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Significance of Puritanism in Colonial America: Family, Literature, and Religion - Prof. C, Apuntes de Literatura Contemporánea

Colonial American LiteratureWomen's Studies in Colonial AmericaReligion in Colonial AmericaHistory of Puritanism

The significance of family, languages, and writings in colonial america, focusing on boston and new england as the literary and political center. The english language's dominance and the spread of puritanism are discussed, as well as the role of harvard university in educating and spreading puritan beliefs. The document also touches upon the social dynamics of salem town and village, the role of women in society, and the puritan belief in a war between god and the devil. Additionally, it discusses the influence of spanish literature and the works of james fennimore cooper.

Qué aprenderás

  • How did the Puritans monopolize writing and education in colonial America?
  • Why did the English language become the lingua franca in colonial America?
  • What was the role of women in Puritan society and why were they often accused of witchcraft?
  • How did the Puritans monopolize writing and spread their beliefs?
  • What were the Puritan beliefs about God's will and the witchcraft trials?
  • What was the role of Boston and New England in colonial America?

Tipo: Apuntes


Subido el 07/01/2019

valle1997 🇪🇸



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¡Descarga Significance of Puritanism in Colonial America: Family, Literature, and Religion - Prof. C y más Apuntes en PDF de Literatura Contemporánea solo en Docsity! LITERATURA HASTA 1800 1. hablan cosbre maravillas el nuevo mundo, comida tribus indigenas, sobre lo maravillados que estan de la gente y no promover la intolerancia, para crear una ambicion nacional y colinizar el nuevo mundo en su propio beneficio y no es para cooperar sinno para extermianrlos. 2.formal power in europe pero el verdadero poder en las colonias justidicar los actos, como se justificaban los governadores del nuevo mundo por las subordinaciones ate los reyes, problmas rappidos y canales de comunicacion rapidos,3. documentos de testigos, bartolome de las casas para anunicar los mistinprets shipwreck literature. Carlos 5 looks for support to explore and conquer this territories os florida Arizona, new mexico… Narvaez, a spanish explorer, and he has a failed exploration to Florida, he was a surviver. Cabeza de vaca has some experiences and he shared his skills and adventures to survive and he described native Americans with respect. With one hand he trated them with respect but at the same tme he is promoting the colonization of the new world so he reflects his sufferings and his feelings about native people. He is the first writer or explorer that writes a book about the colonization and this was 5 years before the English conquers this territories. Spain took the league with Portugal of the conquering of America, in 1492 so in the 15 century it happens the conquering of America that belongs to Spain and Portugal. There were two problems that the English and the French have: bad luck, they probably choose the wrong route, they crossed the northern land of the atlantic sea and many ships broke. Henry the seven and Henry the eight (good relation with the poping rome). In the 16 century they didn’t find what they were looking for: gold; so the French decided not to came back. Elizabeth the first is going to be named as the virgin queen. There were explorers that could draw a map bethween the places where the French were and others. There is going to be a new generation (2) of English explorers and discovers: francis drake, martin Frobisher, humphrey gilbert and walter Raleigh. The 1570 elizatbeth was stablished as the monarch, it is a period of trade and expansion so many things well well so they can encourage the colonization of the new worl. They get financial support from Elizabeth and she told walter reigh that he can go to colonize virginia and he did, he arrived to an island (Roanoke) in 1585; five years later they come back to Roanoke but there were nothing there. Then Elizabeth was not more interested in America because she was old and then she died and someone else come: The estuardo king.(James 1 (?)) We have a phenomena in England and is that the ones who survived the explorations of the new world (2) start writing their adventures, describing how they risk their lifes. Richard Hakluyt told to go to dangers and colonize the new world so he published the records of European explorers saying that we have to reclude people and his literature (shipwreck literature) also inspire a man of letras: Shakespeare. A man who has the lidership of going there and encourage people to go. With James the third there are not the usual model of encouragement because he has not so much money but he wanted to participate in this business so that is why they had a partnership with companies of investors and traders that are the ones who support this colonization with people and supplies in order to get there gold and silver and row materials. There were the Virginia company in 1600 created to create establishments and it is a joint stock corporation and this company divided into two the virginia company of London to colonize what today is Virginia and the virginia company of Plymouth to conquer what now is know as massachusets. They thought that they need good people like heroes as they called themselves: john smith whose motivation was fame because he wanted to be a hero so the succeed of the colonization depends on the initiavie and commitment and leadership and the specific skills that are recquired for a ruler a decision maker in the new world. The virginia company of London reach Jamestown that was named after james the 1 and there were just 20 men living(the ones that come with james the 1) because of the diseases and native americans. Thanks of this new supplies coming for Europe they survive. What they wanted was this idea of going to establish a new route to Orient so they need a route across the pacific but they found nothing. Peace is signed between John Smith and the jefe of this native americans: Powhatan. Years go by and Virginia becomes a successful british company. Jamestown is still the capital of Virginia and there were land owners and they have an assembly in order to rule their ownselves but this can only be the men and the land owners. There were periods of peace and periods of war between the colonizers and the native americans and it is decided that Jamestown is never going to be an apolitical center anymore. John smith is arrested and almost executed because of this disobideance and when they landed in virginia john smith is released and the instructions given by the virginia company on how to colonised and stablished a settlement this instructions are unsealed. In Jamestown since the beginning has to fight with a conferency of native americans and it’s called empheror. Before to create a settlement he needed to explore, he is going to become a writer and he spent his life writing books in order to encourage people, and the important title is: General history of virginia, new England and summer isles” He decided to fictionalize his story; the first novel that he wrote can be considered historical but the second one is a story because he mixed objective facts and fiction. Pocahontas saved the life of john smith, but the feelings of Pocahontas are not know maybe john smith has invented, if you used the third person narration is more like history, it appears that he was lying when he said that 200 savages come to kill him. He described the savages as disciplined soldiers. The savages were astonished by the brujula. He described himself as a hero a man that like to show off, the model of john smith is going to be the model of the American hero. The end is not clear, there is a ceremony in which Pocahontas participated and he speaks about the love that she feels for him maybe Pocahontas was desperated for the love that feel for john smith or maybe she see him as her brother because it was like the native adopted him. Facts are the description of places but there are also opinions. He uses many of the connotations of the travel narrative of the description of places and the report of events, he uses literary conventions. He uses religious references to prove that he is a literary man, but he is not a man of god probably, he uses god as a convention because it is what is expected to be read. His military trainging allow himself to use military terms. Pocahontas is the daughter of powhatan and if she risks her life for the love of him is just a myth; the true was that Pocahontas was kidnapped by the English settlers and she was used between her father and the settlers as a trophy to make a deal, she was the one who helped to sign the peace between the English settlers and powhatan and this was what allow this relation. She gets sick, she has neumonia and she died very young. She represent the subordination of the natives in front of the English civilization, she represents the first native American women convert into Protestantism, Pocahontas represents the whole American continent, feminine naked to be possessed and penetrated and dominated and opressed by the English colonizers represented by the man standing. - correct the sinfulness of the human kind. If you work hard you can overcome your depravity and you will deserve the grace of God. Languages and writings in colonial America by 1700: why Boston and new England and has become the literary and political centre of north America, why the English language has chosen as the lingua franca: a big amount of people change to puritanism, the printing press was stablished in Cambridge so you need to write, so the puritans has the monopoly of this so they are going to write about puritanism, the Harvard university because it was the place to spread puritanism, to educate puritans about the beliefs and also the attributes and mentality of it. The first writings were documents about the conflict between queakers and puritans, narratives about the settlements in America, captivity narratives but religion and puritanism beliefs is what predominates in North America. - William Bradford is a pilgrim father, so he was a persecuted because she was against the chrch and the head of the church is the king so he was a threat. In Holand they live with economic difficulties. They didn’t have the financial support. The king was unhappy with them because they were danger so he let the pilgrims go to north America with the virginia company. There is self-gobernment. The mayflower is going to be sign for the Plymouth plantation to buy them together. The objective of the mayflower compact is To preserv social order, to be allow to elect, to choose official, they elect the governments and the official. It is an approach to create a better society as a group, that garantees working together. William was a writer and a self learner, he had some literacy: book 1 chapter 9 and book 2 chapter 12. Book 2 is a book of disappointment, of a community that was united and together for the same goals first, so he will regret that they were losing this ideas of the principle, he is afraid that they were going to disappear because they were going to disappear by the puritans, they were losing their identity, he writes to convince them that they need to restore. Texts: how dangerous is for the all group everything but it is God mercy, so they have to accept temptests and everything but is God will and they finally land in Plymouth. Pilgrims once again think that God want them to succeed and everything that happens bad for them is God will because you have act in wrong way. The considered themselves to be characters from the bible that are struggling against nature, they are puppets, what happened to them is what happened to the characters of the bible. When they arrive they are like this place is difficult. It is wild nature, wild animals, they were in friendly terms with wanpanoag but that is after. They looked at the sky and they think about heaven, that is their consolation. The seaman that dies in the ship because he was sick as other people, the pilgrims decide that this is God will, not for the sickness, just because he had acted bad. The Divine Providence has 3 means: good behaviour is rewarded by God what leads to the final goal of being saved, the bad behaviour leads to be punished what lead to be damned and the spiritual ordeal that means your faith is tested. In 1621, the weather was really cold so many people die because of that, the bad nutrition and the diseases. They were in friendly terms with the native americans, and thanks to the fact that they have arrangements they achieve to plant corn, they were able to survive. For them is everything thanked to God but actually they survived thanked to the natives. Another ship of Plymouth arrive taking supplies. John smith uses the 3 person narrator while Bradford is not individualistic, he thinks about the whole community so he uses “they”; john smith doesn’t use the bible. Something very American is to look for simplicity, plain style. John smith was curios he was observing them, but the pilgrims seem to be indifferent at first, they are just savages and this is everything. John Winthrop was born in England, and he was from a family of good social and economical position and he was exposed to puritan ideas. He is a puritan so he was against the rituals of the church and of the hierarchy, and he is from the Massachussets bay colony in 1630. He is a lawyer that uses rhetoric to defend his cause, that they, the puritans, are doing justice and not everyone else. There were suspicious of the king, james 1, because they believe he is a catholic in reality, he thought that if he oposses to the authority of the king he was going to lose his state because he doesn’t want to be poor. He asked for the permission to emigrate America and he is pointed as gobernor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 400 puritans have a ceremony that contain the main ideology of the puritans: “A model of Christian charity”: everything is about love but the love of god I going to guide us to create a new social and political order, the religion is what prevails, religion is what ruled the social political and cultural life, a community is voluntary but when you sign it you have obligations, also the rich has to help the poor and the most importante is that this settlement in Massachusetts is holy mission, they have to find the kingdomof God in earth but he is a lawyer so he is practical so he has to have a plan and objectives, we have the mission to create a better society so harmony and Christian should be. They don’t know if this is going to be a failure or not but this is their mission so they have to stand up to be the example for the rest of the world. He said: “We have to build a city upon a hill” what means that he want everyone to look at him because that is the kingdom of God so everyone need to realize that they are the chosen ones by God, they are an example for everyone else. . Structure: Text: overall message about community, brotherhood, we are here to serve God and God will as a community – doctrine: we can find the evidences In the bible so we need the doctrine to relation the bible with the processes of the sermon, the bible is the authority, everything has to be equal like in in – Reason: question and answer, because he is a lawyer, I ask a question and I answer the question, I give explanations about cites of the Bible – Application: we have to apply the sermon in a practical way. What he does is to connect his religious ideas with his social and political reality, once again Massachusetts is an example for the rest of the world, that’s his political intentions, we have to sacrifice our own individual wishes for the best of the community. - Salem witchcraft trials It's one of the hardest episodes in the united states, in the salem witchcartf trials more than 200 people were acused of witchcraft, women, and also dogs, 20 people were hanged or died in prison in the winter of 1692, the puritan community of Salem village which is part of the massachusets company, a group of girls who are called the circle of girls begin experiencing violence fits and herratic behaviour, a strange behaviour that is not a physicial disease, so they are the followers of satan: witches. The initial acusations were to the weakest women, initially 3 cases: Tituba, sarah good and sarah Osborne but one of them said that she wasn’t the only witch, so since here starts the accusations. So from the isolated cases it goes to massive acustations of witchcraft. This trials happens in 1692. Their confessions point out to say they are mine tormentors, so it comes from the testimony, the persecutions and the executions. In that moment England was catholic and if you are a protestant and deny the other religion then you are a witch. This episode in history is going to be used in literature, about the dangers, because human nature is driven by certain passions that make us repeat the same mistake over and over again, the danger of radicalism political, this is not about the devil but economy and politics are factors too. The problems of being isolated, the problems of religious extremism and the problems of lying, the salem witchcraft is just that some neighbours had problems between themselves, pity things can lead to false accusations and dead. This girls in order to avoid punisihment for their behaviour they decided to accused other people. In a community that belive in god so you also believe in satan and in the supernatural, the community of salem even educated people believe in this kind of things. Settlements by puritans communities and the establish of this communites in the 1630s and the 1640s the great migrations. There were salem village and salem town, the second one was close to the sea and the village was more interior. Salem town was a prosperous sea harbour and that the place were the traders lived because of the echanges between England and new England; in contrar salem village was isolated farms , randomly occupied by poor families of farmers who have problems about the land or whatever, families with hard lives and people was selfish and individualistic, some families wants to be separated from salem town whereas other families wanted to remain in salem town, to be the same community, some families in salem village wanted to have their own church with their own puritan minister: that it will be reberend Parris who is to become the minister of salem village because many families there, like the Putnam family who were rich and they didn’t wanted to go to the other church