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Business English (test), Panieri di E-Business

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Caricato il 20/09/2022

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Scarica Business English (test) e più Panieri in PDF di E-Business solo su Docsity! BUSINESS ENGLISH "WONDERFULLY" IS AN: Adverb of manner __________ ARE YOU FROM? where ______________DO YOU GO TO THE CINEMA? how often __________AM A VERY GOOD TENNIS PLAYER I __________HAVE YOU LIVED IN LONDON? How long ________DID YOU VISIT ROME? When _______BORROW YOUR RED PEN PLEASE? Can I _______IS A SMART BOY He ______ASK YOU A QUESTION? May I _____SEE MR. SMITH PLEASE? could I A BUSINESS ANGEL IS A PERSON WHO: Invests in start ups A DIRECT SPEECH SENTENCE CONSIST OF TWO PARTS, WHAT ARE THEY: Reported speech and reporting speech A GERUND IS: They are not used to form tenses of the verb or provide adjectival information. A HUGE WAVE OF PATENT REGISTRATIONS AND SUBSEQUENT LITIGATION MIGHT BE CREATED BY THE RECOMMENDATION BY THE UK HUMAN FERTILISATION AND EMBRYOLOGY AUTHORITY TO PERMIT human cloning for spare parts A POWERFUL HEADLINE MEANS: uses power words or numbers to attract attention in busy social media A RECENT REPORT, COMMISSIONED BY TAYLOR JOHNSON GARRETT FROM THE LONDON BUSINESS SCHOOL, SAYS: Almost a third of companies think their investors understand little or not understand at all the nature of their IP rights. A SHIFT OF WORKERS INTO A NEW FIELD OF OCCUPATION MIGHT BE ACHIEVED: If there is a high demand of workers in that field ABOUT WHICH OTHER MINISTERS HAVE BEEN WORKING TOWARDS REFORMS IN SOCIAL SECURITY: Michael Portillo who started a long- term review of public expenditure and Peter Lilley, the social security secretary ABOUT WHY DO YOU THINK THE APPRENTICESHIP SCHEME IS CALLED GIMMICK: It was an expedient, a trick, a way produced by Mr. Hunt not to satisfy completely the demand of the young for financed trainings ACCORDING TO LEGAL ADVISORS, COMPANIES IN THE UK SHOULD: Be careful about offering clients lavish forms of entertainment ACCORDING TO SOME ESTIMATES: 95% of retail trade is not done on the Internet ACCORDING TO THE SECOND TEXT, AN IMPORTANT FACTOR IN JOB S HUGE SUCCESS WAS: His ability to predict the future of technological development ACCORDING TO THE SECOND TEXT, CONSUMERS: Are becoming more ethical in their buying habits ACCORDING TO THE SECOND TEXT, RENEWABLE ENERGY IS: Becoming cheaper to produce ACCORDING TO THE SECOND TEXT, UP TO 1870: less than one tenth of all goods produced in the world were exported ACCORDING TO WHAT ORGANIZATION THAT HIGHER EDUCATION IS A SYSTEMIC FAILUREWHICH DOESNT EQUIP GRADUATES WITH THE SKILLS NEEDED TO SOLVE 21ST CENTURY PROBLEMS World Economic Forum ACCULTURATION MEANS: that a knowledge of the culture is as important as a knowledge of the language ADMINISTRATIVE LAW (OR REGULATORY LAW) REGULATES the activities of administrative agencies of government as well as the relationships with them ALL STAKEHOLDERS, INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL TO THE FIRM, EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS: people AMAZON STARTED BUSINESS AS: A shop that sold books over the Internet AN ASSET CAN BE DEFINED AS: A valuable resource owned by a company AN ENTREPRENEUR IS: Someone who builds up a company from nothing: a start-up company AN EXAMPLE OF AN ONLINE MALL IS: amazon AND IS USED TO CONNECT THE IF CLAUSE AND THE MAIN CLAUSE All of the bove ANOTHER MAJOR POTENTIAL PROBLEM WITH THE PRODUCT FOR SOCIAL MARKETERS IS: flexibility ANOTHER WAY OF SAYING 'CONTINUE' IS: Carry on ANOTHER WORD FOR THE VERB TO HAGGLE IS TO: Disagree APPLES& & & ON TREES. grow ATTRIBUTIVE ADJECTIVES NEVER ____: follow a linking verb BOB IS& & & & HANDSOME& & & & HIM as/as BOB WAS PROUD OF__________FOR HIS NEW JOB himself BOTH DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH ARE STYLISTIC DEVICES FOR CONVEYING MESSAGES: True the welfare state has now grown to its limits as the same capitalist societies which are changing in their organization CONSTITUTIONAL LAW GOVERNS THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN the judiciary, the legislative and the executive power. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW IS THE STUDY OF basic laws of a State COST AN ARM AND A LEG MEANS: Something expensive COUNTRIES WITH OPEN BORDERS: Make it easy for goods to enter and leave the country CRIMINAL LAW IS SOMETIMES CALLED penal law CROWDFUNDING IS A WAY TO RAISE MONEY USING: The Internet CUSTOMERS WHO SHOP AT HARRODS: Expect the best service DAVID__________HIS HOMEWORK EVERY DAY: Has to do DECLARATIVE SENTENCES ARE USED TO EXPRESS WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING: that which is, was, or will be the case DELAMARE AND GRANT FINANCED THEIR START UP WITH MONEY FROM: The government DELEGATED OR SECONDARY LEGISLATION IS LAW MADE BY Government ministers DESCRIBE WHEN OR FOR HOW LONG SOMETIMES HAPPENS OR IS THE CASE: Adverbs of time DIFFERENTIATION FROM RIVALS IS REFERRING TO: positioning DILIGENCE IS THE OPPOSITE OF negligence DISADVANTAGES OF BEING A PARTNER OF A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP: To have two or more partners who share income, expenses, and liability according to an agreement they sign once they decide to found a business structure together. DUMPING IS THE PRACTICE OF: Selling goods cheaply on foreign markets E-BAY STARTED BUSINESS AS: an internet company ECONOMIC OUTPUT IS THE VALUE OF: all goods and services produced ECONOMICS IS CONSIDERED A SOCIAL SCIENCE Because the subject matter is the human being... E-MARKETING CAN IDENTIFY, ANTICIPATE AND SATISFY CUSTOMER NEEDS EFFICIENTLY. it is true ENGLISH IS NOT & & & & & & & & & & & &. GERMAN as difficult as ENGLISH LAW IS TRADITIONALLY CHARACTERIZED BY the absence of a written code ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT APPOINTMENTS, THE INTRODUCTION OF GREEN AUDITING AND REPORTING SYSTEMS IS REFERING TO: firm EQUITY IS A SYSTEM FOR LEGAL DOCTRINE FIRST CREATED BY the Lord Chancellor EQUITY OPERATES THROUGH principles EU LAW has direct affect in the UK EUROPEAN NATIONS THAT WERE FORMERLY COMMUNIST: Poland FACTOR PRICES ARE IMPORTANT: Because by adding up all the revenues coming from factors, we can calculate people s income FAIRPHONE AIMS TO PRODUCE MOBILE PHONES THAT: Does not harm people or the environment FAIRPHONE BELIEVES THAT ITS MOBILE PHONE: Is still not totally fair FINITE VERBS CORRESPOND TO A SPECIFIC SUBJECT AND ________: A tense FLEXIBILITY & ADAPTABILITY, INITIATIVE & SELF-DIRECTION, AND SOCIAL & CROSS-CULTURAL SKILLS ARE DISCIPLINES INVOLVED IN: life and Career Skills FOLLOWING PUNCTUATION RULES IN REPORTED SPEECH ARE APPLIED SUCH AS: Question mark is converted into full stop GARY MILLER THINKS THAT WHEN ARRANGING CORPORATE HOSPITALITY COMPANIES SHOULD BE CAREFUL ABOUT: The period in which they offer hospitality GARY WANG MADE HIS BUSINESS CONTACTS IN PARIS WHILE HE WAS: Studying GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES ARE BOTH VERB FORMS THAT CAN FUNCTION AS NOUNS: They are both often used as the