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Comparative Analysis of Legal Systems: National, International, and English Law, Prove d'esame di Lingua Inglese

An overview of various legal systems, focusing on national, international, and english law. It discusses the differences between shares and bonds, the role of constitutional, administrative, criminal, and private law, and the concept of equity. It also covers international law, including public international law, private international law, and supranational law. The document also touches upon the european union as a new legal order, the sources of law, and the role of delegated legislation. It further explores the case of carol kolstad vs the american dental association, involving sex discrimination, and the impact of intellectual property on life sciences.

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Scarica Comparative Analysis of Legal Systems: National, International, and English Law e più Prove d'esame in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! MERCATORUM “SOME” SI USA: Sia per i countable nouns che per gli uncountable nouns LA FRASE “LESS AND LESS PEOPLE HAVE A PERMANENT JOB” SIGNIFICA: Sono sempre meno le persone con un posto fisso HOMONYMS ARE: words with the same sound WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF VERBS IN A SENTENCE: To describe an action, state of being, or condition performed or experienced by someone or something I___A BLACK CAT RUNNING DOWN THE STREET : saw PLEASE BUY THOSE APPLES!I WOULD LIKE ____ some I CUT____CHOPPING THE VEGETABLES myself I____LIKE A CUP OF TEA would WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING ARE ADJECTIVES ABLE TO MODIFY: Nouns WHAT IS THE NAME FOR AN ADJECTIVE USED TO DESCRIBE SOMEONE OR SOMETHING WITH THE HIGHEST DEGREE OF A CERTAIN QUALITY: Superlative adjectives WHICH ADVERB OF TIME CANNOT APPEAR AT THE BEGINNING OF A SENTENCE: yet EXAMPLE OF A DEPENDENT CLAUSE IS: Henry walked home from school HE SAID, " I AM LOOKING FOR REPORTED SPEECH DEFINITION", THE HE SAID PART IS THE: Reporting Speech A GOOD VOCABULARY IS THE SINGLE BEST PREDICTOR FOR CAREER SUCCESS: and usually comes before achievement LISTENING HELPS YOU BECOME MORE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS: True LISTENING IS A SKILL: That can be learned but takes effort and patience IT IS NOT ALWAYS EASY TO SEPARATE COLLOCATIONS AND COMPOUNDS: The statement is true ACOUSTIC PHONETICS FOCUSES ON: the physical properties of the sounds of language WHICH CHOICE CORRECTLY CONVERTS THE FOLLOWING ACTIVE-VOICE SENTENCE INTO THE PASSIVE VOICE? YOU SHOULD CONGRATULATE YOUR SISTER ON HER ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: your sister should be congratulated on her academic achievement DECLARATIVE SENTENCES ARE USED TO EXPRESS WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING: that which is, was, or will be the case WHAT ARE THE CORRELATION FOUND BETWEEN ENGLISH PROFICIENCY AND THE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX: lower job standards MONITORING IS ONE ASPECT BUT ANOTHER IS THE ABILITY TO PLAN IS REFERRING TO: plnning and Control PEOPLE WORKING IN BUSINESS ARE REFERRED TO: Business people IF A COMMODITY BECOMES OVERSTOCKED: Sellers must lower the price WAGES SHOW DIFFERENT LEVELS OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND: It is true, wage differentials serve as signposts indicating the relative abundance or shortage of labor in various occupations in relation to the consumer demand of a specific output QUALE DELLE SEGUENTI ESPRESSIONI AVVERBIALI INDICA UNA MAGGIORE FREQUENZA RISPETTO ALLE ALTRE? Twice an hour LA FORMA INTERROGATIVA DELLA FRASE “FIONA WAS ASLEEP” È: Was Fiona asleep? SOMETIMES, A PREPOSITIONAL VERB MAY BE MISTAKEN FOR A: Phrasal verbs I___A BLACK CAT RUNNING DOWN THE STREET: saw WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING ARE ADJECTIVES ABLE TO MODIFY: Nouns QUAL È LA FRASE CORRETTA? Last month, I went to Rome with them ADJECTIVES THAT APPEAR AFTER LINKING VERBS ARE KNOWN AS: Predicative adjectives THE 'TOP-DOWN' MODEL IS IN DIRECT OPPOSITION TO THE 'BOTTOM-UP' MODEL: True WHEN IMPROVING WRITING, LEARNING VERBS IS ESSENTIAL: True READING WRITING OF OTHER WRITERS: Will give you knowledge of the different writing techniques DETONATION MEANS: definitions of the word that appear in dictionaries PROVIDE MORE EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION INITIATIVES IS A PROPOSAL FROM: Forbes/IBM Services LITERACY, MEDIA LITERACY, AND ITC LITERACY ARE DISCIPLINES INVOLVED I: information, Media, and Technology Skills INCREASING MARKET FRAGMENTATION IS THAT: there are specialist competitors with tailored offerings. WHAT IS POSITIONING: determines exactlywhat is the product, its price and perceived value in the marketplace. HOW DO YOU DESCCRIBE RELATIONSHIP IN THE NETWORK ECONOMY: more intense SOCIETAL MARKETING IS CONCERNED WITH: the ethical or societal implications of commercial activity WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES FACED BY MARKETING: Financial Issues THE EXPRESSION WORKERS PRICING THEMSELVES OUT OF MARKETMEANS: That workers are paid too much in relation to the revenue position of a firm, so they are pricing themselves out of jobs CONCERNING WHAT HAS BEEN THE RESULT OF THE WEAKENING OF THE CLASS STRUCTURE: Above all, the breaking of the alliance between middle and working classes upon which the welfare state was built IF I_________MONEY, I __________A NEW HOUSE : had/would buy IL PRESENT PROGRESSIVE VIENE NORMALMENTE USATO IN INGLESE PER DESCRIVERE: Azioni di natura temporanea COMPLETA LA SEGUENTE FRASE: “I WAS DRIVING TO THE POST OFFICE WHEN….”: I saw Giorgio WHICH STAEMENT IS CORRECT: Milk is healthy PRONUNCIATION: can hinder comprehension UNLESS CAN BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE IN THE IF CLAUSEIN THE FIRST CONDITIONAL: true IF AN ADVERB OF PLACE IS MODIFYING AN INTRANSITIVE VERB, WHERE IS IT USUALLY LOCATED IN A SENTENCE: Immediately after the verb it modifies WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING WORDS OR GROUP OF WORDS IS NOT A MITIGATOR: amazingly TO FIND THE SUBJECT: Find who or what does the action CHARACTERISTICS O F AN INDEPENDENT CLAUSE: All of the above IDIOMATIC EXPRESSION IS ONSIDERED TO BE ONE OF THE HALLMARKS OF NATIVE-LIKE PROFICIENCY BECAUSE: All of the bove "MAKE AN EFFORT" IS AN EXAMPLE OF: collocation THE KEY THINGS ARE TO LEARNING COLLOCATIONS ARE: Learn collocations in groups to help you fix them in your memory WHT DOES HOLISTIC MANAGEMENT PROCESS DO: identifies, anticipaes and satisfies the needs of customer WHAT IS COLLABORTIVE FITERING: helps to identify and anticipate what customers might like given that buyers of similar books have similar interests WHAT IS MORE PREDOMINANT FORM OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION TODAY: email writing WHAT LANGUAGE IS USED FOR INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS E MAILING: english THE DEDUCTIVE APPROACH: Is explained by a theory which compares predictions against the facts CONCERNING THE INVISIBLE HAND DOCTRINE: It refers to economies in which markets are perfectly competitive REGARDING WHAT U.S. LEGISLATORS HAD IN MIND WHEN THEY ESTABLISHED PROVISIONS FOR SUBCHAPTER S CORPORATIONS: By registering its own corporation with the internal Revenue service as a subchapter S corporation, partners incorporating can easily avoid to pay double taxes both as individual shareholders and as corporation... IN ORDER TO SUSTAIN ECONOMIC GROWTH AND THE WELFARE STATE: Given that in the long term the welfare state is incompatible with a healthy market-based economy, We have to underline that it was merit of the favorable circumstances for economic growth of the post war period that there was the expansion of the economy and the welfare state CONCERNING WHAT IS THE LABOUR FORCE: The labour force includes the employed and the involuntarily unemployed ; those at work and those seeking employment but unable to find some at the prevailing wage rates. The labour force, is therefore, a measure of the labour resources available to a society at existing wage rates WHAT ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEST ASSESSES THE KNOWLEDGE OF BUSINESS ENGLISH: Bulats HOW MANY PARTS IS AN ENGLISH ASSESMENT TEST DIVIDED INTO: 2 4 ACCORDING TO THE CEFR LEVEL AN B2 LEVEL MEANS: Understand the main ideas of a complex text such as a technical piece related to their field THEY____NEVER____TO LONDON: have/been THERE IS_____BREAD ON THE TABLE. Some BUSINESS WRITING CAN IMPACT ON THE WHOLE BUSINESS, IN WHICH MANNER: all the above IDENTIFY THE PHRASAL VERB IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE “IT APPEARS TO ME THAT YOU HAVE THOROUGHLY MUCKED UP THE CASE AGAIN.” Mucked up THIS IS____DOLL OF MY COLLECTION: the least beautiful WHICH ADVERB OF TIME CANNOT APPEAR AT THE BEGINNING OF A SENTENCE: Yet IF THE REPORTED SPEECH HAS SECOND PERSON: It is changed as per the object of reporting speech. WHEN INFINITIVES ARE USED AS ADJECTIVES, THEY FUNCTION IN A SIMILAR WAY TO RELATIVE CLAUSES: always true REDING MATERIALS THAT ARE UNFAMILIAR TO YOU WON'T HELP IMPROVE YOUR VOCABULARY: false LISTENING HELPS YOU BECOME MORE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS: True GLOBAL ENGLISH WILL BE THE MAIN LANGUAGE: globalized business and social networking for a very long time "MAKE AN EFFORT" IS AN EXAMPLE OF: collocation HOW DO YOU EVALUATE STRATEGY EFFECTIVENESS: established a set of key assumptions that form the foundation planning, re-evaluate previous assumptions based on the present realities PROVIDE MORE EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION INITIATIVES IS A PROPOSAL FROM: Forbes/IBM Services WHAT IS THE MAIN GOAL OF ACADEMIC WRITING: Process information show prose-composition skills and accuracy WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO LISTEN TO READERSFEEDBACK: they can feel insulted by writer’s lack of attention to the right detail WHY DO WE SAY THAT E-BUSINESS IS BROADER: it refers to both buyside and sell-side IDENTIFYING E-MARKETING SPECIFIC INTERNAL STRENGTHS, AND WEAKNESSES, AS WELL AS EXTERNAL OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATSIS REFERRING TO: swot SOCIETAL MARKETING IS CONCERNED WITH: the ethical or societal implications of commercial activity IN YOUR OPINION WHAT DOES GREEN MARKETING MEAN: business going envoronmentally frinedly WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO CHECK EMAIL BEFORE SENDING: to check grammar BUSINESSMEN AND BUSINESSWOMEN, IF CONSIDERED TOGETHER, ARE REFERRED TO: Businesspeople THE PERFECT COMPETITION REFERS TO: A market in which no company or consumer is large enough to affect the market price THE PRODUCTION OF GOODS IS DETERMINED BY: Consumers decisions to buy an item instead of another REGARDING WHAT A FIRM HAS TO CONSIDER BEFORE TAKING ON EXTRA WORKERS: It has to consider the wage costs of additional workers against the net change in its revenue position THE EXPRESSION WAGES CUT ACROSS THE BOARDMEANS: It means that wages rates are decided by the board of a company A CAPITAL LETTER IS USED poper nouns MY BROTHER ____JUST____HIS LEG! Has/brocken Completa la seguente frase: “I was driving to the post office when….”: I saw Giorgio Il Past Continuous indica: Un’azione continuata nel passato Il passato dei verbi regolari: Si forma aggiungendo la desinenza “-ed” alla forma base del verbo La preposizione “from” esprime: Moto da luogo Completa la seguente frase: “The hotel restaurant was......”: On the second floor …I'm going to …do house cleaning tomorrow The plane…Takes…off at 4:30 a.m. We...Are leaving. .for our holidays tomorrow morning I think they…Will win...the match The office…Opens…at 9:00 a.m . I…Am playing. .football tomorrow Look! Those cars…Are going to crash...! Maybe Trump…Will not win…the elections! ……going to…come?/ The intercity train…Arrives…at 4 p.m. Ralph …Saw. .his friend at the supermarket I…Was. .born in New York Mary…Went. .to the cinema with her friends Last weekend they…Had. .a party While I…Was walking...down the street, I …met. .my friend When I. Arrived…, they were eating The students …Were preparing. .a power point for their French lesson Last summer I…Didn't like. .my holiday ...Did you eat...good food at the party last night? The phone rang while I… Was cooking… Punctuation Mark arE: Very important Uses of commA: separate items in a list Don't use a question mark iN: Come here An apostrophe is use iN: contacted forms A full stop is used to: end a clause complete idea An independent clause: can be short A good starteR: To begin with A linker is used to: All of the above A capital letter is used: proper nouns A capital latter always follows a perioD: True Which staement is correct: Milk is healthy Which is correct: Sorry, I don't Speak Italian Which is correct: I'm tired I ....... the bus.I had to walk: miss Homonyms are: words with the same sound Homographs are: words with the same spelling Vocabulary: is difficult to learn Pronunciation:can hinder comprehension Rules and exeptions in the english Language: takes time to master Why idiomatic expressions present difficulty: All of the above What is the function of verbs in a sentence: To describe an action, state of being, or condition performed or experienced by someone or something The predicate of a sentence always contains what kind of verbs: Finite verbs Unlike regular verbs, irregular verbs usually have different: Past tense and past participle forms Unlike transitive verbs, intransitive verbs are not able to take which of the following:2 and 3 Identify the form of the verb quoted in the following sentence "My father ''took''me to the movies for my birthday: Transitive verb What is the term for changing a verb's form to reflect things like tense: Conjugation Which of the following is a finite verb: is Identify the finite verb in the following sentence. "Running late, the family quickly drove to their relative's house." : Drove Finite verbs correspond to a specific subject and :A tense In the past tense, finite verbs commonly end in: ed Identify the phrasal verb in the following sentence "It appears to me that you have thoroughly mucked up the case again." : Mucked up Which of the following can be separable in a sentence: Something you don't know by meaning but know by context Which of the following is not a component of a phrasal verb: Participle What is the primary difference between prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs: Prepositional verbs have a literal meaning; phrasal verbs have an idiomatic meaning What do prepositions do that particles cannot do in phrasal verbs: Transitive prepositional phrasal verbs When phrasal verbs are transitive: They always take direct objects Sometimes, a prepositional verb may be mistaken for a: Phrasal Verbs "To be up to" meaning: All of the above "Come around meaning": To change on's mind boout a thing and agree to sothing after some persuasion "Get over" meaning: Both 1 and 2 There isn't…Much…cheese in the fridge I…Saw…a black cat running down the street I…Have got…a bad headache today They…Haven't got…any money I…Don't feel…very well today Is there…Any…milk in the fridge? Mom, can you give me …Some…money. I need to buy a new shirt ...How long…have you lived in London? Hurry up!We haven't got…Any…time …When…did you visit Rome? La modalità deontica esprime: Un obbligo nei confronti del destinatario del messaggio Il verbo "can" è usato: Per esprimere un'abilità, una capacità, per fare una richiesta o chiedere un permesso Indica tra le quattro la frase corretta: Last month, I went to Rome with them Quale dei seguenti verbi viene usato per esprimere il passato del verbo dovere ("must"): Had to Indicare in quale frase utilizzeresti per offrire ad un ospite una tazza di caffè:Would you like a cup of coffee? L'affermazione "I live in Rome" risponde alla domanda: Where do you live? Attraverso quale meccanismo di formazione lessicale (word formation) si formano i termini "unfold" e "misadventure"?:Affixation Il termine "environment-friendly" è composto da: Sostantivo + avverbio L'affermazione "It's mine" risponde alla domanda: Whose umbrella is it? Nell'ambito della "word formation" (formazione lessicale), il fenomeno della conversione può implicare: Un cambiamento ortografico, fonologico e il passaggio da una categoria grammatica ad un'altra Il futuro con “to be going to” si usa per: Indicare l'intenzione di compiere un'azione futura Per esprimere un'azione pianificata nel futuro useremo: Il Present continuous con valore di futuro Poni al futuro la seguente frase: “I can't come to the meeting today”: I won't be able to come to the meeting tomorrow Indicare in quale delle seguenti frasi la “Question Tag” è usata correttamente: It was a terrible experience, wasn't it? It is used when something is always true or when we are talking about scientific evidences: Zero Conditional Used to describe situations that is generally true or to say that one event always follows anotheR: First Conditional Is used to describe a situation that could have happened in the past if the situation had been differenT: Third Conditional And is used to connect the if clause and the main clausE: All of the above It describes probabilities and possible resultS: First Conditional Unless can be used as an alternative in the if Clausein the first conditionaL: True Modals can also be used istead of would in this type of conditionaL: Mixed Conditionals IF+ Past Simple + would/ wouldn't + verb without to is the way to form A: Second Conditional If I had worked harder at school, I would have a better job now> is an example oF: Second Conditional If+ past perfect+ would/wouldn't have+ past participle of the verb is the way to form A: Third Conditional We are…Completely exhausted…from the trip I have…Almost finished…my homework There's…Too much…sugar in my tea Have we got…Enough drinks…for the party? She dances…Beautifully… I remember the day…When…we first met Tell me…Why…you came home so late She speaks English…Fluently… He drives…Badly… … How often …do you go to the cinema? …I a very good tennis player …He a smart boy The boy …Who ... Is going to Milan is Jack Please buy those apples!I would like…Some … I cut …Myself ... chopping the vegetables Bob was proud of…Himself … for his new job …Those ... are Mary's children Whose bag is …This...? It is…hers … …Where ... are you from? …When ...did you see your friend? Mary…And ...Susan are sisters I like Spinach ...But …I don't like carrots We are going out ...With …our friends The weather in London is usually horrible…In…January I'll meet you...At...five o'clock Susan goes to work…By...bus We can…Either...go to the cinema…or ... the theater ...Neither...Anne...nor...Ted like swimming! The new pub is ...Between ...the bank and the supermarket The man was walking...Along ...the river You…Must …not smoke in the office You…Should take …an aspirin if you have a headache I…Made …a delicious cake yesterday …Can I ...borrow your red pen please? …Could I …see mr. Smith Please? …May I ...ask you a question? Mary …Might come …but I'm not sure Change of pronoun in indirect speech is done with which of following basic rules: If the reporting speech has first person pronoun, it will be changed as per the pronoun the pronoun of reported speech If the reported speech has second person: It is changed as per the object of reporting speech. Change in Modal Verbs applies as: Can into Could, May into Might, Must into had to An infinitive is: Is the most basic form of verb Infinitives are used to express an action as a concept, rather than what is being done or performed by the subject of a clause: True Infinitives can as nouns: True Intransitive verbs do not take direct objects: You will only find infinitives used as the objects of transitive verbs When we use reported speech, we often use infinitives as the direct object: Of a "reporting verb" to express what was said or asked in the past Certain verbs do not make sense with only a direct object: especially when that direct object is a person When infinitives are used as adjectives, they function in a similar way to relative clauses: Always True In elliptical sentences: A part of the sentence is ommited because it is implies Gerunds and infinitives are both verb forms that can function as nouns: They are both often used as the objects of "main" verbs. A Gerund is: A verb in the ing form It's not important to learn vocabulary: False Passive Vocabulary is: Something you know but don't know how to use Active Vocabulary is: Something you know and know how to use A native spaekear: Always has more active vocabulary Learn the roots of words: Is one way to generally improve vocabulary Improved vocabulary means: All of the above The larger your vocabulary, the easier it becomes to break away from old thought patterns and open new lines of reasoning: Our words shape our thoughts A good vocabulary is the single best predictor for career success: and usually comes before achievement Reding materials that are unfamiliar to you won't help improve your vocabulary: False Putting the vocabulary you learned into use as very important: True Traditional view reading theoy is focused on: Both 1 and 3 The 'bottom-up' view of reading consists of: Decoding a series of written symbols into their aural equivalents in the quest for making sense of the text The 'top-down' model is in direct opposition to the 'bottom-up' model: True Cognitively based views of reading comprehension emphasize: The interactive nature of reading and the constructive nature of comprehension Scanning is: Both 1 and 2 Reading goals can be: All of the Above Which among these is a way to improve reading: Read materials you are interested in In choosing a text: Read the publisher's blurb at the back or inside sleeve for an overview of the content Skimming is: The process of speedy reading for general meaning To enlarge vocabulary: Accumulating and using words at a daily basis Listening helps you become more aware of your surroundings: True Listening is: Intentional To become a better student: One should improve listening skills Classroom setting learning situation is: For students who are uncomfortable learning alone Which is not a description of general listening skill: Who are more interested in their own ideas and ensuring people understand that Acion-oriented Listeners are: Less patient for listening to the reasons behind the task. Content-oriented listener are: Interested in the message itself Consists of various sounds in an environment that interfere with a source's ability to hear: Physical Noise Physical noise Includes: Barking Dogs Listening is a skill: That can be learned but takes effort and patience When improving writing learning verbs is essential: True If both sides of the phrase are singular: Use a singular verb If both sides are plural: Use a plural verb What does verb do to the language: It gives life to it Use of verb by writers: All of the above What does consistency of verb use means: You can only mix present and perfect tenses Knowing your writing weakness: Will help you identify your points to improve Reading writing of other writers: Will give you knowledge of the different writing techniques When writing: You have to be aware who your readers will be A powerful headline means: uses power words or numbers to attract attention in busy social media What is speaking: The process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts Native English-Speaking implies: Substituting vowels sounds of functions words with the vowel- sound schwa , using idioms and slang Global English is: Is pretty much perfect proper English According to the lesson, native English speakers can sometimes try to maintain social power over English learners by: Making strange facial expressions when they hear you speak English Ways to improve speaking skills are: Both 2 and 3 One reason why some people find it difficult to speak English confidently: They don't like english Global English will be the main language: globalized business and social networking for a very long time Native English speakers cannot understand each other: True If you know that you will be in a situation where you will be speaking English and are feeling nervous: Organize your feelings during certain situations Native English speakers: Learned throughout daily life Idioms are important part of a language: True What do vocabulary and culture say about learning idiom: Both 2 and 3 Idiomatic Expression is onsidered to be one of the hallmarks of native-like proficiency because: All of the bove Who said If natural language had been designed by a logician, idioms would not exist: Johnson Laird Why is it said that many idioms are also culturally embedded: Because Idioms' meanings are not motivated only by their lexical components, but also by the specific cultural and historical context in which they originated The extent to which an idiom's meaning can be inferred from the meanings of its constituents, is referring to: Semantic transparency What makes learning idiom difficult to l2 learners: The unpredictability and arbitrariness of idioms and the cultural relativity of metaphoric expressions Hit the nail in the head means: Do or say something exactly right Hit the hay means: Go to bed Cost an arm and a leg means: Something expensive What is a collocation: A group of words that are use together Why is learning collocation important: Because some collocations are fixed and very strong "Make an effort" is an example of: Collocation It is not always easy to separate collocations and compounds: The statement is true Learning collocations is a good idea because they can: All of the above The key things to Learning collocations are: All of the above Which is a noun and verb collocation: The economy boomed in the 1990s. [the economy was very strong Which is an adjective and noun collocation : 1 and 3 A sunny day: A metaphor Metaphors are more common in: Writtes As one of the most neglected aspects of English language teaching is:pronunciation The manner in which speech sounds, especially connected sequences are articulated by individual speakers or by speakers generally, is a definition of: pronunciation What alphabet was used to teach phonetics: international Phonetics Alphabet Guidelines that can be followed in the teaching of pronunciation are: all of the above Acoustic phonetics focuses on: the physical properties of the sounds of language Auditory phonetics focuses on : how listeners perceive the sounds of language Articulatory phonetics: focuses on: how the vocal tract produces the sounds of language When was the IPA invented: 1888 Voiceless sounds are: those produced with the vocal cords apart so the air flows freely through the glottis Oral sounds are: those produced with the velum raised to prevent air from escaping out the nose Why do many writers write in passive voice: all of the above Using active voice in content marketing helps to: both 1 and 2 When you write in passive voice, your content becomes drawn out and less exciting to read, describes: momentum Passive voice often contains helping words like: am, is, are, was and were, being, been, and be, have, has had, do, does, did, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must, can, and could Which of the following sentences is in the active voice: edmund is shaving in the upstairs bathroom In the following passive-voice sentence, which group of words is the receiver of the action? The large monument was erected by the construction crew last spring: the large monument Which choice correctly converts the following active-voice sentence into the passive voice? You should congratulate your sister on her academic achievement: your sister should be congratulated on her academic achievement Which of the following sentences uses the passive voice: this scarf was crocheted by my friend What are the advantages of using passive voice: both 1 and 2 When the subject of a sentence performs the action of the verb: the sentence is active What must a sentence contain in order to be complete: 1 and 3 Which of the following is not an independent clause: every time my cousin from Cairo visits. What can a prepositional phrase modify in a sentence: either a subject or a predicate. Where can a predicate appear in a sentence: all of the above Compound sentences are made up of two (or more) : independent Clause The two clauses in a compound sentence can be joined using : all of the above Which of the following sentences is punctuated incorrectly?: "i love swimming my brother enjoys hockey." Complete the following compound sentence with the correct conjunction: and Which of the following can be used to join the two independent clauses in a complexcompound sentence: all of the above Identify the dependent clause or clauses in the following sentence: I'm going to see Shawna at the mall later; you can come with me, though I know you two don't get along.: though I know you two don't get along Which of the following marks of punctuation is used with declarative sentences: period Declarative sentences are used to express which of the following: that which is, was, or will be the case What can negative interrogative sentences be used for: all of the above Negative interrogative sentences imply that the speaker expects a certain answer with what type of question: yes/no questions The written word is unforgiving: when we read, we judge At what percentage are the signals given by our body language when we talk face to face: both 1 and 2 Why is it important to write plain english when writing: we might have the tendency to over- complicate or convey incorrect messages What are the two main routes whereby we transmit a series of thoughts: speech and writing What are some ways business readers can react to muddled messages: all of the above Why is there an academy dedicated to 'upholding standards' in the way the French language is used: one of its objectives is to keep the language as uncorrupted by outside influences as possible What are the different genres of writing: academic and Business Writing What is the main goal of academic writing: both 1 and 2 Can you use I in a business letter: true What are words taught to students that they cannot begin a sentence with: both 1 and 2 Why is it important to listen to readers' feedback: all of the above Guide to premier business writing includes how may steps: 4 Why does it matter to get your writing right: to communicate the right information What does export mean: to send or carry abroad, especially for trade or sale Increasing market fragmentation is that: there are specialist competitors with tailored offerings What has integrating role of technology done: all of the above What does holistic management process do: identifies, anticipates and satisfies the needs of customer European Nations that were formerly communist : both 1 and 2 What concepts did Michael Thomas point to: all of the above All stakeholders, internal and external to the firm, employees and customers: people Differentiation from rivals is referring to: positioning Monitoring is one aspect but another is the ability to plan is referring to: planning and Control Acculturation means: that a knowledge of the culture is as important as a knowledge of the language What does E in e marketing stands for: electronic What are the different perspectives for e-commerce that highlight the type of communications: all of the above The sharing of business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions by means of telecommunications networksis definition coined by: Zwass Why do we say that E-business is broader: it refers to both buyside and sell-side "E-marketing can identify, anticipate and satisfy customer needs efficiently.": it is true What is collabortive fitering: helps to identify and anticipate what customers might like given that buyers of similar books have similar interests What is Profiling techniques: allow many companies to perform data mining to discover and anticipate buyer's needs Identifying e-marketing specific internal Strengths, and Weaknesses, as well as external Opportunities and Threatsis referring to: SWOT What is Positioning: determines exactlywhat is the product, its price and perceived value in the marketplace They say that separation (spin-off)is preferable in situations where: all of the above What is the distinguishing characteristic of networks: none of the above Every network technology follows a natural life cycle, roughly broken into: all of the above Why is it said that prestandard phase is the most exciting: both 2 and 3 Two examples of networks in the prestandard stage today are: online Video and e- money Who are considered netizens: people who use internet for any cause How do you desccribe relationship in the network economy: all of the above The web is underfed right now means that: it is small compared to the rest of the world Maximize the value of the network means: nurture the web by making it as easy as possible to participate What does "Don't invest in Esperant" imply: avoid any scheme that requires the purchase of brand new protocols when usable ones are widely adopted What does "Employ Evangelists" imply: economic webs are not alliances. There are often few financial ties among members of a web When was the term Social Marketing first coined: 1971 Social Marketing refers to: application of marketing tio the solution of socil and health problems Social marketing is a social change management technology which offers a framework with which to change the unhealthful or unsocial behaviour of others: true Societal marketing is concerned with: the ethical or societal implications of commercial activity Non-profit marketing is concerned with: both 1 and 2 Another major potential problem with the product for social marketers is: flexibility Place should be defined in social marketing as: as encompassing distribution and response channels, and 'clear action outlets for those motivated to acquire the product Social marketing products is described as: frequently intangible and complex behaviours In the four marketing mix tools which hs received the most attention: promotion What can branding provide: both 1 and 2 What is the foundation of the marketing environment: physical environment On this lesson, how did they define sustainability: it is the keystone of the green marketing philosophy, which resolves this apparent paradox What are key differences between the green marketing concept and societal marketing: both 2 and 3 In your opinion what does Green Marketing mean: business going envoronmentally frinedly What are the challenges faced by Marketing: both 1 nd 3 Environmental management appointments, the introduction of green auditing and reporting systems is refering to: firm The emphasis was on compliance and bolting-on 'end-of-pipe' technologies to alleviate pollution is refering to: the greening of marketing strategy Who are referred to as reactive strategists: they emphasize compliance with legislation, and responding to any specific customer pressure for improvements to socio-environmental performance What factors have been proposed as influences on green consumer behaviour: all of the above What re the external drivers that reflect eco-performance: all of the above What is more predominant form of business communication today: email writing What language is used for international business e mailing: english Why is itimportant to Check Email before sending: all of the above What are the fellings you create your reader sending messages that they can't understand: all of the above What font is usually used for business email: both 2 and 3 What Ffont size is usually used in Email writing: 12 Why do people have to choose meaningful subject headings for their e-mails?: because it always reflect the current message. What do you do when you refresh email: both 1 and 2 What can be considered as conventions in writing a letter: both 1 and 3 What are some common titles to address people: mr Mrs Miss Social resources are classified: As land, labor, capital and enterprise Economics is considered a social science: Because the subject matter is the human being Predictions in economics: Are difficult to make because experiments are not foreseeable owing to the human behavior The deductive approach: Is explained by a theory which compares predictions against the facts The inductive approach: Considers the facts as the starting point because there is a regular pattern in them The normative statements: Are matters of opinion The normative statements: Can they be proved or disproved against the facts? Why?: No, they can't; they are based on a value judgement Businessmen and businesswomen, if considered together, are referred to: Business people People working in business are referred to: Business people EEC means: European Economic Community Market is: A place where goods are sold and bought In modern times market transactions are often made: By telephone or online If sellers raise the price of a commodity: The higher price will encourage a greater production of that commodity If a commodity becomes overstocked: Sellers must lower the price A shift of workers into a new field of occupation might be achieved: If there is a high demand of workers in that field The shift of workers into the growing occupation causes: the shift in relative wages The classical triad is made up by: Land, labor and capital An entrepreneur is: Someone who builds up a company from nothing A start-up company Tycoons, magnates or moguls are: Rich and successful people with power and influence A manager is: Someone in a position of responsibility in an organization Smith proclaimed the principle of the '‘invisible hand': In The Wealth of Nations Smith achieved success with his theory: Because inspired admirers and critics of capitalism The main idea of the invisible hand theory is: That the outcome of a market mechanism has a precise order The perfect competition refers to: A market in which no company or consumer is large enough to affect the market price Imperfect competition refers to: A market in which a company or a consumer is large enough to affect the market price Concerning the invisible hand doctrine: It refers to economies in which markets are perfectly competitive There are market failures: When there are markets not perfectly competitive PPF means: Frontier of possibilities of production Concerning a budget: A useful management instrument in planning and controlling the allocation of resources Concerning a business: It is an organization that sells or buys goods and services Inflation grew seriously: During the years up to the late 1960s The evils of rising prices didn't appear as a priority: In the 1970s Many people don't worry about price increases: Because usually wages rise month by month in line with price Concerning periodically adaptation of pensions and other allowances: It comes from the necessity to cut down the effects of inflation People generally react to inflation: They generally don't worry too much Concerning what happens to savings during inflation: In these last years there has been an increase in the proportion of income saved Concerning What other assets were accumulated during inflation: Property, land, old-master paintings, porcelain figures and gold Concerning what we mean by runaway inflation: It is an uncontrolled inflation Concerning why people and organizations save: They save to provide for future contingencies Concerning what happened in West Germany after World War II with regards to inflation: West Germany has had a lower rate of inflation Market equilibrium is realized: When there is an equilibrium of prices and production The production of goods is determined by: Consumers' decisions to buy an item instead of another How consumers' decisions affect production: Production is determined by the competition among producers Concerning what has impeded the promotion of national welfare states: Above all the internationalization of political economy and the deregulation of the modern world economy. The welfare state thought by Keynes is incompatible with the new international political economy About what options are now open for social democratic movements: For contemporary social democratic movements it is necessary to activate, as in the past, a socialization of the capital investment function still partially tied to the compromise of the Keynesian Welfare State. Concerning what has been the result of the weakening of the class structure: Above all, the breaking of the alliance between middle and working classes upon which the welfare state was built Concerning what are the alternatives to the welfare state: It's difficult to say because today there is strong dissatisfaction with state administered welfare and a greater defection of consumers to market-provided welfare services Concerning what is the labour force: The labour force includes the employed and the involuntarily unemployed ; those at work and those seeking employment but unable to find some at the prevailing wage rates. The labour force, is therefore, a measure of the labour resources available to a society at existing wage rates M. Clarke proposed to alter the retirement age: Mr.Clarke proposed to equalize the retirement age for men and women at 65. His governmental measures had been phased in over 10 years, starting in the year 2010 Concerning the popularity of his proposal: It was not very popular, because at the time a growing number of people retired at 60 Concerning what benefits remain unchanged on the welfare program: Many benefits remained; Mr.Clarke protected the universal pension and child benefit, but cut university students' grants, making more of them take out loans Concerning what is the difference between universal and targeted benefits: Universal benefits are for life, targeted benefits are limited and determined by specific conditions Concerning what measures Mr. Clarke proposed to get people into work: He proposed 3 measures to get people into work: 1. A new unemployment benefit tested after six months and strictly conditional on the beneficiary seeking a job. 2. People claiming invalidity are required to have a much stricter medical examination. 