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grammatica inglese, esercizi di grammatica + spiegazioni , regole di base, Appunti di Inglese Giuridico

grammatica inglese, trovate le regole basilari

Tipologia: Appunti


Caricato il 16/01/2024

carlotta-degirolamo 🇮🇹

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Scarica grammatica inglese, esercizi di grammatica + spiegazioni , regole di base e più Appunti in PDF di Inglese Giuridico solo su Docsity! ESERCITAZIONI INGLESE TESTI DI RIFERIMENTO: SITI ESERCIZI ONLINE: test-English, Perfect English grammar? PRESENT SIMPLE Daily routines, hobbies, permanent situations, regular habitual actions. Adverbs of frequency - Always sempre - Usually  generalmente/di solito - Normally  normalmente - Sometimes  qualche volta - Often  spesso - frequently, occasionally  occasionalmente/frequentemente - rarely, seldom  raramente - hardly ever (quasi mai) - Never mai I sometimes play class. I always have a big lunch on Sundays. He is never late. He doesn’t normally come to class. You must always wear a mask. Vanno inseriti a fine frase: Every… once/twice a month, now and again (di tanto in tanto), once in a while (ogni tanto), from time to time (di tanto in tanto), once in a blue moon (quasi mai), on Saturday, at the weekend… (Every day-every week va inserito a fine frase) Normalmente l’aggettivo di frequenza va inserito tra soggetto e verbo, però con il verbo “to be” e i verbi modali l’avverbio va inserito dopo il verbo. Esempi: I always play tennis with my friends. She goes to the cinema every day. I never eat meat at lunch. He reads yellow books once in a blue moon. I usually wear a red dress. I see him from time to time. I don’t like to listen music. She doesn’t often remember Spanish very well. Spelling rules: Plays-vowel Fly (mosca e volare) -Flies Verbi con “y” che seguono la regola dell’-es: - Certifies  certify (certificare) - Justifies  justify (giustificare) - Enjoys (piacere)  enjoy - relies (reliable affidabile) = rely - marries (sposare) marry - buries (seppellire) bury - applies (fare una richiesta formale)  apply - lays (tiles, the gun down) (sdraiarsi) - tries (provare)  try - fries (friggere)  fry - clarifies (chiarire) clarify - terrifies (terrorizzare)  terrify - stupefies (stupire)  stupefy - delays (fare tardi)  delay - worries (preoccupare)  worry - carries-carried (portare)  carry - prays (pregare)  pray - employs (impiegare-assumere)  employ - destroys (distruggere)  destroy - modifies (modificare)  modify - mortifies (mortificare)  mortify - spies (spiare)  spy Altra regola: - ch catches (prendere) - sh washes (lavare) - ss misses (mancare) - x mixes (miscelare) - o does, goes, echoes (fare, andare, eco) other verbs: kiss, watch, finish, teach, pass, fix (aggiustare), wish, peach, rich, dress… - ss  discusses (discutere), crosses (attraversare), impresses (impressionare), passes (passaere), stresses (stressare), tosses (lanciare), guesses (indovinare), blesses (benedire), messes (incasinare), dresses (indossare), addresses (indirizzare), presses (premere), kisses, misses, expresses (esprimere), caresses (accarezzare), flosses (passare il filo interdentale), glasses… TOSS toss a coin, toss and turn, I couldn’t give a toss, toss the salad, toss your hair - x  mixes, fixes, relaxes, flexes, detoxes, faxes, waxes - sh  blushes(arrossire), brushes (spazzolare), wishes (esprimere), pushes (spingere), finishes, polishes (verniciare, lucidare), fishes (pescare) , flashes (lampeggiare), crushes (schiacciare), abolishes (abbolire), unleashes (scatenare, liberare), demolishes (demolire), relishes (assaporare, gustare), crashes (schiantare), squashes (schiacciare una cosa morbida), mashes (schiacciare), splashes (schizzare), rushes (sbrigarsi), smashes (rompere, frantumare), relinquishes (rinunciare) -…… Smithereens, I relish the chance (appreciate), dashing, smashing - ch  switches (cambiare), catches (prendre), watches (guardare, preaches (predicare), reaches (raggiungere), flinches (spaventarsi), glitches (baggare), matches (abbinare), reproaches (rimproverare), approaches (approcciarsi, avvicinarsi), enriches (arrichire), bleaches (sbiancare), stretches (allungare), fetches (andare a prendere), patches (rattoppare), punch (pugno), pinch (pizzicare), touch (toccare), quench (spegnere unfuoco), stench, wrench (chiave inglese), patch things up (mettere a fuoco/compendere), not even a flinch, practice what you preach (pratica ciò che pedichi), patchwork quilt (coperta a fatta con le pezze), shrink - o  goes, does, echoes (eco), undergo (subire), undo (disfare) USED TO+ presente usato per descrivere eventi abituali del passato, l’equivalente nel presente è l’avverbio “usually” We don’t use DO/DOES with these verbs: Can, could, should, may, might, will, must, have got, be. THERE IS/ THERE ARE (for describing) Es. In my house there are two bedrooms Not My family is composed by… è giusto invece-> In my family there are five person There are 4 of us, se al ristorante chiedono quanti siete If you are expressing your opinion (I think English is important, it’s a permanent opinion) Shh, I’m thinking (action) Taste The soup tastes delicious (Flavour=gusto) Cheese tastes salty (State. The cheese is not doing anything) Is lunch ready? Yes, I’m just tasting the sauce to check if it needs more salt Smell Something smells fishy Roses smells sweet Roses are red Vilolets are blue Sugar is sweet And so are you I’m smelling some perfumes in the duty-free My dog is always sniffing and smelling cars when we go for a walk Feel To express our opinion Es. I feel that languages are really important How do you feel about the issue of immigration? I feel very strongly about this issue I’m feeling ill right now I’m feeling tired See I see what you mean (understand) I am seeing a very nice guy at the moment, we’ll see if it lasts (frequentarsi, vedersi) Be Is a stative verb but there is one exception, Es. You are being ridiculous (not always but today) You are making a fool of yourself (ti stai rendendo ridicolo) Unusual use of the present continuous: Why is he always taking my things without asking! It’s so annoying, si usa l’avverbio (sempre, molto spesso ecc.) quando una cosa che ci fa arrabbiare la facciamo spesso Why am I constantly forgetting my keys It is always happening when I’m afraid He is constantly eating my lunch 18 OTTOBRE The car belongs to Mark The boys are having lunch right now Looks like, sound like can also be stative verbs It sounds like there is someone Bitter: aspro Sour: ESERCIZIO: I’m leaving Do you like I’m looking I’m training Do you like I do Do you want to get I’m thinking Sounds Does it feel, forget Don’t see Do you think Don’t dislike, prefer I like Appears Agree, ‘s getting 20 OTTOBRE PAST SIMPLE Is the most important tense in the past, in the normal form we add -ed to the infinitive verb, in the other case there is a list of irregular verbs (2 column) Use: we use this tense for talk about which started and finished in the past, it’s used with some expressions time of the past: last summer/year, yesterday, ago, in 1999 etc. We pronounce these verb like there is a -t at the final  Liked  Watched  Worked  Laughed  Pressed  Walked  Talked  Increased  Stopped  Cooked  Finisched  Danced  Dressed  Confessed  Smoked  Asked  Relished pronuncia: relisht  Fixed  Missed  Fussed  Developed  Searched  Discussed  Impressed  Booked In the past we use HAVE-HAD not Have got If the verb end with “Y” and before there is a vowel I put -IED STUDY-STUDIED If the verb end with “Y” and before there is a consonant I put the simple -ED PLAY-PLAYED Negative: Subject + did not/didn’t + verb (infinitive) I didn’t see you Interrogative: Did + subject + verb (infinitive) Did you go? We pronounce these verb in the past like there is a -d at the final  Loved  Happened  Played  Applied pronuncia: applaid  Cried  Denied (negare), pronuncia: denaid  Moved  Killed  Tried  Called  Prayed  Used  Lived  Saved  Owned (appartenere) pronuncia: ound  Listened  Studied  Managed  Improved  Discovered  Appeared  Closed  Spilled (rovesciare)  Imagined  Crowned  Seemed  Showered  Argued (discutere/litgare) pronuncia: arguid When the verb ends in -t or -d we pronounce the -ed because it’s impossible to say started (starttt), we pronounce with a -id  Started  Depended  Visited  Interrupted  Created  Invested  Repeated  Needed  Wanted  Motivated  Waited  Shifted  Ended  Adapted  Located  Complicated  Broadcasted (trasmettere)  Imported  Exported  Insulted  Posted  Exploded  Exhaulted  Founded  Sorted  Collected (anche andare a prendere)  Rested  Invested  Corrected  Corrupted  Haunted  Flaunted  Avoided  Daunted (scoraggiato)  Excited Words that start or ends with -d or -t  Doll  David  Daughter  Danny  Taste  Tongue  Take  Touch  Aberrant USE: To show that an action happened before an other action in the past Es .I had been at the restaurant before, but I had never had the steak When I arrived at the cinema the film had already started When I arrived at the party my friends had already left I had just closed the door when I realised that I had forgotten my keys (past perfect s/c)--------------(past simple/cont) (…I had seen…)-------------(…I saw/was seeing) Past perfect is before than past simple and past continuous: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Past past 2) past simple/past continuous (past perfect) (started before past simple and continuous) When I arrived home my family were already eating When I arrived home my family ate (had dinner) ----------tutte