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Emilie Bronte, Cime tempestose, Appunti di Inglese

Narrazione della vita dell'autrice e spiegazione dettagliata della trama della sua opera e analisi di questa

Tipologia: Appunti


Caricato il 06/04/2024

giulia-romei 🇮🇹

6 documenti

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Scarica Emilie Bronte, Cime tempestose e più Appunti in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! Emilie Bronte- is one of the Bonte sisters, good writers, she is the most talented, she has 4 sisters and 1 brother, two of whom become writers, although they will not have much time to write. Born in 1818, her mother died when she was 3, Maria Branwell. In 1824 the four older sisters were sent to a female boarding school (one of the symbols of the tremendous hygienic conditions, of religious fanaticism, very bad food of the Victorian age) in Cawan Bridge. This brought epidemics first tuberculosis and then consumption in the school, the father a curate after the epidemic decides to bring home the 4 sisters, too late because in the same year Maria and Elisabeth die the other two are saved. Charlotte and Emily still have tuberculosis that will have effects in the future that will cause their death. An important part of her life becomes the period after she returns home, her father gives her a box of toys and uses them to create stories, uses them as protagonists and as inspiration. In 1838 he became a teacher for a year in North Yorkshire. In 1842 he went to Belgium for a year, to a private school as an English teacher with his sister Charlotte. Meanwhile they study French and Music. In November 1842 they return to England because their aunt dies. Important figure for them aunt Elisabeth because she had taken care of them after the death of her mother. In 1845 Charlotte found in her house a notebook with poems written by Emilie and recognized her talent and tried to convince her to publish them, but she did not want and was offended by what her sister had done. After a year, he managed to convince Emilie to publish them. In 1846 the first book of the Bronte sisters was published, which contained the poems written by the three sisters. Charlotte convinces Emilie by promising that their identity would be protected by male aliases. In 1846 he published the book "Poems by Currer, Ellies, Acton Bell" in a single volume that will have absolutely no success, but it will be important for Emilie who will receive more positive comments from critics. (Currer=Charlotte, Ellies=Emilie, Acton=Anne, Bell=Bronte). In 1847, Charlotte published her novel "Jane Eyrie" written by Currer Bell. Mr. Newby agrees to publish Emilie Bronte’s novel in 1847 "Wuthering Heights" was not successful, it is technically innovative, human element feelings in a strange way. He died in 1848, his brother died in September 1848 because he drank a lot, he died of hepatic cerrosis. September 24th was a very cold day in England, they had to have their brother’s funeral, she wanted to be there even though she had some damage caused by the tuberculosis she had taken, and so she caught a devastating cold and refused to see a doctor, After three months her condition collapsed and she continued to take care of herself and died on December 19, 1848, shortly before she had whispered to her sister Charlotte that she was ready to see the doctor and after a few hours she died. "Wuthering Heights"- first-person narrative of Mr. Lockwood, a successful, wealthy London man decides to take a vacation and goes to a Thrushcross Grange ranch, owned by a man who did not live there, lives in Wathering Heights, opposite by location to the other house. One day Mr. Lockwood decides to meet the landlord Mr. Heatcliff rude and unfrendly man and receives a very badly Mr. Lockwood was very intrigued by the house and decides to return the next day to see what would happen. He also sees a young man, very Clumsy and uncouth colled Hareton and also sees the daughter-in- law who was Heatcliff’s widow of which nothing else is known, Emilie does not say the name, preatty young lady but preatty Sullen. Starts a snowstorm while Lockwood is there and then is forced to stay there for the night, they give him a room without Heatcliff knows what room it is, before sleeping Lockwood sees three names in a panel, "Chathrine Earshow, Chathrine Linton, Chathrine Heatcliff", and also finds a diary that describes a very close relationship and frienship between Heatcliff and Chatrhrine, but does not know which of the three (although later you will find that they are the same person). The diary is about how Hindley, Chathrine’s brother, treats Heatcliff badly. Lockwood falls asleep and as a dream hears something from the window he was near, his hand being taken by a cold hand of a ghost claiming to be Chathrine, who tells him to let her in. Emilie’s talent is that there are no specific things that make the difference between reality and the dream well understood. He wakes up a bit scared, Heatcliff hears him and enters the room furiously, for the room in which he had slept. Lockwood tries to tell of his dream but it is very difficult, the thing that amazes him is that at the end of his description Heatcliff opens the window and hopes that the ghost of Chathrine will arrive. He is thrown out of the Lockwood room and can return to his home. The maid Nelly Dean decides to tell him the story of the people she had met, so she becomes the naractor and no longer Lockwood who is at the same level of readers. This change of narrator is at Crucial Point of th book, innovation of Emilie Bronte, you find something similar in "Hamlet", when there are actors who come on stage doing their work but create new stories within the story. Nelly Dean tells of the former owner of Wuthering Heights Mr. Earnshow, about thirty years earlier, has two sons Hindley and Cahtrine. He goes to Liverpool for a business trip and returns home with a dark-skinned 