objects of mainverbs. GERUNDS ARE FORMED FROM VERBS BUT HAVE THE FUNCTION OF: Nouns GUIDE TO PREMIER BUSINESS WRITING INCLUDES HOW MAY STEPS: 4 HAVE WE GOT__________FOR THE PARTY? Enough drinks HE SAID, " I AM LOOKING FOR REPORTED SPEECH DEFINITION", THE HE SAID PART IS THE: Reporting Speech HIT THE HAY MEANS: Go to bed HIT THE NAIL IN THE HEAD MEANS: Do or say something exactly right HI-TECH AND THE INTERNET HAVE NOT ONLY CHANGED HOW WE COMMUNICATE BUT ALSO: changed the fundamental laws of economics HOMOGRAPHS ARE: words with the same spelling HOMONYMS ARE: words with the same sound HOW A CORPORATION IS REGARDED BY THE LAW: As a person, with rights and responsabilities. HOW ARE REGULAR ADVERBS GENERALLY FORMED: By adding –ly to the end of an adjective HOW CONSUMERS DECISIONS AFFECT PRODUCTION: Production is determined by the competition among producers HOW DO YOU DESCCRIBE RELATIONSHIP IN THE NETWORK ECONOMY: more diverse HOW DO YOU EVALUATE STRATEGY EFFECTIVENESS established a set of key assumptions that form the foundation planning, re-evaluate previous assumptions based on the present realities HOW HAS THE KNOWLEDGE EXPLOSION BECOME POSSIBLE due to progress of science and technology HUMAN CLONING PROCESSES ARE EXCLUDED FROM PATENTABILITY BY the Biotechnology Directive HURRY UP! WE HAVEN'T GOT___________TIME Any I CUT ________ CHOPPING THE VEGETABLES myself I LIKE SPINACH ___________I DON'T LIKE CARROTS but I REMEMBER THE DAY___________WE FIRST MET When I& & & .MY FRIEND AT THE MARKET EVERY DAY. see I___________MY HOMEWORK EVERY DAY: Do I__________A BAD HEADACHE TODAY Have got I_________A BLACK CAT RUNNING DOWN THE STREET, LAST NIGHT Saw I____A DELICIOUS CAKE YESTERDAY: made IDENTIFY THE ADVERB OF FREQUENCY IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE: hourly IDENTIFY THE CATEGORY OF THE ADVERB (IN BOLD) IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE "I M PRETTY HAPPY WITH THE WAY THIS TURNED OUT": Adverb of degree IDENTIFY THE DEPENDENT CLAUSE OR CLAUSES IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE: I M GOING TO SEE SHAWNA AT THE MALL LATER; YOU CAN COME WITH ME, THOUGH I KNOW YOU TWO DON T GET ALONG.: though I know you two dont get along IDENTIFY THE FINITE VERB IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE. RUNNING LATE, THE FAMILY QUICKLY DROVE TO THEIR RELATIVE'S HOUSE.: Drove IDENTIFY THE FORM OF THE VERB QUOTED IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE "MY FATHER ''TOOK''ME TO THE MOVIES FOR MY BIRTHDAY Transitive verb JUDICIAL PRECEDENT IS A SOURCE OF LAW ALSO KNOWN AS a case law L’AFFERMAZIONE I LIVE IN ROMERISPONDE ALLA DOMANDA: Where do you live? L’AFFERMAZIONE ITS MINE RISPONDE ALLA DOMANDA: Whose umbrella is it? LITERACY, MEDIA LITERACY, AND ITC LITERACY ARE DISCIPLINES INVOLVED I: information, Media, and Technology Skills M. CLARKE PROPOSED TO ALTER THE RETIREMENT AGE: Mr. Clarke proposed to equalize the retirement age for men and women at 65. His governmental measures had been phased in over 10 years, starting in the year 2010 MANY PEOPLE DON'T WORRY ABOUT PRICE INCREASES: Because usually wages rise month by month in line with price MARKET EQUILIBRIUM IS REALIZED: When there is an equilibrium of prices and production MARKET IS: A place where goods are sold and bought MARY___________SUSAN ARE SISTERS and MAXIMIZE THE VALUE OF THE NETWORK MEANS: nurture the web by making it as easy as possible to participate MINIMUM COST PRODUCTION IS THE MOST EFFICIENT: Because it has displaced a more costly method MODALS CAN ALSO BE USED ISTEAD OF WOULD IN THIS