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Cambridge English Pdf, Appunti di Lingua Inglese

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Scarica Cambridge English Pdf e più Appunti in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! C A V H t K l l K . i l * Q t e * o r u lfr « ^ * Cambridge English for Scientists ✓ 5' Tmu’ tn A srr* i Sov% idee* y*r Skills Language focus Texts UNIT 1 Getting started in research Planning a career in science Applying for research funding Writing up a resume or CV Preparing for an interview Talking about your career path Summarising a research proposal Organising and adding detail to a résumé or CV Preparing and practising the presentation of a proposal Answering interview questions Listening A researcher discusses her career options A supervisor gives advice on writing a CV A researcher practises presenting a research proposal Reading A notice for a scholarship A project summary An extract from a CV An extract from an email Advice on conference call interviews UNIT 2 The scientific community page 14 Communicating with scientific communities Writing a critical review Completing a Material Transfer Agreement Recognising different styles of writing Asking for help using an online forum Reading and note-taking for a critical review Completing an MTA (Material Transfer Agreement) Listening A student asks for advice on writing a critical review A student discusses published research with his supervisor A researcher completes an MTA with help from his supervisor Reading Extracts from different styles of writing Questions from an online science forum An extract from a critical review An email UNIT 3 Finding a direction for your research page 22 Doing a literature review Using evidence in arguing a point Taking part in a meeting Unking sentences in writing (1) Arguing for and against an idea appropriately Supporting ideas with evidence Following a discussion in a team meeting Interrupting a meeting appropriately Listening A student explains a new idea to her supervisor Four scientists describe their problems with team meetings in English A monthly research meeting Reading Extracts from a literature review An extract from an email How geckos walk on walls UNIT 4 Designing an experiment page 30 Describing approaches to data collection Designing an experimental set-up Describing material phenomena and forces Making predictions of experimental results Making suggestions and plans for an experiment Giving advice to a colleague Prefixes and suffixes (1) Predicting the results of an experiment Listening A researcher discusses procedure with her supervisor A researcher describes her experimental set-up to a colleague A researcher makes predictions about her experiment Reading The scientific method UNIT 5 Describing a process Evaluating the results of an experiment Describing problems with an experiment Keeping a lab notebook Describing experimental procedure Revising a paper (1) Describing expectations and outcomes of an experiment Describing and reporting problems in an experiment Linking sentences in writing (2) Using symbols and abbreviations in lab notebooks Describing lab protocols Listening A researcher asks a colleague to commeit on his paper A researcher discusses the progress of h .s research with a colleague A researcher reports a problem with his research A researcher explains why she prefers using an electronic lab notebook Reading A summary of a scientific procedure A summary of a researcher’s results Describing an experiment page 38 4 Contents a ► 1.1 Eriko is from Japan and will soon complete a PhD in biotechnology in London. She is discussing the next stage in her career w ith her supervisor, Susana. Listen to part o f the ir conversation and tick the options which interest her and put a cross next to the options which do not. □ teaching (undergraduate) students □ doing post-doctoral research □ supervising a research team [ finding a permanent position at a university □ discussing theory L doing practical fieldwork L staying in London □ finding a well-paid job b II1* 12 You w ill hear e ight sentences from Eriko and Susana’s conversation. Listen and complete the firs t row o f the table by w riting the number of each sentence (1 -8 ) in the correct column. Talking ab ou t... likes or dislikes past experiences future (more certain) future (possible C Look a t the underlined phrases in Audioscrip t 1.2 on page 91. Put the underlined phrases into the correct pa rt o f the second row o f the table in Exercise 2 b. a Think about your career in science and make notes on: • what you enjoy most about working in your scientific field • what you would like to do (and not like to do) next in your career • which of your past and present experiences are most relevant to your future in science b In pairs, take turns to interview your partner about his/her career path in science. Use the phrases from Exercise 2c to help you. Unit 1 Getting started in research Applying for research funding 4 a Read the follow ing extract from a website and then, in pairs, answer the questions below. 1 Can an organisation apply for this scholarship? 2 Would you be interested in applying for SARF? Why / why not? 3 What information might you need to include on your application form? 4 What are the advantages of attracting scientists ‘with future potential for leadership in their fie ld’ to a country? Eriko has decided to apply to SARF and has downloaded an application form . Look a t the lis t o f sections on the form (1 -10 ) and match each one to Eriko's notes on the inform ation she needs to provide (a -j). About The Sheridan Australian Research Fellowship (SARF) aims to develop science in Australia by attracting outstanding scientists in their field to continue their research in an Australian university or research institution. SARF fellowships are awarded to individual scientists with future potential for leadership in their field. Successful applicants receive a 5-year grant covering salary, travel and relocation costs. APPLICATION FORM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 APPLICANT CURRENT APPOINTMENT AND ADDRESS LOCATION OF PROPOSED STUDY SPONSOR’S RECOMMENDATION DEPARTMENTAL SUPPORT PROJECT TITLE PROJECT SUMMARY DETAILS OF PROPOSED RESEARCH BUDGET NOMINATED REFEREE WITH PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE OF APPLICANT 5 a on e * p U if t» o f Kao I'll do the research and Jrwj it IS important a short description o f wh?4 i II research a statem ent fra n a sen«x researcher explain,,^ uhy I m a suitable a p p ltan > hou m uch I plan to spend on my research the \ob I do nou - ■ ■ ■ ■ the name o f someone to support my a p p k a t» g h a t I’ll ca ll my research permission from my head o f fa cu lty to use his, her r e s o u r c e s ------------------- — uhere I plan to study ---------- *------ my personal info ------- — ----------------- Section 7 o f the form asks applicants to w rite a project summary o f th e ir research proposal. Think about a research pro ject in your area. In pairs, take turns to summarise the pro ject fo llow ing the instructions (1 -6 ) below. 1 State the aims of your research 2 Define what the problem is 3 Explain why your topic is worth researching 4 Say what the expected outcomes of the research are 5 Outline the procedures you will follow 6 Outline how you will lim it your investigation Read Eriko's completed project summary on page 9. Then say what you th ink the commercial applications o f Eriko's research m ight be. Unit 1 Getting started in research 7 PROJECT SUMMARY Provide a brief summary o f aims, significance and expected outcomes o f the research plan A 3-D odour-compass for odour-detecting robots Odour-sensing robots offer many benefits over the current use of animals in similar roles, including safety, efficiency and durability. [A] However, the robots which have been developed to date are limited by the fact that they can only accurately detect and navigate towards odour plumes if they are within direct 'sight' of the chemical source. Clearly, in real world situations, obstacles may well impede the robot's detection ability, and at present, odour-sensing robots are therefore only of limited use. [B] The proposed research will concentrate on developing a robot which is able to gather readings in three dimensions and therefore overcome the limitations of current models in odour-detection. [C] This technology will make robots a more effective substitute for animals. [D] This research aims to develop existing robotic technology to create a three- dimensional (3-D) odour compass to be used as a navigation tool in searching for an odour source. [E] This will then be tested experimentally in simulated environments where wind direction is not stable or where obstacles interfere with odour distribution. A second stage in the research will be to develop the robot's environmental sensors, thus allowing it to safely negotiate the terrain to reach the source of the odour. [F] This should produce a robot which is able to both detect and move to the source of an odour, even on difficult terrain. Match each highlighted section in the summary (A-F) to the correct function (1 -6 ) from the lis t in Exercise 5a. Look a t the highlighted sections A -F again. Underline the words th a t you could use in your own pro ject summary. Makes notes like the follow ing example. Howevev, t-a ¿»wuA Wufej. fo ¿̂ e-fine H\e pvobiem (A). Complete the pro ject summary by another researcher below using the correct word or phrase from the box. aims to however the in itia l phase the proposed research the study will indicate Consumer interest in wines produced in organic vineyards has increased significantly in the last few years. (1 )______________ to date it is unclear whether these production methods actually improve soil or grape quality. (2 )_____________ will be the first phase of a long-term study on a New Zealand vineyard. These results (3 )_____________ whether methods of viticulture improve grape quality. The research (4 )_____________ investigate the effects of organic agriculture on soil and grape quality. (5 )_____________ will consist of two treatments, organic and conventional (the control), each replicated four times in a randomised, complete block design. All organic practices will follow the standards set out by the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). (6 j_____________ will assess soil quality using physical, chemical and biological indicators over six years. The next phase will then assess the physiology of the vines. Write a short pro ject summary o f about 1 50 words fo r the research you discussed in Exercise 5a above. Use the phrases you noted in Exercises 5d and 6a. Unit 1 Getting started in research Preparing for an interview Read the extract o f an email to Eriko from Dr Caroline Hansford o f SARF and then answer the follow ing questions. 1 How will Eriko be interviewed? 2 What does she have to do before the interview? 3 Why might this interview be particularly difficult? 13 a Eriko has decided to w rite her presentation and then to memorise it. In pairs, make a note o f the advantages and disadvantages of: • reading your presentation from a script • memorising the script of your presentation • not using a script (using notes only) b ► 1.4 Eriko has asked Carlos to comment on her presentation. Listen to Eriko’s firs t two a ttem pts and answer the follow ing questions. 1 How do you think Eriko feels? 2 What comment does Carlos make on her first attempt? C What advice do you th ink Carlos might give to Eriko on her second attempt? d ► 1.5 Listen to Carlos’s feedback. Complete the notes below. f f l i m f f f f f f i w m Good: Remembered everything Spoke more ( 1 ) _______ Speed O K _ _________ Practise more.: and we plan to hold interviews in the final week of July. Your interview has been scheduled for Thursday 28 July at 0900GMT. As you are currently based in the UK, we will be interviewing you by conference call. Please write back to us to confirm your availability for this date and time. We will be asking all interviewees to deliver a short presentation of their research proposal at interview. In your case, we would like to ask you to upload a video of yourself giving such a presentation no later than Wednesday 20 July. M ake im portant uords (2) (3 )------------------------- Plan when to (4 )_______ Practise (5) ___________ . and uords many times toAsk an (6) ___________ record your presentation so you. can copy them- (7) ► 1.6 Listen to Eriko practising the introduction to her presentation again. 1 Has she followed all of Carlos’s advice? 2 Does the presentation sound better now? 12 Unit 1 Getting started in research f ► 1.7 Listen to the fo llow ing extracts from the presentation and m ark the stressed words with a (•) as in the example. • • 1 Hello. My name is ... and I’m currently ... 2 My research focuses on ... 3 This is useful because ... A For example, ... 5 However, there are a number of problems with ... g Complete the phrases in Exercise 13 f with information tha t is true fo r you. Then practise saying the sentences, paying attention to stress and intonation. h Imagine you are giving a short presentation like Eriko. Either: Choose a topic in your own research area and plan a short presentation (about 70 words). Plan where you w ill pause and which words you w ill stress, as in Exercise 1 3f. Then memorise the text. Or: Using the audioscript, memorise the beginning o f Eriko’s presentation. Then take turns to deliver your presentation to a partner. Give feedback on each o ther’s presentations. a Phone and video conferencing are both common fo r interviews and meetings nowadays. Complete the advice fo r interviews by conference call using the words and phrases in the box below. application form comfortable position facing late phone number questions see shuffle thank tone of voice CONFERENCE CALL INTERVIEWS Before your interview Find out exactly who you will be talking to Check w hether they will be ab le to (1 ) _____________you or just hear you Check the date, time, the (2 ) _____________ to dia l in on, and the right co de to access the conference call Read your CV and (3 )___________ _ again Practise answering questions you m ight be asked Prepare (4 )_____________ to ask the interviewer During your interview • Don't be (5 )_________ • Use your [6 ]_________ . to sound confident and enthusiastic Do not (7 )_____________papers (this will make a noise) Sit in a (8 )_____________- do not move abou t too m uch Speak very clearly, (9 ) _____________ the m icrophone When the interview is over (10 ) _____________ the interviewer(s) and end positively b Look at the completed advice in Exercise 14a. Which do you th ink are the three best pieces o f advice? Why? Imagine you are being interviewed fo r a job or a fellowship. In pairs, make a list o f questions which you m ight be asked. Then take turns to interview each other. Unit 1 Getting started in research 13 UNIT 2 • Communicating w ith scientific communities • W riting a critica l review • Completing a Material Transfer , Agreement 0 nature. network 1 i f ii l MW" « s a - ' - T U T . ■NUNM) « c THE»jyfte*TIMES* ■ - f - THE REMARKABLE ST® ‘T f O F A WONDER DRi: Communicating with scientific communities 1 a Match the methods o f communication (1 -6 ) to the pictures (a -f). 1 an academic journal 4 a popular science magazine 2 a conference 5 a popular science book 3 an online forum or science blog 6 a newspaper b Which o f these ways do you usually use to communicate? C Why is it im portan t fo r scientists to keep in touch with: a other people in their field (e.g. biology)? b people in their specialism (e.g. molecular biology)? c people in other fields of science? d In pairs, read the follow ing statements and say which form(s) o f communication from Exercise la the speakers should use to find the inform ation they want. 1 r ^ I'm try ing to learn more abou t the Hadron co llider because it's big news, bu t it's n o t even close to my area so I'm fin d in g the papers on it heavy-going. A t my university, I d o n 't meet enough people in my fie ld - I really need to ne tw ork and build some connections w ith people w ork ing around the w orld . I'm having a problem w ith one o f my protocols. I've tried a fe w d iffe ren t things, but w ith no luck - I could do w ith some suggestions from o ther people o f w ha t to try next. 14 Unit 2 The scientific community Writing a critical review 3 Read the headlines and beginnings o f two news articles reporting a recent scientific development. Then answer the questions below. The ‘C hocolate C u re ’ For E m otional Stress There may well be another important reason for giving your sweetheart sweets for Valentine’s Day ... > New Evidence That Dark Chocolate Helps Ease Emotional Stress The 'chocolate cure ' for em otional stress is getting new,' support from a clinical trial p ub lished ... 1 Do you think the claims made in the headlines seem likely or unlikely? Why? 2 In general, how can the science reported in the media differ from the actual science? Why do you think there is a difference? 3 If you wanted to learn more about the research you see reported in the newspaper, where could you look for more information? b Martina, a jun ior researcher, is supervising Ryuchi, an MSc Physiology student. M artina has asked Ryuchi to investigate the claims in the headlines and then to w rite a critica l review o f the research. Complete the sentences below in your own words. Then in pairs, discuss your answers. a If you read research critically, it means that you ... b You should always read research critically because ... 3 ► 2.1 Ryuchi has some questions about w riting a critica l review. In pairs, discuss questions 1 -5 . Then listen and make notes on how M artina answers the questions. 1 How long should my review be? 2 Can I write a critical review if I’ve only read the abstract? 3 How should I approach the reading? What should I read first? 4 Is it a good idea to think of questions I want answered? 5 Do I need to take notes or can I just highlight the relevant bits of the text? b Before reading, Ryuchi w rites seven questions to help him. Match the questions (1 - 7 ) to the section o f the research paper below where you would expect to find the answer. 1 What variables were investigated? 2 How did the authors interpret the results? „ . . .. 3 What were the main findings? 4 Why is this research relevant? 5 Who/What was studied? 6 What procedure was used? 7 What was the hypothesis? • Introduction: • M e th o d :___ • R esults:____ • Discussion: _ Unit 2 The scientific community Ryuchi has taken notes on the research paper th a t was reported in the news headlines in Exercise 6a. Use the glossary (pages 1 17 -125 to check the meaning o f the words in the box. anxiety assessment classify consumption hormone metabolic microbiota participant trial period urine Read the Summary column. Which questions from Exercise 7b can you answer? Reference: Martin, f-P.J, fo it i. S., Pere-Trepat, t et a¡. (Zoof). 