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New English File Pre-intermediate Student's Book [Clive Oxenden, Christina Lathan-Koenig & Paul Sligson] [Oxford]-Parte 2, Apuntes de Idioma Inglés

New English File Pre-intermediate Student's Book [Clive Oxenden, Christina Lathan-Koenig & Paul Sligson] [Oxford]-Parte 2

Tipo: Apuntes


Subido el 28/03/2019

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¡Descarga New English File Pre-intermediate Student's Book [Clive Oxenden, Christina Lathan-Koenig & Paul Sligson] [Oxford]-Parte 2 y más Apuntes en PDF de Idioma Inglés solo en Docsity! G e mething any thin l nm hina, ade V adjectives ending -ed and -ing P el, lau/, lal MENA AAA I didn't do anything at the weekend. Most people say that Saturdays or Sundays are their favourite days of the week - but not everybody. For some people weekends are not much fun... Kirsten from Germany is a ' must admit that for me now the weekends are more tiring than the week. During the week | have * some to help me, but at the weekends we're on our own. My husband's always exhausted from his job and wants to Steve fram the UKisa relax, but é no can relax with 'My weekend is usually quite stressful two small kids around. Our flat isn't very E stressful than during the week. big so there's mo you can go we're playing at horne | can't go out c = to have some peace and quiet. Before Friday night. All my friends know that, BA — we had children l used to work too 59-20 ínvites me out on a ' hate the weekend. The weekend is and weekends were perfect. We had Friday, | have " some light t when 'm busiest. | never go | anywhere. 5 no to do except enjoy eat, and watch TV and go to bed earl Very boring! On Saturday morning | usually relax and prepare myself mentally, as our home matches are usually at 3.00 in the afternoon. Wha! l do on Saturday night depends on whether we win or lose. if we win, | have to go out with the team to celebrate, lfwe lose, we're too depress and | dont really do ? any except ourselves. Now 'm really happy when work. On Friday and Saturday nights we're i's Monday moming.' usually full, and | have to be on my feet for seven or eight hours both days. We're supposed to close at 1.00, but people often don't leave until 1.30 or even later = they never think that we might want to go home. Luckily we close after lunch on togo "a . Wh | Sunday, but when | get home, usually at e a EEN A RAEl donan away, the weekend doesn't exist We 0043-20, Hm:So 164 Met 1: don Ewan travel Y some, play, and the to see * any ordo*any_ except lle on the sofa and watch TV. The best day of the week for me is Wednesday — that's my day off! travel back again. | look fonward to having a weekend just for me. Il READING d Complete the sentences with the Marco, Kirsten, or Steve. always gets home late on Saturdays. goes to bed early on Friday night. usually spends the weekend with the family. ————— sometimes goes out on Saturday night. — used to love the weekend. prefers Wednesdays to Saturdays. a ls the weekend your favourite part of the week? Why (not)? b Read the article. In pairs, guess what the three people do. Ho in de la c 48” Listen and check. e Read the texts again. Complete the words 1-12 with -thing, -body, or -wher GRAMMAR something, anything, nothing, etc. Look again at 1-12 in the text. Complete the rules with things, places, and people. Use something, anything, and nothing for Use somebody, anybody, and nobody for Use somewhere, anywhere, and nowhere for, O p.140 Grammar Bank 8A. Read the rules and do the exercises. PRONUNCIATION /e/, /a0/, /A/ What are sounds 1-3? 1 ah 3 What sound do the pink letters make in each sentence? Write 1, 2, or 3. | Nobody knows where he goes. O 2 Somebody's coming to lunch. O 3 | never said anything. O 4 Pve done nothing since Sunday. O 5 Dont tell anybody about the message. O 1] 6 There's nowhere to go except home. 8.25 Listen and check your answers. Practise saying the sentences. VOCABULARY adjectives ending -ed and -ing Look at the two sentences from the article, What's the difference between tired and tiring? Um so tired that 1 don't want to see anybody. Weekends are more tiring than week days. Look at the adjectives in bold in these sentences. How do you pronounce them? Friday night is bored / boring. 1 never go out. P'm bored / boring with my job. It's always the same. If we lose we feel depressed / depressing. My team never win, Il's depressed / depressing. Reading is very relaxed / relaxing. [feel very relaxed / relaxing at the weekend. His latest film is really interesting / interested. P'm not very interesting / interested in sport. Um very excited / exciting about my holiday. It was a really excited / exciting match. MD 06 A o uy y a Cross out the wrong word. 5 SPEAKING Ask and answer with a partner. Ask for more information too. OI / you normally have to work or study at weekends? / there anything you always watch on TV? -f you normally have to buy anything on Saturdays? / have to do anything in the house (clean, etc.)? Last weekend -/ you go anywhere exciting on Friday night? / do anything tiring on Saturday morning? / you meet anybody on Saturday night? / you do anything relaxing on Sunday? NE | you go away anywhere? ./ you do anything special on Saturday? / you go anywhere wher interesting on Sunday? 6 LISTENING a 0837 Listen and number the pictures 1-8. b_ In pairs, use the pictures 1-8 to re-tell the story. PRONUNCIATION /y/, /u:/, /a1/, /e/; linking Cross out the word with a different pronunciation. enough much none busy | ul] few should too food | HA quie det litle like S many any bh +84 Listen and check. Practise saying the words. healthy water dh Remember! When people speak quickly they don't separate the words. E 857 Listen and write the six sentences. d Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 4 SPEAKING a Read the questionnaire and circle your answers. b Interview your partner and underline his / her answers. Ask for more information. How much sport or exercise Same N do you do? What do you do? l go to the gym three times a week, < O Communication Body age p.111. Work out your body age. d Look at your partner's answers. Give him / her some good advice. | think you should do more exercise. For example... Doo IA ito anoto Mo] 5h ES 1 How much do you walk a day? a alot b notmuch € very little 2 How much sport and exercise do you do a week? aalot balíttle € none DIET 3 How much fast food (processed and pre-prepared) do you eat? a | eattoo much, c | don't eat much. b | eat quite a lot. d | dont eat any. 4 How many portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat per day? a onlyafew b quite alot you drink? b quitealot e alitle c alot 5 How much water do a alot 6 What's your worst diet habit? a leattoo much fat —b 1 eat (or drink) too many sweet things. c | eat (or drink) too much. dd none of these AAA 7 How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? a none bafew cealot 8 How would you describe yourself mentally? a | ama ver positive person. —b |amnot positive enough. c Um quite pessimistic. 3 How would you describe your stress level? a lamtoo stressed. —b lam stressed, but it's under control. c | am quite relaxed. 10 How often do you wear sunscreen? a all year b only when mon holiday ce when it's sunny AAA 11 How many close friends do you see regularly? a alot boquitealot eafew d notmany/ none 12 How much time do you have for yourself? a none b notenough «quite alot G word order of phrasal verbs V phrasal verbs P /g! and /dy/ MEE EN | wake up and | turn on the radio. 1 VOCABULARY phrasal verbs a Match the questions 1-7 with the pictures A-G. 1 What time do you wake up in the morning? 2 Do you use an alarm clock to wake up ? 3 Do you turn off the alarm clock immediately? 4 Whats the first thing you turn on after you wake up ? 5 Do you getup immediately after you wake up? 6 How do you feel when you first getup? 7 When you get dressed, what's the last thing you puton? [7] Oca dy b Cover the questions and look at the pictures. Try to remember the questions. c In pairs, use the pictur es to ask and answer the questions. d O p.153 ¡ry Bank Phrasal verbs. 2 GRAMMAR word order of phrasal verbs a Look at the pictures 1-3 and underline the object of the phrasal verb in each sentence. Turn off the alarma elockl b Complete the rules about separable phrasal verbs with noun or pronoun. 1 If the object of a phrasal verb is a OR between the verb and up, on, etc. 2 If the object of a phrasal verb is a , you can put it after the verb +up, on, etc. , you must put it between the verb and up, on, etc. c (O p.140 Grammar Bank 8C. Read the rules and do the exercises. d Match the sentences. Then cover the sentences on the right. Try to remember them. E Please fill itin. G Write it down, H look them up. 6 Coffee is bad for you. 7 Your clothes are on the floor. 8 That's rubbish. 1 Your mobile's ringing. [E] A You need to give it up. 2 This is an important rule. [JB Put them away. 3 I can't hear the music. [LJ] € Turn itup. 4 If you don't know what the words mean, [] DThrowitaway. 5 This is an immigration form. DD E Turnitoff O O O 3 a b Adapted from o British newspaper READING Do you know what these scientific words and expressions mean? a gene DNA your “body clock" research Read the article about morning and evening people. Choose a, b, or c. 1 Scientists say that if we are bad at getting up in the morning, this is because a weare born like that. b we go to bed too late. c we drink too much coffee. 2 Researchers asked people questions about a the way they lived. b science. c sport and exercise. 3 They discovered that people who have a short “clock' gene a are better in the morning than in the evening. b get tired very early. c are better in the evening than in the morning. 4 They recommend that people who have a long “clock' gene a should only work in the afternoon and evening. b should start work early and finish early. c should start work late and finish late, Are you allergic to mornings? Are you somebody who can't wake up in the morning? Do you need two cups of coffee before you can start a new day? Do you feel awful when you first wake up? Scientists say ¡t's all because of our genes. How did they find this out? Researchers from the University of Surrey interviewed 500 people. They asked them questions about. - their lifestyle, for example what time of day they preferred to do exercise and how difficult they found it to wake up in the morning, Scientists then compared their answers to the people's DNA. They discovered that we all have a 'dock' gene, also called a Period gene. This gene can be long or short. People who have the long gene are usually people who are very good in the morning, but who get “l tired quite early at night. People who have the short gene are usually people who are more active at night but who have problems waking up early in the morning help us to know if we have the long or short gene? Sci | 4 LISTENING € SPEAKING a 2867 Listen to David being interviewed by a researcher. ls he a morning or evening person? b Listen again and write down David's answers. 1 What do you do? 2 When do you work? 3 What time do you get up in the morning? 4 If you have an exam, do you study best in | — themo morning, afternoon, or at night? 5 If you do exercise, when do you prefer to do it? 6 Do you like your working hours? — (school/university timetable)? 7 Why (not)? 8 Would you like to change them (it)? How? c Interview your partner using the questions in b, Is he / she a morning or evening person? 5 PRONUNCIATION /g/ and /d3/ a How is the letter g pronounced in these words? Put five words in each column. gene get go change energetic gym good give hungry age b 487 Listen and check. Practise saying the words. c Now practise saying the sentences. 1 She gets up early to go to the gym. 2 George and Greta are good at German. 3 Pmallergic to mornings. l's in my genes. 4 1 generally feel hungry and energetic. 6 “88 SONG 3 Say a little prayer ER OT phone PRACTICAL ENGLISH CHECKING OUT 8.137 Listen to Allie talking to the receptionist. Answer the questions. | When is she leaving the hotel? 2 When does she want to pay? 3 What time is her flight? 4 What time does she have to be at the airport? 5 What is the message for her? MAKING PHONE CALLS a “814? Cover the dialogue and listen. Who does Allie want to speak to? What happens the first time she calls? Is the news good or bad? What is it? YOU HEAR YOU SAY 2 Hello. Hello. Is that MTC? number. Oh sorry. Sorry, you've got the MTC New York, How can 1 help you? Hello. Can I speak to Lisa Formosa, please? b Listen again and complete the YOU HEAR phrases. Just a moment, Pl you Hello. Hi, is that Lisa? c 48,15% Listen and repeat No, P'm sorry. She's not at her desk right now. Can I leave a message, please? the YOU SAY phrases. Copy Sure. Tell her Allie Gray called. Pl call back in the rhythm. five minutes. E toco d In pairs, roleplay the MTC New York. How can 1 help you? Hello. Can I speak to Lisa Formosa, please? dialogue. A (book closed) Just a moment. Pm sorry, the line's ; youre Allie, B (book open: Do you want to ? OK, Pll hold, you're all the other people, Hello. Hi Lisa. It's Allie Gray. Swap roles. Allie, hi. How's California? Great, great. Well? Is it good news or bad news? It's good. You got the job in Paris! Oh wonderful! That's fantastic! SOCIAL ENGLISH saying goodbye? a “816 Listen and mark the sentences T (true) or E (false). 