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GET5 lm94 2 unisalento, Schemi e mappe concettuali di Lingua Inglese

GET5 lm94 2 unisalento GET5 lm94 2 unisalento

Tipologia: Schemi e mappe concettuali


Caricato il 03/06/2024

gloowws 🇮🇹

3 documenti

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Scarica GET5 lm94 2 unisalento e più Schemi e mappe concettuali in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! Pagina 124 (Proficiency Masterclass)  Our paths crossed : we met by chance  Further down the road : at some time in the future  Hit the road : (informal) to start a journey/trip  On the road : travelling, especially for long distances or periods of time  The end of the road : the point at which something can no longer continue in the same way  Lose track : to not have information about what is happening or where somebody or something is  Off the beaten track : far away from other people, houses, etc.  On the right track : thinking or behaving in the right way  Dead in your tracks : suddenly, usually because frightened or surprised  Make tracks : (informal) to leave a place, especially to go home PDF vocabulary  Crannies: hidden places/luoghi appartati  Cumbersome: difficult to carry/ingombrante  Makeshift: improvised  Negligible: trascurabile/irrilevante  Rugged: robusto/resistente  Sprawling: vasto/esteso/ampio  Emerged from: emerso/scaturito/sorto  Erupted: scoppiato/eruttato  Revealed: rivelato/annunciato/svelato  Skipping: saltare/evitare  Sprinting: scattare/fare uno scatto  To amble: to walk in a slow relaxed way/fare lunghe passeggiate  To explore: esplorare  To hike (up): fare trekking/escursioni/scalare  To hop: salire/saltare/saltellare  To limp: to walk with difficulty because of an injured leg or foot/arrancare/zoppicare  To march: marciare  To navigate: navigare/spostarsi/orientarsi/esplorare  To negotiate: negoziare/trattare  To penetrate: to get inside an area by getting past something that is intended to stop you/infiltrarsi  To ramble: to go for a long walk in the countryside for enjoyment/passeggiare  To roam: vagare/vagabondare  To stagger: barcollare/vacillare/ to walk in an uncontrolled way, as if you are going to fall over  To stroll: a slow walk for pleasure  To trail: seguire il sentiero  To traipse through: to walk around slowly and without a specific direction/girovagare/trascinarsi stancamente  To traverse: attraversare/percorrere  To trek: fare trekking  To trudge (back/toward): arrancare/trascinarsi  To wade through: guadare  To wander (around): passeggiare/gironzolare/girovagare Pagina 122  Abominable: used about something that is better, more extreme, or more important than all others  Extreme: very unusual  Hooked: if you are hooked on something, you find it so attractive or interesting that you want to do it as much as possible  Improvised: done or made using whatever is available  Overwhelmed: sopraffatto/travolto  Ultimate: as good or as bad as possible  Vibrant: lively and exciting  Acrid: acre/pungente/aspro/an acrid smell or taste is very strong, bitter, and unpleasant in your nose and throat  Bitter: amaro/pungente/aspro/something that is bitter has a strong sharp taste that is not sweet  Buzz: brusio/ sound of rapid vibration  Clammy: umido/appiccicoso/sudaticcio/unpleasantly cool and humid  Clatter: frastuono/scalpiticcio/ticchettio/a series of loud short noises made when a hard object hits against another hard object or surface  Creamy: cremoso/ a creamy substance is thick, soft, and smooth and does not flow easily  Crisp: croccante/fresco/vivave  Delectable: gustoso/squisito/prelibato/extremely pleasing to the sense of taste  Fascinating: making you very interested or attracted  Fragrant: profumato/fragrante/with a pleasant smell  Heady: inebriante/esaltante/entusiasmante/che dà alla testa/exhilarating  Heaving: palpitante/pesante /sovraffollato/crowded with people.  