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EXAMPLES ENGLISH ESSAYS, Prove d'esame di Lingua Inglese

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Tipologia: Prove d'esame


Caricato il 05/10/2021

Raul_25 🇮🇹



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Scarica EXAMPLES ENGLISH ESSAYS e più Prove d'esame in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! LA PANDEMIA L'AMBIENTE E L'IMPATTO DEL COVID BIODIVERSITÀ CAMBIAMENTO CLIMATICO INQUINAMENTO FAMIGLIA E LE DONNE TECNOLOGIA IMMIGRAZIONE IL FALLIMENTO COME OPPORTUNITÀ LLIAURWONr The cosmos has its own way of rebalancing things through its laws when they are distorted. The moment we are living, full of anomalies and paradoxes, makes one think. At a time when climate change caused by environmental disasters has reached alarming levels, China in the first place and many countries to follow, are forced to freeze; the economy collapses, but pollution falls considerably. The air improves; you use the mask, but you breathe. At a time when certain discriminatory ideologies and policies, with strong references to a petty past, are reactivating all over the world, a virus arrives that makes us experience that, in a moment, we can become the discriminated, The segregated, the stuck at the border, the ones who carry the diseases. Although we are not to blame. Although we are white, Western and we travel in business class. In a society founded on productivity and consumption, in which we all run 14 hours a day behind what is unknown, without Saturdays or Sundays, without more red than the calendar, from one moment to the next, comes the stop. Stop, at home, days and days. To deal with a time of which we have lost the value, if it is not measurable in return, in money. Do we still know what to do with it? At a time when the growth of their children is, by necessity, often delegated to other figures and institutions, the virus closes schools and forces them to find alternative solutions, to put together mothers and fathers with their children. He's forcing us to start a new family. In a dimension in which relationships, communication, sociality are played predominantly in the "non-space" of the virtual, of the social network, giving us the illusion of closeness, the virus takes away from us that true closeness, the real one: that no one touches, No kisses, no hugs, at a distance, in the cold of non-contact. How much did we take for granted these gestures and their meaning? In a social phase in which thinking about one’s own garden has become the rule, the virus sends us a clear message: the only way out of it is reciprocity, the sense of belonging, the community, the feeling of being part of something bigger to take care of and that you can take care of us. The shared responsibility, the feeling that your actions depend on the fate not only of you, but of everyone around you. And that you depend on them. So if we stop chasing witches, asking ourselves who is to blame or why all this happened, but wondering what we can learn from it, I think we all have a lot to think about and commit to. Because with the cosmos and its laws, obviously, we are in debt pushed. The virus is explaining it to us, at a high price. The virus appeared in Wuhan, China, in the supply chain terminal of a regional line of supplies of wild and exotic foods, successfully performing jumps in the infectious chain up to the final level of human- human contagion. The ecosystems, in which these wild viruses were partly controlled by the biodiversity of the tropical forest, were violently disrupted by the deforestation carried out by the capital. As a result, while many forest pathogens are disappearing with the host species, a sub-group of infections that used to become extinct relatively quickly, they are now spreading among the human population most vulnerable to infection. The diseases that come from the forests, are no longer contained in the hinterland: a SARS can immediately pass to the humans of the big city a few days after leaving the bat den. The increase in genetic monocultures lowers the specific immune system present in different populations, able to slow down infections. The tendency is to limit government inspections of farms and processing plants, to inquiries of activists and the right to information even in cases where the epidemic is fatal. Despite recent victories in court over pesticides and pollution from pig farming, government control over private production remains entirely focused on profit. In summary, the alienation caused by capital is playing into the hands of pathogens. To avoid even worse scenarios than those that are materializing, disalienation offers the possibility for the next great human transition: abandon colonial ideologies, reintroducing humanity into the Earth's regeneration cycles and rediscovering our ability to recognize ourselves individually in multitudes beyond capital and state. We need to protect the complexity of the forests that keep deadly pathogens from infecting the globe. Animal and crop diversity should be introduced and animal and crop farming should be reintegrated on a more sustainable scale which keeps pathogens from growing virulently and geographically. It is necessary to allow our animals destined for nutrition to reproduce naturally, starting again a natural selection that allows an immune evolution and