1 Mark thinks that their relationship has a future. 2 She thinks i6's a problem that Mark is very different from her. 3 Mark tells Allie he's going to move to another company. 4 Allie is very surprised. 5 Allie is going to be Mark's wife. USEFUL PHRASES Thanks for e ] cl ! To us. What do you m ? I that amazing? What's them? Idon'tb_——— it b Complete the USEFUL PHRASES. Listen again and check. c “817” Listen and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? ZZEZ>ZE> a Read the article and complete it with these words. aboveall although another but general however secondly which who The good side The bad side , there are some things | don't like about the For me the first good thing about the weekend is that | don't have to go to work. | like my job, ! but weekend. Firstly, | have to go shopping on Saturday morning, l have to spend all day inside, in an office, and 'm a person and the supermarket is always crowded. € , On 2 loves being outside. 3 good thing is that | Sundays we always have lunch with my husband's family. don't have to get up early. During the week I have to get up E — my mother-in-law is a good cook and her food is at half past six every day. l's not too bad in the summer but delicious, | don't usually have a good time. The family always | hate it in the winter when it's dark in the moming. rd] ENS dl But * , Hike the weekend because | have time But in ? | love the weekend - | often get a bit to do all the things | really enjoy doing, like listening depressed on Sunday afternoon when | know that to music, reading, or going out with friends. the weekend is nearly over. b Read the article again. Now cover it and, from memory, mark the sentences T (true) or E (false). | She works outside. She has to get up early during the week. 5he enjoys shopping on Saturdays. Her husband always makes lunch on Sundays. She doesn't like watching TV. (nm e La Pa What do you think of the weekend? WRITE two paragraphs. Paragraph 1 The good side For me the best thing about the weekend is... Paragraph 2 The bad side However, there are some things I don't like, For example, .... Final sentence Do you love it or hate it? But in general... CHECK your article for mistakes ( grammar , punctuation, and spelling ) E ES ER IT GRAMMAR Circle the correct answer, a, b, or c. What's name? a yours (B)your c you 1 A What did you do this weekend? B a Nothing. b Nobody. < Anything. 2 We didn't go a somewhere b anywhere c nowhere 3 She spoke to a anybody b somebody c nobody 4 He eats ———— crisps and chips. a too b too much c too many 5 Icanttgo. Pm a enough b too e too much 6 You don't drink __—. a water enough b enough water c a few water 7 Here are your shoes. Put a on them b them on c iton 8 I can't find my keys. Can you help me ? on Sunday. in the office, busy. a look them for b look for them c for them look 9 A My father loves jazz. B a 501 do. b 50aml c 50 dol. 10 A 1 didn't go to university. B a Neither do L. b Neither did L. c Neither 1 did. o VOCABULARY a adjectives ending -ed and -ing Complete the sentences with an adjective. The film was very exciting. 1 We had a very r 2 T only got three hours' sleep — D'm really t 3 Isawareally io — 4 She failed all her exams, so she feels a bit d 5 Myjob's veryb______ b health and lifestyle verbs Complete the sentences with a verb. She —drinks alot of coffee, TV programme last night. holiday — we just lay in the sun. = I have to do all the photocopying. 1 Idon't enough exercise, 2 You should sunscreen if you're going to the beach. 3 He too many biscuits. 4 1 my friends every weekend. 5 You should -—————— smoking, it's a terrible habit. c phrasal verbs Complete the sentences with a verb. TI _— get up at 7.00. get look (x2) put turn wake 1 Please 2 You should 3 4 5 Thave to off the TV when you go to bed. up new words in a dictionary. up. It's 7.00. on a coat. It's cold. after my little brother today. PRONUNCIATION a Underline the word with a different sound. 1 something nobody nothing somebody | | 2 nobody not spoken home | 3 magazine energetic investigate get up 4 neither they both these 5 speak great each meat b Underline the stressed syllable. information somebody relax diet enough identical — a ISPEAKING £ READING Look at the pictures 1-6 on p.100. In which picture can you see...? somebody sereaming O] someone getting a fine O somebody winning a rafíle something snoring somebody being arrested some passengers looking amazed AE b Read the stories and look at the pictures. Then in pairs, match them with their endings A—E A They had seen him using his mobile phone while he was driving. B. He had discovered the day before that his wife was having an affair with the man in the phone box. C When they questioned him, the man se admitted he had stolen a car a few months before and had robbed five people in Texas. D The neighbour had seen it earlier that evening in the local pub. One of the «customers had given ita drink of rum. —Luckihy, it has not become an alcoholic! E Itwas the hotel where he had worked a a porter the previous month. He had lost his job there. F The man had accidentally gone into his neighbours house. The neighbour had left the back door open as she was waiting for her husband to come home. Read the stories again. Look at the pictures, Can you remember the stories? 2 GRAMMAR past perfect a Look at these sentences from story 3. Answer the questions. a The police stopped the Italian driver. b They had seen him using his mobile phone. 1 Which action happened first, a or b? 2 Whats the form of the verb in sentence b? Read the endings of the other five stories again and underline examples of had + past participle. Did these actions happen before or after the main part of the story? O p.142 Grammar Bank 9A. Read the rules and do the exercises, 3 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, sentence stress a What sound do the pink letters make in each sentence? Match the sentences with the sound pictures. MiB Á B E D E 0) a] 000000 1 He suddenly understood why his brother hadn't come. 2 1 didn't know Linda hadn't written since the spring. 3 The police had seen me in the street. 4 Paul thought the train had left at four forty. 5 We hadn't heard a word about the third murder. 6 We'd waited for ages to see the famous painting. 9.1 Now listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm, and practise making the sounds. 4 VOCABULARY adverbs a Circle the adverbs in these five sentences from the stories in 1. Underline the stressed syllable. Which two are opposites? me man had a gone into his el de house. E Ey Then woman E E up, AS and jumped o Complete the sentences with one of the adverbs. 11 took the office keys home with me. 2 They were having a relaxed dinner when the baby started to cry. 3 The boss left, and everyone started talking again. 4 -, the weather was terrible when we were on holiday. Last week I had a car crash. , nobody was hurt. LN In pairs, invent completions of these sentences. | She got to work very late. Luckily... 2 1 was watching a good film on TV when suddenly... 3 When we got out of the car it was raining. Unfortunately, we... 4 1 got home, had a shower, and immediately... 5 P'm really sorry about the book you lent me. I accidentally.... 5 SPEAKING (O Communication What had happened? A p.111 B p.115, Try to say your partner's sentences. id G reported speech V say, tell, or ask? P rhyming verbs AAA He said that he loved me. 1 SPEAKING 8: LISTENING se =4 Then he kissed me ask dance say walk (2) — want 1 Well, he | walked up to me and he? mel? to dance. He looked kind of nice and:so 1*——— | might take a chance. When he * he held me tight And when he * me home that night 5 All the stars were shining bright And then he kissed me. cant dontknow is say see Each time 1? him1%—— wait to see him again. | wanted to let him know that he more than a friend. 19 just what to do 10 So | whispered '| love you' And he that he loved me too And then he kissed me. He kissed me in a way that l've never been kissed before, He kissed me in a way that | wanna be kissed forever more. ask feel give know take 150 that he was mine so | *_ him all the love that | had And one day he "__— me home to meet his mum and his dad, Then he * me to be his bride And always be right by his side 115 so happy | almost cried 20 And then he kissed me. a Number the pictures A-H in a logical order. Glossary b Complete the song with the verbs in the past L.2 He looked kind of nice He looked like a nice boy. simple. Use the glossary to help you. L.2 take a chance try something to see if you are lucky L.3 hold somebody tight putyour arms around somebody strongly c 2925 Listen and check. Were your pictures in the right order? L.5 shining bright with a very strong light L.14 wanna want to 2 GRAMMAR reported speech A “love you too.” B_ *Do you want to dance? C- He said he loved me too. D He asked me ¡fl wanted to dance. a Look at the sentences. In pairs, answer the questions. | Which sentences are the speaker's exact words (direct speech)? LJ [1 2 Which sentences describe what the speaker said (reported speech)? 11 1] 3 What tense are the verbs in direct speech? p simple 4 What tense are the verbs in reported speech? p simple b (O p.142 Grammar Bank 9B. Read the rules and do the exercises. c Change these sentences from direct speech to reported speech. L- “My name's Dean.” He said that his name was Dean, 2 *Do you want a drink?" He asked herif == 3 m not thirsty* She said 4 “will you go out with me7' He asked 5 “Can | walk you home?" He asked 6 “Where do you live?” He asked 7 live quite near.' She said 8 fell in love at first sight He told Millie 3 VOCABULARY say, tell, or ask? Complete the sentences with said, told, or asked. 1 Jane me if I could lend her some money. 21 him that 1 couldn't meet him tonight. 31 that I was too busy to go out. 4 We the man if he could help us. 5 Annie :"T have a problem. 6 Annie us that she had a problem. 7 She — her husband that she was leaving him. 3 He the teacher that he had forgotten his homework. 4 PRONUNCIATION rhyming verbs a Match a verb in the past tense from A with a rhyming one in B. b 09.3% Listen and check. A said crossed paid read caught Wwore lost stood spent meant told played Saw sold heard bought could preferred 5 SPEAKING a Choose and tick ( +) five questions below to ask your partner. Ask your questions and write down his / her answers. Do you like flying? : What's your favourite colour? O Where do you buy your clothes? (1 b Change partners. Tell partner 2 what you asked partner 1 and what his / her answers were. l asked him what his favourite colour was and he told me that it was blue. Do the exercises in pairs or small groups. a Circle the word that is different. car train bus 1 funny friendly lazy generous 2 eye mouth nose toe 3 feet legs knees fingers d see hear ear smell 5 foggy windy sunny cloudy 6 dress cap skirt blouse 7 socks tralners pyjamas boots 8 getan e-mail geta message gethome geta present 9 duck chicken butterfly swan 10 dolphin whale eagle shark b Complete the phrases. carry do get go know make meet spend sunbathe wear 1 o0nthebeach 2 a coat 3 a bag d a noise 5 yoga 6 somebody for a long time 7 somebody for the first time 8 swimming Y angry 10 time (with your friends) c Complete with on, up, etc. 1 TI was born 2nd April. 2 What are you doing the weekend? 3 We always go on holiday July. 4 Idon't agree you. 5. Wait me. 'm nearly ready. 6 Don't throw those papers. 7 lalways try clothes before I buy them. 8 Hurry . We're late. 9 TI have to look my little sister today. 10 Pl pay you ———— the money tomorrow. d Write the opposite verb or adjective. 1 friendly talkative crowded rude patient lend money pass an exam push the door find your keys buy clothes PS 14150 0“) 5 Ln tu ba o e Label the pictures. == 2 the river si the tunnel 9 4 the church FO AMAN Md" Do the exercises in pairs or small groups. a Underline the word with a different sound. b Underline the stressed syllable. information nothing enough mouse mustn't 1 biography 2 exercise shoes trousers through few 3 university 4 divorced since tidy might neither 5 borrow 6 decision many already friends secret 7 always 8 promise although clothes come most 9 dangerous 10 polite won't want borrow body 11 towards 12 afraid worn shirt dirty worst 13 education 14 interesting AO mouth how slowly round 15 2l0m5 0 16 important 17 ything y NN awful ball Story work Se E 18 depressing 19 language fast pass ask walk 20 enioctenatay who hour holiday hate c Write the words. 