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vocabulary unit 8 B2, Ejercicios de Idioma Inglés

Vocabulary unit 8 ingles B2 espe

Tipo: Ejercicios


Subido el 03/12/2023

cynthia-estefania-andrade-estevez 🇪🇨

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¡Descarga vocabulary unit 8 B2 y más Ejercicios en PDF de Idioma Inglés solo en Docsity! IN A id NOrefneo Mefurel go t —Á 2 Reacovunas Tenqullzalor Dlecepsdo Lear ii Ie Pera 1 Btuhole.. Ender. sobdho o dde 4) hserpelel Mal escsto.— Méspalo. ACERA Some: ¿Equivocado 5) hucKily WNorirdamente. ¿visregad. Troieencia hhedaon Patos pl $) Judge. des Diélemkor Á>iensor. Lalisá Oak Hacer Mipaja om Aegad — hespecko Misadewiad Tecompendido... << E ORD. Bónito - AE a! DIOS Densar a9Uomies. Deng it me ¡UNA Entender heras degoridades 13) Musproncone. Dronncias mal 1) Own - Pibgio moNlaoer 0 nsezo! MM UleaseS dera se 1 Mustwuaco — Éstraro! Wing! — Úlvidar il 16) Mistalhe Ever. Wi bear Éscaente ” Anghing Calquion coso vr Thidido Éso.eseo ¡A Ma gpenes Gucero 9 Spralima Discorso il Wéadn.: Caja: W)nxiode AÁnoiodo Uds . Disrepa” Way De iedas modos Gina Iendrade. Nocanolasy Wc ans oo 0 Desiline AB A agg0 7128 Papes tacho go A Y Feding Jdimedo 1), Gdor Cenbicional.. Mide. Nedo - AUosry - Ánagases —¡DNpberid Mipllis, Dl Dodd - 3 lero Trangplizas 3) Mato: Úaose: Vápeóaa Bring 2) Deer Sadima “lados Tepode ales 1 Memento Dellaracions 5 Sazo as sie Magpero DS O Congatos A » $ Mid Murio Di Become Comeeiide.. Duo 1 E Droga! Are Grbundo n.d Qeshacase A lbroobe Big a O Mighight Meditncde 0 dps. Ahome- oy Ústane en caca ¿A Iratde Pera A 10) Seba. Conga 19 Choides. — Opcioes | ideebne w5toloneno- Desarme » Oo Cia 1 Urasod 19 Tos tenho Macao: Ulea 8) Fltocr Esfuerzo Mómad AURA e OS va. Tovenociren Lead d0ó A Fl Y Trogde dodo, 19 Disador — Vesodne — MIR 1) Venes — Vensos O OS ás Won: Basile. Wuem i0Coeo — Qemoito — ¡UUmeal day Ajo O Fergie 19 Oreartí Intilermcia . 9 óleos Mm bialsa E O Wenagbe. Me Nada Toleesonte inusual Emecosent a Qerieneras -Ánsor Tongulizor h AueMus Olvidado Opt o nit Grammar 2 2. lect Use the past perfect to describe an action that took place before another action in the past. P'd sent the email to Leo before*reatized my mistake* hs ás The words yet and already are often used with the past perfect. Lasked him to disregard the message. Luckily, he hadn't read it yet. By thetime! started togggomething, my boss had already left Contraction Pd=1had 7 : Complee las oradnsto Uxa el Pasado simple y el pasaco pedo encada Oración Complete the sentences. Use the simple past and past perfect in each sentence. Then compare with a partner. Compra con Un comparero y 1083 (plan)onworking all weekend, but then ¡se conpidecel _ paga and went to the beach instead. I was so late this morning. By the time !._—.——- got - (get) to work, 10d m0 (miss) the NR meeting. Alice ole ye (wake up) at9:30 because she wd forgsollen (forget) to set her alarm clock for 8:00. . Before Richard and Alex ek -—— (meet), they Mud een (ve Mora year. I CANES ____ (call) my friend to cancel our plans. MN pe ob e mot /leave) yet. Pronunciation rr] r Eso, do ua Ns A de perlta a ESE Nm vepáat Notice Roi OU AOL PR Vd sent the email to Leo. My boss had already left the! ON Nase> CA Experian 3 a alendon Alu oca 4 el a A cSoatemionta o Bad ade enfe ofthe past perfect. Speaking 2 toooner to ' EN IA 0 0 es 2, a zo De . = enlos A S A AA nio tdo qe Cie happened before and after. Zwnle5 y 09. os) you disagreed with someone you gpMÚAllcomcone YOLARN something incorrectly you forgot something + you were very late i B CAEN í ca S ZO LEN > Sucede Mesa Alguién » A A pe Jeganta A: | was embarrassed at ajob interview once. ld forgotten to turn off my cell phone. B: Really? Did the job interviewer say anything? Keep talking Na describe event: 75 'm sure you'll do fine. ¿israscióne, RESCUE Add ae cál O RG public speaking in English speaking in frontofa lar Ear | public speaking in your.QgJanguage speaking in front of a smbll group ada Comeszación fue le A B (3 Listen to the conversation. What is POUR ri E Then Desgreo Qro ha a the conversation. COUECSAKAM Mei Hi,Feng. Howareyou? Feng. Oh, hi, Mel. 