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descrizione sintetica di James Joyce e dubliners, Schemi e mappe concettuali di Inglese

Una breve biografia di James Joyce e una descrizione della raccolta di racconti 'Dublinesi'. Joyce, influenzato da Flaubert, credeva che l'artista dovesse essere invisibile nei suoi lavori e che i dettagli esterni avessero un significato più profondo. La raccolta è divisa in quattro gruppi e affronta temi come l'adolescenza, la vita adulta, la vita pubblica e la paralisi. Il documento potrebbe essere utile come appunti o riassunto per uno studente universitario.

Tipologia: Schemi e mappe concettuali


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Scarica descrizione sintetica di James Joyce e dubliners e più Schemi e mappe concettuali in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! JAMES JOYCE LIFE: James Jovce was born in Dublin in 1882. He was educated at Jesuit schools, including University College, in Dublin. Here he studied French, Italian and German languages and literatures and English literature. Some ot the writers he admired most during his university years were Dante, considered his "spirtual food"; D'Annunzio, whose lyrical prose he found remarkable. Joyce believed Ihat the only way to increase Ireland's awareness was by offering a realistic portrait of its lite rom a European, cosmopolitan viewpoint. determined to tum his beck on Ireland and establish nimsel? on the continent he spent some fime in Paris, but his mother's fatal illness in 1903. brought him baek te Dublin. In .une 1904 he met and fellinlove with Nora Bamacle. They moved ta Italy, setling in Trieste where Joyce began teaching English and made friends with Italo Svevo. Apart from a short period during which he worked as a bank clerk in Rome, they and their two children, Giorgio and Lucia, remained in Trieste until 1915. The years in Trieste were difficull, filed with discppointment, trustration, due to his daughter's schizophrenia, and financial problems, so that Joyce had to rely heavily on his brother. He published in this periodi Dubliners [1914), a collec'ior of short stories about Dublin and Dublin's life. In 1914 Joyce he moved to Zurich together with his family, since his position as a British national in Austrian: occupied Trieste left him no altemative. Joyce returmed to Trieste afler the war, but in 1920 he settled in Paris. By the time, Hitlers advances in Europe obliged the Joyce to flee from France to neulral Switzerland where he died in January 1941. DUBLINERS: The origin of the collection: The collection corisists ol fitteen short stories, about Dubliners, Ihey disclose human situations, moments of intensity and move to a moral, social, or spiritual revelation. From Ihe beginning he thought the stories should portray some characieristic situations, which could reveal the historical. social and psychological forces that conditioned ihe life of Dubliners to lead them to so much moral and psychological analysis. He described his work as "a chapter in the moral history of my country, the centre of paralysis". The stories are aranged into four groups, as Joyce explaired: Chilchood (The Sister, an Encounter, Araby) Adolescence (Eveline, After the race, Two gallants, The Boarding House) Mature Life (A Little Cloud, Ccunterparis, Clay, A Painful case) Public Life Ivy Dey in the Committee Room, A Mother, Grace) The Dead is a longer story and can be consicered Joyce's first maslerpiece. Joyce's conception of the artist: Influenced by Flaubert, Joyce thought that the artist, free from all moral, religious or Political pressures, cught to be not omniscient sut invisible in his works, in the sense that he mustn't express his own viewpoint in order fo give back lo the readers a true image oi society. Symbolism in Dubliners: Moreover, Joyce' combined wilh symbolism. since external details generally have a deeper meaning. This sense comes out Ihroughi the use cf the Epiphany, a sudden spiritual marifestation caused by a song. a photo or by particular situation, by which the character comes to a sel-realisation about himself or abou: the reality surrounding him. One of the best examples of Epiphany can be found in ‘The Dead", he last of the stories in "Dubliners'. Gretta Conroy, in fact, cries listening to a sorg sung by Michael Furey, who died for her love when he was just seventeen. This leads Gabriel, Gretta's husband, lo realize Ihe lutility of the lives surrounding him and the fact that Gretta has always compared him to Michael Furey. Paralysis in Dubliners: Another important ineme faced in Faralysis, whose centre is Dublin, Allthe Dubliners, in fact, are spiritually weak and fearful people. They are slaves of their familiar, moral, cultural, religious, ano political life.
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