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Student's Booklet - GOLD NEW EDITION.pdf, Exámenes de Inglés

Student's Booklet - GOLD NEW EDITION.pdf

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pheidie 🇵🇪



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¡Descarga Student's Booklet - GOLD NEW EDITION.pdf y más Exámenes en PDF de Inglés solo en Docsity! Unit 1: Bands and fans Idioms related to music vi. SPEAKING: What are the advantages and disadvantages of having two jobs? Pia is a personal assistant in a marketing agency and is going to start a new job as a singer in a pub. Her colleagues are talking about her. How do they feel about the news? A: | was delighted to find out that Pia got a job as a singer in a pub. It was music to my ears! She's always wanted to have her own band. Oh, yes. However, she will need a lot of energy with her job at the office and this new job. | don't think that will be a problem. She's always been as fit as a fiddle. She's always eating healthily and does exercise every week. Have you heard the news? Pia is having her first concert on Friday. Who? Pia, Laura's personal assistant. Her name rings a bell, but | can't remember her very well. Come on! She is the one who is always talking about music, rock bands and all that jazz. So, what did Laura say about Pia's new job? She was a bit upset at first, but when Pia explained that it was a weekend job and that this new job will allow her to make new contacts for the agency, she changed her tune. Well, let's hope Pia can handle both things. lf she makes a mistake, she will have to face the music. Laura is very exigent. TMODODO > am Underline the idioms in the conversations in the first exercise. Can you work out the meaning from the context? Discuss together: How do you think Pia got interested in music? Complete the following sentences about Pia and how she got interested in music. Use an idiom from exercise l. 1 Pias family has always been into playing instruments, composing, singing and 2. Attheageof6, Piatoldherfathershe wantedtobeasinger.ItwaS........ooooccccnnnooocococccoooocncccccononns as he was a musician and his other children hadn't shown any interest in music. 3. When Pia finished school, she told her parents she wanted to be a singer. Her mother didn't accept this at the beginning, but when Pia explained that she was also going to university, she famous singers. His name might if you know about country music. 5. Pia knows that a music career is not easy, but she is willing to learn, accept her mistakes and TN when any problems occur if necessary. Work in small groups and discuss the following questions. Do you know someone who is as fit as a fiddle? When was the last time you received news that was music to your ears? Have you ever changed your tune about something? Think about some situations in which you had to face the music. What happened? »on= Unit 2: Relative values Idioms to describe personality vi. SPEAKING: Would you like to work as a teacher? Why? Why not? Paul is a teacher in a primary school and he is talking about his students. Read what he says and ignore the gaps. What does he say about his students? “Pve been a teacher for more than ten years now and even though | love my job, itis quite complicated to deal with so many personalities. | really feel that, in general, my students are as good as (1) because they are hard-working and conscientious, but they all have different characteristics. For example, Anne is a (2) ....ooooonnnccccccoo.. -it-all. She really thinks that her opinions and ideas are the best and is quite reluctant to accept her classmates' views. On the other hand, Hugo is easy-going and this is why everybody loves him. Unfortunately, | have to admit that he is a (3) eennnnnn nana nanannnnnnn since he hardly ever does his homework and gets distracted easily in class. Hugo has a friend, Giovanni, who is very hard-working and usually helps Hugo. However, he has problems when socialising. l'd say he's alone (4) ..ooooooooonninnnnnnncc.. but he can still work on that. Tania is also one of a kind. She is a bundle Of (5) ....coocoococo...... and everybody has fun when she is around. Overall, l'm very happy with my group this year. 've had groups that were a real pain in the (6) ................... , but these children are really nice and it's easy to work with them” Now complete the gaps with one of these words: know — neck — layabout — gold — wolf — laughs Underline the idioms in the text in exercise |. Match up the idioms and the definitions: Someone who is really annoying and most people cant stand Someone who thinks that they know much more than other people Someone who is lazy and avoids responsibility Someone who behaves very well (a child) Someone who is funny and entertaining Someone who likes doing things on their own without other people Poo op Think about a person you know who could be described by the idioms. Talk to a partner about them. For example: - When | was at school, there was a boy who was a pain in the neck. He was always bothering me. - l'd say my sister is a bundle of laughs. She ¡is always telling jokes and everybody laughs at them. Work in small groups. Discuss the questions