3. A new child-care allowance to help particularly single mothers, while they find a job About which other ministers have been working towards reforms in social security: Michael Portillo who started a long- term review of public expenditure and Peter Lilley , the social security secretary Concerning why Mr. Lilley wanted to tighten benefit rules: To adapt the welfare state to the needs of a more affluent and diverse labour force Concerning what was the government policy on student loans: On education the government didn't cut student loans, supporting the existing system of education About why do you think the ‘apprenticeship scheme is called “gimmick: It was an expedient, a trick, a way produced by Mr. Hunt not to satisfy completely the demand of the young for financed trainings Concerning what securities are: They are transferable certificates of ownership or indebtedness. This definition includes also bills of exchange, and other negotiable or almost-negotiable instruments. There are two basic types of securities : equity securities, representing what is commonly referred to as A‘ownership rights' and A‘debt securities', representing creditorship rights. Shares issued by companies are examples of the former, and bonds, issued by governments and companies, examples of the latter variety National law is: The law which applies within a country Public law concerns: The state Constitutional law is the study of: Basic laws of a State Constitutional law governs the relationships between: The judiciary, the legislative and the executive power The fundamental constitutional principle is due to: John Locke Administrative law (or regulatory law) regulates: The activities of administrative agencies of government as well as the relationships with them Criminal law is sometimes called: Penal law Criminal law refers to: Certain forms of behaviour for which the state prosecutes the offender and reserves punishment Private law is usually called: Civil law Private law is that part of legal system that concerns: Relationships between legal person International law can refer to: Three distinct disciplines Public international Law: Governs the rights and duties of national states in relation to each other The sources for public international law are: Custom, legislation and treaties The most important international organization is: Private International law or conflict law is a branch of: International law The main streams of legal thought on the nature of conflict of laws are: Two The stream of thought which regards conflict of laws as part of international law is called: Universalism Supernatural law refers to: Regional agreements The examples of supernatural law frameworks are: One The UE constitutes a new legal order in international law for the mutual social and economic benefit of the member states as the European Court of Justice said in: 1962 English law is traditionally characterized by: The absence of a written code The basis of the legal system of England and Wales and many other English-speaking countries is constituded by: Common Law Judicial precedent is a source of law also known as: A case law The word jurisprudence has become synonymous for: Case law Equity is a system for legal doctrine first created by: The Lord Chancellor Equity operates through: Principles The purpose of equity was to achieve: Fairness Primary legislation consist of laws passed by Parliament: Parliament Delegated or secondary legislation is law made by: Government ministers EU law: Has direct affect in the UK Discrimination is: Unfair treatment or denial of normal privileges to people because of their race, age, sex, nationality or religion The case Carol Kolstad vs the American Dental Association(ADA) involves: Sex discrimination Ms Kolstad was: Denied promotion The US Chamber of Commerce: Supports the ADA Ms Kolstad is: A lawyer Ms Kolstad was employed as a lobbyist for: The ADA Our concern is that punitive damages would become the norm, not the exception' says: Stephen Bokat of the National Chamber Litigation Centre According to the Jury Verdict Research: 40% of verdicts in gender discrimination cases in the last six years have included punitive damages Knock-on' effect means: Wider consequences The opposite of 'token' is: Punitive The marriage of intellectual property (IP) and life sciences creates one of those niche practice of law that most solicitors: Like to avoid A huge wave of patent registrations and subsequent litigation might be created by the recommendation by the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority to permit: Human cloning for spare parts Patents are probably big pharmaceutical companies companies’ most important: Resource A recent report, commissioned by Taylor Johnson Garrett from the London Business School, says: Almost a third of companies think their investors ‘understand little’ or ‘not understand at all’ the nature of their IP rights The smaller companies having a programme in place to ensure that all IP rights produced by their research development are adequately protected are: Just over 50% The right to make money out IP activity erises: Ethical debates Human cloning processes are excluded from patentability by: The Biotechnology Directive DILIGENCE is the opposite of: Negligence Niche practices' means: Specialized areas of expertise Litigation' means: Bringing a lawsuit against someone In the past the sources of law have usually been: Customs and judicial decisions New important sources of law became: Delegated legislation and European law The legal system in England and Wales relies on: The English common law Custom is: The original source of common law Common law is: The law made by parliamentary legislation Common law was: The law common to the whole country Most English law students: Become solicitors There are: Two types of lawyers practising in England The Country Courts in England and Wales are: Over 200 Why is certifying ones english level important: for academic and professional reasons How many levels are there in the CEFR : 6 What does CEFR stand for: common European Framework of Reference What English Language Test assesses the knowledge of Business English: BULATS What level in the CEFR does FCE correspond to: B2 How many parts is an English assesment test divided into: 4 How many tips on studying for an exam given in this lesson: 7 According to the CEFR level an A2 level means: all of the Above According to the CEFR level an B2 level means: only 1nd 2 According to the CEFR level an C2 level means: only 2 and 3 Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? Mary is a nice girl, and I like her Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? Does she live in a house or in a flat? Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? How many languages do you speak? Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? Yesterday was hotter than today Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? She's taller than her brother Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? I'm the youngest in the class Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? Exercise 2 is the most difficult in the book Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? Are there many students in your class? Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? I'm going To The Post Office to buy some stamps Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? She's going to have a bab We are…Completely exhausted…from the trip I have…Almost finished…my homework There's…Too much…sugar in my tea Have we got…Enough drinks…for the party? She dances…Beautifully… I remember the day…When…we first met Tell me…Why…you came home so late She speaks English…Fluently… He drives…Badly… …How often …do you go to the cinema? …I a very good tennis player …He a smart boy The boy …Who ... Is going to Milan is Jack Please buy those apples!I would like…Some … I cut …Myself ... chopping the vegetables Bob was proud of…Himself … for his new job …Those ... are Mary's children Whose bag is …This...? It is…hers … …Where ... are you from? …When ...did you see your friend? Mary…And ...Susan are sisters I like Spinach ...But …I don't like carrots We are going out ...With …our friends The weather in London is usually horrible…In…January I'll meet you...At...five o'clock Susan goes to work…By...bus We can…Either...go to the cinema…or ... the theater ...Neither...Anne...nor...Ted like swimming! The new pub is .. .Between ...the bank and the supermarket The man was walking...Along ...the river You…Must …not smoke in the office You…Should take …an aspirin if you have a headache I…Made …a delicious cake yesterday …Can I .. .borrow your red pen please? …Could I …see mr. Smith Please? …May I .. .ask you a question? Mary …Might come …but I'm not sure David …Has to do …his homework every day …Shall we go …for a pizza tonight …Do …my homework every day: I often…Go out …with my friends They with their family We...Are reading…a letter now Mary...Is cleaning ...the house at the moment tonight? This is...John's .. .book ...Mr .. .Tayler is my uncle My mother is...Mrs ...Smith ...Reverend ...Martin is a good preacher.He's very kind! The...Children's .. .Toys are all broken I …Would …like a cup of tea I…Wish …I could go to Rome If you try hard you …Will …succeed I don't …Want …to study English anymore! …Will .. you help me? I …Wish … I could eat these biscuits I'm afraid it …Will be ….. …………a long meeting I…Won't be … work before eight …I have to …get up early tomorrow morning Jacob …Would …rather have spaghetti for lunch I …Would listen …to this music for hours. It is so beautiful John…Should call…his colleague immediately …Would you like…a glass of wine? The Clintons…Would like…a bigger house If it is bad weather, I…Will not go…out I …Will always love…you if you marry me If I…Had…more money, I …would buy…a new car If I…Won…a lottery, I…would help…the poor If we…Were…younger, I …would travel…around the world If Mary…Studied…more, she …would get…better marks My brother is …Taller…than me My book is …More…interesting than yours Italian food is …Better…than junk food Naples is…Less…crowded than New York Mary is …As intelligent as…Susan I think Robert De Niro is …The most…fascinating actor Susan is …The most intelligent…in the class This is …The least beautiful…doll of my collection January is …The coldest…month of the year I my opinion Ferrari is …The best…in Europe Which of the following parts of speech are adjectives not able to modify: Adverbs Adjectives that appear after linking verbs are known as: Predicative adjectives Which of the following types of adjectives are formed from two or more words and a hyphen: Compound adjectives Which of the following often have properties similar to adjectives: Determiners What is the name for an adjective used to describe someone or something with the highest degree of a certain quality: Superlative adjectives Which of the following is an example of an attributive adjective: A black dog Which of the following is not an attributive adjective: Sarah is short Attributive adjectives never ____: follow a linking verb Most adjectives that are never attributive begin with the letter ____: A Which sentence is traditionally considered to be more correct: The secretaries-general of the three countries are meeting today How are regular adverbs generally formed: By adding "-ly" to the end of an adjective Which of the following cannot be used to create an adverbial phrase: Gerund phrases Identify the category of the adverb (in bold) in the following sentence "I'm pretty happy with the way this turned out": Adverb of degree Which of the following is used to create adverbial clauses: Subordinating conjunctions What are the three different categories of adverbs of time: Points in time, duration, and frequency Identify the adverb of time used in the following sentence ""I quickly realized that if we wanted the job done next year, we would have to work hard and fast.": Next year Which adverb of time cannot appear at the beginning of a sentence: Yet If an adverb of place is modifying an intransitive verb, where is it usually located in a sentence: Immediately after the verb it modifies Which of the following adverbs of place is used to describe both movement and direction: Onwards Which of the following is not an adverb: Towards What is the most common way to form an adverb of manner: Add "-ly" to the end of the adjective Which of the following is an adverb of manner: Strongly What is the adverb of degree used in this sentence "I will happily do as you ask, but it will take a bit of time, so I will try to work very quickly ": Very Where does an adverb of degree usually appear in a sentence: Before the word it modifies Which of the following words is a mitigator: Rather Which of the following words or group of words is not a mitigator: Amazingly When does an adverb of frequency appear before the verb be: When be is being emphasized Identify the adverb of frequency in the following sentence: Hourly Which of the following sentences does not use an adverb of purpose: We've decided to move to a small villa in Italy Which of the following cannot be used to form adverbs of purpose: Coordinating conjunctions It's important to know the difference beyween a phase and clause to punctuare correctly: True A prepositional phrase is a phrase: That begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or a pronoun To find the subject: Find who or what does the action Characteristics of a subordinate clause: Cannot stand alone as a simple sentence The bus to Eastmont Mall: Is a phrase When functioning like an adverb, the phrase answer: where? when? how?or to what extent?about the verb Characteristics of an independenT clause: All of the above An appositive is a word that renames, identi es, or gives more detail about:fi About a noun or pronoun that it follows in the sentence Example of a independent clause is: Henry walked home from school Example of a dependent clause is: All of the above In direct speech, a person's exact words are placed in quotation marks and set off with a comma and a reporting clause or signal phrase, such as: "said" or "asked." Indirect speech is: Not usually placed inside quote marks Which is a direct speech: "Where is your textbook?" the teacher asked me. Both direct and indirect speech are stylistic devices for conveying messages: True A direct speech sentence consist of two parts, what are they: Reported speech and reporting speech He said, " I am looking for reported speech definition", the he said part is the: Reporting Speech Following punctuation rules in reported speech are applied such as: Both 1 and 2 Change of pronoun in indirect speech is done with which of following basic rules: If the reporting speech has first person pronoun, it will be changed as per the pronoun the pronoun of reported speech If the reported speech has second person: It is changed as per the object of reporting speech. Change in Modal Verbs applies as: Can into Could, May into Might, Must into had to An infinitive is: Is the most basic form of verb Infinitives are used to express an action as a concept, rather than what is being done or performed by the subject of a clause: True Infinitives can as nouns: True Intransitive verbs do not take direct objects: You will only find infinitives used as the objects of transitive verbs When we use reported speech, we often use infinitives as the direct object: Of a "reporting verb" to express what was said or asked in the past Certain verbs do not make sense with only a direct object: especially when that direct object is a person When infinitives are used as adjectives, they function in a similar way to relative clauses: Always True In elliptical sentences: A part of the sentence is ommited because it is implies Gerunds and infinitives are both verb forms that can function as nouns: They are both often used as the objects of "main" verbs. A Gerund is: A verb in the ing form It's not important to learn vocabulary: False Passive Vocabulary is: Something you know but don't know how to use Active Vocabulary is: Something you know and know how to use A native spaekear: Always has more active vocabulary Learn the roots of words: Is one way to generally improve vocabulary Improved vocabulary means: All of the above The larger your vocabulary, the easier it becomes to break away from old thought patterns and open new lines of reasoning: Our words shape our thoughts A good vocabulary is the single best predictor for career success: and usually comes before achievement Reding materials that are unfamiliar to you won't help improve your vocabulary: False Putting the vocabulary you learned into use as very important: True Traditional view reading theoy is focused on: Both 1 and 3 The 'bottom-up' view of reading consists of: Decoding a series of written symbols into their aural equivalents in the quest for making sense of the text The 'top-down' model is in direct opposition to the 'bottom-up' model: True Cognitively based views of reading comprehension emphasize: The interactive nature of reading and the constructive nature of comprehension Scanning is: Both 1 and 2 Reading goals can be: All of the Above Which among these is a way to improve reading: Read materials you are interested in In choosing a text: Read the publisher's blurb at the back or inside sleeve for an overview of the content Skimming is: The process of speedy reading for general meaning To enlarge vocabulary: Accumulating and using words at a daily basis Listening helps you become more aware of your surroundings: True Listening is: Intentional To become a better student: One should improve listening skills Classroom setting learning situation is: For students who are uncomfortable learning alone Whis is not a description of general listening skill: Who are more interested in their own ideas and ensuring people understand that Acion-oriented Listeners are: Less patient for listening to the reasons behind the task. Content-oriented listener are: Interested in the message itself Consists of various sounds in an environment that interfere with a source's ability to hear: Physical Noise Physical noise Includes: Barking Dogs Listening is a skill: That can be learned but takes effort and patience When improving writing learnibg verbs is essential: True If both sides of the phrase are singular: Use a singular verb If both sides are plural: Use a plural verb What does verb do to the language: It gives life to it Use of verb by writers: All of the above What does consistency of verb use means: You can only mix present and perfect tenses Knowing your writing weakness: Will help you identify your points to improve Reading writing of other writers: Will give you knowledge of the different writing techniques When writing: You have to be aware who your readers will be A powerful headline means: uses power words or numbers to attract attention in busy social media What is speaking: The process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts Native English-Speaking implies: Substituting vowels sounds of functions words with the vowel-sound schwa , using idioms and slang Global English is: Is pretty much perfect proper English Ccording to the lesson, native English speakers can sometimes try to maintain social power over English learners by: Making strange facial expressions when they hear you speak English Ways to improve speaking skills are: Both 2 and 3 One reason why some people find it difficult to speak English confidently: They don't like english Global English will be the main language: globalized business and social networking for a very long time Native English speakers cannot understand each other: True If you know that you will be in a situation where you will be speaking English and are feeling nervous: Organize your feelings during certain situations Native English speakers: Learned throughout daily life Idioms are important part of a language: True What do vocabulary and culture say about learning idiom: Both 2 and 3 Idiomatic Expression is onsidered to be one of the hallmarks of native-like proficiency because: All of the bove Who said If natural language had been designed by a logician, idioms would not exist: Johnson Laird Why is it said that many idioms are also culturally embedded: Because Idioms' meanings are not motivated only by their lexical components, but also by the specific cultural and historical context in which they originated The extent to which an idiom's meaning can be inferred from the meanings of its constituents, is referring to: Semantic transparency What makes learning idiom difficult to l2 learners: The unpredictability and arbitrariness of idioms and the cultural relativity of metaphoric expressions Hit the nail in the head means: Do or say something exactly right Hit the hay means: Go to bed Cost an arm and a leg means: Something expensive What is a collocation: A group og words that are use together Why is learning collocation important: Because some collocations are fixed and very strong "Make an effort" is an example of: Collocation It is not always easy to separate collocations and compounds: The statement is true Learning collocations is a good idea because they can: All of the above The key things are toLearning collocations are: All of the above Can you use I in a business letter: true What are words taught to students that they cannot begin a sentence with: both 1 and 2 Why is it important to listen to readers' feedback: all of the above Guide to premier business writing includes how may steps: 4 Why does it matter to get your writing right: to communicate the right information What does export mean: to send or carry abroad, especially for trade or sale Increasing market fragmentation is that: there are specialist competitors with tailored offerings What has integrating role of technology done: all of the above Wht does holistic management process do: identifies, anticipaes and satisfies the needs of customer European Nations that were formerly communist : both 1 and 2 What concepts did Michael Thomas point to: all of the above All stakeholders, internal and external to the firm, employees and customers: people Differentiation from rivals is referring to: positioning Monitoring is one aspect but another is the ability to plan is referring to: plnning and Control Acculturation means: that a knowledge of the culture is as important as a knowledge of the language Wht does E in e marketinf stands for: electronic What are the different perspectives for e-commerce that highlight the type of communications: all of the above The sharing of business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions by means of telecommunications networksis definition coined by: Zwass Why do we say that E-business is broader: it refers to both buyside and sell-side "E-marketing can identify, anticipate and satisfy customer needs efficiently.": it is true What is collabortive fitering: helps to identify and anticipate what customers might like given that buyers of similar books have similar interests What is Profiling techniques: allow many companies to perform data mining to discover and anticipate buyer's needs Identifying e-marketing specific internal Strengths, and Weaknesses, as well as external Opportunities and Threatsis referring to: SWOT What is Positioning: determines exactlywhat is the product, its price and perceived value in the marketplace They say that separation (spin-off)is preferable in situations where: all of the above What is the distinguishing characteristic of networks: none