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Excelente material de apoyo de ingles y otras asignaturas, Apuntes de Historia

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¡Descarga Excelente material de apoyo de ingles y otras asignaturas y más Apuntes en PDF de Historia solo en Docsity! Reinforcing the use of subject and object relative clauses. GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVE Describing personality traits, expressing likes and dislikes. LEVEL B1 - UNIT 1 CLASS 1 Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Subject and Object Relative clauses (Click here) An ideal date (Click here) EXPLANATION This guide will provide you opportunities to get familiar and practice some topics that will lead you towards describing personalities and character traits when it comes to people you relate with. GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE SUBJECT AND OBJECT RELATIVE CLAUSES EXPLANATORY VIDEO USE OF THE TOPIC IN CONTEXT The relative pronouns (Who/that) are used to refer to a person or an object and to connect two sentences which can either refer to the same subject or use the first subject as a complement. Grammar game show (Click here) SUBJECT RELATIVE CLAUSES: The relative pronouns connect two sentences that refer to the same subject. For example, - Andres is a friendly person. He gets along with others easily. Both sentences refer to Andres (The subject of both clauses). Then, we will use WHO to replace the subject in the second sentence and connect both sentences. In Subject relative clauses the use of WHO is MANDATORY, cannot be omitted. Our sentence will be: "Andres is a friendly person WHO gets along with others easily". - OBJECT RELATIVE CLAUSES: The relative pronouns connect two sentences that have two different subjects. For example, - Andres is a friendly person. I always go to the cinema with him In the first sentence Andres is the subject of the clause and in the second one "I" becomes the subject. As a result Andres becomes an object (who receives the action) in the second sentence. Then, we use WHO to connect both ideas and the object pronoun HIM must be deleted. In this case the use of the relative pronoun is OPTIONAL. "Andres is a friendly person WHO I always go to the cinema with HIM” "Andres is a friendly person I always go to the cinema with“ Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 EXPLANATION This guide will provide you opportunities to get familiar and practice some topics that will lead you towards expressing your likes and dislikes in terms of daily life social situations and being able to express your objections and complaints towards some particular situations. It clauses + when (Click here) EXPLANATORY VIDEO USE OF THE TOPIC IN CONTEXT Grammar game show (Click here) SECOND GRAMMAR STRUCTURE: IT + ADVERBIAL CLAUSES (WHEN) We use WHEN adverbial clauses to describe or complain about different situations and to connect them to feelings, emotions, reactions or preferences. Situation: A person makes noise while eating. In this case you can use two ways to complain, whether referring to the impact the situation has on you (feelings, emotions, reactions) or using verbs of preference. FEELINGS/EMOTIONS/REACTIONS: In this type of sentences, the situation becomes the subject of the sentence, therefore it is necessary to use the pronoun IT and you become the object of the sentence (who receives the action) and we use the object pronoun "ME". IT (SUBJECT)+ VERB (IMPACT ON YOU)+ ME + WHEN + SITUATION VERBS OF PREFERENCE: In this structure you are the subject and the situation the object, then we will include the object pronoun IT after the verb in the sentence, SUBJECT+ VERB OF PREFERENCE+ IT (OBJECT) + WHEN + SITUATION IT Bothers Drives ME ME Crazy WHEN A person makes noise while eating I Hate Don’t like IT WHEN A person makes noise while eating Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 VOCABULARY VOCABULARY Verbs(impact on you) Verbs of preference Character Traits Bother Like/Enjoy modest reliable encouraging adventurous considerate Annoy Love sociable stubborn unpredictable inflexible neat Upset Hate stingy helpful bad-tempered kind tidy Drive me crazy Detest supportive moody braggart modest easygoing Make me (feeling) Don’t mind temperamen tal outgoing show-off self-confident egotistical Can’t stand unreliabe honest stuck-up quiet Sensitive Versión – Fecha: 1-03/2020 TASK The following task aims at practicing and reinforcing the content studied previously:, select ONE of the tasks to be carried out independently and to be presented in the Virtual session. COMPLAINING! You are working in a office but you are having trouble because you have the worst coworker ever. You programmed a 5 minutes meeting with your boss for complaining about him and his behavior. Write down a guidelines you will have for the meeting with your boss. - Describe the personality traits that make your coworker the worst. - Present your complaints about some of your coworker's behavior. For example: I would like to complain about Willy. He is an egotistical person who always talks about himself and nobody wants to work with. It bothers me when I ask him to do his work and just ignores my request. I hate it when..." TASK 2: Versión – Fecha: 1-04/ Using relative pronouns as subjects and objects; clauses with it + adverbial clauses with when. GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVE Describing personalities; expressing likes and dislikes; agreeing and disagreeing; complaining. LEVEL B1 - UNIT 1 CLASS 3 Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 VIDEO: DREAM DATE A young woman chooses one of three men for her date on a dating game show (CLICK HERE). Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Gerund phrases as subjects and objects. GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIV E OBJECTIVE LEVEL B1 - UNIT 2 CLASS 5 Talking about different jobs and describing them. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Comparisons (Click here) Career moves (Click here) EXPLANATION In this unit, you will understand and learn how to talk about careers that we have/haven't considered, and give opinions about them. GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE GERUND PHRASES AS SUBJECTS AND OBJECTS EXPLANATORY VIDEO USE OF THE TOPIC IN CONTEXT Gerund phrase will begin with a gerund, an -ing word, and will include other modifiers and/or objects. Gerund phrases always function as nouns, so they will be subjects, subject complements, or objects in the sentence. Read these examples: Working part-time at an amusement park can be a fun experience if you enjoy games and interacting with people. This means that "Working part-time at an amusement park" is the subject of the verb "can be". A flight attendant requires traveling for many hours on a plane. This means that "traveling for many hours on a plane" is the object of the verb "requires". Be careful not to confuse the "-ing" with the present participle of a verb (-ando-endo), because in this structure, we are referring to NOUNS, and not VERBS. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Comparing jobs (Click here) EXPLANATION In this unit, you will learn the different ways of making comparisons, using actions, descriptions, and what the objects have. EXPLANATORY VIDEO USE OF THE TOPIC IN CONTEXT Comparisons plus (Click here) COMPARISONS WITH ADJECTIVES, NOUNS, VERBS, AND PARTICIPLES We use comparisons with adjectives for basic descriptions of objects (taller, bigger, more modern, funnier). The structure "" is also used. This cellphone's camera is MORE MODERN than that one/ That cellphone's camera isn´t as MODERN as this one. We used both structures to say the same, maintaining the focus on the adjective "modern". For comparisons with verbs, we will focus on the action of the object. This cellphone's camera TAKES better pictures than that one/This cellphone DOESN'T TAKE as good pictures as that one. Here, we kept the focus on the verb "take". For nouns, the focus is on the object itself. This cellphone's camera has better RESOLUTION than that one/That camera doesn't have as good RESOLUTION as this one. The focus here was on the noun "resolution". For participles, we use the same method as with adjectives, but the adjectives are used as present and past participles (-ing/-ed). This cellphone's camera is BETTER DESIGNED than that one/That cellphone's camera is WORSE DESIGNED than this one. The focus was on the participle "designed" as a description. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 TASK WORKING GUIDELINES TASK 2 Pick 4 jobs from the video "10 Fun Jobs You Wish You Had" and make a total of 8 comparisons between any of the 4 using the structures learned. Any combination is possible. Click on the following exercises to work on them and practice: Unusual jobs Online exercises The following task aims at practicing and reinforcing the content studied previously. Work independently on the following grammar exercises. Once you complete them you can check the Answer key to verify your answers. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Gerund phrases as subjects and objects; comparisons with adjectives, verbs, nouns, and past participles. GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIV E OBJECTIVE LEVEL B1 - UNIT 2 CLASS 7 Talking about unusual careers; describing jobs; discussing the pros and cons of jobs. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 VIDEO: CAREER MOVES A career advisor talks about the importance of someone’s personality type in choosing a major and profession (CLICK HERE). Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 How well can you do these things? I can ... -Describe personalities. -Ask about and express preferences. -Understand and express complaints. -Give opinions about jobs. -Describe and compare different jobs. LEVEL B1 - UNITS 1-2 CLASS 9 PROGRESS CHECK Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 AUDIO (CLICK HERE) — Unit 1 Listening Worksheet WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? A PAIR WORK Look at the pictures. Tony is telling a radio host about his best friend, Bob. Where do you think they met? What do you think Bob is like? B 9 Listen to the radio host ask people about their best friends. Complete the chart. When they met How they met What the friend is like 1 2. C (0 Listen again. What do the friends do together in their free time? Check (y) the correct answers. 1. Da. give friends birthday parties 2. Da. play on a softball team O b. see movies O b. listen to others talk O c. tell jokes and make people laugh O c. go shopping O d. go downtown with friends O d. take vacations D GROUP WORK Discuss these questions. 1. Who is your best friend? 2. When did you meet him or her? 3. How did you meet? 4. What is he or she like? 5. What do you do together in your free time? Versión Fecha: 1-04/2020 REQUESTS (Click here) AT THE OFFICE (Click here) EXPLANATION In this unit, you will be able to discuss favors, borrowing and lending using modals, if clauses, and gerunds, when addressing formally or less formally depending on every situation. GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE EXPLANATORY VIDEO USE OF THE TOPIC IN CONTEXT TOPIC 1: USING MODALS, IF CLAUSES, AND GERUNDS There are many ways to ask for favors. They also vary in degrees of formality. We use can and could for informal requests. The structures with would are more formal. We use them with people we don’t know well or with friends if the request is very demanding. 