because it was really far away but there were other people who wanted to stay in the church of salem town. The power of sv is food and salem village wants the food. The people in st fixed the prices so they are saying to the others that they buy things to them but they decided the prices. The people in sv have to pay taxes to st so they didin’t want to do this when they have nothing in return because they are trying to dominate them so they prefer to separate but many people in sv didn’t like parris because he was really puritan so the problem with the people that didn’t like him they didn’t want to pay him a salary and firewood. One year before the witchcraft trials there is going to be a new salem village comitee so they have the right to elect the ones who were going to rule them, but the oponents of parris won in this comitee and they established that they cant eliminate the church of sv but they are not going to pay to him, so parris only survived by the voluntary help. His daughter is Betty parris. One of the reasons is money (people who didn’t want to pay the taxes or to pay Parris)Those who were The people of salem town were accused by the ones of sv that want the separation with them of not being in the standards of the first puritanism, they were not religious enough, they are driven by sins so they not respect which were respect like the first puritans. The witches are followers of Satan, you are given a power by satan to do evil to other people, to harm other people just because Satan is like this, they give power to them but you have to sale your soul so you are loyal to him. Puritans believes that is a war between God and the devil in north America, and Satan chooses the ones who will become his followers and he chooses mostly women, the insanes who are mads, and children who are considered to be weak as women and lunatics so they are easily to corrupt. In the case of women even respectable and puritan were accused but they were not the first accused, the fisrt were Tituba, sarah good, sarah Osborne: they were The crucible by Arthur Miller Arthur Miller is known for “The crucible” the modern reinterpretation, his writing was about the salem trials as an allegory for the anticomunism witchhands in the united states in the 1950, a fictionalization of the events as a modern allegory. Suspicious revenge and injustice of this trials. McCarthyism – the cold war arrived, -north America and western union were in political temsion and the problem is that in the usa in the 50s el senator mc carthysims said that they were traitors in their country, and they will be identified by spies , we must interrogate and there will be false accusations of being a communism and there will be false confessions to save their lives, they were worried for the communism spread. This play is an attack against the silent witchcraft trials and the parallelism of the period that we called McCarthyism: in comom they have injustice paranoia - “The crucible” This play is built as a tragedy and for a tragedy we need a tragic hero, and the tragic hero is john proctor and in a tragedy we need also, the tragedy would be the downfall of the tragic hero, he dissent into madness, moral weakness and the whole tragedy is about your breakdown, your fall from grace, the hero is a sinner ecause he was adulterous with her servant, miller need a love triange to create suspense to be more interesting for readers but this never existed, the climate of salem is in this play but the triange never happen. We have the tragic hero as the protagonist, and he fall from grace and atonement retriburion, the tragedy also need an antagonist, the bad character: Abigail Williams, she is the leader of the circle girls, and the first sin that we need is about the activities of the circle girls with Tituba, black magic, vudu against Elizabeth proctor because Abigail uses her friend to get rid of Elizabeth, the wife of john, afer Abigail have been dismissed as a servant by Elizabeth. Abigail uses violence, they want to runaway from ppunishment once they will be discovered, Abigail said that someone should be accused so she used mary warren to put a vudu doll for Elizabeth, Elizabeth is accused of witchcraft because they found the doll in her house. Elizabeth forgives her husband for the adultery, so the importance for miller is to show the characters, the morality that they have, Elizabeth is the moral wife. Second scene when Elizabeth is arrested and the participation in this of marry warren. 3 scene the trial when john has to accept that he has been an adulterous man, he ruins his reputation, he is not respectable anymore but he makes a mistake, part of his moral weakness, there is another thing that he does at court and is that he looses his temper and this is something you cant do when you are being interrogated, he is accussing Abigail of manipulating the circle girl to pretend Elizabeth is possessed by the evil and also he said that Abigail is manipulating the judge, but you can’t say that to a judge to save the life of his woman. Elizabeth comes and then she said that that her husband have never cheat her and with doing this she condemned both of them so if proctor calls Abigail a whore then with the Elizabeth state this means that Abigail is not a perverted girl. John is going to be condemned. Mary is manipulated by Abigail, she tries to defend Elizabeth but in the end she takes part in this performance of the girls, saying that they are the victims. This places reveals the true behaviour and cáracter of this characters but the message here is that john proctor said there is no witchcraft, there are only acts of revenge. This is historical fiction. Miller correlates the political authoritarism of the 1950 with the dangers of theocracy because the ppuritans society are theocracies, the dangers when the supreme authority are blinded by testimonies of young girls just because they think they are wicker to be corrupted of the evil but also the children always say the truth. THE GREAT AWAKENING It is a time of religious revival in new England, it s a way of emotional exaltation to recall the existence of the first puritans who arrived in massachusets, is to go back to this time of john wilton, to be an example for the rest of the world, that we trust in charity, harmony, community. This is a time of secularitation, we are forgetting the bible, of the great migrations, it is a revival of the old Calvinism. My innate depravity make me a sinner but God has mercy, so I experience this moment of conversion, it is like you cry of joy when you have the vision and when you realize that you can convert, that you can regenerate, it is a mystical experience of rebirth, rebirth as a Cristian (new awakening), the ecelisastical authoirityies of boston and Harvard college they were against this revival people, they thought that they great awake estimulate emotional excesses, they were thinking that they were loosing control on them, if we have a preacher like Jonathan Edwards, who born in Connecticut and he has something in common with cotton no se quien and he was the son of ministers, his maternal grandfather was reverend Solomon Stoddard who was the authority in north hampton. Jonathan received a very puritan upbringing, and then he goes to Yale college and he become a puritan minister and a theologian but he not was not only interested in his salvation and he was also exposed to the ideas of the exposure, the british enlightenment. He will be exposed to the ideas of the enlightenment: racionalism, to use your common sense and empirism. Newton is telling us that the universe works in harmony and behind the harmony we have the laws of physics so in a way he is denying God. Jonathan wants to recoouncile the puritan believes and the new ideas of the enlighment, show how can they be compatible. It is a manisfeation of his divine power. Deism believe that god created the world but the true knowledge of god can be find in nature and reason. He will join the community of northhampton, so Jonathan will be first the assistant of his grandfather, an then the successor of him in 1750 he is kick off because the members of the puritan community of northhampton, he is dismissed by them because they said that he doesn’t feel like they have to be so strict as with his grandfather, he said to return to Calvinism. The Halfway covenant: salvations depends of god grace but not only because you as an individual, your moral effort would lead you to salvation, you can do something, if you are good in your community and you behave like a good puritan you can be safe, it is implicit that you believe in salvation, whereas Jonathan Edwards say: no, let’s return to Calvinism, he said that no one can judge because only God can do this , you have the gift or not. When he is dismiss he wrote a lot of works. Jonathan will preach in front of the natives americans. He ended up his life as a writer and as teacher of the college of Princeton. He is a good theologian and philosopher. Sinners in the hands of an angry God by Jonathan Edwards “Sinners in the hands of an angry God: We are in his hands because he is angry. This is a work of literature whose contents doesn’t matter and he experiments with language, with images. The use of rhetorical strategies, knowledge or human psychology and imagery: to convince and persuade you to convert. He is manipulating you, he know the wicknesses of the puritan congregation, the pshychology of the human mind so he uses this to scare you to death. Something is going to happen and you will see and to create in you a fear of God. A literary monument of the great awaken, we don’t have any records on the impact of Northhampton, but the impact in no se donde, he was successful in the deliver of his sermon, the members of his congregation feels this process of awakening. He writes without ornamental but is is your soul what he wanted to touch, I wanted to provke an immediant reaction. He got the response for the audience and the emotional response is what can I do to avoid hell so he wanted this emotional response of people crying and shouting. There is tension, literary tension, there is suspense, you are dangling over the abyss so if you fall you are going to hell, God is holding you but in any time he can decide to let loose you. First we have the text which is the context, a biblical quotation; the doctrine, your main assessment, the entire thesis, what is what you want to say or to prove, the main message that is that is god pleasure to let you fall; application: to apply the bible principles to their lives, he made them understand. Now is the moment of anyone who is our of God to become a Christian. The image of hell is the most important one because if you don’t know how hell is then you would not be so much scared so you must describe with words to become images the horror of hell because you want to awaken, he uses the words to represent the fury of God, there are graphic words not abstract. He wants to show you that hell is a real place. He is building the image of God like an angry God. The third image God compares people like serpents and spiders if you are unconverted soouls, puritans don’t like this kind of animals so this comparison is for you to realized that if you are an unconverted person for God you are a snake or a spider. The idea of revenge is always a comparison from characters of the bible to the congregation of the puritans.He says that god’s revenge is coming so it is a warning of a danger to be afraid of it, you are a sinner. Kinesthesia: the sensory experience, he creates visual images so he is going to your eyes so you can picture in your mind but he goes beyond, because the images are more than visual because they are relationed with kinesthesia that means movement, he gives you the sensation of movement, that there is a danger for falling, so kinesthesia is provoques for this fire, is the sensory experience of movement and making a bodyly effort, there is tension in my muscles, he conveys kinesthesia to imagine the images of falling down, it is my resistance no to fall, because now I know what waits for me if I fall down, powerful images. This idea that we are pestiling spiders or snakes, he always uses images that puritans can view, so what you do with insects is the same thing God is going to do with you. - Jonathan says that the sermons are not to encourage people, the sermons were meant to frighten you, to warn you from the dangers, to your sinful condition “If you don’t repent from your sins you will die in hell” You have to be modest, and also avoid any distraction to avoid idolatry. The churches are horizontal but still is very important to be white and to let the light enter the room for the idea of purity. With the same intentions, leave your sinful condition, be reborn as aa Cristian but he has to be effective in describing hell. Edward Taylor There is Calvinism but he doesnot present a God that is revengfull, fro him there is also a world of love, the love of God. A narrative of the captivity and restoration by Mary Rowladson has been touchd by god to remain silence because this is god plans, her daughter sara dies so she narrates the painful conditions and the report of sara and how did she react in spite of her grieve she doesn’t want to kill herself because she is accepting that this is God will and she can’t deny God, sara is described as a lamb and a lamb is an icon for sacrifice so sara has to be sacrified. She realises that her captivity is going to last longer and forever so she has to adept to the circunstances, she can’t refuse if they give her food, we see here the streght of the woman. The conclusion of the story is that when she will have difficulties she will act with calmness, is empowering how a woman says in self-confides moments she said that she has the strength. She writes with plain style just like a heroin and she give the human portrait of native americans so there is an evolution of certain kindness so native americans are an impediment to fulfil the mission of put the kingdom of God there, and what we have to have as a conlussion when we read this story is that she has powerul believes of puritanism byt instead of loosing faith the events of the captivity and released only reaffirm her faith in God, her puritan beliefs, there is only faith, this is the prve for me that is why she has to teel everyone that God is behind everything, also the reward if you obey him. Always to see all the event in her life as sign of God, yo need to make sense of pain and tragedy, reaffirmation of her beliefs. She accusses the white colonies however when she talks about native americans and her capaticity to go to another place to another she admire their determination of they versus the lack of hability of the white people, so she said that the native americans have courage to fight and white people no. - Anne Bradstreet: she received an usunusal good education for a young girl because her father was the earl of Lincoln so she had access to the library of the earl of Lincoln, she will live in luxurious, she will even learn foreign languages. In England she will marry the servant of his father and they have to run because they were puritans, mister and miss dadly are coming alone and she is coming alone, she was one of the first puritans landing in Massachusets, they all travel together with john windrope in the Arabella ship,simon will be good because he was going to be educated in Cambridge, it is a man that he will be a politician and have new political appointments, he will be a wealthy man to raise his children to have comfort in his life, he will become governor so she is a wife who receive a good education and whose husband will be prominent. However, life for her is not easy, moving houses to one place to another, sickness, native attacks, many threats, a woman must have children for puritans from the early ages since marriage until menopause, she didn’t die and her children didn’t die, she deliver 8 years but this doesn’t prevent her for feeling death all the time, the possibility of death all the time, so she anticipates all her births with anxiety, she is the fisrt woman publishing a book of poetry: “The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up America” this was published in England and without the consent of Anne, so this book was published by the brother in law of her, woodbridge, he took this poems without the consent of Anne and it was not easy to publish it because he has to claim, to write that Anne wrote it but she didn’t neglect her duties as a mother and as a wife, you have to justify. Lather she became famous because of this book and after her death it was published “ Several Poems Compiled with Great Variety of Wit and Learning” that is a volume of poetry in which she participates to select the poems, this title was chosen by someone else. Later in the 18 and the 19 century she was forgotten and it was not until the 1960s that she returns to universities. Man shcoolars considered that the poems of anne was another aspect of America, like a hystorical document which says how was the life of a woman in those times, and others say that she hides a complex identity as a puritan and indivual woman, she is a puritan woman, wive and housewive but also she is in an individual, just a woman. She is an accomplished woman because she master the metrics. It is the ordinary live of a woman, but when you say this is a puritan woman and she is not the individual you are simplified her, she is both things, she is also a writer because of two tihings: she has knowledge, she is a well-learn writer, you have to integrate the puritan doctrine but actually she is writing about her feelings of her ordinary live, it is sadness and grief. She is a woman and she knows the bible, she has knowledge of the bible, she can quote the bible in her poems, she is so happy because she loves her husband and he loves her back and then the anxiety for dying when she is going to give birth, she is an spectrum of emotions, she is her true voice, a woman who writes, and the problem is that both aspects of her is important to understand her as a writer, to reconside her private voice where she is original, she is herself, but she is also imitative, we see the idology that she accepts but not always and there is one poem where we see rebellion, in one line. The poems reflect the conflicts that she has as a servant of God and her inner feelings and we feel that she is not recounciled with her faith, she also writes about the new world and there are differeces about the new world according to her: on one side there a lot of attacks of disease but on the other side she is fascinated about the beauty of it. She has a problem as most wirters in puritan times, so puritans enforce