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Magazines and Newspapers: Types, Components, and Working for Them - Prof. Vicentini, Appunti di Lingua Inglese

Media CommunicationJournalismMass MediaMedia Studies and Production

An in-depth analysis of magazines and newspapers, including their formats, components, and the roles of various professionals such as fashion editors, culture editors, and copy editors. It also discusses the importance of true-life stories and their narrative structures in magazines and newspapers.

Cosa imparerai

  • How are magazines and newspapers different from each other in terms of content and format?
  • What are true-life stories and what is their narrative structure?
  • What are the different formats of magazines and newspapers?
  • What are some examples of magazines and newspapers that cater to different audiences?
  • What are the roles of various professionals in magazines and newspapers?

Tipologia: Appunti


Caricato il 15/12/2021

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Scarica Magazines and Newspapers: Types, Components, and Working for Them - Prof. Vicentini e più Appunti in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! APPUNTI INGLESE English for the media Lezione 1 Prof: Alessandra Vicentini. 2021/2022 Magazines and newspaper Magazines Newspaper - Published daily , weekly , quarterly, twice/once a year paper - Dealwith specialistic topics - Contains both copy and visual =. Cover >> copertina = Printed on an expensive paper : glossy Are published daily editions which often have supplements. Printed on a cheaper paper : newsprint Mainly deals with current affairs , politic , local news. Contains mainly copy Front-page >> copertina Where do we buy a magazine? - Webuyitat a newsagent's - Wecanread it online : e-magazines Magazines - Wecangetit through e-mail : we pay an annual fee to take out a subscription Component magazine - Title - Price = Issue: numero - Date - Barcode - Coverlines: short lines of text on the frontpage of the magazine which try to get the reader interest by describing some of the articles in the magazine. - Slogan - Masthead Some examples of magazine's titles : VOGUE , cosmopolitan , Britain ... Lezione 2 Coverlines Coverlines must attract the reader’ s attention , so they need to create variety in the language they use : Sentence type - Major sentence : complete sentence >> subject + finite verb es. “ my ex spied on me from the attic” - . Minor sentence >> frasi incomplete ; no finite verb , sometimes no subject. It's very colloquial. Es. “turning your flat into a film set” . Queste frasi vengono utilizzate perché sono frasi friendly e general , quindi si applicano a tutti >> strategia molto mirata , se applico un approccio generali , tutti si sentono adeguati Sentence functions ® Declarative - Statemennt= affermazione >> es: Oliver wants you! * Interrogative : to involve the reader ® Exclamative: used to be positive. Es. Best dos and donts of the year! ® Imperatives : used because of the direct speech es. be a lady killer! Design future - Underlining : sottolineatura - Bolding: grassetto -. Italicizazion : corsivo - CAPITALIZATION : lettere maiuscole - Fontsize : dimensione del carattere - Color Tricks of language Phonology : - Rhyming - Alliteration: repetition of the same consonant sound - Assonanee: repetition of the same vowel sound €S. aweson autumn adivce beat the heat Vocabulary : - Vocabulary of excess : using hyperboles and superlatives - Abbreviations : because of the lack of space es. Abs = addominali ; Spesh = special 9-10 : feature article / story 11-12 : local news Regular features : 13 : Editorial and op-eds (= opposite editorials , in order to be fair) Cc 14: Readers' letters 15.16 :Obituaries (here , people who died, are mentioned) 17-19 : reviews : related to culture ( books ecc) 24-25 : tv and entertainment guide 27-29 : classified adds ( annunci) 30: weather forecast 31: comic strips Editorial: € Op-ed: Trainee to train An article written by the editor of th newspaper or other senior staff The editorial in British and American newspaper is not signed € TT It Is alsways signéd >> because it's an opposite idea , so we need to know who wrote it Becoming a journalist: Undergraduate degree in Media and Communication studies >> BA (bachelor of arts = lauree umanistiche, triennale) degree Postgraduate course in newspaper journalism : MA (master of arts : magistrale) reporter : >> trainer ( guidatore) vs. Trainee ( guidato) to interview >> interviewer (intervistatore ) vs. interviewee (intervistato) er : active meaning ee: passive meaning to do a work placement : fare uno stage lezione 5 quiz con correzione effettuata Interim Test - 18/10/2021 - Time allotted: 30°, marks will be expressed out of 30 (with self-correction). Pass score is 30/50 (= 18/30). Name and Surname: Matriculation Number: A. Decide if the underlined parts of these short texts contain any mistakes. lf they are correct, write ‘C’. It they contain mistakes, write the correct versions (DO NOT CHANGE THE MEANING OF THE TEXTS). 