TYPE OF CONDITIONAL Mixed Conditionals MOM, CAN YOU GIVE ME __________ MONEY. I NEED TO BUY A NEW SHIRT Some MONITORING IS ONE ASPECT BUT ANOTHER IS THE ABILITY TO PLAN IS REFERRING TO: plapnning and Control MOST ADJECTIVES THAT ARE NEVER ATTRIBUTIVE BEGIN WITH THE LETTER ____: A MY CAR IS & & & & & & & YOURS faster than NATIONAL LAW IS the law which applies within a country NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES IMPLY THAT THE SPEAKER EXPECTS A CERTAIN ANSWER WITH WHAT TYPE OF QUESTION: none of the above NELL’AMBITO DELLA WORD FORMATIONFORMAZIONE LESSICALE, IL FENOMENO DELLA CONVERSIONE PUÒ IMPLICARE: un cambiamento ortografico, fonologico e il passaggio da una categoria grammatica ad un’altra NEW ECONOMY IMPLIES: the transition from a manufacturing-based to a service-based economy NICHE PRACTICES' MEANS specialized areas of expertise NON-PROFIT MARKETING IS CONCERNED WITH: voluntary habits change ON THIS LESSON, HOW DID THEY DEFINE SUSTAINABILITY: it is the keystone of the green marketing philosophy, which resolves this apparent paradox OUR STORY IS& & & & & &. INTERESTING THAN YOURS less PASSIVE VOICE OFTEN CONTAINS HELPING WORDS LIKE: am, is, are, was and were, being, been, and be, have, has had, do, does, did, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must, can, and could PATENTS ARE PROBABLY BIG PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES MOST IMPORTANT resource PAUL DELAMARE AND GEORGE GRANT MAKE BEER FOR: Pubs in Manchester PEOPLE GENERALLY REACT TO INFLATION: They generally don’t worry too much PEOPLE WHO TAKE PART IN CAMPAIGNS ARE: Campaigners PER ESPRIMERE UN’AZIONE PIANIFICATA NEL FUTURO USEREMO: Il Present continuous con valore di futuro PLACE SHOULD BE DEFINED IN SOCIAL MARKETING AS: as encompassing distribution and response channels, and clear action outlets for those motivated to acquire the product PLEASE BUY THOSE APPLES! I WOULD LIKE_________ some PONI AL FUTURO LA SEGUENTE FRASE: I CANT COME TO THE MEETING TODAY: I wont be able to come to the meeting tomorrow PPF MEANS: Frontier of possibilities of production PREDICTIONS IN ECONOMICS: are difficult to make because experiments are not foreseeable owing to the human behavior& PRIMARY LEGISLATION CONSIST OF LAWS PASSED BY PARLIAMENT Parliament PRIVATE LAW IS THAT PART OF LEGAL SYSTEM THAT CONCERNS relationships between legal person PRIVATE LAW IS USUALLY CALLED civil law PROVIDE MORE EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION INITIATIVES IS A PROPOSAL FROM: Forbes/IBM Services PUBLIC LAW CONCERNS the state READING WRITING OF OTHER WRITERS: Will give you knowledge of the different writing techniques REGARDING A SIMPLE PARTNERSHIP IF IT IS DIFFICULT OR EXPENSIVE TO CREATE: No, it isn't much more difficult and expensive to create than a business structure with a sole proprietor. REGARDING SHAREHOLDERS' RSPONSABILITIES: As owners of a corporation, they are responsible for the choice of the board of directors, who actually run the business. REGARDING THE PROS AND CONS OF BEING A LIMITED PARTNER: A limited partner is allowed to invest in a business but his liability is restricted to the amount of his investment. He may have no involvement in how his company is run. REGARDING THE REQUIREMENTS OF AN S -CORPORATION: It must be a domestic corporation(U.S.) with one class of stocks, no more than 35 members, no resident alien stockholders, no stockholders who are not individuals, estates or certain trusts. REGARDING WHAT U.S. LEGISLATORS HAD IN MIND WHEN THEY ESTABLISHED PROVISIONS FOR SUBCHAPTER S CORPORATIONS: By registering its own corporation with the internal Revenue service as a subchapter S corporation, partners incorporating can easily avoid to pay double taxes both as individual shareholders and as corporation... RESEARCH SHOWS THAT SINCE 2006 THERE HAS BEEN A BIG INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF YOUNG PEOPLE WHO: Have started up new businesses RULES AND EXEPTIONS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE: takes time to master SAY WHICH IS THE CORRECT WORD PARTNERSHIP: Price fixing SHE DANCES_________ Beautifully SHE IS & & & & &. GIRL IN THE CLASS the most beautiful SHE SPEAKS ENGLISH_________ fluently SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE THE FINANCIAL BURDEN OF HIGHER EDUCATION FOR STUDENT IS A PROPOSAL FROM: ABC News Australia SMITH ACHIEVED SUCCESS WITH HIS THEORY: Because inspired admirers and critics of capitalism SMITH PROCLAIMED THE PRINCIPLE OF THE INVISIBLE HAND: In The Wealth of Nations SOCIAL ENTERPRISES MAINLY USE THEIR PROFITS TO BENEFIT: Society and the environment SOCIAL MARKETING IS A SOCIAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY WHICH OFFERS A FRAMEWORK WITH WHICH TO CHANGE THE UNHEALTHFUL OR UNSOCIAL BEHAVIOUR OF OTHERS: true SOCIAL MARKETING REFERS TO: application of marketing to the solution of social and health problems SOCIAL RESOURCES ARE CLASSIFIED: As land, labor, capital and enterprise & STEVE JOBS STARTED TO EXPERIMENT WITH ELECTRONICS WHEN HE WAS: At school SUPPORTERS OF THE WTO SAY THAT IT IS: democratic THE WORD JURISPRUDENCE HAS BECOME SYNONYMOUS FOR case law THE WRITTEN WORD IS UNFORGIVING: when we read, we judge THE WTO WAS SET UP TO REGULATE: trade in merchandise and services THERE ISN'T___________CHEESE IN THE FRIDGE Much THERE'S_________SUGAR IN MY TEA Too much THEY SAY THAT SEPARATION (SPIN-OFF) IS PREFERABLE IN SITUATIONS WHERE if the Internet threatens the current business model THEY___________ANY MONEY Haven't got THIS COLOR IS & & & & & THEIRS darker than TO BE SUCCESSFUL A PRODUCER MUST ACHIEVE THE FOLLOWING OBJECTIVES: To keep costs at a minimum TO WHAT JOB DOES VIDEO GAME DESIGNERS AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS ARE AMONG THE MANY AVAILABLE PROFESSIONS entertainment and media jobs TO WHAT RELATIONHIP MARKETING IS BASED: customer experience management TRANSPARENCY-LEVEL SKILLS IN THESE AREAS: problem solving TWO EXAMPLES OF NETWORKS IN THE PRESTANDARD STAGE TODAY ARE: online Video and e- money TYCOONS, MAGNATES OR MOGULS ARE: Rich and successful people with power and influence UNLIKE REGULAR VERBS, IRREGULAR VERBS USUALLY HAVE DIFFERENT Past tense and past participle forms UNLIKE TRANSITIVE VERBS, INTRANSITIVE VERBS ARE NOT ABLE TO TAKE WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING Indirect subjects USED TO DESCRIBE SITUATIONS THAT IS GENERALLY TRUE OR TO SAY THAT ONE EVENT ALWAYS FOLLOWS ANOTHER: Zero Condiotional USED TO DRAW ATTENTION TO A PARTICULAR PART OF A CLAUSE Focusing adverbs USING ACTIVE VOICE IN CONTENT MARKETING HELPS TO: brevity VOCABULARY: is difficult to learn WE ARE GOING OUT ___________OUR FRIENDS with WE ARE____________FROM THE TRIP Completely exhausted WE CAN___________GO TO THE CINEMA______________THE THEATER Either/or WE USE IMPERATIVE SENTENCE TO: give orders WE USE THE PRESENT SIMPLE FOR: Things that are always true WHAT ARE KEY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE GREEN MARKETING CONCEPT AND SOCIETAL MARKETING: a more holistic and interdependent view of the relationship between the economy WHAT ARE SOME COMMON TITLES TO ADDRESS