'mfine, | guess, But! have to give a presentation in my English class, and l'm kind of worriegjaboutit. Mei Really2Why? 2 Feng Well, l always fargetyvhat 'm planning to say. 'm not confident spgaking in frontof people. Mei Canyouusenotes? Feng — Yeah,lcan,so that will help. Mei 'msureyou'll do fine. You're great in frontof people. A Feng Doyoureally think so? Mei Ido. Justtrytorelax. Well, thanks. We'll see how it goes. con UN; Roch a bes SER Pon A FL Amia ela the conversation, Then listen and check your answers. CONVETSOC e loco y ven 'hica hos huertas Expressing worry Tin Mina of ocres lego dE Reassuring someone Dm sore «pode fee f Dori. Everything will work out.) l'malittle amados aboutit. Y'm pretty nervous aboutit. E DE a a En TRE 3 A Whenisit? 58 Really? 'mnotso sure. But thanks AAA LA Hi, Bill. Howare you? U _B its this weekend. —2__A This weekend? Well, l'm sure 58 Fine, guess. But I'm pretty nervous you'll do OK. about my drivers test. E Listening Feelina =0i0us EGNAA A mido Welblar ze sibacine quelo ree Numeza Je tara em A (2 Listen to four friends talK about situations that wo ! Number the pictures from 1to 4. . a E lá 'e the sentences. B LL listen again. What do their friends sat re im sore yoWM do Éme Tm are yowlbs o Tam sore Yagi de five Dowk_woery, Everything il or ept sure ri Escudne de nuevo CA Dize 593 Camí ooo logueado) Eee lors 0 E Speaking xi A Wa Si A Nan NAC Student A: You have been invited to a party. You are a little anxious about it. You're afraid you won't know anyone. Tell Student B how you feel. Student B: StudentAis a little anxious about goingto a party. Find out why. Reassure your friend. A: 'm pretty nervous about going to this party. B: Why are you so nervous? A: won't know anyone there. Ps Dut you can most new people hero. Dont worry. Cambra lo, velo y Nomabita la Siheción” B Change fáles and Jole-play the situation. a Student A: You are changing schools. You are worried about it. You're afraid you might not make new friends easily. Tell Student B how you feel. Student B; Student Ais changing schools and is worried about it Find outwhy. Reassure your friend. Cs : / Escrhe un quero ¿Bn en UR Len dihesl e ds de cmo olle a en ua sitacion d: he c A EI LAASE na o E ¡y slvgito another pair o role-play, Use ope of these situations, or use your own ideas, Vaszlo A ONA parexa Pata que Magna yo de CO». doinga home-stay abroad gettinganewroommate —— travelingalone Lean express worry. ( | !<an reassure someone. A day to remember Reading » A O any cerdo hockey abi! Wayne Gretzky once sai ¿20 e Polino Waciadade in ener el bso Skate to where the puck is se to be, not where it has been.” po do you think Steve Jobs liked dis auaiso muchi vo done wa entado e hor qué creeo que a Glee Jens le gusto” ento epta Iirue? e... cof Tuesday, January 9, 2007 STEVE JOBS co-Founder and LEQ of Apple, was aboul to walk onta.a stage in San Francisco. Moments before, he had gathered his team together and toid Mero mber this en because in the next hour, everylhing would change. ro ¡oment Jobs was ab: work yet. It would often cr. un an app. Butt the mobile phone mind it was time to introduc engíneers nad prepared a presentation > Internet dbviés ““Aré you "gettin Vis is one device. And we arécalin in 1984, i Y he company launched the first iPod musico it revolutionized the way we listen to 1: was common: on > cer phones. And he sho Phone put the Internet in your palet for the first or surf the Web from ar music is sold Dospite the A rusmber of bther graducts had icluded's: tres, but the iPhone was the first to combine them ali- anda lot more. When Jot mobile phones would never be the sí 'e again PA Eo AN A —Ó__ sobs told his teamto remember this moment. a Jobs demonstrated the iPhones features. -1_ Jobs took the stage. + 2 Apple launched thé iPod. —-—2_. The Apple team prepared a presentation. 3 _ The Apple team developed the iPhone. -M Jobs made up his mind tounyejl the iPhone. introduced the Mac computer, Ruedas ura ANO Al LIA? e E Lomo emogisos Sno» múviloo en esu égeca 2 Cc Doy you remember a time before the iPhone? What to o hacias that mobile phones were like at that time? How do you think people guad the Internet,LLomo crtzo qye la gente. took pictures, listened to music, and followed maps before the iPhone? 