'Metabolic effects of dark chocolate consumption on energy, gut microbiota, and stress-related metabolism in free-living subjects' T. Proteome P-es, 8 (iz), pp 55tó- 5511 Section of paper Summary Opinion Method: to 'joung health') adults 4o g of dark chocolate/da') * i4 da-js (Z0 q am, ZO g prn) pre-trial assessment of awieif levels using questionnaires participants classified as high or low aTOiet-j- da'js I, 8, 15 - blood and urine samples taken analysed changes in cortisol and catecholamines in urine £r energy metabolism and gut microbial activities small sample (1) ----------- . trial period using 1 groups further (2 ) sample siz.e didn't look at changes in (3 ) _________________ levels or reported (4 ) -------------------------------- No (5 ]_________________group on!') '¡oung healthy participants P-esuits: reduction in stress hormones in the urine for all the participants less difference between groups in energy metabolism and gut microbial activity Discussion: 4o g of dark chocolate a da'j for two weeks can change metabolism could have long-term effects on health can't prove that (6 )________________ caused the changes need more people with the (7 )________________ awiet'i levels give either chocolate or a (S j------------------------- look at long-term stress, anwet-j, health and (9 )________________ changes should use a (10 )_________________trial ^ 2.2 Before w riting his critica l review, Ryuchi discusses his notes with M artina. Listen and complete the notes in the Opinion column, using one word from the recording fo r each answer. From the in form ation in Ryuchi’s notes, discuss in pairs whether you th ink the research is: • credible? • significant? • original? • valid? • reliable? Unit 2 The scientific community 3 Read two extracts from Ryuchi’s completed critical review and answer the questions. 1 Do the extracts include all the main points from Ryuchi’s notes in Exercise 7d? 2 Which extract (A or B) ... a summarises part of the research? b gives an evaluation? A 30 young healthy adults com pleted a pre-trial questionnaire to assess the ir anxiety levels and based on this, they w ere classified as either high or low anxiety. All participants ate 40 g of dark chocolate a day for 14 days. O n days 1, 8 and 15 u rine and blood samples were taken and changes in cortisol and catecholam ines in the u rine w ere analysed, as well as energy m etabolism and gut m icrobial activity. T he research found tha t after 14 days, the level of stress horm ones in the u rine was reduced in all participants. In addition , there was less difference betw een the two groups in energy m etabolism and gut microbial activity. B One problem w ith the research is the small sample size (only 30 people) w hich was further divided in to sm aller groups. T here w as also no control group in the study, m aking it impossible to conclude th a t chocolate was the cause of the changes seen rather than some o ther factor such as o ther food or drink , lifestyle change or activity level. F urtherm ore, only young healthy adults w ere investigated and so the results cannot be applied to those w ho are older or have pre-existing hea lth issues. b Read the six extracts below from a critical review o f another paper. Replace the underlined phrases w ith an underlined expression from Exercise 8a. a A bad thing about this research is there were only 20 participants. Another problem is ali the subjects were hospital employees, b Also, the blood flow in the brachial artery was measured before they drank the coffee, and 30 and 60 minutes after, c The researchers looked at how the blood flow changed. d The result o f the research was that the people who drank caffeinated coffee had decreased blood flow to their upper arm. e The results might not be the same fo r the general population. There was also no measurement of the changes in blood pressure and blood flow after one hour, so we can't know when blood flow returns to normal, f 20 subjects, between the ages of 25 and 50, who usually drank little coffee, were given either a caffeinated or decaffeinated Italian espresso coffee. Theu gave blood before the coffee was drunk, and an hour later. Unit 2 The scientific community 19 UNIT 3 • Doing a literature review • Using evidence in arguing a po in t • Taking part in a meeting Finding a direction f Doing a literature review Biomimetics, or bionics, involves designing processes, substances, devices, or systems that imitate nature. Which natural phenomenon in the pictures above do you th ink inspired each o f the follow ing inventions? air-conditioned buildings body armour super-aerodynamic car painless hypodermic needle harvesting water from fog solar cells that follow the sun in pairs, discuss the follow ing questions. 1 Can you think of any other biomimetic inventions? 2 Biomimetics groups are often multi-disciplinary, that is, they involve people from a number of different subject areas. What disciplines do you think might be included in a biomimetics group? Unit 3 Finding a direction for your research plasma gas 2 3 Pia is a materials scientist. She would like to find a more efficient way o f coating metallic bone implants with hydroxyapatite (HA), a bioactive calcium phosphate (CaP). Look at the diagram on the right. It shows a plasma-spray process fo r coating metallic bone implants with calcium phosphate. Use a d ictionary to check the meaning of the words in the diagram. Pia has noticed a problem with the process shown in Exercise 2a, but she th inks th a t a biomimetic solution might be possible. In pairs, look a t the diagram carefully and answer the following questions. t What do you think the problem might be? 2 Can you think of a biomimetic way to coat the implants with CaP? (Clue: think about how crystals grow naturally) 3 a Pia has decided to read up on the topic to help her plan her research to find a more effic ient coating method. In pairs, discuss the follow ing ( questions.1 Why is it a good idea to review the literature before planning your experiment? 2 How can you find research papers which will be relevant to your area? 3 What might Pia’s next step be after she has read some of the literature? b Look at the extracts from the lite ra ture which Pia has found. Which extract(s) describe: 1 why CaP is used on metallic bone implants 2 the advantages of CaP-coated implants 3 the disadvantages of using plasma-spraying to CaP-coat metal powder injection coatings spray stream of m olten particles | im plant"- coating g All coatings were found to undergo significant plasma spraying-induced changes. Specifically, hydroxyapatite (HA) partly decomposed to a -T C P and tetra calcium phosphate. (Radin, S.R. and Ducheyne, P., 1992) Surface engineering of biomaterials is aimed at modifying the biological responses while still maintaining the mechanical properties of the implant. Therefore, there has been research to develop CaP- based surface coatings on various metals for implant applications. (Paitai, S.R. and Dahotre, N.B., 2009) Uncemented HA-coated implants had better survival rates than the uncoated, cemented ones. (Havelin, L.I., Engesseter, L.B., Espehaug, B., Fumes, O., Lie, S.A. and Vollset, S.E., 2000) Plasma-sprayed coatings have an irregular surface, and always contain some holes throughout their thickness. (Pilliar, R.M., 2005) D Since 1985, it has been reported that HA coatings on metallic implants can successfully enhance clinical success, and a less than 2% failure rate was reported during a mean follow-up study of 10 years. (Yang, Y., Kim, K-H. and Ong, J.L., 2005) Unit 3 Finding a direction for your research 23 Match the defin itions (1 -8 ) to the underlined words and phrases in Exercise 3 b. 1 a further investigation into sth which happened before 2 a way in which sth can be used for a particular purpose 3 having parts of different forms, shapes or sizes 4 to cause sth to happen 5 to change 6 to continue to be sth or have sth 7 to decay or to break down into smaller parts 8 to improve the quality, amount or strength of sth Explain to a partne r in your own words: 1 why CaP is used on metallic bone implants 2 two advantages of CaP-coated implants 3 two problems there are of using plasma-spraying to CaP-coat metal Pia has w ritten a review o f the lite ra tu re she has found. Read the summary o f her review below and then answer the questions. 1 Does Pia’s summary include key information on why CaP coating is used on implants? Does it describe advantages and disadvantages of the process? 2 Has she used the same words as the original authors did in extracts A-E? 3 How does she refer to the work of other scientists? 4 What does et al. mean in ‘Yang et al., 2 0 0 5 ’? (1) The surface of metallic bone implants is often sprayed with calcium phosphates (CaPs) to improve the biological response (Yang et al., 2005; Paital and Dahotre, 2009). (2) Studies have found better survival rates for coated implants (Havelin et al., 2000). (3) However, the usual plasma-spray technique cannot coat all surfaces evenly (Pilliar, 2005). (4) In addition, the plasma-spraying process causes CaP input powders to break down into other compounds such as tetra calcium phosphate (Radin and Ducheyne, 1992). In a lite ra tu re review, it is im portant to combine inform ation from d iffe ren t sources and show how d iffe ren t pieces o f in form ation relate to each other. Look a t Pia’s summary again and answer the follow ing question. What word or phrase does Pia use to show that: a there is a contrast between the information in Pilliar (2005) and Havelin et al. (2000)? b Radin and Ducheyne’s (1992) research shows another problem with spraying, different from Pilliar (2005)? Unit 3 Finding a direction for your research When we are arguing w ith someone, we need to use evidence to support our point o f view. We can use ‘because’ o r ‘because o f’ to give a reason or ‘so’ to show a result o f a s ituation. Look at the follow ing examples and then complete sentences 1-5 below using because, because of o r so. • I think nets must be less efficient because they have holes in them. • I think nets must be less efficient because o f the holes in them. • They have holes in them, so I think nets must be less efficient. 1 ________________ the wave of depolarisation running along the cell, a series of new action potentials is triggered. 2 ________________ the magnitude of the energy loss is greater for phosphorescence than for fluorescence, phosphorescence occurs at longer wavelengths than fluorescence. 3 The internal dynamics of the proton are complicated_________________ they are determined by the quarks exchanging gluons. 4 Root gravitropism influences the plant more than root hydrotropism, ________________hydrotropism is difficult to observe in vivo. 5 The remaining subjects were excluded from the analysis________ ________ missing data. ► 3.2 Listen to th is extract from Rayna and Bryn’s conversation and circle the phrase in bold th a t the speakers actually use. Check your answers in Audioscript 3.2 on page 93. Rayna: I th ink we could / We can create a material which w ill / could be used to harvest water from fog. Bryn: Yes, th a t m ight be possible / we can, but it wouldn’t be / 1 don’t believe it would be any better than the lotus-inspired surfaces Meera and Zein are working on. Rayna: That’s true, but it seems to me th a t / but this would be more efficient. Look at the a lternatives in the sentences in Exercise 5b. The meanings are the same. Which version o f the conversation is more polite? Why? Make the sentences below more polite by using the less certain and less direct kind o f language in Exercise 5b. 1 I think that biomimetic solar panels which move with the sun can be created by using alternative materials and designs. 2 They will be useful in developing areas, where motor-based sun-tracking panels are not affordable. 3 Also, solar cells that track the sun are probably more efficient at generating power than those in a fixed position. Think of an issue which people in your fie ld often argue about. Then in pairs, argue fo r or against the point. Remember to use evidence to support your view and phrases to sound polite, as in Exercises 5a and 5b. Unit 3 Finding a direction for your research 27 Taking part in a meeting 7 a In pairs, discuss the follow ing questions. 1 Have you ever taken part in a meeting in English? if so, who was the meeting with and how was it? 2 What might be difficult about having a meeting in English, apart from the language difficulties you might have? b ► 3.3 Listen to four scientists ta lk ing and take notes about problems they have had in meetings in English. 1 Sahal:___________________________________________________________________ 2 H itom i:__________________________________________________________________ 3 Sam:_____________________________________________________________________ 4 Radek:___________________________________________________________________ C Have you ever had a problem like those described by the speakers? 8 3 Sarah, Deepak and Ali work together as part o f a team developing biom imetic adhesives by m imicking the way geckos stick to surfaces. Read the inform ation below. Then in pairs, answer the fo llow ing questions. 1 How does the physical structure of the'gecko’s foot help it to stick to surfaces? 2 How does the way the gecko places its foot help it to stick? 3 How do gecko toes become ‘unstuck’? 4 Why does d irt not collect on the gecko’s foot? Geckos can easily run up a wall or across a ceiling because of their remarkable toes, which are made up of a hierarchy of structures that act together as a smart adhesive. The pad of a gecko toe is crossed by many ridges or scansors, which are covered with small hair-like stalks called setae. Each foot can have up to about 2 million setae which cluster in diamond-shaped groups of 4. Each seta branches into hundreds of tiny endings with flattened tips. These tips are known as spatulae. Many people have investigated just how geckos are able to stick and they have found that it is due to Van der Waals forces. These are attractive forces between molecules in the gecko feet and in the surface they stick to. To maximise the area available to create these forces, it is important that the setae are oriented correctly, as they are when the animal walks. In their resting state, the setae bend proximally like a claw. When the gecko places its foot, the setae extend so that their tips point away from the body. The spatulae sit flat against the surface which sets up strong adhesive forces. The gecko also slides the foot very slightly creating a shear force. The ability of the gecko to stick is therefore not just because of the structure of the foot, but because of the whole locomotor system. However, it is not oniy this sticking power which interests scientists. Because geckos can run up walls and across ceilings, they must be able to rapidly switch between sticking and detaching. They do this by changing the shape of the setae to increase the angle between seta and surface to more than 30 degrees, allowing the foot to be peeled away. Gecko spatulae are also self-cleaning. Van der Waals forces form between the spatulae and pieces of dirt. However, because only a few spatulae can adhere to a single piece of dirt, when the dirt comes close to the surface the gecko is walking on, stronger forces pull the particle off the gecko’s foot, which therefore becomes clean. 10 ] 28 Unit 3 Finding a direction for your research ► 3.4 Sarah, Deepak and Ali are holding th e ir monthly research meeting. Sarah is the team leader, Deepak is a senior research assistant and Ali is a jun ior research assistant. Listen to the beginning o f the meeting and answer the questions. 1 What has Deepak been doing differently in his recent study? 2 What does Ali ask him about at the end of the conversation? In your opinion, is A li’s question a t the end o f th is extract relevant or irrelevant to the discussion? Why? ► 3.5 Listen to the next pa rt o f the meeting. Is A li satisfied w ith Deepak’s answer to the question? How do you know? ► 3,6 Now listen to the final pa rt o f the meeting. 1 Is your answer to the questions in Exercise 8c stiil the same, or have you changed your mind? 2 Does Deepak think A li’s question was relevant? Why? During the meeting, A li in te rrup ts both Sarah and Deepak several times. Do you th ink it is appropria te fo r a jun io r scientist to in te rrup t and/or be critical o f a senior colleague’s ideas? Why / why not? When you want to in te rrup t someone, it is im portant to sound polite. Three ways you can do th is are to use: • could or can to make the interruption into a question. • sorry to show the listener might not like what you're going to do. • just to show that you are not going to talk for too long Look at Audioscripts 3 .4 -3 .6 on pages 9 3 -9 4 . Which phrases does A li use to interrupt? ► 3.7 Listen to five extracts from the conversation between Sarah, Deepak and Ali. W rite one word or phrase in each space. 1 ________________ , for a while, people thought it could be capillary, but now it seems it ’s mainly ... 2 ________________ you’re clear on the adhesion mechanism now, Ali? 3 That’s O K ________________ , so as I was saying, what I’ve been looking at {fade out) is the effect of the geometric ... 4 ________________ , because we now know that they are curved, we’ve ... 5 ________________ , could I jump in and ... What is the function o f these words and phrases? Can you find other examples o f words w ith th is function in Audioscripts 3 .4 -3 .6 on pages 9 3 -4 ? Work in groups o f three. Imagine you all work in the same departm ent and are holding your regular meeting in which you all discuss your recent work. Role play the meeting. Take turns to present your current research, interrupting to ask questions where necessary. Unit 3 Finding a direction for your research 29 d ^ 4.1 Listen to the conversation again and tick the variabies Silvana agrees to investigate in the next phase o f her research. □ carbonisation temperature □ type of hydroxide - potassium (KOH) □ heating rate or sodium (NaOH) □ nitrogen flow rate I ] ratio of KOH or NaOH to carbon fibres e W hat reasons did Dominique give fo r not investigating all the possible variables? Do you agree w ith her? f Complete the follow ing summary on variables using the words in the box. affects collecting controlled data dependent independent How much a variable (1 )_________________ a relationship can be discovered by (2 )________________ experimental ¡3 )_________________ on changes to the relationship as the variable Is changed. In an experiment, there will be: • one (A)_________________ variable - this is the feature you are measuring • one or more (5 }________________ variables - these are the variables which you change • one or more (6 )________________ variables - these are not being tested and so they stay the same. g Silvana wants to investigate the effect o f the d iffe ren t hydroxides (NaOH or KOH) on hydrogen adsorption in the carbon fibres. 1 In this investigation, which of the variables in Exercise 3d will be independent and which controlled? 2 What will be the dependent variable? 4 a Look a t the extracts (a -f) from Silvana and Dominique’s discussion. Then answer the questions below. a Maybe you could look at the adsorption of hydrogen, b Perhaps I should look at the 1 273 К and 973 К temperatures, с I could make different ratios of hydroxide to carbon fibres another variable, d Perhaps I could s ta rt with looking just at a couple of different ratios, e You might be able to just look at the papers you mentioned. f Mavbe 111 have a talk to Mauritz about the adsorption protocols he's been using. 1 Do these sentences refer to the present or the future? 2 Are they used to discuss plans or suggestions? 3 What parts of speech are the underlined words? 