PEOPLE: mr Mrs Miss WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF USING PASSIVE VOICE: emphasizes the Action WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES FACED BY MARKETING social Issues WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT GENRES OF WRITING: academic and Business Writing WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES FOR E-COMMERCE THAT HIGHLIGHT THE TYPE OF COMMUNICATIONS: an off-line communication WHAT ARE THE FELLINGS YOU CREATE YOUR READER SENDING MESSAGES THAT THEY CAN'T UNDERSTAND: confusion WHAT ARE THE THREE DIFFERENT CATEGORIES OF ADVERBS OF TIME Points in time, duration, and frequency WHAT ARE THE TWO MAIN ROUTES WHEREBY WE TRANSMIT A SERIES OF THOUGHTS: speech and writing WHAT ARE WE REFERING TO WHEN WE SPEAK OF NTIVE ENGLISH: anyone who speaks any variety of English as their ûrst language WHAT ARE WORDS TAUGHT TO STUDENTS THAT THEY CANNOT BEGIN A SENTENCE WITH: but WHAT CAN A PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE MODIFY IN A SENTENCE either a subject or a predicate. WHAT CAN BE CONSIDERED AS CONVENTIONS IN WRITING A LETTER: identify Format WHAT CAN BRANDING PROVIDE: a crucial means of enhancing the product WHAT CAN CRM DO: no track and act on customer needs WHAT CAN NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES BE USED FOR: to ask literal questions WHAT DO VOCABULARY AND CULTURE SAY ABOUT LEARNING IDIOM: That they are intertwined and L2 speakers can gain more vocabulary through idioms WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU REFRESH EMAIL: read Before you send WHAT DOES "DON T INVEST IN ESPERANT" IMPLY: avoid any scheme that requires the purchase of brand new protocols when usable ones are widely adopted WHAT DOES EXPORT MEAN: to send or carry abroad, especially for trade or sale. WHAT DOES ICT MEAN: information and communications technology WHAT DOES RELATIONSHIP MARKETING MEAN: commercial relationships between economic partners, service providers and customers WHAT FACTORS HAVE BEEN PROPOSED AS INFLUENCES ON GREEN CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR: values WHAT FFONT SIZE IS USUALLY USED IN EMAIL WRITING 12 WHAT FONT IS USUALLY USED FOR BUSINESS EMAIL: arial WHAT IS BUSINESS ENGLISH: english used for dealing with business communicatio WHAT IS COLLABORTIVE FITERING: helps to identify and anticipate what customers might like given that buyers of similar books have similar interests WHAT IS MEANT BY STANDARD ENGLISH: it is used to mean the English routinely described in mainstream English dictionaries and grammar books WHAT IS MORE PREDOMINANT FORM OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION TODAY: email writing WHAT IS PROFILING TECHNIQUES: allow many companies to perform data mining to discover and anticipate buyer’s needs WHAT IS REFERED TO AS SOFT SKILL IN WRITING: a skill not easy to learn but can benefit the business. WHAT IS THE DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTIC OF NETWORKS: contain no clear center WHAT IS THE MOST LIKELY PURPOSE OF THE FOLLOWING NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE SENTENCE "WHY WASNT I INFORMED OF THIS MEETING EARLIER: as a literal question WHAT IS THE NAME FOR AN ADJECTIVE USED TO DESCRIBE SOMEONE OR SOMETHING WITH THE HIGHEST DEGREE OF A CERTAIN QUALITY: Superlative adjectives WHAT IS THE TERM FOR CHANGING A VERB S FORM TO REFLECT THINGS LIKE TENSE Conjugation WHAT LANGUAGE IS USED FOR INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS E MAILING: english WHAT MAKES LEARNING IDIOM DIFFICULT TO L2 LEARNERS