of the above Every network technology follows a natural life cycle, roughly broken into: all of the above Why is it said that prestandard phase is the most exciting: both 2 and 3 Two examples of networks in the prestandard stage today are: online Video and e- money Who are considered netizens: people who use internet for any cause How do you desccribe relationship in the network economy: all of the above The web is underfed right now means that: it is small compared to the rest of the world Maximize the value of the network means: nurture the web by making it as easy as possible to participate What does "Don't invest in Esperant" imply: avoid any scheme that requires the purchase of brand new protocols when usable ones are widely adopted What does "Employ Evangelists" imply: economic webs are not alliances. There are often few nancial ties among fi members of a web When was the term Social Marketing first coined: 1971 Social Marketing refers to: application of marketing tio the solution of socil and health problems Social marketing is a social change management technology which offers a framework with which to change the unhealthful or unsocial behaviour of others: true Societal marketing is concerned with: the ethical or societal implications of commercial activity Non-profit marketing is concerned with: both 1 and 2 Another major potential problem with the product for social marketers is: flexibility Place should be defined in social marketing as: as encompassing distribution and response channels, and 'clear action outlets for those motivated to acquire the product Social marketing products is described as: frequently intangible and complex behaviours In the four marketing mix tools which hs received the most attention: promotion What can branding provide: both 1 and 2 What is the foundation of the marketing environment: physical environment On this lesson, how did they define sustainability: it is the keystone of the green marketing philosophy, which resolves this apparent paradox What are key differences between the green marketing concept and societal marketing: both 2 and 3 In your opinion what does Green Marketing mean: business going envoronmentally frinedly What are the challenges faced by Marketing: both 1 nd 3 Environmental management appointments, the introduction of green auditing and reporting systems is refering to: firm The emphasis was on compliance and bolting-on 'end-of-pipe' technologies to alleviate pollution is refering to: the greening of marketing strategy Who arereferred to as reaactive strategists: they emphasize compliance with legislation, and responding to any specific customer pressure for improvements to socio-environmental performance What factors have been proposed as influences on green consumer behaviour: all of the above What re the external drivers that reflect eco-performance: all of the above What is more predominant form of business communication today: email writing What language is used for international business e mailing: english Why is itimportant to Check Email before sending: all of the above What are the fellings you create your reader sending messages that they can't understand: all of the above What font is usually used for business email: both 2 and 3 What Ffont size is usually used in Email writing: 12 Why do people have to choose meaningful subject headings for their e-mails?: because it always re ect the fl current message. What do you do when you refresh email: both 1 and 2 What can be considered as conventions in writing a letter: both 1 and 3 What are some common titles to address people: mr Mrs Miss Social resources are classified: As land, labor, capital and enterprise Economics is considered a social science: Because the subject matter is the human being Predictions in economics: Are difficult to make because experiments are not foreseeable owing to the human behavior The deductive approach: Is explained by a theory which compares predictions against the facts The inductive approach: Considers the facts as the starting point because there is a regular pattern in them The normative statements: Are matters of opinion The normative statements: Can they be proved or disproved against the facts? Why?: No, they can't; they are based on a value judgement Businessmen and businesswomen, if considered together, are referred to: Businesspeople People working in business are referred to: Business people EEC means: European Economic Community Market is: A place where goods are sold and bought In modern times market transactions are often made: By telephone or online If sellers raise the price of a commodity: The higher price will encourage a greater production of that commodity If a commodity becomes overstocked: Sellers must lower the price A shift of workers into a new field of occupation might be achieved: If there is a high demand of workers in that field The shift of workers into the growing occupation causes: ... the shift in relative wages The classical triad is made up by: Land, labor and capital An entrepreneur is: Someone who builds up a company from nothing: a start-up company Tycoons, magnates or moguls are: Rich and successful people with power and influence A manager is: Someone in a position of responsibility in an organization Smith proclaimed the principle of the '‘invisible hand': In The Wealth of Nations Smith achieved success with his theory: Because inspired admirers and critics of capitalism The main idea of the invisible hand theory is: That the outcome of a market mechanism has a precise order The perfect competition refers to: A market in which no company or consumer is large enough to affect the market price Imperfect competition refers to: A market in which a company or a consumer is large enough to affect the market price Concerning the invisible hand doctrine: It refers to economies in which markets are perfectly competitive There are market failures: When there are markets not perfectly competitive PPF means: Frontier of possibilities of production Concerning a budget: A useful management instrument in planning and controlling the allocation of resources Concerning a business: It is an organization that sells or buys goods and services Inflation grew seriously: During the years up to the late 1960s The evils of rising prices didn't appear as a priority: In the 1970s Many people don't worry about price increases: Because usually wages rise month by month in line with price Concerning periodically adaptation of pensions and other allowances: It comes from the necessity to cut down the effects of inflation People generally react to inflation: They generally don't worry too much Concerning what happens to savings during inflation: In these last years there has been an increase in the proportion of income saved Concerning What other assets were accumulated during inflation: Property, land, old-master paintings, porcelain figures and gold Concerning what we mean by runaway inflation: It is an uncontrolled inflation Concerning why people and organizations save: They save to provide for future contingencies Concerning what happened in West Germany after World War II with regards to inflation: West Germany has had a lower rate of inflation Market equilibrium is realized: When there is an equilibrium of prices and production The production of goods is determined by: Consumers' decisions to buy an item instead of another How consumers' decisions affect production: Production is determined by the competition among producers The incentive that drives firms to produce an item instead of another is: The high profits existing in the production of goods in high demand Minimum cost production is the most efficient: Because it has displaced a more costly method To be successful a producer must achieve the following objectives: To keep costs at a minimum and to adopt modern methods of production Technologies affect production because: The more are modern the more are efficient Concerning factor prices: They are the wages rates, land rates, interest rates and profits Factor prices are important: Because by adding up all the revenues coming from factors, we can calculate people's income Concerning incomes policy: It is the branch of economic policy aimed at restraining wages, salaries, profits, dividends, prices or other forms of income, either together or selectively, mainly with a view to slowing down (cost-push) inflation Concerning wages: They represent the price which balances the supply and demand for labor Concerning the demand for labor: It depends on the net addition which further workers will make to its revenue Concerning how much can be produced: It depends on the amount of labor which a company employs and on the quality of equipment for worker Regarding what a firm has to consider before taking on extra workers: It has to consider the wage costs of additional workers against the net change in its revenue position The expression “workers pricing themselves out of market' means: That workers are paid too much in relation to the revenue position of a firm, so they are '“pricing themselves out of jobs' The expression '“wages cut across the board' means: It means that wages rates are decided by the board of a company Wages show different levels of supply and demand: It is true, wage differentials serve as signposts indicating the relative abundance or shortage of labor in various occupations in relation to the consumer demand of a specific output Concerning '“imperfections' in the labor market: They refer to the underlying economic pressures determined by changing consumer preferences The return means: A return is a formal report compiled and submitted by order. The revenue authorities, for ex., require taxpayers to file a variety of returns, the most common being the income-tax return and the VAT return. The authorities need the returns to make a final assessment of the tax concerned The expression '“diminishing returns' refers to: It refers to the physical output derived from a combination of fixed and/or variable inputs. It is commonly used to describe the profit of some form of investment (whether real or financial) expressed as a proportion or percentage of the capital outlay The number of business structures is: Four Business structures are called: Sole proprietorships, corporations, limited partnerships, general partnerships Regarding business structures you warn people against: Sole proprietorships, in this case proprietors are alone and can't enjoy the benefit of less formal partnershipsÂ… Regarding a simple partnership if it is difficult or expensive to create: No, it isn't much more difficult and expensive to create than a business structure with a sole proprietor Disadvantages of being a partner of a general partnership: To have two or more partners who share income, expenses, and liability according to an agreement they sign once they decide to found a business structure together Regarding the pros and cons of being a limited partner: A limited partner is allowed to invest in a business but his liability is restricted to the amount of his investment. He may have no involvement in how his company is run Regarding shareholders' rsponsabilities: As owners of a corporation, they are responsible for the choice of the board of directors, who actually run the business How a corporation is regarded by the law: As a person, with rights and responsabilities Regarding what U.S. legislators had in mind when they established provisions for subchapter S corporations: By registering its own corporation with the internal Revenue service as a subchapter S corporation, partners incorporating can easily avoid to pay double taxes both as individual shareholders and as corporation.. Regarding the requirements of an S -corporation: It must be a domestic corporation (U.S.) with one class of stocks, no more than 35 members, no resident alien stockholders, no stockholders who are not individuals, estates or certain trusts Utility: Expresses a relationship between a consumer and a commodity Comparing utility and usefulness: They are different because utility concerns something that satisfies a want and usefulness implies something that is beneficial Talking about how the quantity that a person has of a good affects the utility deriving from additions to it: The quantity that a person has of a commodity affects its utility.The more a consumer has of a commodity the less he wishes additions to it Explain the law of Diminishing Utility: The desire of a consumer for a commodity tends to diminish when the possess of that commodity increases Talking about what in practical terms determines how much a consumer will buy of each commodity: It depends on the money people have to spend to derive the maximum utility from their expenditure Regarding when a consumer can determine that he has reached the point of the greatest possible utility deriving from his expenditure: It happens when he has derived maximum satisfaction from his expenditure and the marginal utility of his expenditure is the same on each of his purchases Given the Law of Diminishing Utility, what determines that a consumer will continue purchasing a commodity: The prices of goods and services are not affected by the decisions of a single consumer. Prices are already fixed and he must accept those prices in arranging his expenditure Consumer goods: They are goods capable of satisfying human wants directly and, therefore in contrast to producer goods, they desirable in themselves. They are classified into a durable and a non-durable variety About liabilities: Generally speaking liabilities represent a firm’s financial obligations Regarding capital stock: Stock or capital stock is the legal capital of an American corporation divided into shares (of stock). The term may also be applied to the shares themselves, but not to an individual share. In colloquial or journalistic usage, the plural ‘stocks’ is used to describe both ordinary shares (equities) and gilt-edged securities (government stocks). This means that for all practical purposes, the term has become synonymous with ‘securities’ Concerning the main aims of the welfare state in the past: The main aims of the welfare state, in the past, concerned a practical agenda of diminishing poverty and of expanding welfare provision Concerning the workings of the welfare state: In recent years this issue has been studied by students of politics and economics (economists) who has enlarged the domain of welfare state studies; they try to explain through this rubric the general nature of the social, economic and political arrangements of advanced capitalism In order to sustain economic growth and the welfare state: Given that in the long term the welfare state is incompatible with a healthy market-based economy, We have to underline that it was merit of the favorable circumstances for economic growth of the post war period that there was the expansion of the economy and the welfare state Concerning how the political Right and the Left thought to restore economic growth: The political Right thought to restore economic growth reducing the welfare state while the Left thought it possible only if there was a transformation of society towards socialism. Concerning why would further development in the welfare state begin to undermine the basis of its popular support: Because the welfare state has now grown to its limits as the same capitalist societies which are changing in their organization Concerning what has impeded the promotion of national welfare states: Above all the internationalization of political economy and the deregulation of the modern world economy. The welfare state thought by Keynes is incompatible with the new international political economy About what options are now open for social democratic movements: For contemporary social democratic movements it is necessary to activate, as in the past, a socialization of the capital investment function still partially tied to the compromise of the Keynesian Welfare State Concerning what has been the result of the weakening of the class structure: Above all, the breaking of the alliance between middle and working classes upon which the welfare state was built Concerning what are the alternatives to the welfare state: It's difficult to say because today there is strong 1. Il verbo “have hot” si comporta come verbo ausiliare. 2. I sostantivi non numerabili hanno solo la forma singolare. 3. “A lot of” ha un uso piu ampio a “many”. 4. Nel genitivo sassone il possessore può essere rappresentato da persone, animali o soggetti inanimati. 5. Indicare quale delle seguenti affermazioni relative agli aggettivi possessivi in lingua inglese è falsa: sono preceduti da un articolo. 6. In lingua inglese, la formazione del comparativo di maggioranza comporta variazioni morfologiche per gli aggettivi monosillabici e bisillabi. 7. La frase “ Less and less people have a permanent job” significa sono sempre meno le persone con un posto fisso. 8. “ Some” si usa sia per i contabile nouns che per gli uncoutable nouns. 9. “ Much” è generalmente usato con gli uncountable nouns. 10. La frase “ Jason has got a few friends in Boston” significa Jason ha qualche amico a Boston. 1. Il present perfect si usa quando manca un preciso riferimento temporale. 2. Il present perfect si forma in base alla seguente struttura; soggetto + ausiliare + participio passato. 3. Si usa il simple past anziché il present perfect quando l’evento descritto nella frase non produce più effetti sul presente. 4. In inglese, la formazione del superlativo comporta variazioni morfologiche per gli aggettivi monosillabici e bisillabi. 5. Il superlativo dell’aggettivo “bad” è worst 6. Indica come tradurresti la frase “Kevin è il maggiore di tre figli”: Kevin is the eldest of three sons. 7. Nella frase ipotetica di primo tipo in lingua inglese, la frase principale è al futuro. 8. La frase ipotetica di secondo tipo viene usata per indicare: un condizionale poco probabile. 1. Il simple past puo tradursi in italiano con passato remoto, passato prossimo o imperfetto. 2. L’espressione “used to” serve ad esprimere un’abitudine del passato che non corrisponde più al presente. 3. Il paradigma di un verbo irregolare è sempre composto da tre elementi. 4. Il past continuous indica un’azione continuata nel passato. 5. Il passato dei verbi regolari si forma aggiungendo la desinenza -ed alla forma base del verbo. 1. Homonyms are words with the same sound. 2. Homographs are words with the same spelling. 3. Vocabulary is difficult ti learn. 4. Pronunciation can hider comprehension. 5. Rules and exceptions in the English language takes time to master. 6. Why idiomatic expressions present difficulty for their vocabulary, for their grammar, their not often equivalenti to someone’s native language. 1. What is the function of verbs in a sentence to describe an action, state go being, or condition performed or experienced by someone or something. 2. The predicate of a sentence always contains what kind of verbs: finite verbs. 3. Unlike regular verbs, irregular verbs usually have different : past tense and past participle form. 4. Unlike transitive verbs, intransitive verbs are not able to take which of the following direct and indirect objects. 5. Identify the form of the verb quoted in the following sentence “my father took” me to the movies for my birthday: transitive verbs. 6. What is the term for changing a verbs form to reflect thing like tense: conjugation. 7. Which of the following is a finite verb: is. 8. Identify the finite verb in the following sentence “running late, the family quickly drove to their relative’s house” : drove. 9. Finite verbs correspond to a specific subject and a tense. 10. In the past tense, finite verbs commonly end in : ed. 1. Which of the following can be separable in a sentence: something you don’t know by meaning by context 2. Which of the following is not a component of a phrasal verb: participle. 3. What is the primary difference between prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs: transitive prepositional phrasal verb. 4. When phrasal verbs are transitive: they always take direct objects. 5. Sometimes a prepositional verb may be mistaken for a: phrasal verbs. 6. To be up to meaning: to be someone’s decision or responsibility, to be in the midst of doing or planning, to be capable of doing something competently. 7. Come around meaning: to change on’s mind about a thing agree to something after some persuasion. 8. Get over meaning: to recover from something. 1. La modalità deontica esprime un obbligo nei confronti del destinatario del messaggio. 2. Il verbo can è usato per esprimere una capacita, per fare una richiesta o chiedere un permesso. 3. Attraverso quale meccanismo di formazione lessicale si formano termini unfold e misadventure? Affixation 4. Il termine environment-friendly è composto da sostantivo + avverbio. 5. Nell’ambito della word formation il fenomeno della conversione può implicare un cambiamento ortografico, fonologico e il passaggio da una categoria grammatica ad un’altra. 1. Which of the following parts of speech are adjectives not able to modify: adverbs. 2. Adjectives that appear after linking verbs are known as: predicative adjectives. 3. Which of the following types of adjectives are formed from two or more words and a hyphen: compound adjectives. 4. Which of the following often have properties similar to adjectives: determiners. 5. What is the name for an adjective used to describe someone or something with the highest degree of a certain quality: superlative adjectives. 6. Which of the following is an example of an attributive adjective: a black dog. 7. Which of the following is not an attributive adjective: Sarah is short. 8. Attributive adjectives never: follow a linking verb. 9. Most adjectives that are never attributive begin with the letter : A. 10. Which sentence is traditionally considered to be more correct: The secretaries-general of the three countries are meeting today. 