1 /fud/ age just enjoy glasses 2 /kwait/ 3 /fuz gym argue forget goal 4 /oVósu/ 5 Ptitfa/ used yet years eyes 6 Fnadm/ 7 Priali/ which where twin two 8 ('hauswa:k/ 9 /m'dsal 10 a:f/ Ae 1B Claire and Nina Student A a Ask B questions and complete the chart for Nina. Name Claire Nina Age? 25 From? Scotland Lives im? Bristol Job? | Journalist 5mokes? Na Likes? | comedy films, cats Doesn't like? | men who smoke b Answer B's questions about Claire. c In pairs, decide who is the best partner for Richard. Why? IC Describe and draw Student A 1D Crossword Student A a Look at your painting for a minute. a Ask B for the definitions of your missing words. Then describe it for B to draw. Guess the words and complete your crossword. b Listen to B describing his / her _ Whats | ci Ú Whats dem? painting. Try to draw it. Don't look da ET A at it. Ask B questions to help you, b Give definitions of the words B asks for. c Now compare your drawings with the original paintings! va a E E 7D Passives quiz Student A a Complete your sentences with the verb in the passive and the right answer. 1 Until 1800 New York. (call ; a New Amsterdam — b NewHampshire — c New Liberty 2 Chess (invent) by a the Egyptians — b thelndians e the Chinese 3 The Italian flag (design) by —————. a Garibaldi b Mussolini € Napoleon 4 The first Levi jeans (wear)jby__ a miners b farmers € cowboys 5 The first credit card — (use) in a 1960 b 190 € 1980 6 The Indiana Jones films —————— (direct) ——. a Stephen Spielberg b George Lucas c Stanley Kubrick 7 Penguins (find). a at the South Pole b atthe North Pole e in Alaska 8 In the world 15,000 babies (be bom) a everysecond bh everyhour c every day Read your sentences to B. B will tell you if you are right. Now listen to B's sentences. Tell him / her if he / she is right. vas bought by a rich American. EEN ently in conversation is time. 8B Body age? Students A+B 9A What had happened? Student A a Look at sentences 1-6 and think of the missing verb ([+] = positive verb, =] = negative verb). Don't write anything yet! 1 Diana was E mg y because her husband 2 He couldn't ale his: pla re because he his passport at home. | + 3 We went back to. the hotel where we on our honeyn 4 The telephone wasn't wor _—_ Ahebille 5 5 Miriam was surp1 ed to the exam. [+] 6 The shop assistant agreed to change the sweater, because 1 1, (- Read your sentence 1 to B. If it's not right, try again until B tells you “That's right. Then write in the verb. Continue with 2-6. Listen to B say sentence 7. Ifit's the same as 7 below, say “That's right! If not say “Try again until B gets it right. Continue with 8-12. 7 We went back to see the house where we had lived when we were children. 8 The flat was very dirty because nobody had cleaned it for a long time. 9 The crocodile was hungry because ithadr't 10 [ran to the station, but the last train had gone. 11 I didn't want to lend him the book because 1 hadn'tread it. 12 They got to the cinema late and the film had started. a Start with your calendar age. Add [+] or subtract [=] years according to your answers. l a—2 b0 c+l 2 az b-—] c+ 3 a+ b +1 cl d-1 4 a+l b-1 c-2 5 a— b-1 c+l 6 a+l b+1 c+ do 7 añ b+1 c+2 d+5 8 a3 b+1 c+2 9 a+3 b0 c—2 10 1.2 b0 c=1 11 a—2 b-1 co d +2 12 a+2 b +1 | Ae 1B Claire and Nina Student B ID Crossword Student B a Ask A for the definitions of your missing words. Guess the a Answer A's questions about Nina. words and complete your crossword, Ea a Whats 2 down? < ÉS What's 4 across? a, == eS A b Give definitions of the words A asks for. Name Claire Nina Age? | ES From? | Hungary Lives in? London Job? | Painter Smokes? Yes (but only one or two a day) Likes? good food, music Doesn't sport like? b Ask A questions and complete the chart for Claire. c In pairs, decide who is the best partner for Richard. Why? 1C Describe and draw Student B a Look at your painting for a minute. b Listen to A describing his / her painting. Try to draw it. Don't look at it. Ask questions to help you. c Now describe your painting for Á to draw. d Now compare your drawings with the original paintings! 2B Famous photos Student B E TOOK THIS PHOTO in 1949 in France. He was working for a magazine. They wanted photos of fishermen. The people in the photo were a fisherman called Marcel, his wife, and their little baby boy. Marcel was leaving to go to Canada and the photographer wanted to take a photo of him and his wite in front of the boat. He said, Kiss your wife goodbye. | need a photo with a kiss! But Marcel was very shy and he gave his wife a very cold kiss. So the photographer said, 'Is that how you kiss your wife” 50 he kissed her again, very naturally, This time he forgot about the photographer. The photo became quite famous. Many years later Marcel saw his photo in my book and he wrote to the photographer. He said that his son (the baby in the photo) was now 30 years old and was a fisherman too. a Look at the photos and read about Leaving for Newfoundland. b A will tell you about The Eiffel Tower painter. c Now tell A about Leaving for Newfoundland, Try to tell it from memory. 2C Music quiz Student B a 10 b Write your questions. Which song (SING) Celine Dion in the film Titanic? Which song did Celine Dion sing in the film Titanic al will always love you b My heartwil go on Who (SEND) 4 Message in a Bottle in 19797 a The Beach Boys — b Dire Straits e The Police Who (WRITE) the song Nothing compares 247? a Prince bSinead O'Connor cBono Which “boy band' Robbie Williams (SING) with? a Take That b Westlife e New Kids on the Block Which Beatle (DIE) in 20017 a Ringo Starr — bJohn Lennon € George Harrison Who (BE) a Material Girf a Mariah Carey b Madonna cChristina Aguilera Which heavy metal band Ozzy Osbourne (SING) with in the 19705? a Black Sabbath b Deep Purple e Led Zeppelin Which Spice Girl David Beckham (MARRY) in 20007 a Posh Spice — b Sporty Spice e Ginger Spice How the reggae singer Bob Marley (DIE)? a he took a drugs overdose — bina car accident Which song Elton John (REWRITE) for the funeral of Princess Diana in 19977 a Sacrifice b Candle inihe Wind «Your Song Answer A's questions. Then ask Á your questions. Give your partner one mark for each correct answer. Who got the most right answers? c Love is in the air c he had cancer 1 1? AS 3A Where are you going on holiday? Students A+B FJI Spend two or four weeks in KENYA Go on a bwo- or fouraweek safari for the experience of a the South Pacific with tropical beaches sn alar sports ele lifetime. In a 4x4 you will see : lions, zebras, and elephants in Anunforgeltable experience. their natural habitat. Departure 1 June Departure 1st June Return 15th or 30th June Return 15th or 30th June Fly British Ainvays (via London) or Air France (via Paris) Fly British Ainways (via London) Hotels Blue Lagoon (small beach hotel) or KLM (via Amsterdam) Tropics (modern luxury hotel) Accommodation ¡in luxury campsites or in hotels a Read the adverts and choose a holiday. Decide: b Now find a partner who has planned exactly the Where are you going? ; , same holiday as you: How are you getting there? == A Where are you going? When are you leaving? pa B To Fiji. Where are you staying? En € A. Me too. How are you getting there? When are you coming back? A A Bm flying with Air France. A Pm flying with British Airways, so we can't go together. 4B Has he done it yet? Students A+B Look at the picture for one minute and try to remember what's init, (O p.114 cosa sesos peje pre Vo 3C 11 / Shall 1? game Play the game. FINISH a You are the organizer of a cross-country race. You have to plan the race for the runners. Draw a route on the map marked MY RACE, beginning at START and finishing at the FINISH line. Your route must include all the things in the picture but you can choose the order. b Take turns. A describe your route to your partner. e B must draw it on your map marked MY PARTNER'S RACE. E AOS ViPciia c Swap roles. d Compare the two routes. Which is the most difficult? ET mazo | A When's the exam? B Next weck. A Yeah, 1 know, but what day? Is it Wednesday or Thursday? B No, it's Tuesday. A The weekend goes so quickly. B 1 know. I can't believe that it's Monday tomorrow. 3 A Excuse me! Do you have the right time? B Yes, it's twenty-five to nine, A Thanks 4 A Were going to be late for class. B Relax. It doesn't start until quarter past ten. It's only five past. 5 A When was she born? B. Lets see. She was born on the 23rd August 1947, A Where? B In Germany. 6 Á Do you have any tickets left for the 5th of June? B Let's see... Yes, we do. How many would you like? A Two please. B OE, that's 27 euros please. 7 A Hello? B>—Hi it's me. Um in your street but] cant remember the number of your house, 15 10 1172 A No, it's 170, 3 A How much are those flowers? B- 50 euros. A 50? That's not cheap. ; ba «3» Richard l was very optimistic when T went to mect Claire. My first impression was that she was very friendly and very extrovert. Physically she was my type — she was quite slim and not very tall with long dark hair — very pretty. And she was very funny too. She had a great sense of humour. We laughed a lot, But the only problem was that Claire was very talkative. 5he talked all the time and I just listened. She wasn't very interested in me. At the end of the evening I knew everything about her and she knew nothing about me, Claire was the kind of woman 1 could have as a friend but not asa girlfriend. QA When I first saw Nina | couldn't believe it. l thought “Wow! Thanks mum. She's very attractive = she's got short dark hair — and she's quite tall She's Hungarian, from Budapest but her English was fantastic. Atfirst she was a bit shy but when we started chatting we found we had a lot of things in common — we both like music, food, and travelling. We got on really well — we didn't stop talking for the whole evening, When it was time to go knew I really wanted to see Nina again and 1 asked her for her phone number, But — she just smiled at me and said in her beautiful Hungarian accent. “Richard, you're really sweet but 'm sorry you're not my type. 18 OK, now the painting we are looking at now is by the French painter Toulouse-Lautrec. The painting is called Ar the Moulin Rouge. As you probably know The Moulin Rouge is a nightclub in Paris. Maybe some of you remember the film Moulin Rouge? In the 19th century, the nightclub was very famous for its beautiful dancers and singers. Toulouse-Lautrec did a lot of paintings and posters of the Moulin Rouge. He especially loved painting the dancers. And in these paintings he sometimes included his friends too. In the middle of the picture there are five people who are sitting at a table having a drink. The woman who's wearing a hat is a dancer = her name is la Macarona —, and the man sitting next to her on the right is a friend of Toulouse-Lautrec, He was a photographer. On the right, here, there's a woman with fair hair, blue eyes, and very red lips. Her face looks very white. That's another famous dancer called Jane Avril. At the back of the picture, on the right, there are two women who are standing together. One of them is touching her hair. That's La Goulue and she was one of the most famous singers at the Moulin Rouge at that time. Now this is very interesting. If you look carefully to the left of the two women, there are two men walking out of the nightclub. One of them is very tall and the other one is wery short. The very tall man is Toulouse- Lautrec's cousin Gabriel, and the other man is Toulouse-Lautrec himself. Toulouse-Lautrec was only 1 metre 50 centimetres tall. He had very short legs and couldn't walk very well, Some people think that this is why he loved painting the dancers of the Moulin Rouge... because they all had beautiful, long legs. 21100 Presenter Good evening, ladies and ntlemen and welcome to What's the word? And our first contestant tonight is Adam. Hello Adam. Are you nervous? Adam Justa bit. Presenter Well try and relax Adam and play What's the word? withous. In case you're watching the show for the first time here's how we play the game. 1 have six cards with things, people, or places written on them. 'm going to give Adam definitions and he's going to try and guess the words on my six cards. But of course, I can't use any of the words on the cards in my definitions. So, for example, ifl have a card with taxi driver, 1 car'buse taxi or driverin my definition. Are you ready Adam? Adam Yes. Presenter OK, you have two minutes to guess what's on the six cards starting now! Presenter OK, Adam. Card number 1. It's a person. It's somebody who works in a restaurant. Adam A cook. Presenter No, no, no it's the person who takes the food from the kitchen to the tables. Adam Oha ———. Presenter That's right, Card number 2. ls a place. It's a place where you go when you want to buy something. Adam A shop. Presenter Yes, but it's a very big shop where you can buy any: Adam ls ita Presenter Yes, well done. OK card number 3. It's a thing... mmm. Is a thing which you use to talk to people. Adam Your mouth? Presenter No, no. It's a kind of machine. It's very small. Nearly everybody has one nowadays. Adam si Presenter That's it! card number 4. It's an adjective, T's the opposite of fat, Adam Thin? Presenter l's like thin, but it means thin and attractive. Adam ? Presenter Yes! Number 5. It's an adjective again. Er...Itf's how you feel when you have a lot of work. Adam Worried? Presenter No, but tés similar to worried. Its how you feel when you have a lot of things to do but you don't have time to do them. Adam Busy? Presenter Mol Adam q Presenter Yes, brilliant. And card number six, the last one. OK. IPs a verb. For example, you do this with the TV. Adam Watch? Presenter No... Presenter T's what you do when you finish watching the TV. Adam Er...go to bed? Presenter No, you do it to the TV before you go to bed, Adam Is it E Presenter Yes! GLI Mark Hi. My name's Mark Ryder. Pm American and 1 live in San Francisco. 