plain style and avoid imagination, imagination is only allow to someone likme jonathan Edwards, they can use imagination but just for a ppurpose : to spread God’s words, he uses figurative elements, methapohors and other artificies that express literacy complexity. With this you visualize how insignificant you are. You can only uses this kind of ornamental revises. Anne anyway uses figurative language with variety of wit and learning, she uses images, she uses her imagination but also in her poems there is influences of the bibles and classical authors and we also find influence of the great reinassance poets, but also her life which is a short of influence for her, she likes to show off even if she suppose to be a ppuritan woman, modest, her personality is in her poems, her concerns for secular concerns like the poems in the word, she cares about the earthly world, her poetry shows how difficult is for a woman to write in a masculine world and always to convey the puritan doctrine, and in between there are gasps of just the woman. Ordinary experiences, common experiences, she does it with gret and she show a certain independence of thoughts, saying that the things are hers has a lot of importance, she is capable of show her thoughts and feelings, sometimes she uses irony in which there is criticism and humour. With this devises and conflicts in many occasions we as readers see that there are seeking intentions and we can interpret things in a subversive way. In “Author to her book” there is ironic self-deprecation: that means you depreciate yourself but actually is inverse because she is saying good things about herself, to reject to repudiate prejuices against women, and her true voice in the end in spite of the restrictions. This poem has a methaphor, that is a reproductive methaphore, her book is her baby who is weak, it has defaults, it’s ill-form like a monster, the language of reproduction was used by male writers, she said that be a woman is ordinary and extraordinary at the same time, she says that his birth reproductive mthapohor that she is using is ensalzandola her as a writer. She present her book with an apologize because she is presenting it with defects, she is saying that she is an artless mother what means she has no talent therefore my child is ill.form, has many weakneses, she cant conceive a good child/birth so she presents herself as a bad mother so the self depracation is clear and what this means is that she is the mother, she is the only one that has conceveid her and it doesn’t has a father, nobody conceive it in spite of her, there is not masculinity power in her poem, my child is illegitimate, conception of her child that is her book without male intervention, it comes for her mind because I am a woman but I am also a writer.In this poem by being ironic she sowhs female power, self accretion, she is the only author, she said to people they don’t have to criticise her because she has just criticise herself so they have no power over here because the defaults said to herself. To display female power trough powerlessness, there are mixed feelings about her work, it s a skill maniputlation of the devises to reinforce her creativity, she is reinforcing the ida that at least she is a writer so she is independent; she is also telling she is not modest so there is rebellion because she does act according not as a woman should act, she also laughs at herself. Metrics of all the poems: She is quite regular, she knows the deal of wtiting poetry, heroic/ rhythm couplets- iambic pentamenter: aabbccdd, there is a unstrees syllable then an strssed syllable and alternating this 10 times. Her poems have rhtygm and musically “To my dear and loving husband” : a woman that feels a passionate love for her husband and she is saying that her marriage is made because of love that is also physical love, it is a happy marriage that can unleast death, and she feels love by him and eveyrhting that she can do is reciprocate this lovr asking God to preserve it, she feels such happinsses that she just wants to reward her husband. She is thinking about their love beyond death, the love they feel could passed more than live. But she is a puritan woman, so there is weaned affection: her duty as a wive is that she has to feel restrain in her feelings and she has to come down, there is a prove of a good Cristian if you restrain, the excessive love is dangerous, it is an obstacle for you to reach God, so they have to accept that the attached to her family is an obstacle to be at the side of God; but it is difficult for her to control her impulses, she wants to cry out that she loves him and she did it because for her loving your people is the sign of God in you. She is telling you that a couple marriage can have passionate love but she says that she doesn’t loose the charge of God “Before the Birth of One of her children”: She says death soon happen because she is 7 or 8 months pregnant so when she give birth to the bay is when death will come and high mortality of woman giving birth so you are afraid, being pregnant is a blessing but when the moment come is fearfull, she knows the risk and she accepts that life is short, that life must end and death implies the physical separation between her and her beloved ones, death is to say goodbye, and at the beginning she says that God sentence is unremarkable, so death is unavoidable, she writes about God sentence that you are going to suffer and you are going to feel pain and risks your lives when you give birth and this is God’s sentence since Eve commit the original sin so this is their punishment. This poem is a farewell, she is saying that she has a request, that she has something to ask to her husband, she is writing him that she want him to protects their children from a stepmother, the main thing is to protect the children, forget my faults as a wife but remembers my virtues, she knows his duty is to marry another woman if she dead and she accepted that but she is begging him just to protect her children. She ends the poem asking her husband to kiss the paper when she worte this poem when she will go because this paper contains my tears when I wrote it, kiss my tears so is not only the • there is a community ambition in northamerica. There are more in common with people from other parts of Europe. There is problem of struggling for survive. • The king does not represent Americans. The british parliament there is not representation. • Taxes: in the 17th there were not, but in the 18th there was a need of money for the wors in Canada. English though to put taxes to the colony. The boston tea party against to it. American will be rejecting everything british until the first of episodes of arm blood alfgo Concord and Lexington (1775). The powere of writings will also ecourage people to go to war. The main one is Thomas Paine with ‘Common Sense’. He was british himself and comes to north America and tells people to love human kind and to hate the despot. The despot is the English king and the British Parliament. God is the one who planted this feelings to claim for independence. He adapts the Whigs thoughts to her speech to independence. But there is a printing culture that is behind, to spread, to propagade our ideas. In the XVIII will be the birth of journalism, and its principles is to write with common sense, clarity and simplicity. More and more news papers will start to claim for a cry. There will be the first attempt to create their own literature (anti-british) based on political writings and autobiographical writings. There is a huge defense of the republic, to defend their principles and their rights. This is the beginning of their national identity. There will be a rise of the first novels in USA. The first works have not literary value. There were attempts to write. There was an increment of readers. There is a high rise in the consume in the literature. William Hill Brown’s The Power of Sympathy Charles Brockden Brown’s Edgar Huntly. The first women writing: Sussanah Rowson Charlotte Temple Hannah Webster The Coquette they apply the principles of democracy and equality should be applied to women. They were not very popluar and they are not going to reach more than the coast. The areas od the inslands were isolated and not really connected. Women are possed by her father until the marriage that will be her new owner. She had no properties Pursing Happiness: social mobility and principles of the Republic (unalienable rights). Towards an idea to whitdrop create the idea of not social classes and not hierarchies. America represent modernity. They broke from the medieval conception of state. One can born poor and die rich. There is not stigma. However not everyone in the XVIII were free. Vote just for men white that had properties. It excludes native americans slaves women and poor white male. NA there will be the object of revenge if they stood on the side of British. The USA and the principles wanted to develop a good society ruled by liberty and work together to correct institutional and social injustices. Our intelligence work such a way to improve society. The idea of the self-made man, you have to give priority to social things. Declaration of independence- equality principle for all men that had the right to vote. Unalienable rights.The right of life; of liberty; pursuit happiness, to look for happiness. This is granted by god. Our life have to be based on moral sense and moral sense. This ideas we find them in the declaration of rights and in the culture of the literature to contemporary times.We have to create a better world for your individual right to happiness. Nevertheless you have not to abuse your rights. Crèvecoeur- He was born in Norman he traveled to Canada and he moved to England north America. He had a military career. Later trader. In 1769, he bought a piece of land in New State. He will become an American Farmer for 7 years. Until the American revolution. When it happens he return to france and he will spend his live between france and USA. He will even be a diplomatic. Letters fran American farmer ( it is like an encyclopedia) he described technique political issues, the life style of the American communities, slavery, religious diversity, and revolution. He calls himself farmer James. The fact that he adopts another ego it means it is fiction. It will be an immediate success. The addressee is also fictional. It is not only a fictional character is based on 12 letters. He lives in a quaker community in Pennsylvania. The addressee is in England and he did never respondence. He wrote in plain style, without ornaments. There is a one race of men of European ancestry. It is a mixture of blood from Europe (English, franch germans Scandinavians) He thinks it is positive, if you open the borders, there are less prejudices. There is a common feeling, They both rose a new life in Europe. Scape: kings aristocracy find property, religious diversity. What he does is the articulation dream, to scape from the religious intolerance. America is a place where you can fulfil your dreams. It is a land of property. He idealized an image of America, He is claiming the equality idea of America. They create good societies. The idea of hard work is what unifies men. The is an idea of the articulation of the ideal men is based on the land. America is a territory of abundance of land. Your American dream is based on the land. - 8th century: The American Revolution and the Independence of the United States. Thomas Paine (1737-1809) Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) “The Right of Man” (1791-92) French Revolution (1789) “Common Sense” (177 1. Historical content. 2. Summary. 3. Themes 4. Rhetorics F 0 E 0 if Paine had written the Declaration of Independence. “A Summary of The Tights Of British America” (1774). “Declaration Of Independence” of the 13 colonies. (July 4, 1776)- Philadelphia, 2nd continental congress) with B. Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston. President of the USA (1801-09) in Washington DC. Thomas Paine was not born in America. In his early life: from a young age he realized that there is a big injustice because he was poor and vary intelligent, he could not study. His father was a Quaker and her mother a Puritan. His experience with the Anglican Church and its injustices is what made him a rebel. He only went to Grammar School. His father had a small business. He joined the sea trade for some years and has many different jobs. He was also a government employee who taxed goods. Being a government employee, his life will be exposed to the public, there will be scandals of his private life: he separated from his second wife, which made his professionalism as a government employee be questioned. He made a petition to raise the salaries of the government employees, which will be criticized. At the age of 37 he went to America, welcomed by Ben Fran (2 years before the declaration of independence). He went to Philadelphia and became a publisher, he wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet expanded, successful, encouraging the feeling of independence. It was published anonymously but he was acknowledged the writing of it. He was accused of treason by the British. He joined the revolutionary army. He served in the battles of New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia. He wrote more during his fighting days, the 16 pamphlets encouraging American men to go to war. After the war he was rewarded for his services for the cause (the revolution). Thomas Paine was not very diplomatic so he misused his privileges and he lost them. 2 years before the French Revolution he decided to return to England (1787). He published “The Rights of Man” in (1791.92), a group of political and philosophical writings against hereditary government, charged of treason again. He goes to France during the French Revolution. He is terrified of the violence of this Revolution, he defended the king’s life. He is charged of supporting the French crown. He went to New York again, poor and unhappy. Americans forgot his contributions. He will continue writing about conservative politics and religion. We don’t even know where his remains are buried. His style of writing: hi is clear, he wants to be understood, he wants people to think, not to believe him. Hi uses capital letters to emphasise some words. 1. Historical context: the roots of the American independence can be – to the French and Indian War (1754- 63). The origin was this war, a confrontation between British and French (with Native American allies) for a territory in America. An expensive war that had to be payed, the British imposed taxes on the American colony. Rebellions in America: they wrecked a ship owned by the British in Boston (the Boston Tea Party, 1773). There were more taxes. The 1st continental congress in 1774. In 1775, the first battles in Lexington and (the other Massachusetts city). 2. Summary: about the independence of America, the government and society. There is nothing wrong with society, but government is the problem. We need a government to protect people’s rights. He is calling the Americans to revolutions. He says Americans need a form of government on their own. The king has too much power (absolutism). The worst thing about monarchy for Thomas Paine is hereditary succession. He considers that there should be no difference between the king and the subeditors. Hereditary succession takes incompetent kings. He uses the Bible as a tool against the crown. He is persuasive to convince. The only authority is God, no classes. Economically, better not to be a colony because they could not trade. He proposed the new form of government where people would choose who represents them, a representative government. All the 13 colonies are equally important. Built their own navy. (last lines important). 3. Themes: (from general to more specific). Government: government is a necessary evil. Since there is evil in human nature, a government should protect us from our own vices. It is evil because many times a government has not improved society but has created more problems. They are blame-worthy when they do and they have to change it. He believes in equality of men (white). The concrete situation of north America: it’s a simple fact that need to be admitted “Poor Richard’s Almanac” : He uses almanacs that content factual information, but it also contein advise for americans to be succesffull and for that he uses aphorisms called “The way to wealth” and also memorable sayings, also quotations for literature, he invented himself, he will continue his work for many years. He has a good capaticity to contact with people, the aphorisms teach you and it represent the American way of life. Aphorism is to be effective so it has to be short, concise and it has to contains wise information and he wants to reach perfection, self improvement, Autobiography: written in 1770s-1790s and published in 1791,93. The first section is addressed to his son William while the latters sections are addressed to the general public but the first one in addressed to your son you pretend to set an example to your son to imitate, and he has a different realtion with him because he was ful independent of the American and his son was loyal to Britain. He translates his personal experiences, his success story in general propositions, going from the concrete into general propositions to help other people. The first thing he alabate is humility what is a contradiction because he consider himself as a good example to follow. He celebrates the idea of Americaness, so to be an American, if you have ambition and you want to correct yourself so will reach a good social position. In autho biographys men tend to omit the mistakes they had and to write just their success, also the first voice narrator, you also write when you are old about young times, so there is a mix between objectivity and subjectivity there is objectivity because there is distance but also you omit some things or idealize things. He omits in prupose some details of his life, he doesn’t write about the declarance of independence because they don’t want you to see that participation of his life in this, he chooses what he thinks is important in his life, who he is in the present life so he only write about a part of his life just the part of how her as a humble printer become success and rich so you can manipulate your readers when you write about yourselves, for him the only thing that matters is that he is teaching the public so they manipulate the public showing just the part that for him is going to educate the public. He creates a communication with the reader, he is telling people that he wants to be their friend. The critical response for this is quite negative