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Orientación Universidad
Orientación Universidad

resum anglès (mindset), Esquemas y mapas conceptuales de Inglés

Vocabulary I gramàtica anglesa

Tipo: Esquemas y mapas conceptuales


A la venta desde 21/09/2022

marinasances 🇪🇸

5 documentos

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¡Descarga resum anglès (mindset) y más Esquemas y mapas conceptuales en PDF de Inglés solo en Docsity! VOCABULARY: ○ Adrenaline rush: pujada d'adrenalina ○ Ages: molt de temps ○ At a time: alhora ○ At short notice: a última hora ○ Break a habit: deixar un hàbit ○ Brief: breu ○ Deadline: data límit ○ Delay: endarrerir ○ Downtime: temps lliure ○ Drag on: fer-se interminable (etern) ○ Drive someone mad: treure algú de polleguera ○ Due: vèncer ○ For the time being: de moment ○ Have the time of one's life: divertir-se molt ○ In a hurry: pressa ○ In no time flat: en un tres i no res ○ In the nick of time: just a temps ○ Juggle: compaginar, fer malabars ○ Keep to a schedule: seguir un horari ○ On time: a l'hora / amb temps ○ Prone to: tenir tendència a ○ Put off: ajornar ○ Run late: fer tard ○ Rush hour: hora punta ○ (O'clock) sharp: en punt ○ (Get/be) sidetracked: distreure's, despistar-se ○ Slip up: equivocar-se ○ In stage: a poc a poc ○ Take into account: tenir en compte ○ Take one's time: agafar-se amb calma ○ Time and time again: una vegada i una altra ○ Time is up: s'ha acabat el temps ○ Time on one's hands: tot el temps del món ○ Timing: planificació del temps GRAMMAR: Ability ot o Request, permission | Can we go by cable car? Yes, you can. (Podem anar en teleféric? Sí.) o E > Possibility She can take a bus to work. (Pot agafar un autobús per anar a la feina.) Offer Can | drive you home? (Puc portar-te en cotxe a casa?) Ability Peter is able to ride a bike. (En Peter sap anar en bici.) be able to - : A A Possibility Will you be able to arrive on time? (Podrás arribar a l'hora?) We can't do anything to improve our life without help from the government. Inability (No podem fer res per millorar la nostra qualitat de vida sense l'ajut del govern.) cant del You can't talk during the mayor's speech. Prohibition (No es pot parlar durant el discurs de l'alcalde.) á isbeli He can't be wealthy - he lives in a slum. Disbelief, deduction (No pot / deu ser ric. Viu en un barri pobre.) Past ability She could exercise for hours when she was young. (Podia fer exercici durant hores quan era jove.) ki Could we have the meeting after lunch? ud Polte request (Podríem fer la reunió després de dinar?) , si You could come with Paul to the carnival. Polite suggestion (Podries venir amb en Paul al carnaval.) Possibility The crime rate could go down with this new law. (La taxa de criminalitat podria baixar amb aquesta nova llei.) E We may / might be living in a different city next year. may, might A Possibility (Potser estarem vivint / Podria ser que visquéssim en una ciutat diferent l'any vinent.) Polite request, May 1 have some tea, please? Y permission (Puc prendre te, si us plau?) de | offer May 1 help you with your homework? E (Puc ajudar-te amb els deures?) hould + y Ñ Pe You should / ought to cut down on coffee. 5 Eto Advice, opinion (Hauries de reduir el consum de café.) . He needs to find a solution to the problem. ñ . san | (Necessita / Ha de trobar una solució al problema.) need to, haveto | Necessity, obligation E a ad 'y, obllg That neighbourhood is not safe, He has to relocate as soon as possible. (Aquell barri no és segur. Ell s'ha de traslladar al més aviat possible.) Necessity, obligation | They must cooperate with each other. (Han de col-laborar entre ells.) must , j He has been reelected as president. He must be thrilled. E Logical conclusion (L'han reelegit president. Deu estar / Ha d'estar entusiasmat.) rd Ai People mustn't draw graffiti on public buildings. mustut beats (La gent no ha de pintar grafits als edificis públics.) e A You don't have / need to go in that direction. You can cut across the park. É obl panas ó te igation / (No has d'anar / No cal que vagis en aquella direcció. Pots passar pel $ parc fent drecera.) A 2 Lack of obligation / | She needn*t take the car. She can go on foot. necessity (No ha d'agafar / No cal que agafi el cotxe. Pot anar a peu.) Formal request Would you stop cutting into the conversation, please? would (Podries deixar d'interrompre la conversa, si us plau?) Offer Would you like to come to the party? (Vols / T'agradaria venir a la festa?) Polite question Shall 1 call you later? (Et truco més tard?) shall Offer Shall we cook dinner tonight? (Fem el sopar aquesta nit?) Suggestion Shall | make a reservation in the hotel? (Reservo a l'hotel?) |
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