INSIGHT - A ​deep truth​ about the consumer based in his/her behaviour, beliefs, needs or desires that are relevant to enable the ​identification​ with our target market. - Deep observation​s about the consumers behavior that provide a sort of revelation or truth about them that might ​inspire​ our marketing approach. - A deep integrated knowledge about the consumers and the market will help advertisers to structure their thinking and to make sensible decisions. - Catalysts of behaviors, attitudes To know about our consumer in a deep way favors the ​empathy​ of the audience with an advertising campaign, activates the identification and knowledge of the target audience. In this way, the advertising actions communicate, inspire and become unforgettable. Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. Cannes Gold Lion 2013 - Dove: Camera Shy: An insight is a truth the target recognises (“that is true”) generating familiarity and generating a positive perception of the advertising storytelling. It makes consumers connect with the brand, because the insight stimulates… Del Campo - BGH Padres en slip: Madres, ellas lo saben todo, Atún Calvo: Humour is good, exaggerate to make us laugh and identify yourself with the people in the campaign “Insights are the best way to support an emotional approach, to engage with the audience in a different manner: they don’t intend to reach consumers and convince them using skillful strategies addressed to their mind (reason), but try instead to achieve the sympathy of consumers by appealing to their affective resources (..) emotional connections that come from a look to the inner of consumer, by diving into their hearts and minds” McDonald’s Baby Commercial: Banned commercial - Use Condoms!: IKEA celebrating many years: stagram/ Salvemos las cenas - IKEA: Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. Empieza algo nuevo - IKEA: ​ THE STRATEGIC /ACCOUNT PLANNER: Introduces and reads consumer insights, the perspective and attitudes of consumers in the advertising process, strategy and creative development Explores data and research to find entries and keys to boast (?) The “Insight Miner” looks for these “truths” that should be: - Real, intimate, familiar - Universal - Useful - Authentic - Strategical - Long-lasting They show how similar we all are when it comes to what makes us feel confused or excited, suffer, laugh, feel sympathy, love , disagree, misunderstand things… CREATIVE CONCEPT Where are the keys that activate the creative process? The brand, the product, ​the consumer​? It requires going over objective data, it is not enough In the brief the ​advertiser describes the target: ​“Female, 18-34, Married with children, college educated, residential housing, urban” In the ​Advertising Agency the ​Account Planner searches for the right ​insight​: ​ask those women: what’s their life like, what does she like, what’s her daily life like…” The basis to get to know our consumer is market research, that will help us identify insights and raise communicative solutions. (buyer persona, focus groups, deep interviews, laddering) Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. - Corporate Speak: shut up and listen! - One-to-many WEB 2.0: ​Web 2.0 refers to world wide website which highlight user-generated content, usability and interoperability for end users. Web 2.0 is also called participative social web. It does not refer to a modification to any technical specification, but to modify in the way Web pages are designed and used. The transition is beneficial but it does not seem that when the changes are occurred. An interaction and collaboration with each other is allowed by Web 2.0 in a social media dialogue as creator of user-generated content in a virtual community. Web 1.0 is enhanced version of Web 2.0. The web browser technologies are used in Web 2.0 development and it includes AJAX and JavaScript frameworks. Recently, AJAX and JavaScript frameworks have become a very popular means of creating web 2.0 sites. It is the “writable” phrase of the World Wide Web with interactive data. Unlike Web 1.0, Web 2.0 facilitates interaction between web users and sites, so it allows users to interact more freely with each other. Web 2.0 encourages participation, collaboration, and information sharing. Examples of Web 2.0 applications are Youtube, Wiki, Flickr, Facebook, and so on. - The web becomes social - Many-to-many and multidirectional communication - Second generation was based in : ● User communities ● Special range of services:​social media​, platform for apps ● Cooperation and exchange ● Change of paradigm:the receiver puts himself in the center and takes control Usage of Web 2.0 – The social Web contains a number of online tools and platforms where people share their perspectives, opinions, thoughts and experiences. Web 2.0 applications tend to interact much more with the end user. As such, the end user is not only a user of the application but also a participant by these 8 tools mentioned below: 1. Podcasting 2. Blogging 3. Tagging 4. Curating with RSS 5. Social bookmarking 6. Social networking 7. Social media 8. Web content voting From web 1.0​=storage of contents​ to web 2.0​=organism that is alive, nourished by the users, receivers but also producers and senders, being its main value to be social (peer connection considering