because it has many mistakes because the quality is uneven that some parts are better than others, there is no secuence of events so that means it has not the quality, fragmentation of this autobiography is something that bothers readers. There are flaws of his memory, he writes as an American hero so that’s arrogant, self-promotional literature, and critics they don’t like that he makes not reference of American revolution. Moral ethics. This is a secular autobiography so he rejects the puritan interpretation of events, the true American dream here is that you are the master of your destiny, the experiences that make you successful are first hand do it, it is not God doing it by you. He thinks that being a religious person is going to church and to do donations but for him to be a good person is to do good things to others, that is what pleases God so he believes he has a good connection with God. He said no to spend all the money, to make responsible, because they way you spend your money if you save it this means you are an honorable man, you have to spend money on books and not on material things, to use money to improve experiments, if you have debts you are a bad person, you have to have this vocation and to study because you want to and not because you have to. Your competition has to be based on a moral code in order to be the best. He thinks that the united states of America has to work together, all the colonies should work together, we have to create a new born civilization, we need to work together and to make decisions together, how we want to grow, we need to experiment what we want to be. He treats his life as a book, and uses methaphors, it is funny to see the way of his mind, he is very transparent because he said “I don’t remember if I have told you this” so there are a lot of digressions (when you are speaking about something and then suddenly you change the theme) No figurative things, just a plain style and the idea of portrait hisself as a hero, he wants to give a very positive portrait of himself, he likes to share himself to others in this way. In 1731 he writes “Virtues” : self improvement and moral perfection. He is making an experiment with himself as the subject, he wants to reach moral perfection so he did the experiment by himself and he will explore the principles of behaviour and there are 13 virtues of them in order to become successful, he provides an alternative to the puritan doctrine. He gives importance to the earthly experience, he wants to be happy and his moral perfection trough a hard process of trying implies to achieve 13 virtues. The 13 virtues are the guiding of his life and this is more important than religious, it is more important to be a moral citicen than to go everyday to church, and he wants to put these into practice and we need someone as a subject so he is the subject. His experimental proyect is to correct his behaviour and the objective is earthly success not Christian salvation. He makes a list of virtues with a brief explanation and he has the intention to acquire this virtues: 1. Temperance 2. Silence 3.Order 4. Resolution. 5. Frugality not spending money 6. Industry 7. Sincerity 8 Justice 9. Moderation 10. Cleanliness 11. Tranquillity 12. Chastity 13. Humility The first virtues are simpler than the others and these ones help you to achieve the others, and the ones of the end are difficult because if you are sinece and justice an clean is something that you can boast so it is contradictory. The way he works : he will practice 1 virtue for week and repeat this process four times so this experiment is going to last 52 weeks so here is the scientis and also he will do an analysis of the results, he writes the account of the results. He records eveyrhing that happened in these weeks and he write about erratas. 1770s declaration of independence and the revolution. The idea of political independence is for many scholars and they want independence for the british empire in a cultural and literature way, an emerge culture with a new identity and the rule is: that if they want to be a great nation, they need a great literature, to creat literature that reflect their culture and mentality and this period will create a group of patriotic writers before 1810s: there are epic poems like Timothy Dwight’s “The conquest of canaan” or Joel’s Barlow’s “The columbial” who defend the world of independence. There are many threats but in this confrontation between the briths and the people of north America there is going to be a final victory of north America thaqnks to Andrew Jackson in 1850 in new orleans so it will be a new hero, the republican hero, andres is the myth of the American hero, all what they are as a nation is inside Andrew Jackson and in 1828 become the president of the united states because he represented their values, a man from an obscure background with no fortune become president, that is the spirit of democracy where a simple man who becomes a hero. Territorial growth: they are going to but from france the large territory of lousiana so there is no war it is purchased, and also the expansion to the west, if they expande to the west they are creating more territories of the new states, and they have to decide if these new territories will be slave or not and this was decided in the “ Missouri compromises”: the new northern territories are not going to be slave and the southern ones yes. There is a spitir of nationalism and positivism because they have defeated the british two times so there will be a court of the American literature on the fact that they are a democratic republic, the victory of 1850 is a political victory but it is also a cultural and literary victory against Britain, lets create our own language and images and reality, they don’t want ornamented language from Europe or figurative, they have a plain language. When british listen about American literature they react against, like that will be stupid so now we have the first generation of writers of America that will be famous in united states and also in Europe like: irving, Fennimore cooper, browdon brown, William Cullen beyant. Then it start the question of not separating british and American literature because they have the same literature tradition because American reads dickens, Byron, alexander pope… The problem is that they need American literature but the writers they have behind are not so patriotic so they are less patriotic because they don’t need to fight more but principally because they want the readers that they are so sophisticated as the Europeans, they can write as good as a british writer, besides, they don’t have history or past, they have little small tradition so that is why they have to look in Europe for inspiration, they look to Europe so when we read Washington Irvin he admired spain, he is reverential to the history and the culture of spain, so we have in the stories this idea of an American traveller and being admiring the past of Europe. The other writer is Fennimore Cooper, he will be ciritcising the democracy of the united states: “the spy” or “the ppiooners” novels of him that criticises the democracy of united states claiming that the democracy doesn’t guarantee the protection of the environment, so they are destroying the wilderness. “The last of the mojicangs” another novel of him, represents the rights and the forms of civilizations because of this removal policy so they are in decline, he is telling you that any civilizartion experience the same raise and go down so now that you see this new nation going up will mean that the united states will experiment the same fate of going down. Many writers will speak about the forces of nature, and also about how can we destroy nature. All this group is the first that is considered of American writers. In the 1941 “American Renaissance” by f.o. Matthiessen’s: it is a cathegory stablished by schoolars to refer to a group of writers that write literature of their own, of the American states, they say to become adult, with these writers we can say that literature of united states has grown, it will be only in 1941 when matthiesen pusblished the work up who says that there are 4 writers who represent the American tradition and are the canon of American tradition: emerson ,poe, hawthorne, Melville. There will be scholars who says that why they all chose all the times voices that are white, male and from new York or from new England, they say to consider also: Henry W. Longfellow, Thoreau, Fuller, Beecher Stowe, Douglass; they have to include modern authors and also today they say it is a paranoia of the division between the british and the American tradition. These decades and writers will be real influential in other generations but the idea of the American reinasaince, is the moment of climax, when American literature grows and adcquire this idea of madurity. Americans of the united states they have acess to contemporary british literature as the classics so American people reads Europe literature, they read the romantic poets, so romantic writers were influenced by British tradition so in the 1920s will be the first printen centres so there is not a national market yet and also they don’t have copy right law and if you are a british writer you are not interested to publish in the united states if you are not going to get paid, so the literary works are not protected. On the one hand it means good for the American writers is that they have a lot of works, they can read American writers if they write but if they don’t it doesn’t matter because they can read the rest of the works of the world, so it is hard for us writers to publish because they are There are many intermediaties. The important thing is not to believe in the story, a story which has a natural setting, and it is saying how dangerous imagination could be, to believe in ghosts or to believe that katrina loves you. The problem that the protagonist has is the excess of imagination, is this what causes his ruin, but still if he feels real love for her, brom just want to have fun. Coming from nothing then you can make it as the family of the van tassel, they have the money and the power if you work hard, but also the idea that katrina can choose with whom who marry, she is rich and good-looking and marries a guy that doesn’t come from a good family but he is strong and all that. “The Alhambra -a series of tales and sketches of Moers and Spaniards” : Spanish poeple feel an speculation about love and life and legends, old stories where we mix reality and ficiont and he realizes that Spanish people have this oriental passion of oral telling. Death and love as the main topics of the story, writing about love and dead., it is about the medieval times in spain, remote places remote times. This is related with the conflict between the Christians and the Muslims because Spanish people keep telling this kind of stories. The frame story is about how do you get to this legend so the story is telling as second-hand, he introduces the figure of an intermediary. It all comes when a tourist visit something and found the tomb of a nobel Castilian cavaliere: don munio sanchez de hinojosa, so we see how we need and intermediary in this story and to know the frame story. He has to pretend to be reliable, showing that it comes from a manuscrist or from a man who knows so if he says this you can’t blame him because realible a document and reliable himself, the attempt to make you realible is what makes you unrealiable, the frame story is what you told by second hand. The Spanish are really influenced by this moment, people that just believe in honour, so in this story you see that the author doesn’t take any side, he feel sympathy for both sides, he is quite objective that is why we feel pity of adabil or for don munio and doña maria, both sides are courageous, brave, stoic. The story is that don munio sees a mourish cavalgetes of two o¡young people who has recently married, so they think they are enemies so he decide to take everything from them but he realises that they just marry so instead of stealing and killing them he was his ampithrion. Years later don munio is an old man but he must go to war so we feel pity por him and pity for doña maria who beg him not to go, and by accident don munio is killed by adabil who doesn’t realize he was his benefactor, he laments the death of don munio and he brings the dead body to doña maria who is devastated but she forgives adabil, so she does what a Christian woman is supposed to do, forgive him, so these characters are images of whom have no personality because if don munio would have had personality would not have gone to the war, but he has to be a SOLDIER, doña maria has to be a CHRISTIAN so they are flat characters, stereotypes. Irving symphatizes both with sides and conveys this idea of glorious war, war brings glory because the story ends for don munio that you die in a sacred war so he is rewarded, that he is going to be seen by people when they go to jerusalen. Irving tries to appeal your emotions, sentimentalism because we feel pity but also the glory of a great warrior, so he wants to awake our emotions in general. - James Fennimore Cooper – The last of the Mohicans decided to write American stories and his epic is the folk epic in America (frontier novel), the conflict between European americans and native americans. There adaptations from children which don’t have the complexity of the last of the mohicans but also there is the voice of james cooper which reflects how this movement, this idea that the native americans are going to be exterminated but it doesn’t mean that there are not critical points, and all this are not in the adaptations from children but it is still the critic tone of the author. This is a story of adventuroes but there is also a profound thinking behind on social and political issues that we can discuss, there is not one only wat to understand the wester movement for the author, so this frontier novels that he writes are connected with the myth of the westward movement. For political or economic reasons puritans emigrated to the new world to find the promise land, they exterminated native Americans but they also destroy the wilderness, there is a corrupted land in the wilderness we can find a pure land. That is why they go furtherwest and further west because in the wilderness they star they destroy wilderness so they have to go further and further, in his novels we see the problem that is unevitable to go further because they destroy the territories and the wilderness which belong to the native americans. He born in new York, he will enjoy wealth because his father was a speculative land owner so very prominent father who will also be a judge and a congress man so he enjoys a good life. He marries the daughter of a british loyaltee and when his father die he had a lot of money so he can start wirting, for then years he will enjoy the leasure life of a land owner gentleman but there will be 3 factors that will ruin his good perspective in life: the economic crisis of the 1910s; his business with land goes wrong; and all his siblings die so he starts writing romantic novels because this is what American likes and if he wants to make a lot of money he has to go to Europe and stay there for 7 years to have more fame in Europe, more income, and he has been forced to fulfil the needs of your readers, so he has to write about America because in Europe people want new topics. He was a prolific man of letters but he was a novelist and a father of us literature: the evolution of his career goes from novel of manners to romantic novel to realism. The novel of manners of him is similar to the style of jane austen, his first success is the adaptation of walter scott, so he adapt history to his needs, he used history as the source of information according to his needs so he chooses the Hudson river and he chooses some episodes that are the war of independence. The next important novel is the first frontier novel “The piooners” how is like to be to live there for the native americans and the Europeans living in both sides, competition between them. They have the right to cultivate the land because it is their destiny. “The leather stocking Tales” is a collection of five novels in which hawk-eye appears, a character who also appears in the last of the mohicans, and he was created by james and being inspired in a real man that existed Daniel boone because james cooper know about the stories of Daniel. He was the settler of the state of Kentucky who did a road to go to Kentucky and he lived in the woods but he is there to settle down in a new era, so he was a legendary hero, he was a hunter. He is also a figure, as a mediator, between the two worlds of civilization and savagism. The maturity of james cooper as a writer comes when he wrote “The last of the mohicans” and his inspiration is history of French indian war and siege plus masacree but also is the area of new York state that is glen falls and George lake so this text caption the visually impressions and it will be at the end of his career. They are flat characters, we don’t get to know them, they represent something, what matters is the action, there is no so much time describing the characters. For the author a romance is not romanticism as we understand as the main ideology of it, there are elements of romanticism but for him is to write about the extraordinary, about actions and heroism, the only thing you have to understand about romance for him is that this is to scape from realism, Victorian novels are not interests, what matters here is the thriller, mistakes, coincides, indicendts. In excerpt 1 there is the death of a mother and a her child, romance is when situations has a symbolical meaning. Kora can’t survive because if she marries uncas the good indian then it will be the mix of the three racing and she won’t survive. Magua dies when she fall off since the mountain, near to heaven. There is no detail analysis of the characters and these is what it is in Victorian realism. There is a historical context, we see already factual, there is a mix between facts and fiction, hystorical characters and events with romance stories. We also have a secular captivity narrative, but with the same estrustucre as the captivity narrative, first the capture, then the pursuit, and then the rescue. The first arrival of the halv sisters to force, but the second captive will be tragic, the encounter (pedir diego) James cooper says that he has used reliable sources to reflect characters of native americans however what he conveys here are stereotypes, all alike but you are a good indiand or a bad indian, if you are a good indian because you are from the English side, so the bad Indians (the 1 exceprt, the