1. Requests with if clauses and the present tense Is it OK if . . . ? and Do you mind if . . ? are followed by the present tense: Is it OK if I borrow your phone? Do you mind if I use your credit card? Note: Is it OK if . . . is answered with “yes” if the request is granted. “No” means the person denies the request. Do you mind if . . . is answered with “no” if the request is granted. “Yes” means the person denies the request. 2. Requests with if clauses and the past tense Would it be all right if . . . ? and Would you mind if. . . ? are followed by the past tense: Would it be all right if I used your credit card? Would you mind if I borrowed your truck? Note: Would you mind is answered with “no” if the request is granted. “Yes” means the person denies the request. 3. Requests with gerunds (-ing) Would you mind (without if) is followed by a gerund: Would you mind letting me use your laptop? Note: Would you mind + gerund is answered with “no” if the request is granted. “Yes” means the person denies the request. 4. Requests with if clauses and modals "Wonder + if" is followed by a modal: I wonder if I could borrow your car. I was wondering if you could help me move. Note: "wonder + if" is a statement, not a question. Possible responses if the request is granted: “Sure, that’s fine.”/“Of course.”/“No problem.” Possible response if the request is denied “Sorry ”+explanation. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 VOCABULARY VOCABULARY: COLLOCATIONS accept a gift do a favor owe an apology return a favor make room come complete with accept a request give a compliment receive a compliment return a phone call have sympathy go blind accept an apology give a gift receive a gift turn down an invitation do your hair get pregnant accept an inivitation make a phone call receive a phone call catch a ball keep a promise come to terms with ask for a favor make a request refuse an invitation take a rest pay a fine get worried decline a request offer an apology return a compliment break the ice save electricity break the law Most common collocations: Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 WORKING GUIDELINES Work on the following grammar exercises, once you complete them; you can check The Answer Key to verify your answers. MODALS, IF CLAUSES, AND GERUND EXERCISES: polite1.htm TASK S The following task aims at practicing and reinforcing the content studied previously, work on the task independently and present it on the Virtual Session. Task 1: Watch the following video or look it up on YouTube as 'BBC Five Minutes With Pink Interview - She's amazing!!' And pay attention to the questions the interviewer makes Pink and change them into indirect questions, at least ten (10). After that, tell us in 2 minutes what you learned about her. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 The last example of the picture above shows a change in the indirect object pronoun. The direct question uses: what time should I pick you up? because the speaker is talking directly to the person; but in the indirect form, "you" changes to "her" since the speaker is now talking about a third person. The following tasks aim at practicing and reinforcing the content studied previously, work on the tasks independently and present them on the Virtual Session.. Task 2: Task 3: 7Ls/edit TASK S WORKING GUIDELINES Work on the following grammar exercises, once you complete them; you can check The Answer Key to verify your answers. INDIRECT REQUESTS EXERCISES: jjSiT6P8fR6emUeTt52M616h1xRmI7xF_fAbkHYvk/edit Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Requests with modals, if clauses, and gerunds; indirect requests. GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVES COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVE LEVEL B1 - UNIT 3 CLASS 12 Making unusual requests; making indirect requests; accepting and declining requests. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Unit 3 Grammar Worksheet MAKING REQUESTS Rewrite the requests in a more formal way. . Can you look after my house while l'm away on vacation? Would you mind _looking after my house while T'm away on vacation 2 2. Could | leave my pet snake with you? Is it OK if 2 3. Could you water my plants once a week? l was wondering if 4. Can you pay my bills for me? | wonder if 5. Could | borrow your car for my trip? Do you mind if 2 PASS THE MESSAGE Á PAIR WORK Write a list of unusual requests for different people. Teacher: Do my homework. B PAIR WORK Ask your partner to deliver the messages to these people. Accept or decline the requests. A: Could you ask the teacher to do my homework? B: Oh, 'm sorry, | can't. He might get upset. Versión Fecha: 1-04/2020 Use the tenses Simple Past and Past Continuous to talk about past experiences. GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVE Learn how to tell stories in the past, making clear the sequence of events. LEVEL B1 - UNIT 4 CLASS 14 Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Simple past vs Past continuous (Click here) What my trip to Japan was like? (Click here) EXPLANATION During this session you will be able to review and practice how to tell stories and experiences in the past and understand and report news stories, messages and podcasts. You will practice through some tasks and exercises. GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE Past continuous vs Simple past- Past perfect EXPLANATORY VIDEO USE OF THE TOPIC IN CONTEXT 1. Past continuos vs. Simple past: The past continuous and the past simple help us to show how two past actions or situations are connected. When we use these two tenses together, it shows us that the past simple action happened in the middle of the past continuous action, while it was in progress. In