1. lam not interested to the matter, said Mr Jones when | met her. in 2. Oil prices rise very quickly in this period. are rising, 3. lusedto getting up late in the morning when | was a little boy to get up 4. Excuse me, do you know where is the Star hotel? the star hotel is 5. You can find the information you need on the top of the page. at the top. 6. Twenty years ago no one had a telephone. They used to communicate by letter. c 7.He gave me a lot ot informations, which | appreciated. informaton 8. The title is in the column on the left. c 9. lam thinking he's an interesting man. i think 10. l'm thinking to go to Canada on holiday next year. c 11/12. We're working on the Smith account this week. We usually take three weeks to complete a project. c 13.1 feeled excited before my holiday. felt 14. | hadn't time to go shopping yesterday. didn't have time. 15. Tom works at the moment. Can | take a message? is working 16. He wan the Pulitzer prize in 1984 won 17.1 have seen him yesterday. Saw, 18. We are playing tennis every day. play 19. l'm hoping that this quiz is easy. i hope 20. The children are dressed at the moment by the nanny. are dressing >> they are been dressed (passive) 21.How long it took you to get to school this morning? tooks >> did it take? 22. Did you understand what she say? said 23. Before to go, you'd better call him. you go >> going n.b. : in inglese con le preposizioni segue forma in -ing 24. | losed my purse. lost 25. Did you saw Lucia this moming? see 26. Didn't your uncle_ use to work in that factory that burnt down yesterday? c 27.1 don't like eating pizza but | used to. c 28. The politicians said they didn't used to working in the new parliament building yet. work 29. John is responsible of the newsroom. for 30. Jim and Irene would feel lonely until they met each other. used to feel B. Choose oneoftthe options provided for each sub-section and conjugate the verbs in brackets. Simple present | Present progressive/Simple Past 31. President Obama accused Donald Trump of undermining American values through his proposals to ban Muslim immigrants from the country. (to accuse) 32.They are using the computer at the moment. (to use) 33.Obama__ declared US would not embark on a new war in the Middle East. (to declare) 34. Hackers __bring, ‘almost all viruses in the web. (to bring) 35. The company behind the TV series, Love Productions, _approached the BBC two years ago. (to approach) C. Fillinthe gaps with ONE suitable word. You need to conjugate words in plurallsingular. 36. The initial part of a true life story is the setting 37. The paper on which newspapers are printed is _ Rewsprint 38. The first issue of the magazine was published in July 1998. 39. Lucy subscribed to The Sun yesterday, so that he can get it everyday delivered at his house. 40.1 bought The Guardian yesterday. I is not a tabloid, but a well-known British _broadsheet 41. There are a lot of __coverlines on the cover of a magazine. They are used to attract the reader and briefty give the news in advance. 42.You need a(n)____degree in Media communication to become a journalist. 43. The person who is in charge of that section of the magazine where accessories, clothes and dresses are described is the ___ fashion editor 44. The Guardian is a___centre-left, politically oriented newspaper. 45. What was the first UK __ compact newspaper? The Independent. It was published in that format to facilitate portability to commuters. D. Read the following headlines and turn them into ‘normal’ English. 46. Spanish PM vows to abolish prostitution. prime minister _ promisedhas promised ( simple present si trasforma , ripeterà lezione) 47. US missionaries kidnapped in Haiti. missionaries from united states _ were kidnapped / have been kidnapped 48. Govemmeni to accelerate spending to battle coronavirus impact. __is going to accelerate spending the impact to batile coronavirus battle__ E. Identify the communicativellinguistic strategy in the following coverlineslheadlines. Only ONE answer is allowed. 49. Want to burn crazy calories? A. Allitteration B.Assonance C.Interrogative D. Exclamative OK 50. 