The unpredictability and arbitrariness of idioms and the cultural relativity of metaphoric expressions WHAT MUST A SENTENCE CONTAIN IN ORDER TO BE COMPLETE a predicate WHAT RE THE EXTERNAL DRIVERS THAT REFLECT ECO-PERFORMANCE: legislation WHEN ARE SINGLE-WORD SENTENCES MOST COMMONLY USED IN ENGLISH: conversations WHEN DOES AN ADVERB OF FREQUENCY APPEAR BEFORE THE VERB BE: When be is being emphasized WHEN IMPROVING WRITING LEARNING VERBS IS ESSENTIAL: True WHY DO WE SAY THAT E-BUSINESS IS BROADER it refers to both buyside and sell- side WHY DOES IT MATTER TO GET YOUR WRITING RIGHT: to communicate the right information WHY IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS PRESENT DIFFICULTY They’re not often equivalent to someone's native language WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO LISTEN TO READERS FEEDBACK: they are offended when their personal details are written incorrectly WHY IS IT SAID THAT MANY IDIOMS ARE ALSO CULTURALLY EMBEDDED: Because Idioms meanings are not motivated only by their lexical components, but also by the specific cultural and historical context in which they originated WHY IS IT SAID THAT THE FUTURE OF WORK WILL NO LONGER BE DEFINED BY ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURES: work will increasingly be about tasks, and how we organise ourselves around performing those tasks together. WHY IS ITIMPORTANT TO CHECK EMAIL BEFORE SENDING: to check spelling WHY IS THERE AN ACADEMY DEDICATED TO UPHOLDING STANDARDS IN THE WAY THE FRENCH LANGUAGE IS USED: one of its objectives is to keep the language as uncorrupted by outside inûuences as possible YOU CAN DIVIDE A MARKET INTO SUBMARKET BY MEANS OF: geographically YOU_______AN ASPIRIN IF YOU HAVE A HEADACHE: should take IN THE FOLLOWING PASSIVE-VOICE SENTENCE, WHICH GROUP OF WORDS IS THE RECEIVER OF THE ACTION? THE LARGE MONUMENT WAS ERECTED BY THE CONSTRUCTION CREW LAST SPRING: the large monument THE INCENTIVE THAT DRIVES FIRMS TO PRODUCE AN ITEM INSTEAD OF ANOTHER IS: The high profits existing in the production of goods in high demand IN THE FOUR MARKETING MIX TOOLS WHICH HS RECEIVED THE MOST ATTENTION: promotion A MANAGER IS: Someone in a position of responsibility in an organization PRONUNCIATION: can hinder comprehension WHEN WE USE REPORTED SPEECH, WE OFTEN USE INFINITIVES AS THE DIRECT OBJECT: Of a reporting verb to express what was said or asked in the past WE ARE____________FROM THE TRIP Completely exhausted STAFF AT HARRODS ARE TRAINED TO TALK TO CUSTOMERS: Only when customers show they need assistance KNOWING YOUR WRITING WEAKNESS: Will help you identify your points to improve PROTECTIONISM REFERS TO ACTIONS CARRIED OUT BY: Governments PEOPLE WORKING IN BUSINESS ARE REFERRED TO: Business people _________FOR A PIZZA TONIGHT? Shall we go WHICH IS CORRECT: Sorry, I don't Speak Italian WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING WOULD BEST DESCRIBE SOCIAL MEDIA: has become an important tool of communication WHAT IS THE MOST COMMON WAY TO FORM AN ADVERB OF MANNER: Add - ly - to the end of the adjective YOU______ NOT SMOKE IN THE OFFICE: must WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF VERBS IN A SENTENCE: To describe an action, state of being, or condition performed or experienced by someone or something CONCERNING THE POPULARITY OF HIS PROPOSAL: It was not very popular, because at the time a growing number of people retired at 60 IF THE REPORTED SPEECH HAS SECOND PERSON: It is changed as per the object of reporting speech. WHAT IS THE ADVERB OF DEGREE USED IN THIS SENTENCE I WILL