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Domande libri inglese - Prof. De Meo UNISA (Lab: Inglese II, Inglese III, Inglese IV), Prove d'esame di Lingua Inglese

Domande dei 9 libri dei Laboratori di lingua Inglese tenuti dalla Prof. Mariagrazia De Meo (UNISA) - 3 libri del laboratorio di inglese II - 3 libri del laboratorio di inglese III - 3 libri del laboratorio di inglese IV

Tipologia: Prove d'esame


In vendita dal 12/12/2022

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Scarica Domande libri inglese - Prof. De Meo UNISA (Lab: Inglese II, Inglese III, Inglese IV) e più Prove d'esame in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! DOMANDE DEI LIBRI DEI LABORATORI DI INGLESE TENUTI DALLA PROF. DE MEO (SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONE PRIMARIA UNISA): - Laboratorio di inglese II (One way ticket; Love or money; The smartest giant) - Laboratorio di inglese III (Prisoners in the jungle; Seasons; The Gruffalo) - Laboratorio di inglese IV (Alice’s adventures in wonderland; Monkey puzzle; The locked room) LABORATORIO DI LINGUA INGLESE II One way ticket 1) Describe bill: Bill is a young man hi has short hair and a happy smile 2) Describe julie: Julie is a young woman she has red hair and very green eyes 3) How many people are in the carriage: there are 7 people. Bill, Julie, a woman with two children and two man a tall one and the other with a hat. 4) Where did Julie want to go on solida? She wants to go in Spain but she likes travelling around the world. 5) Where the tall dark man left the station? He left the station at Plymouth and julie left the station with him 6) Who is Tom? Tom is 23 years old he has blue eyes and he is going to Bulgaria 7) Who does Tom meet on the train? He meets two girls, Carol and Melanie, they are from los angles 8) What happens to Tom at the end of the story? Two policemen find a loto f money in tom’s bag and they took him at the prison. 9) Why couldn’t mr harris sleep? He couldn’t sleep cause two young people didn’t stop talking. 10) How did elena kill his brother, why? Elena kills his brother with a knife cause he took her diamonds necklace. Love or money 1) Who found molly’s body? The first person that saw molly’s body is diane 2) Why albert need money? Albert needs money cause his wife, molly’s sister is very ill 3) How molly’s husband died? He died in a car accident 4) Who was roger and why he wants money? Roger wasmolly’s son. He needs money cause he lost is work and he has a big house and a car. 5) Who did kill molly? Molly’s was killed by Jackie 6) How did molly died? Jackie puts a lot of tablet in milly’s milk 7) Where did the clarckson family live? They live in a country near cambrige 8) Describe Jackie: she is a tall woman, she is fat and she is 30 years. 9) What does diane want and why? She wants from her mother money cause she doesn’t like working 10) Why is peter hibbs angry? He is angry cause he wants a part of molly’s garden 11) What happens at the end of the story? At the end the policemen found who kill molly: jackie The smartest giant 1) Who is the main character? Is a giant called George 2) What did he usually wear? He usually wears the same pair of brown sandals and a patched-up gown 3) Is there a sad or happy ending? There is a happy ending 4) What did george buy in the shop? He buys a smart shirt, a pair of trousers, a tie, a belt, a pair of socks and a pair of shoes 5) How does george help the giraffe? The giraffe’s neck is very long and cold so he gives his tie to the giraffe to cover her neck 6) What is the mouse problem? Their house is burned so they didn’t have a house, george gives them his shoe 7) Why did george give his shirt to the goat? He gives his shirt cause the sail of her boat is blew out and she needs a new sail. 8) Why was the fox crying? The fox was crying cause her sleeping bag fall and it dropped in a puddle so she hasn’t a sleeping bad anymore. George give her a sock 9) How george help the dog? The dog in stucked in the mud, he need a path to across the bog so he gives his belt to the dog 10) What do the animals give the giant at the end of the story? The animals give to george a gold paper crown and a card to tank george for his help. LABORATORIO DI LINGUA INGLESE III PRISONERS IN THE JUNGLE - 1) HOW OLD IS KAREN? Karen was seventeen and her brother was fifteen. 2) HOW OLD IS JOHN? John was fifteen and his sister was seventeen. 3) HOW MANY TIMES JOHN ASKS KAREN ABOUT DAD? John asks Karen about his dad ten times. 