e tre giuste, scegliamo noi in base all’ordine dell’azione When I arrived home my family had already eaten 3 NOVEMBRE AFFERMATIVA: I’d done my work NEGATIVA: I hadn’t had my coffee INTERROGATIVA: Had you seen the film before? Es. Mary offered me a coffee, but I said no because I’d already had one By the time I went into the class the lesson had already begun When I saw him I almost had a heart attack because I understood that we had already met before I was serving the fish to my guests when I suddenly remembered that I had completely forgotten to put any salt on it I was walking into the class when I realized that I hadn’t had my coffee We went to a new restaurant last night. Had you ever been there before? I went to Venice last weekend. Really? Had you ever been there before? No, I hadn’t I was cooking a chicken when she told me that she had already eaten Shellfish= frutti di mare Laundry=bucato Tidied=mettere in ordine SENTENCES: When my sister came back home, my mum had already cooked I realized that my t-shirt had already been washed before (because is passive) I had made dinner before my father came home My cousin hadn’t studied so he failed her exam I had drunk a glass of water before I started training ESERCIZIO 1 had written 2 showed 3 started 4 had rained 5 had had 6 had dinner 7 gave 8 had bought 9 finished 10 had finished PHONETIC ALPHABET In the phonetic alphabet there are all sounds of English language, because the letters can have got different pronunciation. In English there are five vowels but there are 20 voewls sounds, between short and long sounds.  i /i/ → fist (short sound)  i: /ii/ → three (long sound)  ᴁ /a/ → cat (short sound)  a: /aa/ → car (long sound)  ɒ /o/ → clock (short sound)  ɔ: /oo/ → hours (long sound)  ʊ /u/ → bull (short sound)  u: /uu/ →boots (long sound)  ə /e/ → computer (short sound)  ɜ: /ee/→ bird (long sound)  e /e/ → egg (short sound  A /a/→ up (short sound) The sound of diphthongs are:  ei /ei/ → train  əʊ /ou/ → phone  ai /ai/ → bike  aʊ /au/→ owl  ɔi /oi/ → boy  iə /ia/ → hear  eə /ee/ (open sound) → chair  ʊə /uo/ → tourist Then there are the sound of consonants:  p /p/ → parrot  b /b/  k /ch/ → key  g /g/ → girl  f /ff/ → flower  v /v/ →violet  t /t/ → T-shirt  d /d/ → dog  s /ss/ → snake  z /z/ → zebra  ʃ /sh/ →shower  ʒ /j/ → television  ɵ /th/ → thumb  ȶ /th/ (voiced) → mother  tʃ /ch/ → chess  dʒ /g/ → jazz 8 NOVEMBRE A non defining relative clause: is an extra information (which is in the south of Spain), you can’t sostitute which with “that”, but if there is a defining relative clause I can say “that” 10 NOVEMBRE A laptop Poppy Saxophone My son, born oh her birthday A music studio Holiday to south Africa Car that her husband bought her Camera, for his 10 th birthday Engagement ring (anello di fidanzamento) Golf clubs (mazza da golf) He’s leaning against a chest of drawers= è poggiato a una cassettiera Scarfes=sciarpe ESERCIZIO: My mum: apron (because she is very good at baking sweets), suitcase (she often travels for work), jewels My best friend: books because she loves to study, her dog Pablo My sister: sunglasses, chocolate biscuits ESERCIZIO: Girl: a ring belong to her mother and a ring bought in Italy, the jacket that belonged to a friend of university, lemon tree given by a friend at her birthday Boy: he bought the Spanish guitar in a shop in Madrid, Italian coffee pot a friend gave him at university 17 NOVEMBRE Neat / tiny= pulito, oridnato Untiny / messy= disordinato Hoarder= accumulatore We use -ing or infinitive form? When do we use -ing?  Like  Love  Hate  Enjoy  Avoid (evitare)  Finish  Keep  Give up (smettere o arrendersi)  Imagine  Admit  Can’t stand  Suggest  Miss  Fancy (do you fincy coming to the cinema?, ti va di venire…), fancy boy= avere “crush”  Deny (negare)  Don’t mind  Can’t stand (non sopporto)  Can’t help+ snoring (è più forte di me, russare)  Don’mind ESI miss swimming in the ocean He didn’t deny doing that I imagine travelling around the world I gave up studying math I love drinking tea with biscuits at 5.00 p.m. Do you fancy going to the restaurant to have dinner together? I can’t help eating chocolate I suggest coming to school After prepositions (on, with, of, out, on, in, at) EsI am thinking of going abroad this summer, she is good at speaking languages (sono brava nelle lingue, “good at”)  Mad about (mi fa impazzire) TO FOR PURPOSE I went to the supermarket to buy milk He has gone to the library to do some research I’m going to the cinema to see LD I want to go to NY to see the Statue of Liberty I asked for his help to (in order to/so as tomore formal) finish the work on time I want to go to the gym to lose weight I would like to read some books to improve my English I want to go to London to improve