185 party perfect looks A. Allitteration B. Assonance — C. Interrogative —D. Exclamative ok Punteggio finale : >> 43/50 Lezione 6 Trasforma le frasi in coverlines: - A veryrare breed of birds has returned at united kingdom after more than 4 hundred years >> rear bird returns (in coverlines al posto del simple past e past perfect metto il simple present) / is back / back to UK after a hundred years - A drunkdriver caused an accident on route 95 , which resulted in two people being killed >> drunk driver kills two . - The Australian prime minister is going to open a new hospital in Melbourne : Australian pm to open (> il future nelle coverlines si forma conii to + forma infinito) Melbourne hospital A reality show set in the space has been cancelled Lezione 7 The news articles - The main characteristic is that they are objective , they are an objective report of events - A newsarticle discusses current or recent news of either general interest or of a special topic It's composed by: 1- The headline 2- The 5W :>> THE LEAD e Where? Private kindergarten in Ipswich e When? 11-12 ® How? broke wall with tools ® \Vho? Victims? A nursery school : “ we were shocked we were targerd when we just a nursery” ( quotation) e \Vhat? (taken) a Safe (=cassaforte) Police : “we are doing all we can to arrest the thief' (quotation) Quotation >> direct speech , it means that what's in the article it's true 3-. The main body of the article The first paragraph of a news article is called The lead: - It's the first paragraph in a newspaper article - ltcontains: a summary of the news and it answers the 5 W (who - what - where - when - how ) The structure of a news article it's like an inverted pyramid Most Important Info: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. It starts with a general presentation in the lead , [Lead] Supplemental Facts: Important Quotes, Interesting Facts and Details. then it gives more specific information in the body ( [Body] details of the event, quotation in direct or indirect speech) Least Important Info. and it ends with the conclusion which includes memorable details and quotations Lezione 8 Quiz con correzione Interim Test — 15/11/2021 - Pass mark: 24/40 > 18/30 D. Decide if the underlined parts of these short texts contain any mistakes. If they are correct, write ‘C’. If they contain mistakes, write the correct versions (DO NOT CHANGE THE MEANING OF THE TEXTS). 1. Recently he has decided to marry again. 2. Martin have known her since two years ago, before moving to London. has known 3. Have you been working on that project? Yes, | did. ihave___ 4. Alice is a good friend of mine. She has known me from _we had been children. since 5. Iwalked all morning long today. i have been walking, 6. The ad takes on the whole front page of the newspaper. takes at 7. lt has rained heavily outside. __rains, 8. We are not receiving your booking yet. haven't received 9. Our father has taken us to the zoo every Sunday. _ takes 10.Plants are needing sunlight to prepare their food. need 11.The preparation for the school annual program begin since a week. has began 12.The clown takes off his mask just now. is taking off 13. and his friends walk in the garden now. are walking__ 14.Surabhi has walked her dog everyday. walks_ 15.Have you always been eating garlic? have you always eaten 16.Thanks for the recipe book! We've tried two different recipes so far. 17.You've got white dust all over you! What have you been doing? 18.I've tried to call the intemet company all morning but | can't get through. __i have been trying 19.She's been finding three main ways our company can reduce costs. __have found E. Putthe verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous) 20.It is already 9:30 p.m. and | __°ve been waiting, here for over an hour. (to wait) 21.She __hasn't done anything so far. (to do) 22.(they/arrive) _have they arrived already? 23.He __ate six bars of chocolate today. (to eat) 24.The baby's face is really dirty. What __has he eaten __(he/eat)? F. Past simple / Past continuous 25. While | was walking home, I _noticed a new shop in the high street. (to notice) 26.1 saw you driving down Green Street yesterday! Where ___were you going, ? (to go) 27. Whenwe saw the crime, we __called the police. (to call) 28. This time last year | _studied at university. (to study) D. Fill in the gaps with ONE suitable word. You need to conjugate words in plural/singular. 30. The Guardian is a centre-left _broadsheet, . 31. __classified adds are in the last pages of a newspaper and usually advertise offers and requests, sales and purchases by and to the readership. 32. A ____news article is an objective account of events published in newspapers. 33. A ___correspondent sends reports from a particular part of the world. E. Foreachofthe following headlines state which communicativellinguistic strategy is applied. 34. The Emperor's new clothes. a. rhyme b. intertextuality c. bolding d. polysemy 35. League leaders a. polysemy b. tabloidese c.pun d. alliteration F. Choose the correct alternative for each defi 36. A British tabloid with a right political orientation. @. The Daily Mail b. The Observer c. The Times d. The Guardian 37. The person who asks questions in an interview. a. interviewee b . interviewer c. interviewed d. questioned G. Read the following headlines and turn them into ‘normal’ English. - Advertising campaign / agency / industry Examples 1- l’m going to do a master's in advertising at the university . 