1 Pone? Doceaplon Qar Selerit himaya Eto», CRoUa música, y Sequía vengas dni del Lv eS PUBIS unit s, Listenin Lookin < 9 a as importante) En sv) uidas. “paa a eronas veldar sobre Len Pour pone iaa important days in their lives. Check (Y) which day they're talking about. Warg/2 W) de dia est Yi o [Day _ Whatmadeiita memorable day?. ñ EL first day of TIT school Ce friend was a teacher at the Schovt, first day of high school Her friend was going to the same school. O vasco day | (2 Their parents were there. [Y birth ofa child O The announcement appeared in the newspaper. O first day atwork His canuoedoss gave him a party. Y lastdayatwork_. C] Hegtraveledon his gin Europe, 4 mane A so spéak Korean with her host family. firsttrip autcn sees! Her hosts were so kind and friendly. Esgude de o qe hago que el di huera Mamorabl MUEVO Í Listen again, Check (Y) what Ae day memorable. E writing and speaking ..--. aj a ie ca Jo ino veta dol y SE + Nike wues when 1 the day you got accepted to college _your first airplane ride roeled AD Me job the day you saalg English to a nátive speaker your first day at a new jol | Enga wih mm the first time you rode a bicycle your first day of school . a ¡Fanlo was my aspecial celebration ae Escribe un parrafo bebe do dla memoralole Usa 124 prog (rabo raodelo Como fare B Arata your memorable day. Use the Bco an de sodel Ap 7 nal to mo you." aquda: Ad T wn sen e Whenwasi? ani Y a What made the day memorable? A Memorable Day . EN é Did youlgokforward to tha Jay? One of the best days of my liferwas when wi a a Dn | got accepted to City University. brote 03h » Whatdid you do that day? lhad always wanted to go there, ld been — QoS dm valy e Hallan pretty worried watil got my official PROA on dhe acceptance letter. | remember called lao. Ny bolo, some of my friends to tell them. Then 201 haja that night, | went out with my family to SE hime an) » Geleprate, lwas so rape that day. te Mad 4 la Compertely eso Vaper Y el An c Seva, aces y pa e e es qa. En op, decidan Asa group, decide which day was the most intacasting, unucual, or excitingday. E $1A he domos intake, invsza o ema, an describe a memorable day. 82 Wrap-up + "first time he or she: traveled alone first time he or she spoke Engli: sh “1 In the real world Quick pairnreview Lesson A Y Wos polera. Ayeno eg apela EN mirho Cross out the words that don't. " You have 1 mis- spell understand — think pronounce judge . ” 2 re do thiode consider make agree 7 ? 3 dis- agree make continue — regard like Lesson B Mas una ida - va Mi Make aistof waysto express worry and ways RS E pro rar preomfació y Hornos e How many do you remember? You have two minutes. Ary, quilizar ad Quen toro re hs? los Lesson € + Imtngtos : Imagine des jappaned to you. Ask your partner what he or she Tag, 2ma e exo cosas le Fueden would have done, Take tus. You and your partner have two minutes. Pombo le 2. 4p perspa que abria + You forgot to take your passport to the airport. kono A ota kreo, z LS e 9 ¿You didwt rérhember a friend's birthday. . Aóuaidt goto class on the day ofa test. ¿What oil you have done if you had tuegBeen your passport? B:tFl hadtorgotien my passport, | would have called my friend and atera her '¿reiigit to me. What about you? ; Lessón D. . ; Think about important first days in a person? ;; Guess how old your partner Pesase enlos Primeros dias ¡vas for each gl tpesefirsts. ou and your partner have tuo minutes. importantes la Uva de una y Persorg. Adivina las edad e ¡Ye poreya fue far cada uno de toto primeros. Uslea y 50 pareparienen 9. A firsttime he orshe rada bicycle (yourownidea) ArMWere you 18 the first time you traveled alone? No. was younger. *Wihiat was the first day of school like for someone in your family or for a close fear Como he el pamer da - intefviewthe person. Then write aboutit. de aer LEA Dguidn de Y familia O posa yn ana o UG) Enea Da peroo. Enfonom CoorUNe depre eo. First Day of School My father was nervous on his first day of school. His father, my grandfather, took hiri to school. My father met Charlie on the first day of school. Charlie became his best friend.
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