6-year-old boy, a foundling, who adopts and calls Heatcliff. His arrival changes things in the house, Heatcliff and Cahtrine get along immediately but with Hindley there will be many problems, he was very jealous. Mr. Earshow decides to send him to boarding school given the situation, when he returns years later his father died and he married Francies she also can not stand Heatcliff. Hindley seems to have won by now, but he hasn’t reckoned with love. Over the years the relationship between Heatcliff and Cahtrine had changed and they had fallen in love. Hindley couldn’t handle it. Heatcliff and Cahtrine spend a lot of time together going for a run in the moors, their relationship gets more and more intense, it is perceived even if it is not officially written by Emilie, he says without saying. One day playing on the moor they approach Truschross Grange who belonged to Mr. Linton, magistrate, person with great culture, who has two sons Edgar and Isabella. Cahtrine is bitten by one of the dogs of Truschross Grange and is forced to stay there for 5 weeks to heal, during this time she is fascinated by the elegance and culture of the people who live in this house. When he comes home he no longer sees Heatcliff in the same way. Hindley and his wife have a Hearton son, whom we first saw, when Mr. Lockwood goes to Wuthering Heights, his mother dies and Hindley starts drinking to console himself. Edgar asks Cahtrine to get engaged and she agrees, was the care of the book: it is partly a mystery why she accepts, there was no love from her for him, she loved Heatcliff even though there has never been anything explicit. Nelly Dean is shocked by Cahtrine’s behavior trying to explain it to Nelly, and consequently to readers, the reason is connected with the first impression that she had had for Edgar and that she could not marry Heatcliff because she saw him socially inferior even if she loved him (not her but society). Heatcliff overhears the conversation and decides to leave home and Cahtrine tries to find him for 3 years, very sad about what happened. He comes back three years later: -became rich do not know how; -Cathrine and Edgar were married in the meantime; Morality is the basis of Decency in life, Morality the positive, morality protects people. Lack of morality is condemned. The problem arises when morality becomes moralism, that is, exaggeration of morality, is something negative, to which Emilie Bronte rebels in her novels, she sheds light on this problem that was the most complex. Authors, philosophy, begins to creep into the middle of the century according to which happiness has nothing to do with morality, is connected with beauty and formal perfection (cult of perfection). The philosopher John Ruskin is the one who identifies the connection between beauty and happines. Also Albert Swinburne who was philosopher and poet. -Function of Art and Morality: has the function of teaching and being an example, but now serves to arouse happines, "Art is beauty". So it becomes important that art exists for itself will become the slogan for the Cinema Company, "Art for Art’s sake". This expression of art was first used by Teophile Gautier who wrote in 1835 "Mademoiselle de Moupin" in his preface uses this expression, "Art pour l'Art". The expression is attributed in English for the first time to Sir Walter Pater, professor at the University of Oxford, a philosopher and researcher, of whom Oscar Wilde will be the best student, in 1873 he wrote an argumentative text "Studies in History of the Renaissance"where he uses the expression "Art for Art’s sake". He estabilished a connection between beauty (is not absolute entity, la bellezza non esiste di fuori della concezione individuale, tutto ciò avviene in maniera molto graduale) and consciousness. Oscar Wilde-Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin in 1854, then came to England and studied at Oxford University under Professor Walter Paper. In 1878 Visit Italy and Greece homelands of literature. In 1879 he settled in London, made Himself noties for his extravagant life (beginning to become the Oscar Wilde we know) long hair, decorated the house with peacock pens, lilies, wore knee-length green velvet pants, long yellow socks. He entertained his friends and important people with his extravagant intelligence and with his writings, he had great abilities in speaking. He goes to New York in 1882 back. He had intellectual tools to create something new. In 1884 he marries Constance Lloyd, he will have two children. In 1890 the symbol of new values is represented in his work "A picture of Dorian Gray", with this the Victorian Age was now at the end, with the publication of this novel. This is the climax of the first phase of his life. The second lightest stage identified with comedies, between 1890 and 1895 he devoted himself to writing comedies that reached huge peaks of success. In 1893 "A woman "Salome" the only tragedy, written in France, first published in France, the reason is linguistic, because he used too many words and then used another language not to use too many words in this case in French. In 1895 In 1895 "the Importance of Be Hernest" is the most important, even if it was not successful, it had only 56 performances, not because it did not like but because the performances were interrupted, because Oscar Wilde began to meet young guys in the hotel, one of whom he will fall in love with, his favorite, Lord Alfred Douglas. His father was Marquise of Queensburry who knew about the affair and was completely disgusted by it. He wanted to throw vegetables at Oscar Wilde in the theater but it didn’t happen because he was discovered and sent out, even if something else happened, the tension between the two didn’t stop. The Marquis insults him and provokes him, Oscar Wilde decides to denounce him for slander, in the actual it was true that he had an affair with his son. Oscar Wilde loses the case the court realizes that his entire literary