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APPUNTI COMPLETI E CHIARI DI MANAGEMENT in inglese, 3 anno triennale, Appunti di Management Theory


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In vendita dal 26/06/2019

BeatriceLuiss 🇮🇹

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Scarica APPUNTI COMPLETI E CHIARI DI MANAGEMENT in inglese, 3 anno triennale e più Appunti in PDF di Management Theory solo su Docsity! ks] ervices tO /£rom consimere wikn a ua probitS. n be: R7C—© mosgnal D B28 (ex. Comprse ceRES TO Armoroi) sane D B26 (Ex. HOKUbBA PIOVIdES IT SOWTIONS To puleic Cdm) 3 B20 (Ex. luca celle to conumIrS) Tora west COng-ton x z fot cost — its he ANowesr fossikee cow +inot Ae. Lena: Lire vai Mnuor in îg procgucees a certoin quantity e quasi semices. tp (©) T WOSTS: Ta Fo c Il x 0° Qt, I CAIsÙM EX ROM) toe 2 fr cs es ’ SE cR$ ln PG) t_—r e e og Fiam ie qoinunp o T \s i ù 9 ve de Ma SS 7 R (for any Liam, INQUISTEY coma when ik Cocof, fn DL S ReaS ecamze ig it Aoceanà * 3 uocinp e i MNTun = gears it means thoak TC>R 0 ENL Cic is Losing. — Portion ce LA Boia inoà uatriviee to EC - Prases 00 QU) Pirm: vm D Ananee costs (Rc) + TE : cos} per unt op cstvor veti Vere în Rkxems A ourpot produced. — AS EcoPMsS L SME (tx. ea, Bacyger, AM) Mi La ws la der LP 2PLi den K D MARGINAL cOSÌ(Mc)- ATE(G) . incremanioi cost Sistoinidi to procuice Sa A miro. Unit 0. ovtput. EX: Qu= 400 ® Tess LO0O0O & Qa=450.% To2= SOOCCO $ 70 —d MC= SOOONOSUNONOO — 2000 AS0 - 400 “SO SO TO prociuce 4 muore Units it coste 20004 = Meina] except dor wren Te vary n duec proporti t0 @. |DRE- Net aLome_ i Quit, —» Quility ce a company tO qgrercie I £rom X ga N its SA ATE MeasLred in onda e eni i; imme 2 LAVÎNI. Lo indiegits ie te Strodagl must be chanoga or upoasad. ' DPRIET MARGIN — ped inuome Stig cre podio I Akai, SOS QAR O SQRS. ved. TO produce Lo consider CoUy SOJeS net income È cun can rmoncge its aSseks ra Inearne tori Ì B) RA - Set_niettà | o ho» 282ìdentuy o x POPRCISS FR Ls Coneiger gii aSseES used t0 produce Ok INCOME. È d Roi + \ ol guinigosses qgrerasadi n on investment colonie Ù DO UNE Guinouit 00 firuongy \Nvesiea. - poveloped At cUfferent QAELS : A. GORPORATE 2eUeì = \iinere +ne company wiee Gompete to lee SUCCESEEUL? o GROUTA Stosagies SO — 3 sirodagios — Dnersitienbun inemationalization | ggoeal Strategies | 2. BUSINESS Level Lou, +ine compor) wie compere to toe SUOCESSEULI Lo a sitorsgies — Diegerentiosion a "DR COR LROAISNUP Foous 3. FUNCNONAL Qeuel= Assignment e , ACCOMUNA xo ener AiGities and responeakitittes, to tne mon agiuitnos ENGk a company) Wie expect to co test. ex: Emane guido Accounting QLL SITAMgIe 280%, oroduiclion Lunckica, L2gAhl Cumumini strodive QeLeL, ‘ LoQietic Luanda, 222 PUNKONS, ML anuities.. Lain gacn Grove, cuecoercat GedsUonS e 3. Sirosagi. IMPUEMENTATION : AGhons - AGROCRILOA OP RESQURES (tO STOrT, GrOLTNOr assist decline cE +ne lusinecs) - EstodeRrishn tie Ongou/nizgtional design - Coordixto ALNVITES Win, SUPPRIAMB, LUStamere , partners = ì so Enak Ane parmerenip COMMITMENT With StuarehoWwers aa - Raming. and improument cd HUMAN lai\kHA:S0e8, RESIURKES in Order TO WON Keen and \Ncrease trust and reputation. (+ to Cregka dor iNem NA gobo cpporivaitiee) - ISTRATEGU = set of Ockions designed to opcoît Line uoe Lomupriendos Y a lainese To Qin +he comufpanadsie Aouontoge. Lo cgeone nesded. 