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Treball de Recerca (Un resumen breve sobre la Tecnologia), Esquemas y mapas conceptuales de Tecnología

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Tipo: Esquemas y mapas conceptuales


Subido el 29/05/2023

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¡Descarga Treball de Recerca (Un resumen breve sobre la Tecnologia) y más Esquemas y mapas conceptuales en PDF de Tecnología solo en Docsity! HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING Heintjie Jerson P. Roldan Tutor: Dolors Bataller Mascarell Institut Montjuïc Curs 2022-2023 2nd Batxillerat HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING “ To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” Winston Chuchill 2 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING 1. ABSTRACT Abstract in English These past few years a lot has changed in the industry of technology, and this new advanced and more developed technology has helped us through our everyday life and it is not only us that are taking advantage of these new machines, but it also contributes greatly to the industry of architecture and engineering. These machines and more advanced technology can help people by building structures or even do it by themselves, like the new 3D printer that is still being developed. This can give us more possibilities to create and to construct buildings, houses and structures much more easily. My aim by doing this project is to show and to understand how this new technology leads to advances in architecture and engineering and to really know if this technology is safe to use and, most importantly, what these machines are capable of doing. Abstract en Català Aquests darrers anys molt ha canviat en la indústria de la tecnologia, i aquesta nova tecnologia avançada i més desenvolupada ens ha ajudat en la nostra vida quotidiana i no només som nosaltres els que estem aprofitant aquestes noves tecnologies, sinó que també ajuda molt a la indústria de l’arquitectura i l’enginyeria. Aquestes noves màquines i tecnologies més avançades poden ajudar les persones construint estructures o fins i tot fer-ho per si mateixes, com la nova impressora 3D que fins ara s'ha estat desenvolupant. Això ens pot donar més possibilitats de construir edificis, cases i estructures de manera més fàcil. El meu objectiu en fer aquest projecte és mostrar i comprendre com aquesta nova tecnologia condueix a avenços en arquitectura i enginyeria i saber realment si aquesta tecnologia és segura de fer servir i, el més important, què seran capaç de fer aquestes màquines. 5 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING Abstract in Spanish Estos últimos años mucho ha cambiado en la industria de la tecnología, y esta nueva tecnología avanzada y más desarrollada nos ha ayudado en nuestra vida cotidiana y no solo somos nosotros los que estamos aprovechando estas nuevas tecnologías, sino que también ayuda mucho en la industria de la arquitectura y la ingeniería. Estas nuevas máquinas y tecnologías más avanzadas pueden ayudar a las personas construyendo estructuras o incluso hacerlo por sí mismas, como la nueva impresora 3D que hasta ahora se están encontrando más formas de desarrollar. Esto nos puede dar más posibilidades de construir edificios, casas y estructuras mucho más fácilmente. Mi objetivo al hacer este proyecto es mostrar y comprender cómo esta nueva tecnología conduce a avances en arquitectura e ingeniería y saber realmente si esta tecnología es segura de usar y, lo más importante, qué serán capaces de hacer de estas máquinas. 6 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING 2. Introduction Technology has changed nearly everything about the way that people in society exist and function. From smartphones to the Internet, technology has transformed the world in just a few decades. For architects, home builders and home designers, technology has taken a front seat in the experience of designing and building a structure. From start to finish, technology affects the way that architects design buildings and even the way that clients experience the design process. Technology can improve building efficiency and durability, while making it easier for architects to more accurately render a building design. Technology has classified and transformed the Global Village. Just 20 years ago, information search through the internet was non-existent, social networks with phones likewise, and 5 years ago “tweets” came from cartoon characters. Now there have been advances in technology not limited to healthcare, education, science, commerce, government, defense, and entertainment. In architecture, there has been concrete evidence to suggest that technology innovation within the field is constantly accelerating: a few examples have been seen through Computer Aided Design (CAD). Striking benefits of technology can be seen in achieving complexities in building forms; increasing coordination amongst professionals; cost-saving design and contract methodologies; and telepresence to reduce the greenhouse gasses spent on commuting geared towards sustainability. Future applications will increasingly require processing large, heterogeneous data sets, using distributed designs, working within form-factor constraints, and reconciling rapid deployment with efficient operation. The number of sensors and digital systems collecting data on aircraft, railway cars, locomotives and automobiles is rapidly expanding. Artificial intelligence, machine learning and other technologies are transforming the basics of how transportation equipment operates. And customers, recognizing the possibilities, are demanding more customized equipment and intelligent interfaces. 