4) WHAT DOES JOHN THINK WAS HAPPEN TO HIS DAD? Probably he thinks that his father had an accident. 5) WHERE DID THEY LIVE? They live in Ruali, a small town in a country in Africa. 6) WHERE ARE KAREN E JOHN? They were in Ruali, a small town in a country in Africa. 7) WHERE IS THE FATHER? Their father often went into the jungle to look for strange birds, but usually he went for two or three days, not for two weeks. Their father (Simon) is underground in the mines near Galotta. 8) WHAT DID THEIR DAD OFTEN DO? Their father often went into the jungle to look for strange birds, but usually he went for two or three days not for two weeks. 9) WHO GAVE THE LETTER FROM THE DAD TO KAREN? The letter was given to Karen by a man. 10) WHAT SAID THE LETTER? The letter said that their father has been kidnapped by Qualeefan, the chief of the M’Qualis and the chief thinks that Simon is very rich man and he wants his family to pay milion pounds. 11) WHAT HAPPENED TO JOHN AND KAREN’S FATHER? Their father has been kidnapped by Qualeefan, the chief of the M’Qualis and has taken hi sas his prisoner. This man thinks his is very rich, and he wants his family to pay million pounds or he will kill him. 12) WHO KIDNAPPED THEIR FATHER? Their father was kidnapped by Qualeefan, a very dangerous man. 13) WHO DO JOHN AND KAREN HELP THEM TO FIND THEIR FATHER? Mr Bailey, father’s friend. He had a small plane at the airport outside Ruali. The children showed him the letter and he agreed do fly them to Golatta. 14) HOW THEY WILL TRAVEL TO GOLATTA? They travel by Baily’s plane. 15) WHO WILL FLY THE PLANE? Mr. Baily will fly the plane. 16) WHAT HAPPENS TO THE PLANE? There was a loud noise and the plane moved to one side in the air. Some people started shooting at them and the plane started falling on its side, then Bill pulled back the joystick and it went up again. After the plane began to fly straight down, towards the ground. Karen tried turning the plane carefully, but there wasn’t fuel. The plane’s engine stopped, Karen and John used parachutes. 17) DID MR BAILY TAKE TO GOLATTA? No, because he died. He was shot by habitants of Golatta. 18) WHO WILL FLY THE PLANE? After Mr. Baily’s death, Karen flew the plane. 19) WHAT DO KAREN AND JOHN FIND ONCE THEY LOST IN THE JUNGLE? They find a bag beside the path with the father’s diary inside. It was an old red book. 20) WHAT DID THEY FIND? They find a little hut. 21) WHAT THEY FIND IN THE HUT? (COSA TROVANO NELLA CAPANNA) In the little hut they find a map. 22) WHO OPENS THE DOOR OF THE MINE? John opens the door of the mine by moving the numbers that were above the lock. The number 609 opens the door. 23) WHAT DO THEY FIND IN THE MINE? They find a big and horrible dog with huge teeth and it looked very angry. A long rope tied it to the wall 24) WHERE IS KAREN AND JOHN’S DAD? Their father is in the elevator. John pushed buttons, a cage came out of the hole and stopped in front of them and inside there was their father. 25) Who is the autor? Tim Vicary 26) Describe the letter. The letter was difficult to read because was dirty. 27) How much the kidnappers ask? A Million pounds. 28) Who is mister Bailey? Is dad’s friend and he had a small plane 29) Was the river safe? Yes because there is people traks 30) What they found in the forest? The dad’s red diary but a lot of pages are damaged - Who is the second animal that mouse meet? In the deep dark wood he meet an owl Who invited him to have a tea in his treetop house - Who is gruffalo (owl)? An animal with knobbly kneese, turned out toes and poisonous wart at the end of his nose. His favorite food is owl’s icecream - Who is the third animal that he meet? The snake Who invited him to have a party in his log pile house. - Who is gruffalo (snake)? An animal with orange eyes, black tongue and purple prickless all over his back.his favorite food is scrumbled snake - What is the really gruffalo favorite food? The mouse on a slices of bread 1) HOW MANY ANIMALS DOES THE MOUSE MEET? The mouse meets three animals: a fox, an owl (gufo), a snake and at the end meets Gruffalo. 2) WHICH ANIMAL DOES IT MEET THIRD? The mouse meets the snake third. The snake invites the mouse to feast in his logpile house. 3) WHAT IS THE FIRST ANIMAL THAT THE MOUSE MEETS IN THE WOODS? The first animal that the mouse meets in the woods is a fox that invites the mouse to have lunch in his underground house. 4) WHICH ANIMAL DOES IT MEET SECOND? The mouse meets the owl second. The owl invites the mouse to have tea in his treetop house. 