3 giUore: Long, time Nono VISION STATEMENT MISSION. STATEMENT STRATESÌO OBIECTIVES Speagic Short time nohaca (* VISION stotement : - \DRAL FumveE DELISION —> povareal Ontì comporsino image o? a Snared dUive - \ndlico4os | BELEES, UNLUES, PANUPES Ist Wie: \aspiro GN MUmuoa VE SOKS Sto usino and VIETONERS _ inugt be CONERENT Or CISTOIMerS Wovt tenevo it - NBUER TONANGES ((ctnenmice ENe Giri viCE oxit ne mosuuckgeate and may reenier UT win Quovnar name). Lo LOuLiN Ceeock Lor Utdtomee. — 6 TIA Ex: Appoe- UA 18 pruones Ore Nor Casting, fragile ang que Lots L oUNer proeame uwStamer shoa buy Poem Ania ISO ARIOUINO- COME on ir ose destroy +e ook induetey, eeopoe Stu buy nem * MISSION. stotesment : - CONCRETE LIE 2 ne \SUAR yen ieasis cp Ù Ness > Porpose; competìtico - DALines : NUO QUSTOMERS DE, wmo are and Wow TAUE CARE OP ERARENOLERE, WUAT BUSINESSES. ore \nwowdwd “Expoolue cu the ‘Compor wide | GRIN TRE COMPERANVE. ADUANTAGE Lo RENL Suone 00 ve Company — RISNIIIORSIERIRNONSI LO ceach vie ice * STRATEGIC OBDECIVES : ia; qmaue POSSIBLE. IMSSION $ i È Apa > Spodgio articne to resize miszial - COW O DERNED_DMELEROME | TASy con le n Apantial dl NOD PINOACLAL (= SoUaÌ 20 - Most be: _ARAEMENT, ESPONAII LAN...) * Measorolee * Speagic * Appropriote (= cons i età AGENT MEN VISION Nd MI&SI ON) * Teme issues in +e Bur eometimas tnsre business in > Prdeems go ne SIMOLAIC manage > Wed TO monitor Ou {ne preci okge —d geep onouyss a NE e ONSTARLE ENVIRONMENT = environment as soma goske ou n ove voy gem InFormezion. SEWRON è wnign ne are invued’ (HARD) + ROLIMCAL PROCESS = UNE LGS Gligo Nas to £0 LR dae’ ine ica OSL: eq this so decisione Ove % STRATEGH NOT A UNENR PROCESS. becove Some issues con modify ue NTENIED=Si to tie REANASD=S. Ports ce li Con cnonge or e unreadiaed (Ex: misason GNA imaagit Cogectives) because ce exiernal AAVITONAMENE | 89U0S, «e Le xne INTENDED cuUdceds, walk pro ; S ypoxs Coring. which mistIoN na dojectives Uan aonqQg. RL Me Pisa ana ® SUeNAILLS (CNRS), mnonosqament (FO...) Board, O director by smi s800 onda Limo. + ssausionas (9.3). SS E ce interest. G ligne ve CONERIS 3 SupruEgS cutevmi îs Hne kn 59 forgauning power ; ì root nok SUP.RIEtS mou roi i suppeiors : resuca auasitu, oe purcnaseaì Goa. S) INDISTRA COMPENTOS determinid li) GIOIE cosmo: E îs ineruencedà BI: 5 - PRODUI DIFFERENDADON whicn + price comgatition io Are \NSNSTO, ? edenfiol rANIIs. MESSESS L_I SAS EMP ncIuatty —o when 10800 "a emgrogges ore sanieed to gdo groechon, bostiers. Ore euoerontiol. (so è gros) voiò © FC Xo Ve. cond ero clisirivotion ly DIE CNENITAITOn MOTO 7 IOST STRNUIVGE witla resgoce Vo TOS INA LO dear) CONIENTESDON copors to +e NOMUeeT comeetino, wribruin 3 IUOsuat i maasued =7 RELATNS MARUET SUARE + cOmpanis MOCUsk sorse comfarenì Wi ne ° it aoegne SontroP. tateattalon 00 Pre MANN) (,,337 ore consigarea song) wu 5 gicms: livggsiogaogi ce Non 23 08e (- bencnmaru) SÈ 3000 Unit eQles ci 2000 Unìt soles DI 60 unì eoles £. uoo LnT soles fot: 10000 LA csoles usco La lo Mena 20.0 2 UO. o Reimsg= VO 1.33 AOCOO 307. Mse- EC0 10.3 = 30% — Re\Mse = 20%, 035 mec £e00 0.2 > 207, — RANSC + A 0.50 Mep + SES. - 0.08 G1 Lo Raise - SI 0.AS or. Mse = UO D sesso” O.0U = UV. — RE MSE = UZ _ 0.10 o uan PP | - STRATEGIC GROUPS | QUEI CO BITMS. IMUEEMENTING cimulor: Strategies 40 (er) X Compankio OdUntOge SG LO LN iagmualries uinere companies Gre similar, ne LA cp cosugetition îs higher so tre Gaicohio) ce ATRIA AMOS heeps ‘manga +0 + idantiB@ Qroups nose competitive Fomton Muay e masginal * Anarct UN Quivie diireckion cL Lim s etrossg, * thin Prroughn +e Îinupecatione e LA \NDUSTTY Lrendi Lor AN SITsNgRIO quo Gs A uno * idantiey baxrtiers to mobidit) thok protect a Qrovo Lrom ardtaus lo NEC Ars La dimensione tv cpA=d9 The sirotigie group divisa: Losi ) * rhcal | Ò Malegrotion can a FAGUIALD : LOMBONIY ALONniring. .. suppeiers Eeuaeo . Comano acauiriag. Luyes 7 INTERNAL. ENVIRONMENT — assurimunnznzo > Nesi conico». sirengite | weniinaesee Lektrani condition: opportunita, Cnreots b LR PAL to: * Ote POGGHWLY + CONF oxierani ord inferi uonditica + ee Quore CP the noe 0 Strada pi + Buica a strosagy on +e Girm's ciengots NUNTHIN THE + MON ON The Wegnaaees SOSIA + SOMe Srlusovtage ce cqochicities * ERE the Lim Lom tayeoke EX. Storbuwus: Ss W STORY bona, ocogniten MPEONENE Skmospnere Na MKomaiohon SU PPEY choin high ampaoyees* TUrARUEr MEM CUNIFICS EXPANSION DI SOTUAAIOA CL LS SMAZUDE MEDE foca agrsament neadaNnier Trends Az —2 LNIT ce SWoT enniuge. ÎE PIOLIdES A piaure ce the Camfosu) cn at A SPERLFIGUINE —0o NO INSOTINALIcN alocut uruak Managers sindaci do tO qQaA camparczie Adlantoge (= EXTERNAL POV) . bu cenci proeems. * FOWOS tuo much o) S.