my English I went to the gym to work out I would like to go on another journey (tratta di viaggio) I went to the park to walk my dog OTHER EXAMPLES: I want to travel around the world to improve my languages I went to the library to buy a new spanish’s dictionary I went to school to talk to my teacher. AFTER ADJECTIVES: It’s important t to do exercises It’s great to see you It’s difficult to open this door It’s amazing to go jogging in the park I’m excited to go on this holiday It’s important to travel around the world to discover new cultures It’s strange to see you here It’s hard to learn English It’s wonderful to see that the sun has come out It’s interesting to discover new customs It was fantastic to see you yesterday OTHER EXAMPLES: It’s hard to write in Chinese It’s important to take your medicine I’m surprised to see you tonight It’s amazing to do sport activity It’s interesting to learn language’s history 24 NOVEMBRE Let’s drink a glass or two tonight They had better not miss the lessons otherwise there will be trouble It’s written in the stars that we can be together You had better stay away from him You should apologise to her I’d rather see a new film with INFINITIVE ONLY:  Can  Could  Would  Should  Will  Might  May  Would rather  Let’s  Had better- You’d better go to the doctor EXAMPLES: Can I ask you for a pen? You should study French literature this evening I would drink a cup of tea Let’s leave tonight We may go on vacation You’d better go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine Start doing/to donothing change REMEMBER I will always remember meeting my best friend (action has been done/memory) Please remember to close the window before you go out (action has not been done azione da fare/responsibility) Did you remember to switch off the lights? FORGET She will never forget seeing Paris for the first time (action has been done/memory) I mustn’t forget to call my mum (action has not been done azione da fare/responsibility) EXAMPLES I always remember drinking coffee in the mornings I must remember to do my laundry when I will come home this evening She doesn’t forget walking around the street everyday I can’t forget to do the shopping for our lunch STOP Stop talking please! (smettere) Can you stop doing that please? It’s annoying It’s hard to stop eating chocolate But… I stopped in the corridor to talk to my teacher (fermarsi per fare qualcosa) I must stop to get asprin at the chemist on the way home I wish my dog would stop barking TRY ATTEMPT (MAKE AN EFFORT) I tried to learn to ski, but it was just too difficult I tried to open the window, but it was stuck He tried to make a cake yesterday, but it was a disaster Sarah is going to try to get the singer’s autograph EXPERIMENTS (SEE WHAT HAPPENS)-CERCARE DI RISOLVERE UNA SITUAZIONE Why don’t you try repeating the verbs over and over I’m sleepy. Try opening the window. Some oxygen might help You should try drinking less coffee if you are having trouble sleeping I don’t understand the subject. Try talking to the teacher EXAMPLES: I always try to learn ice skating but I fail every time If you are anemic you should try eating more meet I can try to do the exam even if I didn’t study for a long time You should try going to the gym it might good for you Lose weight= perdere peso Healthily= in modo salutare Warn= avvertire/ avvisare Using Englishsito To lock= chiudere a chiave Eventually= alla fine I can’t help laughing= è piu forte di me GO ON He went on studying Law for ten years (continue doing the same activity) Don’t go on making the same mistakes. You’ll never improve Once he had finished studying he went on to become a judge (changed activity or progressing) He started as a shop assistant, but went on to become the manager MEAN (signify) Learning a new language means putting a lot of time into it (imparare una nuova lingua significa…) MEAN (intendintendere) I didn’t mean to hurt you (non volevo farti male) I meant to call you, but I totally forgot 28 NOVEMBRE REGRET (pentirsi) He regrets eating choosing Law now. He really doesn’t like it I regret eating that shellfish now. I’m not feeling very well REGRET (be sorry)- formal We regret to inform passengers that the flight has been delayed USED TO I used to play with dolls when I was a child / Did you use to go skiing as a child? (DOMANDE- RISPOSTE SEMPRE CON USE) BE USED TO (sono abituata) solo ing I am used to getting up early. I have been doing it for years GET USED TO (è il processo, mi sto abituando) solo ing I am gradually getting used to wearing 29 NOVEMBRE Stamps: francobolli Mend: repear Get rid of: sbarazzarsi Weeds: erbacce ESERCIZIO: Collecting To spend Collecting To get Taking Studying To earn To take
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