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educazione civica inglese, Appunti di Lingua Inglese

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Tipologia: Appunti


Caricato il 11/04/2024

marta-domenighini-1 🇮🇹



10 documenti

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Scarica educazione civica inglese e più Appunti in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS - EUMC: europedn military committee - INLEMPOO!: INternational criminal police organisation or "international police" keep Security in the world. - FAO: FOOd and agriculture Organisation -. high quality FO0d For health - IOM: INternational organisation For Migration - UNICEF: United Nations Children's Fund. TO IMProve living Conditions OF Childrens and protect the rights OR every Child. - Osce: Organisation For security in europe, Not ONIY in military CONPFIiCtS - UNESCO: it CONtributes FOr education, science, culture and peace. «INternational music COUNcil: it provides an advisory committee t0 UNESCO ON MUSIC. -Redicross andRedcrescent: «C0I: COMItÉ international olympique. sport 0 promote peace. AN INternational Organisation is one FOUNded ON a treaty or other instrument governed by international LAW And it PpoSsEsses its OWN international legal personality. soMEe examples are the United Nations did the World Hedigh organisation. INternational Organisations CONSISt primarily OF member states, but May diso include other entities, Such ds other Organisations. The UNited NAKiONS iS AN internazional Organization FOUNded iN 1945 and Currently made up OP 193 Member StaLes. The UN has evolved over the years #0 keep peace in he WOrid, i PACt igS MOLtO is «Peace, dignity and equality on a heakhy pianet». The Original emblem OP the UNited Nations Was Created by a team op designers in 1945. The UN emblem Was designed £0 be a map OP 4he World iINSCPibed in A Wreath CONSIStING OP Crossed branches of the olive tree. It PemaIns he only piace on Earth where all ghe World's nations can gagher, discuss Common problems, and Find Shared SOIUtiOns that DENERIt GII OP hUMANItY. UN ACKS £0 Feduce extreme poverty and nunger, £0 achieve universal primary education, £0 promote gender equality and empower Women dnd £0 improve health. The Main Seat iS iN NeW YOrk, bUt UN OC4S in all the World. The Main bodies OP +he UN are the General ASSEMDIY, the SECUrity COUNCII, the ECONOMIC And SOCIAI COUNCII, the TPUSteeship COUNCIl, the INternational COUrt OP TUStICE, ANd &he UN secretariat. NATO, OP NOFth AtIAntic TTEAty Organisation, is A political and Military alliance that promotesdemocratic values and peace. It has been FOUNnded in 1949 by Signing OP the Washington treaty on the 4° OF April. Currentiy there dre 30 Member states: Canada, USA and other European COUNtries Such as Italy, Belgium, spain, ICEIAnd and United Kingdom. NATO membership is open £0 “any other European state in a position £0 Further the principles OP this TTEAtyY ANd LO CONntribute to the Security Of the North Atlantic area»The Motto OF NATO is «Animus in consulendo liber», FFOM latin (A mind unFettered in deliberation) that Means a mind Free in discussions. It is da quote by the roman historian sallust. The Main organ Of NATO iS the AtIAntic COUNCII, Settled in Bruxelles. The other Organs of Nato are the Parliamentary ASSEMDbIY, £he secretary General and the Military Committee. The universal deciaration of human rights (UDHR) is a document adopted by the Generali Assembly OF the UN ih 1948 £O deFend Fundamental human rights and Freedoms +0 Which all human beings are entitled. IN FACt YOU have the responsibility £O FEspect the rights OP Others and no one can tAke AWay any OF yours.ARter World War IT, A COMMIttee OF persons headed by Eleanor ROOSVElt, he Wire OF the Us president FFAnklin ROOSVElt, WrOte a document which deciares «the rights that everyone in the entire World should have». It has been reFerred by Eleanor ROOSVElt AS humanity:s Magna charta because it is the most important document OF Human Rights. It Was Signed ih Paris ON the 10° December 1948 And approved by the majority OF the 193 Member states. WOTFld Health OMganisation (WHO) iS An UN INStItUte speciglized in health, Founded the 12° TUly 1946 and Settled in Geneve (switzeriand). All the 193 member states Of UN partecipate Lo WHO and Ital) tOOk part iN 1947. ACCOrNding Lo its CONStItUtiON, WHO dims +0 reach the highest health level, AS A tOtal phySsic, Mental and social Wellness, it's engaged to give a guide on medical questions, establisnes health Standards and politics based on scientific evidence, Support medical researches and gives helps in case of emergencies. It is Subdivided in three bodies: the director-general, vhe World health assembly and he executive board. The head OF the Organization is the director-general, elected by the WOFld Health ASSEMblyY. The World Health ASSEmbly (WHA) is «he legisiative did supreme body OR WHO that Meets Yeariy in May «We champion health anda better Future For ali» Dedicated £0 the well-being OF all people and Quided by science, the World Health
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