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Phrasal Verbs: Significato e utilizzo di espressioni verbali composte in italiano, Appunti di Inglese

LessicologiaLinguistica ingleseFonetica e fonologiaGrammatica inglese

Una panoramica sui verbi frasali, ovvero le espressioni verbali composte formate da un verbo seguito da una preposizione che cambia il suo significato. Vedremo alcuni esempi di verbi frasali e come il secondo termine (in/out/on/off/up/down/away/back/by/through/about/along/over/forward/round/around) influenza il significato del verbo. Inoltre, verremo a conoscenza di alcuni usi specifici di queste espressioni.

Cosa imparerai

  • Quali verbi vengono usati come base per formare verbi frasali?
  • Che significa un verbo frasale?
  • Come il secondo termine di un verbo frasale influenza il significato del verbo?
  • Forniscano alcuni esempi di verbi frasali in italiano?
  • Quali preposizioni sono utilizzate per formare verbi frasali?

Tipologia: Appunti


Caricato il 26/12/2022

Gagar29 🇮🇹



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Scarica Phrasal Verbs: Significato e utilizzo di espressioni verbali composte in italiano e più Appunti in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! PHRASAL VERBS: • Phrasal Verb = a verb which is followed by one preposition that changes its meaning • We often use verbs with: in / out / on / off / up / down / away / back / by / through / about / along / over / forward / round or around → These are phrasal verbs • We often use on/off/out etc. with verbs of movement [Example: get on / drive off / come back / turn round] • Often the second word (on/off/out etc.) gives a special meaning to the verb • Sometimes a phrasal verb has an object. Usually there are two possible positions for the object. [Example: I turned on the light. OR I turned the light on. (the light is the object)] → But if the object is a pronoun (it/them/me/him etc.), only one position is possible [Example: I turned it on. (not I turned on it)] VERB + IN: (in = into a room, a building, a car etc.) • get in o = entrare • let someboby in o = fare entrare • dive in o = tuffarsi • move in o = traslocare • check in (in areoporto, INVECE in hotel sia check in che check out) o = registrare / registrarsi • drop in o = visit somebody at home without arranging to do this [Example: I dropped in to see Chris on my way home.] o TO DROP = far cadere VS DROP IN = andare a vedere qualcuno senza preavviso • join in o = take part in something that is already going on [Example: They were playing cards, so I joined in.] o TO JOIN = unire VS JOIN IN = unirsi a qualcuno che sta già facendo l’attività • plug in (an electrical machine) o = connect it to the electricity supply [Example: The fridge isn’t working because you haven’t plugged it in.] o = attaccare all’elettricità • take somebody in o = deceive somebody [Example: The man said he was a policeman and I believed him. I was completely taken in.] o = ingannare qualcuno • fill in (a form, a questionnaire etc) [UK] (*) o = write the necessary information on a form [Example: Please fill in the application form and send it to us by 28 February] o = completare, compilare VERB + OUT: (out = out of a room, a building, a car etc.) (out = not burning, not shining) • check something out o = guardare quell’oggetto • rub out (UK) o = cancellare • run out (of something) o = aver finito qualcosa [Example: We ran out of petrol on the motorway. (= we used all our petrol)] o run out (da solo) invece vuol dire correre fuori • sort something out o = find a solution to, put in order [Example: There are a few problems we need to sort out.] o TO SORT = classificare VS SORT OUT = sistemare, mettere in ordine • turn out (to be…) / turn out (good/nice etc.) / turn out (that…) o = sembrava in un modo mentre era in un altro (tipo un plot twist) [Example: Nobody believed Paul at first, but he turned out to be right. (= it became clear in the end that he was right)] • try out (a machine, a system, a new idea etc.) o = test it to see if it is OK [Example: The company is trying out some new software at the moment.] o TO TRY = provare VS TRY SOMETHING OUT = fare un tentativo per vedere se funziona VERB + ON: (on and off for lights, machines etc.) (verb + on = continue doing something) (on come rafforzativo) • put something on o = accendere qualcosa • go on o = happen [Example: What’s going on? (= what’s happening)] o = star succedendo o = continue [Example: The party went on until 4 o’clock in the morning.] o = continuare • go on / carry on (doing something) o = continue doing it [Example: We can’t go on spending money like this.] o = continuare un’azione • go on with / carry