output serves to better understand his true personality. He immediately lost his popularity due to the admission of his homosexuality and references to it in his works. He had the sentence of two years of hard labor that completely devastated his body. In 1897 he left prison and is a different person in everything. His wife prevents him from seeing his children, Oscar Wilde goes to Paris and dies alone and poor in 1900, his grave is in Paris. the importance of being Earnest- set in London, in the apartment of Algernun Moncrief which is waiting for the visit of his friend Ernest Worthing. We know that however the day before he had come and had left a cigarette case, opening it Algernun had seen a dedication "by little Cecily for my uncle Jack". Earnest arrives and tells him the reason for the visit: Ernest is in love with his cousin Guendalin Farifox, whose father was probably dead and therefore Algernun is the closest male relative. Her and her mother’s consent was therefore necessary for the engagement. Algernun would only give it to him if Ernest explained who Cecily was and who Jack was, so what was his real name. (Ernest and Algernun had been friends for a long time). Ernest explains that Cecily was his ward, he lives with her and other people in a house in the country, he has no father, only an adoptive father of whom Cecily is the granddaughter. Cecily is heiress of a lot of money left by her grandfather when she would come of age. These people know him as Jack, they know that he has a brother named Ernest who lives in London, a fool, whom Jack often visits. When he comes to London, everyone knows him as Ernest, so as to change his identity and be free of social consequences. After this, however, he does not receive the consent of his mother for the engagement, Lady Augusta Bracknow. However, he proposes to Guendaline and she accepts immediately because she wanted to marry a man with the name Ernest. Lady Bracknow then asks Ernest if he would be right for her daughter, with specific questions, very funny situation. Turns out he doesn’t have both parents, he’s a foundling. Lady Bracknow is shocked (they represent her and her daughter a perfect example of Victorian social connections). Guendaline wants to visit Ernest in his country house, and asks for the address, Algernun meanwhile listens interested in Cecily’s wealth, and thinks to go too. That’s how the first act ends. Beginning act two, we are in the country house with Cecily and her private teacher Miss Prism, who is teaching her German. Arrives the vicar Dr. Chainsable who is secretly attracted to Miss Prims, so he invites her to take a walk so that Cecily would also stop following the lesson and because Cecily had understood the feeling that there was between the two, Miss Prism scolds Cecily for this, But she can’t wait and she accepts. Cecily is alone when the butler arrives announcing the arrival of Mr Ernest, brother of her uncle Jack, Cecily is enthusiastic. It was actually Algernun pretending to be Ernest, knowing no one had ever seen him. Cecily and Algernun start talking and like each other. They are in the garden and decide to go in and get something to drink and eat. Meanwhile the Vicar and Miss Prism return, and Jack arrives dressed as a mourner because he had decided to announce the death of his brother Ernest, to end his double life. He arrives while announcing his brother’s death, Cecily and Algernun return to the garden and Cecily announces Ernest’s visit. Jack is furious with Algernun, he reaches the maximum voltage peak. Cecily tries to ease the tension, believing that their relationship was problematic, looking for a chance for Jack to say that. Algernun pretending to be Ernest, says he’d leave if Jack changed. Jack goes to change and meanwhile Algernun proposes Cecily, who accepts because he has always wanted to marry a man named Ernest (he says it using the same words of Guendaline). And she goes to the priest to change her name, Cecily is alone again. Guendaline arrives in the house in the country and begins to talk with Cecily, it creates a misunderstanding because they think they are in love with the same man. At this moment Jack and Algernun arrive together, and the two girls begin to quarrel with them, and then they understand that they are not in love with the same man, and they also understand that neither is called Ernest. Because Cecily tells Guendaline that her boyfriend is named Jack and is her uncle, while Guendaline tells Cecily that her boyfriend is not called Ernest, but that his name is Algernun and that he is her cousin. Jack admits the truth, the two women return home, because they were in the garden, joined by deception. They try to forget about this though, as a marriage proposal is very important in the Victorian age. The only problem is the name because they forgive them but they want a man named Ernest. So they inform them that they will change their name. After this, Guendaline’s mother arrives, looking for her daughter. She sees Jack and Cecily and he consoles her that Cecily is adopted by telling her that she was a wealthy heiress (she calms down but does not accept that Jack and her daughter get married). The vicar arrives, saying that he could have changed the name of the two men, who communicate it no longer serves, because Algernun would not have married Cecily because Jack would not have given permission if he had not been allowed to marry Guendaline. The vicar leaves Miss Prism. Lady Bracknow hears this name and is curious to see her, as it seems a familiar name. When she arrives she asks her questions and realizes that she was the babysitter at her sister’s house, Algernun’s mother: one day she had left the house with a leather suitcase and a stroller with a child. When she arrived at Vittoria’s station, she exchanged them, putting the child in the suitcase and the book in the stroller, and she left with the stroller.
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