Preguntas recientes en Inglés - Bachillerato de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales

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necesito exámen del libro burlington skills 1 bachillerato

necesito exámenes del libro burlington skills 1º bachillerato
hace 10 meses

Kids Can 5! Macmillan

¿Alguien tiene material fotocopiable del libro kids can 5 de macmillan? Agradezco respuestas
hace alrededor de 3 años

Alguien tiene el solucionario de inglés de 1 de bachillerato

Es de key oxford university press , es vocabulario , grammar , writing y exam practice
1-6 de 7
hace alrededor de 2 meses

7. Where are you? at the bus station in the bank in the post office

7. Where are you? at the bus station in the bank in the post office
hace alrededor de 3 años

Me podrían ayudar? Muchas gracias!

1 Read the letter of application. Match the formal words and phrases in bold to the intended meanings below. Choose the correct answer.a free​b know all about​c included as a document with a letter​d shows that I am a good candidate​e whenever you like​f answering you back​g which you say you need​I am writing in response to your advert on the Camping World webside. I would like to apply for the assistant position at the Valley Campsite.​I feel I am a suitable candidate for this position because I have been a scout leader for the last five years. As you will see from the **enclosed **CV, I have experience taking children aged 9-14 on camping expeditions.​In addition, I am familiar with all the manin types of tent and camping materials. Iam also a native speaker of English and I have a B1 level in French.​Futhermore I have completed a basid first-aid course as required in your advertisement.​I hope this application interests you and Ilook forward to your reply. I am available to come for an interview a at any time​Yours sincerely,Anna Nichols​​
1-6 de 80