other words, the action that was occuring (past continuous) was interrupted by another action in the past (simple past). Example: Yesterday, I was eating my dinner when he called me. Click here The first action in progress I was eating my dinner is interrupted by a second action he called me. Normally, we introduce or connect the action in progress (past continuous) to the second action in simple past using the word: WHILE WHILE I was eating my dinner, he called me. Note: If the connector introduces the sentence, don't forget to use a comma. He called me WHILE I was eating my dinner. On the other hand, we introduce or connect the action that was interrupted (past simple) to the second action in past continuous using the word: WHEN WHEN he called me, I was eating my dinner. Note: If the connector introduces the sentence, don't forget to use a comma. I was eating my dinner WHEN he called me. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 VOCABULARY The following task aims at practicing and reinforcing the content studied previously. Present your answers on the Virtual session. TASK 1 Listen to two people describe things that happened to them. Check (✓) True or False. Click here to listen STORY 1 1. The man returned to his car to get something. F ❑ T ❑ 2. Something crashed down and nearly hit him. F ❑ T ❑ 3. Part of a balcony had fallen off the building. F ❑ T ❑ 4. He didn't do anything about the situation. F ❑ T ❑ STORY 2 1. The woman wanted to get rid of a piano. F ❑ T ❑ 2. Water poured into her apartment. F ❑ T ❑ 3. The apartment manager called the fire department. F ❑ T ❑ 4. Not much damage was done. F ❑ T ❑ Listen again. Answer the questions. STORY 1 a. Who was the man going to visit? b. Why was the man lucky? STORY 2 a. What did the movers bump with the sofa? b. Who turned off the sprinkler system? (answers and script) VOCABULARY Adventure Celebration Coincidence Crisis Dilemma Disaster Misfortune Incident Holiday Emergency Occasion Phenomenon Predicament Success Triumph Mystery Lucky break TASK S Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 WORKING GUIDELINES The following task aims at practicing and reinforcing the content studied previously. Present your answers on the Virtual session. TASK 2 Create your own news story. Remember to use the past tenses (Simple past, past continuous and past perfect). You are the news reporter. Use the following headline and questions to write your story: HEADLINE: "Texas restaurant customer leaves $9,400 tip" What happened? Who was involved? When did it happen? Where did it happen? Why did it happen? Share your story news to the class. Exercixe 1: Choose past simple, past continuous or past perfect to complete the sentences. Click here Exercise 2: Choose the most suitable answer for each gap. Click here Exercise 3: Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate narrative tenses of the verbs in brackets: past simple, past continuous or past perfect simple. Click here TASK Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Past continuous vs. simple past; past perfect. GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVE Narrating a story; describing events in the past. LEVEL B1 - UNIT 4 CLASS 16 Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Unit 3 MAKING REQUESTS Grammar Worksheet Rewrite the requests in a more formal way. 1. Can you look after my house while 'm away on vacation? Would you mind _looking after my house while Tm away on vacation 2. Could | leave my pet snake with you? Is it OK if 3. Could you water my plants once a week? lwas wondering if 4. Can you pay my bills for me? Iwonder if 5. Could | borrow your car for my trip? Do you mind if PASS THE MESSAGE A PAIR WORK Write a list of unusual requests for different people. Teacher: Do my homework. Accept or decline the requests. A: Could you ask the teacher to do my homework? B: Oh, I'm sorry, | can't. He might get upset. Versión - Focha:1-04/2020 B PAIR WORK Ask your partner to deliver the messages to these people. How well can you do these things? I can ... -Discuss favors. -Leave messages with requests. -Tell a story, making clear the sequence of events. -Understand the sequence of events in a story. LEVEL B1 - UNITS 3-4 CLASS 18 PROGRESS CHECK Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 AUDIO (CLICK HERE) — Unit 3 Listening Worksheet COULD YOU DO ME A FAVOR? A PAIR WORK Imagine you need to go to the airport. Ask your partner for a ride. Sm y AAA A AA B (9 Listen to the phone conversations. Check (v) the statements that are true. 1. Da. lan is at school. 2. ll a. Tom is out with his friends. O b. lan won't be home until really late. O b. Tom will be back soon. O c. Amy needs to borrow lan's car. Oc. Joe has a problem with his car. O d. Amy had already asked lan for a favor. O d. Joe will be at his shop tomorrow. O e. Amy will call back later. O e. Joe wants Tom to call him tonight. C (0 Listen again. Complete the statements. 1. Amy wants lan to 2. Joe wants Tom to D PAIR WORK Look at these favors. Which would you do? Which wouldn't you do? Give reasons. help a friend organize a book fair for your school play the leading role in the play your friend is directing babysit your friend's six-year-old brother Versión — Fecha: 1-04/2020 Unit 4 Writing Worksheet FACT BOX WITH HISTORIC EVENTS Before You Write A Read the fact box. Where might you find a fact box like this? Did you know? - By the time Marco Polo arrived in Shang-tu, China, in the 13th century, the country had already reached a high level of development. Chinese citizens, for example, were already using paper money. + When Pedro Álvares Cabral arrived in Brazil on April 22, 1500, he had been at sea for almost six weeks. At the time, several million natives were living along the coast and in the rain forests of Brazil. +» By 1941, Britain and Germany had been at war for two years, and the British were seeking U.S. support. On December 11, 1941, Germany declared war on the United States. Book at the time line below. Then make time lines for the other events in the fact box. China achieved Marco Polo arrived a high level of in China. development. (13th century) NOW _———— Chinese people were using paper money. Your First Draft A Choose three historic events. Make a time line for each one. B Write a fact box. Use your time lines and the fact box above as a model. C PAIR WORK Read your partner's fact box. Write answers to these questions. 