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Estos documentos se tratan de una corrección de ejercicios de nivel B2. También hay vocabulario básico.

Tipo: Ejercicios


Subido el 25/05/2022

Barba_Bracken_715 🇪🇸



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¡Descarga EJERCICIOS RANDOM DE INGLÉS NIVEL B2 Y VOCABULARIO y más Ejercicios en PDF de Inglés solo en Docsity! ENGLISH CHANNEL – DATING BEYOND BORDERS YOND = allá YOU KNOW YOU ARE DATING AN IACELANDIC MAN WHEN… - Backwards = hacia atrás / Inside out = del revés Icelanders often approach dating backwards. You can expect a get to know you conversation after you have already gotten to know each other physically. Forget about formal dates here. Grabbing food (often hungover) is more like it. Expect him to be much more uninhibited when it comes to nudity. And less prone to freezing cold weather. Again, Iceland has a population of only about 340k, so if it seems he knows everyone it's probably cause he does. Just kidding. Maybe half of it. Don't be taken back if your Icelander comes off as rude. It is common to not apologize upon bumping into someone here. Did you know the word "please" doesn't exist either? BETTA REDDAST or "It will work out alright" is an Icelandic philosophy for anything that goes wrong. It might as well be the new Iceland slogan. Traducción: Los islandeses a menudo se acercan a las citas al revés. Puede esperar una conversación para conocerse después de que ya se hayan conocido físicamente. Olvídate de las fechas formales aquí. Agarrar comida (a menudo con resaca) es más parecido. Espere que sea mucho más desinhibido cuando se trata de desnudos. Y menos propenso al clima helado. Una vez más, Islandia tiene una población de solo 340.000 habitantes, por lo que, si parece que conoce a todo el mundo, probablemente sea porque los conoce. Es una broma. Quizás la mitad. No se deje engañar si su islandés se muestra grosero. Es común no disculparse al toparse con alguien aquí. ¿Sabías que la palabra "por favor" tampoco existe? BETTA REDDAST o "Todo saldrá bien" es una filosofía islandesa para cualquier cosa que salga mal. Bien podría ser el nuevo lema de Islandia. YOU KNOW YOU ARE DATING WITH AN RUSSIAN MAN WHEN… - Ok then. I will wait until you get off. Ok. Entonces esperaré hasta que te bajes. (ascensor). / OVERDRESSED = exagerado (para vestir) / exaggerate = exagerar - Can i get this one? (para pagar la cuenta) - So, all your Russian friends are coming over. (Come over = venir / tus amigos van a venir (de fijo, ya que es presente continuo)). - There is no such thing = no existe tal cosa - Let’s drink to seeing each other again (bebamos por vernos de nuevo) - You look bored. Let’s go dance. = Pareces aburrida. / Are you kidding me? Take your hands off her! = Quitale tus manos de encima - Just joking… KIND OF = más o menos / Lies = descansar (el camino a su corazón descansa en pasando por) su estómago) Russian men are super direct. There is no tip toeing around feelings, not a lot of playing nice. Get ready to go back in time when romance was still alive. And feel uncomfortable since you are no longer used to it. Russian men are very assertive. They love making decisions and won't have any problems doing it for you. That includes picking up the tab. And not just on the first date. For Russian women - appearence is everything. He will expect the same thing from you. Yes, Russian men drink. They don't say "NA ZDOROYVE". They drink for whatever they can think of. And it takes a lot to get them drunk. He will go out of his way to protect you. Even if means fighting. Actually, most likely if it involves fighting. The way to his heart really lies through his stomach. Russian men traditional to the core: you be the woman, and he be the man. And as a woman, he expects you to cook. Traducción: No hay que andar de puntillas por los sentimientos, ni jugar bien. Prepárate para retroceder en el tiempo cuando el romance aún estaba vivo. Y siéntete incómodo porque ya no estás acostumbrado. Los hombres rusos son muy asertivos. Les encanta tomar decisiones y no tendrán ningún problema en hacerlo por ti. Eso incluye pagar la cuenta. Y no solo en la primera cita. Para las mujeres rusas, la apariencia lo es todo. Él esperará lo mismo de ti. Sí, los hombres rusos beben. No dicen "NA ZDOROYVE". Beben por lo que se les ocurre. Y se necesita mucho para emborracharlos. Él hará todo lo posible para protegerte. Incluso si significa luchar. En realidad, lo más probable es que se trate de peleas. El camino a su corazón realmente pasa por su