on (with something) o = continue it [Example: Please carry on with what you’re doing.] o = continuare • put on (clothes, glasses, make-up, a seat belt etc.) o = indossare (vestirsi) [Example: My hands were cold, so I put my gloves on.] o MA put on weight = get heavier [Example: I’ve put on two kilos in the last month.] • try on clothes (to see if they fit) o = provare dei vestiti [Example: I tried on a jacket in the shop, but it didn’t look right.] • keep on doing (or keep doing) something o = do it continuously or repeatedly [Example: He keeps on criticising me. It’s not fair! (or He keeps criticising me.)] o = fare qualcosa continuamente o ripetutamente • drive on / walk on / play on o = continue driving / walking / playing etc. [Example: Shall we stop at this petrol station or shall we drive on to the next one?] o = continuare a guidare / camminare / giocare… • get on o = progress [Example: How are you getting on in your new job? (= How is it going?)] o = progredire, avanzare • get on (with somebody) o = have a good relationship [Example: Richard gets on well with his neighbours. They’re all very friendly.] o = andare d’accordo • get on with something o = continue something you have to do, usually after an interruption [Example: I must get on with my work. I have a lot to do.] o = continuare qualcosa che devi fare, solitamente dopo un’interruzione VERB + OFF: (on and off for lights, machines etc.) (off = away from a person or place) (off come rafforzativo) • call something off o = cancel it [Example: The concert in the park had to be called off because of the weather] o = cancellare qualcosa • take off o = prendere il volo • put something off, put off doing something o = delay it [Example: The election has been put off until January.] o = posticipare • take off (clothes, glasses etc.) o = togliersi di dosso (svestirsi) [Example: It was warm, so I took off my coat.] • be off (to a place) o = andarsene a / in… [Example: Tomorrow I’m off to Paris. (= I’m going to Paris)] • walk off / run off / drive off / ride off / go off o similar to walk away / run away etc. [Example: Anna got on her bike and rode off.] o = camminare via / correre via… (ma c’è un rinforzo, è come se la persona fosse arrabbiata, ecco la differenza con away) • set off o = start a journey [Example: We set off early to avoid the traffic. (= We left early)] o = partire • take off o = leave the ground (for planes) [Example: After a long delay, the plane finally took off.] o = decollare • fix up (a meeting etc.) o = arrange it [Example: We’ve fixed up a meeting for next Monday.] o = stabilire • grow up o = become an adult [Example: Amy was born in Hong Kong but grew up in Australia.] o GROW = crescere VS GROW UP = diventare maturo • bring up a child o = raise, look after a child [Example: Her parents died when she was a child and she was brought up by her grandparents] o = crescere, badare ad un bambino • clean up / clear up / tidy up o = make something clean, tidy etc. [Example: Look at this mess! Who’s going to tidy up? (or … to tidy it up)] o tidy = organizzare / clean = pulire / clear = fare spazio o = pulire / riordinare… • wash up o = wash the plates, dishes etc. after a meal [Example: I hate washing up. (or I hate doing the washing-up.)] o = pulire i piatti (UK) [VS wash / do the dishes (USA)] • end up somewhere / end up doing something etc. o = finire in un posto / finire a fare qualcosa (è un risultato) [Example: There was a fight in the street and three men ended up in hospital.] • give up o = stop trying, give something up = stop doing it [Example: Don’t give up. Keep trying!] o = smettere, abbandonare di fare qualcosa • make up something, be made up of something o = essere composto da [Example: Children under 16 make up half the population of the city. (= half the population are children under 16)] • take up space or time o = use space or time [Example: Most of the space in the room was taken up by a large table.] o = usare spazio o tempo • turn up / show up o = arrive, appear [Example: We arranged to meet David last night, but he didn’t turn up.] o = farsi vedere, arrivare, apparire (improvvisamente) • use something up o = use all of it so that nothing is left [Example: I’m going to make soup. We have a lot of vegetables and I want to use them up.] o = consumarlo, usare tutto un qualcosa finché non ce n’è più • bring up a topic etc. o = introduce it in a conversation [Example: I don’t want to hear any more about this. Please don’t bring it up again.] o = introdurre un qualcosa in una conversazione (lo tiro fuori io) (*) • come up o = be introduced in a conversation [Example: Some interesting things came up in our discussion yesterday.] o = essere, venire introdotto in una conversazione (è venuto lui fuori da solo) (*) • come up with (an idea, a suggestion etc.) o = produce an idea [Example: Sarah is very creative. She’s always coming up with new ideas.] o = produrre, avere un’idea • make something up o = invent something that is not true [Example: What Kevin told you about himself wasn’t true. He made it all up.] o =inventarsi qualcosa di non vero • cheer up o = be happier, cheer somebody up = make somebody feel happier [Example: You look so sad! Cheer up!] o = rallegrarsi, rallegrare qualcuno • save up for something / to do something o = save money to buy something [Example: Dan is saving up for a trip to New Zealand.] o SAVE = risparmiare VS SAVE UP = risparmiare soldi per qualcosa • clear up o = become bright (for weather) [Example: It was raining when I got up, but it cleared up later.] o = schiarire (per il tempo) • blow up o = explode, blow something up = destroy it with a bomb etc. [Example: The engine caught fire and blew up.] o = esplodere, far esplodere qualcosa • tear something up o = tear it into pieces [Example: I didn’t read the letter. I just tore it up and threw it away.] o TEAR = strappare VS TEAR UP = strappare qualcosa in piccoli pezzi • beat somebody up o = hit someone repeatedly so that they are badly hurt [Example: A friend of mine was attacked and beaten up.] o BEAT/ HIT = battere, picchiare, colpire (1 volta) VS BEAT UP = picchiare ripetutamente (per più volte) • break up, split up (with somebody) o = separate [Example: I’m surprised to hear that Kate and Paul have split up. They seemed very happy together.] o BREAK = rompere VS BREAK DOWN = non funzionare più VS BREAK UP = separarsi, dividersi, lasciarsi • call/phone/ring (somebody) back o = return a phone call [Example: I can’t talk to you now. I’ll call you back in ten minutes.] o = richiamare al telefono qualcuno • get back to somebody o = reply to them by phone etc. [Example: I sent him an email, but he never got back to me.] o = ricontattare qualcuno (che ti ha contattato prima) • look back (on something) o = think about what happened in the past [Example: My first job was in a travel agency. I didn’t like it much at the time but, looking back on it, I learnt a lot and it was a useful experience.] o = ripensare a qualcosa del passato • pay back money, pay somebody back o = ridare indietro dei soldi, ripagare qualcuno [Example: If you borrow money, you have to pay it back] (a pay back is similar to a revenge) • put back o PUT = mettere VS PUT BACK = rimettere qualcosa in un posto VERB + DOWN: • knock down something (building) o = buttare giù qualcosa [Example: Some old houses were knocked down to make way for the new shopping centre] • be knocked down (by a car etc.) o = venire abbattuto, buttato giù [Example: A man was knocked down by a car and taken to hospital.] • blow (something) down o = buttare giù qualcosa • cut (something) down o CUT DOWN SOMETHING = fare una cosa di meno VS CUT OUT SOMETHING = non fare più una cosa (*) • burn down o = be destroyed by fire [Example: They were able to put out the fire before the house burnt down.] o = bruciare • slow down (down = getting less) o = go more slowly [Example: You’re driving too fast. Slow down.] o = andare piano • calm (somebody) down o = become calmer, make somebody calmer [Example: Calm down. There’s no point in getting angry.] o = calmarsi, calmare qualcuno • cut down (on something) o = eat, drink or do something less often [Example: I’m trying to cut down on coffee. I drink too much of it.] o = fare qualcosa di meno (*) • break down o = stop working (for machines, cars, relationships etc.) [Example: The car broke down and I had to phone for help.] o BREAK = rompere VS BREAK DOWN = non funzionare più • close down / shut down o = stop doing business [Example: There used to be a shop at the end of the street. It closed down a few years ago.] o = chiudere (ad esempio un’attività lavorativa) • let somebody down o = disappoint them because you didn’t do what they hoped [Example: You can always rely on Paul. He’ll never let you down.] o = deludere qualcuno • turn somebody/something down o = refuse an application, an offer etc. [Example: I applied for several jobs, but I was turned down for all of them.] o = rifiutare qualcuno o qualcosa • write something down o = write something on paper because you may need the information later [Example: I can’t remember Ben’s address. I wrote it down, but I can’t find it.] o = scrivere qualcosa su carta perché l’informazione potrebbe servire dopo • sit down o SIT = essere seduti VS SIT DOWN = mettersi seduti (c’è movimento qui)
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