1. How are regular adverbs generally formed: by adding -ly to the end of an adjective. 2. Which of the following cannot be used to create an adverbial phrase: gerund phrases. 3. Identify the category of the adverb in the following sentence “I’m pretty happy with the way this turned out”: adverb of degree. 4. Which of the following is used to create adverbial clauses: subordinating conjunctions. 5. What are the three different categories of adverbs of time: points in time, duration, frequency. 6. Identify the adverb of time used in the following sentence “I quickly realized that if we wanted the job done next year, we would have to work hard and fast” : next year. 7. Which adverb of time cannot appear at the beginning of a sentence: yet. 8. If an adverb of place is modifying an intransitive verb, where is it usually located in a sentence: immediately after the verb it modifies. 9. Which of the following adverbs of place is used to describe both movement and direction: onwards. 10. Which of the following is not an adverb: towards. 1. What is the common way to form an adverb of manner: add -ly to the end of the adjective. 2. Which of the following is an adverb of manner: strongly. 3. What is the adverb of degree used in the sentence I will happly do as you ask, but it will take a bit of time, so I will try to work very quickly: very. 4. Where does an adverb of degree usually appear in a sentence: before the word it modifies. 5. Which of the following words is a mitigator: rather. 6. Which of the following words or group of words is not a mitigator: amazingly. 7. When does an adverb of frequency appear before the verb be: when be is being emphasized. 8. Identify the adverb of frequency in the following sentence: hourly. 9. Which of the following sentences does not use an adverb of purpose: we’ve decided to move to a small villa in Italy. 10. Which of the following cannot be used to form adverbs of purpose: coordinating conjunctions. 8. Consists of various sounds in an environment that interfere with a source’s ability to hear: physical noise. 9. Physical noise includes: barking dogs. 10. Listening is a skill: that can be learned but takes effort and patience. 1. When improving writing learning verbs is essential: true. 2. If both sides of the phrase are singular: use a singular verb. 3. If both sides of the phrase are plural: use a plural verb. 4. What does verbs do to the language: it gives life to it. 5. Use of verb by writers: can affect believability to what they write, can affect their credibility, can say much of their intelligence and education. 6. What does consistency of verb use means: you can only mix present and perfect tenses. 7. Knowing your writing weakness: will limit you writing. 8. Reading writing of other writers: will give you knowledge of the different writing techniques. 9. When writing: you have to be aware who your readers will be. A powerful headline means: uses power words or numbers to attract attention in busy social media. 1. What is speaking: the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts. 2. Native english-speaking implies: substituting vowels sounds of functions words with the vowel-sound schwa, using idioms and slang. 3. Global English is: is pretty much perfect proper English. 4. Coording to the lesson, native English speakers can sometimes try to maintain social power over English learners by: making strange facial expressions when they hear you speak English. 5. The speaking skills are: think in English, alto to yourself. 6. One reason why some people find it difficult to speak English confidently: they don’t like English. 7. Global English will be the main language: globalized business and social networking for a very long time. 8. Native English speakers cannot understand each other: true. 9. If you know that you will be in a situation where you will be speaking English and are feeling nervous: organize your feelings during certain situations. 10. Native English speakers: learned throughout daily life. 1. Idioms are important part of a language: true. 2. What do vocabulary and culture say about learning idiom: L2 learners can learn more about idioms from being exposed to the target culture, that they are intertwined and L2 speakers can gain more vocabulary through idioms. 3. Idiomatic Expression is considered to be one of the hallmarks of native-like proficiency because: they are widely used in both spoken and written discourse; idioms have an important stylistic and pragmatic function as they make the language more colourful; part of the ongoing dynamic interaction between speaker writer and hearer reader within the discourse context. 4. Who said if natural language had been designed by a logician, idioms would not exist: Johnson Laird. 5. Why is it said that many idioms are also culturally embedded: because idioms meanings are not motivated only by their lexical components, but also by the specific cultural and historical context in which they originated. 6. The extent to which an idioms meaning can be inferred from the meanings of its constituent, is referring to: semantic transparency. 7. What makes learning idiom difficult to L2 learners: the unpredictability of idioms and the cultural relativity of metaphoric expressions. 8. Hit the nail in the head means: do or say something exactly right. 9. Hit the hay means: go to bed. 10. Cost an arm and a leg means: something expensive. 1. What is a collocation: a group of words that are use together. 2. Why is learning collocation important: because some collocations are fixed and very strong. 3. Make an effort is an example of: collocation. 4. It is not always easy to separate collocations and compounds: the statement is true. 5. Learning collocations is a good idea because they can: give you the most natural way to say something, give you alternative ways of saying something, it help you use the word you know more accurately. 6. The key things are to learning collocations are: regularly revise what’s you want to learn, practice using what you want to learn in contexts that are meaningful for you personally, learn collocations in groups to help you fix them in your memory. 7. Which is a noun and verb collocation: the economy boomed in the 1990s. The economy was very strong. 8. Which is an adjective and noun collocation: Emma always wears red or yellow or some other bright color; we had a brief chat about the exams but didn’t have time to discuss them properly. 9. A sunny day: a metaphor. 10. Metaphors are more common in: written. 1. As one of the most neglected aspects of English language teaching is: pronunciation. 2. The manner in which speech sounds, especially connected sequences are articulated by individual speakers or by speakers generally, is a definition of: pronunciation. 3. What alphabet was used to teach phonetics: international phonetics alphabet. 4. Guidelines that can be followed in the teaching of pronunciation are: recognition practice should precede production practice; the sound to be heard and spoken should be clearly highlighted in short utterances; students should be given the opportunity to hear the same things said by more than one voice as the model. 5. Acoustic phonetics focuses on: the physical properties of the sounds of language. 6. Auditory phonetics focuses on: how listeners perceive the sounds of language. 7. Articulatory phonetics focuses on: how the vocal tract produces the sounds of language. 8. When was the IPA invented: 1888. 9. Voiceless sounds are: those produced with the vocal cords apart so the air flows freely through the glottis. 10. Oral sounds are: those produced with the velum raised to prevent air from escaping out the noise. 1. Why do many writers write in passive voice: because it is the most common type of voice use used in academic writing; passive voice can help to add more description and help a writer develop the subject more in-depth; using passive voice in academic papers is also more acceptable because the word counts are significantly longer. 2. Using active voice in content marketing helps to: engage, its readability. 3. When you write in passive voice, your content becomes drawn out and less exciting to read, describes: momentum. 4. Passive voice often contains helping words like: am, is, are, was and were, being, been and be, have, has had, do, does, did, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must, can and could. 5. Which of the following sentences is in the active voice: Edmund is shaving in the upstairs bathroom. 6. In the following passive-voice sentence, which group of words is the receiver of the action? The large monument was erected by the construction crew last spring: the large monument. 7. Which choice correctly converts the following active-voice sentence into passive voice? You should congratulate your sister on her academic achievement: your sister should be congratulated on her academic achievement. 8. Which of the following sentences uses the passive voice: this scarf was crocheted by my friend. 9. What are the advantages of using passive voice: emphasizes the action; creates a sense of anonymity. 10. When the subject of a sentence performs the action of the verb: the sentence is active. 1. What must a sentence contain on order to be complete: a subject; a predicate. 2. Which of the following is not an independent clause: every time my cousin from Cairo visits. 3. What can a prepositional phrase modify in a sentence: either a subject or a predicate. 4. Where can a predicate appear in a sentence: all of above. 5. Compound sentences are made up of two or more: indipendent clause. 6. The two clauses in a compound sentence can be joined using: a coordinating conjunction; a correlative conjunction; a conjunctive adverb. 7. Which of the following sentences is punctuated incorrectly?: I love swimming my brother enjoys hockey. 8. Complete the following compound sentence with the correct conjuctiom: and. 9. Which of the following can be used to join the two independent clauses in a complex compound sentence: coordinating conjunction. 10. Identify the dependent clause or clauses in the following sentence: I’m going to see Shawna at the mall later; you can come with me, though I know you two don’t get along..: though I know you two don’t get along. 1. Which of the following marks of punctuation is used with declarative sentences: period. 2. Declarative sentences are used to express which of the following: that which is, was or will be the case. 3. What can negative interrogative sentences be used for: to ask literal questions; to imply that the speaker expects a certain answer; for emphatic effect. 1. New economy implies: greater productivity; the transition form manufacturing-based to a service-based economy. 2. Hi-tech and the internet have not only changed how we communicate but also: changed the fundamental laws of economics. 3. How has the knowledge explosion become possible: due to progress of science and technology. 4. In the era of new economy: English may be taking over the speech economy of the planet; linguistic variability and multilingualism have become vital; role of information and communications technology is also important. 5. Which of the following would best describe social media: has become an important tool of communication. 6. Why is it said that the new economy is based on knowledge: because of the meanings that was given to it. 7. What does ICT mean: information and communications technology. 8. In the major features of the new economy where does management use language: to produce reports, to make plans, to send memos, to conduct meetings. 9. Is it sure that the challenge of global poverty is more urgent than ever: yes. 10. Why is it said that the future of work will no longer be defined by organisational stuctures: work will increasingly be about tasks, and how we organize ourselves around performing those tasks together. 1. The field that needs to grow to make room for those who specialize in electric and hybrid cars, refers to what job in the next decades: car mechanics. 2. To what job does video game designers and software developers are among the many available professions: entertainment and media jobs. 3. According to what organization that higher education is a systemic failure which doesn’t equip graduates with the skills needed to solve 21st century problems: World Economic Forum. 4. Significantly reduce the financial burden of higher education for student is a proposal form: ABC news Australia. 5. Provide more experiential education initiatives is a proposal form: Forbes/IBM services. 6. Once you stop learning, you start dying was said by: Albert Einstein. 7. Literacy, media literacy, and ICT literacy are disciplines involved: information, media and technology skills. 8. Flexibility e adaptability, initiative e self-direction, and social e cross-cultural skills are disciplines involved in: life and career skills. 9. Transparency-level skills in these areas: problem solving; communication; athics, action and accountability. 1. What is business English: the major language used for commercial communication; English used for dealing with business communication. 2. What is meant by standard English: it is used to mean the English routinely described in mainstream English dictionaries and grammar books; variants of English such as those that have been mentioned, is clearly outside the remit of this series. 3. What are we referring to when we speak of native English: anyone who speaks ant variety of English as their first language. 4. Common problems with English for global business: it can be unintelligible to the foreign reader; sometimes this can lead to out-and-out mistranslations. 5. What is referred to as soft skill in writing: a skill not easy to learn but can benefit the business. 6. Business writing can impact on the whole business, in which manner: it can win business; it can lose business; it can communicate the framework by which can be achieved. 7. Why do people write in business: to promote services; to cascade information; to achieve a standard. 8. The written word is unforgiving: when we read, we judge. 9. At what percentage are the signals given by our body language when we talk face to face: 55 per cent of the impact we make when we giving a talk; voice can account for perhaps 38 per cent- and our words just 7 per cent. 10. Why is it important to write plain English when writing: we might have the tendency to over-complicate or convey incorrect messages. 1. What are the two main routes whereby we transmit a series of thoughts: speech and writing. 2. What are some ways business readers can react to muddled messages: readers might be offended and not tell you; readers might complain to you; readers cannot understand and they need to ask for clarification. 3. Why is there an academy dedicated to upholding standards in the way the French language is used: one of its objectives is to keep the language as uncorrupted by outside influences as possible. 4. What are the different genres of writing: academic and business writing. 5. What is the main goal of academic writing: how well students have managed to access the right information; process information show prose-composition skills and accuracy. 6. Can you use I in a business letter: true. 7. What are words taught to students that they cannot begin a sentence with: and, bur. 8. Why is it important to listen to reader’s feedback: they can feel insulted by writers’ lack of attention to the right detail; they feel patronized by poorly written letters; they are offended when their personal details are written incorrectly. 9. Guide to premier business writing includes how many steps: 4. 10. Why does it matter to get your writing right: to communicate the right information. 1. What does export mean: to send or carry about, especially for trade or sale. 2. Increasing market fragmentation is that: there are specialist competitors with tailored offerings. 3. What has integrating role of technology done: it has improved communication; it has dismantled barriers; increased awareness to buyers. 4. What does holistic management process do: identifies, anticipates and satisfies the needs of customer. 5. European nations that were formerly communist: Poland and Romania. 6. What concepts did Michael Thomas point to: product life cycle; wheel of retailing; hierarchy of advertising effects. 7. All stakeholders, internal and external to the firm, employees and customers: people. 8. Differentiation from rivals is referring to: positioning. 9. Monitoring is one aspect but another is the ability to plan is referring to: planning and control. 10. Acculturation means: that a knowledge of the culture is as important as a knowledge of the language. 1. What does E in e marketing stands for: electronic. 2. What are the different perspectives for e-commerce that highlight the type of communications: a communications perspective; a business process perspective; an on-line perspective. 3. The sharing of business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions by means of telecommunications networks definition coined by: Zwass. 4. Why do we say that E-business is broader: it refers to both bayside and sell-side. 5. E-marketing can identify anticipate and satisfy customer needs efficiently: it is true. 6. What is collaborative filtering: helps to identify and anticipate what customers might like given that buyers of similar books have similar interests. 7. What is profiling techniques: helps to identify and anticipate what customers might like given that buyers of similar books have similar interest. 8. Identifying e-marketing specific internal strengths and weakness as well as external opportunities and threats is referring to: SWOT. 9. What is positioning: determines exactly what is the product its price and perceived value in the marketplace. 10. They say that separation (spin off) is preferable in situations where: a different customer segment or product mix will be offered on-line; differential is required between on-line and off-line; if the internet threatens the current business model. 1. Every network technology follows a natural life cycle, roughly broken into: prestandard; fluid; embedded. 2. Why is it said that prestandard phase is the most exiting: this period is marked by tremendous innovation, high hopes, and grand ambition; since there are no experts, everyone can compete, and it seems as if everyone does. 3. Two examples of networks in the prestandard stage today are: online video and e-money. 4. Who are considered netizens: people who use internet for any cause. 5. How do you describe relationship in the network economy: more intense; more persistent; more diverse. 6. The web is underfed right now means that: it is small compared to the rest of the world. 7. Maximize the value of the network means: nurture the web by making it as easy as possible to participate. 8. What does “don’t invest in Esperanto” imply: as the network economy unfolds, more firms will begin to ask themselves this question. 9. What does “employ evangelists” imply: economic webs are not alliances. There are often few financial ties among members of a web. 1. When was the term social marketing first coined: 1971. 2. Social marketing refers to: application of marketing to the solution of social and health problems. 6. Concerning the invisible hand doctrine: it refers to economies in which markets are perfectly competitive. 7. There are market failures: when there are markets not perfectly competitive. 8. PPF means: Frontier of possibilities of production. 9. Concerning a budget: a useful management instrument in planning and controlling the allocation of resources. 10. Concerning a business: it is an organization that sells or buys goods and services. 1. Inflation grew seriously: during the years up to the late 1960s. 2. The evils of rising prices didn’t appear as a priority: in the 1970s. 3. Many people don’t worry about prince increases: because usually wages rise month by month in line with price. 4. Concerning periodically adaptation of pensions and other allowances: it comes from the necessity to cut down the effects of inflation. 5. People generally react to inflation: they generally don’t worry too much. 6. Concerning what happens to savings during inflation: in these last years there has been an increase in the proportion of income saved. 7. Concerning what other assets were accumulated during inflation: property, land, old-master paintings, porcelain figures and gold. 8. Concerning what we mean by runaway inflation: it is an uncontrolled inflation. 9. Concerning why people and organizations save: the save to provide for future contingencies. Concerning what happened in West Germany after World War II with regards to inflation: West Germany has had a lower rate of inflation. 1. Market equilibrium is realized: when there is an equilibrium of prices and production. 2. The production of goods is determined by: consumers’ decisions to buy an item instead of another. 3. How consumers’ decisions affect production: production is determined by the competition among producers. 4. The incentive that drives firms to produce an item instead of another is: the high profits existing in the production of goods in high demand. 5. Minimum cost productions the most efficient: because it has displaced a more costly method. 6. To be successful a producer must achieve the following objectives: to keep costs at a minimum and to adopt modern methods of production. 7. Technologies affect production because: the more are modern the more are different. 8. Concerning factor prices: they are wages rates, land rates, interest rates and profits. 9. Factor prices are important: because by adding up all the revenues coming from factors, we can calculate people’s income. 