7 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING 3.2 Autonomous Robots An autonomous robot is a robot that is designed and engineered to deal with its environment on its own, and work for extended periods of time without human intervention. By Marianne Van Ryde Robot technology y and automation, FRIDAY 24 MAY 19 Autonomous robots often have sophisticated features that can help them to understand their physical environment and automate parts of their maintenance and direction that used to be done by human hand Autonomous robots typically go about their work without any human interaction unless that human interaction is necessary as part of their task. Many of these robots have sensors and other functional gear that helps them to see any obstacles in their way, or navigate rooms, hallways or some other sort of environment. 3.3 Geofencing Geofencing is a location-based service in which an app or other software program uses radio frequency identification, Wi-Fi, GPS, or cellular data to trigger a targeted marketing action when a mobile device or RFID tag enters or exits a virtual geographic boundary, known as a geofence. Data governance on November 16, 2020 Geo-Fencing You can track a consumer’s location through GPS, Bluetooth, and beacons, and there are three ways to utilize this technology for targeting consumers: geotargeting, geofencing and beaconing. 10 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING 4. What do technological advancements lead to? Technological advancements refers to those technologies that are yet to be improved or even to be discovered. Changes in technology lead to an increase in productivity of labor, capital and other factors of production. Technology affects the way individuals communicate, learn, and think. It helps society and determines how people interact with each other on a daily basis. Technology plays an important role in society today. It has positive and negative effects on the world and it impacts daily lives. We are living in an era where technological advances are common. The internet and cell phones are some examples. However, with technological advances, there’s a downside to it all. On the other hand It’s made learning more interactive and collaborative, this helps people better engage with the material that they are learning and have trouble with. Also, it gets you better access to resources. With the creation of the internet, it gives us access to information at a twenty-four-hour rate and you have access to almost anything online. In addition, it allows students to get work done easier. Students can take quizzes and exams more easily, and teachers being able to hold online classes can be very effective. It also expands the boundaries of the classroom, encouraging self-paced learning. People can access learning through YouTube and social media. This helps students learn better than sitting down for lectures and reading from textbooks. These technological advancements made learning more fun and convenient. Technology brought many new methods of electronic communication. For example, there are emails, social networking, you can facetime a person that lives on the other side of the world, and there's video conferencing where you can have conferences electronically. Lastly, the technological advancements that were made within the health industry have helped keep people safe and healthy. 11 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING However, studies show that mobile communication affects people in a negative way when it comes to being sociable and making face-to-face contact. Mobile technology can decrease communication and relations between people. There’s less personal time, where you find that you don't have enough time for yourself because you’re always in contact with someone. Also, it can be distracting from your schoolwork. There is also loss of privacy, because anyone can find you anywhere, at any time of the day. In conclusion, all of these things impact how humans act today. Without technological advancements, our way of life would not be as complex. Technological influences shape the way humans act today. Many major technical advances became the springboard for countless other new innovations. A good example of that is the semiconductor chip. The electric circuit with many components such as transistors and wiring opened the door to the evolution of the laptop, followed by the smartphone and tablet. 12 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING 6. How did new and advanced technologies help architects and engineers up to the 21st century? Technology in architecture has architects doing more than designing and supervising the construction of buildings. From computational design to apps. They are pursuing new horizons in design, chasing algorithms, experimenting with adaptability, robotics, 3D printing and reality. Today’s architects have access to data and analytics that allow them to focus more on innovation versus production while optimizing performance. Many, however, are clinging to tradition and resisting the latest technological innovations, all but securing their own demise. Technology in architecture may take many forms. One such form is the smartphone, forever getting smarter and more indispensable. As architecture software developers deploy apps for use during every project stage (from conception to completion) architects are learning to rely on them to better serve their clients. Touchscreen technology allows architects to sketch directly into software that can be translated into 3D modeling apps. Using visual scripting tools such as Grasshopper and Revit, architects can streamline their processes, quickly iterate, explore and deliver solutions. Meanwhile, increased use of BIM (Building information modeling) technology is driving the need for cloud-based design products and services that make it possible for everyone working in a project to access project information at all times. Use of virtual reality technology in architecture is expected to grow as firms, virtual reality companies and BIM (Building information modeling) software developers work together to create more seamless virtual reality workflows. Some firms are using virtual reality to allow clients to “walk” through projects before these are built, engaging them in the design process. 