1 work fora music company called MTC. Pm divorced and I have a daughter. Last month | went to England on a work trip, and I met Allie, She's British, and she works for MTC in the UE. We had a great five days, We went out for cofice, We went shopping. ltwas my birthday, and she bought me a present, We went out for dinner. [really liked her, and l think she liked me too, L invited her to a conference in San Francisco, and she said yes. And now Pm at the airport. Um waiting for her to arrive. 1315 Waiter Are you ready to order? Mark. Yes, to start a tomato and mozzarella salad —is that right, Alle? Allie Yes, Mark And the mushroom soup for me. Waiter And for your main course? Allie Pl have the fried chicken. Waiter With French fries or a baked potato? Allie A baked potato, please. Waiter And for you, sir? Mark And U'd like the steak, with French fries. Walter How would you like your steak? Rare, medium, well done? Mark Rare, please. Waiter And to drink? Mark Could you bring us the wine list, please? 3,18 Waiter Your check, sir, Mark Thanks. Waiter Thank you. Allie Thank you, Mark. That was a lovely dinner. Mark Um glad you enjoyed it, Allie How's your daughter? Mark Jennifer? She's fine. She's with her mother in Los Angeles. Allie Mark? Mark Yeah. Allie Can Task you something? Something personal? Mark Sure, What? Allie How long were you married? Mark Three years, Allie Why did you break up? Mark There were a lot of reasons. We were very young when we had Jennifer. We were both working very hard. We didn't spend much time together...the usual story Whar about you, Alle? Allie Well, there was someone. [met him when | was at university. We were together for two years, We broke up. Mark Why? Allie T don't know. Usual story! Mark Thank you. Listen, ¡és early —i8s only nine o'clock. Shall we go for a walk? Allie Good idea. Where shall we go? Mark There's a place called Fishermar's Wharf, its right on the bay. There are a lot of cafés and bars. We could have another cup of coffee, Allie Fine. Let's go. 1.2. 1 Interviewer Excuse me sir, Pm doing a ... sir? Excuse me madam, do you have a few minutes to answer... Woman Sorry, | really don't have time. Interviewer Excuse me. Could 1 ask you a few questions about Zara? Woman 1 Yes, OK. Interviewer Have you ever been to a Zara store? Woman 1 Yes, many times. Interviewer And when did you last go there? Woman 1 About three weeks ago. Interviewer Where was that? Woman 1 Herein London. In Oxford Street. Interviewer OK, thank you. What did you buy? Woman 1 Er, a white jacket. Interviewer And are you happy with it Woman 1 Quite happy. Dlike the jacket but the colour was a mistake. It's already dirty. Interviewer Thank you very much for your time. 2 Interviewer Hello. Do you mind if Lask you a few questions about Zara? Woman 2 How long will it take? Interviewer Only a few minutes. Woman 2 Yes, all right then. Interviewer Have you ever been toa Zara store? Woman 2 Yes, Interviewer When did you last go there? Woman 2 Last Saturday. Interviewer Where? Woman 2 In Paris. Interviewer What did you buy? Woman 2 Justa scarÉ. I tried some trousers on but 1 didn't buy them. Interviewer Are you happy with the scarf Woman 2 Yes. 1 like ita lot. 3 Interviewer Have you ever been toa Zara store? Man Yes, once. Interviewer When did you go there? Man In August. Interviewer Where? Man At Barcelona airport. Interviewer What did you buy? Man 1 nearly bought lots of things, but in the end 1 didnt buy anything. But my girlfriend bought some shoes. 4.9 1 Definitely more. My daughter got married last year and she and her husband live quite far away. She rings me almost every day to tell me how everything is going, and we usually chat for hours. My phone bill is now double what it was when she was living at home. 2 | spend a lot less time than before. My youngest child has just started school, and P've gone back to work, so 1 never make lunch now during the week — 1 just have a sandwich, And in the evenings we often get take-away pizzas or Chinese food, or we heat something up in the microwave, [only really spend time in the kitchen at weckends. 3 Well Pd say less — though 'm not sure if my parents would agree, 1 get 50 much homework now that [never go to bed before 11 or 12, but E still get up at seven in the morning. It's true | get up later at weekends, but that's only two days out of seven. 4 More, much more. Before itonly used to take me fifteen minutes to get to work, and now it takes me twenty-five, or even halfan hour. 1's mainly because there are just more cars on the road. Sometimes] think 1 should use public transport, but it's quite complicated from where 1 live, 4.10 Tim First I did the photo test. was near Charing Cross station. | stopped a man who was walking quite slowly down the road and 1 said, “Excuse me, could you take my photo? The man said, “No, no, no time for that; and just continued walking. Then l asked a businessman in a grey suit who was walking towards the station. He took one photo, but when Tasked him to take another one he walked away quickly. Next, it was the shopping test. went toa tourist shop in Oxford Street and l bought a key ring and a red bus, The red bus was very expensive. The total price was forty pounds, [ gave the man a hundred pounds — two fifty pound notes. He gave me sixty pounds back. Finally it was time for the accident test. For this test I went down into the Tube (the London Underground). As I'went down the stairs I fell over and sat on the floor. A man immediately stopped and looked down at me, | thought he was going to help me but he didn't — he just said, "Why don't you look where you are going? 4120 Receptionist Good morning, ma'am. How can 1 help you? Allie I want to go shopping. Where's the best place to go? Receptionist Well, all the big department stores are around Union Square, Allie Can you tell me how to get there? Receptionist Yes, of course, Go out of the hotel and turn left. Go straight ahead, down Sutter Street. Turn left at Stockton — its the third street on the left, Union Square will be right in front of you. You can't miss it. Allie Thanks. 415 Allie Oh, where is it? Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to Union Square? Brad Hev- don't I know you? Allie 1 don't think so. Brad Allie, 'm Brad! Brad Martin from the Los Angeles office. Fm Marks friend, remember? We met yesterday at the hotel Allie Oh yes, thats right. Brad. 'm so sorry. Brad No problem. What are you doing here? Allie I want to go shopping. 'm looking for Union Square. But Pm lost. Brad Where's Mark? Allie He's at the hotel = he had a meeting, I think. Brad Listen, Allie, 'm going to take you for a cup of coffee at Del Monico's — they have MOE the best coffee in San Francisco, and amazing cookies. And then ll walk with you to Union Square. Allie That's really kind of you. Are you sure? Brad Absolutely. l's my pleasure. Allie OK. Great. Pm awful with new cities, L always get lost, Brad Oh, I love your British accent... sr 1 Harry Hello, yowre one of Peter's friends aren't you? Adrian That's right. 'm Adrian. Harry Hi, Pm Harry Are you enjoying the party? Adrian Yes. Harry So, what do you do fora living, Adrian? Adrian Uma doctor, Harry A doctor? Ob that's . Listen, 1 have a problem with my back. Could you have a look at it? P've gota pain just here... Adrian Sorry, can you excuse me? P've just seen Peter over there and 1 want to wish him a Happy Birthday. q Man James, this is Sandra. James Hi. Sandra Nice to meet you. Man Sandra's a teacher in secondary school. James A teacher? Really? What a wonderful Job! You're s0 lucky, Sandra Why lucky? James Well, you have really long summer holidays! "Y Sandra Yes, that's what people always say. Perhaps you would like to teach my class one day. When you teach teenagers all year you need a long summer holiday. 3 Catherine Hello. We haven't met before, have we? Luke No, I don't think so, Catherine U'm Catherine, 'm Peter's sister, Luke Oh, hi, 'm Luke. 1 went to school with Peter, Catherine Ah, Luke! You're the travel agent, aren't you? Luke Yes, Lam. Catherine Peter's told me all about you. Listen, can you recommend a cheap holiday? Pd like to go somewhere hot. And I want to go in August. But when 1 say cheap, I mean cheap. Oh and 1 can't fly...because P'm terrified of flying... 4 Woman Deborah, can | introduce you to an old friend of mine, Lucy. Deborah Hi Lucy. Lucy Nice to meet you, Woman Lucy's my hairdresser. Deborah Ah. You're just the person 1 want to talk to, Lucy, what do you think of my colour? Lucy Well... Deborah No, come on, tell me the truth. 1s it too blond? Lucy Er... no, [think it's fine. Deborah Are you sure? Woman Lucy, what would you like to drink? Lucy Oh, a Diet Coke please, Deborah Do you think my hair would look better shorter? Woman Deborah, Luey's not at work now. Deborah Oh sorry. 5 Andrea Hi, 'm Andrea. Nice to meet you, Simon Hello. My name's Simon. Andrea What do you do Simon? No, don't tell mel Let me guess your job! Let me see, You look like a ... professional footballer. Simon No... Uma psychiatrist. Andrea A psychiatrist! Ooh how fascinating! Simon...? Are you analysing me? Simon Er, no, 'm not. Excuse me, er, Ándrea. l need to go to the bathroom. s5% Interviewer Good evening and welcome. In today's programme we're going to talk about singing. In the studio we have Martin, the director of a singing school in London and Gemma a student at Martin's school. Good morning to both of you. Martin £ Gemma Good morning. Interviewer First Martin, can you tell us, why is ita good idea for people to learn to sing? Martin First, because singing makes you feel good. And secondly because singing is very good for your health. Interviewer Really? In what way? Martin Well, when you learn to sing you need to learn to breathe correctly, That's very important, And you also learn to stand and sit correctly. As a result, people who sing are often fitter and healthier than people who don't, Interviewer Are your courses only for professional singers? Martin No, not at all. They're for everybody. You don't need to have any experience of singing. And you don't need to be able to read music. Interviewer So how do your students learn to sing? Martin They learn by listening and repeating. Singing well is really 959% listening. Interviewer OK, Gemma. Tell us about the course, How long did it last? Gemma Only one day. From ten in the morning to six in the evening. Interviewer Could you already sing well before you started? Gemma No, not well. But I have always liked singing. But l can't read music and 1 never thought [sang very well. Interviewer $0 what happened on the course? Gemma Well, first we did a lot of listening and breathing exercises and we learnt some other interesting techniques. Interviewer What sort of things? Gemma Well, for example we learnt that it is easier to sing high notes if you sing with a surprised look on your face! Interviewer Oh really? Could you show us? Gemma Well, 'll try. Interviewer For those of you at home, I can promise you that Gemma looked very surpnsed, Were you happy with your p Gemma Absolutely, At the end of the day we were singing in almost perfect harmony. lt was amazing. In just one day we really were much better, Interviewer Could you two give us a little demonstration? Martin £ Gemma Oh, OK, 4. 5TW l arrived at Kraków airport with Kasia, my guide. Test number one. 1 had to get a taxi to the hotel. 1 said to the taxi driver, in Polish, “To the Holiday Inn hotel, please! — Prosze do hotelu Holiday Inn. No problem. The driver understood me. But then he started talking to me in perfect English. I felt a bit stupid, We got to the hotel, checked in, and then we went to the hotel bar for test number two. A wailress came up tous and | said “Proszg piwo, thatis, a beer please, Then the waitress said something in Polish and 1 understood her! She said 'a big or small beer? “Big; 1 said. 1 was so happy that I could understand her. 1 really enjoyed that beer. Next we went out into the street for test three: asking for directions. 1 decided to ask for directions to a chemist, because 1 knew the word for chemist, apteka. I stopped a woman who looked friendly and I said, in Polish, “Excuse me please, is there a chemist's near here? No problem. But then she started talking really fast and pointing. 