10. Concerning incomes policy: it is the branch of economic policy aimed at restraining wages, salaries, profits, dividends, prices or other forms of income, either together or selectively, mainly with a view to slowing down (cost-push) inflation. 1. Concerning wages: they represent the price which balances the supply and demand for labor. 2. Concerning the demand for labor: it depends on the net addition which further workers will make to its revenue. 3. Concerning how much can be produced: it depends on the amount of labor which a company employs and on the quality of equipment for worker. 4. Regarding what a firm has to consider before taking on extra workers: it has to consider the wage costs of additional workers against the net change in its revenue position. 5. The expression “workers pricing themselves out of market” means: the worker are paid too much in relation to the revenue position of a firm, so they are pricing themselves out of jobs. 6. The expression “ wages cut across the board” means: it means that wages rates are decided by the board pf a company. 7. Wages show different levels of supply and demand: it is true, wage differentials serve as signposts indicating the relative abundance or shortage of labor in various occupations in relation to the consumer demand of a specific output. 8. Concerning imperfections in the labor market: the refer to the underlying economic pressures determined by changing consumer preferences. 9. The return means: a return is a formal report compiled and submitted by order. The revenue authorities, for ex, require taxpayers to file a variety of returns, the most common being the income-tax and the VAT return. The authorities need the returns to make a final assessment of the tax concerned. 10. The expression “ diminishing returns” refers to: it refers to the physical output derived from a combination of fixed and/or variable inputs. It is commonly used to describe the profit of some form of investment ( whether real or financial) expressed as a proportion or percentage of the capital outlay. 1. The number of business structures is: four. 2. Business structures are called: sole proprietorships, corporations, limited partnerships, general partnerships. 3. Regarding business structures you warn people against: sole proprietorships, in this case proprietors are alone and can’t enjoy the benefit of less formal partnerships. 4. Regarding a simple partnership if it is difficult or expensive to create: no, it isn’t much more difficult and expensive to create than a business structure with a sole proprietor. 5. Disadvantages of being a partner of a general partnership: to have two or more partners who share income, expenses, and liability according to an agreement they sign once they decide to found a business structure together. 6. Regarding the pros and cons of being a limited partner: a limited partner is allowed to invest in a business but his liability to the amount of his investment. He may have no involvement in how his company is run. 7. Regarding share holders responsibilities: as owners of a corporation, they are responsible for the choice of the board of directors, who actually run the business. 8. How a corporation is regarded by the law: as a person, with rights and responsabilities. 9. Regarding what US legislators had in mind when they established provisions for subchapter S corporations: by registering its own corporation with the internal revenue service as a subchapter S corporation, partners incorporating can easily avoid to pay double taxes both as individual shareholders and as corporation. 10. Regarding the requirements of an S corporation: it must be a domestic corporation (US) with one class of stocks than 35 members, no resident alien stockholders, no stockholders who are not individuals, estates or certain trusts. 1. Utility: expresses a relationship between a consumer and a commodity. 2. Comparing utility and usefulness: they are different because utility concerns something that satisfies a want and usefulness implies something that is beneficial. 3. Talking about how the quantity that a person has of good affects the utility deriving from additions to it: the quantity that a person has of a commodity affects its utility. The more a consumer has of a commodity the less he wishes additions to it. 4. Explain the law of Diminishing Utility: the desire of a consumer for a commodity tends to diminish when the process of that commodity increases. 5. Talking about what practical terms determines how much a consumer will buy of each commodity: it depends on the money people have to spend to derive the maximum utility from their expenditure. 6. Regarding when a consumer can determine that he has reached the point of the greatest possible utility deriving from his expenditure: it happens when he has derived maximum satisfaction from his expenditure and the marginal utility of his expenditure is the same on each go his purchases. 7. Given the Law of Diminishing Utility, what determines that a consumer will continue purchasing a commodity: the prices of goods and services are not affected by the decisions of a single consumer. Prices are already fixed and he must accept those prices in arranging his expenditure. 8. Good consumer: they are goods capable of satisfying human wants directly and, therefore in contrast to producer goods, they desirable in themselves. They are classified into a durable and a non-durable variety. 9. About liabilities: generally speaking liabilities represent a firm’s financial obligations. 10. Regarding capital stock: stock or capital stock is the legal capital of an American corporation divided into shares (of stock). The term may also be applied to the shares themselves, but not to an individual share. In colloquial or journalistic usage, the plural stocks is used to describe both ordinary shares (equities) and gilt-edged securities (government stocks). This means that for all practical purposes, the term has become synonymous with securities. 1. Concerning the main aims of the welfare state in the past: the main aims of the welfare state, in the past, concerned a practical agenda of diminishing poverty and of expanding welfare provision. 2. Concerning the workings of the welfare state: in recent years this issue has been studied by students of politics and economics who has enlarged the domain of welfare state studies; they try to explain through this rubric the general nature of the social, and political arrangements of advanced capitalism. 3. In order to sustain economic growth and the welfare state: given that in the long term the welfare state is incompatible with a healthy market-based economy. We have to underline that it was merito of the favorable circumstances for economic growth of the post was period that there was the expansion of the economy and the welfare state. 5. Equity is a system for legal doctrine first created by: the lord chancellor. 6. Equity operates through: principles. 7. The purpose of equity was to achieve: fairness. 8. Primary legislation consist of laws passed by parliament: parliament. 9. Delegated or secondary legislation is law made by: government ministers. 10. EU law: has direct affect in the UK. 1. Discrimination is: unfair treatment or denial of normal privileges to people because of their race, age, sex, nationality or religion. 2. The case Carol Kolstad vs the American Dental Association (ADA) involves: sex discrimination. 3. Ms Kolstad was: denied promotion. 4. The US chamber of commerce: supports the ADA. 5. Ms Kolsad is: a lawyer. 6. Ms Kolsad was employed as a lobbyist for: the ADA. 7. Our concern is that punitive damages would become the norm, not the exeption says: Stephen Bokat of the national chamber litigation centre. 8. According to the Jury Verdict Research: 40 percento of verdicts in gender discrimination cases in the last six years have included punitive damages. 9. Knok-on effect means: wider consequences. 10. The opposite of token is: punitive. 1. The marriage of intellectual property (IP) and life sciences creates one of those niche practice of law that most solicitors: like to avoid. 2. A huge wave of patent registrations and subsequent litigation might be created by the recommendation by the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority to permit: human cloning for spare parts. 3. Patents are probably big pharmaceutical companies most important: resource. 4. A recent report, commissioned by Taylor Johnson Garrett from the London Business School says: almost a third of companies think their investors understand little or not understand at all the nature of their IP rights. 5. The smaller companies having a program in place to ensure that all IP rights produced by their research development are adequately protected are: just over 50 percent. 6. The right to make money out IP activity arises: ethical debates. 7. Human cloning processes are excluded from patentability by: the biotechnology directive. 8. Diligence is the opposite of: negligence. 9. Niche practises means: specialized areas of expertise. 10. Litigation means: bringing a lawsuit against someone. 1. In the past the sources of law have usually been: customs and judicial decisions. 2. New important sources of law became: delegated legislation and European law. 3. The legal system in England and Wales relies on: the English common law. 4. Custom is: the original source of common law. 5. Common law is: the law that developed form customs and judicial decisions. 6. Common law was: the law common to the whole country. 7. Most English law students become solicitors: become solicitors. 8. There are: two types of lawyers practicing in England. 9. The country courts in England and Wales are: over 200. 10. A small claim is a claim for a maximum amount of: ? 1. Why is certifying ones English level important: for academic and professional reasons. 2. How many levels are there in the CEFR: 6. 3. What does CEFR stand for: common European framework of reference. 4. What English language test assesses the knowledge of business English: BULATS. 5. What level in the CEFR does FCE correspond to: B2. 6. How many parts is an English assessment test divided into: 4. 7. How many tips on studying for an exam given in this lessons: 7. 8. According to the CEFR level an A2 level means: understand frequently expressions in most intermediate areas such as shopping, family, employmen; complete tasks that are routine and involve a direct exchange of information; describe matters of immediate need in simple terms. 9. According to the CEFR level an B2 level means: understand the main ideas of a complex text such as a technical piece related to their field; spontaneously interact without too much strain for either the learner or the native speaker; create simple texts on topics of personal interest. 10. According to the CEFR level an C2 level means: understand a wide range of longer and more demanding texts or conversations; express themselves using precise meaning in complex scenarios; summarize information from a variety sources into a coherent presentation. DAI TEST DI PREPARAZIONE 1. An appositive is a word that renames, or gives more detail about: about a noun or pronoun that it follows in the sentence. 2. What is the most likely purpose of the following negative interrogative sentence “why wasn’t I informed of this meeting earlier”: as a literal question. 3. Which of the following types of sentences can be made of one independent clause and one dependent clause: complex sentences. 4. You can divide a market into submarket by means of: geographically and demographically. 5. The web is underfed right now means that: it is a small compared to the rest of the world. 6. The main idea of the invisible hand theory is: that the outcome of a market mechanism has a precise order. 7. Vocabulary: is difficult to learn. 8. There isn’t much cheese in the fridge. 9. One size fits all type of marketing can work: never. 10. What is meant by standard English: both 1 and 2. 11. Why do we sat that e-business is broader: it refers to both bayside and sell-side. 12. If a commodity becomes overstocked: sellers lower the price. 13. How a corporation is regarded by the law: as a person with rights and responsibilities. 14. Il superlativo dell’aggettivo bad è: worst. 15. According to the lesson, native English speakers can sometimes try to maintain social power over English learners by: making strange facial expressions when they heat you speak English. 16. What are the advantages of using passive voice: both 1 and 2. 17. How do you evaluate strategy effectiveness: established a set of key assumptions that form the foundation planning, re-evaluate previous assumptions based on the present realities. 18. A shift of workers into a new field of occupation might be achieved: if there is a high demand go workers in that field. 19. The expression workers pricing themselves out of a market means: that workers are paid too much in relation to the revenue position of a firm, so they are pricing themselves put of jobs. 20. The number of business structures is: four. 21. Quali delle seguenti affermazioni relative agli aggettivi possessivi in lingua inglese è falsa?: sono preceduti da un articolo. 22. Most adjectives that are never attributive begin with the letter: A. 23. Where does an adverb of degree usually appear in a sentence: before the word it modifies. 24. Which of the following sentences does not use an adverb of purpose: we’ve decided to move to a small villa in Italy. 25. Scanning is: both 1 and 2. 26. It is not always easy to separate collocations and compounds: the statement is true. 27. The manner in which speech sounds, especially connected sequences are articulated by individual speaker or by speakers generally, is a definition of: pronunciation. 28. Auditory phonetics focuses on: how listeners perceive the sounds of language. 29. New economy implies: both 1 and 2. 30. Acculturation means: that a knowledge of the culture is as important as a knowledge of the language. 31. Concerning how much can be produced: it depends on the amount of labor which a company employs and on the quality of equipment for worker. 32. What is the function of verbs in a sentence: to describe an action, state of being or condition performed or experienced by someone or something. 33. What do prepositions do that particles cannot do in phrasal verbs: transitive prepositional phrasal verbs. 34. Sometimes, a prepositional verb may be mistaken for a: parasal verbs. 35. Il futuro con to be going to si usa per: indicare l’intenzione di compiere un azione futura. 36. Indirect speech is: not usually placed inside quote marks. 37. Cognitively based views of reading comprehension emphasize: the interactive nature of reading and the constructive nature of comprehension. 38. Skimming is: the process of speedy reading for general meaning. 39. One reason why people find it difficult to speak English confidently: they don’t like English. 40. Increasing market fragmentation is that: there are competitors with tailored offerings. 99. Why is it said that many idioms are also culturally embedded: because idioms meanings are not motivated only by their lexical components, but also by the specific cultural and historical context in which they originated. 100. Which is an adjective and noun collocation: 1 and 3. 101. Quale delle seguenti espressioni avverbiali indica una maggiore frequenza rispetto alle altre?: twice an hour. 102. Which of the following adverbs of place is used to describe both movement and direction: onwards. 103. Which of the following is an adverb of manner: strongly. 104. What is collocation: a group of words that are used together. 105. Why do many writers write in passive voice: all of the above. 106. Provide more experimental education initiatives is a proposal from: Forbes/IBM services. 107. Social resources are classified: as land, labor, capital and enterprise. 108. Finite verbs correspond to a specific subject and : a tense. 109. Make an effort is an example of: collocation. 110. Which of these is not an indication of the presence of language discrimination: when no language or nationality is required. 111. Business writing can impact on the whole business, in which manner: all of the above. 112. What do you do when you refresh email: both 1 and 2. 113. If sellers raise the price of a commodity: the higher price will encourage a greater production of that commodity. 114. We can _ go to the cinema _ the theater: either/or. 115. Example of independent clause is: all of the above. 116. Why do people write in business: all of the above. 117. The train ___ at 8 o clock: leaves. 118. Apples __ on trees: grow. 119. Rules and exceptions in the ensligh language: take time to master. 120. Per esprimere un’azione pianificata nel futuro useremo: il present continous con valore di futuro. 121. What is business English: both 1 and 2. 122. The emphasis was on compliance and bolting-on end-of-pipe technologies to alleviate pollution is referring to: the greening of marketing strategy. 123. Which is a direct speech: “where is your textbook” the teacher told me. 124. What can branding provide: both 1 and 2. 125. Market is: a place where goods are sold and bought. 126. I __ football tomorrow: am playing. 127. If I __ a lottery, I __ the poor: won/would help. 128. What does “don’t invest in esperant” imply: avoid any scheme that requires the purchase of brand new products when usable ones are widely adopted. 129. I thins he is__ actor of all: the least talented. 130. Which is correct: sorry, I don’t speak italian. 131. In choosing a text: read the publisher’s blurb at the back or inside sleeve for an overview of the content. 132. A lot of ha: un uso piu ampio rispetto a many. 133. ___ it was raining, we went for a walk: though. 134. My book is ___ interesting than yours : more. 135. This is ___ doll of my collection : the least beautiful. 136. Nelle frasi affermative del verbo essere, gli avverbi di frequenza come often e rarely si collocano: dopo il verbo essere. 137. Modals can also be used instead of would in this type of conditional: mixed conditional 138. Apples __ on trees: grow. 139. Which statement is correct: milk is healthy. 140. If it is bad weather I ___ out : will not go. 141. The restaurant ___ at 19.30 tonight : opens. 142. La forma affermativa contratta del verbo essere è solitamente usata: Ad un livello più informale di comunicazione Rispetto all'italiano, la coniugazione verbale in lingua inglese risulta semplificata: Nella forma Il Simple present viene normalmente usato in inglese per descrivere: Azioni compiute con una determinata frequenza Nelle frasi affermative del verbo essere, gli avverbi di frequenza come 'often' e 'rarely' si collocano: Dopo il verbo essere Nelle risposte brevi, gli avverbi di frequenza come 'often' e 'rarely' si collocano: Prima dell' ausiliare 'do'/'does' Indicare quale delle seguenti espressioni avverbiali indica una maggiore frequenza rispetto alle altre: Twice an hour Indicare qual è in inglese la preposizione di tempo usata in riferimento ai giorni della settimana: On Indicare per quale delle seguenti funzioni è usata in inglese la preposizione di tempo 'in': Indicare le stagioni Il Present progressive viene normalmente usato in inglese per descrivere:Azioni di natura temporanea Le variazioni ortografiche relative al Present progressive riguardano: Il verbo principale Il verbo “have got”: Si comporta come verbo ausiliare I sostantivi non numerabili: Hanno solo la forma singolare “Some” si usa: Sia per i countable nouns che per gli uncountable nouns “A lot of” ha: Un uso piú ampio rispetto a “many” “Much” é generalmente usato: Con gli uncountable nouns La frase “Jason has got a few friends in Boston” significa: Jason ha qualche amico a Boston Nel genitivo sassone il possessore: Puó essere rappresentato da persone, animali o soggetti inanimati Indicare quale delle seguenti affermazioni relative agli aggettivi possessivi in lingua inglese é falsa: Sono preceduti da un articolo In lingua inglese, la formazione del comparativo di maggioranza: Comporta variazioni morfologiche per gli aggettivi monosillabici e bisillabici La frase “Less and less people have a permanent job” significa: Sono sempre meno le persone con un posto fisso Il present perfect si usa: Quando manca un preciso riferimento temporale Il present perfect si forma in base alla seguente struttura: Soggetto + ausiliare + participio passato Si usa il simple past anziché il present perfect: Quando l'evento descritto nella frase non produce più effetti sul presente In inglese, la formazione del superlativo: Comporta variazioni morfologiche per gli aggettivi monosillabici e bisillabici Il superlativo dell'aggettivo “bad” (cattivo) è: Worst Indica come tradurresti la frase “Kevin è il maggiore di tre figli”: Kevin is the eldest of three sons Nella frase ipotetica di primo tipo (first conditional) in lingua inglese, la frase principale è: Al futuro Completa in modo corretto la seguente frase: “We'll go by taxi....”: …if it rains La frase ipotetica di secondo tipo (second conditional) viene usata per indicare: Una condizione poco probabile Completa in modo corretto la seguente frase: “You would pass the esam....”: …if you studied harder Il simple past può tradursi in italiano: Con il passato remoto, il passato prossimo o l’imperfetto In una frase al passato, l’espressione “used to” (es: “I used to smoke a lot 10 years ago”) serve ad esprimere: Un’abitudine del passato che non corrisponde più al presente Il paradigma di un verbo irregolare: È sempre composto da tre elementi In inglese il passato remoto del verbo “parlare” è: Spoke La forma interrogativa della frase “Fiona was asleep” è: Was Fiona asleep? Completa la seguente frase: “I was driving to the post office when….”: I saw Giorgio Il Past Continuous indica: Un’azione continuata nel passato Il passato dei verbi regolari: Si forma aggiungendo la desinenza “-ed” alla forma base del verbo La preposizione “from” esprime: Moto da luogo Completa la seguente frase: “The hotel restaurant was......”: On the second floor …I'm going to …do house cleaning tomorrow The plane…Takes…off at 4:30 a.m. We...Are leaving...for our holidays tomorrow morning I think they…Will win...the match The office…Opens…at 9:00 a.m. I…Am tomorrow Look! Those cars…Are going to crash...! Maybe Trump…Will not win…the elections! ……going to…come?