estómago. Los hombres rusos tradicionales hasta la médula: tú eres la mujer y él el hombre. Y como mujer, espera que cocines. YOU KNOW YOU ARE DATING WITH A GERMAN MAN WHEN… A PETAL ROSE SUMMER BOOK  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS = agradecimientos / reconocimientos (knowledge = conocimiento) Clunked into = encajar en (clunk = golpe sordo) Brain stuff = técnicas para el cerebro Attorney = procurador / mandatario / abogado Powers of attorney = poderes notariales Tough = arduo / duro Gorgeus cover = preciosa portada who get sure my books actually get to my readers = que se aseguren de que mis libros lleguen a mis lectores Sales team = equipo de ventas TERRIFIC = fantástico Road - trip buddy = compañero de viajes por carretera - The daughter too, the duke adored her because she had a weak body. Isn't it a win - win situation that we don't have to leave for the campaign? = La hija también, el duque la adoraba porque tenía un cuerpo débil. ¿No es una situación en la que todos ganan que no tenemos que dejar para la campaña? - father handed over the mission from king Ruben to go on the dragon campaign to him. At the expense of giving away the useless girl. = El padre le entregó la misión al rey Rubén de ir a la campaña del dragón. A costa de regalar a la niña inútil. - father executed a mean plot and trapped him = padre ejecutó un complot mezquino y lo atrapó - Bridal chamber = tálamo / Did he know what he got in exchange for his life? = ¿Sabía lo que obtuvo a cambio de su vida? - i won't go easy on you = no voy a ser fácil contigo / Humongous = enorme / Fulfill = cumplir o realizar / Clueless = despistado / Barely = apenas - If i cling on him like father told me to, would he change his mind? = Si me aferro a él como me dijo mi padre, ¿cambiaría de opinión? - what are you peeking at like rat? = ¿Qué estás mirando como rata? / Held up here = retenido aquí - have your maid prepare your luggage for the next encourage. Pack light for now. = Pídale a su doncella que prepare su equipaje para la próxima invitación. Empaque ligero por ahora. / My fief = Mi feudo - is being with me that unpleasant? = ¿Es tan desagradable estar conmigo? - You are quivering just by being around me = Estás temblando con solo estar cerca de mí / my underlings came to fetch you multiple times. = Mis subordinadas vinieron a buscarte varias veces - But it was an important asset to me, you have disregarded your duties = Pero fue un activo importante para mí, has desatendido tus deberes / Heir = heredero - Fainted = desmayarse / From now on = a partir de ahora / Hit it off = congeniar - Oath = juramento / Ferocious = feroces / Foal = Potro / hold back = detenerse / bring up = sacar a colación (un tema) / Underneath = debajo / bajo algo / Why all of a sudden? = por qué de la nada? / Burden = varga (burden with = cargar con / As gently as possible = tan gentilmente como sea posible / weird = extraño / don’t supress it = no te reprimas / Tight = apretar / Huge me tight = abrázame fuerte - Distressed = afligido / dishevelled = despeinado / He have a hard time leaving me that night? = Le costó mucho dejarme esa noche? / I liked it so much i could die = me gusto tanto que podría morir / Punk = mocoso / Your thinking = tu pensamiento / Soundproofing = insonorización / Delay = demorar / Delaying = retrasar - Undergarment / s = ropa (s) interior / Purchase = comprar / la compra / Relief = alivio / Bear (with) = soportar / Discomfort = Incomodidad (contrario a comfort) / true self = verdadero ser / I bet (something) = apuesto a que / apostar algo (no solo dinero) - Extravagant = extravagante / Chatter = charla o chachara / Flinch = retroceder / Serf = siervo o sierva / Geez = caramba / awkward = incómodo / Who else? = a quién más? / Log = ronco > sleep like a log = dormir como un tronco / preventive preasures = medidas preventivas / Warmth = calidez / Is he avoiding me? = me está evitando? / avoid = evitar 8 – 09 – 2021 THE GUARDIAN – NICOLA STURGEON STARTS WORK ON A NEW PUSH FOR SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE. (First minister unveils legislative programme including referendum and policies agreed with Greens (Green Scottish Party)). WORDS AND SENTENSES:  Bills to set up a national care service and reform the Gender Recognition Act., as well as proposals for private sector rent controls by the end of this year, all featured in Stungeon’s plan for the year to come in Holyrood. - Unveil = revelar - Policies = políticas – Party = partido político – Civil Servants = funcionarios / funcionarias – Choice = elección – Informed = Informado / avisado - Bills = proyectos de ley – Set up = establecer – National care service = servicio nacional de atención – Proposals = propuestas – Private sector rent controls = controles de alquiler del sector privado (ex: red car)  The legislative programme follows the Scottish election campaign in May and is a look into her plans to fulfil the pledges made both in the SNP manifiesto and in the pact signed with the Greens this summer. - Election campaign = campaña electoral – Is a look into = es una mirada – Fulfil the pledges = cumplir los compromisos – Manifiesto = manifiesto – The pact signed with = el pacto firmado con (LOOK INTO = Mirar / predecir)  Sturgeon recommitted to one key plank of the power sharing deal to hold a referendum on independence within the first half of this parliament and before the end of 2023. - Recommit = comprometerse nuevamente – One key plank = un punto clave (PLANK = tablón o tabla) – The power sharing deal = Acuerdo de reparto de poder – Hold = celebrar (HOLD = considerar, mantener, agarrar) – On Independence = sobre la independencia – WITHIN = dentro de (o a menos de 5 km) – Parliament = parlamento  Stating that the "immediate priority of this government is to lead Scotland out of the pandemic", Stugeon also pledged measures to tackle the country's continuing stark rates of child poverty, including a delivery plan for "wraparound childcare", offering care for families on low incomes before and after school and during holidays. - Lead _ Out of = sacar a _ de – Pledged = prometió – Measures = medidas – Tackle = abordar – Stark rates = duras tasas – Poverty = pobreza – “Wraparound childcare” = cuidado integral de niños – Offering care = ofreciendo atención – Incomes = ingresos 9 – 09 – 2021 THE GUARDIAN – IRON MAIDEN. SENJUTSU. (Maiden’s creative renaissance continues in style with this playfully bombastic metal epic).  In recent years Iron Maiden have gone through a remarkable creative renaissance. Typified by epic leaning arrangements and ambitious melodic dynamism, modern era Maiden - of which Senjutsu is a prime example - is eccentric, bombastic, heavy metal at its finest. - Playfully = alegremente / en broma - Go through = atravesar / llevar a cabo – Typify = tipificado / representado – Leaning = inclinado – Arrangements = arreglos / of which = de la cual / Prime = supremo / excelente – Eccentric = excéntrico – Bombastic = grandilocuente – At its finest = en su máxima expresión (finest = de mayor calidad / its = su / at = en)  The band (one of the most notoriously tight-lipped camps in metal) recorded Senjutsu in early 2019 during a break in their Legacy of the Beast tour, managing to keep it under wraps throughout the pandemic. Their second double album, Senjutsu is as ambitious and heavy as its predecessors (2015's The book of souls), but tempered by a more windswept, melancholic vibe, alongside some of their most fiendishly complex melodies to date. - Tight – lipped = callado / reservado (tight = apretado) – Camps = campamento / campo – Recorded = grabó (record = anotación, registro, crónica, grabar…) – In early = a principios – Tour = gira / tour – Break = Descanso – Managing = logrando – to keep it under wraps = mantanerlo en secreto (UNDER wraps = oculto (de bajo de algo) / en secreto) – throughout = a lo largo de – Tempered = templado – Vibe = ambiente / atmósfera / vibra – windswept = azotado por el viento – Alongside = junto con – Fiendishly = diabólicamente – Complex = complejas – To date = hasta la fecha EJ: (Melodías más diabólicamente complejas hasta la fecha) > Fiend = demonio / malvado Go through – espacio / Throughout – tiempo ; Along = al lado / junto a / a lo largo  It opens with the title track, an omonius tribal drum pattern givin way to a soaring mid-temp rocker. Bruce Dickinson's voice has taken on a pleasingly oaken quality with age, powerful bass notes accentuated as he sings of the last, bloody days of a fantastical empire. The Writing on the Wall is a first for MAiden - an asygoing, southern rock - inflected groove - while Lost in a Lost World opens with gentle acoustic strumming and some wobbly Planet Caravan - esque vocal reverb before settling on a capering lead riff. - Title track = pista que da título al tema – Ominous = ominoso (abominable) – Pattern = patrón – tempo = tempo / compás / ritmo – take on = hacerse cargo de / adquirir – pleasingly = agradable - oaken = de roble - with age = con la edad – Powerful = potentes / poderosas – Accentuated = acentuadas – Is a first = es sobre / en – For = para – Crunching = crujir – Dip = salsa – Iced water = agua helada  I have grown carrots from seed in my own garden, fought off the dratted carrot fly and eaten my harvest of bent and knobbly roots straight from the ground (too many stones and clay here for them, they grow better - if less amusingly - in a fine, sandy soil). But I would need an entire allotment's worth of space to be self - sufficient. - Grow (vegetables) = cultivar – fight off = defenderse de / luchar contra – Dratted = maldito – Fly = mosca – Harvest = cosecha / cosechar – Bent = torcido – Knobbly = nudoso/a – Straight = directo / directamente – Clay = arcilla – Amusingly = graciosamente / divertido – Fine sandy soil = suelo (barro, tierra: soil), arenoso (Sandy) y fino (fine) – Allotment = parcela o huerto – To be self – sufficient = ser autosuficiente  This week, I made a sweetly spiced, cardamom, cashews and cream dish with my bunch of carrots, a recipe whose golden sauce we mopped up with steamed basmati. And later, a plate of roasted roots with a basil and creme fraiche sauce i would be happy to eat with almost anything. - Spiced = condimentado – mopped up = limpiar / limpiar con la fregona / barrer – Steamed basmati = basmati al vapor – Basil = albahaca – To eat with almost (casi) anything = comer con casi cualquier cosa 28 – 09 – 2021 WESSEX UNITED KINGDOM – ENCICLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA Enlace:  Wessex, one of the kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England, whose ruling dynasty eventually became kings of the whole country. In its permanent nucleus, its land approximated that of the modern counties of Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire, and Somerset. At times its land extended north of the River Thames, and it eventually expanded westward to cover Devon and Cornwall. The name Wessex is an elision of the Old English form of “West Saxon.” - Eventually = finalmente / Counties = Aristócrata o Condados / its land approximated that of the = En su núcleo permanente, su tierra se aproximaba a la de los modernos / At times = a veces, de vez en cuando, en ocasiones / Westward = al oeste, hacia el oeste / Elision = elisión (omission of a sound = Supresión de la vocal con que acaba una palabra cuando la siguiente empieza por vocal; Elipsis (supresión de una o más palabras de una frase))  Wessex grew from two settlements: one was founded, according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, by Cerdic and his son (or grandson) Cynric, who landed in Hampshire in 494 or 495 and became kings in 500 or 519; the other, known only from archaeological evidence, was situated on the upper Thames and was probably settled from the northeast. Though the Chronicle implies that this area was in British hands in 571, when Cuthwulf (perhaps a member of the West Saxon royal house) captured Luton, Aylesbury, Bensington (now Benson, in Oxfordshire), and Eynsham, archaeological evidence proves earlier settlement. - Grow = crecer, expandirse, aumentar, desarrollarse / settlements = acuerdo, asentamiento / Landed = aterrizó, atracó en tierra / Upper = el más alto (en lo más alto (aquí)) / Imply = insinuar, implicar (= entail), querer decir, significar / Perhaps = quizá, probablemente / earlier = previamente, anteriormente, el anterior (= más temprano que, antes que)  Only a few incidents of the early expansion are recorded. These include the conquest by Cerdic and Cynric of the Isle of Wight in 530 and battles fought by Cynric at Salisbury in 552 and Barbury Castle (Wiltshire) in 556. A victory won by a successor, Ceawlin (who reigned 560–592 and is mentioned by Venerable Bede as the second English king to hold an imperium in Britain), at Dyrham, Gloucestershire, in 577, which led to the capture of Bath, Cirencester, and Gloucester, and Ceawlin’s battle at a place called Fethanleag, probably in North Oxfordshire, in 584, are also recorded. - Early expansion = expansion inicial / Are recorded = son registrados / Successor = successor o sucesora / Early = temprano, pronto  Ceawlin also defeated Aethelberht of Kent at a place called Wibbandun in 568. Having extended the power of Wessex north of the Thames, Ceawlin was expelled in 592 by his nephew Ceol, who reigned for five years. Ceol was succeeded by his brother Ceolwulf (reigned 597–611), whose reign was followed by that of Ceol’s son Cynegils (reigned 611–643). During this period, Wessex was threatened first by Northumbria and then by the growing midland kingdom of Mercia. Cynegils and his son Cwichelm lost the provinces of