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Domande per esame Della Valle (esonero), Prove d'esame di Letteratura Inglese

Domande più frequenti per l'esame scritto (esonero) di Letteratura Inglese I con Della Valle. PS: Ciò significa che oltre a queste domande potrebbero essercene anche delle nuove.

Tipologia: Prove d'esame


Caricato il 06/09/2020

Giuliass. 🇮🇹



30 documenti

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Scarica Domande per esame Della Valle (esonero) e più Prove d'esame in PDF di Letteratura Inglese solo su Docsity! DOMANDE LETTERATURA INGLESE 1) Concetto sviluppato da Burke: sublime 2) Lavoro del padre di Shakespeare: merchant, well-to-do glower and whit tower by trade 3) Successore di Elizabeth I: James I o James VI 4) Samson agonists is a: tragedy by Milton 5) The reformation in England included: establishment of a new church 6) Desdemona in Shakespeare is a character in: Othello 7) Who was the highest authority in lit 18th century?: Johnson 8) King executed during the puritan revolution: Charles I 9) Pamela tells a story of: a resistance to seduction and marriage 10) In che anno sono stati chiusi i teatri?: 1642 11) Richardson worked as a: printer 12) Quale autore supportava la Repubblica?: Milton 13) “The Beggar’s opera” di Gay è stata rivisitata da: Brecht 14) La cornice di Canterbury Tales: pellegrinaggio, ognuno dice 2 storie all’andata e 2 al ritorno; gli scritti sono 22/120 15) End of Beowulf: The poem ends with Beowulf ‘solemn funeral 16) Battaglia di Hastings: 1066 17) Quale novella è anti novel?: Tristram shandy (a sentimental journey by Sterne) 18) Che tipo di opera è “Sir Gawain”?: Chivarly romance poem / a verse romance poem 19) Che tipo di opere scrive Ben Jonson?: comedy of humor 20) Tema di “The rape of the lock”: mockheroic poem in which tells of the quarrel between two families caused by the snipping of the beautiful Belinda 21) Defoe non era: Cristiano 22) Cos’è la “Glorious revolution”?: 1688, birth of first constitutional monarchy. Replacement of James II by William III (William of Orange, husband of Mary Stuart) 23) Perché avviene il pellegrinaggio in “Canterbury Tales”?: vanno a visitare la tomba di Becket 24) In che regno comincia la riforma inglese?: Inghilterra (?) 25) Start of the english reformation: Henry VIII wanted a male heir 26) A character in “Paradise lost”: Satan/Adamo ed Eva 27) Genere letterario molto usato nel medioevo: romance, religious and warrior type (Beowulf is a warrior type), epic and elegy 28) “A sentimental journey”: journey Sterne had undertaken some years earlier for reasons of health. He was dead and so pardoned for his transgressions 29) “All for love”: is a heroic drama by John Dryden. It’s a tragedy in blank verse, imitation of Antony and Cleopatra, and focuses on last hours of the MC 30) Gulliver travel’s description that is wrong: 31) Chi sono i metafisici?: Donne, Marvell; Herbert, Vaughan, Crashaw 32) Pilgrims progress: by Bunyan, it’s a dream like story where Christian has to overcome difficulties and obstacles of every kind /journey to Celestial city 33) Chi ha scritto “Pamela”?: Richardson 34) Chi è Grendel in “Beowulf”?: The monster 35) Quale religione sotto Elisabetta I?: she was Anglican protestant but open to Christianity 36) Perchè puritani contro monarchia?: 37) Successore di Henry VII?: Edward VI 38) Contemporaneo di Chaucer: Gower (?... Edward III/Longland) 39) Quale opera di Shakespeare è una revenge tragedy?: Hamlet 40) Chi ha scritto gli Amoretti?: Spencer 41) Subtitle of Oroonko: the slave queen/the royal slave 42) Setting di Hamlet: the late middle ages (14th and 15th centuries) around the royal palace in Elsinore, a city in Denmark 