/ The intercity train…Arrives…at 4 p.m. Ralph …Saw...his friend at the supermarket I…Was...born in New York Mary… the cinema with her friends Last weekend they…Had...a party While I…Was walking...down the street, I … friend When I...Arrived…, they were eating The students …Were preparing...a power point for their French lesson Last summer I…Didn't holiday ...Did you eat ...good food at the party last night? The phone rang while I… Was cooking… Punctuation Mark arE: Very important Uses of commA: separate items in a list Don't use a question mark iN: Come here An apostrophe is use iN: contacted forms A full stop is used tO: end a clause complete idea An independent clausE: can be short A good starteR: To begin with A linker is used tO: All of the above A capital letter is useD: proper nouns This is …The least beautiful…doll of my collection January is …The coldest…month of the year I my opinion Ferrari is …The best…in Europe Which of the following parts of speech are adjectives not able to modify: Adverbs Adjectives that appear after linking verbs are known as: Predicative adjectives Which of the following types of adjectives are formed from two or more words and a hyphen: Compound adjectives Which of the following often have properties similar to adjectives: Determiners What is the name for an adjective used to describe someone or something with the highest degree of a certain quality: Superlative adjectives Which of the following is an example of an attributive adjective: A black dog Which of the following is not an attributive adjective: Sarah is short Attributive adjectives never ____: follow a linking verb Most adjectives that are never attributive begin with the letter ____: A Which sentence is traditionally considered to be more correct: The secretaries-general of the three countries are meeting today How are regular adverbs generally formed: By adding "-ly" to the end of an adjective Which of the following cannot be used to create an adverbial phrase: Gerund phrases Identify the category of the adverb (in bold) in the following sentence "I'm pretty happy with the way this turned out": Adverb of degree Which of the following is used to create adverbial clauses: Subordinating conjunctions What are the three different categories of adverbs of time: Points in time, duration, and frequency Identify the adverb of time used in the following sentence ""I quickly realized that if we wanted the job done next year, we would have to work hard and fast.": Next year Which adverb of time cannot appear at the beginning of a sentence: Yet If an adverb of place is modifying an intransitive verb, where is it usually located in a sentence: Immediately after the verb it modifies Which of the following adverbs of place is used to describe both movement and direction: Onwards Which of the following is not an adverb: Towards What is the most common way to form an adverb of manner: Add "-ly" to the end of the adjective Which of the following is an adverb of manner: Strongly What is the adverb of degree used in this sentence "I will happily do as you ask, but it will take a bit of time, so I will try to work very quickly ": Very Where does an adverb of degree usually appear in a sentence: Before the word it modifies Which of the following words is a mitigator: Rather Which of the following words or group of words is not a mitigator: Amazingly When does an adverb of frequency appear before the verb be: When be is being emphasized Identify the adverb of frequency in the following sentence: Hourly Which of the following sentences does not use an adverb of purpose: We've decided to move to a small villa in Italy Which of the following cannot be used to form adverbs of purpose: Coordinating conjunctions It's important to know the difference beyween a phase and clause to punctuare correctly: True A prepositional phrase is a phrase: That begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or a pronoun To find the subject: Find who or what does the action Characteristics of a subordinate clause: Cannot stand alone as a simple sentence The bus to Eastmont Mall: Is a phrase When functioning like an adverb, the phrase answer: where? when? how?or to what extent?about the verb Characteristics of an independenT clause: All of the above An appositive is a word that renames, identi es, or gives more detail about:fi About a noun or pronoun that it follows in the sentence Example of a independent clause is: Henry walked home from school Example of a dependent clause is: All of the above In direct speech, a person's exact words are placed in quotation marks and set off with a comma and a reporting clause or signal phrase, such as: "said" or "asked." Indirect speech is: Not usually placed inside quote marks Which is a direct speech: "Where is your textbook?" the teacher asked me. Both direct and indirect speech are stylistic devices for conveying messages: True A direct speech sentence consist of two parts, what are they: Reported speech and reporting speech He said, " I am looking for reported speech definition", the he said part is the: Reporting Speech Following punctuation rules in reported speech are applied such as: Both 1 and 2 Change of pronoun in indirect speech is done with which of following basic rules: If the reporting speech has first person pronoun, it will be changed as per the pronoun the pronoun of reported speech If the reported speech has second person: It is changed as per the object of reporting speech. Change in Modal Verbs applies as: Can into Could, May into Might, Must into had to An infinitive is: Is the most basic form of verb Infinitives are used to express an action as a concept, rather than what is being done or performed by the subject of a clause: True Infinitives can as nouns: True Intransitive verbs do not take direct objects: You will only find infinitives used as the objects of transitive verbs When we use reported speech, we often use infinitives as the direct object: Of a "reporting verb" to express what was said or asked in the past Certain verbs do not make sense with only a direct object: especially when that direct object is a person When infinitives are used as adjectives, they function in a similar way to relative clauses: Always True In elliptical sentences: A part of the sentence is ommited because it is implies Gerunds and infinitives are both verb forms that can function as nouns: They are both often used as the objects of "main" verbs. A Gerund is: A verb in the ing form It's not important to learn vocabulary: False Passive Vocabulary is: Something you know but don't know how to use Active Vocabulary is: Something you know and know how to use A native spaekear: Always has more active vocabulary Learn the roots of words: Is one way to generally improve vocabulary Improved vocabulary means: All of the above The larger your vocabulary, the easier it becomes to break away from old thought patterns and open new lines of reasoning: Our words shape our thoughts A good vocabulary is the single best predictor for career success: and usually comes before achievement Reding materials that are unfamiliar to you won't help improve your vocabulary: False Putting the vocabulary you learned into use as very important: True Traditional view reading theoy is focused on: Both 1 and 3 The 'bottom-up' view of reading consists of: Decoding a series of written symbols into their aural equivalents in the quest for making sense of the text The 'top-down' model is in direct opposition to the 'bottom-up' model: True Cognitively based views of reading comprehension emphasize: The interactive nature of reading and the constructive nature of comprehension Scanning is: Both 1 and 2 Reading goals can be: All of the Above Which among these is a way to improve reading: Read materials you are interested in In choosing a text: Read the publisher's blurb at the back or inside sleeve for an overview of the content Skimming is: The process of speedy reading for general meaning To enlarge vocabulary: Accumulating and using words at a daily basis Listening helps you become more aware of your surroundings: True Listening is: Intentional To become a better student: One should improve listening skills Classroom setting learning situation is: For students who are uncomfortable learning alone Whis is not a description of general listening skill: Who are more interested in their own ideas and ensuring people understand that Acion-oriented Listeners are: Less patient for listening to the reasons behind the task. Content-oriented listener are: Interested in the message itself Consists of various sounds in an environment that interfere with a source's ability to hear: Physical Noise Physical noise Includes: Barking Dogs Listening is a skill: That can be learned but takes effort and patience When improving writing learnibg verbs is essential: True If both sides of the phrase are singular: Use a singular verb If both sides are plural: Use a plural verb What does verb do to the language: It gives life to it Use of verb by writers: All of the above What does consistency of verb use means: You can only mix present and perfect tenses Knowing your writing weakness: Will help you identify your points to improve Reading writing of other writers: Will give you knowledge of the different writing techniques When writing: You have to be aware who your readers will be A powerful headline means: uses power words or numbers to attract attention in busy social media What is speaking: The process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts Native English-Speaking implies: Substituting vowels sounds of functions words with the vowel-sound schwa , using idioms and slang Global English is: Is pretty much perfect proper English Ccording to the lesson, native English speakers can sometimes try to maintain social power over English learners by: Making strange facial expressions when they hear you speak English Ways to improve speaking skills are: Both 2 and 3 One reason why some people find it difficult to speak English confidently: They don't like english Global English will be the main language: globalized business and social networking for a very long time Native English speakers cannot understand each other: True If you know that you will be in a situation where you will be speaking English and are feeling nervous: Organize your feelings during certain situations Native English speakers: Learned throughout daily life Idioms are important part of a language: True What do vocabulary and culture say about learning idiom: Both 2 and 3 Idiomatic Expression is onsidered to be one of the hallmarks of native-like proficiency because: All of the bove Who said If natural language had been designed by a logician, idioms would not exist: Johnson Laird Why is it said that many idioms are also culturally embedded: Because Idioms' meanings are not motivated only by their lexical components, but also by the specific cultural and historical context in which they originated The extent to which an idiom's meaning can be inferred from the meanings of its constituents, is referring to: Semantic transparency What makes learning idiom difficult to l2 learners: The unpredictability and arbitrariness of idioms and the cultural relativity of metaphoric expressions Hit the nail in the head means: Do or say something exactly right Hit the hay means: Go to bed Cost an arm and a leg means: Something expensive What is a collocation: A group og words that are use together Why is learning collocation important: Because some collocations are fixed and very strong "Make an effort" is an example of: Collocation It is not always easy to separate collocations and compounds: The statement is true Learning collocations is a good idea because they can: All of the above The key things are toLearning collocations are: All of the above Which is a noun and verb collocation: The economy boomed in the 1990s. [the economy was very strong Which is an adjective and noun collocation : 1 and 3 A sunny day: A metaphor Metaphors are more common in: Writtes As one of the most neglected aspects of English language teaching is:pronunciation The manner in which speech sounds, especially connected sequences are articulated by individual speakers or by speakers generally, is a definition of: pronunciation What alphabet was used to teach phonetics: international Phonetics Alphabet Guidelines that can be followed in the teaching of pronunciation are: all of the above Acoustic phonetics focuses on: the physical properties of the sounds of language Auditory phonetics focuses on : how listeners perceive the sounds of language Articulatory phonetics: focuses on: how the vocal tract produces the sounds of language When was the IPA invented: 1888 Voiceless sounds are: those produced with the vocal cords apart so the air flows freely through the glottis Oral sounds are: those produced with the velum raised to prevent air from escaping out the nose Why do many writers write in passive voice: all of the above Using active voice in content marketing helps to: both 1 and 2 When you write in passive voice, your content becomes drawn out and less exciting to read, describes: momentum Passive voice often contains helping words like: am, is, are, was and were, being, been, and be, have, has had, do, does, did, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must, can, and could Which of the following sentences is in the active voice: edmund is shaving in the upstairs bathroom In the following passive-voice sentence, which group of words is the receiver of the action? The large monument was erected by the construction crew last spring: the large monument Which choice correctly converts the following active-voice sentence into the passive voice? You should congratulate your sister on her academic achievement: your sister should be congratulated on her academic achievement Which of the following sentences uses the passive voice: this scarf was crocheted by my friend What are the advantages of using passive voice: both 1 and 2 When the subject of a sentence performs the action of the verb: the sentence is active What must a sentence contain in order to be complete: 1 and 3 Which of the following is not an independent clause: every time my cousin from Cairo visits. What can a prepositional phrase modify in a sentence: either a subject or a predicate. Where can a predicate appear in a sentence: all of the above Compound sentences are made up of two (or more) ________: independent Clause The two clauses in a compound sentence can be joined using _______: all of the above Which of the following sentences is punctuated incorrectly?: "i love swimming my brother enjoys hockey." Complete the following compound sentence with the correct conjunction: and Which of the following can be used to join the two independent clauses in a complexcompound sentence: all of the above Identify the dependent clause or clauses in the following sentence: I'm going to see Shawna at the mall later; you can come with me, though I know you two don't get along.: though I know you two don't get along Which of the following marks of punctuation is used with declarative sentences: period Declarative sentences are used to express which of the following: that which is, was, or will be the case What can negative interrogative sentences be used for: all of the above Negative interrogative sentences imply that the speaker expects a certain answer with what type of question: yes/no questions What is the most likely purpose of the following negative interrogative sentence "Why wasn't I informed of this meeting earlier: as a literal question When can a verb subject be included in an imperative sentence: never Which of the following is not in the imperative mood: talking is not allowed Which auxiliary verb can be used to construct an imperative sentence: do Which of the following can be used to punctuate a secondary interjection: all of the above When are single-word sentences most commonly used in English: conversations What is the function of the subject of a sentence: to identify the person or thing performing an action Which of the following must a clause always contain: a subject and a predicate Which of the following types of clauses can function alone as sentences: independent clauses Which of the following types of sentences can be made of one independent clause and one dependent clause: complex sentences Where is the subject usually placed in a clause: before the main verb When does a third-person verb conjugate differently to accommodate the subject: when the subject is singular, in the present simple tense Which of the following has a clause with a subject that is a pronoun: everyone is being caught off guard by this new law What role does the subject have in a clause or sentence that's in the passive voice: it is the person or thing that receives the action of the verb Where does the predicate usually appear in a sentence: after the subject What must the predicate always contain: a finite verb Where does difference in individuals come from and communication in all its for: culture What does inner circle refer to: domestic controllable elements What is no involed in outer circles: marketers Decision One size fits all type of marketing can work.: never The language component in an international marketing course shows: students both the obvious and subtle cultural differences that languages convey in marketing communications. Which of the following is an effect of globalisation to the English language: the growing globalization has led to many business transactions and deals been done in English. What are some common titles to address people: mr Mrs Miss Social resources are classified: As land, labor, capital and enterprise Economics is considered a social science: Because the subject matter is the human being Predictions in economics: Are difficult to make because experiments are not foreseeable owing to the human behavior The deductive approach: Is explained by a theory which compares predictions against the facts The inductive approach: Considers the facts as the starting point because there is a regular pattern in them The normative statements: Are matters of opinion The normative statements: Can they be proved or disproved against the facts? Why?: No, they can't; they are based on a value judgement Businessmen and businesswomen, if considered together, are referred to: Businesspeople People working in business are referred to: Business people EEC means: European Economic Community Market is: A place where goods are sold and bought In modern times market transactions are often made: By telephone or online If sellers raise the price of a commodity: The higher price will encourage a greater production of that commodity If a commodity becomes overstocked: Sellers must lower the price A shift of workers into a new field of occupation might be achieved: If there is a high demand of workers in that field The shift of workers into the growing occupation causes: ... the shift in relative wages The classical triad is made up by: Land, labor and capital An entrepreneur is: Someone who builds up a company from nothing: a start-up company Tycoons, magnates or moguls are: Rich and successful people with power and influence A manager is: Someone in a position of responsibility in an organization Smith proclaimed the principle of the '‘invisible hand': In The Wealth of Nations Smith achieved success with his theory: Because inspired admirers and critics of capitalism The main idea of the invisible hand theory is: That the outcome of a market mechanism has a precise order The perfect competition refers to: A market in which no company or consumer is large enough to affect the market price Imperfect competition refers to: A market in which a company or a consumer is large enough to affect the market price Concerning the invisible hand doctrine: It refers to economies in which markets are perfectly competitive There are market failures: When there are markets not perfectly competitive PPF means: Frontier of possibilities of production Concerning a budget: A useful management instrument in planning and controlling the allocation of resources Concerning a business: It is an organization that sells or buys goods and services Inflation grew seriously: During the years up to the late 1960s The evils of rising prices didn't appear as a priority: In the 1970s Many people don't worry about price increases: Because usually wages rise month by month in line with price Concerning periodically adaptation of pensions and other allowances: It comes from the necessity to cut down the effects of inflation People generally react to inflation: They generally don't worry too much Concerning what happens to savings during inflation: In these last years there has been an increase in the proportion of income saved Concerning What other assets were accumulated during inflation: Property, land, old-master paintings, porcelain figures and gold Concerning what we mean by runaway inflation: It is an uncontrolled inflation Concerning why people and organizations save: They save to provide for future contingencies Concerning what happened in West Germany after World War II with regards to inflation: West Germany has had a lower rate of inflation Market equilibrium is realized: When there is an equilibrium of prices and production The production of goods is determined by: Consumers' decisions to buy an item instead of another How consumers' decisions affect production: Production is determined by the competition among producers The incentive that drives firms to produce an item instead of