the Hwicce (Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, and southwest Warwickshire) to Penda of Mercia. - Expelled = expulsado (no spell = deletrear, escribir) / Nephew = sobrino / Threatened = amenazado, en peligro de  Cynegils was succeeded as king by his son Cenwalh (reigned 643–672), who married Penda’s sister but soon discarded her. For this act he was driven into exile (645–648) in East Anglia by Penda. Throughout much of his reign he fought the Mercians and the Welsh, and Penda’s successor seized South Hampshire and the Isle of Wight from him. These regions were held by the Mercians from 661 to 686, and, according to the Venerable Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica, Wessex was temporarily divided among subkings after Cenwalh’s death. - Discarded = descartó, rachazó / Seize = agarrar, sujetar, coger, coger a, agarrar a, sujetar a  During this period, however, kings of Wessex won victories over the Britons, expanding steadily westward. Ceadwalla (685–688) recovered the Isle of Wight and South Hampshire, and there was a Saxon monastery at Exeter before 690. Ine (reigned 688–726), the first West Saxon king to issue a code of laws, placed a see at Sherborne (Dorset) for the western areas. Mercian dominance over Wessex, which included direct control of parts of Berkshire and Wiltshire, ended with the accession of Egbert (reigned 802– 839). He gained all of Devon and Cornwall, and in 825 he defeated Beornwulf of Mercia and brought Surrey, Sussex, and Kent permanently under West Saxon rule. - Steadily = continuamente, constantemente, ininterrumpidamente (steady = firme, constante, fijar) / To issue = emitir (un código de leyes) / Placed = colocó (place = colocar, poner (una construcción¿?)) / Dominance = dominio PRIDE AND PREJUICE - Pág. 4. I assure you = te lo aseguro Merely = simplemente / meramente Hearty = cordial / fuerte / vigoroso / campechano I must throw in a good word = debo lanzar (throw in) una Buena palabra (expression) she is not half so handsome than Lydia = o es ni la mitad de guapa que Lydia (ella no es media más hermosa que Lydia) Quickness = viveza / agudeza / picardía you take delight in vexing me = te deleitas en molestarme (you like to tease someone) You mistake me = you confuse me (me confundes) mean understanding = mezquino entendimiento Caprice = capricho (Less difficult to) Develop = desarrollar she fancied herself nervous = se creía ella misma nerviosa (Fancy = lujoso / fantasía) Among the earliest = entre los primeros intended to visit him = (destinado a) Tenía la intención de visitarlo Though = aunque To the last = hasta el último (momento / gota) Disclosed = revelado in the following manner = en la siguiente manera Trimming a hat = recortar / arreglar un sombrero we are not in a way to know Mr. Bingley likes. = No estamos en una forma de saber lo que a él le gusta / no tenemos forma de saber lo que a Mr. Bingley le gusta resentfully = con resentimiento HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA – FILM WORDS: Tush = trasero (USA) Square = cuadrado Let me wipe = déjame limpiar Nasty = desagradable Harm you = herirte (Harm = dañar, perjuicio) Push off = (sinonimo de go away) lárgate! / push off = empujar (push me off) Haunted forest = bosque embrujado (Haunt = aparecerse (un fantasma) Undead = muerto viviente Bonfire = fogata / hoguera / pira It’s a mess = es un desastre Back there = allí atrás Human – free = libre de humanos Extravaganza = gran espectáculo (cinematográfico, arquitectónico…) Pale = pálido Plumbing = fontanería / plomería (la fontanería de esta casa es vieja) Clogged (toilet) = obstruido / congestionado; My nose is clogged up = tengo la nariz obstruida Stomach aches = dolores de estómago Reel it in = enrrollar (el sedal) / atraer (reel in customers) Housekeeping = las de mantenimiento / mantenimiento y gestión del hogar (en general) Lobby = vestíbulo / grupo de presión, hacer presión (empresa / gobierno) I don’t run like that = yo no opero así / no me comporto así Refuge = refugio (sustantivo) / Sight = avistar (avistar un refugio, encontró refugio en) Surveillance = vigilancia / under close surveillance = bajo estrecha vigilancia (vigilancia como sustantivo, sistema de vigilancia) Uncovered = descubierto / destapado Overpower = dominar / subyugar a Book us for = nos reservas What’s going on? = que está pasando? Gets to come = llegan a venir Check out = verificar / comprobar (check the word out = mira la palabra (regaño)) Rabies = rabia (enfermedad) Fang = colmillo / diente afilado Pout = puchero / mueca I guess = supongo Warm clothes = ropa cálida / WarN = avisar Wacht out = cuidado! Homeschooled = educado en casa i'm getting goosebumps = se me está poniendo piel de gallina I doubted you = dudaba de ti Shrunk my head = encogido (cabeza) Pitchfork = horca (para harar) Fluff and fold = esponjar y doblar (ropa) (tener que darle un baño y ponerla bien) Device = dispositivo Over the top = excesivo Babbling = balbucear Step off = apearse how are you pulling this off? = Cómo estás sacando esto adelante? Cómo mantienes este disfraz? Freak out = enloquecer / Ponerse como loco / Perder los papeles Void = Carente / no tener (she was void of any sense of humour) Mob = multiud / muchedumbre Way to sum it up = es una manera de resumirlo Company keeping = mantenimiento de la empresa We can hang out = Podemos pasar el rato What brings you here? = qué te ha traído hasta aquí? Where did the time go? = para mostrar que ha pasado mucho tiempo entre dos acontecimientos Tempo things up = acelerar las cosas Stage dive = buceo de escenario (cuando te lanzas al público) i'm so blown away = estoy tan impresionado Schedule = calendario / programa de horarios; Schedules = horario Clue = pista I stink at this = apesto en esto (no se me da nada bien esto) Roughhousing = juegos bruscos You messed up = lo arruinaste / lo liaste i told you to take it down = te dije que lo quitaras / te dije que pararas Erase = borrar Contact lenses = lentillas / lentes de contacto plasticky doodads = chisme de plástico / plasticky = pegajoso Ounce = onza (unidad de masa o líquido) whoopee cushion = (cojín whoopeee (como tirapedos)) Hawaii is a Knockout = maravilloso / aplastante (incomparable) Mavis is hitting off with him = Mavis se lleva bien con él Second thoughts = segundos pensamientos (se lo pensó dos veces más y no hizo lo que Drácula quería) Stuck around = se quedó por aquí (no puedo creer que te quedaras) You timeout = tu tiempo de espera (you are in a timeout = estás en tu tiempo de espera (como de castigo a los niños pequeños)) / You are timeout = estás fuera de tiempo (se acabó tu tiempo) Face the wall = de cara a la pared Awesomeness = qué genialidad! (genialidad en sí) Whatever = lo que sea / cualquier cosa / como sea Nailed it = lo superó (you nailed it = lo lograste) Hold that = espera / Hold that thought = mantenga ese pensamiento / Hold that though = mantén eso, sin embargo (para discusión) Barely = apenas you barely out of your training fangs = apenas te salen los colmillos de entrenamiento Unresolved = inconcluso in the ruins themselves = en las mismas ruinas Gremlin = duendecillo Smoothest = más suave Outdo = superar a (you outdo with this party = te superaste con esta fiesta) Figure it out = averiguarlo (Let me figure it out = déjame averiguarlo) Endangerment = peligro (the action of putting someone or something at risk or in danger) You are a blast = eres la bomba! / It’s a blast = es la bomba! Siren = sirena (policía / bomberos) Emergency vehicle signal Cookout = barbacoa / picnic (USA) grown up stuff = cosas de adultos Tear it down = rompelo en pedazos! Hostage = rehén Shreds = Pedazos / Fragmento / Jirón (trozo de ropa destruida) Barf = Vomitar POPULAR SAYING AND PROVERBS Para estos dichos: a-feather-flock-together AS THE SAYING GOES: TWO WRONGS DON’T MAKE A RIGHT. Said to emphasize that it is not acceptable to do something bad to someone just because they did something bad to you first. LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE = mejor no revolver el asunto. Said to warn someone that they should not talk about a bad situation that most people have forgotten about. THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM = Como: al que maruga Dios le ayuda. Said to advise someone that they will have an advantage if they do something immediately or before anyone else does it. A BIRD IN THE HAND IS WORTH TWO IN THE BUSH = Como: mejor pájaro en mano que ciento volando. // Worth = valor (de un objeto) o mérito. Said when you recognize that you should not risk losing something you already have by trying to get something you think might be better. DON’T COUNT YOUR CHICKENS BEFORE THEY HATCH = Literalmente: no cuentes los pollos antes de que nazcan. “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch” means don’t put your faith in something that hasn’t happened yet. (Hatch = salir del cascarón  Peter watched the chickens hatch out of their eggs. / Trampilla o escotilla). WHEN THE CAT’S AWAY, THE MICE WILL PLAY = said when the person who is in charge of a place is not there, and the people there behave badly A