everyone’s singular contribution) Artificial Intelligence​, semantic web, Web 3D, geospatial web, Internet of things=​web 3.0 Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. WEB 3.0: i​t refers to the evolution of web utilization and interaction which includes altering the Web into a database. In enables the upgradation of back-end of the web, after a long time of focus on the front-end (Web 2.0 has mainly been about AJAX, tagging, and another front-end user-experience innovation). Web 3.0 is a term which is used to describe many evolutions of web usage and interaction among several paths. In this, data isn’t owned but instead shared, where services show different views for the same web / the same data. The Semantic Web (3.0) promises to establish “the world’s information” in more reasonable way than Google can ever attain with their existing engine schema. This is particularly true from the perspective of machine conception as opposed to human understanding. The Semantic Web necessitates the use of a declarative ontological language like OWL to produce domain-specific ontologies that machines can use to reason about information and make new conclusions, not simply match keywords. It is the “executable” phrase of Word Wide Web with dynamic applications, interactive services, and “machine-to-machine” interaction. Web 3.0 is a semantic web which refers to the future. In Web 3.0, computers can interpret information like humans and intelligently generate and distribute useful content tailored to the needs of users. One example of Web 3.0 is Tivo, a digital video recorder. Its recording program can search the web and read what it finds to you based on your preferences.Below are 5 main features that can help us define Web 3.0: - Semantic Web: ​The succeeding evolution of the Web involves the Semantic Web. The semantic web improves web technologies in demand to create, share and connect content through search and analysis based on the capability to comprehend the meaning of words, rather than on keywords or numbers. - Artificial intelligence:​ ​Combining this capability with natural language processing, in Web 3.0, computers can distinguish information like humans in order to provide faster and more relevant results. They become more intelligent to fulfil the requirements of users. - 3D Graphics: ​The three-dimensional design is being used widely in websites and services in Web 3.0. Museum guides, computer games, ecommerce, geospatial contexts, etc. are all examples that use 3D graphics. - Connectivity ​With Web 3.0, information is more connected thanks to semantic metadata. As a result, the user experience evolves to another level of connectivity that leverages all the available information. - Ubiquity. ​Content is accessible by multiple applications, every device is connected to the web, the services can be used everywhere. Difference between Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 – WEB 1.0 WEB 2.0 WEB 3.0 Mostly Read-Only Wildly Read-Write Portable and Personal Company Focus Community Focus Individual Focus Home Pages Blogs / Wikis Live-streams / Waves Owning Content Sharing Content Consolidating Content Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. Web Forms Web Applications Smart Applications Directories Tagging User Behaviour Page Views Cost Per Click User Engagement Banned Advertising Interactive Advertising Behavioural Advertising Britannica Online Wikipedia The Semantic Web HTML/Portals XML / RSS RDF / RDFS / OWL Internet User=XXI century consumer:​ A much more complex consumer in a much more complex environment: INFOXICATION Practical class 6/03/2019 Examples of Honda. - Target market. - Tone of Communication: Emotional, optimistic, the power of dreams. - Business challenge and objective creative challenge. - Advertising objectives. - Communicate launch. - Key benefit. - Reasons why: Set of objective arguments that back up the promise. It must be proved, to give credit. How to start creative work?. - Idea. - Concept. - Slogan. - Usual positioning / perceptions: What the product is considered. - Once we have the creative concept: Time for creative team: art direction. - Artistic development: Hire people to develop the visuals. - Visual references: What type of visuals to present? - Choose the animator for making the animations. Honda advert: Impossible Dream. Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. Tú sabes hacerlo. Al volante, pasa del móvil: ​ Nueva campaña informativa de la DGT: ​ Some conclusions about the effectivity of traffic campaigns: “To achieve a significant reduction in the number of deceased and injured in traffic accidents, it’s necessary to increase significatively the level of harshness of the messages broadcasted after a certain period of lighter advertising” “Even although DGT has been making awareness advertising campaigns for road users since 1960, it's not until 1993 that the campaigns with greater social impact appear, exploiting a more realistics hard and dramatic communication tone, that included explicit images of the sequence prior to the hard accident together with it’s physical, family and social consequences” When the number of accidents increase, ads start to be really aggressive for a while but then it comes again to mild normal ones. Because people cannot receive that aggression all the time. Just when