= Sugrasze quanti ce rescurces | tecnnouwogy anal Undgresti make — financod res ( IÙma AROMI INVESt Monk aP.orcuaiere ) MA FANGO res. investmani (sima brana recognition reputation.) | FOLIS too MIIGIA GA AI RATIAY) LIE) CP UNE gxternai 2auonmanki + FOLWS MU) OM ALUsinege = ANS avesti Ao TO UIdErITANA Line x Situaro. + "E 4 SQNON: PORTER'S AE CHAIN ANAU SIS; V (4986) n E imho Li ‘c / S.A. INSOUNO PA. < Wogsmeg . Prumasy actiuties: Une und ATOUAA UIRIcL A procick îs made o Mana ackivitice dI D ISIS = iaputs (tou quoberials) amuisioi = storage - distritutica ” contee ce inventory Warencusinoà ost în Arma" method: porks cr) arsive ak tre moment ce AsssmbL) to reduce NarEROUFINE Coste, + cè Une end fork ce te raw muaioriai comos cut kad to suppdiore 45 - 2Ayges CE meSAUICES: (AGI) * TANGIBUS MV: tovcholeees, ca) to identiey d QHUNCOAL ASSE ( pCOrTT, PACIS, machines, LOCOLLON) 3 Î) FINONGIAL ASSETS (cash, toc eaUivalant, Loromina COPosy, copadty To rolee equity) POE VU 3) TEUNDONEAL RESCURLES ((CopIrigni, potente Iroda seorere) + SRO dr uma. T) ORGONIZATOLAL RESCURLES (ePPEcKILO AooNniInQ. Process, CONOR SySiem) 7) HUMAN RESCURTEE ( CxperIONTE, trust, SUÙUS) 4 D INNOUATON RESCURLES ( tecnnovogu|| scientigic axperts, icluas, opachi e aguadia rd Qppu) INACISRON) 3 SECUTA RON RESCURLES. (rana name, reputato Lor Lowumass with suppSiers, reeîalagity with wsromars, quesity) - Bitipesi ce INSGUTRS (2004) * roognizea AS a Lype itecoe so. + TANGRIE © * INTANGIARIE © (HS * HUMAN + mept cp. ORGANIZATIONAL. CARARILITISE = comupetencesi sulle trok GUOWD AMP \ ; ì into Corput and ke uni i latongilete rescures into whak +ne comporn varkad.. Trey ove: * OUTSTANDINS VISTO MER STRI\E (Invest dipperenti) ram comperirore) * PRODUCT DELELOPMENT CAPARIU MES (investi in New products tnroug R2D) * INNOVATON PROCESS ( ProgudEtg more Gdinerent To meda c cIston) * AG\IUTU TO. TRAIN NIRE, MONVATE Foe Rs 77 Me moRRE iNTDALIGLE ie. Concert ce INSTANT ANTI \lo\ei I tre AA Asisontoge ong uap i oss sore: Ad Ex: Apre ovgecilea tunes 46 * Strotsgio rescuftes iove UU ctributes : )C Voinare (cus a S\MPONY TO Pommuiota and infeemoent STTRIAgI) LO MMUPrO® RAPIGEN TU) Nd 2fechpnees) Rare (cL--i IMI KO AxER0t Or COMEETONE becouee not auncuant Or \ ot inow%e cup) ì IRiMiItOBIRINY (clefitUlE 0 imbnto) Non - SUESHIVTRISRINY (clipfeuli to sUbSitute with LQUIUIINT resCUres) ò VRIN Lrovmamnorne (4994), EARRACRd. by vRIO Lrovmeworu (2043) organization (Undersiosa Lune inkernal resources) T® A Company) needs eagngponza to evpeoit its ressuorces XX Qoicites ce a compari) n derloping Suu Auok AI) i to fercorm a seeulìc tasu ONCE poi con do YNis, Yo tan tuitd tre distindive copplcities Ko difgerentiote TOM COmEeertome, Ao diing. to diynamio co.poai' DES vnique + od onal + organizational dà Lp AANieuosse Anroogh _ AROQATECTRE ( KRRORONS) _ INNOVGTON (EGNA) o - REPOTATION V : IPETENCIES (1003) = RESOURCES è Siuus Anck cdistinquica a gicm — Provide goiential acceca YO vol s 7 - Nome a significant EANIFiUrON ko. percsiued Gostormer teneits ; - Are cifpioit LO woke . ome cc emerge agler a process L Ocummulgting and SLONMIMSI NOW tO ceproy rescurcee and capaloi gite Ei: Gumera CC. mecnanies, Line price, micro- gRectonie Camgonents , SCQNNPLAS, priniers... (tia. Pra. 240p \E.2) WEEM 5 du di 7 x» - Business “TRA RGS: PIOtESS IMIFOUAIN mnich a Campani feons xs Moes % to Gone ite dogechvee. Le d Tare imonagerici tas dor tvanees StoAsgl GAIA e Rev * Vajue cun + Aleece matrix (1005), also called "Who,whak od È cagna Lia - Heps defini. Une ness Sirodagio orco tinrougn wh\ bu; ; pens! rav ing- Q seria to be MIAONMErS \ conseied) | PRODULT ( Pigsica appooronee & UN @ppsicotion 00 i TeainoLoet 3) to Lie deropment ® qa vee roncnon (2) Lor A GROvP Wetomers (4). 