1 tried to listen for left or right or anything I could understand but no. | couldn't understand anything. Dwas sure that Kasia was going to give me zero for this test! was fecling less confident now. We went back to the hotel for test four: making a phone call. Kasia gave me a phone number and told me to ask to s to her friend. His name was Adam. 1 dialled the number. A woman answered the phone. Is Adam there?, I said hopefully. “Adama nie ma! she said, I understood that! Adam's not in. ] wanted to say "When will he be back? but I could only say "When home? “Kiedy domu? And 1 didn't understand her answer. $0 1 said thank you and goodbye very politely. Kasia smiled, so 1 thought, well, not bad. Finally, test five: asking the time. 1 knew this test was going to be very hard. Numbers in Polish are incredibly difficult and l've abways found telling the time is impossible. But I had a brilliant idea. 1 stopped a man in the street and said, Excuse me, what's the time?" 1 couldn't understand the answer but ] just said, “Sorry, can Esee your watch please?" He showed it to me, Twenty past seven. Perfect! How well did 1 do in the tests? Well, Kasia gave me five out often for language and eight for imagination. $0 can you learn a language in a month? Not Polish, definitely! 15120 SA Can I help you? Allie Yes, l really like this sweater. Do you have itin amedium? SA. Lets see... we have it in red in a medium. Allie No, l want it in black. SA. Just a minute, P'll go and check. Here you are. A black medium. Do you want to try it on? Allie No, thanks. Pm sure i40ll be fine. How much is it? SA 43.38. Allie It says 39.99, SA. Yes, but that doesnt include sales tax — that's 8.50 extra. Allie Oh, OK. Do you take MasterCard? SA Yes, of course. 515 Mark Allie! You look great, as usual. How was your morning? Allie Really good. First I went shopping, and then | went to the Museum of Modern Art. Mark What did you think of it? Allie It was wonderful. But I didn't have enough time to sec it all, Never mind. Mark Maybe next time. Allie What a lovely evening! Brad Hi, Alle. How was the shopping? Allie Great, thanks. Brad Hi Mark. And did you like the muscum? 1 hope you didn't get lost again! Mark Hey, 1 didn't know you two were friends already. Allie We met this morning. I got lost. I was trying to find Union Square — and suddenly Brad appeared. Brad 50 | took her to my favourite cofee shop. Mark Allie, what would you like to drink? Allie Pd like a cocktail please. A margarita. Brad What a good idea. 1'll have one too. Mark, could you get us a couple of margaritas? Mark Ob, 50 now Pm the waiter, am 1? Brad 50 tell me about the museum, Allie. What was your favourite painting? BA Interviewer OK, Michael, can you tell us what to do in these three situations? First what about the crocodile attack? Michael Well, once a crocodile has seen you it will attack you, s0 doing nothing is not really an option. And a crocodile attacks so quickly that people never have time to swim to safety, The crocodile will try to get you in its mouth and take you under the water. Your only hope is to try to hitit in the eye or on the nose. If you did this and you were very lucky the crocodile would open its mouth and give you time to escape. But I have to say that i0s very difficult, although not impossible, to survive a crocodile attack. Interviewer What about the bear attack? Michael When a bear attacks someone, their natural reaction is always to try to run away or to climb up a tree. But these are both bad ideas, Bears can run much faster than we can and they're also much better and faster at climbing trees. The best thing to do in this situation would be to pretend to be dead. A bear usually stops attacking when it thinks that its enemy is dead and so, if you were lucky it would lose interest in you and go away. Interviewer And finally, the bull attack? Michael Well, if you were in the middle ofa field, forget about running. Bulls can run incredibly fast. And don't shout or wave your arms because bulls react to movement and this will just make the bull come in your direction. The best thing to do is to try not to move, and just stay where you are, and then at the last moment to throw something, a hat or your shirt, away from you. Ilfyou were lucky, the bull would change direction to follow the hat or shirt and you'd be able to escape. By the way, it doesn't matter what colour the shirtis. lt isn't true that bulls like red. They don't see colour, they only see movement. GI Presenter Welcome to this morning's edition of Whats the problem? Today we're talking about friends, so if you have a problem with one of your friends, call us now. And if you're listening to the programme and you think you can help with any of the problems then just send an e-mail to our website. Our e-mail address is what. problemé Our first caller today is Barbara. Hello Barbara. Barbara Hello. Presenter What's the problem? Barbara Well, I have a problem with a friend called Jonathan (that's not his real name). Well, Jonathan often goes cut with me and my friends, The problem is that he's really mean. Presenter Mean? Barbara Yes, he never pays for anything. When we have a drink he always says he doesn't have any money or that he's forgotten his money. 50 in the end one of us always pays for him, At first we thought, “Poor Jonathan, he doesn't have much money. But is not true. His parents work, and he works on Saturdavs in a shop —so he must have some money. Do you think we should say something to him? Presenter Thanks Barbara. P'm sure you'll soon gel some e-mails with good advice, OK, our next caller is Kevin from Birmingham. Hello Kevin. Kevin Hi. Presenter What's the problem? Kevin Yes. My problem is with my best friend. Well, the thing is, he's always flirting with my girlfriend. Presenter Your best friend flirts with your girlfriend? Kevin Yes, when the three of us are together he always says things to my girlfriend like, Wow! You look fantastic today? or "I love your dress, Susanna, things like that. And when we're at parties he often asks her to dance, Presenter Do you think he's in love with your girlfriend? Kevin 1 don't know, but 'm really angry aboutit. What can Ido? Presenter Well, let's see ifone of our listeners can help, Kevin. And our last caller is Catherine. OK Catherine, over to you. What's the problem? Catherine Hello. 'm at university and 1 live on the university campus. l live in a fat and I share a room with this girl. She's really nice. 1 get on very well with her, but there's one big problem. Presenter What's that? Catherine She always borrows things from me without telling me. Presenter What does she borrow? Catherine Well, first itwas CDs and books, but now she's started taking my clothes as well, sweaters, jackets, and things. Yesterday she took a white sweater of mine and she didn't tell me. $0 when I wanted to wear it this afternoon it was dirty. 1 don't want to lose her as a friend but what should I do? Presenter Thank you Catherine. 50... if you can help Barbara, Kevin, or Catherine, e-mail us at... 614 Receptionist Hi. How can 1 help you? Allie Do you have any painkillers? have a headache. Receptionist lim sorry. We can't give our guests medicine, But we can call a doctor for you if you like, Allie No, ¡és OK. I dont need a doctor. Is just a cold. But is there a chemist's near the hotel? Receptionist Do you mean a pharmacy? Allie Sorry, that's right, a pharmacy. Receptionist Sure. There's one right across the street. Alle Thank you. Receptionist Yow're welcome, L6I Mark Bless you! Are you OE? Allie It's justa cold. I had a bad headache this morning, but 1 feel better now. Mark Listen. 'm really sorry about last night. Allie What do you mean? Mark At the party. I got kind of angry at Brad. He was really annoying me. Allie Oh, I think he's very nice, Mark Yeah, women always think so. Allie Don't worry, Mark. Brad's not my type. Mark $50 what is your type, Allie? Allie You know what my type is. Dark hair, 34 years old, lives in San Francisco... Mark. Listen, tomorrow's your last day. 1 want to do something special. What would you like to do? word order in questions Questions with do / does / did in present and past simple Questions with be, present continuous, and going to Question word | Auxiliary | Subject | Infinitive (= verb) | Do [you | live with your parents? | Does | Jenny | like Chinese food? Where | do | you | live? What food | does | Jenny | like? = In the present simple use the auxiliary verb do / does to make questions. * In the past simple use the auxiliary verb did to make questions. + In these questions the subject goes after the auxiliary verb. * Remember ASI (auxiliary, subject, infinitive) or QUASI (question word, auxiliary, subject, infinitive) to help you with word order in present or past simple questions. (adjective, noun, uestion word | be q 9 | verb + ing, etc.) [Subject Is Ana — lastudent? What [are | they doing? Pare [you talking about? Where lis [he | going to live? * In questions with be, make questions by inverting the verb and the subject. Á% If a verb is followed by a preposition (listen to, talk about), the preposition goes at the end of the question. What are you talking about? NOT Aboutwhatare-you-talking. adverbs and expressions of frequency present simple _[l/you/we/they__ |he/she/it e +| ¡Tusually work at home, Danny knows me very well. It doesn't often rain here. Does Nina like music? [They don't live near here, LO — ¡Do you smoke? wWI1X] | Yes, 1 do./ No, I don't. [7] Yes, she does. No she doesn't. + We often use the present simple with adverbs of frequency (always, often, sometimes, usually hardly ever, never). » Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb but after be. He often goes out. NOT He-goes-often-out. * Use the present simple for things you do every day, week, year, or which are always true. * Remember the spelling rules for 3rd person singular s: work>works adds study>studies consonant+ y: y and add ies finish>finishes — sh, s, ch, x: add es go>goes do>does have>has She's always late. NOT She's-date-always. * Expressions of frequency (every day, once a week, etc.) usually go at the end of a sentence. I have English classes twice a week. Remember the word order in questions (ASI and QUASI — see 1A above). present continuous: be + verb + ing + Use the present continuous for things happening now, at this moment. I — |you/we/they he/she/it EEN | E ER [ha E [+ P'm working | You | He ¡We "reworking — |She*s working 0 ¡They hn El Pm not working| You | He penes (errar 1 ln (2/4 X| Are you working? Yes, lam. No, Ummnot. ¡ls he working? Yes, heis. No, heisn't. ¡We aren't working She isn't working My brother is working in Germany. A What are you doing? Bm sending a text message to Sarah. * Rernember the spelling rules for the -ing form. cook>cooking — study >studying live>living run>running ¿4 Some verbs are not normally used in the E continuous, for example like, want, tave (= possess), need. : Pneed to talk to you now. NOT Tm needing to-talk-to-you-now. defining relative clauses with who, which, where Á cook is a person who works in a restaurant. A clock is a thing which tells the time. A post office is a place where you can buy stamps. dh You can use thatinstead of who or which. She's the girl who | that works with my brother. Jfs a thing which / that connects two computers. + Use relative clauses to explain what a place, thing, or person is or does. That's the woman who won the lottery last year. This is the restaurant where we had dinner last week. + Use who for a person, which for a thing, and where for a place. GRAMMAR BANK TA a Put the word or phrase in the right place in the question. b_ Put the words in the right order to make questions. Howiare you? (old) you live where do? Where do you live? | you going to go out this evening? (are) | you a do have car? 2 Where does your work? (sister) 2 older is brother your you than? 3 What music are you listening? (to) 3 often he how to write does you? 4 Does finish at 8.00? (the class) 4 this time start does what class? 5 Why you write to me? (didn't) 5 last go where you summer did? 6 Do you often to the cinema? (go) 6 languages how you many do speak? 7. What this word mean? (does) 7 see you are going to evening her this? $ What time did arrive? (your friends) 8 for waiting who you are? 1B a Write sentences and questions with the present simple. b Complete with a verb in the present simple. he / usually get up late +4] He usually gets up late. geton nothave listen live open nottalk notwork 1 Anna / like music [7] zz AS E: 2 she / have a lot of hobbies +] e A ta He lives. in a flat, 3 1/ geton very well with my sister (=] l the banks ———— in the afternoon? 4 my brother / know me very well [FJ 2 My sister ————— many friends. 