2- Have you seen the latest Starbucks advertisement in today's newspaper ? 3-. Dell has advertises its new low-cost laptop in the most European computer magazines Other forms of advertising : Commercials : a tv or radio advert Posters Hoardings / billboards : a large board which advertises a product , usually at the side of the road . Flyers : a small piece of paper with information about a product or a service Leaflets: a folded printed sheet of paper intended for free distribution . Web banners Viral advertising: advertising that is distributed through links in e-mail , bogs and websites. Mail shots : advertisements sent to a lot of people at the same time Skywriting Human billboards : someone who applies an advertisement on his person. Product placement ( covert advertising) : advertisement of a product in a film or in a tv program= pubblicità occulta , ad esempio nei film. Approaches to advertising 71 \ Product identification product image not ad lifestyle Two examples ( vedi slide lezione 10) In the first one (ivory 1882) - product information : the product is described in detail and its usefulness is illustrated - Focus on copy The third one ( cigarette) >> image approach - Product - image format : the product is associated with a setting or context. - Focuson abstract or ideal aspects of the product 4° / second / 5° >> lifestyle approach - Lifestyle format : the product is associated with the habits and behaviour of a person of a social group - The qualities of this person / social group are transferred to the product - The product is a gateway to a lifestyle that appeals to you personally . 6: - Not ad approach: the ad has images or videos which are not related to the product but attract the audience’s attention Top 20 adjectives and verbs in advertising Adjectives Verbs New Make Good/better/best | Get Free Give Fresh Have Delicious See Full Buy Sure Come Clear Go Wonderful Know Special Keep Crisp Look Fine Need Big Love Great Use Real Feel Easy Like Bright choose Extra take safe start Print advertisement are just one of the many forms of advertising. Commercials and hoardings are other traditional types of advertising, viral advertising is a newer form Advertisements usually follow one of four main approaches Slogans in advertisements reproduce aspects of spoken colloquial in English ( use of verbs, quotations , incomplete sentences , personal pronouns...) The slogan Examples : “We (inclusive pronouns, company and consumers together) try harder (positive form in drama)” - AVIS “guinness is good for you ( focuses on the consumer)” - GUINNESS “Don't be vague. Ask for Haig (imperative)” - HAIG SCHOTCH WHISKY “Happiness ( very positive again) is a cigar called Hamlet “- HAMLET “Heineken refreshed the parts other beer cannot reach ( irony , exaggeration )” - HEINEKEN “Beanz means Heinz (identification , | fagioli sono solo di questa marca + alitteration )”- HEINZ “It is. Are you?” ( incomplete sentence , pronouns and questions) - THE TIME “Just do it” ( associated to something dynamic) - NIKE Think small - VOLKSWAGEN Put it back (verbs, imperative) the way (monosyllabic words) you gave it up (phrasal verbs) - GATORADE 1- What are the most commos 5 adjectives and verbs used in slogans? >> best,good,fast Analyzing ads : ( pg. 77 , vedi i due articoli) - Whatare the two ads advertising? - Which is more effective in your opinion? - Whatdo you “need to know”? - Whatis the complicated place in the left one? - Whatisthe special in the language of the two slogan? Una pubblicità da portare all'esame Esercitazione , analisi In the background we have the product In the center we have the slogan - Deny - Promise - Suggest - Warn Reporting verbs with an infinitive - Agree:1agreedto come back later - Advise : he advise her to see a doctor - Demand: we demanded to see a specialist - Encourage : mi parents encouraged me to practice the piano - Offer: she offered to help her with her homework - Promise - Refuse - Remind Reporting verbs with -ing form /noun - Accept: he accepted the invitation - Admit : he admitted cheating the exam / he admitted his guilt - Deny: he deny doing anything wrong / he denied taking a book - Suggest : he suggested going to the doctor Film and Film review Biopic : Films that present a “biographical picture” of the title of a famous person Chick flick : Film that is aimed ad female audience Tear- jerker: A film designed to make the spectator cry Mockumentary : A film shot in the form of a documentary but with fictious topic Romcom : a humorous movie about a love story that ends happily Prequel: The second or third film in a series of films that present characters and / or events that are chronologically