below. Do you think that children can be a pain in the neck? Why? Were you as good as gold when you were a child? What do you prefer: working in groups or being a lone wolf? Which of the idioms describe you? don= Unit 5: Things that matter Idioms with food words SPEAKING: Do you like cooking? Why/ Why not? Is any member of your family keen on cooking? Read five different conversations, in which people are discussing the questions in exercise l. Can you find anything in common with the speakers? Conversation 1 Sarah: | can cook, but my father likes my sister's food. He actually likes everything she does. She's the apple of his eye, his favourite. Tanya: Really? | can't cook and my siblings cant either. Conversation 2 Tim: Both my parents like cooking, so | don't have to learn, | suppose. Paul: | cook at home, but | do it at night because | have to work during the day. You know, | also have to bring home the bacon. Conversation 3 Olga: | once tried to learn to cook and | found it extremely difficult! Edward: Seriously? | think it's a piece of cake. | even know how to prepare desserts! Conversation 4 Laura: My grandmother knows how to prepare delicious food. She says she will teach me some day. Danna: Lucky you! My grandmother knows a lot of recipes, but she says she will never spill the beans about the ingredients or how to prepare those dishes. Conversation 5 Arthur: | absolutely love cooking. | like creating new dishes with different ingredients. Grazia: | see. Well, cooking isn't really my cup of tea, but | do itif | have to. Can you identify the idioms in exercise 11? Underline them and match them with the definitions below: Very easy Something you like The person who you love the most To earn money to live on To reveal a secret apo Complete the questions below using an idiom from exercise ll. Use the appropriate form. Pm responsible for .......ooooooonnccccccccccnnos DOME tN8 occccccccccnccccccccnccnnn 2. Desserts made of chocolates aren't really MY .....ooooooonoonnnnno. O coccccccccccccncnnccninn They are too sweet. 3. Preparing Peruvian f0O0d iS A ....ooooooccccccccccccoco. o A if you have a good recipe. 4. There is a person in my family who would never .........cocmmcoooo.. TOO coccccccccccnncnns about his/ her cooking secrets. Do MANO cocccccccocnnnnccnnanononanonnnonn of my grandparents'/ parentS ...ooooooccccccccccn They're so proud of me. Are the sentences in exercise IV true or false for you? Discuss with a partner. Unit 6: In the spotlight Idioms related to performing arts SPEAKING: Would you like to be an actor / actress? Why? Why not? Read five comments from five different actors. Are they talking about a positive or negative aspect or their job? Ignore the gaps at this stage. 1. Peter We've worked very hard to make this play successful, but not many people are coming to the theatre. But it isn't over until the fat ................... sings. There must be a way in which we can attract more people. 2. Ramona | love my job, but it is quite difficult when you dont feel well. For example, | remember that | had a stomachache one afternoon and two hours later, | had to perform in front of a full theatre. You KNOW, tHe ...ooococooccccoooo must go on. 3. Joseph The excitement you feel is indescribable. Even more when you work with a group of people who always Say DIBak A ...ooooooooocccccccccccnno ' before every performance. 4. Kate | worked with another actress in my last play and it was a nightmare. She was always late, didn't learn her lines and was always in a bad mood. | decided to talk to the director and explained that Iwas doing my best, butitto0ktwoto ..........oooocccc.... , so he talked to her and she changed her attitude. 5. lan It is great to explore new topics, characters and settings. | learnt more on stage than when | was a student. So far, all my plays have lived up to the ......ooooomoco...... , So | think l've learnt to choose well. Complete the gaps with one of the words in the box: tango - leg — lady — hype — show Underline the idioms in exercise | and match them with the definitions below. Both people in a difficult situation should work together It is still possible to change a situation for the better Expression used to wish good luck in a performance Be as good as expected by the public To encourage someone to continue doing what they are doing even if they are experiencing difficulties apo Look again at the comments in exercise |. Can you think of a situation in which you can use the idioms? For example: - We can say “Break a leg!”if we are about to give a presentation to a client at work. - We can say “It isn't over until the fat lady sings”if we fail a test, but we can still pass a course. Unit 7: A place to live Idioms about travelling vi. SPEAKING: How do you decide where to travel on holiday? What is the best way to decide where to go on holiday? Anna enjoys travelling, but there is one aspect she doesn't like. Read the extract and identify the aspect she hates and why she hates it. | usually get itchy feet at the end of the year. Perhaps it is because my job ¡is quite stressful and need a break to start a new year in the best condition. However, there is one part | really hate about travelling: the