1. Is the information accurate? 2. ls the sequence of events clear? 3. Can you suggest any improvements to the content or grammar? Your Second Draft Use your partner's answers to revise your fact box. Versión - Fecha: 1-04/2020 VOCABULARY EXCEPTIONS/IMPORTANT ASPECTS VOCABULARY Anxious Depressed Homesick Nervous Cheerful Embarrassed Enthusiastic Proud Comfortable Excited Hopeful Silly Confident Fascinated Insecure Sleepy Curious Grouchy Lonely Uncertain Worried Concerned Happy Uncomfortable Excited about Worried about Concerned about Homesick for Interested in Anxious about Depressed about Fascinate d by Insecure about Nervous about Uncomfortable about Uncertain about Enthusiastic about Embarrassed about TASK The following task aims at practicing and reinforcing the content studied previously. Present your answers on the virtual session. Task 1: Imagine you are moving abroad for a year or two, to study and work. How would you feel about this whole new experience? Share your answer using the vocabulary and expressions studied during this lesson. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 WORKING GUIDELINES EXERCISES ABOUT GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVES 1. Answer the following questions taking into account the structures shown in the grammar chart. a. What country would you like to live in? Why? b. Who is the person you would most likely go abroad with? Why? c. What would be your two greatest concerns about living abroad? d. What are the things you would enjoy the most about living abroad? 2. Complete the sentences using the phrases in the chart, any combination is possible. My mom's cooking cooking knowing landmarks not getting used to the culture My bed and pillow my closet falling in love Having to buy water getting sick my neighbors eating local food getting used to the food 1. One thing I'd definitely be excited about is........ 2. something I'd really miss. 3. Two things I'd be homesick for are........ 4. .......are two things I'd be anxious about. 5. Something I'd get depressed about is........ one things I'd be embarrassed about. 7. The things I'd feel the most uncomfortable about is...... 8......are the people who I'd miss the most. 9. One thing I'd be insecure about is........ 10..... are two things I'd be enthusiastic about. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Useful expressions to talk about expectations.GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVE Talk about customs from different cultures and expectations while traveling and living abroad. LEVEL B1 - UNIT 5 CLASS 20 Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Noun phrases containing relative clauses; expectations: the custom to, (not) supposed to, expected to, (not) acceptable to. GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVE Talking about moving abroad; expressing emotions; describing cultural expectations; giving advice. LEVEL B1 - UNIT 5 CLASS 21 Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Unit 5 Grammar Worksheet EXPECTATIONS AT WORK How should you behave at work? Check (v') the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. O You're expected to... 2. O You're expected to... 3. O It's the custom to... O You aren't supposed to... O You aren't supposed to... O Its not the customto .. . . - be punctual. . . . write personal email. . « . Kiss your colleagues. 4. UU It's acceptable to... 5. O You're expected to... 6. [ll You're supposed to O It's not acceptable to ... O Youre not expected to... O Youre not supposed to .... . . . wear shorts. . . . wash your dishes. - « - listen to music. LIVING ON A TROPICAL ISLAND A Imagine you live alone on a tropical island. Complete the chart. Pdmiss... wouldn't miss... Pd worry about... my computer B GROUP WORK Compare your ideas. A: Something l'd really miss is my computer. | use it every day. B: l'd miss my cell phone. C: I'd miss that, too. But one thing that | wouldn't miss is the winter. | hate cold weather! Versión Fecha: 1-04/2020 Grammar: Expectations: (not) expected to, (not) supposed to, (not) customary to, (not) acceptable to. Vocabulary: Words related to traveling abroad . GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVE Describing customs. LEVEL B1 - UNIT 5 CLASS 22 VIDEO Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Describing damages (Click here) Suggestions (Click here) EXPLANATION In this lesson you will find some useful resources to learn how to describe problems by making complaints and talking finding solutions. GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE Describing problems 1. EXPLANATORY VIDEO USE OF THE TOPIC IN CONTEXT Subject + Be + Past participle (as adjective) The glasses are scratched. Note: Remember that when you want to refer to a damage as an adjective, the subject must be followed by BE Subject + Have/has + Noun There is / there are + Noun It has some scratches. There are some scratches on it. Exception: There is a specific case with the verb Leak. We use it in present participle leaking or as a noun leak. Example: The sink is leaking or the sink has a leak. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 VOCABULARY VOCABULARY Flickering Jamming Hole Leak Carpet Crashing Sticking Damage Vase Shampooing Skipping Peeling paint Scratch Ceiling Watering Freezing Dent Crack Lamp shade Dying Chip Tear Chair Dropping Stain Break Rug TASK The following tasks aim at practicing and reinforcing the content studied previously. Present your answers in the virtual session. Task 1. Write a text describing some of the problems that 3 personal things at home might have and a possible solution. (Use Need + gerund / Need + passive infinitive / Keep + gerund). Task 2. Watch the video in context The aim is to identify and describe all the hotel items that are not working properly and need to be fixed. Use all the grammar points seen in this lesson to make your own sentences. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Using Need with passive infinitives and gerunds and Keep with gerunds. GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVE Making complaints about services provided and discussing what needs fixing. LEVEL B1 - UNIT 6 CLASS 24 Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 ANSWER KEY Exercise 1 Possible solutions: a) The walls need painting / the walls need to be painted b) The fender needs fixing / the fender needs to be fixed c) The floor needs mopping / the floor needs to be moped (cleaned) d) The pipes need adjusting / the pipes need to be adjusted e) The curtains need sewing / the curtains need to be sewn/sewed Exercise 2 Possible solutions: 2. The shirt is stained 3. The rug is wet / the rug is stained 4. The bicycle has some damage 5. The tap is leaking 6. The chair is damaged Exercise 3 a) Flickering b) Dropping c) Jamming d) Sticking e) Dying Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Describing problems with past participles as adjectives and with nouns; describing problems with keep + gerund, need + gerund, and need + passive infinitive. GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVE Describing problems; making complaints; explaining something that needs to be done. LEVEL B1 - UNIT 6 CLASS 25 Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Unit 6 Grammar Worksheet ATA DEPARTMENT STORE Write each complaint a different way. OO Customer Service . This coat is stained. This coat has a stain on ¡+ 2. This air conditioner has a leak. This air conditioner 3. These sunglasses are cracked. These sunglasses 4. This lamp shade has stains on it. This lamp shade 5. This mirror has scratches on it. This mirror 6. This T-shirt is torn. This T-shirt NEXT, PLEASE! PAIR WORK Role-play the situations from the exercise above. One student is a salesperson. The other student is a customer. Use the verbs in the box. clean fix repai replace A: Excuse me. I'd like to return this air conditioner. It has a leak. B: Oh, that's not a problem. lt just needs to ba fixed. A: | know it needs fixing! But | want a new one! | just bought it yesterday! Versión Fecha: 1-04/2020 How well can you do these things? I can ... -Talk about feelings and expectations. -Discuss cultural differences. -Understand problems and complaints. -Describe problems. -Discuss what needs to be improved. LEVEL B1 - UNITS 5-6 CLASS 27 PROGRESS CHECK Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 AUDIO (CLICK HERE) ) Unit 5 Listening Worksheet WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE ABROAD? A PAIR WORK Henry is speaking about living overseas. Which countries do you see information for? Would you like to live there? Why or why not? OVERSEAS a OPPORTUNITIES S N 28 7 ! My CC o es d y o ) ESOS - 7 NN 4 DS) SR SINS 1 SE LAS ISS ap] a 571 PA=S A OT ú 1 — 1 B 9 Listen to the conversations. Where would each person like to live? 1. Angela: 2. Paul: C (9 Listen again. Complete the chart. Would miss Would like Would worry about Angela Paul D PAIR WORK Discuss these questions. 1. Where would you like to live? Why? 2. How long would you like to live there? 3. What would you miss? 4. What would you like about the country? 5. What would you worry about? Versión - Fecha: 1-04/2020 Unit 6 Writing Worksheet LETTER OF COMPLAINT Before You Write A Read the letter. Whatis the purpose of the letter? Attention: Customer Service Department 1 I'm writing to complain about a digital camera (Model DC100) that | purchased online on December 24. 2 The camera | was sent was not in good condition. There were a lot of scratches on it, and the lens was cracked. Furthermore, the flash didn't work. 3 On January 8, | took the camera to your local service representative. | was told that the camera just needed “adjusting.” | was also told there would be a $15 charge for this. | refused to pay and was told to write to you if | wanted to complain. 4 | am very dissatisfied with the condition of this camera. | would therefore like to request a full refund. Yours sincerely, Spencer Barnes B Complete the sentences with the number of the correct paragraph. a. Paragraph explains how the writer tried to solve the problem. b. Paragraph contains the writer's request. c. Paragraph describes the problem. d. Paragraph explains the purpose of the letter. Your First Draft A Imagine you bought a product that didn't work properly. Answer these questions. 1. What was the product? 2. What was the problem? 3. Was the problem solved? Why or why not? B Write a letter of complaint about the product. Use your answers and Spencer's letter as a model. C PAIR WORK Read your partner's letter. Write answers to these questions. 1. Is the purpose of the letter clear? 2. Is the request clear? 