ones who are in the french side) are revengfull, mercileness, they have a mission that is to kill and they would do it without second thoughts, they are beasts, they can kill mothers and children. On the other side the good indian can be hospiptable, good qualities. He is the indian who pretends to be a friend of the England, but actually he is ….Cooper has being accused of turning this ideology of savagism into the idea that they must die and they are dying. He still can write with a certain nostalgia, they are not civiliced, they must die, he agree that they have to die but anyway he is sad because of the dead of the good Indians. The radical differences is the idea of race, we have to preserv racial purity that is why the characters who are rewarded are the white characters. Cora must die because of the race, her mother was from the wester so she has already mixed race, black and white so he can’t allow her to marry Uncas because this will be mixing black white and native americans, and white purity should be preserved. They are both good girls (Alice and Cora) but one is white and the other is colour, is mix. The dark skin woman, cora, is brave and strong but she dies in the end whereas Alice is weak needs a man but she is the one who survives, she is useless but she is white so that is why she will have a happy life, in this idelogoy of savagism only matters race, his whiteness. The racial separatism, the marriage between cora and uncas, the good indian, she loves him but she is kidnapped by Magua who loves her too, but she can’t marry any of them because of not to mix race. He creates this marriage between cora and uncas in heaven, in the funeral ceremonies. Iin the last of the mohicans is telling you that evoles the cyclical cirle oh history, we are dying, these is the last of the Mohicans but they can return some day, the idea of returning, coming back. The structure is two volumes, 1 volumen from 1-17 chapter, (17 el que leimos) and this is how alice and cora are escorted to William henry and 7 days after William henry is attacked by the hurouns, the chapter when hurouns killed so many people ; the second book (17-32) is a second journey when uncas trie to rescue cora in vain because is maguas object of desire. Theatrical dead in a rocky age and she falls to the abbies because she doesn’t want to do what magua wants her to do. Uncas is killed by he tries to save kora, he was dead by a knife in the back because magua kills him in the back what means he is a coward, and he is shot in the end so he falls into the abbeys, magua is depicted as a traitor because a man can’t kill the enemy in the back, but uncas die as a hero in the top of the mountain, near to heaven, but he must die as cora must die because of the race. NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE – The scarlet letter uses this puritan society as an analogy of human kind in general, that human kind is intolerant, against those who act, think or have a personality that is different from the norm, and how a woman in this case has to struggle in this case against the social pressures. In the costume House (first chapter) we find gothic opening on how this novel has to be written, the real truth is that he writes this because he has been dismished, what is not real is that there were an athic were the narrator found a manuscript with a scarlet shape, he told that he found a manuscript telling the details of events 100 years before so when the narrator looses his work he decided to write what is in the manuscrist but he said that the story is not him, the scarlet letter is the final product of this manuscrist when he lost his job and he writes this introductory chapter when I tell you about the manuscrist but also I am recalling the ghost from the past, this ghost that they are my ancestors he is not afraid of them but a woman can be afraid of her ancestors, his ancestors may return and rise from the graves to conclude the sacred mission: to condemn, to kill, to margialize people, so he is telling you their potential that they had, he tells you that the puritans ghost can return (nada de esta historia es cierto, él no encontró un manuscrito ni nada, lo escribió sin más ) - Topics: It is the fictional story of the manuscript. Adultery: Private vs public matter: The scarlett letter discusses the adultery in the times of Nathaniel being a crime, the most important novels in the 19 century was about adultery. Hester Prime is a young woman and she starts leaving the jail of boston carrying Pearl in her armas, and she is carrying in her breast and A letter for adultery. This is the public punishment that she is an adulterous, this romance starts in medias res (in the middle), we know that Hester husband was a quite scholar go to America to join her but he never arrives in Boston so Hester probably thought that her husband probably got lost at sea, that she has an affair with an old man and that she gave birth in boston that couldn’t be her husbands, so the fellow puritans now that pearl born 9 months after hester left England so she can’t be of hester’s husband, so they decided that hester has to be punished not just by god by also for the community because also she had another sin and is not revealling the name of her lover. Puritans are reproducing the bible and it says that adultery has to be punish but this romance is about the dilemma if adultery is a private matter between two individuals but not for puritans, they understand that adultery is a sexual transgression that violates the contract between the community and its members so if you violate the contract that you have as an individual of the community you are going to be punish because there is a divine law of marriage and the legal system that they have as puritans have to make sure that the divine marriage dictates by god has to be fulfil, so marriage is understood as a political institution that is also the moral law to be obey by puritans. A woman depends on the legal authority of the husband so women have to be governed by their husbands, by the puritan community and by God so when your offense your husband with adultery this is a terrible crime that also offense the community and God. The sin of one member of the community can ruin the whole puritan community because if there is one sinner and they allow the sin in their community that will destroy the land of salvation for all the puritan community that is why she has to be punished, not because they care about her, but because this will affect them too. John winthdrobe says that is to be condemned for both infractors, the wife and the lover have to be executed but even if the husband forgives his wife she is sentence to death as the result of the obligation that the woman has towards the community, afterwards this will be replace by corporal punishment because little by little puritans will think that death for adultery was too hard. Plymouth Law in 1694 was a law which says that an adulterooues wouldn’t die or being corporal punish but the person who is an adulterous is to display the A letter on his or her clothes. What Nathaniel brings to us in this romance is that we need to change the way we formulate and define what adultery is, that is not more a public matter and it should be a private matter and that puritans shouldn’t be involved in this because they have no rights to do it because for Nathaniel adultery is a crime of the heart and suppostly you feel guil because of the shame and regrets so this crime of the heart should be judge by God and actually God is punishing you with these feelings, so he is telling you that the law of god must prevail over the puritan community. The consecuences of sin and knowledge. Original sin: Hester is rejected by the society, she is stigmatiaze so she must leave the community, she can’t go to the church, so you must live alone in a cottage but the two lovers are separated and that is a sad separation, they can’t be together because this is a story of a forbidden love and this idea of forbidden love and sex comes from the bible. Adam and eve they were enjoying everything, they think they are like god because they were inmortal in the garden of eden, but it has a forbidden fruit and here we have hester and Arthur that are in the garden of eve because going to America is like the return to the paradise but they are tempted by the devil, the serptent is going to tempt eve and in spite adultery is something of two is the woman who is blamed as hester or eve, so adam and eve are told that they can’t eat from the apple and in this story the forbidden fruit is adultery so they are expelled from paradise as hester who is expelled outside the “paradise” referring to the puritan community and both of them have to experience suffer, but you are human not immortal so we need to suffer the consequences of sin, the difference is that Adam and Eve are both expelled but they are together at least but what Nathaniel says is the consequence of the sin of adultery is that you are separated by god and even you have to suffer individually, they live 7 years without any contact, they don’t allow themselves any warmth or tenderness so it is a forbidden love, so you are punish by society but you suffer alone. It is external the A on your breast and this is the psychical punishment for you, it is the external guilt and a constant reminder that you are a sinner but in the case for Arthur he internalizes the guilt, so in the end he shows his breast and he has the scar of an A so the pain is inside his heart and that is you remind yourself everyday that you are a sinner as hester and Arthur, on the daily basis you are a sinner and you try to continue with your life, continue making your life but separated to suffer alone your sinful nature. Arthur becomes a very puritan minister, when you have the experience of sinning yourself, of not being the perfect puritan minister you are better able to understand the whole congregation of sinners, he is pity for them. She understands that the puritan community can’t make her a happy woman so she uses this marginalization to know better herself and even to be critic with the puritan community, to reject the puritan society. The sin committed by Hester is an obstacle to go to heaven. Puritans can feel sorry for her but not forgiveness, you are a sinner forever so that is the consequence of a sin, your sexual transgression is everlasting, in this life by puritans and in the other one by God. The nature of evil. Who is the evil?: This depends on the point of view because for me can be one, according to a character can be other… for the community Pearl is the devil and hester too because she is the mistress of the devil, for Pearl the devil is her father because he doesn’t recognize her or her mother and the black man is a man carrying a pen and his book who lives in the forest and when he sees that a person of the community that is weak he comes and he asks you sign with blood on his book so the black man puts a sign on you, so when you sign you are signing a pact with the devil, and she is going to be marked with the A letter so for her evil is the puritan community who are the ones who put you the signal like the devil puts his mark on you. But actually when Chillingworth arrives he told nothing to her wife, he doesn’t take care of her he just comes there for revenge and he won’t tell anyone that he is the husband he prefers to have that secret because he is not looking for justice he only reveals to Esther and told her not to tell anyone who he is. He develops a good relation with Dimmesdale and he is sick because he gets a mental disease and Chillingworth is a doctor and a very astute man he finds that is a strange and unexplicable conexion between the secret identity of the lover of hester and the torment that this man has, but actually he wants to know the secret of Arthur and he finds that there is a connection between Hester and Arthur secret. We know nothing about the life before adultery of them, but we know sure in the novel that he has not human warm, because he wants Arthur to depend on him so this is not a healthy relation, he is not able to stablish good relations with other people and he makes Arthur depend on him. Chillingworth has a deform shoulder and the truth of the heart that Nathaniel makes a symbol of the truth of the heart that means he is deform but in his soul. In the end Chillingworth dies because he has consummated his revenge because Arthur dies so he does not have any reason to live, the objective of his live is finished so he has to die because his life has no sense anymore so Chillingworth represents devil in the story because of his ardent desire to damage others, not to correct their mistakes just looking for revenge. Arthur and Hester are sinners but their sin comes from love whereas Chillingworth is also a sinner, revenge is a sin and this sin comes from hatred so the truth evil is him because revenge destroys his soul. Later Pearl discloses that Arthur has love her, she is her daughter, so there is evil in Arthur for pearl because of his cruel denial of her. Hester’s self-growth: Probably the marriage of Hester and Chillingworth was not made of love, she was a passionate woman with strong will but she has to be marry… when we meet Hester is when she is shame and stigmatized by puritans so then she was not allow to go to church and she becomes a contemplative woman, she works but she has time to think, she thinks about society, herself, human nature in general, she is a stoick woman, she recognizes that she is a sinner and that she has to live with it, she does needle work so she has financial independce she doesn’t need a man or a boston community but apart from rising her child and feeding both of them by herself she is also compassionate and give things to the poor and she takes care about the sick and poor people of Boston, she tries to win their respect not because she really desires to come back to the puritan society but because she want to be respected. What she wants more in the world is that Pearls is her treasure, she is a blessing from God, she defends her rights of raise her child alone, community tries to take pearl away for her because she is a sinner so she is a bad influence for her so Nathaniel is telling you that the mother law, the fact of being a mother, it is instinct, it is the law of nature, being a mother must prevail above all the laws in the world. NO brainwash anymore for the puritan community and for religion but it is not only that be a free thinker allows her to MOBY DICK Ishmael is maybe the protagonist, sometimes is the first person narrator and it all happens in a whale ship. They need to haunt whales with one purpose, just they need the oil so they were outside to the south seas because the whales are far away, and Ismael believe that it is going to be a routine mission on board but that is not a normal mission and the captain Ahab is not a normal captain because he is sailing for revenge against Moby Dick because this is a monomaniacal quest that has only one purpose to take revenge on this albino sperm whale, because moby dick destroyed Ahab’s ship and amputated his leg and his knee so there is no commercial purpose of the oil. This is one of the greatest novel of all times, because it is an universal novel, it is a philophical allegory of life, the impossibility of getting to know the world and even in this documentary. Criticism of the world, religious traditions, moral values and it still a popular novel with scholar readers. Trauma, acab suffers a terrible trauma because he lost his pride, his manhood, a trauma to survive moby dick, friendship and death. The sources of herman to write this: his personal experience on sea on a whale ship, he was a harpooner, it is a higly autobiographical romance he interpreating the role of Ismael and both of them are going to speculate about puritan Calvinism. He is showing youo the dark side of humankind, he is going to show you that the most ferocious dangerous lethal animal on earth is the white man, the dark side of human nature, pessimism about human nature. This idea that we live in a godless world where we can’t find consolation, they don’t believe in god but Melville is tortured by his agnostism because he can’t find this salvation in a god, god offers no support so he suffers. Maybe the only similarity between the scarlet letter and moby dick is that both are allegories, Shakespeare is a great influence for him specially for the writing of this book, the tragedy is to be found in moby dick so he changes the novel after reading the tragedies in Shakespeare there is a similarity with lear and ahab. Sources: Thomas beale’s : “natural history of sperm whale”; j.ross browne’s: etchings of a whaling cruise”; article: mocha dick; events of essex of Nantucket: this last one is the tragedy of Nantucket . Melville is interested in the legends of the whale, so we feel he is an erudite, that he knows a lot and he does because of his education, but also is a man who does his research before writing this and the novel is not only his experience is what he has read about it but he is also interested in this popular of travel narrative. His philosophical especulations of the world trough Ismael about humankind and about the confrontation of good and evil. A mocha dick is the article like real life about the capture of a giant sperm whale. The greatness of this novel is that he mixes everything, different writing techniques and materials and then he goes to the realistic descriptions of whales. The peguad (the boat) represents the whole world and the people inside are multicultural, with different languages and mellville is going to explore class and race issuses, the confrontation between good and evil and the existence of god if it exists, the greatness of this author is that he is creative in mixing all this things, he uses existing materials and literary forms to explore this issues. It was unreadable because in the 19 century and 20 it is a topic that is boring, highly experimental, but the modernity of moby dick is that it has no ending in the sense is open to multiple interpretations, you read your own moby dick, you can read it like the adventures at sea, like a sea novel, as a documentary of the life of whales or criticism against the ferocity of humankind against animals. Moby dick as an allegory: surface level and deep level. The surface level to read is revenge, ahab’s obsessive haunt of moby dick but there is a deeper level , to go down and then we find ishmale who is looking for knowledge, for understanding the whale, the peguat is the world with a multinacional group, a ship that is navigating on a sea, we are on a peguat and then the next day we can find moby dick so there is predactibility, he