airport experience. | just can't deal with all the procedures because they make me feel nervous and | think they are endless. | don't know if it is my impression, but | think the staff are always in a hurry, talk a mile a minute and | often get confused about what to do next. Once, l even missed a flight because of an unexpected traffic jam on the way to the airport. There were other passengers who were in the same boat and we had to go to the nearest hotel so we could catch the next plane. On another occasion, | realised | didn't have my passport when | arrived at the airport. My hotel was very near so | decided to go back. Fortunately, the staff had found it under my bed and | didn't miss the flight. Now, | check all the documents | need before hitting the road. This year I'm going to Greece and l'm worried because | read a webpage that said that they have the worst airports in the world. But ''ll cross that bridge when | come to it, | guess. Have you ever had a bad experience when travelling? Tell a partner. Underline the idioms in the text and work out the meaning from the context. Anna is now giving some tips for people who like travelling. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words including the word given. 1. Leave your house early so you don't have problems at the airport. ROAD To avoid problems at the airport you SAQUIA ......ooooooconcccccccccccncnnninnnn early 2. Ifyou don't speak the language well, ask people not to speak so fast. MILE ASk people MOttO ...ooococcccconcccccccccccncnnccniccccnccnnno if you are going to a country with a language you don't speak well. 3. Dont think too much and plan a nice trip if you feel like travelling soon. FEET Plan a nice trip without overthinking it if you .. 4. Don't worry too much about small details as you'll be able to solve those problems if they appear. BRIDGE Dont worry too much about small details, you can . come it. .. when you 5. Dont panic if your flight is cancelled or delayed as there are many passengers in the same difficult situation as you. BOAT Stay calm if your flight is cancelled or delayed because there are other people who are in Do you agree with the tips given in exercise V? Can you add other ones? Unit 10: Friends for life Idioms related to friendship vi. SPEAKING: Do you think people usually meet their best friends when they're at school? Why / Why not? Clare met her best friend at school and she is talking about it. How did Clare and Anna meet? Ignore the gaps at this stage. I was new in town and it was my first day at school. | remember that | was upset because everything was new, but | had had to move because my father had got a new job and my mother and | went with him. | had nobody to talk to about this nor a shoulder to cry (1) ............... since | was an only child and didn't have close friends in my previous school. Anyway, | spent my first day at school without talking to anyone and when it was time to go home, | found myself in the middle of the street trying to figure out my way home. was still thinking about what to do when a girl wearing the same school uniform as me showed up and asked me if | was OK. | recognised her because she was in my class, so | told her what happened and she said she lived in my street. | felt relieved and we started walking together. | don't know how to explain it, but the two of us hit it (2) .................. right away. Anna —that was her name- and | had similar interests such as watching romantic films, playing video games, spending time alone and as she was also an only child, we spoke the (3) ..................... language. Anna and | are now 25 years old and we're still best friends. We've been through so many things together and | feel she knows me inside (4) .....oooononnnnnnnnc... It is true that even though we have lots of things in common, we are not always (5) ....oooooccccccccnoo the same wavelength, but it doesn't mean that we dont respect each other's views. It is also true that we don't speak as often as when we were at school, but thanks to technology, we're in touch frequently. Choose the correct option to complete the gaps in exercise ll. 1 Ain B) to C) on D) with 2. A) off B) out C) along D) ahead 3. A) similar B) same C) mother D) equal 4. A)up B) down C) out D) in 5. Ajat B) into C) on D) of Underline the idioms and infer the meaning from the context. Clare's best friend, Anna, is giving her views on friendship. Complete the gaps with an appropriate idiom. 1. | dont think we need to like each other from the very beginning. For example, my friend Jair. We did ..ooooccccccccccnnnnnnnoccccnnaaa nn nn conc ono nnnnnnnn immediately, but then we became very good friends. 2. | think you and your friends generally need to DO ....ooooccocccccccccccccccnonccancncccncnnncnnnno in most topics because if you dont, you might be fighting all the time. 3. You might feel that someone and YOU ..ocooooocccccccococooonnnnnonanacaconanonos , but that doesn't mean you are going to be friends. Friendship is more than similar hobbies or beliefs. 4. Agood friend doesn'thavetobe ...oooocnonccccccccccccccccnnconinanonnanicnananinnno because not everybody has those people skills. 