3. Can you suggest any improvements to the content or grammar? Your Second Draft Use your partner's answers to revise your letter. Versión Fecha: 1-04/2020 TASK The following task aims at practicing and reinforcing the content studied previously. Work on the task independently and present your answers in the virtual session. Task 1 Select two problems in your community, city or country. Based on them, you have to prepare a speech script for a superior to report the issue. The report must be formal since you are addressing to a governmental entity. Some of the topics you may talk about are: Landfills, e-waste, water pollution, climate change, the health of people, extinction of plants, etc. (This speech should be about 5 minutes.) Share your speech with your teacher and classmates on the online session. 1. Analyze the images and write ten sentences describing what is happening. Remember to use the structures of the present continuous passive and present perfect passive. Work independently on the following grammar exercises, once you complete them you can check the Answer key to verify your answers 2. The Passive Continuous tense. Go to the following link and practice (Click here) 3. Correct the mistakes in the given sentences and rewrite them in passive voice. Example: Sheila is drinking a cup of tea. - A cup of tea is being drunk by Sheila. 1. My father is bathing the car. _______________________________________ 2. Farmer Joe is milking the cows. _______________________________________ 3. She have taking a picture of him. _______________________________________ 4. I writing a poem. _______________________________________ 5. We hasn’t played football. _______________________________________ Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Review the use of phrases with infinitive clauses to suggest solutions to problems. GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVE Identify and describe solutions and alternatives to current social and environmental challenges. LEVEL B1 - UNIT 7 CLASS 29 Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 What can you do RIGHT NOW to save the Earth? (Click here) EXPLANATION In this unit, you will be able to identify and describe environmental and social problems using the passive voice in the present continuous, and the present perfect. Throughout this guide you will will be able to reflect and communicate ideas about the challenges and issues of modern life. Furthermore, the student will create and propose solutions to these issues using infinitive phrases. Infinitive clauses (Click here) EXPLANATORY VIDEO USE OF THE TOPIC IN CONTEXT Infinitive clauses and phrases GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE Task 2 Students will take the role of their cities’ Major and then will give a speech about the best ways to deal with the Coronavirus outbreak in Colombia using the reviewed infinitive clauses and phrases. In order to describe the problem, take into account the use of the passive voice. TASK The following task aims at practicing and reinforcing the content studied previously. Work on the task independently and present your answers in the virtual session. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Unit7 Grammar Worksheet ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS Rewrite these sentences from the active to the passive. Use the prepositions in parentheses to indicate the cause. 1. The disposal of dangerous chemicals into the water is polluting rivers and lakes. (through) Rivers and lakes are being polluted through the disposal of dangerous chemicals into +he water. 2. The Greenhouse Effect is affecting the earth's temperature. (by) 3. Harmful gases are damaging the ozone layer. (because of) 4. The cutting down of rain forests is destroying rare plants. (due to) 5. Pollution from factories is contaminating the air in urban areas. (as a result of) LOCAL PROBLEMS A vihat environmental problems exist in your city or town? How can they be solved? Complete the chart. Problem Solution too much garbage recycle B PAIR WORK Compare your charts. A: One problem is too much garbage is being produced. B: What can be done about it? A: Well, one way to change things is to recycle more. Versión Fecha: 1-04/2020 Grammar: The passive and prepositions of cause. Vocabulary: Words related to the environment and climate change. GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVE Describing environmental problems. LEVEL B1 - UNIT 7 CLASS 31 VIDEO Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 VIDEO: ENDANGERED ISLANDS A BBC reporter explains how climate change threatens the island nation of Tuvalu (CLICK HERE). Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 VOCABULARY VOCABULARY Life skills Budget Improve A raise Technical Job-shadowing Self-confidence Concern Clutter Idiom A promotion Practical Self-discipline Competitiveness Cooperation Concentrate College License Counselor Tolerance Management Creativity Approach Degree Network Qualifications Volunteering Perseverance Planner Identical Lecture Hire Internship Perform Problem A play Learn Career Survey Despite Buddy Solving Watch the video titled "HOW TO LEARN 100+ ENGLISH WORDS A DAY" at: and identify each one of the recommendations given by the speaker about learning new vocabulary in English. Take notes of the recommendations and present them by using the structure learned today: By+gerund to describe how to do things. Then, jot down which advice would you most likely prefer to follow and why. TASK 1. Complete the task before your online session so that you can socialize your experience and the result of your work during the online meeting. Task 1 Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 By + gerund to describe how to do things. GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVE Discuss ways of learning and life skills. LEVEL B1 - UNIT 8 CLASS 33 Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Overcoming Anxiety (Click here) EXPLANATION In this guide you will