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Prácticas de inglés intermedio: Relativos y conectores, Traducciones de Inglés

Gramática inglesaPrácticas de lenguaLengua inglesa

Este documento ofrece ejercicios de práctica para aprender a utilizar correctamente los pronombros relativos y los conectores en inglés. Contiene ejemplos, traducciones al español y ejercicios para su práctica.

Qué aprenderás

  • ¿Cómo se traducen los conectores 'so that' y 'in order to' al español?
  • ¿Cómo se usan los pronombros relativos en inglés?
  • ¿Cómo se diferencian los pronombros relativos 'who' y 'which' en inglés?

Tipo: Traducciones

Antes del 2010

Subido el 01/04/2022


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¡Descarga Prácticas de inglés intermedio: Relativos y conectores y más Traducciones en PDF de Inglés solo en Docsity! (jus car is dis?) (¿de quién es este carro?) He whose car is big will give it away to us. (ji jus car is big wil giv it awei tu os) (el cuyo carro es grande nos lo regalara) They whose trousers are black are my relatives. (dei jus trausers ar black ar mai wrelativs) (ellos cuyos pantalones son negros son mis parientes) The person whose keys I found must be worried. (de person jus kis ai faund most bi wowried) (la persona cuyas llaves yo encontre debe estar preocupado) 4) which (wich) (que; el/lo/la cual). Ex: The book  which is on the table is mine. (de buk wich is on de teibl is main) (el libro que esta/el cual esta en la mesa es mio) The horse  which he rides is big and black. (de jors wich ji wraids is big and black) (el caballo que el monta es grande y negro) 5) when (jwen) (cuando...). Ex: Yesterday was the day when all the people in my office said the truth. (yesterdei was de dei jwen ol de pipl in mai ofis sed de trud) (ayer fue el día cuando toda la gente en mi oficina dijo la verdad) The day, when she came, was very warm. (de dei, jwen shi keim, was vewri worm) (el día, cuando ella vino, estaba muy calido) 6) where (jwer) (donde...). Ex: The stadium where they are playing football is the biggest of the world. (de stadium jwer dei ar pleing futbol is de bigest ov de world) (el estadio donde ellos estan jugando football es el mas grande de el mundo) 7) "who, which, when" a veces pueden ser reemplazados por "that". Ex: The book which (that) is on the table is mine. He is the man who (that) is very good playing football. The day when (that) she came was warm. "where" se puede sustituir por "in which" o por "on which" (en el/la cual) según lo que se quiera dar a entender. Ex: The office where (in which) i work is next to that shop. This is the street where (on which) i live. 8) los pronombres relativos con/y las preposiciones. Ex: This is the dog of which she is afraid = this is the dog which she is afraid of. I know the man from whose son you bought the car = I know the man whose son 1 4 1 mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes from you bought the car. The teacher in whose class I learned most is mr. Jones = the teacher whose class I learned most in is mr. Jones. The person with whom I am most is my best friend = the person whom I am most with is my best friend. This is the book about which I was talking to her = this is the book which I was talking to her about. The person for whom I am waiting is my sister = the person whom I am waiting for is my sister. You are the person to whom I am going to tell the truth = you are the person whom I am going to tell the truth to. Intermidiate 2 english practice, unit 6, "relative pronouns" Practice using the appropiate relative pronoun in each sentence: 1) The student _______ studies hard will pass the final exam. 2) Mr. Richard is the man to ______ we all admire!. 3) ________ am I speaking to?. 4) He ____________ car is big, is my best friend. 5) The glasses _________ were on the table, were mine. 6) Those were the houses __________ I was telling you about!. 7) April the second is the day _________ he celebrates his birthday. 1 4 2 mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes 45. Los pronombres recíprocos Reciprocal pronouns. (wreciprocal pronouns) (los pronombres recíprocos) Each other ( oder) (el uno al otro "intervienen 2 personas"). One another (wuan anoder) (unos a/con otros, uno a/con otro "intervienen  3  o  más personas). Ex: The two boys hate each other. (de tu bois jeit oder) (los dos muchachos se odian el uno al otro) They used to give each other many presents. (dei iust tu giv oder meni presents) (ellos solian darse el uno al otro muchos regalos) All of us in the class are very fond of one another. (ol ov os in de clas ar vewri fond ov wuan anoder) (todos nosotros en la clase estamos muy encariñados unos con/a otros) They didn´t have time to look at one another. (dei dident jav taim tu luk at wuan anoder) (ellos no tenian tiempo para mirarse unos a otros) The use of "either...or... And neither...nor..." Either...or... (i..der...or...) (o...o...) = se usa para hablar acerca de 2 o más posibilidades, de una manera "afirmativa". Ex: You can either come with me or walk alone. (iu can i..der com wid mi or wolk alon) (tu puedes o venir conmigo o caminar solo) Either you leave this house or I will call the police. (i..der iu li..v dis jaus or ai wil col de polis) (o tu dejas esta casa o yo llamare a la policia) I like to live either in the city or on the country. (ai laik tu liv i..der in de citi or on de countri) (me gusta vivir o en la ciudad o en el campo) Neither...nor... (ni..der...nor...) ( = se usa para hablar de  2  o mas posibilidades, pero de una forma "negativa". Ex: I trust neither you nor anybody.                                           