15 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING Augmented reality is really taking off and it’s thanks to advancements in products that facilitate a greater connection between the physical and digital realms of architectural design. Augmented reality applications allow users to overlay building plans, marketing materials and other 2D collateral on a 3D BIM (Building information modeling) model. These new technological innovations include the widespread adoption of 3D printing, robots, and Internet of thing devices. Adoption of these innovations has shifted work processes, design, production, and testing in many engineering firms. These new tools have pushed the design process to more prototyping of parts. Many engineers used 3D printing to create prototypes or tooling for production parts. 3D printing has changed how we approach prototyping and development testing. In other words 3D printing allows us to increase the output of tooling production with very low cost. Automation and systems engineering have also been impacted by new tools and technologies. The role of automation in today’s engineering society is to create enhancements in the design and manufacturing sectors. This includes data gathering, simulation of production, sensor equipment, and predictive maintenance. 57% believe that productivity has improved and 55% believe that the design process is better as a result of new technology with 3D printing being the most favored new tool. The ability to rapidly prototype parts and create simple tooling fixtures, has reduced the production time and helped turn around design ideas much quicker. It’s become much easier to draw out, visualize, and build up our systems now that we have these kinds of technologies. We can build scale models of the project and look at all the possible problems that we may run into and in many cases manage to save weeks of time in the final design with these additions to their activities. This saves money in the end because testing is less costly and more efficient. In short, the ability to visualize parts in a digital setting has helped the production of parts in the real world. 16 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING 6.1 Different types of technologies 6.1.1 Satellite imagery Satellite images are images of Earth collected by imaging satellites operated by governments and businesses around the world. Editorial team, TomTom Blog, May 19, 2022 Satellite images provide an economical, accurate, and rapid means of obtaining a quick assessment for any significant construction or engineering project, like a bridge, dam, water, power plant, sewer, industrial park, canal or even a storm utilities. All satellite images produced by NASA are published by NASA Earth Observatory and are freely available to the public. Several other countries have satellite imaging programs, and a collaborative European effort launched the ERS and Envisat satellites carrying various sensors. There are also private companies that provide commercial satellite imagery. In the early 21st century satellite imagery became widely available when affordable, easy to use software with access to satellite imagery databases was offered by several companies and organizations. 17 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING 7. Fieldwork Making a scale model of a house will not only provide me a big help by explaining this project, but at the same time to really understand how these new technologies, applications, etc, can help the industry of engineers and architects nowadays, knowing that before they didn't have these kinds of technologies. Why did I create a scale model for this project? Other than helping me and providing me with the instrument I need explaining my work, the scale model really made me realize the real work of an architect and engineer before they build a life-size structure. With the research conducted, I saw that engineers build scale models as a part of the engineering process when designing objects or structure, as it provides them the opportunity to test many different design variations without the cost of building an actual full-size prototype. For an architect, they're a form of three-dimensional sketching. It helps them visualize how light will illuminate spaces and they help to analyze the best forms, as well as spatial and material relationships. As for me, since I want to study architecture as soon as I finish 12th grade, it really helps me to give that vision of what architecture students do. In that way I can have this idea in my mind when I finish school and enter university life and, as we all know, custom scale models can be the most effective and exciting way to present any project without having to show the actual product. 20 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING 7.1 Scale model Day 1: Scale model, Day 1 On day 1, I use Styrofoam to imitate a gravel look for the lower part of the house and to make a black stone wall at the same time so that the house stands out more. I decided to use 9 pieces of wooden stick to have an elevated look for it, and a hard paper board for the floor. In that way I can easily touch anything. For the walls I used foam board, a lighter material which is easier to use when making scale models compared to wood. Foam board is a material that is frequently used for constructing models. Foam boards translate a 2D idea into 3D, paying special attention to the scale that best suits your design and the purpose of the scale model. Lastly, for the window I decided to make a storm window style to make it look more edgy, knowing that it’s the most common window we can see in modern houses. In order to provide it with a bit of a design, I added pieces of wood in the upper and lower part of the window. 