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Free Story in English, Traducciones de Inglés

Taste of Heaven. A story in English for you

Tipo: Traducciones


Subido el 07/05/2023

sukhmanjit-kaur 🇪🇸

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¡Descarga Free Story in English y más Traducciones en PDF de Inglés solo en Docsity! +- Taste Of Heaven»... Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah Thompson. Sarah was 17 and she loved studying. Everyone in school wanted to be like her because she was popular and smart. She was nothing like her friends. Her friends only cared about boys and their looks, but Sarah only cared about her studies. She used to do very good at school. She always used to get A and she never in her life got a B. She was the smartest in her class until one day a boy named Jacob joined. He was 18, and he moved here to California because his dad found a new job. He used to live in Texas. They were both the smartest people in the school. They always used to fight over grades because they were both very competitive. They were also the best players of the volleyball team. The girls team and the boys team always used to tie since Jacob joined the team. They always got in fights in al the volleyball matches and practice. Since they used to hate each other so much, their coaches decided to send them to a group therapy camp. Since they couldn't send wo people, they sent the whole volleyball team. Everyone was so excited to get there, even Sarah and Jacob, but, one thing they didn't know was that they were going to be partners. Nobody knew that there were going to be partners. Especially girls with boys and boys with girls. The girls started screaming at the coaches because the girls team hated the boys team, but the boys team LOVED the girls team. You know why they love them. So the coaches just start calling the students names, and they pair them up with others. And then Sarah hears her name and Jacob's name, and her jaw drops. She looks at her friends with a “I want to die” face and gets up and sees Jacob looking at her with a death stare. They go to the coach and get their room number and Sarah says "1 will never forget this” to her coach. They both go to their camp room and see that there are two beds in a same room. Jacob looks at me with an annoyed face and says"Ain't no way I'm sleeping in the same room as you”. look at him with a disgusted face and say, "Do you think | want to sleep in a same room as you? N-O. NO." But what else could we do? | just didn't think about it or about him, and just went to bed. We did some stupid activities for a week and as usual me and Jacob won every single one of them. “Since you guys are the strongest and the most compatible partner. You guys get to go on a little trip to the ¡ce cream shop. Alone.” Coach D told us in front of everyone and my best friend Lily shouted "OMG, IS THAT LIKE A DATE?” | looked at her and mouthed, “You are so dead.”. | hated Jacob so much, but these seven days made me change my opinion about him. Maybe he's not an immature boy that makes fun of everyone. He actually respects people, and he is actually kind of attractive. Are you out of your mind, Sarah? Since we have a “date” to go to. | might just get ready. | love ice cream, but | don't like my ice cream partner. | went to the bathroom so take a shower and put on some jean shorts and a white tank top since it's so hot in here these days. | put on some mascara and a lip gloss and some sunscreen. 1 was just getting out of the bathroom and | saw Jacob styling his hair in our room. “That looks ugly” 1 say, looking him up and down with that sarcastic tone in my voice, He looks at me with an annoyed face and says, "I've been trying to fix my hair with this gel, but its just not working, and it's getting annoying.” “Here, let me help you with that hair | started messing with his hair until 1 could do something about it. While I was doing his hair, | could feel him staring at me. Looking at me in the eyes. “Done” | said, smiling at him. “Thank you" he smiled back at me. Since when did we become friends? Is this camp thing working? Let's just stop thinking about it. “Ready to go eat ice cream for free?" he asked. “Always” | said with a smirk on my face. We were walking together, a litle too close and since | can't walk straight, | accidentally bumped into him. “Chill out, I getít. 1 look super nice today.” he said with a smirk on his face. “You need to be humbled”. We kept walking until we got to an ice cream place. | ordered a chocolate ice cream, and he ordered a vanilla ice cream. He looked at me and said, “Vanilla is way better” | looked at him with a disgusted face and said, “1 am allergic to vanilla.” he looked at him with a shocked face, “You're so unlucky." The rest of the “date” talking and laughing. Both of us forgot that we were enemies, and | think that this camp thing is working. After spending one hour talking and laughing, we went back to camp and everyone saw us coming in with a smile on our faces and started screaming. We both looked at each other with a confused and a smily look and then looked at everyone. | went to talk to my best friend and the first thing she asks me is "OMG HOW WAS YOUR DATE” "It wasn't a date” | told her with a straight face. “You know, | see how you guys look at each other since