4 VISTONER GROPS (nuo) VA > TECUNQGU (1400) vee FUNCNON (Nut) ©) intonata NERA. OP SEAMENTOTTON OP uctamer NOS —o SEGMENTE + Cubunite ce +e - Groups seRecRdi Adtorduing to: EE + demographie variolte (gender cop...) d IR + AROGIOPNICAI Nariajate (region are, religion...) Mn Late Stro4s QU odoped + SORDO - aconemie varialete (ocovpotio , te cannotogy.- ) IHIt NOMACQRNRAUO *x dI Within +nSm. NGUA UAURIRE EM Wnicgh Lirms compere now (Ex cor Sopzo9a ALT: consider Qlso BZ DUSINESS, Not cn B2e, cn © MN inuadE En. LUSTAMEr. QI GU). MREdS - RApresont Line Wistomrer neede tnak \uame To. le Sotistied ond. +ne Nas +nrough | whidi this con ke done, - mey von ke. + CONMPAEMCATAII) PUNGRONS ( produit: NeERds ENGHET Ne TD DM, EX: cPRCC ono SUOOS) + Simaor PUACRONS ( Procuicks WÌxi simias cara uaristies UT ueeerent 42 NNOUog,, EX. LoCERE macine ord tapeule) 20 3, Rolex, Ferrari - tt has timo variante: anoximum Bre aùfcerentes iN OR BONUS + CORTtOUS= exproite ak tn? to reale a to AGNO iN ite rorgpr RAMEN + DisceENII ROL "LO = Ex AO: ie olctomired Med oe tre IURIS VO gieperentioke iscse \0 ye emOuok E FEO cn) EL SIMO GORticaLOn RUM (ee MORMEO IC MARS A Small produci Que SMAURSY GORDON CE - As buyers equine : A x tine masuok i are olee To camere 1ì ie marvatgroce nok tmony Sims lo o sp Lnceat 0. cuogiituiee (cx. cor sosia. norme e 0% * Suioaritute ce Ferrari) gnosi tnis ctrotiugl RAroÌ papriere ecouse Lone Sims uniaue and Yougle. musi Lavent GonneA NN - Pi SRO E Pikgatis: risu ce tecoming. xo Fouad A MIStomers NeRcs, Stig subi to pose NURIA MMpossni 10 aronQe NR DUANesS (as sue and LOskS agua Gue 400 cpeatic and nn SÌ LEZULOFFLOIUT TO MOVE ERNIA STENTEGNLTO. ANOTHER: DONY rOc2SS qpi vera to and occept +e UOn® mimi) eve CIetomers None 40 + ONORI. ROSEE Emoto N [U) comGNamON STRATEGIES: SY: COOL COSÌ ASA GASNUP + CUREGIENTI QUO : _ gitfivak Lor Comupebtor Yo umizate - qa: provide ON QUE VOIe ILLÌ GONUI - aepkes gn terrier to ANN osgpimino qouer ac ik Nos g\es Compenvoe - (LQUACRS \uyer'S _ regaites AecokS SVONAIVIES È aQQÌ xs tigner prices \S givouy ok BY ILIUE,. SS (Sta deo Wuiu eroe UYNS - Sx: difeerentialion + LOWS- - obtain esonamiee cp COOl® ue! fescorues allude Ne compari) To - owmersnup ce LNA dotaiun +ne custa liuodeee COmpcritive Oda LU OeMAL: Ex: Lovis Vudion nos 3000$ age tut also 400008 logs ; Sue cont dor kon WEEM 6 2A 7 [BIGNESS MOREL (20/0) = decarites e È 2 HO ANAOUGN union tre componi) Necdrs, dReiers and capture Une Gi % Competitive GAUDIO Lit conEIgeTS Moro tion pie incon) to aeRsin how FNe Gommpony must agost to ERE NEW LAVITOnMeNT And must organize ite businecs to be GUCoResO Li and krak tn rivais “= ÎE \avevdes prodi regarding. ne c si FEROTRONS To imointo lun Witn poxtnes, SUPRRIErS ; LYeto MESS. - Î} QIIDUS He CUeroli Vit N AMP dim ond not ONU) ad xii: Luaction neve - ib simegses Now To deRiueti ONd Lo e —® CNY i? Inese 4 Aspocks are: considered i iS possi to qpin che Compie RIINA. L 3 maments CREANON ( DIST CA CISTEMMErEÌ AEEdE, GOLE, Licam irocoo...) N oeuvenno (+hrough LaUAdZorAdio e ctamonogders) APPUCAMON (= ho Une Company goins reenues ana how the Snoreholders shore Ene VOMIIe wixku +Ne whole PIOdU EIN nin =? MIINSE. MOALE. CANNAS. îs ire test va to gescriee a aim anrovgn a Ros MW Now a gicm inkends to rmnque NON. * CUSTOMER SEGNIENTS = cigcerent grape CP Listamers/organi vato SO COMPani) aims Sk reaching GNA RUN gine aegmments ce toe “ muosok | P For mivom ore we Ueabing Ue? WIKIO OIL GUF Most iamportonk waromers? | SUAIE PROPOSITON = CoRGECHION CP GaNdel secvices Eiuat Ugale