21 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING Day 2: In this image we can see a clear vision of the interior of the first floor of the house. There are five rooms. As you enter the house you’ll see the living room. Scale model , Day 2 In front of the living room, there are two other rooms that can be the powder room of laundry, and the larger one is the kitchen, a perfect size to fit some important appliances. Finally we can see the stairs leading to the second floor. In this picture we can appreciate the view outside of the house with a shade of green and yellow to give it a more natural feel. I added some trees to have a realistic look on it. Scale model , Day 2 Finally I added the front part of the house, which will be the entrance. The front has big windows to give a more natural light inside the house and lastly I added some black on the side of it to give it a more modern look. In this picture, I was preparing the balcony of the second floor and still using the same material as I used with the first floor of the scale model. There is a square shaped hole for the stairs, and finally the wooden floor for the balcony . Scale model , Day 2 22 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING Day: 5 Here we can appreciate the variation of windows that the house has, and we can see the first balcony. Finally I added some orange type of grass, to give it a more realistic look, combining it with the trees in the front. Scale model, Day 5 In this picture the third floor is already finished, and I added a black roof covering the third floor. The picture shows what the orange grass looks like in front of the house, with the three trees that I added. Scale model, Day 5 Adding this kind of stuff doesn’t only bring design to the scale model, instead of that you're really showing the interest you have by adding some small details, just so it would look more realistic, in this case, since I was doing a house, it would make sense if I added trees and grass. In this picture, since it’s so much closer than the others, it can be appreciated what material I use for the tree and for the grass. For the tree I used a normal sponge, cutted it and pieces to give it some shape, and finally for the grass I used some orange synthetic grass. Scale model, Day 5 25 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING Day: 6 Here the back balcony is already finished with all of the details that it needs, like the wooden details I added on each edge of the windows and each corner of the house, and finally I added the final touches for the fence in the balcony. Scale model, Day 6 In this picture, for the roof of the third floor I did a concrete tile design, using cardboard. Tile roofs are exceptionally resistant to water, frost, fire, wind and insect damage, lasting for centuries rather than decades. Scale model, Day 6 In the front balcony, I added some kind of cover using some sticks and foam board, to add some final touches on it, since it is big compared to the other one, in that way it won’t look empty. Finally, in this picture we can visualize the result of the house that I made. Here it’s easy to visualize the brick wall that I added to fill up those empty spaces in the front of the house, and lastly I added some fence in the inferior part of the house. Scale model, Day 6 26 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING 7.2 Materials that I have used FOAMBOARD ⇒ I’ve used this material specially for the walls, in that way the house would have more structural look on it, at the same time I use it for the flooring too. The advantages by using foam board is that it’s more light when it comes to scale models, and at the same time it’s so much easier when it comes to cutting. STYROFOAM ⇒ I used the styrofoam for the base of the house, making it look like it is built in an elevated ground, in that way it will look more realistic. HARDBOARD ⇒ The hardboard is to give more support for the styrofoam, knowing that it might not be enough to support the whole structure and it would be easier to carry it around. CARDBOARD ⇒ I used the cardboard to fill up things, like a design, helping the scale model to be more realistic, for example I it used for the roof of the house, making it like it’s made out with tiles, and lastly to fill up the spaces in the walls, making it like a brick wall. WOODEN STICK⇒ Same as the cardboard, I used this material for the design, specially for the borders of the house, but specially I chose this material to make the fences. SMOKEY PLASTIC BOARD⇒ I used this material for the windows, I chose this particular type of plastic board, to imitate the modern windows we have nowadays, and lastly to make sliding doors for each balcony and the front door. SPONGE ⇒ I used the sponge to make trees for the outdoor part of the house. COLORING PAINT ⇒ I used paint to color up the trees and the ground, making them more realistic, and lastly to paint the wall of stone outside the house. CLEAR LIQUID GLUE ⇒ I used this specific type of glue to give it a more cleaner look when it comes to gluing them to stay in put. 27 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING 9. Bibliography he-21st-century-3dd301e9dc50 James Menibi, Medium, 17/04/2022 s-changing-engineering IndsutryWeek, Six Ways Technology Is Changing Engineering, 18/042022 Oscar Salas, Improving nearshore, 28/04/2022 Techopedia, Autonomous Robot, 28/04/2022 B.J. Copeland, Britannica, Artificial intelligence, 30/04/2022 Tibitha Young, Smartbug, 1/05/2022 g-our-lives/ TKE blog, 3/05/2022 ScienceDirect, Technology Architecture, 5/05/2022 architect Indeed, How to become a technology, 5/05/2022 al-design/ Álvarez Díaz, How technology is transforming Architectural Design, 5/05/2022 logies-pushing-engineers-to-become-better-stronger-faster MachineDesign, New Technologies Pushing Engineers to Become Better, Stronger, Faster, 10/05/2022 Satellite Imaging Corporation, Engineering and Construction, 3/08/2022, Browse Definitions by Alphabet, 3/08/2022 30 HOW TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING Jeremy Laukkonen, wisegeek, What is a touchable hologram, 10/09/2022 Redshift by AUTODESK, 10/09/2022 ay Designblendz Team, Major Technology Advancements Altering Architecture, 5/10/2022 Share, Lead Architects and Contractors, 5/10/2022 Joe Bardi, 3DCloud Marxent, What is virtual reality, 5/10/2022 31
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