the tracking of pathogens in real time. It°s a great plan, but it's time to stop and stop threatening nature and communities so abundant with everything we need to survive, as if we felt like another competitor to be pushed out of the market. Biodiversity is the variety of living beings that inhabit the Earth, and is measured at the level of genes, species, populations and ecosystems. We humans are also part of biodiversity and we take advantage of the services it offers us: thanks to biodiversity, Nature is able to provide us with food, water, energy and resources for our daily lives. Thanks to bees and other pollinating insects, plants continue to bloom, reproduce and produce fruit. Each organism therefore plays a fundamental role for the health and well- being of the planet. Some environments are particularly rich in biodiversity, for example: coral reefs, tropical forests and river estuaries host about half of the planet's living beings, even though they cover only 6% of the earth's surface. Biodiversity guarantees the survival of life on Earth. Man has no right to extinguish living species. Instead it has the duty to preserve the environment and the resources of the Earth for future generations. It is a very delicate balance that must be respected and protected every day. Global biodiversity and nature are rapidly disappearing due to many problems and changes: the modification of land and seas, the direct use of living species, climate change as a consequence of changes in the precipitation regime, in the sea level, in the extension and duration of terrestrial and marine ice, in the albedo, in the frequency and intensity of extreme meteoric events. The impacts of climate change have very important effects on many ecological processes, such as genetic, physiological and morphological effects on organisms, on the structure of populations and on their dynamics and on the distribution of species; Pollution, in the air, in the soil but also in our seas; the spread of "alien" species organisms introduced by man, accidentally or voluntarily, outside their area of origin. The richness of life on earth, the state of biodiversity, new discoveries, critical situations and urgent measures to be taken, numbers and curiosities from the natural world from which our life itself It depends. But the Report on Biodiversity also wants to be an invitation to the Institutions to recognize the right value to our natural capital and citizens so that they can take action to protect ourenvironmental heritage. Global warming means that the planet is slowly and steadily warming and the temperature is likely to rise even more over the next hundred years. Some regions have experienced extremely cold winters, while in others there have been heavy rains and strong heat waves. The polar ice sheets melt and the sea level has risen. Glaciers around the world are retreating. The causes of climate change are found in human activities that have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere. According to NASA, we humans are adding more and more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. For this reason, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide are now higher than they have been in the last half a million years or more. This causes the greenhouse effect, which means that there is an increase in temperature on Earth due to the lack of those conditions that like certain gases in the atmosphere trap energy. According to many scientists, climate change can be considered one of the greatest threats to the planet. Hurricanes and other storms will probably become stronger. Floods and droughts will become more common. To preserve our planet, most scientists agree that we need to reduce gas emissions by at least 80 percent by the middle of the century. difficulty in living there and talking with others. In addition, English is thought to be a universal language because it is known all around the world. This allows non-English people which speaks English to adapt in every situation they are and to travel everywhere. Another point to consider is that nowadays companies need more bilingual employers. This means young people who speaks two or more language have more possibility to find a job. According to me, learning foreign languages is an open mind experience that helps youngsters to be more extrovert and to have more opportunities in their future. One of my favorite recent movies I've seen is the one called "12 strong: the declassified true story of the horse soldiers" directed by Nicolai Fuglsig, a danish movie director. It is a true story about US Special Forces who fly to Afghanistan one month after the tragedy of the Twin Towers attack and help to capture the Taliban stronghold Mazari-i Sharif. I decided to review this movie not only because it is about a memorable piece of history but also because the protagonist role is played by one of my favorite actors, Chris Hemsworth. Mitch Nelson, the protagonist and the captain of the "12 soldiers" who believe in the brotherhood of battle, is given thirty days to capture the Taliban stronghold and, considering the impossibility to succeed in their mission, the soldiers decide to go for it putting their American spirit of revenge beyond family. Their mission is to call in airstrikes to destroy the stronghold hidden in the rocky mountains of Afghanistan but due to