4 What part of speech are the words in bold? b In pairs, role play a discussion between a researcher and a supervisor about the effect o f tem perature and ra infa ll on the population o f the mosquito Aedes albopictus. First, decide which type o f experiment (from Exercise 2a) should be used to investigate the effects. Then discuss what the variables in the experim ent m ight be. Use the language you studied in Exercise 4a to help you. 32 Unit 4 Designing an experiment Designing an experimental set-up 5 3 Match the instruments ¡1 -8 ) to the pictures (a-h). 1 calipers 2 dynamometer 3 geiger counter 4 interferometer 5 litmus paper 6 oscilloscope 7 seismograph 8 spectrometer b What meaning do the fo llow ing suffixes add to the words in Exercise 5a? -graph -meter -scope C ► 4.2 Match an instrum ent in Exercise 5a to what it measures. Then listen to the conversations and check your answers. pH radiation changes in voltage over time light intensity distance torque motion wavelengths of light d Do you take measurements as part o f your research? W hat do you measure? What instrum ents do you use? 3 Silvana is going to discuss her design fo r an experimental set-up with Mauritz, a more experienced researcher. In pairs, look carefully at Silvana’s diagram and notes. Then discuss what words you th ink might complete the gaps (a-h). Carbon hbre ÎCÎ j (a) . pla or ( d ) ___________________ iask I’ kuntz J 1 Tube (e) ________________ 3 Inner tube ' Wfvtt mafenal ? Wnaj size 2. Usk flauntz) 1 ( f)_________________control! er (for furnace J Increase temperature 5 K/imirv up to 103.5 K - for hou lonq̂ (ask tlauntzS Maybe add (g) _________________ meckarusm later 5 Hol) controller (d (h )___________________ t1ou - 500 ml/mm. CF carbonised ® l î / j K or ^ 7 3 K activate CF u»tK KOH or NaO H . ^ .l l I0 .I k iv d on (b) i ....J Unit 4 Designing an experiment 33 ► 4.3 Listen to Silvana and M auritz talking. Complete each space in Silvana’s notes using one word from th e ir conversation. Match the beginnings (1 -7 ) to the endings (a-g) o f some o f Siivana’s sentences from the conversation. Then look a t Audioscrip t 4.3 on page 95 a have the sample on a tray in an inner tube, b simply mixing the fibres with the hydroxides in pellet form, at the relevant ratios, c relying on natural convection first. d running i t through at 500 ml a minute, through the entire heat treatment. e start off with fibres which have been carbonised at two different temperatures, f stick with that, g using those quantities first. Phrases 1 -7 in Exercise 7a can all be used to discuss fu tu re plans. In pairs, answer the fo llow ing questions. 1 Which phrases can we use to sound more confident about a future plan? Which are used to sound more tentative (i.e. less confident, more cautious)? Divide the phrases into two groups (more confident and more tentative). 2 Which phrases are followed by the in f i n i t i v e ? Which are followed by a v e r b -ing form? !► 4.4 In her notes in Exercise 6a, Silvana had four questions fo r M auritz. Listen to an extract from the conversation and answer the questions. to check your answers. 1 I'm going t o ----- 2 I was thinking of N 3 I think I 'l l try / 4 I thought I should 5 I'm planning to V— 6 I 'll try 7 I was planning on Sample tray: ceramic or steel ? Use (1) __________________ Inner tube: uhat matenai ? Use (2) ____________________ ukat size? lengtk ( 3 ) _______ ____m /d iam ete r. Keep temperature constant for ( 4 ) ____________minutes Look a t the responses M auritz gives Silvana. Put a verb from the box into the space in each sentence. W hat is the function o f these sentences? don't think were would 1 If I ______________you, I’d use steel. 2 W hy_____________ you try that to start with? 3 i ______________use less than 10 cm. 4 I _____________ you should maintain the temperature for 75 minutes. Think o f an experim ent you are planning to do or would like to do in the future. Draw and label a sketch o f the set-up as you plan it. W ork in pairs. Student A, use your sketch to explain your plans fo r the experimental set-up. Try to use some o f the phrases in Exercise 7a. Student B, ask questions fo r c larification (be sure to in te rrup t politely) and make suggestions if you can. Try to use some o f the phrases in Exercise 8b. Then change roles. Unit 4 Designing an experiment Sentences like prediction (a) in Exercise 12b are useful fo r ta lk ing about the relationship between a possible situation and the expected result o f that situation. Read the fo llow ing sentence and then answer the questions below. If/When the fibres are more porous, they adsorb more hydrogen. 1 Which part of the sentence tells us about a possible situation? 2 Which part teiis us about the result of that situation? 3 Can you rewrite the sentence with ‘Fibres’ as the first word? Now look at four more sentences and answer the questions which follow. a If/When the fibres are more porous, they adsorb more hydrogen, b If the fibres are more porous, they w ill adsorb more hydrogen, c If the fibres are more porous, they w ill probably adsorb more hydrogen, d If the fibres are more porous, they m ight adsorb more hydrogen. 1 What is the difference in meaning between: a sentences a and b? b sentences b and c? c sentences b and d? 2 Does the tense of verb change in the //-clause in sentences a-d? Look at the description o f the experim ent below. Note down your predictions about what will happen a t each stage. 1 Hang a 1 in length of string to a fixed point. Tie a weight to the end. Pull the string back to the release point (a 45° angle) and time how long it takes to swing forward and back 5 times. Add a second weight and repeat. Make sure the release point is the same. Prediction:__________________________________________________________ 2 Pull the string back to an angle of 90°. Release and time how long it takes for 5 swings. Change the release angle to 20° and repeat. Make sure the weight used is the same. Prediction:__________________________________________________________ 3 Shorten the string to Vi of its original length. Pull the string back to 45°. Release and time how long it takes for 5 swings. Shorten the string again to 'A of its original length and repeat. Make sure the weight and release angle are the same. Prediction:__________________________________________________________ Look back at the experimental set-up you sketched in Exercise 9a. Make notes on your predictions o f what w ill happen in the experiment. Then, explain your predictions to a partner. Unit 4 Designing an experiment 37 UNIT 5 Describing a process Evaluating the results of an experiment Describing problems w ith an experiment Keeping a lab notebook lithosphere 80 km mantle 2,800 km core 3,500 km metallic li outer con 2,300 km solid inner cm 1 , 2 0 0 km Describing a process In pairs, discuss the follow ing questions 1 What processes do you need to describe in your field of research? Who do you describe them for? 2 How much detail do you need to include in your descriptions? 3 What do you think are the most important points to remember when describing a process for other scientists? Chuyu is researching seismicity (earthquake activity). In pairs, answer the follow ing questions. Use the diagrams above to help you. 1 Do you know what causes earthquakes? 2 How might the Earth’s mantle be involved in seismicity? Chuyu is investigating how the strength o f d iffe ren t m inerals in the Earth’s mantle changes a t high pressure and tem perature, and how this relates to seismicity. Look a t the sketch below o f the process he uses to measure mineral strength. Using the diagram, can you describe the process in your own words? 300 mm I ' L L - I II ( U n it 5 Describing an experiment C Read Chuyu’s summary o f his procedure below. Then read the firs t paragraph again and say what labels A -F in the diagram represent. (1) Multi-anvil high pressure apparatus was used to generate the high pressure and temperature for the specimen. (2) The powdered mineral sample was placed into a tube of rolled rhenium. (3) The rhenium tube was loaded into a ceramic octahedron. (4) Two tungsten-rhenium thermocouple leads were attached to the octahedron. (5) The octahedron was surrounded by a set of eight tungsten carbide cubes. (6) The cubes were placed into the space formed by six secondary anvils in the press. (7) The press was pumped up to the correct pressure. (8) The anvils transform the directed force of the hydraulic press to hydrostatic pressure on the sample. (9) Heating of the tube was carried out using an electrical current conducted through the anvils. (10) Temperature was controlled with a programmable temperature controller. (11) Energy diffraction patterns were collected using a germanium solid state detector. (1 2) The patterns were analysed to work out the material's strength. 3 9 Underline the main verb in each sentence o f the summary in Exercise 2c (the first one has been done fo r you). Then answer the follow ing questions. 1 Which main verb form is used in almost all the sentences? 2 How is this structure formed? 3 Why is this structure often used in describing a process? 4 Which main verb is different? Why? i b When you are reading the scientific literature, it is useful to record any v e r b + p r e p o s it io n combinations you find. Read the summary again and find a t least five v e r b + p r e p o s it io n combinations. | C Complete the sentences by choosing the correct preposition (a, b or c). . other amino acids in the protein1 First, leucine was sepa ra ted________ hydrolysate, a for b from c with 2 Many bacteria, such as Bacillus spp., can be iso la te d _____________ insects. a from b to c with 3 Subsequently, the specimens were em bedded_____________ methylmethacrylate. a at b in c to 4 The sections were s ta ine d ______________uranylacetate and lead citrate solutions. a with b to c under 5 MIP-1 p was added to wells which had been co a te d______________BSA. a by b from c with 6 pH is maintained ________ 6,5, using Waterlife Buffer and Sera pH Minus. a at b in c to 4 3 Chuyu has asked a colleague, Thabo, to check his work. Look a t the summary in Exercise 2c again. Has i t been w ritten in an appropria te style? Would you change anything? Unit 5 Describing an experiment 39 8 a b c 9 10 Read the summary o f Chuyu’s most recent results. Match the highlighted parts o f the summary to an To date, strengths at high temperature and pressure of the upper mantle mineral olivine and the lower mantle mineral perovskite have been investigated. In addition, underlined expression w ith a sim ilar s o m e research has been carried out on wadsleyite from meaning in Audioscrip t 5.3 on page 1 e transitl0n zone. In all three mineral samples, at 96. (The tenses in the Audioscrip t ambient temperature, differential stress increased w ith may not be the same as in the pressure until yielding occurred. Of the minerals studied summary.) perovskite has the highest strength and olivine the Why do you th ink Chuyu uses WadS'eyite ^ ^ d iffe ren t words in the w ritten ri f 7 t6mperature; Stren9th summary from those he used in the p igniican y as temperature increases, conversation with Lucia? erovskite, on the other hand, shows no change in yield strength in response to temperature up to 873 K when In 1 - 4 below, each (a) sentence temperature is increased at a pressure of 20 GPa is from an inform al conversation and each (b) sentence is from a form al research paper. Complete each (b) sentence using part o r all o f the highlighted phrases in Exercise 8a, and any o ther necessary words. 1 a And then I’ve started looking at the petrography, too. b ___________________________ petrography studies have been 2 a As I expected, sodic glasses had lots of cations with low average field strength and non-sodic glasses didn’t have many at all. b Sodic glasses contained _________________ number of cations with low average field strength and non-sodic glasses the lowest. 3 a I thought the AI2Os in the samples would decrease as S i02 increased, and it did. b In all five tephra samples, A l20 3 decreased---------------------------------------- the increase in S i02 4 a So far, I’ve looked at the morphology and mineralogy of tephra samples from La Malinche. b the morphology and mineralogy of tephra samples from La M alinche--------------------------------------- examined. Think about the experim ent you discussed in Exercise 6a. Then w rite a short summary in a form al style using the tex t in Exercise 8a as a model. Describing problems with an experiment Think about an experim ent you did where you had a problem. Tell your partner: • what the problem was • what the possible causes of the problem were • how you discovered what was causing the problem • how you solved the problem 42 Unit 5 Describing an experiment 11 3 )► 5.5 Chuyu has been continuing his experiments using wadsleyite and has moved on to look a t the fourth mineral, ringwoodite. He is ta lking to Lucia ,a | about some problems he has had. Listen and complete the second column * of the table w ith the two possible causes o f the problem. Problem Possible cause Likelihood Action to be taken Expects ringwoodite 1 likely/possible/ Send sample for to act like wadsleyite, unlikely analysis but it doesn't. 2 likely/possible/ Be more careful unlikely between runs b ► 5.5 Listen again. How likely do they th ink each possible cause is? Circle the correct option in the th ird column o f the table. 12 3 Look at the phrases (1 -5 ) below from the conversation. Which phrase is used to describe a problem? a possible cause? the likelihood of something being correct? ... so far the results are all over the place. It looks like you’re using olivine again. Yeah, i t ’s possible. But I really th ink i t ’s unlikely. I guess if my measurements aren’t coming from the same base point then there could be problems. 5 ... a calibration issue is a possibility. b In pairs, th ink about a problem you are having with your current research. Use the expressions in Exercise 12a to describe some possible causes fo r the problem. Then explain how likely you th ink each one is. 13 3 Chuyu has summarised his recent problems in a report fo r his supervisor. Complete the summary using the words in the box. appears likely possibility possible possibly similar surprising unlikely (a) Because / Because o f the results obtained with wadsleyite, those from studies of ringwoodite are rather (1 )_______________ Ringwoodite, like wadsleyite, is a transition zone mineral, (b) So / As a result, these minerals would be expected to act in a (2 )_____________ way. (c) However, / But in the current data, ringwoodite (3 )_____________ to behave more like olivine. There are a number of possible causes of these findings, (d) A t the beginning, / Firstly, it is (4 )_____________ that the sample tested is not in fact ringwoodite, but actually some other mineral, one (5 )_____________ from the olivine group, (e) However, / Although this is (6 )_______________a composition analysis is being carried out to verify the identity of the sample material. A second (7 )_____________is that the multi-anvi! needs to be recalibrated. This seems the most (8 )_____________ cause of the problem. (f) So / Therefore, it will be checked immediately. , b Now complete the summary by choosing the correct linking word (a -f). Unit 5 Describing an experiment 43 14 W rite a short summary describing and reporting problems you have been having with an experiment. Use the experim ent you talked about in Exercises 6a and 9, o r another experim ent you know well. Your summary should say: • what the problem is • what the possible causes of the problem are Keeping a lab notebook 15 a The abbreviations and symbols below could all be used in a scientist’s lab notebook. In pairs, discuss what you th ink each one means. 1 A __________ 5 @ 9 4 ______ 2 RT __________ 6 v _ 10 E ________ 3 ± 7 11 w / ______ 4 w/v _____ 8 —► _______ 12 ~ ______ Now match the abbreviations or symbols (1 -1 2 ) to the correct meanings (a -l) below. a about; approximately h b at c because i d change j e energy k f increases I g leads to more or less (to show the deviation from the number stated) room temperature therefore weight per volume with In pairs, decide how you m ight represent each o f the follow ing in a lab notebook. 1 decreases 2 degrees Celsius 3 kelvin 4 greater than or equal to 5 positive 6 volume per volume 7 without 8 two to one ratio 9 hours 10 concentration d W hat o ther abbreviations do you often use in your lab notebook? e ^ 5.6 Listen to two scientists ta lk ing about two d iffe ren t experimental set-ups. Complete the notes from the lab notebook w ith a number and/or abbreviation o r symbol from Exercises 1 5a and 1 5c. 16 3 In pairs, discuss the follow ing questions. 1 How do you keep a record of your experiments? 2 Have you ever used a lab notebook software package? 3 How does the iab notebook protocol in your current lab compare to other labs you have worked in? 5 mg char into T6A pan, (1] - (2) " kofcf 3 6 nu4 - (3J _ _ Heat 2C (4) 273 K ■tfieil (5 )____ (6) from last fi'me. / min tc rate - K /min to 1*773 K, - In ah purity dO Î7 J _ _ L _ 2 S * ) ; N 44 Unit 5 Describing an experiment b ► 6.1 Kimiko asks Tom. a colleague, to look a t her firs t d ra ft. Listen to part of the ir conversation and mark the following statements true (T) o r false (F). 1 Tom asks Kimiko to make changes to her diagram .______ 2 According to Tom, some readers may only know a little about Kimiko’s research subject.______ 3 Some people call nanotubes ‘magic bullets’ because they can be dangerous. 4 Kimiko’s main interest is in the best method for coating a nanotube with chemical receptors.______ 5 The nanotube can be ingested in different ways.______ 6 Kimiko uses only one method to open the nanotubes after ingestion.______ 3 3 ^ 6.2 Tom asked Kim iko to explain what happens during the process. Complete the fo llow ing extracts from th e ir conversation using the words in the box. Then listen and check your answers. attach by coat dissolves encapsulated in internalised to with 1 To do this, first w e ______________the surface of the tu b e ______________a chemical receptor. 2 If we want to target a tumour which overexpresses folic acid, then we _____________ folate receptors______________the surface of the nanotube. 3 And then we encapsulate the d ru g ____________ the tube. 4 Once the drug is ____________ , we use a cap to close the open end so the drug can’t escape. 5 After that, the capsule is ___________________________ the cell. 6 I use biodegradable caps. The ca p _____________ and then ... b The sentences below describe processes in d iffe ren t experiments. Match the verb in bold in each sentence (1 -5 ) to the correct defin ition (a-e) 1 A microtome was used to slice 4 pm sections a to change from a gas to a liquid or of the paraffin-embedded tissue. solid state 2 As the gas cools, the water vapour condenses b to change the colour of something and is caught in the conical flask. using a chemical 3 Devices in the two chimneys would filter out c to cut something into thin, flat pieces radioactive dust. 4 Haemotoxylin-Eosin stains the cell nucleus d to remove or take something away blue and the cytoplasm pink. 5 Plutonium 239 was extracted from the e to remove solids from liquids or gases sample using nitric acid. C Use the glossary (pages 117 -125 ) to check the meaning o f the words in the box. Then w rite the verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences. dilute fuse together grind into purify rinse with 1 50 Ml test plasma samples w ere______________ 1:10 with sterile water. 2 The remaining material w as______________powder for examination. 3 Steam distillation could be used t o _____________ the nitrobenzene because of its high boiling point. 