is going to make a subversive use of allegories, not try to find meanings for everything that happen in life, you can’t interpret things that happen in your life according to signs by God so he is creating an allegory to tell you that allegories are useless because Melville is saying that is impossible to reach truth. The only thing that we know is that moby dick remains an enigma, trying to get to know the wahle but we can’t, so we tries to discover to finally realize that he can not, that the whale has to many meanings to have a meaning at all, the whale is everything and nothing, it is underwater so you just see a little part on the surface and if you down to look for it you will lose. - Topics through 3 characters Trough Ahab :He is on the deck presenting himself to the readers and he will capture the attention of the reader. He is going to be denified by Ishmael and he is going to characterize the physical appearance and his personality. An old man, big like a mountain, cloudy mountain, a scorch face and grey hair, he has this scar from face to torso, and his false leg of a whale bone. He is fearful charisma, majesty but he causes a provoque fear and ishamel would say that he personifies evil, irrationality and madness. He said that ahab carryes all the hatred and rage of the humanrace. So the whale has provoqued a physical and mental wound and he blames the whale of all his suffering, he doesn’t realize that the whale is just an animal that attacked him on self defense, it is a war for him between moby dick and him, and he is going to transfer to the whale all his frustration and anger, that is why moby dick is a real human novel because people sometimes transfer all this hatred to one single person. He accuse the whale to chose him as his objective, like moby dick wants to destroy himself so she is a villain animal because on purpose she decide to chose him as her victim so he treats moby dick as a person, and he will announce to the group his intentions of going after the whale and he is going to convince the rest of the tripulation like our mission is to kill moby dick because it represents evil. Captain Boomer had experienced the same experience of moby dick and he didn’t have an arm but he is happy to have a life, he is grateful and bless and he wants to be happy with his family, he is not looking for moby dick or for revenge. He is selfish because he doesn’t care about his life or the life of others. Moral flaw for classical heroes and this is excessive overconfidence and this will lead you to your downfall, he thinks he can defeat moby dick that is an animal invencible, he believes that he is a God like the ship represents the world so he is a god. He believes that his mission in life is to save the whole humankind by killing moby dick because she is evil in the world, so he is a classical hero. He can be an antihero too and this characteritrisc is that he is not also aggressive he is a victim too, he is an aggressor because he will try to kill moby dick but also a victim because he has been wounded by the whale, it is someone that has been suffering physicial and mental damage and has to endure adverisity, he is kind of Byronic hero, he is wounded all the time, restless never tired, excessive intense, passionate. Also he can be an overreacher He wants to go beyond the limits of nature, because he wants to kill a force of nature because moby dick can represent the force of nature that can’t be defeated. Also he is defined with fate because he thinks that he has a mission in life, he doesn’t care about live or dead, he believes in manifests and destiny, he is not free at all because he has an impossible mission and he is obsessed with that and he manipulate the rest of the tripulation to believe that this is their fate too. It is like we are getting close and close and close and on the third day moby dicks make the pequad sink and the tripulation sink except Ishmael. Final confrontation between moby dick and ahab. Ishmael: At the beginning he looks like the protagonist and he is a 1 person narrator until ahab appears and we forgot about ishmal. It is ahab who allows you to follow the story. He comes to cetological, a document on whales, the social life and the biology about the whale and he break the linearity and you are irritated to him. The book starts “call me Ishmael” and with this he is saying call me whatever you want, he was a school master and a sailor so he is like Melville. He is poor and depressed that is why he decide to go to a whale ship because if you don’t risk your life you don’t appreciate your life enough but he is also looking for knowledge, he wants to know. He is good at everything but commit to nothing but the rest are educated class men combining the experiences that he had with his attempts of suicide. An important topic to discuss of him is: - Friendship: he travels to find a whale ship to live adventures at sea and he lived in an accommodation and he has to share his room with another sailor: queequeg. He is native and Ishmael is socked by the kind of life of him, specially of his tatoos. He call himself a cannibal but he thinks that is better a sober dark man than a drunk white man so he prefers his company. Their friendship is based on the idea of accepting each other. Queequeg says that friendship is like marriage and he told to smoke the pipe together that is like the ceremony, because you share the good moments and the bad times. All members are paying the same and they are promoting according to your skill so at first side there is good relations in the pequa in spite of the race, age etc… but this is only at first side. But in deeper it is racism, it like the society of the united states on those times. Ahab doesn’t want to have friends because that will distracted him of his objective, he doesn’t want to be their friend or their sympathy. He doesn’t allow himself to believe in fate, he believe in freewill chance so he believes he can choose, he makes his choices because he decided to go in the pequea, next he decided to study the whale, and third he chooses his friend, he choose being human loving people he is human in his capacity of choosing love. He has a healthy mind and a healthy heart because he feels pity for the whales and he has a heart because he loves his friend. He is the only one who survives by chance, it is not free will or fate it is just chance because he finds a coffin, the coffin of queequeg so it is symbolical, his friend saves his life so Melville is telling you that you survive just by chance. He is found by another ship. Melville wants to tell that is not an act of God, is just by chance, so free will and chance is what rules your life. Moby dick: The novel is like an iceberg and in the top we just see some part of the whale but we don’t see the underwater. Speaking about ahab we explore the surface of the iceberg and is Ishmael who allows us to swim to the deep ocean. Moby dick is given feelings, thoughts, intentions by characters like is revengeful. It is an allegorical representantion of God because god is punishing ahab because he pretends to be God or maybe is the allegory of the devil because moby dick kills humans. What Melville wants to tell you is how mysterious and unknown the world is to us. It also be understood like a methaphor of our relation to God like Ishmael tries to define the Theodor start to hear voices and he tries to rape his sister clara and he finally murders his wife Katherine and his children as a prove of religion devocioun, there are voices telling him to kill his wife and children so he does that. He was not listening to God voice, it was himself so the one who imitated voices that were religious voices in reality was francis carwin, his ventriloquist, and after that theodor kill himself. The villains were emigrating since germany to north America before years or decades before theodoour and clara who were religion fanatisms and the villains had this strange ritual Satanism to sacrifice people for God so in the family history of these two characters we have these people who did these sacrifices, so theodor thinks that he had free will but in the end he had to do the same than his ancestors, so this story rejects that we have free will. Edgar Allan Poe: The past remains reject, the gothic is not only a literary movement, how this American past can haunt and condition the life of later generations. He is a writer of short sotires, the master of the stories, he was a journalist and he wrote literary criticism so he was everything, he was a poet. He was forgotten after his death, americans did not like him. He was interested in the dark side of human nature, the obsession, reflect in your writings the tormented consciousness, self distraction and pessimism, fallibility: we made mistakes because we are weak. He felt hatred. He is a master of the ghotic horror, and he admires early gothic tales of Britain and german tales. The haunted house is just a methaphor to enter the haunting mind. 1st narrator that suffers a disease, a reliable self person narrator and edgar likes to choose one point of view. To understand him we need to know that his achievemens as a writer are 2 things: master of fictional technique, he had a method and he also wanted to create an effect, he wanted to created an emotional feeling, he wanted to make the reader feel. In his life he has a personality temperament, he had physical and mental pain, is going to become a myth. He loved poems, there is poe himself in the poems but he also write about physical and mental pain, he writes about what he feels, he writes about sadness and sorrow and tragics in his life. He doesn’t like the discipline and he liked breaking rules, he will not complete his studies, he will not complete his training at the usa because he has in mind to become a poet, he had this literary aspirations, however edgar allan poe will devote his life to writing in boston, new York Philadelphia and Baltimore and the will be a poet, a writer of short stories, he will also be a literary critic. Limit success as a writer, so what he does is return to his biological family and he finds his little cousin with whom marry her, he will continue writing poetry so sometimes some successful publications. When he wrote the raven she had tuberculosis. The color of death is red, the color of love is red and the color o tuberculosis which is about bleeding is red. He is an alcoholic and he died but there is no a clear idea of why he died. His first poems: “Tamerlane and other poems”; The raven and other poems”, he just write one novel, “the narrative of Arthur Gordon pym” “tales of the grotesque and the arabesque”: he wants to cause an effect on you with the grotesque, an effect of sympathy, the arabesque has a correlation with the intrinque verbal expression that he uses, there is an allogy of being exotic but also very ornamented, very complex, this arabesque is going to cause the effect in poe of ornamental, the intention of creating the effect of terror and horror in this story. The philosophy of composition: *pedir primeros 10 min* he said that wirting novels is not worth it because you have to write short things, to read in one city, because he consider that everyday is going to distract you from the novel, breaks the totality, he is nterested in the totality that you have, the impact that you have, because you lose track of the text. Logical methods*pedir*. Unity of effect: you have to plan your poem or your short story as a proyect, you must know how your poem or short story ends before you write it, you need to know the details. All the elements of the story are subordinated, you feel what they are feeling. Once you decide how your poem or short story ends and to make the reader feel what the characters feel, then you can chose the tone of the poem. The process of writing the raven uses a method. He wanted to be popular into readers and then he will have to control all detail of his poem. Everything is intended. Beforehand he has chosen all elements. Purposely the raven chose to sit above the bust of Palas, and the white color and the black color is a contrast, but there is another contrast that the bust is made of stone and the raven is dead as another contrat that palas athenea knows everything and the raven knows just one thing. The repetition of the word nevermore is to achieve the unity of effect by repetition, the symbols of the elements: the raven symbolizes the sensation of morgue. He said that the length of a poem should be 100 lines but the raven is 108. We find so many dead women, and it is going to be found in the poetry and the texts of him. Poe said that just the pure beauty can only be achieve by the destruction of female beauty and body so critics consider him as a misogynist because he connected women with death: both are passive and they are in silence. It is considered as idea of beauty women that are thin and pale for virtuous femininity and if you are starving and all this is like death, because being round implies sexuality. You are afraid of dying and you are also afraid of death, of feeling sorrow, death is a poetical topic because of the fear of it. E.allan poe believes that the most poetical things is the death of the beloved, more misogyny because the beloved has to be beautiful and also because he focus on the lover, the pain of the lover but he expresses no pity about the woman who dies. Excess of beauty, more beautiful when she is dead. The female corpse is treated like a work of art in his poetry. So eap killed the woman to create art, to transform her into art, the beautiful woman of course. Women as an object of desire for the man, desire for the artist, women need to be killed to write or to produce art, so female corpse become a workart. The one who dies is the other where you eap survive, so it is a way death of the batiful women who produces him the fantasy of a beautiful woman, and it mitigates his fear of dying, is the fear of him dying so he can realize that he has survive and she has died so the death of the beautiful woman becomes the muse of the workart of the poet, this produces him relieve because he wasn’t the one who has died. Annabel Lee: was written the year he had died. It is simply because the narrator is a young man who calls himself a child so the poem has childish tone. They were young and they love each other and their love was so powerful that the angels were jealous of their love, purity of love, but the angels instead of helping them they decided to kill her sending a wind, heaven send darkness so the poets, so the narrator is devastated but there is hope because he thinks that their love can’t be defeated by love, their love goes extent, beyond the grave because it is an everlasting love, it challenges the separation, because the soul of Annabel and the narrator are together. Everything remains him of Annabel that why there is hope for reunion and he ends the poem that until they finally meet in the other life he sleeps aside her. We abandon the comtempary reality, he need to find the world of the fairytales, a remote setting in an unknown time so there is a kingdom, like a paradise on earth. In this kingdom of the sea they had met. What we know of Annabel is that she correspond him in love, that she is a maiden, consumption of her. This association between women beauty death and poetry. The idea of platonic love as the most powerful love in the world, the greatest love that is sexless, a love that survives. Romanticism is about the glorification of childhood as the best moment in life, of greatness purity, you enter the world of the adults but they were like children so it was not complicated. It is a celebration of childhood, he loved Annabel but she is untouchable, she is not sexual, she was a sacred figure. The childish reaction of the narrator that angels envy them, conspiracy of angels and nature against them. The vengeance of angels is a gothic element, the corpse itself is very gothic, the fairy tale is invided by the gothic because of the fear… This poem gives you a promise, there is hope. It has 6 stanzas: 3 of them have 6 lines and one stanza has 7 lines and the other two have 8 lines. It is very musically, it very melodic and he will do this by the repetition of words creating sadness. There is a repetition of a consonant in the name Annabel lee, the letter L, that appears in many women names that is like a lullaby, repetition of sentences, the beautiful Annabel lee. These images of life, this sequence brought by the angels bringing sorrow to Annabel and then death falls, but there are images of light when he speak about her eyes. The raven: 1845. A narrative poem that was published in journals and repeated the raven and other poems. He has certain success for this poem but not enough financial support to survive. Musicality of the poem, the importance of the gothic supernatural and the very ornamented language. The revolution of the mental state of the narrator, just for being heart broken he end mad and the bird that visited him is not going to help him, he instigates on the sorrow of the narrator by the constan repletion of the word nevermore, so this word contributes to the mental deterioration of the narrator. Little by litte we feel the anguish, frustatration.. until he falls into madness. He trust the word of the bird instead of phalas. Eap is going to teel you that there is no intuition, he wrote the poem step by step. He insisted in the briefly of the poem. He chose a raven is related to a propechy and is also memory, symbolism of the black raven and the white atenea, wisdom vs lack of intelligence, the marble inert vs the alive creature, these images, coldness outside and warm inside are going to achieve the overwhelming emotions of the poem like melancholy anguish and sadness. A sad December night and he is sitting reading to forget the lost of his love lionor and then something sound on the door but nobody is there so we feel he is lonely, somehow the narrator is amused by the image of the raven, he said to the raven that this animal is going to leave him as the rest of people but the raven answered “nevermore” so he felt good because it is like the raven is never going to left him, then he realized that he is not going to be able to forgot linor so he is angry and he insults the raven, again the narrator is furious because he said that he is never going to see lionor and the raven says nevermore so he sees the raven as a devil. This poem is a narrative poem that teels you a story but without being an allegory. The main topic of the poem is this conflict that the narrator has: the desire to forget because he wants to overcome his death and the desire to remember that is why he keep asking the raven about linor, you feel pleasure in pain because you focus on the love lost, it is masochist because he know that the bird is going to say nevermore, so the question of the narrator contirubtes with this feeling of lost. The last month of the year is related to death, the raven associated with evil, references to the bilbe and references to homer odysea, but one influence in the structure is the poem of Elizabeth barret browning’s: lady geraldine’s courtship. 