Unlue Cor a speci tic | mweramer segment. o Lo Let Ls understand Why Une Lusness exists o | gine VP is sitong, QIStomers Wiu e 2000€ AIN ig NS) vommperttors ener the IMQIUALE PROCE. + Wstamer value areodon'S ARement8: AFINACSL, Je iQN, eerROrIMOAN, Price, brand stobvs... P Wwhok vale do ue wank 0 derive? Mak needs oJtomers have? Winigi needs are we Solàsegng? Nhicoh Progiieksi services are me ceeerina. to ad segment? vr) e CHANNELS = Woy)3 ANnoUgi which the COmfany comunmnicases and rveacnes ne MUSTOMErS ùFeQMents Lo der ibs VP. - Tney con le. COMUMONILORIOA i Ù GLI UO UL sales Mn. lo Proses: dA ANARENESS cp Gne product tnak ne company works To LL 2. EVAWAMON 0g dhe produd ana ge de 3 PURCHASE QNUsiLoll) ce UR produ U. DEUVERY 00 toe pro quieti prosecco, to dostOMmeRS 5, AFTER SALE SarUÌCes providea aeier Noe purohage TO UISrOMers R P TAFOUAN Wiiun ononneee cur GIstomere Wank AR oMers now ? Which duaniees worus. lRkkor Lor. 087 GIRONA ves xo ke reached? * MOSTOMER RELATIONGUOS = diegereat gpes ce rSalionenipe Mak a uompony) Can estolrich mia Ae FosuoREea CISTOmMer sogmment. Lomey econg do aiggerent coinegories : È aseicrante - SN AI dii i di aio co vostomers Wonk? w i Nip dio WE avo vom Wim LIstomere ? LOW) riuca do WSOMET TELONON Smipe Ost? a ITER prima a ag II NI e Cipro cop eo TOA ‘Won x cpnercvadi | inscosra. w naRasuna - IS - subecriglion es - giunce aiodsgies - ARIA SO - rouge dees ia e N Lick price ( price ARGINI valore dapandant (pria I POXNLS..), Wstamar % fo vst qiitotion 0? tha pro gue), VOLIma aapondant (pri@ radad to Ina Quantivi * ONNAMG PRIANS P tar nitvok co DUr CISMAI poy? No») c1e NSI fono? Mow +iey uadd erefer 10 foy? UOw fmb ON A0OS LAN CeUSAI Siteorm contrileule to querail reuono 57 > So, ORARIA] SITUOANIES. Caro with respew 40 Une pen + simee sten Y DE Rom. - AMOLI companies aclost it 7 AMO PIOClIJck Line cp to Camgony - ONNEr= mosagement 7 eMPLOVRES nori as Qlension cp tha owner - EX: lKouLan Pormily businesses > ADNANTASES: dery informi, > fe» rules | regu,satione diec& sugervision, centratited decision: moxig. È 2 DISAMANTAGES: Not (Renx iirespoNZAAI LI TOS Lor ameROOG, not cer NOY) to to ne» i Sonne MirmOnI SLLS MErYiiina > Lat Ce Speagiitotion so not inantives to do iater and sora cpportoni ties to grow in \erms Corser cpportunì es — LOD IN THE 5 CREANIZATON * FUNCTONAL. STRUGUPE v - meglio Size compories adopt it i - mor COMmUpQRX Licmns ituon Wa Simpe SIMUNIDIE*S Nes - inore Specdatizotion co tasus - Cinieg oxecotive responzueee Por Coordiuuation, =” Uné ackuittes LLrom +0 technical Cor. to che made imcuagamant) toi Td ADIANTAGES : More anthIsoeHe ameproyes in ergono more spegie De i cogior To adapt the DUANESS ope cool HE tre Omganitarion conci ore ole © improve it) corer cpportonities Gre wiaur age\ermande o DISADIANTAGES + FossuiRe rivoli) (As +nay Gre N aplirotecì causi) key Use +May | Pertoriin difeereni Octivines), Sion eati no dast reachon to oxlermni Stima, OINSRcn nicedi famumisaton erom OoIssUe ro tama dacgns < onisonaL steUguee — MOST COMMON) ociooted a o - big componies odo il IRE - Qrosping prozerks èN the some divisun o ADVANTAGES: defined division ce g00s —o Fas), Lost no sera FO NON, GEeoLt ornar division quod rar RO cpportLnì Mes 0 DISNIVANTAGES: Ven) axpensie to Nave 0 Ian divi sens' 2A AbPAICAKOn is very LOstU,, tig Comuperitineness osmong divisione, POEMI RL GILLAENL Sim MOGLI QNUOLitsg OMO SINIS. o xo (CO TO AXlervuai LAN, & PIOVIEMINES, 26 * HOLDING COMPRA MU STELXTURE “more TRom ME PUBINESS iS iNuugadi in te cortfauo Ce Qroinier LOMmposu Ls vAreLabIdi Gnudi ciericiod companies + *MPICOÌ ce carcualad direi gicatin stratagiee (= gravi strokugu cilaning A 5 : mi anter in a New DUEÌ - PrEdOM iN Fa GA aqui. DR GO RRiari Ctto. ite OI) 7 Aumiied and Smiali CONgOrRGLI Stofe Lou an she Linanuai contri and Ta cantive Programs tO Cormin A SUtCESSE LU PErtorm UNE - tomuponies Control Une Pertormuance op aeui businese cuned and lb tro and 0g tha yo They dodge hO fo nuest tha cas quaeralad From 2Q0n co Moe. —9 ADIANTATES: LOT SOWINO. (Lew omproymanto) | MUIGE AUTEALOMY PZA \GUEA 7 NESS (AS Hruy cure vamupeeta GuPeErENT drom cochouur), $ LOASY rd LOS rendiion #0 external Grimuta iud To INEmaL NESSUNO. 