the imperfection of the territory, the Americans find themselves fighting on 12 horses against the Taliban heavy artillery. There, the Americans warily join forces with General Dostum a warlord who will join them in their fight against the Taliban and AI Qaeda. Destroying territory after territory the 12 soldiers defeated the Taliban fighters they were up against, scoring an early blow against the forces of Islamic terrorism. WRITE A FORMAL LETTER Dear Mr. Walker I am writing in regard to the job of quality assurance manager, because the opportunity sounds very attractive. But first let me introduce myself, I am Alessandra Polzella, I have studied in a prestigious classic high school in Italy, and now I am a student of business administration at the Loren Brusque University. In the mean time I have achieved my English certifications, because I would like to work with international people worldwide. I have some previous work experience as sales controller in other companies; I have leamt both to work on my own orina team. Even though I have no specific experience in quality assurance, I could fit the job because I am scrupulous and perfectionist in what I do, I can work under pressure with a lot of deadlines, and plus I am a fast learner and an hard worker. I hope you will consider my application for this position in your company, because I would be very proud to be part of your team. You can reach me any time you want at this email address or at my phone number: 3347441335. Thank you in advance for considering me. With regards, Sophia Drago. PHYSICAL EXERCISE IN THIRD MILLENNIUM Physical exercise is an important issue nowadays because more and more people spend much of their time on working or studying in a sedentary way, for example working with computers. In this essay it will be described whether these people should practice any sportive activity. Firstly, when somebody starts doing exercise, one of the hardest thing to do is to change his lifestyle. Whatever person should rearrange something in his daily routine, in view of reserve some free time for physical exercise. This could generate higher and higher stress level, especially on people who work hard. Nevertheless, this negative aspect surely will be repaid thanks to the effect on the whole person. One of the strongest argument in favour of taking regular exercise is represented by the extraordinary effect both on physical and psychological side. Last but not least, it is necessary to consider that practicing some exercise has unfortunately some drawbacks: the most relevant of them are the price that must be paid and the invested time. On balance, taking regular exercise is a really investment, because it require time, money and also willpower. DISCOVERING THE SPACE Can you imagine what will happen in fifty years now? Let's try to give some thoughts to: people usually consider the future the era of weightlessness, so it's also fun to imagine that! The first thing that is always thought are the transports: what an amazing creation if scientists will be able to design and produce the revolutionary form of transport, something that won't submit to gravity. But I assume that this new transport will be incredibly overpriced, so it won't be bought by many people. However, there are also a different kind of transport that might be developed better in the future: the electric car. It will be fantastic if in the future humanity react to the dangers of pollution! Anyway, once we will have these new kind of transport, where will we go? Surely on the earth, but what about the Moon or the Space? Already now, scientists are firmly convinced that, in a not very long time, humans can get away on the Space! People have welcomed this news with great excitement. Are you ready to book your holiday in the Space? One of the best TV programme I've ever seen is "Italia's got Talent", which recently has become a very popular show. It is similar to other counties show, but I think I have enjoyed this one most because a friend of mine has gone there! His talent is to dance with very rapid motions: it's fantastic to see him. This show has started in Italy for five years, and since that moment it has achieved more and more success. It consist of a stage where the "talented" have to show their abilities and of four judges who are qualified expert and, in most of the cases, famous people. Many Italians agree that this programme people, especially guys, to become famous and to demonstrate their abilities to a very large audience: the whole Italy! The most common talents are music, dancing, singing but usually people are fascinated by those who propose uncommon ones, like bungee jumping! absolutely the best one which is broadcasted. It helps I recommend this programme to people who is searching for something exciting and unforgettable! THE BUSINESS YOUTH Nowadays more and more teenagers try to get a living with something special and sometimes, unexpectedly, they reach their goal creating their own business. Nevertheless, many people agree that they should need earlier experience. In this essay I intend to examine this phenomenon. Firstly, creating a business may have positive effects on teenagers because they could learn to rely on their own abilities: it is surely an important achievement. Furthermore, their job could be developed in the future thanks to the growing experience