set before the original movie Arthouse film : a low budget , independent , non- commercial film Sequel : a movie that continues a story begun in a previous movie Sword ‘n ‘ sandal movie Elements of a film Soundtrack Screenplay Opening / closing credits ( titoli di coda) Plot Special effects b- story : two stories that develop in the same film cameo : comparsa shooting a film : the film crew and cast Areas People who work in Sets Set designer Dialogues MU costumes Costume designer Acting ( lead role , extra = comparsa, stand-in ) | // Cameras Camera operator Editing Film editor Photography Cinematographer Make up Make up artist sound Sound director - Screenwriter: scrittore sceneggiatura - Director: regista Esempio recensione: (vedi slide per leggere la recensione) Agora - Very informal language - lt speaks to the reader - “Alejandro Amenabàr” is the film director >> in films reviews the film director is always mentioned. - lt speaks about the set ( Alexandria ) - “Rachel Weisz” is the female main character and it speaks about her role and it gives an opinion : se is a very good actress - Very brief film review , there's some plot , the opinion of the reviewer of the film, it refers to the reader , it also mention the kind of film Repo men (= repossession man) - The director is immediately mentioned ( Miguel Sapochnik) - Thekindof film it's immediately said (dystopian) - There's the judge of the reviewer - Very brief review , there's the film director , the two lead actor , a little bit of the plot , informal language Dear john - Wehavea film version here , the original version was the one of Nicholas Spark's >> the original version was a book version and then we have the film version - Romantic weepy = very emotive, emotional - Here the opinion of the reviewer is negative What happens between the moment a screenwriter has and idea for a film and the moment the film is shown to a paying audience? - The screenwriter has to present his idea to the cinematographic industry in order to sell it. There's a pitch (= a launch, the promotion ) , a presentation of a film by a screenwriter in front of film exclusives and investors . the screenwriter has a short time in which he tries to sell the script. A pitch is composed by: Genre Hooks : nucleo Logline : is one sentence summary of your script (= sceneggiatura). Title How good is a film review? - Agoodreview gives a brief outline of the plot and the characters , without revealing too much - Avoids over- emphatic language - Providesa critical assessment of the successes / failing of the film , based on a specific example from the film Analyzing and evaluating film reviews 1- Isthe screenplay original / an adaptation? How close is it to the source? 2- Isthe cinematographic version better or worse that the source? 3- Who are the main characters / who are the male / female lead characters? Are characters convincing? 4- Who stars in the film? Is casting suitable? 5- Isthetheme of the film successfully conveyed to the audience ? 6- Where is the film set? Is the setting appropriate ? 7-. Are cameras effects and the soundtrack effective and functional? 8- Whatkind of audience is it aimed at? 9- Whatother aspects of the film are mentioned? 10- Does the review provide a brief outline of the plot without revealing too much? 11- Does it avoid over - emphatic language? 12- Does it give a critical assessment of the film based on specific examples? Lezione 12 Last lessons , quiz corretto + passives + quantifiers + relative Passives We use it: When who or what causes the action in unknown or unimportant. Ex. Is this the room cleaned every day? ( does anybody clean it? It doesn't matter) To describe processes , the emphasis is on how something is produced , not who does it. Ex . Tea is grown on south-facing hillsides and is harvested twice a year - not defining relative clauses defining relative clauses the woman who lives next door work in a bank >> necessary because it makes me understand of which woman you are talking about . look out! There's the dog that bit my brother the film we see last week was amazing. Not defining relative clauses My grandfather , who is 87, goes swimming everyday. >> it's between commas, it makes me understand that I can delete that information If | want. It adds extra information to the sentence , but this information does not identify the person , animal, thing we are talking about. In non-defining relative clauses you cannot leave out the pronoun and you cannot use that Università degli Studi dell’Insubria Corso di Laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione F003 Lingua inglese MOCK TEST - 13 December 2021 Pass mark: 27.5/46 = 18/30 Name and Surname: Matriculation Number: A. Decide if the underlined parts of these short texts contain any mistakes. If they are correct, write ‘C’. If they contain mistakes, write the correct versions (DO NOT CHANGE THE MEANING OF THE TEXTS). Write only the underlined part! 1. He is Mark. He is studying in Rome for his Ph.D. at the moment c 2. “Have you met John last year? did you meet 3.1 don't think Lam going to Jim's party tomorrow. I will go 4. John have just broken down his car.