4 The product w as______________distilled water four times using an Amicon filter. 5 When two deuterons______________at low energy, the neutron is liberated with an energy of 2.45 MeV. Unit 6 Writing up research 1: materials and methods 47 Look a t the extracts below from the conversation between Kimiko and Tom. Which can be used to ask polite ly fo r help and advice (A)? Which can be used to o ffe r help and advice (Q)? 1 But first of all vou need to explain briefly what is happening. 2 Do vou have a moment? 3 I wondered if you could look through it for me? 4 Sure, Kimiko. What can I do for vou? 5 Whv don’t vou talk me through it and make some notes as you go? Draw a diagram o f a process you are working on or one you know well. Then role play a conversation in which you ask a colleague to check your diagram and your explanation o f the process, using the phrases in Exercise 4a to help you. ► 6,3 Tom has checked Kim iko’s second d ra ft o f the m ateria ls and methods section o f her paper and underlined some changes he th inks she should make. Read the follow ing extract and discuss in pairs how you could improve Kim iko’s text. Then listen and make a note o f the changes Tom suggests. Use your notes from Exercise 5a to improve Kim iko’s text. Then compare your paragraph with the Answer key on page 110. We use the passive when the person or th ing which perform s the action is not the main point o f in terest in the process we are describing in the m ateria ls and methods section. Re-write sentences 1 - 5 using the passive voice so th a t they focus on the underlined word. 1 I rinsed the tissue surface with ice-cold isotonic saline solution. 2 After incubation at 37 °C for 60 minutes, the scientist diluted the suspension to 100 ml with water. 3 A mesh filters out particles as small as 10 h jt i. 4 The experiment measures the audiornetric thresholds at six frequencies from 250 Hz to 8 kHz. 5 I used densitometry to analyse the autoradiograph. Which o f the sentences (1 -5 ) in Exercise 6a describe a process in general? Which report a particu la r procedure carried ou t in one particular experiment or set o f experiments? Look back a t the sentences in Exercises 3a-3c . Which verbs are in the passive? Which sentences could be made more form al by using the passive? Which verbs don’t need to be changed into the passive? W rite a paragraph fo r the m ateria ls and methods section o f a paper which describes the process you discussed in Exercise 4b. Use Tom’s advice to Kimiko to w rite the paragraph in an appropria te style. The m agic bullet process uses carbon nanotubes to send a drug to a specific target. Firstly. I functionalise the surface of the nanotube by coating it with chemical receptors. For example, for target a tumour w hich overexpresses folic acid, folate receptors are attached to its surface. Secondly. I encapsulated the drug molecules within the nanotube. Third, the tube is capped and the nanotubes are ingested. For exam ple, the patient can swallow them or inhale them or have the capsules injected into them. Once inside the body, the nanotube locates to the target site. Fifth, the target cell internalises the nanotube by receptor- mediated endocytosis. After that, the cap is either removed or biodegraded and the drug molecules are released into the cell. Unit 6 Writing up research 1: materials and methods Describing data: numbers / numerical values ► 6.4 You are going to hear e ight short extracts in which scientists discuss their work. Read the questions below, using the glossary (pages 117-125) to check the meaning o f the underlined words. Then listen to each extract and choose the correct number (a, b o r c). 1 What was the dosage of fluoride per kilogram of body weight? a 0.166 b 0.16 c 0.616 2 What was the sensitivity of the assay? a 0.02 b 2 .0- c 0.2 3 What is the output impedance at the 5V end? a 0.02 b 0.20 c 0.92 A What amperage of flex is used? a 0.6 b 6 c 6.8 5 What is the temperature below which the superconductor conducts electricity with no resistance? a 9I„ b 19 c 90 6 What is the enthalpy change when 2 moles of water are formed at a pressure of one atmosphere and a temperature of 298 kelvin? a - 51 7.6 b -5 7 1 6 c -5 7 1 .6 7 What is the lowest frequency at which young mice squeak (make a noise) when isolated from their mother? a 450 b 45 c 405 8 What speed laser pulses were used? a 1 5 b 50 c - 50 ► 6.5 Listen and complete the values (a -l) w ith the number or numbers you hear. a — U b ___% c 1___ 6 d 2, 9___ , 7. 5 x h 1. 10— _5 ..,893 I 7 1 7 5/ _ 0 ____ 5 ____ 019 ► 6.6 In pairs, answer the fo llow ing questions. Then listen and check your answers. 1 How do we say these values? a % b 5/a c % d 107 e 10~9 2 How do we say these symbols? a % b x (in e.g. 5 x 109) c - 3 What is the difference between 1.356 and 1,356? How do we say them? Unit 6 Writing up research 1: materials and methods 49 b Look a t the notes again. In pairs, what differences can you see between Kim iko’s experiments o f 29 th O ctober and 18th November? Can you suggest a possible way o f completing the spaces (1 -6)? Z'fth October I8tb November Tube 6 it|: L: 10-^0 pm P: from 6M - average ~ 450 nm [?oo-8oo nm] wall thitVine-ss: 20 nm Tube suspension: float in solvent pipette microdrop onto slides (sticky residue remains - ?solvent blocks tube?'! Sol0 of beads: fluorescent polystyrene beads - P~5o nm float in deionised ltz0 (i% w/v) Min w/ ethylene glycol 1:1 Pip: Put microdrop full of beads ® end v / plastic micropipette Pip if pm tube in sol" — ► No uptake - tubes blocked? Ne*t: Suspend tubes m different solution - ethanol? propanol? C ► 6.7 Kimiko is explaining to Arnie, her PhD supervisor, what she did d iffe ren tly in her 18th November experiment. Listen and complete the notes (1-6) in her notebook. h Tube site: L: ZO—( 1 ) pm P: from 6M - average ~ 500 nm [300- (2 ) nm] (?? Peformed so real diam. smaller?") wall thickness: ( 3 ) nm Tube suspension: float in (A )_______________ Use dielectrophoresis to put on slides %-propanol - dries away & t>oln of beads: fluorescent polystyrene beads - P~"50 nm float in deionised H.0 ()% Wv) Mi?- w/ ethylene glycol (5) i:___ Pip. Fut microdrop full of beads ® end w/ ( 6 ) micropipette Pip U pm tube in sol" —► ùiooà uptake Ney-t: 2 pm or 12. pm dipped - what difference? 13 a Below are two extracts from the final d ra ft o f Kim iko’s m aterials and methods section, based on the lab notes fo r the 18th November experiment. Complete each extract using the words in the boxes. A actual aid and approximately average due estimated evaporated length placed ranged suspended to The experiment investigated filling carbon nanotubes with a suspension containing fluorescent beads. The tubes (1 )______________in (2 ) ------------------ from 20 (3 )______________SO |jm and had an (4 )______________diameter of (5 )_____________ 500 nm and a wall thickness of 15 nm. The tube diameters were (6) 300 (7) _ _ from electron microscope images and ranged between . 700 nm. The (8 )______________tube diameters may have been smaller (9) to tube deformation. _______ in a 2-propanol solution andThe CNTs were then (10)______ (11) on glass cover slips with the (12) dielectrophoresis. The 2-propanol then (1 3 )_______ . of 52 Unit 6 Writing up research 1: materials and methods B blending consisted covered filled laden ratio with . .¡¡sK'fe. __ . A suspension was prepared by (1 4 )______________ethylene glycol (15]_____________a suspension of fluorescent polystyrene beads (1% weight/ volume) in deionised water. The bead diameters ranged from 40 to 60 nrn and the suspension (1 6 )______________of a 1 to 3 volume (1 7 )_____________ of particle suspension and ethylene glycol. A liquid microdroplet, (1 8 )_____________ with fluorescent polystyrene beads, was placed at one end of the CNT with a glass micropipette. The drop (19 ) _____________approximately 6 pm of the CNT. The suspension (20 ) _____________ the CNT by capillary action. b Read through the extracts again. Which o f the verbs in the box are used in: a the passive? b the active? consist cover estimate evaporate fill investigate place prepare range suspend C Below are extracts from the materials and methods section of three different papers and the notes on which they are based. For each extract, use the notes to put the words from the paper in the correct order. The underlined noun phrase at the beginning o f each sentence is in the correct position. X ’ R f r C eJlA r^e. ~ +<Ô.Û - to - / , 4 1 The change in red blood cells / approximately / from / plus / minus / 8% / ranged / to / 7.4%. Float cells in incubation m&d - into flasfc 2 The cells / incubation / medium / placed / and / an / were / in / then / in / a / suspended / flask. Sfre-aw, se.divKe.-nf ~ S0&K l;i WC.I. 3 The stream sediment samples / soaked / 1-to-T / in / volume / a / HCI / at / ratio / were. Write a paragraph fo r the m ateria ls and methods section in an appropria te style fo r an experim ent you are working on or fo r an experim ent you are familiar with. Unit 6 Writing up research 1: materials and methods 53 UNIT 7 Analysing data (s ta tis tica l analysis) Summarising data in visual form W riting captions for figures Describing visual data Writing up research 2: iT I^R rn iT ïT ïl Analysing data (statistical analysis) Some organisms have adapted to live in very extreme conditions and are known as extremophiles. Match the type o f extremophile to the condition it lives in. 1 addophile 2 alkaliphile 3 cryophile 4 metalotolerant organism 5 osmophile 6 radioresistant organism 7 thermophile survives best in media with high osmotic pressures due to high sugar concentrations can survive in areas with high levels of dissolved heavy metals in solution survives best at temperatures between 60 and 80 °C can survive ultraviolet and even nuclear radiation survives best at pH 3 or below f survives best at pH 9 or above g survives best at temperatures of 15 °C or lower In pairs, discuss the follow ing questions. 1 How might research on extremophiles be useful for understanding: a how organisms adapt to their environment? b the beginning of life on Earth? c life on other planets in the universe? 2 What industrial and commercial applications could research on extremophiles have? Find a word or phrase in the defin itions (a-g) in Exercise 1 a with a sim ilar meaning to the prefixes in the extrem ophile names (1 -7 ). For example, acid- and pH 3 or below. U n it 7 W riting up research 2: presenting data Complete the follow ing sentences describing Tiago’s results using the words in the box. a significantly higher not significantly different from no significant differences approximately sixfold higher than in the lowest threefold higher in 1 MT levels in Rimicaris exoculata w ere__________________________ Mirocaris fort u nata. 2 MT concentrations in Palaemonetes varians were ___________________________ those in M. fortunata. 3 The hydrothermal vent shrimp R. exoculata exhibited ___________________________ SOD activity. 4 ___________________________were found in the activity of cytosolic SOD between the two coastal shrimp species, P. elegans and P. varians. 5 The activity of cytosolic CAT was approximately__________________________ the two vent shrimp species compared with their coastal counterparts. 6 __________________________ GPx activity was observed in M . fortunata compared with all the other shrimp species. C Write four more sentences comparing and contrasting the data in the box. d Think of an experim ent you have done. Explain to your partner: • what your variables were • how many samples you had • what statistical analysis you needed to do and what tests you used • what significant results you found ■ Summarising data in visual form 4 3 In pairs, discuss the follow ing questions. 1 Why are visuals used in scientific papers? 2 What visuals do people in your field commonly use to show data? Why? b Match the beginnings and endings o f the sentences about setting data in tables and charts 1 Tables, graphs, etc. are necessary ^ a be consistent with them. 2 Visual summaries allow ) b reduced in size in a paper. 3 Deciding how to present data / c show trends; tables to show exact numbers, visually makes you / 4 Visuals need to be clear even when j d the reader to check the data for themselves. 5 Graphs should be used to I e think carefully about what your results mean. 6 Too much information in a visual v~ f to avoid filling up the text with lists of numbers. 7 Use standard symbols and g will confuse the reader. C Which advice in Exercise 4b do you th ink is the best? W hat o ther advice would you give to someone producing visuals to portray th e ir data? Unit 7 Writing up research 2: presenting data 57 5 a Look a t the visuals. Complete the labels (1 -1 6 ) using the words in the box. 58 Tables column row Two-variable graphs bar chart histogram line graph line of best f it point scatter plot x-axis y-axis 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 Three-variable graphs key label stacked bar chart 11 12 13 O ther caption pie chart scale 14 _____________ 15 _____________ 16 _____________ Ria Formosa 16 37°03'N; 07°47’W Rainbowi 6»13,N.33»54,W 5eawater T pO 17.3« 365c pH 8-28« 2-8e 7,8 . A iH.S(mu) 1.0e -0 — f - - CH_ (№} 21-2SC -0 Cd (mu) 0.9 - 4.5a 130e 0.7 Cu (pv) 0.02 - 0.0Sa 140e 0.0033 Zn ((«i 0.02- 0.03s 160e 0.028 FefcJ«) 8 - 52b 24000e 0 0045 Mn (f/M) 2.5 - 6.3b 2250e * 0 0 13 C((riw) 750« Co(i«) 13e <2 Agirai) 47C 0.023 NKjjm) 3< <2 Si (mM> 6.9e <0.2 V ^Caetano etal. (1997). 11 11 Gills [ 1 Muscle 12 Unit 7 Writing up research 2: presenting data -A d . 10 ■ ilTÏTTTT-n-n n ■ ' 13 in detP-sea hydrothermal yen! The statements below describe which type o f visual is best fo r representing different kinds o f inform ation. Complete them using the words in the box. bar chart diagram histogram line graph map pie chart scatter plot stacked bar chart table It is best to use a: a __________ o r ______________ to show a comparison between items b _____________ to show a correlation c _____________to describe a location d _____________ or a ______________to show proportions of a whole e _____________ to describe a structure f _____________or a ______________to show trends ► 7.2 Tiago has produced some visuals to depict the data from his research and is now showing them to Oceane, his supervisor. Look a t the bar chart in Exercise 5a and, using your own words, complete the notes on the four changes Oceane suggests Tiago makes to the chart. 1 Need to label th e __________________________ 2 Units need to b e __________________________ 3 Need a key t o __________________________ 4 Use T symbols t o _________________________ :___ In pairs, role play a conversation between a supervisor and a student. Student A, you are the supervisor; look a t the visual on page 86 and suggest ways to improve it. Student B, you are the student; make the corrections Student A suggests. Swap roles using the visual on page 87. Writing captions for figures Every visual in a scientific paper should have a caption. The caption is a short text which tells the reader what the visual is showing. In pairs, discuss the fo llow ing questions. 1 Should the caption appear above or below the visual it describes? Why? 2 What kind of information should the caption include? 3 What difficulties might there be when writing a caption in English? Read four captions (A -D ) fo r four d iffe ren t figures. Then answer the questions which follow each one. Fig. 3.The relationship between the weight of shell and strontium concentration in the shell of 8. azoricus from the Mid- Atlantic Ridge (n = 51). 1 How is the information about sample size represented? 2 Can you see a similarity in the grammatical structure of caption A and the underlined part of caption D? B Table 1. Temperature, pH and concentration of chemical species in the end-member fluids of lagoon system Ria Formosa (South Portugal) and MAR vent field (Rainbow) compared with average seawater (adapted from Caetano ef cfZ, 1997; Douville etal., 2002). 3 Are the results in Table 1 from the author’s research? How do you know? 4 Which two-word phrase explains the main purpose of the information in Table 1 ? Unit 7 Writing up research 2: presenting data 59 UNIT 8 Organising the results and discussion sections Preparing and w riting the results section Preparing and w riting the discussion section Writing up research 3: Organising the results and discussion sections 1 3 In pairs, discuss the fo llow ing questions. 1 How is the information in the results section of a paper different from the discussion section? 2 Why do researchers usually keep the results and discussion sections separate? 3 Why might some researchers present the results and discussion together as one section? 4 Some papers include a conclusion section. What is the difference between a discussion and a conclusion? b Read three extracts from a research paper, ignoring the highlighted words and phrases. Then match an extract (A-C) w ith the part o f the paper it comes from : the m ateria ls and methods section, the results section or the discussion section. The m a jo rity of th e ac tiv a ted carb o n s ex am in ed have su rface a re a s ran g in g betw een 9 0 0 a n d 2 0 0 0 m K/g , a n d th e ra tio of m icropore volum e to to ta l pore volum e ran g es betw een 0 .2 6 an d 0 .6 5 . B The h ig h es t s to rage fac to r a tta in e d is 89 fo r com pacted g ra in -based ac tiva ted carbons from ra in so rghum . T herefore, so rghum -based ac tiv a ted carbons w ill be effective fo r n a tu ra l gas s to rag e in th e fuel ta n k s of m o to r vehicles. C arbon isa tion a n d ac tiv a tio n w ere p e rfo rm ed in a n e lec trica l-resistance fu rn ace under* a s te a d y flow of gaseous Ns. The sam ples w ere con ta ined in cy lindrical b a sk e ts m ade fro m 60 m esh s ta in le ss stee l gauze. 62 Unit 8 Writing up research 3: results and discussion a describe(s) changes to the materials? b describe(s) the experimental process? c introduce(s) a significant result? d introduce(s) the highest and lowest values that were looked at? e introduce(s) the researcher’s conclusion? f make(s) a confident prediction? g mean(s) the same as ‘looked a t’? h mean(s] the same as ‘reached successfully’? Max, a chem istry PhD student, is investigating the development o f carbon- based electronics. His research focuses on the possible use o f graphene in electronics. Before w riting his paper, Max is reviewing some words related to his research. Complete the defin itions (1 -8 ) using the words in the box from M ax’s list. Then in pairs, try to guess what Max has been investigating. Dirac point dope/dopant Fermi level impurity layer property of sth sheet ultra-thin k / i - ¿ i w ir i • ' l O u u - u O O U u w U U O U Q Q 1 ------------------- Laijj) very, very thin 2 _____________________________ U ) c l large, th in f la t ^usually rectangular) p ie ce o f sqji&thirig 3______________U) a. measure, o f the energy of the. Ic¿zst tightly heJd electrons vji’tK¡a a. solid V ___________________ (n) a. qu a lity , espec ia lly one. w hich me¿u\s tK a t i t can be used in a. p a rtic u la r w ay a. substance. w hich is mixed w ith another substance to change. ¿usually lower) its qua lity i> ___________________ in) a. th in sheet o f a. substance 7 ___________________ iin) th e energy a t w hich a, solid has its lowest electron density ___________________ i f l /v ) an element w h ich is added to a. substance to chang< its e lectricaJ properties, to atid an element to a. substance. to change its e le c tr ica l properties Read the extracts again. Which o f the highlighted words o r phrases: le- ► 8.1 Max is discussing his research w ith Florence, a new post-doctoral fellow in the lab. Listen and choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 1 Craphene is an ultra-thin layer of boron / carbon. 