9 DISADUANTAGES: alifeiuut to qet Une tost- reni Synugi before 0 Liice Toniroi On ‘aicision n 5-40 pos, has to cadde i Uno e e er 3 0 * MATRIX sTRUETURE X “ Piutingtalo mey ascot i (As tvuy musi resond £0et 0 Une gcogragnical args Uncauges) - LLActionai NiTR QeOgrARNA fia Ore Comiglnad With procuuckl proge& qroups Or 7 È LAVIS CR rEROrTiNQ. to managere. Geographicol MONDO "Snipa for Une whole proget iby nese (- ae PENPOFMOANE) RARO Rena ere or Un. PrEgLICHAI monta ci di AI Me PrEdLIIS (= inbound L, cuttand 2, Gparot) ADUINIIGES: GAIA UoNtdinazion (as ina spegtie qeagraphiogi Gra îe ginsy To Lontra needs And Use Lundton Loordunglioi), goa Ollecarion ca resgURES —o GIR) Lost SON, quod tareer pali TP DISADIANmIAZES: nasuore rivabru berucen bho ip morucugps (as thy wiù Li AIIAJAdI Vai} tu tare alert Tuo topics), Suo: ancision mano orocess (as tha fo aoruogoe MUST agree: List tout Va mUgnàa custwss) + ANSTERNAMONAL OPERAMONS_STRIUMIRE, 23 - Agogied by Licans naniag Strodagie aumvities a G quasi IU, INEONINO divo Gil Uneir YLeo4ree Ore apprica Quel) W mare are 2 U)fpee OP Siruckbres TILok ay Con Uvcose: A. BOONDARMIESS DESIGNED. STRUCIURE | (stopied (Gy Srortues Ge tia Vallio civain muer 6 Camptet AraIIad KecoUse INputs may Come Lrom abroodì, Assemusbi ina mia oggi gieriuingre | Cottecund Logistie UuanaRs. mascusting Gino | sQJac ore wordwida...) | Wtnis stiruclbre iINudra: * Barrier. £ree organization STTOCHOrE ; ; - Riumibcd fericgi CL oxistante (dissoice win qui aurieuroì) - Quan Progett NOS ite cun Sinandai resures, so ai the sd Li bra uaget is COL UMaiuo Qnd amptovpes Con muove YO Ononer Pproxgck (EX: ALOrs in movie prociuekian) : - dlifpicuià to Undistiniigi uno Îs resgonenie Yor COMUMINICGILO WIwA evi&rruol Lvironmant Betanee averutima tue îg A nous pera = no tSoumn represent tino mo chuonism Anrcugia winian ocivitmes one cone os organization ie .teadadi, relalabachipe Wikiua the Lim ose decina 9 ADINTAEES: FORRIBIURY Lg being. Motiud lay Uno orogd& MUQUVAQer, coalorakion | UOARerbion Cumvong- WOFVIXS (os Vu WOYU L0Or 2 tHrme, zo. NO cisu DL CUIYy) O PISATVANTAGES: Citti TO Mmanode pociticat and Cuttuiod fFresAVe that ton Por trhoam to cuauge doma resulk, g0G, To tetome Neosar-o cèsu 2 T00 mivagn LEAdarship, pressure OP hm (As camocrau) dovant Qi) —o a riuonagtr ei Una tocu Ono SPIES MIS VON, trust probbiama comong worvrs (OS tray ove dA time to goin 2epdixsvip do tru a co amjivuug) — * Modular Organization StTogIse - viuportoni vruotieouge im onogemant as îx mMuysr ensure thai Qu INCormazion is Comumunitadadi to eueujone Qi thu Some tima - NO naad To riuaiage axiemi 2avironmint issuIs betanse the wuowde ARP inside norda td ber Wei Mmannaed (cthurmise risu ce sieai or = innitOION Lromn -COTSiAA Dan O MASIORIAUQUIKTON is tarUAG) — importanti 2eatilag rocess at OM Orgonizanenai eve - Ex: Shore companies - vary peus geopee in tha Roms —D NDIANTAGES: Companies «Aoundadi by Yung. Eaiante USINQ Malr fersonol Vuvow-Now «d the i Acquisition ce tore Gamupelencas (t0 Giberei8y rom Ganors), Last Progits (06 They axpicit rNuic vow- ew imumogli dela). 