it is necessary. We have reached an emotional advertising that can get to us. It is statistically demonstrated that it works. ASSIGNMENT: FATAL ROAD ACCIDENTS DGT wants to launch its new awareness-raising campaign 2019 to reduce the number of casualties in traffic accidents. Prepare a Storyboard explaining how that advertisement is going to look like (audio-visual execution, for Television/Internet) once you’ve discussed: - Which is the most appropriate approach? - Which are the factors we should take into consideration? - Why do we decide on this type of strategy? EXPERIENCIA 360º “TÚ ELIGES”: ​ La impactante campaña de Volkswagen para evitar accidentes por el uso del teléfono celular 19th of March, 2019 The new ​CONSUMER​: - Masters advertising ​language​ and he/she is aware of the advertiser’s strategy - Has and keeps he/she’s own ​opinion​, listens and values other’s opinions, too - Rejects unidirectional messages (monologue) from the advertiser - Produces​ and broadcasts texts, images and audio Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. - Interacts​ with other consumers and with the establishment - Searches​, checks and verifies, gets informed & compares Essential elements in the life of new consumers (water, food…) and a ​SMARTPHONE​: - Is the most personal device: back in the day, it was in the living room and it was shared and basically it wasn’t as personal as it is now - 24/7: access to the Internet all the time, permanently capable of reaching consumers - Users connect any time any place: amazing challenge and opportunity for advertisers, be in contact with consumers all the time We practically cannot live without these devices. We are constantly on our phones, there is no need for us to have memory at all, we have external memory types of devices that make it easier. Who knows what kind of future human being there will be. Human dystopia:​ Are you lost in the world like me?: The new ​CONSUMER​ (continued) - Demands immediacy and customization: everything must be meant to personas, actual personas with a name and surname. We are the generation of immediacy, we are incapable of thinking that we have to wait for a week to see an episode or something. Advertisers obviously must adapt to these expectations consumers have. - Looks for experiences: experiences of consumers, important to know what others think Example: IKEA BIG Sleepover: A dramatic surprise on a quiet square: Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. Pictionary Mall Surprise: ​ - Committed: advertiser must take it into consideration. We are one of the most conscious generations. We will not buy a product if we know they exploit people or animals... - Crossumer (Cross + Consumer)​: the interactive consumer has crossed the line that traditionally has separated the roles of producer and consumer. We have an opinion, we express it, suggest things, give advice, listen to others, very creative generation with tools to express it. Belongs to community, buys and sells, participates and cooperates, recommends and shares, listens to recommendations, has and expresses an opinion, gets informed, influences, advocates or complains... - Prosumer (producer + consumer)​: A prosumer is a person who consumes and produces media. It is derived from “presumption”, a dot-com era business term meaning: production by consumers. These terms were coined by American futurist Alvin Toffler. - Empowered: new consumers are empowered. We have the power to use the new technology to communicate, express our ideas, knowledge, culture, complain… The internet and the new technologies have given individuals the power of information, connection, communication, of changing , exchanging, generating, moving and spreading information, culture, ideas, opinions… Forward contact no matter what it is Example: HUAWEI commercial “It’s in your hands”: 26th of March, 2019 - Empowered (cont): from and inferred knowledge, to a first hand knowledge: the end of captive audiences​. Consumers don’t rely anymore in the information about products that comes from brands, the Internet offers alternative information sources to consumers: from bloggers to content generated by consumers and cooperative social media such as Facebook Twitter. Power of boycotting a brand if we find out it is unethical. ¿Eres tan anónimo como crees?: 2. NEW MARKETING PARADIGM: Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. interesting and held a lot of events, such as taking a famous boy band. All to make sandwiches more interesting thanks to Walkers. These type of campaigns rely a lot on the crossumer, the consumers become brand promoters, that way it reaches much more people. It also makes media much more interested in the brand. CONTENT MARKETING, Branded Content:​ ​VALUE=CONTENT BMW Films - Star: This is the example of how a brand makes its ads “movie like”. In this case it consists of a couple of episodes. In this case, you see the product and its well performance and it feels natural. It doesn’t seem forced. Philips Cinema - Parallel Lines: In an objective way, they were very appealing in terms of cinema. Very sophisticated post-production. In this case, you don’t even see the product. Convey the idea that to watch the best kind of cinema, you need this set. The New Model It is not about pure advertising anymore but about ​consumer engagement​. This engagement is reached by delivering the brand to consumers in a relevant, convincing and irresistible way in a dialogue-driven environment ​(trialogue and conversation).