2 Max adds the dopant to the structure o f / lays the dopant onto the graphene. 3 Max is currently using nitrogen dioxide / F4-TCNQ as the dopant. 4 Max hopes that the dopant he is currently using can reduce the positive / negative charge from the graphene layer. 5 Max also wants to know if the current dopant reacts to a ir / water and heat. Unit 8 Writing up research 3: results and discussion 3 a Read the follow ing extract from the d ra ft o f M ax’s results. Which o f a -c below best summarises the main idea o f M ax’s paragraph? Why are the other two options not suitable here? a Charge neutrality reached at 0.8 nm F4-TCNQ b Effect of F4-TCNQ on monolayer graphene c Fermi level in graphene above Dirac point b Read the extract again more carefully and make the follow ing corrections. 1 Two of the sentences do not belong in the results section. Which ones are they? Where should they be in the paper? 2 Find and correct three verbs in the wrong tense. Why are they wrong? C In pairs, answer the follow ing questions about the corrected paragraph in Exercise 3a. 1 The purpose of the first sentence is to: a give the reader information about the structure of graphene b describe a key result of the experiment c tell the reader which table or figure has the evidence for the key result 2 What is the purpose of the other sentences in the d Read the follow ing sentences from the results section o f M ax’s paper. They are not in order. Then decide which two sentences describe a key result in his experiment. a A comparison with the nonfluorinated version of the F4-TCNQ molecule, TCNG, shows that the charge transfer increases significantly when the F4 is present. b As the temperature increased above 75 °C, the difference between the Dirac energy and the Fermi energy also increased, c Charge transfer occurs with TCNQ, but the Fermi energy always remains at least 0.25 eV above the Dirac point (Fig. 4a). d The difference returned to the level of a graphene layer at 230 °C. e The F4-TCNQ layer is sensitive to temperature. f The maximum shift of the band structure is obtained for a TCNQ deposition of 0.4 nm (Fig. 4d), but no additional shift is observed for higher amounts of deposited molecules. A paragraph contains a topic sentence and one or more supporting sentences. The topic sentence contains the main idea for the paragraph. In the results section, the topic sentence o f each paragraph should describe a Hey result and the supporting sentences should provide a summary o f the relevant findings leading to the main result. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence in the paragraph. e Look a t sentences a - f in Exercise 3d again. The two sentences which described a key result are topic sentences. First, find two supporting sentences fo r each topic sentence. Then put all the sentences in order to make two paragraphs. F4-TCNQ adheres to Fermi level / graphene sheet Dirac cones Doping with F4-TCNQ has an effect on the charge of the graphene layer. The doping level of the graphene layers was precisely monitored with ARPES measurements. For a pure monolayei or graphene, the Fermi level is located about 0.42 eV above the Dirac point (Fig. la ). As increasing amounts of F4-TCNQ were deposited, the Fermi level moved towards the Dirac point (Figs. 1 b- Id). Evidently, deposition of F4-TCNQ activated electron transfer from graphene toward the molecule thus neutralising the excess negative charge. When a 0.8 nm -thick layer of molecules is deposited, charge neutrality was reached. For a thickness of the molecular film above 0.8 nm, no additional shift of the Fermi energy is observed (Fig. le ). paragraph? 64 Unit 8 Writing up research 3: results and discussion ■ I Preparing and writing the discussion section 8 a M ax is asking Florence fo r advice on w riting up the discussion section of his paper. Look a t some o f the questions M ax asks Florence. Can you answer any o f them? 1 Should I work through my discussion in the same order I used for the results? 2 Can I mention any new results? 3 Do I need to mention the results again? 4 Can I refer to other work that’s been done in the area? 5 In terms of language, is there anything in particular I should be careful with? b !► 8.3 Listen to the conversation and make notes on the answers Florence gives to M ax’s questions. 9 3 Florence advises M ax to use noun phrases. Noun phrases can be used to summarise a lo t o f inform ation efficiently. Read a paragraph from an early d ra ft o f M ax’s paper. Then complete the sentence from a la ter d ra ft using the words and phrases in the box. deposition of electron transfer from movement of towards The Fermi level moves towards the Dirac point. When this happens, it indicates that F4-TCNQ has been deposited. When the F4-TCNQ has been deposited, the electrons are activated. When the electrons are activated, they are transferred from graphene towards the molecule. The (1 )_______ Fermi level (2). . the the Dirac point indicates that (3 )_____________ F4-TCNQ activates (4 )_____________ (5 )_____________ graphene towards the molecule. Complete the fo llow ing sentences from three more research papers. In each space, w rite the noun form o f the word in brackets or use of, on o r to. 1 The_____________ (able)______________ a gecko_____________ . walls demonstrates th a t.w alk________ (activate)_____________the adhesive system improves the gecko's movement over smooth surfaces. The_____________ (form)______________ a CaP layer_____________ the surface allowed further crystal growth. Although the species M. fortunata has a low er_____________ (expose) to vent fluids it seems to have a h igher______ (accumulate)_____________metals in its tissues. Florence also advises Max to be concise. In pairs, read another extract from M ax’s paper on the right. Then combine the second and th ird sentences o f the extract into one sentence in two d iffe ren t ways using: a a relative pronoun [which, that, who, etc.) b a vERB-/n<7 The F4-TCNQ layer is stable in air, but appears to be temperature sensitive. At temperatures above 75 °C the energy difference increases. This increase indicates that molecular desorption occurs. Unit 8 Writing up research 3: results and discussion 67 Rewrite the follow ing extracts from three d iffe ren t papers using e ither a relative pronoun (which, that, who, etc.) o r a v e r b -ing. 1 The adhesive apparatus is only activated on sloped surfaces, not on flat surfaces even when slippage occurs. This results in greatly reduced sprinting velocity on smooth, flat surfaces. 2 Consumption of dark chocolate resulted in the decrease in the stress hormone cortisol in the urine. This suggests potential benefits of dark chocolate consumption. 3 On exposure to metals, B. azoricus demonstrates considerable antioxidant enzymatic activity. This reflects a physiological adaptation to continuous metal exposure. Look a t the paragraph(s) fo r the results section you wrote in Exercise 7. W rite a paragraph fo r a discussion section fo r those results. The discussion section o f a paper often describes lim ita tions o f the current research and what experiments could be done in future. Read the following statements about M ax’s research and decide whether they describe a lim ita tion (L) or an idea fo r fu tu re research (F). 1 D The process of charge transfer has not been investigated_____ 2 D Desorption might occur because of the temperature used or because of the vacuum.______ 3 □ Try using higher temperatures at atmospheric pressure to see what happens.______ 4 □ Try doping with other TCNQ-related molecules.____ 5 □ The graphene sample thickness is not consistent._______ 6 □ F4-TCNG might be useful in silicon-based as well as graphene-based electronics_______ 7 □ Investigate different ways of applying the F4-TCNQ la y e r______ ► 8.4 Listen to Max and his supervisor, Dan, discussing the latest d ra ft of M ax’s paper. Tick the points from Exercise 11 a they discuss. Based on Dan’s suggestion, M ax has w ritten a paragraph fo r his paper on lim ita tions and fu tu re research. Look a t the underlined phrases. Which ones express lim ita tions o f the research and which suggest fu ture research? The results presented here indicate that F4-TCNQ has potential as a doping agent for graphene-based electronics, but further studies are needed. The findings suggest that an increase in the temperature above 75 °C causes molecular desorption from the graphene surface. However, the process was carried out in a vacuum, which could be causing the desorption. The results of the present study might have been different if the process had been carried out at atmospheric pressure and it would be beneficial to investigate this fun her. Another limitation of the study is the inconsistent thickness of the graphene samples. Future research should also be encouraged to examine alternative methods of applying the F4-TCNQ layer. This has the potential to increase the commercial use of this doping method. Unit 8 Writing up research 3: results and discussion b Look at the phrases below. Which can be used to express lim ita tions and which suggestions fo r fu tu re research? 1 The scope of this study did not permit us to examine ... 2 Given this limitation, we do not know if/w hether... 3 It is hoped that this research can serve as a basis for future studies into ... 4 This is a clear limitation of the study and raises further questions related to ... 5 These results are preliminary findings and suggest that further research on ... C The paragraph below describes the lim ita tions and suggestions fo r fu ture direction o f a study looking at the production o f graphene layers. Complete the paragraph using the words and phrases in the box. clear given hoped indicates permit raises scope serve as The study (1 )_____________ that it is possible to produce large-area graphene films using a solid-phase-based method. It is (2 )_____________ that this research can (3}_____________a basis for further studies into graphene synthesis. One limitation of the present research is that the (4 )_____________ of the study did not (5 )_____________ us to investigate the differences between using 6H-SiC and 3C-SiC/Si substrates. (6 )_____________ this limitation, we do not know if this method is selective for the type of SiC substrate. In addition, the current study did not investigate a range of heating rates. It is possible that lower temperatures could be used if the process were lengthened. This is a (7 )_____________ limitation of the study and (8 )______________ further research questions related to the possibility of optimising processing conditions to better control graphene production. 13 a Look a t M ax’s concluding paragraph. Which sentences (1 -6 ) explain: a the problem? b how other researchers approached the problem and what they found? c the key findings of the current research? The structure of graphene Graphene sheet (1) Freshly grown graphene displays an excess negative charge. (2) As presented in several other studies, approaches used to remove this charge have all displayed practical disadvantages (Riedl et al., 2009; Lohmann. von Klitzing and Smet, 2009). (3) However, in a previous paper, it was shown that surface- transfer doping was a simple and reliable way to dope graphene (Chen et al., 2009). (4) Recent work has suggested theoretically that F4-TCNQ could have a doping effect on graphene (Pinto et al., 2009). (5) The present study has demonstrated the effect experimentally and shown that the excess negative charge in monolayer graphene can be fully compensated by functionalising its surface with F4-TCNQ. (6) In addition, we have demonstrated that the molecular layer is stable when exposed to air, preserved up to 75 °C and is totally reversible at higher temperatures. b Underline the language used to refe r to o ther researchers’ work. Write a concluding paragraph fo r the discussion section o f the subject you wrote about fo r Exercises 7 and 10. Include the lim ita tions and future direction o f the research. Unit 8 Writing up research 3: results and discussion 69 1 Read an extract from the introduction o f a paper about the ab ility of lichens and microbes to survive in deep space. Ignoring the gaps, how many o f the questions in Exercise 1 b can you answer? Recent advances in space technology (1 )______________(provide) the possibility of studying the survival of different microorganisms in the harsh environment of space (Demets et al., 2005; Baglioni et a l, 2007). Sc far, lichens (2 )______________(bej the only organisms able to survive exposure to such extreme conditions (Sancho etal., 2007; de los Rios et al., 2010). It is believed that, if sufficiently protected by meteorite-like material, microorganisms may also survive the journey through space. However, Brandstatter etal. (2008) (3 )______________(report) that microorganisms embedded in 2 cm thick rocks on the outer surface of a re-entry capsule, simulating the entry of a meteorite (4 )______________(not survive). 1 he aim of this work (5 )______________(be) to obtain further information on the resistance of rock-colonismg microbial communities and lichens to outer space conditions, during the Biopan-6 flight of ESA on board a Russian Foton satellite. Complete the extract by w riting the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. Read two sentences which present the same in form ation in d iffe ren t ways. In pairs, try to decide what the main difference is between the two sentences. Then compare your ideas with the Answer key on page 115. a Amaral-Zettler et al. (2002) reported the presence of microorganisms, b Microbial ecology studies detected the presence of microorganisms (Amaral- Zettler et al., 2002). Complete the follow ing sentences w ith phrases a -d below. 1 We usually use an author-prominent citation when and when______ 2 An information-prominent citation is usually used w hen and when a dealing with ideas we wish to explore in a paper b dealing with information which is not controversial c comparing ideas from a variety of sources d supporting a particular point A number o f d iffe ren t reporting verbs can be used in author-prom inent citations. Complete the defin itions using the reporting verbs in the box. conclude demonstrate discover hypothesise observe prove suggest (1 )______________or (2 )______________: to use an experiment to show that something is true (3 ) _______________to carefully watch the way something happens, then record it (4 ) _____________ and (5 )______________: to give a possible explanation for something which has not been proved (6 ) __________ : to decide something after thinking about it carefully (7 ) ______________: to find or learn information, especially something new In pairs, take turns to ask and answer the questions in Exercise 1 b about a piece o f research you know well. Make a note o f your answers. Use the notes you made in Exercise 5a to w rite a short introduction to your research. Remember to include author-prom inent and inform ation- prom inent references in your introduction. Unit 9 Writing up research 4: introduction and abstract V O Writing the abstract 3 In pairs, discuss the fo llow ing questions. 1 What is the purpose of an abstract? 2 How can an abstract help a researcher choose which papers to read? 3 What Information does the abstract usually include? 4 Why do some people think a good abstract is even more important In the internet age than it was before? b An abstract usually contains one o r two key sentences from each section of a paper. Read the fo llow ing extracts from M ya’s d ra ft abstract. Match a section (1 -4 ) to an extract (A -D ). 1 Introduction 3 Results_______________ 2 M ethod 4 Discussion___________________ .4 With the aim of evaluating this possibility two microorganisms, Additbiobacillus fetrooxidans, an acidophile, and Deinococcus radiodurans, a radiation-resistant microorganism, were exposed to simulated Mars conditions; that is, 95% CO,, 2.7% N ,, 1.6% Ar and 0.6% H ,0 with a pressure of 7 mbars. Temperature was set at 150 K and ultraviolet radiation was in the wavelength range of 200-400 nmat. Exposure was for different times under the protection of 2 and 5 mm layers of oxidised iron minerals. Survival was evaluated by growing the organisms on fresh media. B T he resistance of organisms to extreme conditions like the conditions which exist on the surface of Mars under the protection o f a thin material layer increases the possibility that life could exist on Mars. C Here we report that both the 2 and 5 mm thick layers provided enough protection against radiation and Mars environmental conditions for the bacteria to survive (Figs. 2 & 3). D Current surface conditions on Mars are extremely challenging for life. However, Nicholson and Schuerger (2005) reported that Bacillus subtihs was able to survive for 19 days under Mars atmospheric pressure and composition. The question is whether there are any features on Mars that could provide protection against the surface conditions. One possibility is that the surface material plays a protective role due to the fact that it is composed of iron oxides and hydroxides. C in pairs, decide on the best o rder fo r the extracts (A -D ) in the abstract. Give reasons fo r your answer. 7 3 ^9.1 Svenja, Mya’s supervisor, is commenting on the d ra ft abstract in Exercise 6b. Listen to pa rt o f the conversation and say which section (A -D ) Svenja does not comment on. Unit 9 Writing up research 4: introduction and abstract 73 b ► 9.1 Listen again and mark the follow ing statements true (T) or false (F). 1 Svenja thinks the reference to Nicholson and Schuerger (2005) is useful. 2 Mya should remove the information on iron oxides and hydroxides._____ 3 Mya needs to include more information about the method in his abstract. 4 Svenja advises Mya to refer to the visuals (figures, tables etc.) in the abstract_______ 5 Overall, Svenja thinks the abstract is well written. ...... C Look a t Audioscrip t 9.1 on page 101. Use Svenja’s advice to Mya to improve the three sections o f the tex t o f the abstract in Exercise 6b. Then compare your corrected te x t w ith the Answer key on page 11 5. 8 3 Mya uses particu la r phrases to signal the purpose o f each part o f the abstract (A -D ) in Exercise 6b. Underline a phrase in the extracts which Mya uses to: 1 state the research question 2 present the hypothesis 3 introduce the method 4 introduce key results b The fo llow ing phrases can also be used to signal the purpose o f each part o f an abstract. Divide the phrases (a -l) into four groups according to the functions in Exercise 8a (1 -4 ). a An investigation was g The study provides strong undertaken to explore ... evidence th a t ... b It seems likely that ... h We demonstrate th a t ... c Results show th a t . . i We expected that ... d The aim of the study was to .. ■ j We investigated a new method of v e r b -ing e The data suggest th a t ... k The method involved v e r b -/V?c/ f The present study 1 ... was found to ... investigates ... C The tex t o f an abstract must be concise. Replace the underlined words in extracts 1 - 5 below with th a t o r those. 1 The hormone increased the power output of healthy volunteers by 16 per cent after four weeks of taking the drug. Healthy volunteers who took the drug could also exercise 50 per cent longer than control subjects. 