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Roots Prefixes and Suffixes, Apuntes de Inglés Técnico

Prefijos, sufijos e intermedios de ingles medico

Tipo: Apuntes


Subido el 20/03/2019

anosnimouddd98 🇲🇽



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¡Descarga Roots Prefixes and Suffixes y más Apuntes en PDF de Inglés Técnico solo en Docsity! Common prefixes, roots, and suffixes Knowing these common preficas, rosts, and sufficas wl halp you decipher unfamiliar medical tarms. Word component Meaninga Examples Prelixes alnk absenca, without anurís lack of urine output ab- ara rom abduct (move away from) ade toward: adduct imove toward] embi- both sides embidextrous lusing both hands] ante- before, forward. anterior (front of the bady) amb against antisody (imeune response to an organism) apo- sera from epophysis (growth or protuberance) autlol- self sutoanalysis (selt-analysis) bi- a bigeminy locourring in pais) diplo- double ¿iplopia (double vision) dys- difficult, paairrul dysuria (painfal urinaticn en ut of ectapic loutofplacel endlol- inacard endascope (a device used to examine a body cavityh ar normal, health eutiyroid (normal tryroid function) er outside: extolistion (peeling of lbyers) hetero- other different heterogensous (different characteristics) hyper- above, beyond hypematremia (excess sodium) hypo- below Hypotension (low blood pressure) imdra- beneath infra-axillary (below the axdla] intra within, into intramuscular (into the muscle] juxta- near juxte-articular (near a joint) macrlo)- large, long macromastia [excessive breast size) mal bad, abnormal maltormation [abmormally formed! mega- great, large. megacolon lenlarged coloni Word component Meanings Examplez (continued) beyond, change metaphase (second stage of cell division! one moncchromatic (having only one color] shape morphology (study of the form and structure of organisme] many multifocal (arising from many locations] few, lie olíguria [too tl urined DION paracentesis (punciure oa cavity for aspiretion of aid) pericacal [around the cecum) picornavirus (esaremely small RNA virus) polydipsia lexcessive thirst) postoperative [after surgery) preenesthesia (before anesthetio is given) procoagulant [promotes coagulatian] pseudocysi la cavity resembling a true cystl recurrent fever (fever thatretums alter a remission) retrosuricular (behind the auricke) semiflaion (position ota limb midway between extension and fexion) subelinical fuvithout symptoms) supercilia (the eyebromd supraorbital (above the orbitl tetralogy (group ol four] transdermal (antering through the skin) Word component Meanings Examples Roots jcontinued ilejo- ieum ileastomy [surgical opening in the ileum) iilob. lium, fank. iliac muscle (muscle that allows thigh movement) ischilol- hip ischiopubic [pertaining to the ischium and pubes) Jejundo)- Jejunum jejunectony fexcision of the jejurma] keratlo)- horny tissue, comas. keratectasia (a thin, scared comea] kineltido)- movement kinetic (pertaining to motion) Tabio- ps labiograpá lan instrument that records ip movement) lactjo)- milk lactation [secretion of milk by the breasts) lermglol- larpax larmgectonry isurgical removal of the laryrod latero- side Iateroflexion (Hexion to one side) leuklol- white: leukncytes white blood cells] liptod- tal lipadema (excess tat and Muid in subeutanenus tissue) Ithlo)- stone. hhocystotomy [surgical removal of bladder stones) mammbal- breast mammogram [breast ray) mastlol- breast mastectomy (surgical removal of breast issue] melanlab- black melancholia (depression) mena- menses menostaxis (prolonged menstrual period) ment- mind mental illness (psychiatric disorder) mio- less, smaller múosis fexcessive contraction of the pupill mito tireaddlike misochonéria (rod-shaped cellular organelle) mplol- muscle myocele (hernia of muscle) myclol- fungus mcology (study of fungi and fungal diseases] melo marro, spinal cord myelalgía (pain in the spinal cord) my mues myeoid iresembing mues] Common prefixes, roots, and suffixes (continued Examples ERRE | 22 3 B nasolabial (betereen the nose and lip) oculomator [eye movement] opbthalmia (inflammation 04 the eye orchítis [inflammation of the testes] oronasal (mouth and nose] osteomyelitis nfammation ol bone and muscle) otitis (earinflammaton] oyen) pathogen [disaasa-causing organism) pediatrics [care of children) pharmacotherapy ltreatmant with medication) pharmgiis (sore tiroat phlebits (inflammaton of a vein) phototherapy (treatment by exposure to fight) plasminogen [protein found in tissues and body fuids) pleurisy Ginflammation ol the pleura) pneumonia (intlammation ed the lung]. podiatry (cara oFthe Foot] proctectomy (excision ofthe rectum] proteinemia [excess protein in the blond] psychiatry study and treatment of mental disorders) pulmozartic [partaining to the lungs and aortal pyeloneptrosis (disease of the kidney and renal palvis) [contínued) | : Examples ni il prrn TES Jl TERGÉn j EJAR PEJJEsL 19 0P9 24s tds EFE] pyrogen (an agent that causes fever) renography DCray ofihe iiáneay) rhinitis (inflemed mucous membranes ol the nosel birubin (ble pigment) sanguineous drainage [bloody drainage] sarcoma (a highly malignant tumor made of connective tissue cells) solerosis [hardening otssue) scoliosis [curvature of the spine) sensory (pertaining to the senses) sepsis (infection in the bloodstraam) physical symptoms] stenosis (narrmwing al a body passage) tachycardi (rapid heart beat] thermometer [nstrument for measuring temperature] Eoracotomy [surgical opening ol the chest wall) Iirombectory (excision a a ciotfrom a blood vessel) tracheobronchits (infismmation ol the trachea and bronchi) urapoiesis [formation of urine) “vasospasm [spas of a blood vessel) “venosclerosis (selerasis or hardening ofthe veins] 'vesicospinal (pertaining to the urinary bladder and spinej
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