they will gain. Secondly, teenagers' knowledge can have both direct and indirect good effects. The first one is the rational method that they have been learning in the past few years, and the second one is the expertise on academic notions, that can be useful. In my opinion, practice is the key for success: no wonders if teenagers feel quite uneasy at the beginning. The most important thing is to continue learning, even at work: it will change people slowly but surprisingly. A NEW RESTAURANT: “THE BOAT" Last night I tried for the first time a new typical restaurant in the inner city and it was an amazing experience. I was there with my friends and we were looking for a welcoming and not too elegant place to have our dinner so we were pretty surprised of it. The interior was colourful and cosy and the waiters were cheerful and helpful but the most wonderful thing was the food. The menu was rich of choices and when we finally ate we were fully surrounded by an exceptional featured of flavours. Lastly, me and my friends found that the price was absolutely reasonable and not too expensive. I really recommend "The Boat" and we will certainly come back for other dinners! A TRIP DREAMT FOR A LONG TIME It was a trip I will never forget. I had never seen the snow before, while in the city where I live it is a very unusual event, so when I went to Bologna fora visit to some friends, I really hoped to see some snow. The days before my departure were a little terrible for my friends because I only talked about the snow and how I wanted to go to the mountains nearby their town. They became so stressed that they stopped listening to me! However, when I finally arrived, they had already organized an unforgettable trip for making my wish true! We jumped into my friends' car and started our adventure. On the road, we noticed that the landscape hadn”t the typical white colour of snow and I was beginning to feel very down, I had dreanmed of snow in the mountains for months! Suddenly the driver changed another route and continued to drive for about 20 minutes until on the side of the road it was all white. Once we were out of the car, I began to hit everybody with snowballs and I felt like a child! I, TOUR GUIDE FOR A SEASON One year ago I lived one the most stirring experiences of my whole life, working as tour guide in my city. I have always loved my home town, its history, its monuments, for this reason, after I had read an announcement on a website, I decided to contact a society of volunteers which encourages land development. My duty was to lead the tourists around the inner city, describe the monuments, the churches, tell anecdotes about their history, and to show them the most beautiful sea-landscapes of the coast. It was rewarding to see the wonder in their eyes. This experience taught me a lot. I had the opportunity to improve my knowledge of my city's history, visit places that I have never seen before and meet amazing people from all over the world. I fully recommend this job because you can work outdoors in summer and enjoy the sun, meet foreigners, learn about their different cultures and improve your English, and, last but not least, you can better appreciate your land and create a connecrion with it even stronger than before! AN UNEXPECTED FRIEND It has already been four years since I met my firm friend Paolo, running into him. The whole scene of our encounter was awkward, considering that I was going up the stairs one minute, and I landed right on him the next. Immediately, he looked at me with an annoying expression and didn't talk. Although I apologized, over the next few days he treated me coldly and continued to be so unpleasant that I just couldn't stand him! As time went by, given that we were forced to be roommates, I found out he was very similar to me and we became friends. Since then we have spent most of our time together, having fun, or simply talking about our day. After four years we are still here, sharing our lives, making new experiences, creating new memories and I guess that in fifty years, when I am a white-haired old lady and he a grouchy old man with less hair than today, we will be, as always, side by side, remembering all the crazy things we did when we were young! BACK TO THE PAST...OR NOT? Sometimes the elderly complain about how better life was when they were young. However, I disagree with them. There are some important advantages to living nowadays' life. Firstly, the great achievement of medicine that have contributed to solving many illnesses, today considered innocuous, such as the flu, that could be deadly in the past. A further point is the entertainment. Old people often tell about their childhood and it was very different from the one of today's young people. Indeed, they can play, go out, travel, they have more leisure time and freedom. Contrarily, most of those who lived a century ago, began to work when they were still attending school; they were still teenagers and already had a steady job and after few years they got married. To sum up, I believe that life is better today than it was 100 years ago but, at the same time, I think that nowadays' people should learn from the past: firstly, to appreciate what they have, be less superficial and secondly, certainly enjov life, bur not to wasting rime on rivialities.
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