LEOPARD CAN’T CHANGE ITS SPOTS = Como: genio y figura hasta la sepultura. Used to say that people cannot change their basic personalities, habits, etc. (Spot = mancha) BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER = Como: Dios los cría y ellos se juntan. Said about people who have similar characters or interests, especially ones of which you disapprove, and who often spend time with each other. (Feather = pluma / Flock = rebaño de ovejas y cabras o bandada de pájaros // emplumada bandada juntos) HAS THE CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE? = something you say to someone when you are annoyed because they will not speak. DON’T LOOK A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH = gift horse: caballo regalado. I was disappointed that the antique vase my aunt gave me had a chip in the rim, but my mother said, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." Disappointed = decepcionado / desilusionado // Vase = vasija // Chip = Desportilladura (mella / desconchón) // Rim = borde (o montura = James is getting some new glasses, as he no longer likes the rims on the ones he's got. = ya no le gusta…)) PUT THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE = Como: empezar la casa por el tejado. To do things in the wrong order: Aren't you putting the cart before the horse by deciding what to wear for the wedding before you've even been invited to it? // Cart = carreta / carretilla (… antes tú no has sido invitada a ello?) STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSE’S MOUTH = If you hear something (straight) from the horse's mouth, you hear it from the person who has direct personal knowledge of it. // Straight = Directo / en orden / heterosexual o hetero YOU CAN’T TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS = Como: Loro Viejo no aprende a hablar. Said to mean that it is very difficult to teach someone new skills or to change someone's habits or character. WHEN PIGS FLY = Cuando los cerdos vuelen. Describe an impossibility. HONEY CATCHES MORE FLIES THAN VINEGAR = This proverbial saying expresses the idea that it is more effective to be polite and ingratiating than to be hostile or demanding. // Ingratiating = halagador o pelota A CLOSED MOUTH CATCHES NO FLIES CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT (BUT SATISFACTION BROUGHT IT BACK) AS HUNGRY AS A HORSE BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE = Trying to do something in a way that will not work: His attorney suggested that the investigators might be barking up the wrong tree. // Attorney = abogado o representante legal LET THE CAT OUT THE BAG = OPENED A CAN OF WORMS DON’T PULL ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET LEARN ENGLISH THROUGH STORY Source (Level 2) HESITANT WORDS: Strait: estrecho (geografía) / Apuro / Aprieto Wilderness: tierra salvaje / naturaleza / Jungla Cattle: ganado (en general) / reses / borregos / bueyes / ganado vacuno Illnesses: enfermedades / padecimientos Plain: valle, llanura, planicie (geografía)  The grassy plain stretched for miles in all directions. Bow: arco (hacer una reverencia, inclinarse) / Arrow = flecha Hunt = cazar / Haunt = perseguir Courageous: valiente Settler = colono / colonizador Cabin = cabina / cabaña Purchase = compra ADVENCED PHRASES FOR ENGLISH CONVERSATIONS Source: Idiom: To have something Up your sleeve (manga) (como: debajo de la manga (expression)) WHAT TO SAY WHEN… ASKING FOR OTHER PEOPLE’S OPINION: Basic: What do you think …? / What’s your opinion ...? / How do you feel …? More polite: I would like to hear your thoughts on… / I am interested to hear your opinion about this More formally: Would you like to add anything? WHAT TO SAY WHEN … YOU WANT TO INTERRUPT: Very basic: Sorry / Excuse me Informally: Do you mind if I add to that …? / Can I jump in here? More formally: Sorry to interrupt but… (I have something to say) (more directly and with one person) / Sorry for interrupting but … I just needed to share something with you (in a room full of people) Even more formal than that: NOTA: Whilst = pese a que / pese a / aunque  Whilst he's a very skilful player, he doesn't have any discipline I am not trying to ruffle anyone’s feathers here but… NOTA: Ruffle feathers (como levantar ampoyas / herir sensibilidades) / Ruffle = plegar, arrugar, erizar…  She has ruffled feathers by suggesting that the Royal Family should receive less money. WHAT TO SAY WHEN YOU WANT TO END A CONVERSATION Move on = segued Adelante (con la conversación, con la expedición, tras finalizar la conversación y seguir