you both joined camp, right?" she said with a smile. | looked at her and said, “How do we look at each other? How does he look at me””. “Why do you want to know? Don't you hate him?" 1 was about to answer, but then | heard a whistle, and that means that it's time to go to bed. | went into my room and saw him changing into his pyjamas. His pyjamas were basically checked pants and a white tank top, or sometimes just no shirt. This time it was no shirt because itwas super hot outside. | will be honest, Jacob ¡s a very attractive boy, but he has always been my enemy. | don't think he feels the same way, but I don't care. JACOB'S POINT OF VIEW We just came back from the ice cream place and 1 had the best time. This ¡s the first time | actually liked Sarah. When we walked in the camp, everyone started shouting, and it was kind of embarrassing. She stayed there with her friends, but 1 was too tired, so just did my skincare. | was putting on my pyjamas and | see her coming in our room. She stayed there standing looking at me for a second, and | think 1 did the same thing. Then she wentto the bathroom and came back with her pyjamas on. She was wearing a black tank top and checked pants. Our clothes were so similar, but no one said anything about it. Ive always hated her. Since we met, but now, ! think its changing. My point of view for her was slowly changing. She was always pretty, and | always knew that, but now her personality is slowly changing, and she is becoming more and more attractive. l've been thinking about her the whole day. Maybe it's just me overthinking again. ! just went to wash my face for the lasttime and went to bed. 1 wonder if she thinks the same thing about me. The next morning, | woke up very early, and | didn't even realize that until 1 saw Sarah sleeping peacefully. Since, we are not allowed to use our phones in this stupid camp, | didn't know what time it was, and we don't have clocks in our rooms, so ¡ts very annoying. | watch her sleep peaceful with her hair on her face. | decided to move her hair, so it won't annoy her, but then | accidentally woke her up. She flinched and opened her eyes and saw me. She looks at me confused with a disgusted face, “What the hell are you doing?" | got so embarrassed, “There was hair on your face”. | felt kind of bad to woke her up. WA/T, WHY AM | FEELING BAD FOR HER? JACOB WAKE UP. SHE'S YOUR ENEMY. | just ignored it and got out of my bed and went straight to the bathroom and brushes my teeth and took a shower. | decided to put on some grey shorts and a white Nike t-shirt. walk out of the bathroom and see Sarah waiting for me 1o get out of the bathroom. “Finally, oh my god, what were you doing in there? Sleeping? " “Ha ha, funny” | replied with an annoyed face. We both went outside after Sarah got ready and see everyone waiting for us. We did some more stupid activities to make our bond stronger, and of course me and Sarah won again. With our intelligence, not that we are compatible or anything. After the activities, we went to eat lunch at a restaurant near us. 1 was walking with my best friend Noah and Sarah was walking with Lily. 1 saw Lily looking at Noah. They always had a crush on each other since middle school. Everyone knows that they like each other beside themselves. But then 1 realize that Lily and Sarah are looking me and talking, and it's obvious that they're talking about me. Lily was talking and giggling, and Sarah was looking at her with an annoyed face. She's definitely shipping us. No doubt. lt was getting kind of annoying, to be honest. Lily pushed Sarah and she bumped into me. Sarah was about to shout at her, but ! interrupted her, "ARE YOU STUPID? SHE COULD'VE JUST FALL IN THE ROAD OR GET HIT BY A CAR”. “Hey chill out, it's not that big of a deal” she looked at me and smiled. One thing ! didn't like about Sarah was her best friend. | get it, you both are best friends since middle school, but she's just so annoying sometimes. “So, how are you doing?" she asked me. “Good, why do you care?” | asked. “I dont know. We just walked to the restaurant in complete and awkward silence after. SARAH" POINT OF VIEW Sometime my best friend, Lily, is super annoying. She just pushed me and | bumped into Jacob and Noah. | could'e got hit by a car or something. But she is a sweet soul and | know that, and | didn't like that Jacob just yelled at her, even though it was kind of cute. Him yelling at her to protect me. Ew, that was cringe. We finally got to the restaurant and we ate dinner. Dinner was so delicious, better than the camp food. “We should come here every day” Jacob yelled and everyone laughed. “Vea, you wish Jac” Coach D looked at him with a smile. Jac. That's a weird name. We should call him Satan. That's way better. We all got up and left the restaurant. While 1 was walking at the edge of the footpath, Jacob came near me and pushed me off, but | controlled myself. He laughed at me, but | almost got a heart attack. “Idiot, I almost died" | looked at him, and he said *l am not stupid. | looked at the road first. | don't hate you THAT much”. After being in that stupid camp for almost a month, we finally got out. Did the camp thing work? Maybe, but I know that we are going to be the same because we wil fight for our grades and our competiions. | got home and the first thing | did was hug my parents and sister. Even though | hated my younger sister so much, | missed her. After spending some time with them, ! changed my clothes and went to bed. 1 missed this bed so much. The camp room was like living in hell. After some rest, | decided to go out to my favourite coffee shop and study a little. l arrived at the coffee shop and sat down. | ordered my coffee. 