0 OISADVANTREES: risu OP occu ia ting Wudustry (Gs eeopce Gre ay), vo guisa Ama strauagie pronnuug (1S0t +he Wwiu oe tino | | 2° eyplorazion (colec iNformoatioi to understand Now 0 cowe i) 3° inuobation ( Kme Lor, the comyponi) to APNEA SDUKNC) UP ak OL insigit (when Un protcem storte to te Less Unexgcorea Gia more conureke ord Shore To Lind Some SOWTMNS) SÈ CrIticoi revision ( sowtion Pduily axpuord ond tesiea and (auised to ORIALL DL WOFWUAIRe SOLITO) 5 Lo Diggerent: Gerors iniervene ( srorehnoidare aatdiae. » notare ro investi investors...) SEME PAtors LOMour innovation in soma sgecdie CONexY (EL. Sieve dooc în APPIE wrign Ueed ‘his sensitivity one QJoility t0 INNOTALE MIS COME) > 3 IMPES cf INNO MMON: NV — ORGANIZAMONAL Innovation = routine activities alouina. bo Gue ne e ROrnino Ae ono SOS. — NMeasured in terss op LKELÎ GEN QUONEI 02 PN LOMUMONICA RON process, producenvity, mou Share - STRATEGIC IMIONOTTON = gENEIAdA NG» VOLUE dor LISTOMIS *NOUAN ne acaron e ne» growing chadigiec - TECINOLOGICAL INNOVOARON = ScientiGici reonnouogicai | RINOnUsi ROOCXS 40 improve cidur trans 0 produtti process. Lo 2 tUPRS : ELAOUTTINNGUNIL: new produci aniers in Fhe mau peace, a TX: CORO PEN DRILES, N, LED Wi MOBILE PHONES, SMART PHONES ELACESE INNOLGNIGI : new imebinod. op prodincina. and daliuering. EX: “duer în Trame mernod' Coyoto) ; + \nnosonon can be INGREMENTAL OP RADICAL ad com porent Le OT . ok sysism QRUeR.. - MODEL: eccoti ccdabiericou CINA) exoasi ANQIATOA RAGA "0A progsu: And prose and now! un es PIO Viet în sine soma moruok pene 3 Sa \iadretond Hne cieeorentes in rie nomre o O ki adito x | nihere è DFIwid (> Feexitte) = company tries ho copitosize dui the j D drom AME INNOWILIOI aguopied. aruantogee Comuna. L) Transitional L \nermegiasa) - PICAMRE! PIOCESS. LAegi MORE WIdals, bi) custom or Okrer uanesseo . I matvriy E Spedigic) = Comupaniy guine tne SsRdaret CE tne innovarion and. avptolte ine ocuantagoe coming grom cole AND TINE NNO Mypeo CO INNOUALIONE CE TNE model nove Suerai Siuges: 7 PrOCE SS INNOTOKen: 4. ONCRORDINATED. STEGE (Exponment New INVEANONS, prog diversity, no CONTTOLI STOATIRRLIZANON) La ineegicioni Lompony 2. SEGMENTALLSTAGE ( comupany storte Undurstonding. hoy to price te prodiità, datidas te produerion PIOLESS | rigida) Lo Giigiir ARI od tOsu ONd SPREGNiZohoi 3. SISTEMIC..STAGE. Comeowered Tag, uersno\ dure RUGIISARI LAVENKOn) © Lo control and aRLidanu)(co Nigh tosts) 7 PFOAUCk \NNOIGHEN 1 PERFORMANTE. MBMIMILING smaeE (2 produ aniere Une rmasvetpente Gua comuperiton ma pxicting ones cetask, ped 4o predice NOW MS) FeOgRe Wil buy, NO standnEdIAgIDN as BOS Not ouaiiciRe Ur) 2. SALES. MAXIMAAING State (gioo ia Sa cumant 00 PrOquere Or UOMBONENTS) 3. COSTLMINIMIZING. STAGE ( ‘mu@oemmant EOS do MRAnCe outs, muoia Doe price come ito SsTTONQN, eos rnuromankol Mmonggs în sn prog yCrs) - LEADER ve FOLLOWER Fi AES fusa anikers agier toe RROdaL get iNS_SIUOOS ona i E x ce. Cose eerigisnag its cosimon VW We pervrni I dpi ve % x qolne IOANNIS SUO) GOIN Agra gp TRITO di — LO SE TOO solito PRovBER)= eaere VOM) gote (n MOUdrpeo E - È ire inncuarion and ine go \S vosj 40 ik aoostt on ; \6 RIN IGEE GN FSM COBE 0 tre macuotpiao 32 *= Hu ‘È Ît's TN Lirst anierinuo the marcus Introduting. Na PIDANIEI PrOceRe. lE gains the highest TT Ìmortgin. — He x È 5 S AN INNOUATOR Ty: E-OYim Ae muckon industry Le ADvANTAGES: REPUTAMON, Line) ore mos recognizoltee +hon Chners POSITONINE, \hey con e the price Lor +NG:c ProqutEsi semvices SUBIETITUMON COSTE Are Mot high Lor them co neu ore custanalge DISTEABUNON CHANNELS, Uney Lon gocido how to serve TNSIr LWeromare st il E INC MUOMIMM AS EXCLUSIVE LEARNING CURVE, +NSL Lon oupeoit ib - Uney need Lecce unouaesge ong partente to produce big UDWMRE ANTWUQN sos. BETTER ACCESS TO SCARCE RESCURLES, Which ÎS very important gor +08 cormeerttive Qaiumizage ond +e innovakion DEFINITION OF A STANDARD, they con cer ik nd cuners hauo to auapt 2% to onier tre moscugpeau and stor+ .comperinQ- D\SADUANTA 6ES: UNDERSTAND TIMING to anier ìs Uri) Cigdgigui Gs taey cloni wcu wAAk Comupetitore cre cwoing. VERY GOSTIY as \anountion (= perì mentic) is costi) COST TO EDUCATE CUSTOMERS TO NEW. INNOUNTON OPPOSITION OFPOLITICAL ANO