2 We compare photographic exposure from scattered light with light from direct light. 3 The target yield is the yield which can be produced in 'perfect’ conditions. 4 Structures like the structures described in this paper are not known in glyptodonts recorded before the Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI). 5 The lithology of failed carbonate strata differs from the lithologv of their basal shear surfaces. 74 Unit 9 Writing up research 4: introduction and abstract Contacting journals 13 3 In pairs, answer the fo llow ing questions. 1 Have you ever published a paper? 2 What advice would you give to someone who wanted to get an article published? b Below are eight extracts from an artic le which gives advice on publishing your research. Match the headings (1 -8 ) to the extracts (A-H ). 1 Write your cover letter 5 What to do if your paper is accepted 2 Choose your journal carefully 6 Reacting to a journal’s response 3 Submitting your paper 7 What happens next 4 Follow the guidelines 8 What to do if your paper is rejected Talk to other researchers in your field. They w ill be able to suggest journals for your work and w ill know whether the journal has any rules that make it particularly easy. B _______ Read the journal's instructions for authors before you submit. These are usually available on the journal's website. Look at the format o f the journal's papers. Different journals have different rules about the number of copies to submit and whether to submit electronically or in hard copy. Make sure your manuscript is submitted correctly. International Journal o f Astrobiology D____ Keep your cover letter short as the editor who w ill read it probably receives many papers. E _______ The journal w ill probably contact you to say they have received your article. If you do not hear anything, send the editor a short email asking for an acknowledgement of receipt and a reference number. When your paper has been read, the editor w ill w rite to you w ith a decision. F ____ The editor's letter w ill clearly explain how you should revise your paper before resubmitting it. If any points are not clear, w rite back to the editor asking for an explanation. C _____ If the journal rejects your paper, discuss this w ith a colleague. It m ight be better to submit your paper to another journal. Do not send angry or abusive letters (!). H _______ Ask the editor about the journal's rules about copyright and any other conditions. Finally, thank all those who have helped you, letting them know when and where the research w ill be published. 14 Turn to page 88. Read the le tte r which Mya has sent to a journal w ith his paper and answer the questions. 15 Using the corrected le tte r from exercises a and b on page 88 as a model, write a cover le tte r to a journal to accompany the manuscript submission of a research paper you have w ritten (or plan to write). Unit 9 Writing up research 4: introduction and abstract 77 Presenting research at j • Giving a paper at a conference • Socialising at a conference • Presenting a poster UNIT 10 Giving a paper at a conference In pairs, answer the follow ing questions. 1 Have you ever presented your research to your team or study group? How did you prepare? 2 Have you ever given a paper to a large audience at a conference? 3 Why might presenting your research at an international conference be more difficult than presenting to your team or study group? Look a t the online poster advertising a conference and answer the follow ing questions. 1 Who might be interested in attending this conference? 2 If a researcher applies on 7 May, could he/she give a paper at this conference? 3 If you were interested in this conference, how could you find out more? laria Conference July 31 - August 5 Keynote speakers • Zoltán Szabo European Institute of Malaria Research (EIMR) • Miremba Kabasomi Makarere University, Kampala, Uganda Preliminary Programme A list of other invited speakers and preliminary session topics is currently being developed by the Conference Chair and will be announced in due course. Please check back for updates. For further information about us see ONLINE REGISTRATION ONLY Registration is on a strictly first- come, first-served basis. Application deadlines 4 April fo r abstract or poster presentation submissions ? May for attendees Registration fees Academia - €450 Students - €350 Comm ercial/Industry - €650 Unit 10 Presenting research at a conference Complete the fo llow ing words and phrases from the poster using the words in the box. basis course deadline keynote preliminary presentation registration (x2 ) strictly submit updates 1 application_____________ 2 on a ______________first-come, first-served_____________ 3 ______________speakers 4 online______________only 5 poster_____________ Match the words and phrases (1 -1 0 ) in Exercise 1c to the defin itions (a -j). a research summarised in a visual d isp lay______ b an early plan for the conference (some details may change la te r)______ c look for further in form ation______ d money you must pay to attend the conference______ e soon ______ f the Internet must be used to send personal information for the conference g the last date that personal information can be sent to the conference organisers______ h the most important presenters at the conference______ i the organisers will only accept applications in the order they receive them j to send a written summary of your research because you want to present a paper______ The diagram below shows how the adaptive immune system responds a fte r vaccination w ith an a ttenuated (weakened) virus. In pairs, discuss what you th ink the diagram shows. 6 ______________programme 7 _____________ fees 8 t o ______________an abstract 9 in d ue _____________ 10 check back fo r_____________ 1 u \ 2 1351 [ - < • • • 0 • virus • • antigen antigen; _ _ immature presenting T cell cell P I X w m •V i • killer T cell 4 r " l 1 1 1 r r i 6 « T « 1 J— *— 1 w * r m i effector Th cell memory Th cell i i * i i p " * * * * * * * * * * * * - B B-cell + + ^ + antibody * cytokines .¿^macrophage 1 I p 1 1 0° , * *, - * * * * * ... o ' * <W**FO ' * * i ( } * î *(C > pas« V—' Unit 10 Presenting research at a conference 79 6 a ^ 10.4 M ilan has come to the end o f his presentation. In pairs, look a t the lis t (a-e) and decide on the best order fo r him to do these things. Then listen and check your answers. a □ let the audience know his presentation has finished b ' offer the audience the chance to ask questions about his presentation c D reach a conclusion based on his research d □ summarise the main points of his talk e □ thank the audience for listening to him b ► 10.4 Listen to the end o f the presentation again and complete the follow ing phrases using between one and three words in each space. 1 2 3 4 5 I therefore T h a t_____ recap what I’ve said. __________ th a t ... I would like to thank you fo r . I would be happy t o ________ . to the end of my talk today. _____________________attentive audience. . you may have. In pairs, take turns to practise giving the presentation you have been preparing in th is section. You may want to tu rn to the advice on presentations in Unit 1 Exercise 1 3 on page 12 to help you. Give your partner feedback on the ir delivery and th e ir use o f the functional phrases fo r organising a presentation from Exercises 3a, 4a and 6b o f th is unit. Socialising at a conference 8 3 In pairs, discuss the follow ing questions. 1 Have you ever been to a conference? Tell your partner about your experience. 2 Do you plan to attend any conferences in the near future? 3 What might be difficult (apart from giving a presentation) about attending a conference where the main (or only) language is English? b In pairs, look a t the lis t o f typical conference activities (a-h) below and then discuss the follow ing questions. 1 Which of these activities have you done (or might you expect to do) at conferences? 2 Which activities are easier / more difficult for you? Why? 3 Do you know any words or phrases which are appropriate for these activities? a making arrangements for coffee, lunch or an evening out b asking someone which talks they have been to c asking someone for their opinion on a talk d finding out about where someone works and what research they are doing e asking someone if they are giving a talk f asking someone how successful their presentation was g introducing yourself or someone else for the first time h networking (making useful contacts) 82 Unit 10 Presenting research at a conference C ^ 10.5 M ilan is socialising a t the 7th European M alaria Conference in Cambridge. Listen to extracts from eight d iffe ren t conversations M ilan has. For each conversation, say which activ ity in Exercise 8b (a -h) you hear. Sometimes, more than one correct answer is possible. Conversation 1 :____________ Conversation 5 :__ Conversation 2 :____________ Conversation 6 : __ Conversation 3 : ____________ Conversation 7 :_ Conversation 4 :____________ Conversation 8 :_ 9 3 ► 10.5 Look a t the sentences from the conversations in Exercise 8c. Complete the spaces w ith the words in the box. Then listen and check your answers. about based face forward giving go honest how looking sessions this turnout Conversation 1 (1)_____________ was it? Weli, to be (2 )______________it was a b it too clinical for me. Conversation 2 And [3 )______________is Freja Pedersen. Conversation 3 So where are you (4 )______________, Freja? What are you (5 )______________at? Conversation 4 So are you (6 )______________a paper here, Makareta? Conversation 5 Well, how (7 )______________you come out with us tonight? Conversation 6 So, how did the talk (8 )______________? Did you get a good (9 )______________? Conversation 7 So which other (10 )______________have you been to today, Milan? Conversation 8 It’s good to finally meet you, Jacob, and put a (11)_____________ to the name. This might seem a little (12 )______________, but I wondered what opportunities there were in your lab for post-doctoral positions. b in pairs, role play some o f the conference activities (a -h) in Exercise 8b. 10 a ► 10.6 Listen to eight more extracts (1 - 8 ) from conversations a t the conference and answer the fo llow ing questions. 1 In which extract(s) is someone joining a conversation?________________ 2 In which extract(s) is someone leaving a conversation? ____________ b ► 10.6 Listen again. Which o f the extracts do you th ink m ight be im polite or inappropriate? Why? 1 In pairs o r groups o f three, practise socialising a t a conference. Look a t the role cards on page 87 and use the language from Exercise 9a to help you. Unit 10 Presenting research at a conference 83 ■ I Presenting a poster 1 2 a In pairs, answer the fo llow ing questions. 1 Have you ever attended a conference poster presentation session? If so, did you speak with any presenters? 2 Have you ever prepared and presented a poster at a conference? If so, did anyone ask you questions about your research? 3 What do you think the key features of a good poster are? Make a list. b Complete the advice below about preparing a poster using the words in the box. abstract colours columns contact font heading number sentences simple text title white space General points • Give your poster a (1 ]_____________which summarises the main idea. • Keep your poster focused and (2) ____________ so someone can understand the key points without any extra explanation. • Remember that a poster is a summary of your work - so it's not usually necessary to include an (3 )______________ . • Don’t forget to include your name and (4 )____________ information. The look of your poster • Arrange information in (5 )_____________ . • Use charts and diagrams as much as possible, only using (6 )____________ to support your visuals. • Give each section of your poster a clear (7) . ___________ in large type. • (8 )_____________ each section to guide readers through your poster. • Leave plenty of (9 )____________ around each section to make them stand out more easily. The text in your poster • Use phrases rather than full (10)___________ . • Try to keep phrases short. • Choose a (11)_____________ size which makes the text easy to read from a distance of 1 -2 metres. • Use different (12 )____________ for different kinds of information in the poster - but remember to use them consistently. C You are going to see two examples o f conference posters and decide how well they have been designed. Do not try to read the tex t on the posters, but look a t each one fo r jus t five seconds and th ink about how it looks. Then in pairs, answer questions 1 -3 on your firs t impressions. For poster A, tu rn to page 89. For poster B, tu rn to page 90. 1 Were the posters well organised? 2 Was there space around the sections? 3 Could you see the title and section headings easily? Which poster do you th ink was more successful? Why? 84 Unit 10 Presenting research at a conference Unit 7 10 9 8 _ 7U) 5 6o* I 5 1 4i/i 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Unit 10 Student A Introduce yourself. Find out about where B works and what their research interest is. Find out if C is presenting at the conference. Answer any questions you are asked. Student B Introduce yourself. Find out if A is presenting at the conference. Find out if C went to the opening talk and if so, what they thought of it. Answer any questions you are asked. ("student C Introduce yourself. You gave your paper today. Explain how it went. Find out what good talks A has been to. Invite A and B to meet you later. ^Answer any questions you are asked. Additional material Unit 9 Dear Dr Tua, Please find (1) with this letter a (2) draft paper called ‘Protection for Acidithiobacillus fenvoxidans and Deinococcus radiodurans exposed to simulated Mars environmental conditions by surface material' which I am (3) sending only to you at the International Journal r — ofAstrobiology for publication as a full-length article. The paper demonstrates that a 2 mm thick layer of oxidised iron minerals provides enough protection against radiation and Mars environmental conditions for the Acidithiobacillusferrooxidans and Deinococcus radiodurans to survive. It (4) gives more information on the work by Ungwe, published in Issue 17 of the journal. This finding increases the possibility that life could perhaps exist on Mars. This paper should (5) be interesting for people in astrobiology, planetary science and extremophile research. (6) A person who could check the paper is Tom Ungwe ( since, as mentioned, this work further develops his recently published findings on Acidithiobacillus’ polyextremophile nature. (7) I don’t want Mia Brown of South Lakes University to review the work. Thank you for (8) looking at mv article. Please (9) write about this article to me at the University of the North or by email ( Yours sincerely, Mya Mya Mya (Mr) Attachments: Manuscript - ‘Protection for Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Deinococcus radiodurans exposed to simulated Mars environmental conditions by surface material' Completed Copyright Transfer Form Has the le tte r been w ritten in an appropria te style? Replace the underlined words and phrases (1 -9 ) in Mya’s le tte r w ith the more suitable phrases in the box. address all correspondence concerning this manuscript enclosed extends the research I would prefer that ... not be approached to referee this research. knowledgeable referees for this paper might include manuscript entitled submitting for the exclusive consideration of therefore be of interest to those in the field of your consideration of my work Additional material A dditional m aterial 00to ERP measures of material specificity for crossmodal relational memory Greg Savage1 Blake Johnson1 Megan W illis1 Stuart Lee2 Genevieve M cArthur1 Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science (M ACCS), M acquarie University ^School of Psychology, Psychiatry & Psychological Medicine. Monash University The issue Unilateral brain disorders can show material specificity on memory testing: verbally-mediated testing reliably left hemisphere (LH) memory problems “nonverbal" testing assesses right hemisphere (RH) memory problems • BUT : nonverbal findings are not reliable, posing problems for neuropsychologists, neurosurgeons, and ultimately, patients Specific problems Conceptually: • what counts as nonverbal test material? • designs, faces most commonly used Methodologically: • nonverbal tests can be verbalised • verbal/nonverbal tests are not matched • known vs novel content • auditory vs visual mode of presentation • recall vs recognition mode of response Specific solutions? Conceptually : appeal to cognitive models • RH: spatial location, melodic contour • LH: orthographic/phonological processing Methodologically: • use nonverbal materials which ca n lb e verbalised; use verbal materials which aren’t imageable • match verbal/nonverbal subtests • make all items novel • use both visual and auditory modes • use Yes/No recognition responses only 24 healthy Ss; 6 subtests: verbal/nonverbal versions of visual, auditory, and crossmodal pairings displayed nonwords (vis NWs) spoken nonwords (aud NWs) plentron /meldrænt/ crossmodal NW pairs plentron + /meldrænt/ Learning phase Testing/E RP phase (32 channel Neuroscan system) 4 x (i ' '",’1 4 x ( i itlHUS Zr.,-. it.-ms 4 x (6+6) test items 4 x (6+6) tost items Memory performance for the six tasks lt«m toils highly jlmtlur: relational memory (oU> : lamatchad pollings Temporal analyses N1 responses : verbal-nonverbal differences only at bilateral parietal sites (P7, P8) Material specificity : LH responses larger for nonwords, RH responses larger for dots M A C Q U A R IE UNIVERSITY # MACQUARIE CENTRE FOR COGNITIVE SCIENCE Spectral analyses Gamma (35-45 Hz) activation for crossmodal pairings showed material specificity : LH activation larger for nonword-nonword pairs, RH responses larger (trend) for dots-tune pairs Verbal nonword-nonword pairs displayed dot patterns (dots) played melodies (tunes) crossmodal dots-tune pairs • • (synthesised piano) (synthesised piano) Nonverbal dots-tune pairs Conclusions ERPs showed material specificity in recognition memory for both verbal and nonverbal materials, matched for novelty, presentation modality, and testing mode Singleton and relational paradigms both show material specificity Clinical memory tests should contain well> matched verbal and nonverbal subtests; nonverbal subtests could usefully incorporate spatial patterns and melodic stimuli 12c Poster A Carlos: Weil, if you listen to English- speaking people, they stress the important words. They make them louder and stronger. Eriko: And their voice goes up and down more? Carlos: Right. So try to work out which your important words are and stress them. And another thing connected to this is that you don't pause enough. Eriko: I don’t? Carlos: Well, sometimes you do, but not always at the right time. Eriko: So I guess I should plan when to pause too. Carlos: That’s a good idea. And there were some words you had problems with. Eriko: Yes, it's really hard for me to say detect p a rt- ’ ... 'detect particular’ ... arghl Carlos: So I guess you just need to practise those problem words or groups again and again. Eriko: Arghl It’s so hard! Carlos: Why don’t you ask an English speaker to record it for you? Then you can listen and try to copy them. Eriko: That’s a good idea - maybe I can ask Doug ... w m . 