5) WHERE DOES THE MOUSE LIVE? The mouse lives in the deep dark wood. 6) HOW IS THE GRUFFALO MADE? The gruffalo has terrible tusks, and terrible claws, and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws. He has knobbly knees, and turned-out toes, and a poisonous wart at the end of his nose. His eyes are orange, his tongue is black; he has purple prickles all over his back. 7) DOES THE GRUFFALO REALLY EXIST? Yes, the Gruffalo really exist because at the end of the story the mouse meets it. 8) WHERE DOES THE FOX LIVE? The fox lives in the underground house. 9) WHERE DOES THE OWL LIVE? The owl lives in treetop house. 10) WHERE DOES THE SNAKE LIVE? The snake lives in logpile house. 11) HOW THE MOUSE DESCRIBES THE GRUFFALO TO THE FOX? The mouse describes the gruffalo with terrible tusks, terrible claws and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws. 12) HOW THE MOUSE DESCRIBES THE GRUFFALO TO THE OWL? The mouse describes the gruffalo with knobbly knees and turned-out toes and a poisonous wart at the end of his noise. 13) HOW THE MOUSE DESCRIBES THE GRUFFALO TO THE SNAKE? The mouse describes gruffalo to the snake with orange eyes, black tongue, purple prickles all over his back. 14) WHAT IS THE GRUFFALO’S FAVORITE FOOD? The Gruffalo’s favorite food is a little mouse on a slice of bread 15) HOW DOES THE MOUSE DESCRIBES HIMSELF? He is the scariest animals in the wood. 16) WHAT DOES THE GRUFFALO WANT TO EAT THE MOUSE WITH? The Gruffalo want to eat a little mouse on a slice of bread. 17) ARE ANIMALS REALLY AFRAID OF THE MOUSE? No, actually they are afraid of the Gruffalo. 18) WHAT DOES THE MOUSE EAT AT THE END OF THE STORY? At the end of the story the mouse eat a nut and the nut was good. 19) WHO SHOULD MEET THE MOUSE FOR DINNER? The mouse should to meet the Gruffalo. 20) HOW DID THE MOUSE GET THE GRUFFALO NOT TO EAT IT? The mouse told the Gruffalo that everyone in the forest is afraid of him. The mouse takes the Gruffalo into the forest showing him that when animals see him they run away. LABORATORIO DI LINGUA INGLESE IV ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND 1) Who is the author? Lewis Caroll 2) In which season the story takes place? In summer 3) Where alice and her sister are? On a riverbank 4) Does Alice like that book? No because there isn’t pictures or conversation 5) What’s the first thing Alice sees? A white rabbit with pink eyes 6) What the rabbit takes out of his pocket? A watch 7) Where does alice the rabbit follow? In a rabbit hole with cupboards, bookshelves and strange pictures 8) Where did the little door lead? In a beautiful garden full of bright flowers 9) What's written on all the bottles that alice sees? Drink me 10) What happens when he drinks from bottles? it either grows or shrinks 11) With whom the rabbit comfonde Alice? with her housemaid Maryann 12) Who is Bill? A lizard 13) Who is sitting on the mushroom? A blue caterpillar who is smoking a pipe 14) Who is sitting on the brunch of a tree? The chesire cat 15) How is the Chesire cat look? He look friendly, with long claws and many teeth. He looks respectable 16) What the cat does all the time? appears and disappears. He disappears beginning with the end of the tail and ending with the grin, which remained for a while after the rest of it was gone. 17) Who is having a tea? The hatter and the March Hare, and a Dormhouse sitting between them asleep 18) How is the hatter's clock? It tells the day of the month but doesn’t tell what time it is 19) What does the queen often say? Off with his head 20) Why the gardners are painting the rose-bush? Because they planted a white rose bush by mistake and if the queen found out she would have their heads cut off 21) How gardeners look? They seems like playing cards with hands and feet at the sides 22) What is the queen's favorite game? Croquet 23) Describe the court: there is a judge with a large wig (the king), there is a jury-box and jurors, and a Herald 24) Why is there the process? Because the queen made some tarts and the knave of hearts has stolen those tarts 25) Who is the first witness? The hatter who came into the court with a teacup in one hand and a piece of bread and butter in the other 26) Who is the second witness?the dormhouse 27) Who is the third witness? Alice 28) What alice knows about the business? Nothing 29) What does alice do when she wakes up? She told her sister all the strange adventurers that she lived and after she has her tea MONKEY PUZZLE 1) How many animals does the monkey meet on his journey and what are they? The monkey meets seven animals: a butterfly, an elephant, a snake, a spider, a parrot, a frog and a bat. 2) What’s the first animal the monkey meets? First of all, the monkey meets a butterfly. 