43) Philosopher theories read in the Elizabethan period: Seneca 44) Cosa sono le masques: 45) Studiare lo iambic pentameter bc chiede di individuarlo: 5 piedi che alternano breve e lunga, quindi sono 10 sillabe che seguono la ritmica “ba DUM ba DUM ba DUM ba DUM ba DUM) 46) La religione di Thomas More: Cristiano 47) Il Globe è: il teatro di Shakespeare 48) Plot of Moll Flanders: she became a thief and prostitute 49) University wits: men of letters schooled in the great seas of learning 50) Moralities: a genre of medieval play 51) Quale delle seguenti opera è di Jonson?: Volpone 52) Quante sillabe e accenti ha il pentametro giambico?: 10 sillabe, 5 accenti 53) Cosa è successo nel 1660?: Restauration 54) Romantic comedy: As You Like it, Midsummer 55) Chi introduce il sonetto in Inghilterra?: Wyatt 56) Quale non è una caratteristica del 18 secolo?: monarchia più forte del parlamento 57) A cosa si riferisce il titolo “The Rape of lock”?: taglio di una ciocca di capelli 58) Nome della figlia prediletta di King Lear: Cordelia 59) Capolavoro di Fielding: Tom James 60) Genere di Gullivers Travels: Satire/parody 61) Data della costruzione del primo teatro: 1576 62) Caratteristica dell’Old English: 6 dialetti 63) James Macpherson: translated an epic poem by Gaelic (Ossian) 64) Not a metaphysical poet: Herrik 65) Parents of Elizabeth I: Henry VIII and Anne Bolena 66) Not a restauration dramatist: Middleton (author of city comedy) 67) “The Spectator”: a magazine The rape of lock is NOT: a) A mock-epic b) A satire on society c) An attack on the manners of aristocrats d) A critique of false or inverted values e) An elegiac poem E c) 1066 d) 1789 e) 1494 C “Blank verse” means: a) Rhymed pentameters b) Unrhymed pentameters c) Couplets of iambic tetrameters d) Unrhymed verse without a regularmetrical pattern e) Alexandrines B Which of the following plays by Shakespeare does not include a forest?: a) As You Like it b) Macbeth c) Midsummer’s Night Dream d) The Merry Wives’ of Windsor e) Romeo and Juliet E The Duchess of Malfi was written by (Bertinetti, p.71): a) Ben Jonson b) William Shakespeare c) John Ford d) John Webster e) Philip Marlowe D An English sonnet consists of: a) An octave and a sestet b) Two tercets and two quatrains c) Three quatrains and a couplet d) Two quatrains and two couplets e) Two sestets and a couplet C Complete: one of Swift’s works is entitled “The Battle of the”: a) Irish b) Churches c) Book d) Dogs e) Giants C Ophelia is a female character in: a) Hamlet b) Othello c) Romeo and Juliet d) The Winter’s Tale e) King Lear A Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy is: a) A history play b) A tragicomedy c) A revenge tragedy d) A heroic tragedy e) A domestic comedy C Who wrote Edward II?: a) Marlowe b) Webster c) Jonson d) Tourneur e) Shakespeare A In “The Rape of Lock” the ceremonial arming of the classical epic hero is parodied in the description of: a) A young lady at her dressing table b) The preparations for a ball game c) The decoration of a banqueting hall d) A young gentleman getting ready for a duel e) A boat being made ready for a… A One of the following statements is FALSE fors the “fop” of a Restoration Comedy: a) He is an object of ridicule b) He is full of affectation c) He is extremely witty d) He is a symbol of superficiality e) He is fashionably dressed C Gothic fiction is a typical (Bertinetti, p.144-5): a) Medieval genre b) Anglo-saxon genre c) Restoration genre d) Elizabethan genre e) Pre-romantic genre E Which of the following eighteen-century figures was considered the highest authority in the literary scene? a) Swift b) Dr Samuel Johnson c) Addison d) Burke e) Pope B
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