​ ​Consumers are engaged with other consumers in conversation, peer to peer manner, make brand appear as other person talking, instead of just “pushing the information”. This is a brand that is talking with us, in the same way as other consumers. The “Trialogue”: the Old Spice guy once more and his 181 video responses: The brand answered back very fast, opportunity to interact with the brand, to be creative with the questions. Invite consumers to create something creative. Different ways to engage with consumers. TIPPEX 1 case study: The product offers the consumers to rewrite the story. Immediate response, they allowed consumers to change the story and filmed what people wrote. Trialogue: Social Media Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. Social Media​ fosters the human desire to talk and share, therefore, advertisers can open vibrant interactions with individuals and communities. ​Listening​ is much more important than ​talking​, and helps advertisers to know consumers, their needs and opinions. Change of Paradigm: Global change in perspective.​ Normalist speech vs. Revolutionary speech The breakup: ​ 9th of April, 2019 Advertising is dead...long live Advertising! ​Deconstructing advertising We say advertising sometimes referring to all media communication, advertising has broadened its meaning. We welcome this new advertising which is much broader, different ways advertisers reach their consumers. MANDATORY TO WATCH:​ ​ “We build synthetic advertising messages, based in a wonderful fiction, that we launch to our target. We design a media plan to spread them, buying space to insert them and estimating their impact” - Daniel Solana, CEO Double You We DON’T create messages. We do real things that are not synthetic, that can remain overtime. This has completely changed the way advertising works. Advertising has been criticised for being shallow, now marketers and advertisers have the opportunity to really make things that can change people’s lives. Examples: Whirlpool ‘Care Counts’/2017/ Cannes Lions Creative Data Grand Prix: Boost Mobile ‘Boost Your Voice’ Case Study:​ We DON’T launch messages, we don’t annoy the consumer interrupting their activity. We make consumers come to us. (Pull vs. Push strategies). There is a tendency to merge with the cinema industry to make more interesting and attractive content. If you are capable of reaching consumers through these short movie-like commercials, it’s fantastic, you have a different opportunity rather than those 30 seconds which could be not efficient and might not engage with the consumer. Creating content to get consumers to watch you. Example: Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. TOUS - Tender Stories Nº3:​ Prada Presents ‘A therapy’:​ “We build​ synthetic advertising messages​, based in a ​wonderful fiction​, that we ​launch​ to our ​target​. We design a media plan to spread them, buying space to insert them and estimating their impact” - Daniel Solana, CEO Double You WE DON’T TALK TO OUR TARGET, WE TALK TO PEOPLE. Planning is still necessary but we must be able to react and act anytime. Actions can’t always be planned because the consumer rules the relationship. Examples of Policía Nacional, RENFE… It’s not so much about shares and ratings, but now the most important metrics are the digital ones. PESO model:​ paid, owned, earned and shared Internet is not a new media that must ​ADAPT​ to the traditional advertising culture. ​Internet has come to ​CHANGE​ the advertising culture. Old Century Paradigm: XX Century consumer: Interruptive traditional marketing New Marketing Paradigm: XXI Century consumer: Relational, Experiential, Viral, Customized, Content, Cause, Event, Street, Guerrilla, Collaborative, Participative, Influential, Pull, Blending The AD agency of the future is coming?​ Clients want one partner to simplify the fragmentation and data.​ “The agency of the future will need to enthusiastically pull in creative and collaborate Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. Keys of Influencer Marketing: - Identify ​those opinion and social leaders, the ​prescribers​ for your brand- to reach the intended ​market segment​ in a direct and natural way. - Novelty is not so much in the nature of the action but in the ​digital context of collaborative environments​ where it takes place (new parameters and new communication rules). Transmedia/cross-disciplinary/omnichannel advertising - Is perceived as ​organic content​, not paid for. - Pull​ Marketing, Influencer’s​ naturalness​ and fluency of the content - There is no commercial aggressiveness​, because it would be felt as advertising and it would generate rejection. We develop a kind of hasty attitude towards influencer marketing that is obviously paid for, we perceive it more as advertising, we try and distance ourselves from it. We are more comfortable with the more organic results, the ones that come naturally. Influencer activity is perceived as natural, something that we are willing to watch or listen to, we are comfortable with their content because we follow them and see what they post. Give the influencer something positive to talk about with respect to firms and