Hum: ronzio  Imposing: impressive in appearance/imponente/maestosto/monumentale  Impressive: notevole/suggestive/straordinario/incredibile/maestoso/sorprendente/ making a strong or vivid impression- producing a strong effect  Musty: ammuffito/stantio/smelling unpleasant and not fresh  Nippy: freddino/pungente/pleasantly cold and invigorating/sharp in taste  Odorous: odoroso/fragrante/profumato/with a strong smell/ a distinctive odour.  Roar: ruggito/rombo/boato/frastuono/a deep prolonged loud noise/ make a loud noise, as of wind, water, or vehicles  Rugged: aspro  Rumble: brontolio/rimbombo/to make a continuous deep sound/ to move forward making a continuous deep sound  Screech: stridore/stridio/strillo/urlo/to make a loud, high, and unpleasant noise  Sharp: forte/nitido/appuntito/a sharp sound is sudden and loud  Spicy: pungent taste/ a piquant burning taste of spices or peppers  Strech: puzza  Sweltering: soffocante/afoso/torrido/hot and humid; oppressively sticky  Tart: acidulo/ tart food or drinks have a slightly sour taste  Tender: tenero/morbido/delicato/ tender food is soft and easy to cut and eat/ gentle in a way that shows that you care about someone or something  Thriving: fiorente/prospero/rigoglioso/florido/vivave/dinamico Pagina 23 English file AFFIXES OPPOSITES: Available / unavailable Avoidable / unavoidable Bearable / unbearable Excusable / inexcusable Adequate / unadequate Accurate / inaccurate Compatible / incompatible Edible / inedible Tactless / tactful Harmless / harmful Thoughtless / thoughtful Tasteless / tasteful (e.g.: dressed tastefully)/tasty (e.g.: food is tasty) Deniable / undeniable Valid / invalid Retrievable / irretrievable Intelligible / unintelligible Mortal / immortal Sincere / insincere Literate / illiterate Flattering / unflattering Rational / irrational Practical / impractical Eligible / ineligible Conventional / unconventional Eventful / uneventful Responsive / unresponsibe Appealing / unappealing Hygenic / unhygienic Organic / inorganic Obtainable / unobtainable Coordinated / uncoordinated Conceivable / inconceivable Convincing / unconvincing Offensive / inoffensive Palatable / unpalatable Stable / unstable Realistic / unrealistic Cultivate / uncultivated Assailable / unassailable Permanent / impermanent Inhabited / uninhabited Connected / disconnected Cluttered / uncluttered Apt / inapt NOUNS FROM VERBS: Modify > modification Identify > identification/identity Continue > continuation Abbreviate > abbreviation VERBS + NOUNS FROM ADJECTIVES: Modern > modernize > modernization Familiar > familiarize > familiarization Political > politicize > politicization Characteristic > characterize > characterization Conceptual > conceptualize/conceive > concept Clear > clarify > clarity/clarification Explicable/explanatory > explain > explanation Simple/simplified/simplistic > simplify > simplification/simplicity DO SOMETHING WRONGLY/BADLY > mis- Mishear / misplace / mislead / misunderstand / mispronounce / misinform TOO MUCH/NOT ENOUGH > over- / under- Overcooked/undercooked / overpaid/underpaid / overrate/underrate / overcharge/undercharge CONTRARY OF ACTIONS > un- Undo / unwrap / unfasten MEANING “NOT”, OPPOSITE > dis- Disconnect / disbelieve / disapprove METAPHORS Recipe for disaster = something bad will happen Remedy = solution Headache = problem Torn to pieces = badly defeated Nightmare = really bad Out of his depth = inadequate Blow = hit Warm = nice Attached = love Hurt = feel bad Glued = always doing, close (e.g.: glued to the TV) Dirty = not fair Swallow = process Foundations = basis Miss the boat = miss an opportunity Fertile imagination = imagine a lot of things In the driving seat = in command Spend money like water = spend a lot Pouring money = invest a lot of money Down the drain = wasted Splash out = spend a lot Afloat = alive (e.g.: keep the company afloat) Over the moon = very happy On top of the world = very happy Lift someone’s spirit = make someone feel happier My heart sank = I felt bad Down in the dumps = very sad
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