5 they / have any children [7] EA 3 We usually to the news in the car. 6 the film / finish late (9) A 4 She's quite shy. She ————— much. 7 he/ go out twice a week (+ A 5 ———— Jane — well with her boss? 8 we / often talk about politics (E PS 6 My cooker's new, butit———— very well. 1 a Write sentences with the present continuous. b Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous. It/ rain.) Itisn'training, The girl in the painting is playing the guitar. (play) 1 Hey! you / stand on my foot! [E] 1 My dog's not dangerous. He E (not bite) 2 they / play very well today (=] 2 Why - you sunglasses? It ! (wear, rain) 3 what / you study at the moment [1] 3 You can turn off the radio. 1 toit. (not listen) 4 we / think of you [+ 41 - to goto thebank.1 any money. (need, not have) 5 she / wear make-up [7] 5 Be careful! The baby ———— that pencil in her mouth! — (put) 6 they / make / a big mistake +] 6 A _———— you usually at weekends? (cook, eat) 7 your brother / work in London now [7] B E we normally ss a sh her f tth tE] 7 AWhat you eret o, meet 8 she / talk to her father at the moment [2 BI ol reaheia 1D It's the person —who . serves you in a café. that / the dog / always barks at night | They're people make you laugh. That's the dog which always barks at night. 2 It's a machine cuts the grass. : De [JE 1 she / the woman / lives next door to me | , be animal lives in the sea 2 that / the shop / 1 bought my dress a Pic 3 he / the actor / was in Friends 4 It's a room people try on clothes. chi p 5 He's the person 4 they / the children / broke my window OEA: Avi q luggage. iaa 5 this / the restaurant / they do great pasta 6 It's a kind of food ———— keeps vampires away. 6 that / the switch / controls the central heating b Match the definitions and the pictures, - 7 he / the teacher / teaches my sister 8 that / the room / we have our meetings a Complete the definitions with who, which, or where. [| [] c Write sentences with who, which, or where, MultiROM — EY 2A past simple regular and irregular [+] [=] I | | infinitive past ón | E 7 == He | stayed ina hotel. | didn't stay in a hotel. E LS She | wenton holiday. — | didn't go on holiday. 2 eyed. E ht like liked (just add d if verb finishes in e) We | | study studied (y after a consonant) [hey A | stop stopped (if verb finishes in W¡x/(2] Didyou — stayina hotel? — YesI did. consonant-vowel-consonant, ¡Did you goon holiday? No,Ididmt. double the final consonant) «Use the past simple to talk about finished actions in the past. * To make the past simple (+ of regular verbs add -ed. * The past simple is the same for all persons. Remember the spelling rules. . y - Use the infinitive after Did...?and didn't for negatives * Many common verbs are irregular in (+: past simple, for and questions. example go>went. See the Irregular verb list on p.155. 2B past continuous: was / were + verb + íng past simple or past continuous? + l í You . When I took the photo, they were writing a song. 5 was working Ha were working IT was sitting at home when 1 saw the news on TV. She ey It + Use the past simple for a completed action. 1] ELA You bl 5 l T took the photo, / I saw the news. He wasn'tworking We weren'tworking * Use the past continuous for an action in progress. qe They They were writing a song. | ] was sitting at home, t rr - E [7 || Was he working? Yes, he was. No, he wasn't. Werethey working? Yes, they were. No, they weren't. + Use the past continuous to describe an action in progress at a specific moment in the past, Arsix o clock last might I was driving home. On April 1st was staying with some friends in the country. 2C questions with and without auxiliaries Questions with an auxiliary Questions without an auxiliary Question ¡Auxiliary | Subject | Infinitive Subject NEVA AE What music | do byou like? What happened | after the concert? Which CD did he | buy? Which country | won the Eurovision Song Contest? Who did [you go with? Who | writes their songs? * To make questions in the past and present simple, + When the question word (Who? What? Which? How many?) we normally use the auxiliary verbs do / does / did is the subject of the verb in the question, we do not use an + the infinitive. E , auxiliary (do, does, did) and the verb is in the third person. What music do yow like? NOT What-music-you-like? Who writes their songs? NOT Who-dees-write-their-songs? + The normal order for questions in the present and past is QUASI (See p.126 1A). 2D so, because, but, although because and 50 but and although She was driving fast because she was in a hurry. (reason) She tried to stop but she hit the man. She was in a hurry so she was driving fast. (result) Although she tried to stop, she hit the man. Hannah spoke to the DJ because they didn't like the music. (reason) It was late but she couldn't sleep. They didn't like the music so Hannah spoke to the DJ. (result) She couldn't sleep although it was late. + Use because to express a reason. + Use butand although to show a contrast. + Use so to express a result, - Although can go at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. 3A a Complete with going to + a verb. be buy getmarried notgo not pass see snow stay GRAMMAR BANK b Cross out the wrong form. Tick (w) if both forms are possible. Lsee / Pm seeing my boyfriend tonight. What film are you going to see tonight? What are you doing / do you do after class today? 1 1 He's very lazy. 'm sure he his exams. 2 [sit going to rain / raining tomorrow? 2 your sister a new flat? 3 We're going to go away / going away this weekend. 3 You ———— in class 3 next year. 4 Pm meeting / 1 meet Susan this evening. 4 We - camping next summer We in a hotel. 5 Where are you going to stay / staying in Paris? 5 A When they ———2? B In October. 6 Hurry up! We're going to be late / being late. 6 It's very cold, but I don't think it today. 7 She's going to come / coming tonight. 3B a Write sentences and questions with will /won't. b_ Complete the predictions with will / won't + a verb. Use contractions where you can. it / be difficult (+ JP'I be difficult. 1 they / win [=] 2 the meeting / be long (3) 3, he / get the job [=] 4 you / see him at the party (Y 5 it / be impossible to park +! 6 you / like the film (=] 7 she / love the chocolates we bought her [+] 8 there / be a lot of traffic at 6.00 [-] ; dl 9 you / can find a good job +! be do Dave last make [ don't think we'll have another war. This one is probably the last. Richard Nixon, 1971 (talking about the Vietnam war] “He ——— Ever anything important in life. Albert Einstein's teacher (said to his father) 1895 “No film about the Civil War ever any money. An MGM executive 1945 (about the film Gone With The Wind.) “It's a bad joke. It E Coco Chanel (about the miniskirt) “don't think there a woman Prime Minister in my lifetime. Margaret Thatcher, 1976 3C a Match the sentences. It's cold in here. G A ll help you to do it. 1 Pm thirsty, 2 1 have a headache. 3 This exercise is hard. 4 Pm hungry. 5 These bags are heavy. 6 Tleft my wallet at home. 7 Ineed that photo urgently. B- Shall I make you a sandwich? C Shall I carry one for you? D Pll lend you some money. FE Pll send it by e-mail now. G Shall shut the window? H Shall I turn off the music? I- T'll get you a glass of water. b Complete the sentences with will / wor't (or shall) + a verb. call forget have help pay take tell A What would you like? B 1P'Il have. the pasta. 1 Al can'topen this window, B you? 2 Altsa secret. Bl anyone, | promise. 3 A When will I see you again? BI _——— you tonight. 4 Can I borrow €50?1 ————— you back tomorrow. 5 A lts my birthday next week. B Don't worry. 1 6 A ldont feel very well. B___—I-_ you home? 3D a Complete the sentences with an auxiliary verb. b Where _did_ you have lunch yesterday? 1 you often remember your dreams? 2 When ———— your mother coming to stay? 3 you see the match last night? 4 Who ———— you phoning last night? 5 Who -———— you think win the elections? 6 your brother like classical music? 7 What you going to cook tonight? 8 ——— ¡training when you left? ETT) MultiROM — B Its 7.001 What *——— to you (happen)? Put the verb in the right form. A What are we doing tonight? (do) B We!___— dinner with my sister. (have) ” A But we? dinner with her last week! (have) B Yes, but she * to tell us some good news. (want) A Oh, OK then. +1 — somechampagne? (buy) A When [* — homeI”__—._— to buy the champagne. (come, stop). And then 1 — Jimintheshop... (meet) B Well hurry up. We '" late! (be) present perfect (experience) + ever, never [+] E + Use the present perfect to talk about past experiences when you don't say exactly when they happened. ve (I have) I haven't Pve been to London. NOT Pyve-been-to Londenlastyear. a Jon us | a My brother has worked abroad. le's (He has | e hasn't : + For regular verbs the past participle is the same as the past She's (She has) — | ponauo [Il She hasnte | MOtkedin dl ed). For Enrcaularverte ses p.155. ; lt's (It has) It hasn't + We often use the present perfect with ever (= in your We've (We have) | We haven't life until now) and never. They've (They have) They haven't Have you ever been to London? No, Pve never been there. a E No, Il haven't. de Compare the present perfect of go and be. He's gone to París. = He's in Paris now. Have you worked in a bank? | Yes, I have. Has he been to London? Yes, he has. No, he hasn't. He's been to Paris. = He went to Paris and came back. resent perfect or past simple? P Pp p : P = Conversations often begin in the present (with a general A Have you ever been to Mexico? B Yes, I have. uestion) and then change to the past simple (with questions asking or specific details, whet, where, who with, etc.) = Use the past simple to ask / say exactly when something happened. A When did you go there? BI went last year. 4B present perfect + yet, just, already yet just A Would you like a coffee? B_ No thanks. 've just had one. My sister's just started a new job. already A Do you want to see this film? B_ No, P've already seen it three times. A Shall I buy a newspaper? B_ No, P've already bought one, + Use justin H+] sentences to say that a something happened very recently * Use already in [+] sentences to say that + Put just before the main verb. something happened before now or 7 earlier than expected. * Put already before the main verb, A Have you finished your homework yet? B_ No, not yet. 1 haven't finished yet, * Use yet + the present perfect in [+] and [7] sentences to ask if something that you think is going to happen has happened. + Put yetat the end of the sentence. 4C comparative adjectives comparative adverbs Adjective | Comparative | || Adjective | Comparative | Adjective | Comparative | short |shorter _[ One syllable: + er Regular Irregular | big bigger | one vowel + one consonant: quickly | morequickly | hard harder A | double final consonant slowly | less slowly well better _busy | busier | consonant + y: y + 1er badly WOF5€ relaxed more relaxed | two or ae syllables: : RA EARL AECA = * Use comparative adjectives to compare people and things. good better | Irregular My brother's taller than me. bad WOrse * Use comparative adverbs to compare actions. far further He drives more slowly than me. * You can also use (not) as + (adjective / adverb) + as. Pm not as tall as my brother. He doesn't drive as fast as me, 4D superlatives (+ ever + present perfect) Adjective | Comparative |Superlative ll Use the + superlative adjectives to say which is the biggest, etc. cold | colder | the coldest Mp AER hat — Thotter | thehottest Ts the highest mountain in Europe. She's the best in the class. _ pretty | prettier _ [the prettiest + We often use a superlative with the present perfect. beautiful | more beautiful | the most beautiful Russta ds the coldest place we've ever been to. good Si better | thebest It's the most beautiful church Dve ever seen. bad [worse |theworst far | further | the furthest GRAMMAR BANK 4A a Write sentences or questions with the present perfect. he | ever / be there? Has he ever been there? | you / ever buy / clothes from that shop? 2 1/ not read/ the newspaper today. 3 We / never be / to the new shopping centre. 4 your brother / live abroad / all his life? 5 They / go / to live in South America. 6 She / never fly / before. 7 He / not meet / his wife's family. 8 you / eat / in this restaurant before? b Right (w) or wrong (x)? Correct the wrong sentences. He's got up late this morning. * He got up late this morning. | We've been to Ireland last year. 2 Have you ever gone to Paris? 3 Jane's gone to the bank. She'll be back soon. 4 T like your shoes. Where did you buy them? 5 l've seen that film last week. E 6 Ispoke to him a minute ago. 7 My sisters a writer. She's written five novels. 8 World War Il has ended in 1945. 4B a Order the words to make sentences. l made have you yet your bed? 2 gone already to work she's. 3 just we've a cup of coffee had. 4 I found a job haven't yet. 5 sent me just an he's e-mail. 6 house already sold they've their. he arrive (already) 1 1/ have / breakfast (just) 2 you / finish your homework? (yet) 3 the film / start (already) 4 1 / not meet / his girlfriend (yet) b Write sentences or questions with already, just, or yet. He's already arrived. 