adelante) Informal: Well, I would best be off! It’s been a great chatting / Anyway, I would better get back to (it / work (en el caso de estar en él) (de todos modos, será mejor que vuelva a ello) I am so glad I ran into you! It’s been great catching up. I’ll see you soon. NOTA: Catching up (optativo: on) es como ponerse al día (alguien o con algún trabajo o asignatura); pillar algo / alcanzar algo = catch something up Catch up with / to = tener consecuencias, pasar factura  Finally, his unhealthy habits caught up with him and he became very sick. HOW TO THINK IN ENGLISH Source: - YOUGLISH Step 1: Name objects around you in English in your head Step 2: Think in simple sentences  I’m … sentence // Other simple sentences: This chair is comfy / my desk is messy Step 3: Have small conversations with yourself Step 4; Change on eof your everyday life things to English -> Example: change your calendar in English LEARN ENGLISH WITH FRIENDS: ExLmGP_4E MANWHA – When the count's illegitimate daughter get married Source: married/chapter-1/ Chapter 1: Spare = de repuesto / pretsar algo a, dejar algo a, dar algo a / administrar bien / ahorrar algo a alguien A shred of = una pizca de // Shred = trozo, pizca, romper en pedazos, jirón Remorse = remordimiento, arrepentimiento Topic = tema // Hot topic = tema candente // Off topic (OT) = sin relación con el tema, que no viene al caso Towards me = hacia mi (Toward = hacia / a / con relación a // Count toward = contra para Treason = traición / deslealtad (Under charges of treason) Bogus = falso, falaz, fingido Wench = moza, criada, sirvienta // descocada, zorra, prostituta Lowly = modesto / humilde / poco (low degree = de bajo grado) Without a second thought = sin pensarlo dos veces Out of mind, out of sight = ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente (Idiom) Out of mind = fuera de quicio (fuera de conocimiento) Out of sight = que no ve, no llega al alcance de la vista Roof = techo I can’t get her off = no me la puedo quitar de encima (sacar para ingleses) Wicked = malvado / retorcido Betrothed = prometida / comprometida At first sight = a primera vista Annulment = anulación / revocation = revocación Greedy = ávaro Arranged = planeado / arreglado // Dowry = dote Insincere = hipócrita, poco sincere, falso Mess with = hacer enojar / molestar / joder  Don't mess with Stan because he'll smash your face in. Pass = pasar / adelantar // Brat = niña mimada / mocoso / mal educado Claim = declarar / afirmar whistle blower, whistleblower = Delator / denunciante Asset = activos / bien – mueble Aside = a parte de // Fetch = ir a buscar / traer Draft = cerveza de barril Inedible = incomestible In order to = con el fin de // Frash = impertinente, descarado / fresco Regain = recuperar / recobrar From head to foot = de la cabeza a los pies Resemble = parecerse a He resembles his grandfather. Keen = aplicado / entusiasta Keen eye = buen ojo  Have a keen eye for = tener buen ojo para Watch your step = caminar con cuidado  You'll need to watch your step when coming back down the mountain. // Watch your mouth (cuidar tu boca ¿?) Fuss = escándalo  I didn't like that film at all; I can't see what all the fuss was about (estaba sobre) (siempre en sentido contrario) = No me gustó esa película, no entiendo por qué tanto escándalo. Whenever = cuando sea / cuando quiera  He can call me whenever. I don't mind. From top to bottom = de arriba abajo  You should apply paint from top to bottom. (Apply = ponerse) Glance = ojeada / mirada // Freckle / s = peca / s Above = sobre / por encima de  The temperature in Rio de Janeiro goes above 40 degrees in the summer. Flaw = defecto / imperfección // Motionless = quieto / parado / detenido Corpse = cadáver / cuerpo // Pile up = amontonar, apilar // Scattered = esparcido Crop = cultivo, cosecha  Grandmother's farm always bore crops of corn and tomatoes. Bore = aburrir / hastiar // a bore = fastidio, lata, rollo // Match = cerilla, fósforo // partido Hearty meal = comida sustanciosa // Ton = tonelada // Cabinet = armario / gabinete (consejo de ministros – gabinete ministerial) // Silverware = cubiertos / cubertería Steaming = humeante // Chew = masticar // Bedding = sábanas, ropa de cama Leftover = Sobrante / restos  Would you finish up that leftover chicken? Luggage = equipaje // SINCE = Porque  i thought they accepted me since they were kind // Cheeky = dscarado, insolente // Bestow = otorgar / concede / conferir Several = varias // Brimming = lleno hasta el borde // Stew = estofado
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