3) What’s the little monkey looking for? The monkey is looking for his mum. 4) How is the little monkey’s mum described? She is big, she coils round trees and she has got legs. She eats fruit and she lives in the treetops. She leaps and springs and she’s brown and furry, and nice to cuddle. She looks like the little monkey. 5) How is the elephant described? The elephant is a great grey trunk, it has got tusks, a curly trunk and great thick baggy knees. 6) How is the snake described? The snake slithers about and hisses, it curls round a nest of eggs and it hasn’t got legs. 7) How is the spider described? The spider is black, hairy and fat. It has got many legs and it swallows flies. 8) How is the parrot described? The parrot has got a beak, it squawks, squabbles and shrieks, it has got claws and feathery wings. 9) How is the frog described? The frog is green, it croaks and it’s all slimy. 10) How is the bat described? The bat sleeps all day long, it has got wings and it’s very small. 11) Who does the little monkey meet at the end of the story? The little monkey meets his dad which takes him to his mum. THE LOCKED ROOM CAPITOLO 1 THE ASH TREE 1. What can Castringham Hall’s visitors see? They can still see the beautiful old house with its gardens and lake. 2. And what is missing? An ash-tree that was in front of the house, with its branches almost touching the walls. 3. When the story begins? The story begins in 1960 4. Who is Mrs Mothersole? A strange, lonely old woman who was found guilty of being a witch. 5. What happened to her? Matthew Fell, the owner of Castringham Hall described how she used to climb into the ash-tree outside his bedroom every time there was a full moon. He said that she usually carried a strange knife to cut off parts of the tree and that he talked to herself. Once he followed her home, but she disappeared and when he knocked on the door of her house, she came downstairs in her night clothes looking sleepy. He and the villagers agreed that it was certain she did these things by magic and so she was hanged. 6. What she said before died? There will be guests at the Hall What did the vicar see on the tree in the full moon’s night? He saw for a moment a strange animal with four legs but Sir Matthew he thought he was just tired 7. What did Sir. matthew's servants find? Sir Matthew's servants not found him downstairs at his usual time of six o'clock, so decided to go up to his Bedroom, but the door was locked. They broke down the door and entered and Sir Matthew's body lay on the bed, dead and completely black. 8. What happened to Castringham Hall after Sir. Matthews death? Some years later Sir. Richard, sir Matthew’s nephew, did a renovation of the house and it was found that Mrs Mothersole’s tomb was empty 9. Who is William Crome? The naphew of the vicar, who gave to Richard some documents concerning his grandfather 10. What decided to do Richard? After reading his grandfather's bible, he decided to have the tree cut by his servants, but could not witness the destruction because he was found dead in his grandfather's room just like his grandfather 11. What was hiding in the tree? A lot of strange big anlimals that started to escape when the tree started to catch fire 12. What was in the tree? When Chrome, james and the other servants went to look inside the blackened tree found Mrs Mothersole’s bones. CAPITOLO 2. A SCHOOL STORY 1. Who’s the main character? Sampson, a new teacher who cames to teach latin at Jhon and McLoad’s school. He was a very interesting person that used to tell his guys all about his travels to different countries 2. What he had in his pocket? A coin found in a trip in Turckey: on one side there was the head of a king and on the other side of it were the letters G.W.S. (for Sampsons name) and the date 24 July 1865. 