18 stanzas and each stanza is 6 lines, 8 trochaic feet, rhyme abcbbb, internal rhyme. We create music by the repetition of consonants, the repetition of the word nevermore, onomatopoeias, alliteration, internal rhyme. A narrative poem hypochondria and madeline suffers catalepsy so she seems dead but she is not, when one dies the other one dies too, so the connection of their both diseases so the death of madeline causes the death of Roderick. Third: split personality, there is no twin brother and sister, there is only one person: the separation between the mind and the body, Roderick has this frenetic energy and activity always in his mind he is obsessed, he only lives by his mind never by his body and he wants to destroy his body so his haunted mind collapses and as a consecuence the house of usher also collapses because there is just one member of the family, the house is a symbol of Roderick while the narrator scapes and preserve his sanity. Fourth: remember the terrible fate of the usher family, there is only one line of genetic discence so there is incense, all genetic transmission has occurred trough incest in the house, the house is haunted because there is a sexual taboo: one possibility of incest: that he has sexual desire to madeline so in order to avoid incest he prefers to prevent incenst and the second one is that he had commited incest with her so he bury her to hide her crime and then he ended mad because of the guilt. She returns, she releases from the coffin, to take revenge against Roderick with the white dress, virginal woman with blood in her dress, struggling to abandon the coffin so she takes revenge against Roderick for an incest. William wilson: a narrator with a fake name, William Wilson is the name, he expenses his childhood with a boy that looks like him, so you scape of him and in later destinations he always finds this second William Wilson in particular situation, only when he is doing wrong things, and he is travelling and trying to scape from him and he always finds his double so he decided to put and end to this so William is going to kill his double only to find out that rather having a second William is his own reflection on the mirror, he wanted to murder his double but what he find is his own self, so he is committed suicide, is his own reflection in the mirror, what he is doing is killing himself, and his reflect makes laugh of him, because he has not lived his own life he had lived the life across his double. Edgar is going to explore the idea of the double, tthedoblleganger, the idea of the split personality, the part of the self that torment us, the part of ourselves that we not dare to do in life. Poe has this intuitive explit of the mind, the idea of the two Williams, what later freud develop in his alter ego, the literary device of the dopperlganger and the mental disorder that will be called esquizofrenia, and edgar allan poe is going to represent is manifested in another body, there are two William Wilson but the final image that we have shows us that if the first William represents the mind and the second willian represents the body that does the bad things means is impossible to separate both things, your mind is killing your body so the revenge of a tormented life because he is doing bad things, he wants to kill his body that is doing bad things so the final image is that we can’t scape from the body, the tormented mind once to kill, to take revenge only to discover that is killing himself. We used our double to do all what we are not dare to do by ourselves and in the end we have to kill our double but it return to haunt our life, we are attracted of what we rejected, the important of our thoughst that we reject. The double is the repsentation of the madness of William The masque of the red death: it doesn’t matter how luxurios is your castle or how good is everything, or luxurian your clothes are, it doesn’t matter that you are a prince because you are going to die anyway, death doesn’t care about all these things. The black death: it was a bubonic that occurred on the middle agles and killed many people, but here death is red because of the blood and this is autobiographical for him, for him red is dead, how the life of him is threatened by his fear and his agony, so for him dead is red because virginia is going tosuffer tuberculosis, bleeding of the mouth. So this is the story about dead. He is going to lock the place of his palace and he is going to be confined in his castle so what he is going to do months after he is going to organize a fancy mask party to say that he had survived the red death and all the palace is going to de decorated, seven rooms looking to the east. This guest is pretending that is suffering so corpses like masks and blood. There is going to be a final encounter between prospero and the uninvited guest and prospero dies but when they captured him they uundertand that there is no one underneath the costume, there is no body so everybody dies because the red dead infiltrates the castle. This story explores the relationship between art and nature what is what fascinates prospero, artists when they create a work of art is to imitate nature and this is what prospero does, he wants to isolate himself in his castle, he doesn’t like the nature outside because it is plagues by death so to protect himself he created another reality, a parallel reality, his castle to protect himself. The natural cycle of life is that you are grow, you die and he is unhappy with nature. He is an artist so he wants to create beauty. He reminds to prospero, the tempest, Shakespeare, and he builds seven rooms and decorates them eith very bizzare arabesque nature and it represents the seven stages of life. The eastern room represents birth, and the room in the middle is orange because is at the cenit, midday, to the east to the west is the curse of the sun, of the day, from sunrise, to sunset. He tries to s cape from death but it represents the last chamber, he try to make death fit in his own work of art because if he includes death in the seven rooms means he can control death but the sotry is telling you that what he creates is a mousetrap from which he can’t scape , his replica of nature kills him because you can’t scape death because life and death can’t be separated, poor and rick people die alike, he represents prosperity, he is insensible, he is not sensitive to the rest of people, death strike us all. Unity of effect is telling you that death is going to happen to everyone. - Uncle’s Tom Cabin – Harriet Beecher Stowe She has a best selling novel of the prewar. This novel is aboliconist who wanted to transform the public opinion of the united states on slavery and she achieved her goal because americans were discussing America after the publication of it. It is a controversial novel that is going to push abolicionims from the margins to a public debate. It is a higly instrument of social reform to build among American antislavery awareness, and it will reach a political influence so it is a very effective. This novel move the united states towards the civil war. She denounce in this novel the slave suffering. People said that this is sentimental, pure drama and also is written by a woman, it is popular fiction. It is a great combination of suspense, action, adventures, runaway slaves, physical confrontation and is also symbpathy, the importance of feelings. The positive elements of this novel and its complexity is what makes that this book is read today. The seventh child of the eminent Calvinism minister: lyman beecher (her father), her mother died when she was young so this is one reason motherhood is so important in this book, she as a young girl losing being separated from her mother because of death, in novels mothers are separated from the children by slavery. She has a bad relation with her stepmother. She is very puritan but with time she will stop being it and starts criticising it. She went to female academics. She live close to slavery statebecause she lives in sinsinatty, ohio; her husband will be a professor of biblical literature but the salary of him is little with 7 children. Only 3 will outlive her. She wrote short stories, many of them are connected on the collection of Mayflower, she became famous after this books so she continue wirting in aboliconist newspapers, and once there is no more slavery because the consecuences of the civil war is the abolicion of slavery, after that she will write about new England, she will criticise the puritans in them. She is a very prolific writer, she writes a lot, she also wrote about the very negative of alcohol. That men become aggressive. The complete title is Uncle Tom’s Cabin or life among the lowly: this is a novel of a northerner that imagines life in the south. This is a novel of a woman written by a woman who imagines a world of men, because slavery is a world of male, slave trade is a male business, slave owning is a male business; and this is a novel written by a white people who imagines the suffering of black slaves. She is an abolicionist, she explores the devils of slavery, second she is Cristian and third protofeminism because she is going to show the moral power of women, she is going to explore the suffering from slaves and she is going to prove that slavery is not compatible with cristianity, that women are better cristians than men therefore moral superiority of women above men because women are against slavery so her idelogoy is triangle. She is going to reproduce the debates of a hystorical time, so definitely this novel is a historical document. She wants you to be sad for the death of uncle time because you admire and with this she wants to change your mind and she tires to prove that African slaves are humans, so she wants to stir feelings, the power of sympathy, to identify yourself with the suffering of other people. Underground Railroad: it is a social network, an illegal social network of the 19 century form by white abollicionist and africam American abollicionst and runaway slaves and this help runaway slaves to escape from south states to northern states or to Canada, this orginzation of people offer them food, a roof and also information, this is about information bcause you have to scape from slave hunters. Fugitive Slave Act: It is illegal to help runaway slaves, it is also that this law requires you as a northerner, if you know the existence of a runaway slave you are asked by the law to reported it, you have to help caption them and return them to the southern state. She says that is their duty to break the law because they can’t respect this act, it has to be broke. Also as a northerner you have to denounce the instituon of slave, you must speak in public and say that you are against slavery. The author never lived in a slavery state but she lives near. Many black ruanway slaves landed in ohio. Besides she has two influences: her sister in law who encourages her to write about it and she is familiar with the social and political climate about slavery. Influences to write this: 1. Testimony of black servants 2. One day when she was attending the church and she see a man bleeding because he had been whipped to death and that vision inspires her the sin in uncle’s tom 3. Third influence: the testimonies of black slave mothers, they say how they were seprarated from their babys without mercy. She was particularly touched by this stories because she has lost her baby god is going to be angry and furious that day and is going to condemn the us nation, spiritual salvation for the us natio. Harriet beecher was evangelical and they believe that the black people because of this life of suffering and lack of freedom was chosen by God to receive his grace so they are the ones chosen by God. Harriet believes that African slaves can teach white people the true meaning of religion towards salvation, so thank to black people white people can reach their own salvation. To prove this she chooses the character of Uncle tom, not just to represent a good Christian but to represent him as an exemplary Christian, as a role model Christian, she wants to represent the capacitiy of a black person to be an excellent Christian, she nees to prove that African American were fully people. By showing how their suffer, the mothers she proves they are humans, so as presenting black people as Christians she represents that they are fully humans. There are many parallelism with the pilgrim’s progress of John Bunyan. This book has an idea of the Christian person as a pilgrimage, life is a journey and you traves and you will find obstacles and tempations and god is testing you trough these, so you have to show that you are stronger in order to reach the final destination. A moment of temptation for Tom is to reveal where the two slaves were, but he doesn’t. Religion gives power to uncle tom to overcome the tempations, uncle tom become a spiritual leader for the rest of slaves exactly as jesus Christ and his Christian faith mitigates his pain and suffering of being separating from his family. Eliza, her runaway journey has a parallelism with the book of exodus. The bible was still in the 19 century the authority for American people so harriet know that if she made parallelism between African slaves and episodes of the bible her readers will be able to identify that belong to the bible. In the book of exodus there are slaves in Egypt like elisa who is a slave, in this book they have to cross the red sea and the river canaan thank to god, it is like a miracle, and elisa has to cross the ohio river. Slavery is the oonly possibility in the lackness of sympathy so harriet felt that they had no sympathy for slaves, she believes that slave owners don’t feel pity for them, she in a way she connects that with her protofeminism idea, she believes that white men ned to feel superior to women and to black men. She also question the moral complicity of northern. Mr Bird: the law says that he has to help to capture runaway slaves but he is a believer of the magic real presence of distress: it is not the same to see the woman in front of him than to think about that yes he will obey law, if he is not confronting this, if he doesn’t see her or him he will obey the law but when he see her then is when he decide to disobey the law. Religion means consolation in God, in the promise of the afterlife for slaves. Religion is for Evangeline a tool to change the view of slavery, she will use religion to make change the mind on slavery and she will also have a influence on black people like Topsy. Evangeline the name is like angel, her death converts her father into Christianity his spiritual awakement. Evangeline is also vital, a vital character in the relationship between topsy and miss Ophelia,the message that harriet is giving trough Evangeline is that God message is love and not impositions. When Topsy embraces Christianity is when she realizes that someone loves her, the way she loves her is the way God loves her. Also, miss Ophelia changes when she realizes that the love of God is about love that loving someone is more important than knowing perfectly the bible. Spiritual renwement to condemn slavery because slavery is unchristian, she says that slavery is harmfull for white people and black people, if you are a slave owner you will no go to heaven, the writer is telling you that as an American nation they are sinners. Harriet portratis Tom as sensible, he is a good manager, better than his masters so he has intellectual capabilitys, he is peaceful, calm and a quiet man. He wanst the freedom for himself but he won’t do it at any price. He is a martyr and he is a perfect Christian, it is like he is not human, he is a prototype of the Christian perfection. His faith in God is huge, there is no revenge in Uncle Tom and in many ways we can compare the death of uncle tom and the cruxifition of Christ. His death is not an act of submission to legree, his death implies more courage. He is a victim but he resists to betray anyone. The strength of uncle tom is the lack of revengefulness. Uncle Tom represent many virtues and African American don’t like the fact that legree is the dvil and incle tom is like Christ, to much perfect, son como o completamente malos o completamente buenos, in the 20 century when African American has gained civil rights they were critic because she had created streotypes, they are not enduring pain like tom and not passive. The solution that she proposes against racial inequality after the civil war is not liked by African americans because she says that they should go to Africa again, freedom without mix. She believes that these race has certain qualities and behaviour so it is like if you are black you have specific characteristics and this kind of mentality is racialism, romantic racialism. She never believes that black people were inferior but she considers them different to the white people. There is equality but we are not equal. African americans in the 19 century found very wrong the concept of the book of happy darky, also they are against that mulato women are sexual women, they don’t like the mummy, the black cooker fat; pickaninny, what topsy is the one who you can beat and she is not going to care and they consider this is harmful for them. Frederick Douglas – Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass : “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,an American slave, written by himself” With this title he is proving that he is an American because he had born there and also that the book is written by himself in spite that he was a slave so yes a slave is able to read and write. A slave narrative is anti slavery, a first person narrative to runaway of former slaves and he has a political ideology because it is meant to denounce the cruelty and injustice of slavery but when you read this slave narrative it reminds us of Benjamin franklin, the idea of self-improvement, his life is a journet from slavery to freedom, what he wants to portrait as a hero, he speaks about his actions and adventures in order to captivate our attention and to entertain the readers. This is also the adventures of a man, a strong man who scapes. In the 19 century it was fun to read them because it is about adventures. The gold of this kind of narrative is to show the truth of slavery, the personal story of a man who