5 they / get married (just) 6 You're too late. He / go home (already) 7 you / speak to him? (yet) 8 [/ not read his new book. (yet) 4C a Write comparative sentences. London is / expensive / Manchester. London 15 more expensive than Manchester. l my sister is / thin / me. 2 Tm / busy/ this week / last week. 3 Cambridge is / far from London / Oxford. 4 1 did the second exam / bad / the first. 5 Chelsea played / well / Arsenal. 5 the men in my office work / hard / the women. 6 my new job is / boring / my old one. b Rewrite the sentences so they mean the same. Use as... as. Mike is stronger than Jim. Jim isn't as strong as Mike, 1 Cindy is taller than Kelly. Kelly isn't E 2 Your case is heavier than mine. My case isn't = 3 Mexico City is bigger than London. London isn't 4 Football is more popular than tennis. Tennis isn't 5 Children learn languages faster than adults. Adults don't - e 6 You work harder than me. Idort 7 France played better than England. England didn't E 4D a Complete the sentences with a superlative. ls this the noisiest city in the world? (noisy) l Yesterday was ——— 2 This is 4 This is ——————— partof the exam. (important) 5 The month to visit is September. 6 Its city in the world. (polluted) 7 The P've ever flown is to Australia. (far) day of the year. (hot) time to drive through the city centre. (bad) 3 She's —————— person in the class. (friendly) b Write sentences with ever. it / hot country / I be to Its the hottest country ve ever been to. it / good film / 1 / see he / unfriendly person / TI / meet it / hard exam / he / do they / expensive shoes / she / buy it / long book / 1 / read she / beautiful girl / 1 / see 7 16 / bad meal / 1 / have (good) A UN de La E ETT MultiROM — ¡f+ present, wi// + infinitive (first conditional) If 1 miss the bus, Pll get a taxi. dh You can also use the imperative or can. She won't be angry if you tell her the truth. If you miss the bus, get a taxi. What will you do if it rains? If you miss the bus, you can get a taxi. Use ¡f+ present, will + infinitive to talk about a possible future situation and its consequence. The ¡fclause can come first or second. Pll come if you like. OR If you like, Pl come. If + past, would + infinitive (second conditional) If a bear attacked me, Pd run away, If T didr't have children, I wouldn't live in the country. Would you take the manager's job if they offered it to you? Use if+ past, would + infinitive to talk about an improbable / impossible or hypothetical future situation and its consequence. If a bear attacked me, Pd run away. = 'm imagining this situation. lf's very improbable. would | wouldn'tis the same for all persons. : The contraction of would is d (Pd, yowd, he'd, etc.) and of would not is wouldn't. First and second conditionals Compare the first and second conditionals: Use the first conditional for possible future situations. If T have time tomorrow, PII help you. (= maybe 1 will have time) + The ifphrase can come first or second. If E saw, a bear Pd run. OR Td run if E saw a bear. « Remember with can, use could + infinitive, not would-can. 1f1 had a car, we could drive there. d% With the verb be you can use were (instead of was) after Fand he! she) it. If he was | were here, hed help you. Use were (not was) in the expression If] were you... We often use this expression for advice. Use the second conditional for improbable / impossible or hypothetical situations. If 1 had time tomorrow, P'd help you. (= T won't have time.) may | might + infinitive (possibility) We might have a picnic tomorrow, but it depends on the weather. I might not go to the party. I haven't decided yet. [ may go to the party, but P'm not sure. [ may not have time to do everything today. Might not and may not aren't usually contracted. It might | may rain, = ls possible that it will rain. dh You can also use May 1... / May we... to ask for permission, May E use your phone? (= can D use your phone). + Use might / may and might not! may not +infinitive to talk about a future possibility. + Might! May (not) is the same for all persons, [ might / may, he might / may, we might) may, etc. should | shouldn't (advice) I think you should change your job. The government should do more for old people. You should cut your hair. =1 think it would be a good idea. * should / shouldn't + infinitive is the same for all persons. * Use should / shouldn't+ infinitive to give somebody advice or say what you think is the right thing to do. You can also use ought to! ought not to instead of should / shouldn't. You ought to change your job. GRAMMAR BANK 6A a Match the sentence halves. b Complete with the correct form of the verbs. If you leave now CA if you dont start now. If you tell me your secret, 1 wor't tell anybody. (tell, not tell) 1 It will be cheaper B will you give it back to me? 1 Téwe walking, the bus y (start, come) 2 If 1 don't see you later, C yow'l catch the 8.00 train, 2"He Pc if you == him. (be, not tell) 2 or lllera more D'if you go by bus. 3 1£1 itdown, I E — it (not write, not pa) 4 If you get thejob, E Pll see you on Eriday, . (call get) q RR codi 5 You won't have time F if you come to every class. 5 If you her nicely, she you. (ask, help) 6 If lend you this book, G will you earn more money? 6 You ————— ifyou . (not pass, not study) 6B a Match the sentence halves. b Complete with the correct form of the verbs. Yowd feel much better €. A we could go shopping. FT found agoodjob, 1 would move to the USA, 1 Pd enjoy the weekend more B> Pd geta new job. (End, move) LE. 2 If you stayed for another day, E ifyou stopped smoking. dto have) a 3 Would you wear it Dif I went to live in China? 2 5f] his number, I : him. 4 IfT were you, E if IT boughtit for you? (know, phone) 5 wouldn't work F if I didn't need the money. — 3 You - moreifyou—————— harder. , as (learn, work) 6 Would you come with me G if I didn't have to work 4 lfyou_——— — foraweek, you see on Saturday. z everything. (stay, can) 5 We our son more often if he - nearer. (see, live) 6 IT to the doctorsifl__———— you. (go, be) 6C a Match the sentence halves. b Complete the sentences with might + a verb. Take your umbrella. DA You might fall becold — beill beinameeting goto thecinema 1 Let's buy a lottery ticket. B. It might not be your size, not have time notlikeit win 2 Phone the restaurant, € We might get lost. p ; a mi AE aa Donde dal D' TeEmióhiais mino il at to do tonight. 1 might go to the cinema, 4 Let's take a ma; E 1 might be late cia edapoohe Edo PA : 2 Heisn'tanswering his phone. He 5 Try the shirt on. F You might cut yourself. auna aa 6 Don't wait for me. G It might be closed 4 don't know if Pll finish it. 1 on Sundays. 5 Its a difficult match but we ano 7 Be careful with that knife. H We might win. 6 Take your coat. It 6D a Complete with should or shouldr't. You ——should — stop smoking. b Complete the sentences with should or shouldn't + a verb. drive go leave relax study walk — wear 1 You ———————— eatred meat. ———— 2 You ——————— work 12 hoursa day. We -should leave. early. There might be a lot of traffic later. 3 You ———————— losea bit of weight. Jota => a jacket. T's quite cold today. 4 You eatmore fruit. 21 tonight lhavean exam tomorrow. 5 You -——————— drinkalot of coffee. 3 You ———————— alone in that part of the city. Get a taxi. 6 You — putsalton your food, 4 She ———————— more. She's very stressed. 7 You ——— start doing some exercise. 5 People so fast when it's raining. 6 You ————————— to bed early tonight. You look really tired. MultiROM — E 7A present perfect + for and since A Where do you live now? B In Manchester. A How long have you lived there? B- Pvelived there since 1990, A. Where do you work? B Ina primary school. A. How long have you worked there? B Pe worked there for five years. ¿4 You can'tuse the present simple here. NOT How-long-do-youlive-here? Hlive in Manchester since 1980, - Use the present perfect + for or since to talk about actions and states *« Use since with the beginning of a period of time, for example, since 1980, since last June, etc. Pve been afraid of water since I was a child. + Use for + a period of time, for example, for two Jor ten years, etc. Pre had this car for three months. which started in the past and are still true now. Pve lived in Manchester since 1990, = 1 came to live in Manchester in 1990 and 1 live in Manchester now, Use How long? to ask questions about the duration of an action or a state. present perfect or past simple (2) ? dh Don't use since with the past simple. NOT He was Prime Minister since 1999, You have to use He was Prime Minister from 1999 to 2003. How long has Tarantino been a director? He's been a director since the 19805. How many films has he made? He's made six films. How long was Hitchcock a director? Hewasa director for 50 years. How many films did he make? He made 52 films. * Use the present perfect + how long?, for, and since to talk about a period of time from the past until now. How long have you been married? Pve been married for 10 years. (= 'm married now.) +: Use the past simple + how long? and for to talk about a finished period of time in the past. How long was he married? He was married for two years. (= He's not married now.) 7C used to / didn't use to 1 1 ! 1 MA You You you you | you He He e a She "sed to she didn't use to Did me use to wear glasses? | Yes, 2 did. | No, se didn't. “wear glasses “wear gl she she | she . E dasses, It It we WE | We We We they they | they They They . £% used to only exists in the past. Don't use use to for present habits. Use the present simple + usually. I usually cook in the evenings. NOT Duseto cook in the evenings. Use used to | didn't use to + infinitive for things that happened repeatedly or over a long period of time in the past, but are usually not true now, for example for things which happened when you were a child. ET used to have long hair, J used to play in the street. 1 didw't use to have a TV You can also use the past simple here. [had long hair when I was a child. 7D passive: be + past participle Present [+] [=] [7 Risotto is made with rice. It isn't made with pasta. Is it made with meat? These offices are cleaned every morning. They aren't cleaned on Saturdays. Are they cleaned on Sundays? Past E E 7 Guernica was painted by Picasso. It wasn't painted by Dali. The pyramids were built by the Egyptians. They weren't built by the Greeks. When was it painted? Why were they built? = You can often say things in two ways, in the active or in the passive. Picasso painted Guernica. (active) Guernica was painted by Picasso. (passive) * Tn the active sentence, the focus is more on the person (eg. Picasso). In the passive sentence the focus is more on the painting (e.g Guernica). You can also use the passive when it's not known or not important who does or did the action. My car was stolen last week. (L don't know who stole it.) + Make the present passive with amis] are+ the past participle. + Make the past passive with was / were + the past participle, - Use by to say who did the action. The Lord of the Rings was written by Tolkien, GRAMMAR BANK 8A a Complete with something, anything, nothing, etc. Did you meet anybody —— last night b Answer with Nobody, Nowhere, or Nothing. 1 What did you do last night? 2 Where did you go yesterday? == | Are you doing tonight? : > y e ica cli 1 > AU dld you sel —= 3 l've seen your car keys but [can't remember where. c Answer the questions in b with a full sentence. 4 Did — come while I was out? ata 5 Did you go exciting last night? 2 CT 6 Pve bought you for your birthday. 3 ber Ñ ir Z 7 1knocked at the door but —— ——— answered. — 8 We went shopping but we didn't buy a a Cross out the wrong form. How much / many meat do you eat? [ can't go. 1 am too / too much busy. You work too much / too many. I only drink a few / a little coffee. [ don't have enough time / time enough. He has a few / a little good friends. 5 Iwas A A AS 4 I dont sleep 6 There were b Complete the sentences with too, too much, too many, or enough. You eat too much red meat. Itisn't good for you. I drink too / too much coffee. 1 My father's not very fit. He doesn't do - exercise. [ eat too much / too many biscuits. 2 1 can't walk to work. If's far. I don't drink enough water / water enough. — 3 Thereare cars on the roads today. - only five or six hours, but I really need eight. tired to go out last night. people at the party, so it was imposible to dance, 8C a Complete the sentences with a particle from the box. after away back down (2) for eff on up Turn —off your mobile before you come into class, w 1 Turn the radio. It's too loud. 2 What time do you usually get - in the morning? 3 John phoned when you were out. He'll call later. 4 My brother is looking ————— a new job. 5 1 think you should throw ————— those old jeans. 6 Talways try ———— new clothes before I buy them. 7 l have to look my little sister tonight. 