5. You sometimes think YOU ....ocoonoooccccccconoccccnonccccononcccncnnnnn , but the truth is that people can surprise you rather unpleasantly. Do you agree with Anna's views? Discuss in small groups. Unit 11: Nothing to fear but fear Idioms related to fear or nervousness v. SPEAKING: When do you usually feel afraid or nervous? Do you do anything to stop feeling like this? Read about five people and their experiences. Have you or anyone you know ever had a similar experience? What happened? 1. Lorena A friend told me that there was a great job opportunity and | decided to give it a go. | went for an interview and they said that | had to wait for two weeks to receive a call. As you can imagine, | held my breath waiting for the final call. In the ena, they did call and told me that someone else had been selected for the position. 2. Peter | visited Peru some years ago and | was delighted by the beauty of the country. But one night a slight earth tremor hit the city | was staying in. It made my blood run cold because | live in an area that is not prone to earthquakes. Fortunately, my wife is Peruvian and she was able to calm me down. 3. Pia P'm not the kind of person who is afraid of their own shadow, but when it comes to heights, that's quite another matter. | wouldn't do things such as bungee jumping or paragliding. | even rent flats that are on the first or second floor because | just can't stand high places. 4. Kiara Pve always been a good student. | always pass my tests with very good marks and l'm also good at writing assignments. However, there is only one thing that makes me feel as if | have butterflies in my stomach: giving presentations. | get very nervous and my hands shake all the time. It's something | have to work on, | suppose. 5. Ignacio P'm a very quiet person, so | enjoy nice walks and afternoons at home. | suppose that this is why P'm not into speed. The last time | travelled by bus, | had my heart in my mouth because we were going too fast. | actually had to ask the driver to slow down because | thought we were going to crash. Identify the idioms in exercise ll and infer the meaning from the context. Look at the first column of the table. Complete the questions with one of the idioms in exercise ll. A B [e] When was the last time you felt ....oooncnncnnccccccccccoo stomach? Do you know anyone WhOIS .....ooococcccccccccccnonos ? shadow? What makes your blO0d .......cccccococcccnccccccococnncnnnono ? When was the last time you held...........ooooooocccccccccooo ? Interview three people. Ask and answer the questions in the chart. Unit 12: Crime scene Idioms related to crime vi. SPEAKING: Have you read a story about crimes recently? Tell your group. Read the following articles and summarise each story. 1. Paul Smith has been a drug dealer for a couple of years now. In spite of having been accused of committing several crimes, the police haven't been able to prove he is guilty. He is still free and enjoys quite a luxurious lifestyle. However, everybody agrees that sooner or later, the truth will be revealed and he will get what he deserves because criminals are always punished for their crimes. 2. Many years ago, Argentinians were shocked by the story of a woman called Rachel Winter, who murdered her husband after finding out he had stolen money from her. What shocked everybody was the fact that she apparently killed him without showing any emotion. When the police arrested her, she seemed to be insane as she couldn't say a word for almost a week. 3. What are the chances of coming across someone in the act of doing something illegal in your own house? Olga Wright had woken up at midnight in order to drink a glass of water when she found a thief inside her flat. Fortunately, the criminal didn't realise she was there, so she hit him with a vase. The man turned out to be Tim Scott, a famous cat burglar the police hadn't been able to catch. 4. Danny Morgan had an accident while driving to the south of the city. He was breaking the speed limit and a woman who was crossing the road was injured. When the police arrested him, they found that he had been drinking alcohol. Two months after the accident, the judge punished him severely: he will spend six years in prison because he could have killed someone. Look at the underlined expressions and try to replace them with one of the idioms below. Make changes in the verb form if necessary. throw the book at someone / crime doesn't pay / catch someone red-handed / behind bars / in cold blood Which story did you find the most surprising / disturbing / fair / unfair? Discuss with a partner Complete the following questions with an appropriate idiom: 1. Nowadays, many criminals don't go to prison because the police cant find the evidence they need. Do you really thidk that ........oooononnnnncnconicccccccccccccccccans? 2. What kind of criminals should spend the rest of their lives 3. What would you do if you . Have you ever watched a film or read a book about someone who killed another person 5. Do you think that judges ShQUIA ....ooooconnnoccccccccocococonnninononocancncnons ? dishonest politicians? Why? Work in small groups. Discuss the questions in exercise V.
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