GOVEANIMENTAL BARRIERS COST OF NPUTE. to STurk innovabion or tne itssaren cure Uey high COST OF LVOMPLEMENTARU PRODUCTS RISK îs UU) Nigh if:the prod is LOSil imitoee, teunnouogitoi discontinuities (As Goamperitore ano te de To urea tnem intueasiag tne risu since Ene ‘innevaror wiu none lese Uunanee to QOIA tre sustainalre Comp, OI, CORTO èmitsotion are Low (Gs Merone coved. CCpY) EX CHI, iavestmant Coste are Nign (c2len) >} So. XY * \initadion not Gerd tor Leo and ditemi id Une vst cn QUor Nos proper hy cignis. + SPARA È INNOIICA SALA Or Superior to tomuperitore ie recourre Ore Qu Lt EGdIONErS con asu sugegiere TO SUopuy LMom mit 4ne ape tic component to srost TNe innosntion pro ess i i + 12 PLouoyrers Nap AANCUDdion crienied it wil le raster to te superior ho List moxer. f * innovation ton e a BORTIEP Huak coesîì + Giov antey or gxt (OM- SUPPLIERS : 35 2 SUPPLA_ VARA MANAGEMENT Ì “om cus Lod to SUPpeiors Gs it is TESAON SURE Or procurement ono ditricutin Lo Resgonsuege for +ne ankre PURCHASINS PROCESS. 3 SISP: . Eine INpuors. Î. supprier assessment = om mops Qu se ONciblodeee suppliers 3. Supp@ier iantification = OM SRe\nes wuo con be ne Nppder GNOSEN U. Sourunq. = om derines une sources nok mo come Pra une epeUad cUPPLUOr 5. Contra muonogament- OM Sseines the cena aluung e Lirm Od suUppoier by degining validihy and geols and respon tes. ©. Protyremant = Suppeier provides Ene dim With inputs nordud 3. Order Lu fiumank 2. Inviuing, reconilic4ion and. goument I£ oroar Sotisfying ne Licm sende he invi @ to foyj iL profeoms orig, Lim asus To ILL department for reeuad and cn dute osa fament. + EX: DEU (Lim Provioing. tesnnovagito) PIOAUEKSI procesees ) PA Suerte grab DU momina. i muore arcigent tiuon* nivals ona Moiciont Lor VISTOMLIS . 2 U piuars conirouad. ti BEL: Logistic Companies, comuponent SVPPRNS, distributore, CONSUIMINS ( east Luo to ser Undarstand AIR I SSULS) > RAMI GMAT = Vo O cileno. acorste SUARLET. SEGMENTO. x High | LEVERAGE | STRATEGIC | items rame Ì PAOEMOBILITY n ‘ (item = wupur) NON-GRWMCAL | BOTMENEK items è ton low RISK Man (civarinood ce O dissancuiniee Quest in Fre Suppu) Oncani Lagraprit aureo) * iNon-Crikical Led to gpodve Si x ; compo, 03ee EoScoge, SO Comgonz Les. Automotive pioceses (= LOBdkS), Lom _SUeeUER BARSANINE POWER (inuy ore GL wi. > LOW COST STRATESH + Bomicenean: nign 20u 02 groduk Subostitutioi, NYSSI SUPER BARGANINE POWER or cento Lo NOT SFRORIC STRATEGY ae ins cnven by SAM * Shrodagic: iems Ore rose ona Starcte, € < i ‘ore ie ugluuaJeoration eRKusoen Licm Nd URERIior to be N n Roi dont Ann civols, very risu dor He ficm, Misia SUL & FOWS STRATEGA o bocosse Ina iS ox geortotion o Quad por Una Rag A) ; 3 x ai ootgon), ON ro Que MoXx\ ava O nnovatio onda Sk digeere 3+ - DEMA < Sysen cuowing Une Company LO Be muore Aeicient in rms ce koasu aoccomerisiument (tinrovgn YRIOUM NOT) Lo muoUle cvuore LOPpedio LR pro gue senvice \Nierfo.ce. Lo tre ieom collalorakes cn Lu usin CELAIES CP Le desigui. - QUALITY ce Ne pIocii ch] cenvice - RELIDALATM DE Line prociuck| esmuice . - PRODUCTIWIVA 00 200 cioportiamane \nvouigd \A xe Mm “COST tinok prOcuicLi eerite reguises Lo Companies con) ciuoose Omoa 4 Pealiss: LNOUTE: XK * Process Lomput: Simo LUNCHONS|ACKUiNeSs n gna prociuotion process Gue Quovped Toqguaar Li igpicoì © UAIONONDIS — TOSCO CH: Fomero piocu ms 2 pes NOcOUOLI or rogpiinar * PrOAULJIAL MAIO: as guose. iS n Aiino accorda TO progress, oruars'tosre are daginea ona IRR RO RE * Fiked. pOsÌItION Jagjout: produ femoine \n oe gRace ondi Csa) ona tt reporoXio)s OCUE direkuy intro Cbetoyee Une AE Avonsgorrorion èî£ to COMW) e: FU è + cereudar dagout: tosus ore qrovped toge-nar to (e gager DI 3 prora. A Oria ho) CÈ - Simo IOGUAkS, NANNA augus reduction CE uaslee, time, WOFMULrS SA Xi mbruPacrn9 Q09s
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