brands. Zach King example. Synthesis of the Influencer Marketing Strategy ● Find the key influencers ● What’s the reach and credibility of his her network, has he/she got community of followers? ● Network maps show and help to understand the influencer’s community and its reach ● Show the social landscape of your brand ● Listen to what your influencers have to say and personalize your message ● Understand your most impressionable audience and its interests and concerns. ● Line up your content with the content tone and style of the influencer ● Define your broadcast channels and the communication frequency ● Deliver personal engagement, this is about relationships ● Define a clear objective to measure results ● The key is the level of engagement ● Find new influencers to keep and amplify the already existing relationships ● Keep in working on new engagement opportunities Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. Drive views on their #selfmaker Youtube video and create compelling content to repurpose online and on social. ​​ ​ Find a group of curated influencers to tell their story about how the became successful doing their own thing when following their dreams. Influencer linked with Axe’s Instagram account and youtube channel. Beautiful and original content. Cross-network content amplification and repurpose. Deontology of the Influencer Marketing Campaigns: Is it covert, loyal, honest, deceiving, ethical advertising? Consumers were annoyed with a Danone campaign in which they used influencers on Twitter. Is the commercial purpose of the message clear or is it disguised as an spontaneous and personal message? Profile of the Target Market of Samsung’s Smart Girl campaign: Young women, into fashion, most of the target was millennial. Connect innovations, emotions, emotional technology. The main influencers were Blanca Suárez and Paula Echevarría. Activate and implement the campaign. Blood normal: Blood normal Grand Prix Cannes Lions 2018: AnThe whole campaign starts from research (as all campaigns): analyze the situation. ● Females hide that they have the period ● It affects half of the population and still it is a stigma. ● Normally, a man would feel awkward with this Goal: to normalize it. People reacted to it: trialogue (between consumers and to the brand). They wanted people to be talking about it. Listening now is more important than talking: know what the consumers want or need. They actually created things: pad shape colchoneta for influencers and underwear by designers. Make consumers prosumer. Influential marketing: they used influencers. If you paar or reach an agreement with them (paid), if the influencers are really interested and and they talk about you because they want to (earned) 7th of May, 2019 UNIT 5: ​BRAND PLACEMENT Brand Placement, Product placement or embedded marketing, ​is a form of advertisement, where branded goods or services are placed in a context usually devoid of ads, such as movies, the story line of television shows or news programs. ● The practice of placing brand name products in movies as props Advertising and Communication. 1º Grade - 2º Term. ● The paid inclusion of branded products or brand identifiers, through audio and or visual means within mass media programming ● The purposeful incorporation of a brand into an entertainment vehicle FEATURES ● It tries to respect the narrative discourse ● Integrated in common situations and in the character during few seconds ● Viewers cannot bypass the advertising (they would have to skip the whole thing) ● Best examples of product placement are seamlessly woven into the narrative (it may not be noticeable to the viewer and may actually add to the experience) Examples: Carlos Arguiñano, sex in the city, focus on me You have chosen to watch it. You have approached to the product placement. You are not going to skip it because if you do so, you are skipping a part of the plot or experience. ADVANTAGES ● Exposure: the product can reach a large number of people over a long period of time. Focused audience ● Frequency ● Source association: brand benefits from the influence when seen used by a celebrity ● Recall: the wide coverage and multiple exposures per person, promises better recall ● Bypassing regulation ● Targeting: guarantee of an effective reach of potential targets The use of this technique is very old but still very efficient. BRAND PLACEMENT: HISTORICAL OVERVIEW It started in 1900 with cinema. Sunlight soap 1900-1930​: ​products get integrated in films in a natural way. ​Props are needed​. Real products make it easier for production and provide realism. European couturiers were contractualised by Hollywood production companies, between the 1920s and the 1930s to design ​movie scenes costumes. 1930-1945​: 1932. Joan Crawford’s dress in Letty Lyndon prescription power of film celebrities: talent agencies linked to the star system, creating, promoting and exploiting stars in Hollywood films, putting more emphasis on the image rather than the acting. 1945-1970​: ​This is the first time that a brand actually pays for the appearance in a film. 1970- 1982​: The technique is institutionalized and first middlemen appear. Specialized agencies (associated film promotions 1978 Robert kovoloff). Business of product placement was a quiet one.
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