1.6 Eriko: Hello. My name is Eriko Oshima and i ’m currently a PhD candidate at Imperial College London. My research focuses on developing odour-sensing robots. This is useful because humans have a poor sense of smell, and so we have to rely on other methods to detect particular odours. For example, we use trained sniffer dogs to locate people trapped in buildings, chemical leaks or illegal drugs. However, there are a number of problems with using dogs. First they cannot communicate exactly what they have detected. But a robot could. Secondly, it is difficult to tell if an animal’s sense of smell is in some way impaired. But a malfunctioning robot would be easily spotted. Third, animals require extensive training with ... M 1 .7 1 Hello. My name is ... and I ’m currently ... 2 My research focuses on ... 3 This is useful because ... 4 For example, ... 5 However, there are a number of problems with ... H I 2.1 Ryuchi: Martina? Before I start the review I just want to check a couple of things. M artina: Uh-huh ... Ryuchi: So first, how long should my review be? M artina: So, for this one, you should be able to do it in a couple of paragraphs. In the first one, start with a brief summary of the research and then go on to a second one which gives your opinion. Ryuchi: And usually I just read the abstract, to find out about the research ... so, can I write a critical review if I've only read the abstract? M artina: Hm, not really. I mean, in terms of the summary, you could get pretty much everything from the abstract, but it really won’t heip you to do a good critical review. You need to have read and understood the whole paper properly before you can judge how good it is. Ryuchi: Hmm ... I guess that’s true. So in that case, how should I approach the reading? What should I read first? M artina: Well, of course you should read the abstract first to get a very general idea ... then focus on highlighting the key information in the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. I’d draw up a table to fill in the key points. Ryuchi: Something like this? M artina: Yeah, that looks great. Ryuchi: Is it a good idea to think of questions I want answered? Like I’ve done here? M artina: Yes, it ’s really good to have those key questions written down. They’ll help to keep you focused while you’re reading and note-taking. Ryuchi: Yeah, someone else suggested I do that. And you mentioned note-taking Do I need to take notes or can I just highlight the relevant bits of the text? M artina: Well, you could simply highlight, but it ’s really important when you write the summary that it ’s in your own words. So if you make notes in your own words, that will heip you later. Ryuchi: Good point. And I’ve added this column to make notes on what I think is good and bad as I go along. To do the critique later. M artina: Excellent idea. So why don't we ... Ryuchi: ... So I read the paper, by Martin et at., and, well, I don’t think it ’s very credible. M artina: OK, so can you talk me through it? Ryuchi: OK, so, method. They studied 30 young healthy adults, and gave them 40 grammes of dark chocolate a day for 14 days. M artina: Hmm, and do you think that’s an effective sample? Ryuchi: No, it ’s too small. And I also think the trial period is too s h o rt... not long enough to get any real results. M artina: OK, good, carry on, Ryuchi: Another thing is that before the trial started they assessed their anxiety levels with a questionnaire. M artina: Uh-huh. Ryuchi: And then they divided them into high and low anxiety groups. M artina: Uh-huh. And why might that be a problem? Ryuchi: Well, it's a problem because it reduces sample size even more, right? M artina: Yes, absolutely right. Ryuchi: Then on days 1, 8 and 1 5 they took blood and urine samples to look for changes in cortisol and catecholamines in the urine and for differences in energy metabolism and gut microbial activities. M artina: So what you’re saying is that they didn’t actually look at changes in stress levels or reported anxiety? Ryuchi: No. They didn't. And another thing I thought was strange was that there was no control group. M artina: There was no control group'’ Ryuchi: No, so they were comparing high and low anxiety groups only. M artina: So thinking about the discussion section - what does that tell us? Do you think they can prove it was the chocolate that caused the changes? Ryuchi: M mm. No, I guess they can t, really. M artina: Good. So tell me what you think they would need to do to make this a valid study? Ryuchi: OK, so first, they need a larger number of people with the same anxiety levels. And then, after that, they should give them either dark chocolate or a . a ... I forgot the word. What do you call it when you tell some of the participants that you are giving them chocolate, but really, you are giving them something different? M artina: A placebo? Ryuchi: Ah yes, placebo. They should give them either dark chocolate or a placebo. M artina: Yes, they should. Good. Ryuchi: Over the long term they should look at stress levels, reported anxiety and health as well as the metabolic changes. M artina: Good. Ryuchi: Oh. and the researchers should not know which group each subject is in. So it ’s a blind trial. M artina: Yes, I agree completely. So the next thing ... Binh: ... Yes, I have that. OK, so recipient researcher? I assume that is you, rather than me. Alina: Yes, so Dr Alina Piotrowska is fine, Binh: And is the address OK too? Alina: Yes, that’s fine. So, the material is coming from the Liverpool Tissue Bank, good, and you’re asking for breast tissue microarrays, that’s fine as well, and paraffin wax embedded, dobrze, very good. Binh: OK, so the rest of the form. Alina: Well, this work is not through any industrial partners. 92 Audioscript Binh: So that’s a 'no' here? In the part about existing arrangements? Alina: That’s r ig h t... and it doesn’t have commercial potential, or you’re not going to make money from it at least. They ask about that again, just here, so put no in now. Binh; Right. Next, so, is this materia! hazardous? No. Alina: Yes, yes, it is. Any human tissue is classed as hazardous. Binh: Even when it's fixed? Alina: Even when it's fixed. Binh: So then does it require BioSafety Committee Approval? Alina: Yes. But not Ethics Committee. That’s only for live subjects. Binh: Right. So yes for biosafety and no for ethics. Alina: And we already have the BioSafety Approval ... so yes for that question. Binh: Oh ... I don’t even know what the next question means. Alina: Oh, r ig h t... well, one of the reasons we fill in these MTAs is so it's dear who the material and the findings belong to. In some cases, even though you do the work, as the tissue is from the Liverpool bank, they still have certain rights regarding the data. Binh: Ah, yes, I meant to ask about that. The forms for the provider say that I have to give them my raw data when I've finished the project. Is that normal? Alina; Yes - so the IP will be held by both us and them together. Binh: IP? Alina: Intellectual Property. In this case, who owns the findings in other words. Binh: OK. Alina: And because you are doing the work but the tissue bank wants copies of your data, we have to arrange to have a talk about what that means for you. That’s why they want to know if university students are involved ... so, you can say yes here to the last question. Binh: OK, thank you so much. Erm, Part 8 ... Rayna: ... So, as I said in my email, I think we could create a material which mimics the surface of the beetle's wings and so could be used to harvest water from fog. Bryn: Yes, that might be possible, but i don’t believe it would be any better than the lotus-inspired surfaces Meera and Zein are working on. In fact, what you are proposing seems to double the work - you’d need a hydrophobic and a hydrophilic surface. Rayna: That’s true, but it seems to me that this would be more efficient. Bryn: In what way? Rayna: OK, as far as I'm aware, the lotus-inspired materials collect actual droplets of water, drops of rain. But this beetle seems to be able to collect water just from fog, not raindrops, so you wouldn’t need actual rainfall. Bryn: Yes, I can see that ... Rayna: But to mimic its surface— Bryn: Sorry, before you go any further, what use do you see for this material? Rayna: Oh, I think it could be useful in, say, refugee camps to collect drinking water o r ... Bryn: But I can’t see how it would be better than the fog-catching nets which already exist. Rayna: Oh, well, I think nets must be less efficient because of the holes in them. Surely some of the potentially useful fog blows straight through them? Bryn: Hmm, I suppose so. Rayna: So a lot of water is lost. And as well as creating a material to collect water for refugees, another use might be in cooling towers, to recycle the water. Bryn: Aha,, now that sounds like a profitable use. Yes, I can see that, Rayna: So do you have any idea how to make this material? I guess we could use microcontact printing. Bryn; We could, but I feel there must be a simpler way than that ... « 3.2 Rayna: I think we could create a material which could be used to harvest water from fog. Bryn: Yes. that might be possible, but I don't believe it would be any better than the lotus-inspired surfaces Meera and Zein are working on. Rayna: That's true, but it seems to me that this would be more efficient. ■ 1 3.3 1 Sahal Before I went to the meeting, I thought my listening and speaking skills were quite good, but when I got there. I realised how hard it was to listen to so many people. When you’re talking one- on-one, it ’s easy to follow and join in the conversation. But at the meeting, the topic seemed to change before I'd had time to understand what had been said. 1 didn't manage to say anything at all and left totally confused. 2 Hitomi In Japan, we let one person finish what they're saying before we start to speak. It's polite. At the first meeting I went to, everybody seemed to talk at the same time. People weren’t even interrupting politely. They just talked over the top of each other. It got louder and louder. I wanted to join in, but there was no chance for me to say anything. At the next meeting, I was more confident, but it was still hard for me to speak when someone else was already talking. 3 Sam Most meetings in my department are quite short, only about 30 to 45 minutes long, but when I first started attending, they seemed to go on for ever. I could understand for about the first 1 5 minutes, but after that I couldn’t keep concentrating and so I would miss important information. The worst time was when someone asked my opinion and I had no idea what they’d been talking about. 4 Radek The biggest problem I have at meetings is knowing how formal or informal my language should be. I'm not really sure which phrases are slang and things, you know. It’s a real problem when I want to disagree with someone, without being rude, or when I want to ask what someone means or stuff like that. ■ 1 3.4 Sarah ... so the gecko's ability to stick is basically, it ’s all to do with the forces between the setae and the surface. Ali: Sorry, Sarah. Could I just ask what kind of forces? Sarah: Well, for a while, people thought it could be capillary, but now it seems it’s mainly Van der Waals forces, with just a little bit of capillary force. Ali: Oh, OK. Sarah: As the gecko moves, the setae are angled so that the spatulae sit flat against the surface. It seems the setae are pushed against the surface and then slid back slightly to get maximum sticking force. Ali: Erm, sorry. Can I just check I understood? So what you're saying is that the ability of the gecko to stick is not just because of these spatulae, but because of the whole locomotor system. Sarah: That’s exactly right, Deepak: So you’re clear on the adhesion mechanism now, Ali? Ali: Yes, I think so. Sorry, Deepak. Deepak: That’s OK. Right, so as I was saying, what I've been looking at is the effect of the geometric asymmetry of setae on their mechanical response. Ali: Sorry, could you quickly explain that? I’m not quite sure what you mean. Deepak: Sure. Erm ... so, at first, most of our studies of seta! deformations used a single cylindrical pillar to simulate a seta. But then, of course we know from images that they're actually curved. Ali: And don t stick straight out. Deepak: Of course. We did look at forces with the pillar at an angle too, not just sticking out perpendicular to the surface. But what I mean is it was always straight, not curved. Ali: OK, sorry, you were saying. Deepak: Anyway, because we know now that they are curved, we've been comparing a curved model with the straight pillars. So, what we’ve found is— Ali: Erm, could I jump in and ask a question? Why are you focusing on forces in one setae ... one seta on its own? Audioscript 93 ■ ■ 3.5 Deepak: So as Sarah was just saying before AN interjected, the bottom of the gecko’s foot is covered in ridges, which themselves are covered in many, many setae. The setae have flattened ends, spatulae, which when aligned correctly with the surface, allow the gecko to stick, via the Van der Waals forces we were talking about. Ali: No. I’ve got that, but what I mean is, why just focus on one set-seta? It seems to me that you need more than th a t... Deepak: Of course. Well, measuring the forces of one set a, whether the adhesive or shear forces ... those are the forces ... Aii: No, I know what they are ... Deepak: OK, well, our analysis of the forces allows us to show the differences between asymmetric, curved pillars and straight, to show why the curved ones are more suitable for gecko adhesion. Obviously we can then scale that up to the whole animal. M 3.6 Ali: Sorry, I don't think I expressed myself clearly. It seems to me that something is missing here. Surely it ’s important that the setae are part of a gecko. Sarah: Deepak, I think what Aii is saying is that for the gecko to stick to the ceiling, the whole gecko has to be involved. It doesn’t stick simply because its setae are curved, or because the spatulae are aligned in a particular direction. Am I right, Ali? Ali: Yes, thanks, Sarah. Yes, what I wanted to say is that, from what I understand, the whole system needs to be working together for the gecko to stick Deepak: Ah yes, I see. Sorry, Ali, you’re quite right. Yes, we do need to do some more work at the whole animal level, if we want to find some technological application for this research. That’s one of the reasons we’re trying to get someone from the zoology department to collaborate with the group. To bring that larger perspective to things. ■ ■ 3.7 1 Well, for a while, people thought it could be capillary, but now it seems it ’s mainly ... 2 So you’re clear on the adhesion mechanism now, Ali? 3 That’s OK, Right, so as I was saying, what I’ve been looking at is the effect of the geometric ... 4 Anyway, because we now know that they are curved, we’ve ... 5 Erm, could I jump in and ... M 4.1 Dominique: Good ... so that all sounds great. You’re really on track. Silvana: Thanks. Dominique: So I thought next maybe you could look at the adsorption of hydrogen onto some of the porous carbon materials you’ve been creating, Silvana: OK, and do you have any idea about how I could do that? Dominique: Well, I think you need to first come up with a list of the variables that could influence the uptake. Silvana: Well, I guess what is probably most important is the porosity of the carbon fibres. Dominique: And what would affect that? Silvana: Well, from the work I’ve done so far, it seems that the temperature they were carbonised at makes a big difference to porosity - lower temperatures are better. Dominique: OK, so one variable you could look at is carbonisation temperatures. Silvana: So perhaps I should look at the ! 273 kelvin and 973 kelvin temperatures. Dominique: Good, so what else? Silvana: Well, erm, actually, I’m not sure ... Dominique: Think about how you would activate the fibres. Silvana: Activate the fibres? Ah, OK, well, from the literature I’ve read it ’s generally the case that people have been activating them with either potassium or sodium hydroxide. So I guess that could be another variable. Dominique: Excellent. Anything else? Silvana: Another hydroxide? Dominique: No, that wasn’t what I was thinking of. Silvana: Erm ... Dominique: How much of the hydroxide did they use? Silvana: Oh, er, I’m not sure actually. Sorry. It’s been a while since I looked at the papers. Dominique: Mmm ... Silvana: In fact, now I think about it, I’ve got a feeling they might have used different ratios. I should go back and check. Dominique: So ... Silvana: Sorry? Dominique: So In your next set of experiments? Variables? Silvana: Ah ... I see, I could make different ratios of hydroxide to carbon fibres another variable. Sorry, that wasn’t very clever of me, was it? So anyway perhaps I could start with looking just at a couple of different ratios, say 4 to 1 and 1 0 to 1 . Dominique: Excellent. Silvana: And how about looking at different heating rates ... or the nitrogen flow rate? Should I vary those too? Dominique: Hmm, ideally yes, but I think what’s going to happen is you’ll have too many variables and the results will become too difficult to analyse. You might also find it difficult to reproduce the data if you change too many factors. You might be able to just look at the papers you mentioned and see what the) found to be the optimal conditions, and then try to replicate those to start with You can always adjust them later Silvana: OK, I'll do that, and maybe I’ll have a talk to Mauritz about the adsorption protocols he's been using. ■ ■ 4.2 Conversation 1 A: Right, the liquid has collected in the flask. B: So now, you can simply use litmus paper to check that it is in fact pH neutral. A: OK ... so ... that looks red to me Conversation 2 A: And then I was going to use the geiger counter to check for radiator B: No, that won’t work. You can’t really detect gamma rays with a geiger counter. You need to use the scintillation counter for that. A: Oh, r ig h t... but the geiger counter is OK for measuring beta radiation, right? B: Yes, sure. For beta radiation it s fine Conversation 3 A: And so we record the membrane potential at a single point on the axon through the stages. B: And how do you do that? A: Oh, by using an oscilloscope we car create a trace of how the voltage changes through the different phase; rising, falling and undershoot. See,: produces this arc. Conversation 4 A: Just put the sample into the spectrometer. B: Uh-huh ... A: So this will measure the intensity of the blue-green light that passes through ... and that will allow you to work out the haemoglobin concentration. B: Right. That seems pretty straightforward. Conversation 5 A: So we could look at BMI, but instea: we’re measuring body fat and were using these calipers to do that,. fe this. B: OK, so basically the distance betue them is measuring the fat thickness A: Yeah, it ’s really simple. Conversation 6 A: So you were using that piece of equipment to test the subjects' hamL grip. What is it called? I B: The hand dynamometer? The one I they squeeze? I A: Yeah, that one. Dynamometer? So I that measures force or torque, riglm B: Yes, that’s right. I 94 Audioscript Chuyu: Yeah, I do too. But I've sent it off for a composition analysis anyway. Just to rule it out. So my second idea is— Lucia: Hang on. I’m sure I remember Thabo talking about strange results just like this a few months ago. He reckoned the machine needed recalibrating. Maybe that’s the problem. Chuyu: Mmm, yes, I guess if my measurements aren't coming from the same base point then there could be