represents others but his case is a little bit different because he had education when he was a child and this literacy is what provoques this anger on him. He doesn’t tell you how he scape from slavery because with this he can prevent other run away slaves to running away, if he tell the how many people will know how to do it, because it will alert slave owners and also he is not going to please the white reader because it gives them excitement because he is not submissive as a writer. He had a dilemma that is how to write, he write a work of art to prove that he is a good writer or does he write this with poor expressions like an uneducated slave to prove that what he is saying is real life, that he is a reliable narrator, should he write to prove balck people are not inferior or does he rather and obey the public pressure to display poberty of expression in order to be accepted as a reliable narrator. He rather chose confidence in his intellectual abilites and artistic talents so he uses methapros paradoxes irony and also Christian symbols and language to prove that he is also a Christian and that he knows bible texts. He believes his father was white, he is separated from his mother since his birth. He really denounces the break of family union. Her husband, mr Auld says is dangerous to read and write because if he knes this he can become a danger because education is daheroues so the discourse of the dishumanization of black people, there are outliteracy slave laws because they can misunderstand the power of what they read and use it to scape from slavery, once mr auld says to her wife to stop teaching him it doesn’t matter because the seed was already inside him, if he want to be free one day he has to continue this process of reading so he uses all tricks to read and he reads abolicionist texts and then this feeds his hunger for freedom. Is going to attack, to seize and he represents himself as a hero that doesn’t accept to be beaten by covey, he resists the beating of covey, this confrontation between covey and him is a moment that celebrates the masculinity of this man who is oppressed and is able to defend himself in an equal battle because it is the victory of the oppressed. He wants to represent this moment as something epic. He tries many times to scape and finally in 1938 he will be able to scape to the north and in the north he became a lecturer, he will be one of the first African American men to have an office. - Transcendentalism : the idea that men can be aknowledge about themselves and the world that goes beyond what they feel trough the 5 senses, to rely in the world around us Transcendentalism is a philosophical movement that affect the American culture. It is located in the east coast. It is center around the figure Emerson. It comes from to transcend, to go beyong. Men have knowledge about themselves and the world around us, that goes beyond what they feel and they sense of the 5 senses. It ges beyond the five senses. It do not entitle us blah. You have to trust another knowledge that comes through imagination and blah. It is about the knowledge that transcend knowledge. You are the authority. What it is right and what it is wrong. It is that you have to relay on your spiritual self that comes from your feelings, intuition and imagination. You relay on spirituality not necessary religious person. This is not the same. IT relays on spirituality. IT doesn’t mean that it rejects god. It focuses on earthy life and free thinking of the individual in this live. This is the only way to have knowledge about you and the world. Hence you have to go to contact to nature and trust nature because it society and social institution corrupt you. Emerson: he articulates his idea on transcendentalism in The American Scholar, the Trascendentalist and Nature. They will form the Trascendental Club and they are going to publish “The Dial”. It is a highly individualistic intelectuals. Each of them had their own understanding of this philosophical movement. It does not have a center. Nevertheless, they have thei main ponts of agreement: 1) Skepticism about religion 2) the individual is the spiritual center of the universe 3) Dissatisfaction and disappointment with society and looking for alternative lifestyles. 1. Trascendentalist believe that the bible is humanly produced poetry. It is a product by human culture. The messeges do not come directly by god. It is to cast doubts on the authority of the Bible. Institutional church it is not trustable. It is just a product by men. They are telling to not be afraid of death. Be interested in the right here and now. This is definitely a liberal reaction to Calvinism and puritanism. Calvinism: predestestino and inner deprabity. It is highly linked to Unitarianism. It is against that. It is for the idea that God is inside all of us. God is inside us, thus you are the source of moral light. They are critical but not reject against the Bible. They reject the supernatural of the Bible, and the miracles. It is just superstition. the community of nature and become a whole with natue, the knowledge is in you onse you embrace the power of nature. It empowers you, it is a grotesque image. You manipulate thins with your hands, but you have legs. Legs is to walk around and see the nature. Nature changes from day time to night time, from spring through summer fall and winter. The act of walking it is imply changes time. The idea of time is that you can see nature and nature changes, the weather changes. It is this idea of mutability of nature. Pantheism: the forces of nature is a manifestation of god. There is communion with god. There is unity between god man and nature. That is pantheism. The universe is god and nature is the image of god. For trascendentalis, god is an abstract power and all persistent spirit. Nature is the image of God. This is the importance of nature and the rejection of blah. God is an abstract power … Related to god… we have to avoid having a fragmentar understanding of the world. It is only nature. We have to understand the whole unity, the human the material and the divine. It is the whole idea of transcending. We have to avoid the blah and god. The human nature and god are to become one. One can perceive nature. Like this you get to know god. God is within god and nature. It is important that we use science in order to explore asnd understand nature. It is a way to admire nature and admire god’s creation. Emerson urges people not to have second imormation. Break with the tradition of live. Construct your own identity and go to nature.. in nature you will see familiar things. You do not need to be a scholar to understand nature you as a man you can get to knowledge about the lawas of nature. The only thing that you have to do is to contact with nature. It can be reach by everyone. PArticulary children are capable of doing that. Children had more capacity of listening to nature. Children perceive nature. This is the idea of reliance of nature. Children are more important blah. Emerson is telling you of the benefits with nature. Abandon the big cities… Nature has been a lah nature. The United states after emerson was the first country to have national parts. It is an important text for transcendentalism and slso for the preservation of the wild environment. Thoreau He needed to get close to Emerson. He is the disciple under the Emerson. He published Walden and Civil Disiobedience. HE will be acknowledge a cultural hero as a political and radical discendence writing Civil disobedience but he was the ioneer on the battle of preserving nature. The master with. Thoreau is going to be the one in assolation with nature by a lake for 2 years is Thoreau. It is called the father of conservationist movement, a profet for the wilderness for environmentalist. That is why he had being praised for that. He is going to be the father for the protection of wilderness. At the beginning, emerson will not consider Thoreau’s capacity. Thoreau he will detached form the authority of the master. His life. Concord Mass. His childhood will be mrked by the love of nature. His parish encourages him to nature. He studied at Harvard university, natural history, languages and other sciences. This time of his life will not be very positive in his life. After his education there, he will star teaching in a public school in Concord. He considered brainwash the university. When he becomes a teacher, he will opposed the corporal damage. He will resign his position. Instead he decided to open up their own public school. However, his brother will die, and he decided to not continue. He dedicate his life to reading and writing alone. That is when he bemae in contact with Emerson. Nevertheless, despite the education of modern langauges and natural science, he is not a good member to joint the group of the algo farm. He becomes his gardener of emerson. Still, He gets what he wanted. He was closed to him to learn. During this time, he ask him to move to a parcel of land that belong to emerson to carried out an experiment, which is based in essential living, in close contact with nature. He is going to live in a hat, in a cabin in the area Walden Pond. That piese of land belonged to Emerson. He decided to stay there as an experiment. He follow the steps of the essay nature steps. To live outside civilization and embraced a life with nature to enlighten himself and discover his inner voice. It also looks for spiritual enlightenment it is not just algo… It tries to find spiritual and moral lessons to understand what it is like to be algo mas. Nature, it has a blah. It is a peaceful area. He will receive visists, he will be one time a week in Concord. He cultivated his own liand, he meditate, he fish, and once in a while there is visit of friends. He goes to concord and he is going to be arrested because he refuse to pay taxes because he didn’t want to. That money is going to be used to preserve slavery and continue with the Mexican wars. This protest is going to explain in his essay “Civil Disobidence” (1849). It is not simply anarchy: he pays taxes to public services. You can put me in prison, and be surrounded by walls, but his mind is free. If you pay this taxes you participate in unjustice and accepts in the evils commited by the government. How does he define a good government: … He does not trush that a government can be reform. Do not blindly follow and trusth the government if the rules are inmoral. Trust yourself and follow your own conscious. Do not pay them. You know what it is right. You cannot participate. Follow your own conscious, trust yourself. The government is an abstract idea what is behind, are people. The governors are interested in their own power and they can enforce unfair immoral acts. But the government is in the hands of people. It is civil disobedience but without violence. He is freer that the impositions on him. They don’t have power over you. This essay is telling you that if the demands is against your individual conscience and your assensement , then it is your duty to reject algo mas. You need to Trust, and reject it. Civil disobedience that feel into oblivion has influence two major leaders of the XX century: Gandhi, lead a civil disobedience campainge to opposed the British empire. Without using violence, with the freedom of speech. Martin Lutter King: fighting against racial segregation. And the pacifist students against the Vietnam war. It is always the same idea to avoid goverments that algo mas. He continued publishing, there is no big output, because he had an early death. Funeral prayers by emerson. Later there is neutral disappointment. We can see that Thoreau liberated himself from the empowering figure of Emerson as the master. “Walden” (1854): he is preaching that in this simple life you don’t need much blah… In this temporal experiment of living in a hat by himself, he realized how happy and free without material goods. You realized how little is really essential in own lives. The great philsophers of the past were materially poor but intelligent rich. You need less and little to be happy and free. At the beginning of walden he describe what he does, he pratices the ideas of Emerson. He makes his own accounting things he had and how he expend the money and in what items. He tells what his life is about, he spends the time in cultivating the land in the mornings, in the afternoon, I spend the time meditating, observing and reading, and obtain what he wants in life, he was happy in this life of minimalism. Whereas other people in Concord they are prisionist in the city. He is rally fastinated with the lake. He is fascinated by the lake that represent infinity. The purity of the waters… it represents heavenly purity. There is an need to understand the lake from different ways, spiritual and scientific. There is curiousity to get to know and appreciate the lake from different perspectives. Self reliance: in walden t is telling the reader that in his experiment he is not only emersons idea on living in close living to nature, but he is implementing the sellf reliance. He is economically and socially independence. He live in the woods. He get all the food that he needs from the nature. He do not rely anybody else but in him and nature. He don’t need civilization and to life in the cities. He does not need that. He can be fine by himself. He do not depend on society and on other to support himself. It is a manifesto that nature is a human heritage to be protected. Margaret Fuller (1810-1850): She is the first true acknowledge feminist, in the mid nineteenth century, associated to American renaissance and she is cnnecter with the major intelectuals of the country. She is a member of the trascendentalent club. She will adopt the blah to women’s rights. In her personal life, and in her writings, she will vindicate the intellectual power to men. She stresses that a women is equal to man. If you doubt it look at her. She is the proof that demonstrates that she is equall to any men. As George Eliot, she followed a process of self education. She proof in her writings that she had intellectual as a men can do that. When she writes she makes sure that she display in her writings of literary, political, language knowledge that are associated to men scholar. TShe wanted to proof that she wrote in such a way to blah. Like any men. Go to university and became scholars and teachers. She is also telling other women to speak in public and enter in the public arena. Margaret fuller is encouraging other women to abandon their homes and have confidence, and to speak in public and to defend their rights. That is why Margaret Fuller and Harriet Beecher Stowe had something in common. Both encourage women to talk in public primarily to fight for abolicionism. Not only to be governed by the domesticity imposed on them. She will fascinate and trouble the men friends because on her self confidence. She is also a speaker … Life: She was born in Cambridge Mass. She is the eldest daughter of timothy fuller, the eldest of nine children. Her father supervised the education of Margaret. He was a stri father. He taght her latin greek French and Italian. She will complain about it. She had an unnatural childhood. But in The Great Lawsuit she praised her. Miranda is a fictionalized her. It is an autobiographical sketch of Miranda. IT is a girl being educated by his father. IT remember the tempest. Prospero duke went to an island and educated his daughter with the books he had. He gives account to the educational provided about the father. She depends on the father.She wants to please her father and the fathers approval. The knowledge is in male hands. Her father believes in intellectual gender equality. She depend on the men. She had the knowledge. She wants to be admire by him. The intellectual independence is only in man hands ans she emmotionaly dependence on him. He was all the time rigorously forcing her to acquire knowledge. Margaret Fuller has the convition that women needs… That story of Miranda creates tensions. Her almighty god father. She is alittle girl that wants to be loved by her father. It is a great achievement but it shows that there is still subjugation to the law of the father. The intellectual and emotional dependence of the daughter to the algo mas. Margaret Fuller had this girlhood being instructed by her father, reading a lot and Shakespeare and classics. She will access to education that is interrupted the moment her borther access to university. That is impossible. She does not need to married soon. Thus, she will continue reading the classics and to contemporary writers from german and England. She became a translator and algo mas. Her father died, and mer morther blah.She had to give up to support her family finantially, becoming a teacher in a school for girls and in the mean time she continues writing and translating. She will do this for some years, once the brothers are … he decided blah. She delivering lecture to upper class women that are going to be called conversations. Which are payed seminars… This lectures will not be the classics, and then you have and audience. Dialogues between her and stablishes a dialogue blah. She is going to teach this young women (mythology fine arts, philosophy, …) She wants to teach them that women had an intellectual potential equal to men. This is the propagation of Margaret Fuller does. It is nnot only to instruct but also to empower them In the mean time she will join emerson and the transcendentalist that are gaining algo mas. To teach to give this lectures, she will joint the trascendentatlist and editor of the algo mas. In the year 1843, in the journey no se she published The Great Lawsuit. Also Summer on the Lakesk a travel narrative it retain the attentionnof one of the most important journes, The New York Tribune. Margaret Fuller will be recruited to be a journalist in the New York Tribune. Women in the 19th century will be published (long edition of the great lawsuit). In the great lawsuit and women in the 29th century, she is going to denounce how cultural construction of gender limit not only the female potential but also the male potential. If there is gender limit is because if men suppress and limited women. In 1846 she was send to London, Paris and finally in Italy. Margaret Fuller, she lands in itally in the process of political instability years before the unification. She started a romantic affair with a catholic Ossoli. She had an affair with a Catholic men, and she became pregnant and he was younger than her. She decides to tell to American people what is happening in Italy. She is pregnant and not married but her commitement is to held for the cause of the Italian Unification. She has this
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