learn how to use the combination of By and gerund to explain how to do things. By + Gerund (Click here) GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE EXPLANATORY VIDEO USE OF THE TOPIC IN CONTEXT Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 BY + GERUND (ING) TASK Write a text (100 words) about two ways to improve each of the four communicative skills in English (speaking, writing, reading and listening). Then, for each skill, write down which of those two options, you would rather focus on and explain why. 1. Complete the task before your online session so that you can socialize your experience and the result of your work during the online meeting. Task 2 Unit 8 Grammar Worksheet LEARNING A LANGUAGE A Complete the sentences. Use by + gerund and the phrases in the box. O keep a vocabulary notebook. [Y take every chance to speak it O look them up in the dictionary [] use a grammar reference book O read articles online O watch movies in English 1. A good way to become fluent in a language is _by taking every chance to speak it - 2. You can find out the meaning of new words 3. You can check your grammar 4. You can improve your listening 5. You can become a better reader 6. A good way to expand your vocabulary ¡is B choose three sentence beginnings from part A. Complete them with your own ideas. 1. 2 3. CHOICES A What choices do you prefer? Complete the You column in the chart. Choices You Your partner A sport you would snowboarding or like to try surfing A country you would South Africa or like to visit New Zealand A person you would Jennifer Lopez or like to meet Brad Pitt A skill you would cooking or like to learn car repair An instrument you violin or would like to play piano B PAIR WORK Ask about your partner's preferences. Write the answers in the Your partner column. A: Would you rather try snowboarding or surfing? B: I'd rather try snowboarding. | think its more exciting. How about you? A: P'd prefer to try surfing because | love the water! Versión Fecha: 1-04/2020 Grammar: Gerunds and infinitives; would rather and would prefer. Vocabulary: Words related to learning. GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVE Talking about learning methods. LEVEL B1 - UNIT 8 CLASS 35 VIDEO Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 VIDEO: TANGO! A reporter talks to several people about learning to dance the tango (CLICK HERE). Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Unit 8 ESSAY ABOUT DIFFICULT DECISIONS Before You Write Read Paul's essay. Then complete the chart. Choosing a career is a very difficult decision. | don't know what l'd really like to do, but | know very well what 'd rather not do. Given the choice, 'd rather not have a job that is stressful. A stressful job can be dangerous for your health. Also, I'd prefer not to work long hours. Working long hours interferes with your family life. In addition, l'd rather not choose a career that requires studying. In facil, l'd prefer not to study at all. | find sludying very stressful. Making the right career choice is not going to be easy. For this reason, 'm going to take a long, long vacation before | decide! Writing Worksheet Things the writer doesn't want Reasons 1. | astressful job dangerous for your health 2. 3. Your First Draft A Think of a decision that is difficult to make. Make a chart with things you want (or don't want). Give reasons. B vrite an essay about the decision. Use the information in your chart and Paul's essay as a model. C PAIR WORK Read your partner's essay. Write answers to these questions. 1. What is the decision? 2. Is the explanation of the reasons clear? 3. Can you suggest any improvements to the content or grammar? Your Second Draft Use your partner's answers to revise your essay. Versión - Focha:1-04/2020 Use of passive causative (Get or have + object + past participle). GRAMMATICAL OBJECTIVES COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVES Describe experiences of getting or having things done. LEVEL B1 – UNIT 9 CLASS 37 Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020 Get things done (Click here) Suggestions (Click here) EXPLANATION In this unit, you will be able to talk about things you need to have done; that is, when you need a service (cut your hair, repair your car, shorten your pants) but you don't do it by yourself. Moreover, you will learn how to ask for advice when you have a problem or how to give suggestions to someone who has a problem. GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE Causatives Kevin: Hey, Jeisson. Do you know where I can get my car fixed? The engine is making a funny sound. Jeisson: Sure! You can have it repaired at David's Auto Repair Shop. EXPLANATORY VIDEO USE OF THE TOPIC IN CONTEXT In this unit, you will be able to talk about things you need to have done; that is, when you need a service (cut our hair, repair your car, shorte your pants) but you don't do it by yourself. Talk about things you need to have done: Read the following conversation and pay attention to the words in bold: Now pay attention to the boldfaced expressions and notice how that structure is used to talk about a service that you need another person to do for you. “You can have your car repaired at David's Auto Repair Shop (you're not going to repair your car yourself, David, the mechanic, will do it).” Have/get + Object + Past Participle Now, identify the structure of the example: Some extra examples for you: - I got my computer fixed last week at Unilago. - Where can I have a pizza delivered after midnight? - I will get my hair cut at Norberto's tomorrow. - I'm having my nails polished today. *Notice how you can adjust the tense of the verbs get or have. Versión – Fecha: 1-04/2020
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