____has____ (errore) 5. He denied walking down the street at that time in the afternoon. c 6. If Lwere you, | wouldn't go. It is too late. Cc 7. John, did you see where are my photos? my photos are? 8. The five prisoners who escaped on Saturday had been arrested by the police. ____have been arrested 9. The furniture | bought were particularly expensive. was 10. l’m thinking of moving to the States for better job opportunities. C 11. When | was young, | used going to the cinema every week. Used to go 12. | apologized with the manager for my behaviour. To 13. I am not interested in sports. c 14. He was a painter. He painted almost 400 paintings. Has painted (errore ) 15. I realized how much all of us had changed in the years only when I met him. C (errore) 16. There are few people at the meeting, | thought there were more. _ C 17. She went to the director and complained for what she was said. About (errore) 18. A: “Look at that girl riding the bike!” B: “Oh gosh, she will fall into the hole” she ‘s going to fall 19. While we were having lesson the headmaster was_ visiting the president. c 20. The toilets were being cleaned when 1 arrived at school. C B. Choose one of the options provided for each sub-section. ATTENTIO! Each tense/word can suit only ONE space. They are not interchangeable! Moreover, voices can be either passive or active. Simple Present / Present Progressive 21. Lots of refugees usually ___come ashore on Lampedusa every year. (to come) 22. The coldest, most dangerous blast of polar air in decades __is gripping much of the United States in this week. (to grip) Simple Past / Present Perfect 23. Schumacher _has just received treatment after a skiing accident in which he hit his head on a rock. (just + to receive) 24. Unfortunately the healthcare reform in the US _failed last year. (to fail) Will / be going to 25. Obama hopes he __will fix the healthcare disaster. (to fix) 26. | _'m going to learn Chinese. It is a language worth learning to have new job chances. (to leam) Il, Il conditional (If clauses) 27.If1 were Trump, | wouldn't move the Capital of Israel to Jerusalem (to be). 28. PM Gentiloni __wouldn't have been elected head of the Italian government, if Renzi hadn't resigned after a controversial referendum. (to elect) (errore) C. Build a cohesive (grammatically correct) and coherent (sensible) sentence using the following words. Use the words as they are: do not change them! You can change their order, though. 29. is news alotof there crime web There is a lot of crime news on the web (errore) D. Fill in the gaps with ONE suitable word. You need to conjugate words in plural/singular 30. To give readers'/columnists' opinions different from those of the newspaper, there is usually an op - ed page opposite to the editorial page. 31. There is a new newspaper at the newsstand. The first issue of this newspapers was published last month. 32. | bought the Daily Star yesterday. It is not a broadsheet, but a very popular British tabloid . 33. The advertisement published by Nike in the Guardian was very interesting and original. 34. John subscribed to The Sun yesterday, so that he can get it everyday delivered at his house. 35. The /ead is the first paragraph of a news article, where the most important info is usually given. E. Read the following slogans/coverlines/headlines. Which linguistic/design feature can you identify in them? Choose the correct alternative. 36. Make or break? Love-rat Lee and Casey locked in ‘bolt hole”. a. rhyme b. alliteration c. bolding d. polysemy correct 37. Silence of the damned. a. alliteration b. exclamative c. intertextuality d. assonance correct 38. Appy days! It's the Sun and then some. a. minor sentence b. tabloidese c. pun d. assonance correct 39. One dead in Navy copter accident off Virginia. a. assonance b. abbreviation c. exclamative d. minor sentence correct F. Read the following headlines and turn them into ‘normal’ English. 40. Chinese ship to help remove Syrian chemical weapons . >> Chinese ship is going to help to remove Syrian chemical weapons 41. Australian submarine found after 103 years. >> An Australian submarine has been found after 103 years 42. Harry and Meghan releases engagement photos>> Harry and Meghan released engagement photos. G. Choose the correct alternative for each definitionistatement. 43. A message printed in the newspaper in space paid for by the advertiser. a. obituary b. news story c. advertisement d. headline correct
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