problems. But I'm sure there were technicians here just a couple of weeks ago checking and adjusting it. Lucia: You could be right. It was just a thought. Chuyu: Mmm. But actually, now you mention it, a calibration issue is a possibility. I have to admit that I’m not the most careful about properly recalibrating between runs. I mean, I usually reset and adjust it before I start a series, but I don't always do it between every sample. I kind of figure it shouldn't get too far from standard. Lucia: Chuyu! Chuyu: Yeah, now you mention i t ... A: So to assess the reaction to C03,1 used 5 miligrams of char in the TGA pan. B: Uh-huh, and the same heating rate as last time? A: No, this time I heated it from room temperature to 378 kelvins. B: Sorry, let me jot that down. Room temp, to 378 kelvins. A: Yeah, and then held for 30 minutes. B: 30? So that’s a change from last time. It was just 20 minutes before. A: That’s right. OK, so then I heated at 20 kelvins a minute to 873 kelvins and then reduced it to 7 kelvins a minute to 1473 kelvins. B: Great, so 20 kelvins a minute then down to 7 kelvins a minute. And the gas you used? A: Well, it was a mixture of high purity C03 and nitrogen. B: And the C02 concentration? A: Oh, erm, 25% I think ... let me check ... yeah, 25%. Chuyu: So, Mayumi, I've been thinking about switching to an e-notebook, but I've never seen anyone use one. How is it? Mayumi: Oh, it ’s so much easier. But really? People here don't use them? I had to use one in my last lab, for the security. It's excellent. You should try one. Chuyu: Ah yes. That was a commercial lab, wasn't it? I'm not surprised that the security was much tighter there. Mayumi: But it would work really well here, too. If you have e-notebooks, everyone can share their information so easily. You don’t have any problems trying to read someone eise’s notes. Chuyu: Yes, and I guess you can also share things with people in other labs instantly, instead of waiting for meetings ... or to write something up. Mayumi: Yes, it's even better than sending an email because they can see everything all at once - the protocols, all the data, images, everything is there together. And another thing that's really great is that you can search your own lab book, and also if you refer to a particular compound or reagent, you can link to its details on the web. You don't have to note all its details down yourself. Chuyu: Yes, and you don't need to worry about rules for crossing things out or leaving empty spaces or being sure to date everything. I assume that's all done automatically, you know, like the highlighting of the changes you’ve made? Mayumi: That’s right. Chuyu: It sounds great in theory ... but I guess the packages are set up in one particular way. It might not really be good for the research you’re doing. Mayumi: Well, that’s true, but in most cases you can customise the book to your group’s specifications ... although that’s a bit more of a problem here than it was in my last lab, Chuyu: Hmm. But from a security point of view, it ’s just so much safer. There’s no risk of leaving your lab book on the train. Mayumi: When we were using paper books, we were never allowed to take them out of the lab ... ever. In fact, they couldn't even be left on your desk at night. They had to go into a safe. Chuyu: Mmm, I guess security really was much tighter there. 1 I had to use one in my last lab, for the security. 2 You should try one. 3 If you have e-notebooks, everyone can share their information so easily. 4 You don't need to worry about rules for crossing things out. 5 When we were using paper books, we were never allowed to take them out of the lab ... ever. H i 6.1 Kimiko: Hi, Tom. Do you have a moment? Tom: Sure, Kimiko. What can I do for you? Kimiko: Erm ... I'm just trying to write up my paper and, erm, I wondered if you could look through it for me? Tom: Sure. I’ve got a bit of time now, as it goes. Was there anything in particular you wanted me to look at? Kimiko: Not really. It's my first draft, so just any advice you could give me would be really helpful. Tom: Sure. Let's have a look then. Well, the diagram's nice and clear. Kimiko: Really? Oh, thanks. Tom: But first of all you need to explain briefly what’s happening, what you did, in each stage. Kimiko: Is the diagram not clear enough? Tom: The diagram's much clearer if you know something about the process. But not everyone who reads this paper will, so you should definitely Include a short description. Kimiko: OK. I’d better do that, then. Tom: Why don’t you talk me through it and make some notes as you go? Then you can write it up properly later. Kimiko: Thanks, Tom. So, the basic idea is that we can use carbon nanotubes, CNTs, to send a drug right to where it ’s needed. That's why some people call it a magic bullet’. Tom: Uh-huh. Kimiko: To do this, first we coat the surface of the tube with a chemical receptor. For instance, if we want to target a tumour which overexpresses folic acid, then we attach folate receptors to the surface of the nanotube. Tom: Because folate receptors bind to folic acid? Kimiko: Yes. And then we encapsulate the drug in the tube. This is the part I'm most interested In. Up to now, a lot of different methods to get things into the cell have been tried, but I’m looking at just one of them in my paper. OK, so if you look here at the first part of the diagram ... once the drug is encapsulated, we use a cap to close the open end so the drug can’t escape. Tom: And that’s when we take the capsules? Kimiko: Yes. You can swallow them or you could have them injected, or even inhaled. Tom: OK. So then they're in the body, shooting to the target? Kimiko: Uh-huh, and if they're properly functionalised, they should arrive. After that, the capsule is internalised by the cell. Tom: And how does that happen? Kimiko: Through receptor-mediated endocytosis. Then the tube opens up In order to let the drug out. There are different ways of doing this, but I use biodegradable caps. The cap dissolves and then ... Tom: And then the drug can start doing its work? Kimiko: Exactly ... it's released from the tube and starts to act. Tom: Well, that sounds fine so far, Kimiko. If I were you, I'd write that up first. Kimiko: And then can I get you to look at the rest? Tom: Sure, no problem. Kimiko: Thanks, Tom. I'll see you later. Audioscript 97 t m 6.2 1 To do this, first we coat the surface of the tube with a chemical receptor. 2 If we want to target a tumour which overexpresses folic acid, then we attach folate receptors to the surface of the nanotube. 3 And then we encapsulate the drug in the tube. 4 Once the drug is encapsulated, we use a cap to close the open end so the drug can’t escape. 5 After that, the capsule is internalised by the cell. 6 I use biodegradable caps. The cap dissolves and then ... ■ ■ 6.3 Tom: OK, so— Kimiko: Oh my goodness! Look at all that underlining! My English is so terrible! Tom: Oh Kimiko! No, no, it's fine! Really! Kimiko: But ... Tom: I was looking at style, rather than grammar, the grammar’s fine. Just look at all the parts I haven’t underlined! Look, this first sentence is really nice. It gives a really good overview of the aim of the whole process. Kimiko: OK ... Tom: OK, so, style: like here I noticed that you’ve used too many sequencing words. It’s OK to use some but you’ve got firstly, secondly ... even fifth. I used to do the same thing. It's better to just write in order and only use words like 'then' when you really need to. You’ll get more natural at it in time. So I’d cut all those words if I were you. Kimiko: Maybe as I read more papers I’ll write better. Tom: Definitely, definitely. OK, the next thing is that you’ve said I functionalise the surface'. Remember to keep the writing objective. It shouldn't matter who does the experiment, the result should be the same. So don't use ‘I' or 'We' in your write-up. Kimiko: So what should I say instead? Tom: Use passives instead. So here The surface of the nanotubes is functionalised’. You see what I mean about style? Actually, there is just one, literally one, grammar mistake though. You've said 'for target a tumour which da-da-da’ but it should be ‘to target’. You use ‘to ’ and the verb to say why you do something. Kimiko: Oh! Tom: Hey, come on - one mistake is really pretty good. Kimiko: I guess. What about this one? It should say ‘the drug molecules were encapsulated' not 'I encapsulated’, right? Tom: Erm, where are we? Oh yes. Yes, yes, it should be passive. But it should also be in the present tense, not the past. 98 Audioscript Kimiko: But why? I thought when I talked about an experiment I'd done, I should use the past. Tom: Well, that's true, but here you’re talking about the process In general. It’s not about one particular experiment you’ve done. Kimiko: Right. So, the general process is in the present, but when I go on to focus on my experiments, on filling the nanotubes, I should use the past. Tom: Exactly right. Like here, 'the nanotubes are ingested’. I’d take out this sentence though - the examples of the ways to ingest the tubes. I mean It’s true, but it ’s not really relevant to the focus of your research. Never include information the reader doesn’t need to understand your work. Even if it's Interesting. Kimiko: OK. Then this next sentence should be passive, I guess. The target site is located by the nanotube’. Tom: Well, actually, no. Your original sentence is fine. Some verbs can have a non-human subject, ,so you don’t need to use passive. Like 'locate to' here, or ‘internalises’ in the next sentence. 'The target cell Internalises the nanotube' is completely fine. Kimiko: Er ... so why have you underlined It? Tom: Well, it ’s fine If you’re talking about target cells. But in your text you’ve been talking about nanotubes all the time, so that should be your subject. Kimiko: So I should use passive, then? To bring 'nanotubes’ to the beginning of the sentence. Tom: Exactly. Kimiko: OK, and this last one should be 'the nanotube is internalised by da- da-da’? Tom: Ha-ha! Right! So anyway let's have a look ... 7 Isolated young mice squeak repeat« at frequencies of 45 kilohertz to 8 8 kilohertz, until their mother comt and returns them to the nest. 8 In a similar form of these experiment conventional, 50-nanosecond laser pulses were used. M 6 .5 a A quarter b Fifteen percent c One point three five six d Two million, nine hundred and five thousand, seven hundred and forty e Five times ten to the nine f Minus thirty-five g Ten to the power of six h Ten thousand, eight hundred and ninety-three i Minus fifty-seven j Seventeen and five eighths k Nought point nought nought three 1 Five million, ninety thousand and nineteen ■ 1 6.6 1 a three quarters b five eighths c four ninths d ten to the power of seven e ten to the power of minus nine 2 a per cent b times c minus 3 one point three five six ... one thousanc three hundred and fifty-six w a 6 .7 Arnie: So, you were more successful this time, Kimiko. Run me through what you did. And particularly what you did differently. Kimiko: So, this time I think the tubes I used were more consistent in size. 2 0 -5 0 micrometres in length, with an average diameter of 500 nanometres and the wall thickness was— Arnie: Ah, sorry, if we could just go bat a moment. The average diameter was 500 nanometres. So what was the rang exactly? Kimiko: The range, yes, uh, the EM images showed them being between3# and 700 nanometres, but sometimestlt tubes get deformed so they might have been slightly narrower than that. Arnie: Hmm, See if you can get that even more standardised next time, if possible. Kimiko: OK. I'll just make a note of that Arnie: And the wall thickness? Kimiko: Erm ... on the 29th it was 2 0 nanometres, but this time it was abr less, at 1 5 nanometres. Arnie: Right, so last time you had problems getting the tubes onto the slides. That went better this time? ■ 6 .4 As this was a dosage of 0. 1 66 miligrams of fluoride per kilogram body weight, the equivalent amount needed to achieve a similar peak In a 2 0 kilogram child would be 3.33 miligrams of fluoride. The sensitivity of the assay was 0. 2 picomoles. The output impedance is about 0.02 ohms at the 5 volt end and 0.1 ohm at the 1 5 volt end of the range. Six-amp three-core mains flex is used for the mains input which connects straight to the p.c.b. Inserting a few atoms of potassium makes the compound a superconductor which, below a critical temperature of about 19 kelvins, conducts electricity with no resistance. This shows that where two moles of hydrogen gas combine with one mole of oxygen gas to form two moles of liquid water, at a pressure of one atmosphere and a temperature of 298 kelvins, the enthalpy change is minus 571.6 kilojoules. Kimiko: Yes, much. I suspended the tubes in the 2 -propanol and then used dielectrophoresis to get them onto the slide. The 2-propanol just dries away. Arnie: And that worked? Kimiko: Yes, really well. Arnie: OK, so we don't need to change anything there. Kimiko: No, not at all. So after that, just like last time, I put a drop of the beads suspended in ethylene glycol at one end of the tube. The beads were the same as before - 50-nanometre diameter - but this time I used 1 to 3 beads to liquid instead of 1 to 1 like last time. Arnie: Aha! Kimiko: And this time I used the glass micropipette, as you suggested ... and then I dipped the end of the tube in the drop and it just filled the tube. Just by capillary action. Arnie: So we were right. It can be done that way. Kimiko: It seems so. And after the liquid evaporated, we had plenty of beads still in the tube. Arnie: Great. So what now? Kimiko: Well, I think that the overall length of the tube maybe affects the filling rate, and it might also depend how much of the tube is in the solution. I’m not sure, but I guess ideally I’d look at that next. Arnie: That sounds like a good idea. Let me know how you get on. Nour: So what is it that you work on, Tiago? Oceane didn’t really explain to me. Tiago: Oh, right. Well, I’m looking at how shrimp have adapted to the hydrothermal vent environment. To the high temperatures and the metal concentrations. Nour: Shrimp. Right. And what are you measuring? I mean, how do they adapt? Tiago: Oh, so I’ve been looking at metallothionein levels. Nour: And they are the metal-binding proteins, right? Tiago: Yes, exactly. So I’m expecting vent shrimp to show higher levels, to be able to deal with the high concentrations. Oh, I should have said. I'm comparing two vent species from the Rainbow field and two lagoon species from the Rio Formosa lagoon. They’re, like, my control, Nour: Right. And are you looking at antioxidants as well? They’re usually important, aren’t they? Tiago: Yes, yes I am. Four different types of antioxidant enzyme. Nour: And how is it going? What are your results looking like? Tiago: Oh, well. I've collected quite a lot of raw data and I’ve just started doing my analysis. But I'm getting some interesting results. Anyway, what is it you're focusing on, Nour? Oceane: OK, so let’s have a look at these charts. Tiago: Which do you want to start with? There are a lot. Oceane: Well, as they’re all bar charts so far, let’s look at the MT one first and then any changes we make to it can probably be made on the others too, I expect. Tiago: OK, here it is. Oceane: Right, so your scale is good, the chart looks a good size. Tiago: And for the antioxidant levels, is it OK to have different scales? Oceane: Yes, of course. Imagine how it would look otherwise. Right, but what you haven't done is label your axes. You need to do that. Tiago: So just with what it measures? MT levels on the y-axis and the location on the x, or do I need the species? Oceane: Hang on. Remember that the units for the MT levels also need to be included. Tiago: So I need to say the MT level, milligrams per gram of protein? Oceane: Right. If that’s what your unit is. Tiago: Yeah. Oceane: Now, the shading you have used is good. It’ll reproduce well in print. Tiago: And I've made sure they’re consistent across all the graphs. Oceane: Great. But you do need to have a key, to show what your colours mean. I know you’ve put that in the caption, but a key is essentia! all the same. Tiago: OK, that’s not a problem. JT add a key to each one. Oceane: OK, something else you need to add to your charts is an indication of your standard deviation. I assume what you’ve plotted is the mean? Tiago: Yes. So I should add those T s on top of the bars? Oceane: Yes, that’s certainly one effective way of doing it. And you’ve already highlighted those results that are not statistically significant. That’s great, Tiago. Tiago: Thanks Oceane: Just make sure you mention that that's what it shows in the caption. Tiago: OK, I will. And while we're on the subject of captions ... M 7.3 Nour: So Oceane, there’s something I don’t understand. Why do I need to write descriptions of my charts in the results section if they can stand alone? Oceane: That’s true, they do stand alone. But the text highlights the key results. A chart might show a few different things; the text points out which are the most important. Nour: OK, that makes sense. And another thing, what about results I wasn't expecting? If I have negative results, should I include those? Oceane: Definitely, I mean, they’re an important part of finding the answer to your questions. Nour: Right, well I have a couple of those. So then do I need to say what the results mean here? Or is that in the discussion? Oceane: No, no, no. In this section, you should just highlight the main trends of key differences. Any interpretation comes in the discussion section, as you said. Nour: Good, that’s what I thought. OK, so in the results section, do I need to put in every table or chart that I’ve produced? Oceane: No, because some of your charts will not really show anything of interest. Look, what I would do is this. First, take all your charts and choose which ones show important findings. Then, decide which order you should describe them in to present your results logically. Nour: OK, so choose them, then order them. And number them then? Oceane: Yes. Remember - tables and figures are numbered separately. Nour: Yeah. Oceane: While you’re working out the order, make a note of what the key results depicted in the charts are. Look at getting a couple of points for each chart. They're what you talk about in the results section. Nour: OK, so do I need to write about all the visuals I include in the paper? Oceane: Yes. Any table or graph which is shown in the paper also needs an explanation in the text of the results section. Nour: Right. And in the same order they’re numbered too, I guess? Oceane: Yes. Nour: So this might be a silly question, but what kind of things are key results? Oceane: Wei!, in general, you're looking at things that are interesting because they’re similar, or because they’re different. You might have values that are very high or low ... or interesting correlations. Nour: Hmm, right ... and then when I’m describing a figure, do I need to mention every value? Oceane: Absolutely not. As I said, make notes on the key results only. Another thing to remember is that you shouldn’t include raw numbers. You can talk about means, about percentages, that's OK, and remember to include units. People sometimes forget. Nour: And should I include my statistics? Oceane: Well, one mistake people often make is to use whole sentences to talk about the statistics. What you should do is put the test name and the p-value in parentheses after the result. Audioscript 99
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