them. (ai trost ni..der iu nor enibodi) (yo confio ni en ti ni en nadie (ellos)) I neither smoke nor drink liquor. (ai ni..der smouk nor drink liquor) 1 4 5 mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes (yo ni fumo ni tomo licor) Neither he nor she was at home yesterday. (ni..der ji nor shi was at jom yesterdei) (ni el ni ella estaban en casa ayer) Intermidiate 2 english practice, unit 6, "general review" Translate into english the following spanish sentences: 1) O sales de mi casa, o tendre que llamar a la policia. 2) Ni el ni tu son malos. 3) Ellos no tenian tiempo de mirarse unos a otros. 4) A veces nos amamos o nos odiamos el uno al otro. 5) Yo terminare los estudios pase lo que pase. 6) Yo puedo hacerle un favor a quienquiera. 7) Sal de dondequiera que estes. 8) No hicimos la tarea, porque no tuvimos el tiempo suficiente. 9) Yo te dire la verdad tan pronto como tu me digas todo lo que quiero saber. 10) No puede ser!, Ellos no estaban aquí ayer. Nota: si no puede hacer este ejercicio, quiere decir que no ha estudiado como debe de hacerlo, por favor, no siga adelante sin antes saber todo muy bien del principio del curso hasta este punto. 1 4 6 mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes 46. Conectores o conjunciones Connectors or conjunctions (conectors or conyuncshion) (conectores o conjunciones) 1) so that (sou dat); in order to (in order tu); y  so as to (sou as tu) = se usan para indicar proposito y se pueden traducir como "de manera que"  o  "con el proposito de/que", aunque en ocaciones lo traducen como "para" o "porque..." "so that" = va seguido por una persona o pronombre del predicado. "in order to" y "so as to" = van seguido por una acción, y puede utilizarse cualquiera de los dos. Ex: He is washing the car so that he can take his girlfriend to the cinema. (ji is washing de car sou dat ji can teik jis grlfrend tu de cinema) (el esta lavando el carro de manera que el pueda llevar a su novia al cinema) They are listening to their father in order to learn a lot. (dei ar lisening tu deir fader in order tu le..rn a lot) (ellos estan escuchando a su padre con el proposito de aprender un monton) She got up early so as to be able to finish her homework. (shi got op i..rli  sou as tu bi eibl tu finish jer jomwork) (ella se levanto temprano con el proposito de poder terminar su tarea) 2) because (bicos) (porque...) = va seguido por una persona o pronombre del sujeto. Because of (bicos ov) (a causa de, por causa de, debido a) = va seguido de un articulo o de un adjetivo posesivo. Ex: I didn´t buy the cigarrets because they were very expensive. (ai dident bai de cigawrets bicos dei wer vewri expensiv) (yo no compre los cigarros porque ellos estaban muy caros) I didn´t buy them because of their danger. (ai dident bai dem bicos ov deir danyer) (yo no los compre a causa de/ debido a su daño) I only competed in the race because of the expensive prize. (ai onli compitid in de wreis bicos ov di expensiv prais) (yo unicamente competi en la carrera a causa de el caro premio) 3) although (oldoug); though (doug); even though (iven doug) = los  3  significan "aunque", pero "although" por van comunmente al principio de la oracion, mientras que "though" y "even though" van comunmente en medio o al final de una oracion. As though (as doug) (como si) = as if (as if). Ex: Although she is very young, she has an open mind. (oldoug shi is vewri yong, shi jas an oupen maind) (aunque ella es muy joven, ella tiene una mente abierta) Her father gave her a cat, though she doesn´t like them. (jer fader geiv jer a cat, doug shi dosent laik dem) (su padre le dio "a ella" un gato, aunque a ella no le gustan) 1 4 7 mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes 47. The use of ... 1) Late (leit) (tarde, con retrazo). Lately (leitli) (ultimamente) = recently (wricentli) (recientemente). Ex: You are late (iu ar leit) (tu estas atrazado = tu estas tarde = llegas tarde). It´s not good for him to keep himself awake until late at night. (its not gud for jim tu kip jimself aweik ontil leit at naigt) (no es bueno que él se mantenga despierto hasta tarde en la noche) He came late, so we didn´t go to the cinema. (ji keim leit, sou ui dident gou tu de cinema) (él vino tarde, así que nosotros no fuimos al cinema) You are very pretty lately!. (iu ar vewri priti leitli!) (tu estas muy bonita ultimamente!) We don´t go to that kind of places lately. (ui dont gou tu dat kaind ov pleises leitli) (nosotros no vamos a esa clase de lugares ultimamente) 2) indeed (indid) (ciertamente, realmente) = se usa para reforzar el significado de "very", se traduce también como "de verdad!" O "en verdad!".   