HAPPILY DO AS YOU ASK, BUT IT WILL TAKE A BIT OF TIME, SO I WILL TRY TO WORK VERY QUICKLY": very CONCERNING WHAT IS THE LABOUR FORCE: The labour force includes the employed and the involuntarily unemployed; those at work and those seeking employment but unable to find some at the prevailing wage rates. The labour force, is therefore, a measure of the labour resources available to a society at existing wage rates THE FIELD THAT NEEDS TO GROW TO MAKE ROOM FOR THOSE WHO SPECIALIZE IN ELECTRIC AND HYBRID CARS, REFERS TO WHAT JOB IN THE NEXT DECADES car mechanics SOCIETAL MARKETING IS CONCERNED WITH: the ethical or societal implications of commercial activity MARKETING MIX REFERS TO: ingredients that combine to capture and promote a brand or products unique selling points, those that differentiate it from its competitors WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS ONE OF THE 21ST CENTURY SKILLS EVERY STUDENT NEEDS problem solving CONCERNING WHAT HAS IMPEDED THE PROMOTION OF NATIONAL WELFARE STATES: Above all the internationalization of political economy and the deregulation of the modern world economy. The welfare state thought by Keynes is incompatible with the new international political economy IN ORDER TO SUSTAIN ECONOMIC GROWTH AND THE WELFARE STATE: Given that in the long term the welfare state is incompatible with a healthy market-based economy, We have to underline that it was merit of the favorable circumstances for economic growth of the post war period that there was the expansion of the economy and the welfare state CHOOSE WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING VERBS IS USUALLY IN THE PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE: Like WHEN WAS THE TERM SOCIAL MARKETING FIRST COINED: 1971 WHAT SHOLUD A MISSION STATEMENT DO: needs to be customer oriented ANOTHER NAME FOR THE TERTIARY SECTOR IS: The services sector CONCERNING PERIODICALLY ADAPTATION OF PENSIONS AND OTHER ALLOWANCES: It comes from the necessity to cut down the effects of inflation WHO ARE CONSIDERED NETIZENS: people who use internet for any cause REGARDING BUSINESS STRUCTURES YOU WARN PEOPLE AGAINST: Sole proprietorships, in this case proprietors are alone and can't enjoy the benefit of less formal partnerships& ACCORDING TO THE FIRST TEXT: A lot of countries practise protectionism COMPOUND SENTENCES ARE MADE UP OF TWO (OR MORE) ________: independent Clause WHEN A COMPANY ROLLS OUT A PRODUCT, IT: Launches it on the market WHEN WE APOLOGISE TO A CUSTOMER WE USE THE EXPRESSION: Im sorry about that _________ ARE MARY'S CHILDREN those WHAT CAN BRANDING PROVIDE: a crucial means of enhancing the product ADJECTIVES THAT APPEAR AFTER LINKING VERBS ARE KNOWN AS: Predicative adjectives I'LL MEET YOU___________FIVE O'CLOCK at USE OF VERB BY WRITERS: All of the above I ________THE BUS.I HAD TO WALK: miss WHY IS IT SAID THAT PRESTANDARD PHASE IS THE MOST EXCITING: since there are no experts, everyone can compete, and it seems as if everyone does. IN THE UK COMPANIES ARE REVIEWING THEIR CORPORATE HOSPITALITY ARRANGEMENTS BECAUSE: They might become illegal in the future WHY DO PEOPLE WRITE IN BUSINESS: to achieve a standard THE FIRST WAVE OF GLOBALISATION ENDED: at the start of the first world war WHAT IS THE FOUNDATION OF THE MARKETING ENVIRONMENT: physical environment CRIMINAL LAW REFERS TO certain forms of behaviour for which the state prosecutes the offender and reserves punishment IL FUTURO CON TO BE GOING TOSI USA PER: indicare l’intenzione di compiere unazione futura
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