3. What did he read on the paper of the Latin sentences? In the first time he read ‘Remember the well among the four trees’, while in the second time ‘If you don't come to me, I will come to you’ 4. What did the boys see outside simpsons room? There was a terrible-looking man; he was very tall and very thin that seemed a ghost who was making a sign to Sampson to go with him. 5. What happened to Sampson? After that night no one knew anything about him 6. Who is Edgar? He was the listener to whom John had told the story 7. What did Edgar discover? Some years later he went in Ireland to his friend who had a coin like that of Sampson. He reported that the coin had been found in the pocket of one of the bodies found in the well among the four trees outside his house CAPITOLO 3. THE CURTAIN 1. Who’s the main character? Mr James Denton, a man who lived with his aunt in a house they were renovating 2. What he loved most? He loved the books, but his aunt was not very happy about it ‘couse he had a big collection in their house 3. Where did he stop one day? One day while he was in London to buy a furniture for home, he stopped in a library called Robins 4. What he found in the library? A small collection of books on the part of England that he came from, Warwickshire, and decided to buy one that really interested him, called The Diary of Mr Poynter, 1710. 5. What was painted on this book? A beautiful drawing, made up of curving lines, which somehow caught the eye. His aunt wanted to copy the paint on the curtains, buti it had a dark and sad story. 6. What happened when Mr James went to bed? While he woked up and realized that something was in the room. He jumped and screamed and, as he did, the face of the thing came up towards him: no eyes, no nose, no mouth, only hair. So he decided to escape. 7. What he descovered about the paint? In the book James found a story written by Mr Poynter who explained the story of the paint. The lines represented the only thing left of a dead boy's body, the hair. CAPITOLO 4. THE FLIES 1. Who are the main characters? Mr Davis, a very quiet man, and a young man who cames back from market with him one day 2. What did people think of this couple? Some people thougt that the young man helped with the housework, or that was his teacher and other suspected that the two men were playing with magic and were plotting something terrible. 3. Where did the two go when there was a full moon? They went up on the hill where there are piles of old stones and rocks and they stayed up there all night 4. What was under the stones? The bones of soldier 5. What happened to the couple? The young man was found dead on the hill and his body was all black; mr Davis was found dead in his home without heart 6. Which animal carried the boy's body? An horse who was very terrified 7. Where were the bodies buried (seppelliti)? They were buried in a place outside the village ‘couse the didn’t belive in God but in unnatural things 8. What happened some time later? Some people found on the street a pool of blood with a lot of big flies that flied as a cloud to Davis’s house, so the abitants decided to catch on fire the house. CAPITOLO 5. THE LOCKED ROOM 1. Where is the story set? In Suffolk, near the coast, in a tall, red house built in 1770. 2. Who’s the main character? A young Cambridge University student called Thomson who arrived in this house. 3. Who are the owner of the house? Mr and Mrs Betts 4. What found on the road while he was walking? He found a strange object white, a big stone. 5. What did the people tell him about that stone? People used to say that it brought bad luck for fishing, but they didn’t want to say anything. 6. What found Thomson on his floor? He found a loocked room and tried to open the door. 7. What was in the room? A bed with a body that looked like it could go through walls 8. What was his first idea after? His first idea was to leave the house as soon as he could, ‘couse he was really afraid 9. What did he do before he left? He decided to go and look around the room again 10. What he found in the room in the second time? A pile of old clothes walking towards him, with a knife in the jacket 11. What discovered about the monster? That some years later a rich gentleman while was walking in the village, a group of men that wanted his money attacked and killed him with a knife. 12. Whom did he tell the secret? To anyone because no one would go to that house anymore CAPITOLO 6 THE PAINTING OF NGLEY HALL 1)Who was Mr S.Williams? He was a collector of paintings, he was interested by pictures of old English country houses, English churches and country towns; infact he bought a painting from Mr Britnall’s shop. 2)What did the painting represent? It represented a large country house from the century before; the house had three rows of windows, there
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