Es sinónimo de "really" y "centainly". Ex: Thank you very much indeed!. (dakiu iu vewri moch indid!) (muchísimas gracias de verdad!) I am very happy indeed to see that!. (ai am vewri japi indid tu si dat!) (yo estoy muy feliz ciertamente por ver eso!)   3) near (ni..r) = indica proximidad y se traduce como "cerca de". Nearly (ni..rli) (aproximadamente, por poco, casi). Ex: Is your house far from here?.        R= no, it is near here. (is yur jaus far from jir?)                   (r = no, it is ni..r jir) (esta tu casa lejos de aquí?)        (r = no, esta cerca de aquí) My cat came near when I told it to do it. (mai cat keim ni..r jwen ai told it tu du it) (mi gato vino cerca cuando yo le dije que lo hiciera) I nearly fell down. (ai ni..rli fel daun) (yo casi o por poco me caí) My work in this factory is nearly completed. (mai work in dis factowri is ni..rli complitid) (mi trabajo es esta fabrica esta casi completo) 1 5 0 mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes 4) once (wuans) (una vez).    Twice (tuais) (dos veces).   3  times (dri taims) (3 veces).     4 times, 5 times, etc... Ex: I always go to Veracruz once a month, neither twice nor 3 times. (ai olweis gou tu Veracruz wuans a mond, nider tuais nor 3 taims) (yo siempre voy a Veracruz una vez al mes, ni dos veces ni 3 veces) Once I talked to her when she was a child. (wuans ai tolkt tu jer jwen shi was a chaild) (una vez yo hable con ella cuando ella era una niña) 5) beside (bisaid) (junto a, al lado de).       Besides (bisaids) (ademas, ademas de, aparte de). Besides = as well as. Furthermore (furdermor) (lo que es mas) = besides. Afterwards (afterwards) (después, más tarde). Ex: Does she always sit down beside me in the school?. (dos shi olweis sit daun bisaid mi in de scul?) (¿se sentaba ella siempre junto a mí en la escuela?) They are sometimes beside me. (dei ar somtaims bisaid mi) (ellos esta a veces junto a mí) Don´t worry for that, besides she´s not coming today!. (dont wowri for dat, bisaids shi is not coming tudei!) (no te preocupes por eso, ademas ella no viene hoy!) What did he tell you to take with you besides a bottle of wine?. (jwat did ji tel iu tu teik wid iu bisaids a botl ov wain?) (que te dijo el que llevaras contigo aparte de la botella de vino?) He is a doctor besides (as well as) a great businessman. (ji is a doctor bisaids (as wel as) a greit bisnisman) (él es un doctor ademas de (así como también) un gran hombre de negocios) I took her to the dance, furthermore (besides) I kissed her. (ai tuk jer tu de dans, furdermor (bisaids) ai kist jer) (yo la lleve a bailar, lo que es más (ademas) yo la bese) I did´t do it in that moment but I had to do it afterwards. (ai dident du it in dat moument bot ai jad tu do it afterwards) (yo no lo hice en ese momento pero tuve que hacerlo después) 6) however (jauever) (sin embargo, como sea, a pesar de todo) (conj).       Yet (jet) (pero, sin embargo) (conj). Ex: I feel hungry, however (yet) I won´t eat anything. (ai fi.l jongri, jauever (jet) ai wont i..t eniding) (me siento hambriento, sin embargo (pero) yo no comeré nada) However you want, I will do it. (jauever iu wont, i wil du it) 1 5 1 mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes (como sea que quieras, yo lo haré) Recuerde que "yet" como adverbio significa "todavía, aun, aun así; pero "however" como un adverbio significa "por mas...; Por muy...; Por mucho...". However hard I try, I can´t do it. (jauever jard ai trai, i cant du it) (por muy duro que trato, yo no puedo hacerlo) Don´t worry, yet you are the best. (dont wowri, jet iu ar de best) (no te preocupes, aun tú eres el mejor) 7) nevertheless (neverdeles) (no obstante) = nonetheless (nondeles). Ex: I was sleepy, nevertheless I didn´t want to go to bed. (ai was slipi, neverdeles ai dident wont tu gou tu bed) (yo estaba soñoliento, no obstante yo no quise ir a la cama) 8) thus (dus) (así, de este modo, así que) = se considera sinónimo de "so" y de "this way". Therefore (derfor) (por lo tanto, por tanto). According to (acording tu) (según, de acuerdo a...). Ex:                                                       so I don´t like to hurt people,        thus           I never feel bad.                                                  this way (ai dont laik tu jort pipl, dus i never fi.l bad) (no me gusta lastimar a las personas, así o de esta manera  nunca me siento mal) They study a lot, therefore they´re going to pass. (dei studi a lot, derfor deir gouing tu pas) (ellos estudian un monton, por lo tanto ellos van a pasar) You have to dress according to your age. (iu jav tu dres acording tu yur eidch) (tu tienes que vestir de acuerdo a tu edad) 9) throughout (drugaut) = como preposición significa "a lo largo de, durante todo, durante toda"; pero como adverbio significa "todo el tiempo, por todas partes de". Otherwise (oderwais) (sino, de otra forma, de otra manera). Ex: Throughout all the history, the persons have loved one another without being aware of it. (drugaut ol de jistowri, de persons jav lovd wuan anoder widaut biing awer of it) (a lo largo de toda la historia, las personas se han amado unas a otras sin ser conscientes de ello) They go selling door by door throughout the city. (dei gou seling dor bai dor drugaut de city) (ellos van vendiendo puerta por puerta por todas partes de la ciudad) You have to do your homework, otherwise you won´t be able to come with us. (iu jav tu du iur jomwork, oderwais iu wont bi eibl tu com wid us) (tu tienes que hacer tu tarea, de otra forma (sino) no podrás venir con nosotros) 10) accordingly (acordinli) (por ello, por lo cual, por tanto). 