8 You should write new words in your book. b Tick the sentences in a where the particle (on, off, etc.) could also go after the object. c Complete the sentences with ¡tor them and a particle. away off(x2) on up(3) 1 I can't hear the radio. Turn j 2 Your clothes are all over the floor. Pick, 3 Here's your coat. Put ; 4 What does this word mean? Look 5 Your shoes are wet. Take _ 6 I don't need those papers. Throw 7 Don't watch the TV now. Turn 8D a Complete B's answers with an auxiliary verb. AU like coffee B So —_do 1 1 A Pm really hungry. B So L. 2 A I didn't go out last night. B Neither ul 3 A I was born in Liverpool, B So L 4 A I don't smoke. B—Neither L 5 A Pve been to Bangkok. Bo. <= k 6 A l cant swim. B—Neither L 7 A Td like to go to India. B 50 L 8 A saw a film last night. B 50 L EMT MultiROM — b Respond to A. Say you are the same. Use So... or Neither...I AI don't like whisky. 1 A Tlive near the school. 2 A Tm notafraid of snakes. 3 A I went to bed early. 4 A T haventt been to China. 5 A I don't have any children. 6 A I can speak three languages. 7 A Lalways have breakfast. = == Neitherdo L 9A past perfect [+] E] l I You You He He She 'd seen the film before. | She hadn't seen the film before, It It We We They They contractions: ld =I had Ihadn't=1 had not ] w Xx] I ] l you you you h : Had e seen itbefore? | Yes, se had. |No A a hadn't, we we we they they they AA 0 Aero HA A Aero] + Use the past perfect when you are already talking about the past, and want to talk about an earlier past action. When Pwoke up the garden was all wiite. Ithad snowed in the night. l arrived at the coffee bar twenty minutes late and my friends had already gone. + Make the past perfect with had / hadn't+ the past participle, + The past perfect is the same for all persons. di Be careful: P'd can be 1 had or 1 would. reported (or indirect) speech reported sentences reported questions Direct speech | Reported speech Direct speech | Reported speech y "Dlove you. He said (that) he loved her. “Do you want He asked her if she wanted to dance?” to dance. *I want to see vou | He told her (that) he wanted p again. A to see her again. “Where do you live?” He asked her where she lived. Use reported speech to say what another person said. Llove you. e He said (that) he loved her. - Other tenses change like this: Direct speech | Reported speech He said (that) he could help me. I can help you. 'Tll phone you? He told me (that) he would phone me. 'T met a girl! He told me (that) he had met a girl. *Tve broken He said (that) he had broken his leg. my leg. = thatis optional after say and tell *: Pronouns also change in reported speech, for example IT changes to he! she, etc. P'm coming. ? 5he told me that she was coming. dh You can use said or told in reported speech but they are used differently. — You can't use said with an object or pronoun NOT Hesaid-herhedoved-her = You must use told with an object, He told her that he loved her NOT he-toldthat= In reported questions: — the tenses change in exactly the same way as in sentences, eg present to past, etc. = we don't use do / did. He asked me what I wanted. NOT Heasked me what did want. — ifthe question begins with do, can, etc. add if. Do you like the music? 2 He asked her if' she liked the music. Can ¡ 2 She asked hun if he pa could sing. A — the word order is subject + verb. Áre you a student? 2 He asked her if she was a student, Have you seen the film?> She asked him if he had seen the film. ANA A 9A a Match the sentence halves. [ couldn't get into my flat because DA He had made other plans. 1 When our friends arrived B 1 realized that Pd seen it before, 2 [took the sweater back because € it was the first time she had flown. 3 Jack didn't come with us. D 1d forgotten my keys. 4 ] turned on the TV E T hadn't turned off the cooker. 5 Jenny was nervous because E he had bought me the wrong size. 6 When the film started G we hadr't finished cooking the dinner, 7 Atwork I suddenly remembered that H to see what had happened. b Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in the past simple or past perfect. We —didr't get a table in the restaurant because we hadu't booked. (not get, not book) 11 Maria becauseshe_——————— herhair. (not recognize, cut) 2 Myfriend_—— totellmel___ myjacketin the car. (phone, leave) 3 WhenI-——————— the TV, the match ———————. (turn on, finish) 4 She_———————— methebook because she ityet. (notlend, finished) 5 He_ allhisexamsbecausehe____————atall. (fail, not study) 6 When we — home we saw that somebody ————————— thekitchen window. (get, break) 9B a Write the sentences in reported speech. b Make reported questions. He said, Tlove you! He told her that Do you want to dance? Heasked herif she he loved her. wanted to dance . 1 *Tm:tired. She said that she l- *Do you like Mike asked me 1f 1 ES football?” a 2 "Idon'tlike He told her he 2 "What music l asked her what music rock music; 5 do you like?” 3 “Tll book He said 3 “Are you tired?” She asked me a table. A SIA A bought Paul told us that 4 “Have you been l asked them a new car. pe : Í to New York? a? 5 “TL live in the She said that she 5 "Where did you He asked me city centre. A > , live before? 6 “Wecan doit They said that 6 'Can you swim? 5he asked him 7 saw the film Julie said that 7 "Where are l asked him on TV. A , you from?" MultiROM — 147 TT a Match the words and pictures. head hed/ face hair armís) shoulder(s) /'faulda/ neck eye(s) /ai 1 mouth /maud/ nose hand(s) finger(s) ear(s) stomach /"stamok/ lip(s) foot (plural feet) knee(s) ni back 18 leg(s) heart ha: 15 brain teeth (singular tooth) toes Touzl 23 tongue/tan/ b Cover the words and test yourself or test a partner. Point to a part of the body for your partner to say the word. c What part(s) of the body do we use to...? see hear smell as A AA bite touch 'tatf! think feel kick smile d Testa partner. Ask What do you use to see? etc. be In English we use personal pronouns (my, your, etc.) with parts of the body, not the. | Give me your hand. NOT Givemethe hand. O p.8 MultiROM ENE VOCABULARY BANK 1 Phrases with go a Match the verbs and pictures. go abroad /o'brozd/ 1 go swimming / sailing go sightseeing go camping go by car / bus / plane | train go to the beach go out at night go away for the weekend go for a walk b Cover the phrases and look at the pictures. Test yourself or a partner. 2 Other holiday activities a Complete the verb phrases. buy have hire meet — rent spend stay sunbathe/"sanberó/ take walk stay ina hotel / campsite - —onthe beach o an apartment pa friends photos —— agood time —— in the mountains / ==. CUT souvenirs ——— money / time around the town b Test yourself. Cover the verbs. Remember the phrases. 3 The weather a Match the words and pictures. 2 sunny windy foggy cloudy /'klaudi/ rain 5now dh All these words are adjectives except rain and snow, which are nouns or verbs. hot It's snowing. lt snows every year. There's snow on the ground. It rarely rains. Itrained a lot this morning. There was a lot of rain last year. cold boiling b Test a partner. Imagine you were on holiday last week. Point to a picture. freezing A Say What was the weather like? B Answer in the past simple. Ttwas sunny. Itrained. O p.16 MultiROM E MINA lat/in/ on Complete the chart with at, in, or on. PLACE Countries Buildings Transport school, home, work, university and cities ashop, a museum a bike, a bus, train, plane, a ship (not car) the airport, the station, a bus stop France, Paris Closed spaces a surface a party, the door Rooms a park, a garden the floor, a table, a shelf > the kitchen os the balcony, the roof, the wall Ed TIME Months Years Dates Times February, June 2004 March 1st 6 0'dock, half past two, 7.45 Seasons an of day Days Festival periods winter morning, afternoon, Tuesday, New Year's Day, Chiara Easter evening (not night) Valentine's Day E : night the weekend b Look at the chart for a few minutes. Then test a partner: A (book open) say a place or time word, e.g. Paris, Tuesday, etc. B (book closed) say the preposition (at, in, or on). Swap roles. O p.19 2 Prepositions of movement Match the prepositions and pictures. under (the railway line) along (the street) round / around (the lake) through 'Oru:/ (the tunnel) into (the shop) across (the road) over (the bridge) up (the steps) past (the church) towards /to'wa:dz/ (the lake) 1 down (the steps) out of (the shop) b Cover the prepositions. Where did the dog go? It went down the steps... O p.58 ETT) MultiROM "UE VOCABULARY BANK a Match the animals and the pictures. insects bee butterfly fly mosquito spider 18 wasp /wbsp/ farm animals bull chicken cow /kau/ goat gaut! horse pig rabbit sheep wild animals bear camel crocodile dolphin elephant giraffe gorilla kangaroo lion mouse (plural mice) shark tiger whale birds duck eagle swan /'swbn/ b Cover the words and look at the pictures. Test yourself or a partner. O p.67 MultiROM E a Match the phrases and the pictures. get + adjective get divorced E getangry get fit get married get lost get + comparative get older get worse get better get = buy / obtain geta job get a ticket geta flat geta newspaper get + preposition (phrasal verbs) get on (well) with get on (opposite off) get into (opposite out af) get up get = arrive get to work get home get to school get = receive get a salary get a letter get a present get an e-mail b Cover the words and look at the pictures. Test yourself or a partner. O p7 MultiROM ELE EES VOCABULARY BANK a Match the sentences and the pictures. We often stay up late at the weekend. The match will be over at about 5.30. I don't get on with my father. I need to give up smoking. Please put away your clothes. Don't throw away that letter! Turn down the music! It's very loud. Turn up the TV! I can't hear, T' He looked up the words in a dictionary. Could you fill in this form? Í want to find out about hotels in Madrid. Please pick up that towel. b Cover the sentences and look at the pictures. Remember the phrasal verbs. c Look at these other phrasal verb from Files 1-7. Can you remember what they mean? get up turn on (the TV) come back turn off (the TV) go back put on (clothes) hurry up take off (clothes) go away try on (clothes) go out give back (something you've borrowed) look after (a child) come in take back (something to a shop) look for (something you've lost) sit down call back (later) look forward to (the holidays) stand up pay back (money you've borrowed) wake up write down (the words) Green = no object. The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) are never separated. I get up at 7.30, Blue = + object. The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) are never separated. Look for your keys. NOT Look-your-keysfor, Red = + object. The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) can be separated. Turn the TV on. OR Turn on the TV. O p.92 MultiROM Ñ AORTA MM short vowels L] long vowels diphthongs l fish rf! 2 tree tri 5 clock /klok/ 6 horse /ho:s/ 9 computer /kamp'juzto/ 10 bird /ba:d/ 13 train /trem/ 14 phone /foun/ 17 boy /bo1/ 18 ear f1a/ 3 cat /kuet/ 7 bull 'bul/ 11 egg /eg/ 15 bike /bark' 19 chair tfeo/ 12 l6 20 car kay boot /buztf up lapi owl faul! tourist uaristi MultiROM Sounds and spelling UI fish e) tree E cat Y ar a car o A clock or E aw horse SE > bull ES 253 hi HT er ir ur bird BE computer usual spelling i thin lips ñ history kiss if since feel teeth teach mean she we hands hat back catch carry match far arms scarf fast pass after top lost socks Wrong hot box boring more walk ball awful saw pull push foot book look room school choose rude use new knew person verb dirty. shirt nurse turn Ál but also English women busy decide repeat gym people machine key niece aunt laugh heart what watch want because water four bought thought habroad towards would should woman do suit juice shoe lose through earn work world worse | Many different spellings, always unstressed, further nervous arrive polite inventor agree * especially before consonant + e y [>] a boo train e) phone de bike tar chair de tourist ful Á very unusual sound, usual spelling e spell lend smell send very red u sunny mustn't funny run lucky cut af face wake ¡al brain fail ay away pay o* open hope won't so oa coat goal * smile bite y shy why ligh might sights ou trousers round mouth blouse ow towel down ol coin noisy boiling oy toy enjoy eer beer engineer ere here were ear near fear air airport stairs fair hair are square careful dl but also friendly head sweater any said come does someone enough young touch break steak great cight they grey snow throw although shoulders buy eyes heights | really idea serious their there wear bear Europe furious sure plural A sound between /1' and Mi Consonant + y at the end of words is pronounced /1/, happy angry Án unusual sound. education usually thirsty situation MultiROM. AAA M voiced Ml unvoiced 21 parrot /'perat/ 22 bag /bag/ 23 key /ki:/ 24 girl /g3:1/ 25 flower flava/ 26 vase fvazz/ 27 tie (tar 28 dog /dog/ 29 snake /(sneik/ 30 zebra zebra! 31 shower £'faua/ 32 television Mtelrvizn/ 33 thumb /9am/ 34 mother /'mada/ 35 chess /tfes/ 36 jazz [d3mz/ 37 leg leg! 38 right /rant/ 39 witch /witf/ 40 yacht /jot/ 41 monkey /'manki' 42 nose /nauz/ 43 singer 'sipa/ 44 house 'haus/ MultiROM
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