1 decide to take out my stuff out of my bag. While 1 was looking for my AirPods in my bag, | see a familiar face entering the shop. lt was Jacob. Wow, he couldn't even leave me alone for 5 hours. | quickly turn around, so he couldn't see my face, but! was 100 late. | could feel someone walking over to my table, so | decided to look back and saw the devil himself. He looks at me with a face that looks like he is super surprised and happy to see me here, “what are you doing here?” | looked at him with a what the freak? face and said, "Maybe because | live 5 minutes away from this café?” He looks at me like a litle kid and sits down near me. “Soooo, how's life?” “Jacob, we just met like 5 hours ago.” | look at his face and start laughing. 1 could tel! that he wanted to talk, but he didr't know what to say, so he just got up and left with his coffee. That was awkward. I continued studying, and | saw him wait outside the Ballet dance company. It's basically a place where people go to learn ballet. Then 1 realized that he has a sister who does ballet. Aww, he is waiting for his younger sister. | saw him look inside the café like he is looking for me. ! know | used to hate this man, but | am starting to like him. | finished my homework and went home to get ready for a party we had. | was so excited to go to this party because the person who threw this pany is extremely rich, so the party would be fire. | went to the bathroom and did my makeup and put on a black dress and style my hair. Once | finished getting ready, 1 called Lily to come pick me up. After waiting for 10 minutes, she finally came. She lives near, so thats why she came super early. 1 go outside and see her in the car looking super excited, “Are you ready for the party?” “YES!” 1 looked at her with an excited face. We arrived at the party and the person we saw was Noah. Lily tried to hide, so he won't see me because she is too shy. | pushed her, and she bumped into him like she pushed me the other day. She looks at me with the what are you doing!?" face and says “you bitch” and | look at her with a sassy face and say “Karma is a bitch.” After 1 pushed Lily, Noah looked at her and a smile appeared on his face, Well, | regret pushing her because now | am alone. | can feel someone staring at me, so | decide to look back and see that Jacob's looking at me. I stared back, and we had an eye contact for 5 minutes straight. | decided to go and sit near him and talk. “Hey, long time no see.” he looked at me like he was actually happy to see me, “Hey, we just met 2 hours ago." We sat there for 2 minutes, and he asked me if | wanted a drink and | said yes, so we both got up and went to get our drinks. We talked for a while, but then | decided to go hang with Sofie. We both went to the dance floor, and we danced for a while. When | was dancing, | saw Jacob dancing with Noah and Lily. We both an eye contact. | decided to go to him and dance with him. He looked at me and shouting, “THIS IS THE BEST PARTY I'VE EVER BEEN TO." ME TOO” 1 shouted. After some dancing, | went to bring a drink and this time it was alcohol. 1 grabbed two cups for myself and suddenly everything started getting dizzy. For your information, | ended up drinking 14 beers. | was wasted. | couldn't even stand, so | decided to go to a room and lay there for a while. While | was lying on the bed, | heard some voices calling my name. 1 couldn't get up, so | just decided to ignore them, but then | heard some footsteps coming in the room where | was lying down. | heard a similar voice saying “Hey, Sarah, are you okay” when | heard the voice, 1 immediately knew that it was Jacob. His voice was so soft, it was like he was worried about me. | got up and looked at him. I could see itin my eyes that he was very worried about me. He sat near me and touched my hair. “What happened?” 1 looked at him in the eyes with the urge of kissing him and since | was drunk I went near him, looked him in the eyes and kissed him. JACOB'S POINT OF VIEW was sitting next to her, and suddenly she comes near me, and she looks at me in the eyes. She puts her hand around my face and | got scared because she never did that to me. | look at her looking at my lips. She comes near and kisses me. | put my hand on her waist and kiss her back. Everything went quiet, and | felt some butterflies in my stomach. It felt like 1 was dreaming. We were just kissing when we felt someone in the room. We both stopped at the same time and looked at the room door, and we see Lily and Noah with their mouths open. “OH.MY.GOD. WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE” Lily looks at us with her jaw on the floor. Sarah looks at me with an embarrassed face and says, “Um- | dont feel so fell. Lily, can we please go home? | am super wasted.” Lily looks at me and looks at Sarah and says, 'yea, sure, lets go.” She got up and said goodbye to me. Noah sits near me and says, "Tell me EVERYTHING."
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