1 5 2 mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes 48. Apéndice 1 Acciones irregulares en pasado. Recuerde que las acciones regulares en pasado, solo se forman agregando "en cuanto a su escritura" la terminación "ed". (ver pagina 51). En cambio, las siguientes acciones irregulares en pasado solo se las tiene que aprender de memoria. Nota: lógicamente, tuvo que haber estudiado la lista de acciones en presente del apéndice 1 de la unidad 2. Presente:                                   pasado: Abide                                          abode (aboud). Arise                                          arose (awrous). Awake                                       awoke (awok) Be                                       was (was).   Were (wer). Bear                                            bore (bor). Beat                                            beat (bi..t). Become                                     became (bikeim). Begin                                          began (bigan). Bend                                            bent (bent). Bet                                               bet (bet). Bind                                             bound (bound). Bite                                              bit (bit). Bleed                                          bled (bled). Blow                                           blew (blu..) Break                                         broke (bro..k). Breed                                          bred (bred). Bring                                          brought (brogt). Build                                           built ( Burn                                            burnt (burnt). Buy                                              bought(bogt). Can (aux)                                   could (culd). Cast                                            cast (cast). Choose                                       chose (cho..s). Cling to                                      clung to (clung tu). Clothe                                        clad (clad). Come                                          came (keim). Cost                                             cost (cost). Creep                                          crept (crept). Cut                                               cut (cut). Deal                                             dealt (delt). Dig                                                 dug (dig). Dive                                              dove (dov) Do                                                 did (did). Draw                                             drew (dru). Dream                                          dreamt (dremt). Drink                                            drank (drank). Drive                                             drove (drov). Dwell                                             dwelt (duelt). 1 5 5 mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes Dwell                                             dwelt (duelt). Eat                                                 ate (et) Fall                                                fell (fel). Feed                                               fed (fed). Feel                                               felt (felt). Fight                                              fought (fogt). Find                                                found (faund). Flee                                                fled (fled). Fling                                              flung (flung). Fly                                                  flew (flu). Forbid                                           forbade (forbad). Forget                                           forgot (forgat) Forgive                                         forgave (forgeiv). Freeze                                           froze (froz). Get                                                 got (gat). Give                                               gave (geiv). Go                                                   went (went). Grind                                             ground (graund). Grow                                             grew (gru). Hang                                              hung (jung). Have                                               had (jad). Hear                                               heard (je..rd). Hew                                                 hewed (jiud). Hide                                                 hid (jid). Hit                                                   jit (jit). Hold                                                held (jeld). Hurt                                               hurt (jort). Keep                                                kept (kept). Kneel                                             knelt (nilt). Knit                                                 knit (nit). Know                                              knew (niu). Lie                                                     lay (lei). Lay                                                   laid (leid). Lead                                                 led (led). Leave                                              left (left). Lend                                                 lent (lent). Let                                                    let (let). Light                                               lit (lit). Lose                                                  lost (lost). Make                                                made (meid). Mean                                                meant (ment). Meet                                                 met (met). Mistake                                          mistook (mistuk). Mow                                                  mowed (moud). Pay                                                     paid (peid). Put                                                     put (put). Quit                                                   quit (quit). Read                                                  read (wred). Rid                                                      rid (wrid). Ride                                                   rode (wroud). Ring                                                   rang (rang). Rise                                                    rose (wrous). Run                                                     ran (wra..n) 1 5 6 mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes Saw                                                    sawed (so..t). Say                                                     said (se..d). See                                                      saw (so..). Seek                                                   sought ( Sell                                                   sold (sold). Send                                                   sent (sent). Set                                                      set (set). Sew                                                     sewed (soud). Shake                                                shook (shuk). Shave                                                shaved (sheiv). Shed                                                   shed (shed). Shine                                                  shone (shoun). Shoot                                                shot (shot). Show                                              showed (shoud). Shred                                          shredded (shredid). Shrink                                              shrank (shrank). Shut                                                   shut (shut). Sing                                                    sang (sing). Sink                                                    sank (sank). Sit                                                       sat (sit). Slay                                                   slew (slu..) Sleep                                                 slept (slept). Slide                                                  slid (slid). Slink                                                  slunk (slunk). Smell                                                smelt (smelt). Sow                                                     sowed (soud). Speak to                                      spoke to (spok tu). Speed                                                  sped (sped). Spell                                                  spelt (spelt). Spend                                                  spent (spent). Spin                                                      spun (spun). Spit                                      spit / spat (spit / spat). Split                                                    split (split). Spoil                                                    spoilt (spoilt). Spread                                            spread (spre..d). Spring                                             sprang (sprang). Stand                                                   stood (stud). Steal                                                   stole (stol) Stick                                                    stuck (stuck). Sting                                                    stung (stung). Stink                                                    stank (stank). Stride                                                strode (stroud). Strike                                                  struck (struck). Strive                                                  strove (strouv). Swear                                                   swore (swor). Sweat                                                 sweat (swe..t). Sweep                                                 swept (swept). Swell                                                 swelled (swelt). Swim                                                    swam (swam). Swing                                                 swang (swang). Take                                                          took (tuk). Teach                                                    taught (tagt). Tear                                                       tore (to..r). 1 5 7 mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes
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