another is: The high profits existing in the production of goods in high demand Minimum cost production is the most efficient: Because it has displaced a more costly method To be successful a producer must achieve the following objectives: To keep costs at a minimum and to adopt modern methods of production Technologies affect production because: The more are modern the more are efficient Concerning factor prices: They are the wages rates, land rates, interest rates and profits Factor prices are important: Because by adding up all the revenues coming from factors, we can calculate people's income Concerning incomes policy: It is the branch of economic policy aimed at restraining wages, salaries, profits, dividends, prices or other forms of income, either together or selectively, mainly with a view to slowing down (cost-push) inflation Concerning wages: They represent the price which balances the supply and demand for labor Concerning the demand for labor: It depends on the net addition which further workers will make to its revenue Concerning how much can be produced: It depends on the amount of labor which a company employs and on the quality of equipment for worker Regarding what a firm has to consider before taking on extra workers: It has to consider the wage costs of additional workers against the net change in its revenue position The expression “workers pricing themselves out of market' means: That workers are paid too much in relation to the revenue position of a firm, so they are '“pricing themselves out of jobs' The expression '“wages cut across the board' means: It means that wages rates are decided by the board of a company Wages show different levels of supply and demand: It is true, wage differentials serve as signposts indicating the relative abundance or shortage of labor in various occupations in relation to the consumer demand of a specific output Concerning '“imperfections' in the labor market: They refer to the underlying economic pressures determined by changing consumer preferences The return means: A return is a formal report compiled and submitted by order. The revenue authorities, for ex., require taxpayers to file a variety of returns, the most common being the income-tax return and the VAT return. The authorities need the returns to make a final assessment of the tax concerned The expression '“diminishing returns' refers to: It refers to the physical output derived from a combination of fixed and/or variable inputs. It is commonly used to describe the profit of some form of investment (whether real or financial) expressed as a proportion or percentage of the capital outlay The number of business structures is: Four Business structures are called: Sole proprietorships, corporations, limited partnerships, general partnerships Regarding business structures you warn people against: Sole proprietorships, in this case proprietors are alone and can't enjoy the benefit of less formal partnershipsÂ… Regarding a simple partnership if it is difficult or expensive to create: No, it isn't much more difficult and expensive to create than a business structure with a sole proprietor Disadvantages of being a partner of a general partnership: To have two or more partners who share income, expenses, and liability according to an agreement they sign once they decide to found a business structure together Regarding the pros and cons of being a limited partner: A limited partner is allowed to invest in a business but his liability is restricted to the amount of his investment. He may have no involvement in how his company is run Regarding shareholders' rsponsabilities: As owners of a corporation, they are responsible for the choice of the board of directors, who actually run the business How a corporation is regarded by the law: As a person, with rights and responsabilities Regarding what U.S. legislators had in mind when they established provisions for subchapter S corporations: By registering its own corporation with the internal Revenue service as a subchapter S corporation, partners incorporating can easily avoid to pay double taxes both as individual shareholders and as corporation.. Regarding the requirements of an S -corporation: It must be a domestic corporation (U.S.) with one class of stocks, no more than 35 members, no resident alien stockholders, no stockholders who are not individuals, estates or certain trusts Utility: Expresses a relationship between a consumer and a commodity Comparing utility and usefulness: They are different because utility concerns something that satisfies a want and usefulness implies something that is beneficial Talking about how the quantity that a person has of a good affects the utility deriving from additions to it: The quantity that a person has of a commodity affects its utility.The more a consumer has of a commodity the less he wishes additions to it Explain the law of Diminishing Utility: The desire of a consumer for a commodity tends to diminish when the possess of that commodity increases Talking about what in practical terms determines how much a consumer will buy of each commodity: It depends on the money people have to spend to derive the maximum utility from their expenditure Regarding when a consumer can determine that he has reached the point of the greatest possible utility deriving from his expenditure: It happens when he has derived maximum satisfaction from his expenditure and the marginal utility of his expenditure is the same on each of his purchases Given the Law of Diminishing Utility, what determines that a consumer will continue purchasing a commodity: The prices of goods and services are not affected by the decisions of a single consumer. Prices are already fixed and he must accept those prices in arranging his expenditure Consumer goods: They are goods capable of satisfying human wants directly and, therefore in contrast to producer goods, they desirable in themselves. They are classified into a durable and a non-durable variety About liabilities: Generally speaking liabilities represent a firm’s financial obligations Regarding capital stock: Stock or capital stock is the legal capital of an American corporation divided into shares (of stock). The term may also be applied to the shares themselves, but not to an individual share. In colloquial or journalistic usage, the plural ‘stocks’ is used to describe both ordinary shares (equities) and gilt-edged securities (government stocks). This means that for all practical purposes, the term has become synonymous with ‘securities’ Concerning the main aims of the welfare state in the past: The main aims of the welfare state, in the past, concerned a practical agenda of diminishing poverty and of expanding welfare provision Concerning the workings of the welfare state: In recent years this issue has been studied by students of politics and economics (economists) who has enlarged the domain of welfare state studies; they try to explain through this rubric the general nature of the social, economic and political arrangements of advanced capitalism In order to sustain economic growth and the welfare state: Given that in the long term the welfare state is incompatible with a healthy market-based economy, We have to underline that it was merit of the favorable circumstances for economic growth of the post war period that there was the expansion of the economy and the welfare state Concerning how the political Right and the Left thought to restore economic growth: The political Right thought to restore economic growth reducing the welfare state while the Left thought it possible only if there was a transformation of society towards socialism. Concerning why would further development in the welfare state begin to undermine the basis of its popular support: Because the welfare state has now grown to its limits as the same capitalist societies which are changing in their organization Concerning what has impeded the promotion of national welfare states: Above all the internationalization of political economy and the deregulation of the modern world economy. The welfare state thought by Keynes is incompatible with the new international political economy About what options are now open for social democratic movements: For contemporary social democratic movements it is necessary to activate, as in the past, a socialization of the capital investment function still partially tied to the compromise of the Keynesian Welfare State Concerning what has been the result of the weakening of the class structure: Above all, the breaking of the alliance between middle and working classes upon which the welfare state was built Concerning what are the alternatives to the welfare state: It's difficult to say because today there is strong dissatisfaction with state administered welfare and a greater defection of consumers to market-provided welfare services Concerning what is the labour force: The labour force includes the employed and the involuntarily unemployed ; those at work and those seeking employment but unable to find some at the prevailing wage rates. The labour force, is therefore, a measure of the labour resources available to a society at existing wage rates M. Clarke proposed to alter the retirement age: Mr.Clarke proposed to equalize the retirement age for men and women at 65. His governmental measures had been phased in over 10 years, starting in the year 2010 Concerning the popularity of his proposal: It was not very popular, because at the time a growing number of people retired at 60 Concerning what benefits remain unchanged on the welfare program: Many benefits remained; Mr.Clarke protected the universal pension and child benefit, but cut university students' grants, making more of them take out loans Concerning what is the difference between universal and targeted benefits: Universal benefits are for life, targeted benefits are limited and determined by specific conditions Concerning what measures Mr. Clarke proposed to get people into work: He proposed 3 measures to get people into work: 1. A new unemployment benefit tested after six months and strictly conditional on the beneficiary seeking a job. 2. People claiming invalidity are required to have a much stricter medical examination. 3. A new child-care allowance to help particularly single mothers, while they find a job About which other ministers have been working towards reforms in social security: Michael Portillo who started a long- term review of public expenditure and Peter Lilley , the social security secretary Concerning why Mr. Lilley wanted to tighten benefit rules: To adapt the welfare state to the needs of a more affluent and diverse labour force Concerning what was the government policy on student loans: On education the government didn't cut student loans, supporting the existing system of education About why do you think the ‘apprenticeship scheme is called “gimmick: It was an expedient, a trick, a way produced by Mr. Hunt not to satisfy completely the demand of the young for financed trainings Concerning what securities are: They are transferable certificates of ownership or indebtedness. This definition includes also bills of exchange, and other negotiable or quasi-negotiable instruments. There are two basic types of securities : equity securities, representing what is commonly referred to as ‘ownership rights' and ‘debt securities', representing creditorship rights. Shares issued by companies are examples of the former, and bonds, issued by governments and companies, examples of the latter variety National law is: The law which applies within a country Public law concerns: The state Constitutional law is the study of: Basic laws of a State Constitutional law governs the relationships between: The judiciary, the legislative and the executive power The fundamental constitutional principle is due to: John Locke Administrative law (or regulatory law) regulates: The activities of administrative agencies of government as well as the relationships with them Criminal law is sometimes called: Penal law Criminal law refers to: Certain forms of behaviour for which the state prosecutes the offender and reserves punishment Private law is usually called: Civil law Private law is that part of legal system that concerns: Relationships between legal person International law can refer to: Three distinct disciplines Public international Law: Governs the rights and duties of national states in relation to each other The sources for public international law are: Custom, legislation and treaties The most important international organization is: UN Private international law or conflict law is a branch of: International law The main streams of legal thought on the nature of conflict of laws are: Two The stream of thought which regards conflict of laws as part of international law is called: Universalism Supranational law refers to: Regional agreements The examples of supernatural law frameworks are: One The UE constitutes a new legal order in international law for the mutual social and economic benefit of the member states as the European Court of Justice said in: 1962 English law is traditionally characterized by: The absence of a written code The basis of the legal system of England and Wales and many other English-speaking countries is constituded by: Common Law Judicial precedent is a source of law also known as: A case law The word jurisprudence has become synonymous for: Case law Equity is a system for legal doctrine first created by: The Lord Chancellor Equity operates through: Principles The purpose of equity was to achieve: Fairness Primary legislation consist of laws passed by Parliament: Parliament Delegated or secondary legislation is law made by: Government ministers EU law: Has direct affect in the UK Discrimination is: Unfair treatment or denial of normal privileges to people because of their race, age, sex, nationality or religion The case Carol Kolstad vs the American Dental Association(ADA) involves: Sex discrimination Ms Kolstad was: Denied promotion The US Chamber of Commerce: Supports the ADA Ms Kolstad is: A lawyer Ms Kolstad was employed as a lobbyist for: The ADA Our concern is that punitive damages would become the norm, not the exception' says: Stephen Bokat of the National Chamber Litigation Centre According to the Jury Verdict Research: 40% of verdicts in gender discrimination cases in the last six years have included punitive damages Knock-on' effect means: Wider consequences DISPENSA 3 1. Il present perfect si usa: quando manca un preciso riferimento temporale 2. Il present perfect si forma in base alla seguente struttura: soggetto + ausiliare + participio passato 3. Si usa il simple past anziché il present perfect: quando l'evento descritto nella frase non produce più effetti sul presente 4. In inglese, la formazione del superlativo: comporta variazioni morfologiche per gli aggettivi monosillabici e bisillabici 5. Il superlativo dell'aggettivo "bad" (cattivo) è: worst 6. Indica come tradurresti la frase "Kevin è il maggiore di tre figli": Kevin is the eldest of three sons 7. Nella frase ipotetica di primo tipo (first conditional) in lingua inglese, la frase principale è: al futuro 8. Completa in modo corretto la seguente frase: "we'll go by taxi...": ...if it rains 9. La frase ipotetica di secondo tipo (second conditional) viene usata per indicare: una condizione poco probabile 10. Completa in modo corretto la seguente frase: "You would pass the exam...": ...if you studied harder DISPENSA 4 1. Il simple past può tradursi in italiano: con il passato remoto, il passato prossimo o l'imperfetto 2. In una frase al passato, l'espressione "used to" (es: "I used to smoke a lot 10 years ago") serve ad esprimere: un'abitudine del passato che non corrisponde più al presente 3. Il paradigma di un verbo irregolare: è sempre composto da tre elementi 4. In inglese il passato remoto del verbo "parlare" è: spoke 5. La forma interrogativa della frase "Fiona was asleep" è: was Fiona asleep? 6. Completa la seguente frase: "I was driving to the post office when...": I saw Giorgio 7. Il past continuous indica: un'azione continuata nel passato 8. Il passato dei verbi regolari: si forma aggiungendo la desinenza "-ed" alla forma base del verbo 9. La preposizione "from" esprime: moto da luogo 10. Completa la seguente frase: "The hotel restaurant was...": on the second floor DISPENSA 5 1. I'm going to do house cleaning tomorrow 2. The plane takes off at 4:30 a.m. 3. We are leaving for our holidays tomorrow morning 4. I think they will win the match 5. The office opens at 9:00 a.m. 6. I am playing football tomorrow 7. Look! Those cars are going to crash 8. Maybe Trump will not win the elections! 9. Are you going to come? 10. The intercity train arrives at 4 p.m. Pagina di 2 50 DISPENSA 6 1. Ralph saw his friend at the supermarket 2. I was born in New York 3. Mary went to the cinema with her friends 4. Last weekend they had a party 5. While I was walking down the street, I met my friend 6. When I arrived, they were eating 7. The students were preparing a power point for their French lesson 8. Last summer I didn't like my holiday 9. Did you eat good food at the party last night? 10. The phone rang while I was cooking DISPENSA 7 1. Punctuation mark are: very important 2. Uses of comma: separate items in a list 3. Don't use a question mark in: come here 4. An apostrophe is use in: contracted forms 5. A full stop is used to: end a clause complete idea 6. An independent clause: can be short 7. A good starter: to begin with 8. A linker is used to: contrast 9. A capital letter is used: proper nouns 10. A capital letter always follows a period: true DISPENSA 8 1. Which statement is correct: milk is healthy 2. Which is correct: Sorry, I don't speak Italian 3. Which is correct: I'm tired 4. I miss the bus. I had to walk 5. Homonyms are: words with the same sound 6. Homographs are: words with the same spelling 7. Vocabulary: is difficult to learn 8. Pronunciation: can hinder comprehension 9. Rules and exceptions in the English language: takes time to master 10. Why idiomatic expressions present difficulty: they're not often equivalent to someone's native language Pagina di 3 50 DISPENSA 9 1. What is the function of verbs in a sentence: to describe an action, a state of being, or condition performed or experienced by someone or something 2. The predicate of a sentence always contains what king of verbs: finite verbs 3. Unlike regular verbs, irregular verbs usually have different: past tense and past participle forms 4. Unlike transitive verbs, intransitive verbs are not able to take which of the following: direct objects 5. Identify the form of the verb quoted in the following sentence "my father "took" me to the movies for my birthday": transitive verb 6. What is the term for changing a verbs form to reflect things like tense: conjugation 7. Which of the following is a finite verb: is 8. Identify the finite verb in the following sentence. "Running late, the family quickly drove to their relative's house": drove 9. Finite verbs correspond to a specific subject and a tense 10. In the past tense, finite verbs commonly end in: ed DISPENSA 10 1. Identify the phrasal verb in the following sentence "it appears to me that you have throughly mucked up the case again": mucked up 2. Which of the following can be separable in a sentence: something you don't know by meaning but know by context 3. Which of the following is not a component of a phrasal verb: participle 4. What is the primary difference between prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs: prepositional verbs have a literal meaning; phrasal verbs have an idiomatic meaning 5. What do prepositions do that particles cannot do in phrasal verbs: transitive prepositional phrasal verbs 6. When phrasal verbs are transitive: they always take direct objects 7. Sometimes, a prepositional verb may be mistaken for a: phrasal verbs 8. "To be up to" meaning: to be in the midst of doing or planning 9. "Come around" meaning: to change one's ming about a thing and agree to something after some persuasion 10. "Get over" meaning: both 1 and 2 (to recover from something/to believe or understand, or no longer ne a surprised) Pagina di 4 50 DISPENSA 15 1. We are completely exhausted from the trip 2. I have almost finished my homework 3. There's too much sugar in my tea 4. Have we got enough drinks for the party? 5. She dances beautifully 6. I remember the day when we first met 7. Tell me why you came home so late 8. She speaks English fluently 9. He drives badly 10. How often do you go to the cinema? DISPENSA 16 1. I am a very good tennis player 2. He is a smart boy 3. The boy who is going to Milan is Jack 4. Please buy those apples! I would like some 5. I cut myself chopping the vegetables 6. Bob was proud of himself for his new job 7. Those are Mary's children 8. Whose bag is this? It is hers 9. Where are you from? 10. When did you see your friend? DISPENSA 17 1. Mary and Susan are sisters 2. I like spinach but I don't like carrots 3. We are going out with our friends 4. The weather in London is usually horrible in January 5. I'll meet you at five o'clock 6. Susan goes to work by bus 7. We can either go to the cinema or the theater 8. Neither Anne nor Ted like swimming! 9. The new pub is between the bank and the supermarket 10. The man was walking along the river Pagina di 7 50 DISPENSA 18 1. You must not smoke in the office 2. You should take an aspirin if you have a headache 3. I made a delicious cake yesterday 4. Can I borrow your red pen please? 5. Could I see mr. Smith please? 6. May I ask you a question? 7. Mary might come but I'm not sure 8. David has to do his homework every day 9. Shall we go for a pizza tonight? 10. I do my homework every day DISPENSA 19 1. I often go out with my friends 2. They usually eat pizza with their family 3. We are reading a letter now 4. Mary is cleaning the house at the moment 5. Are you playing football tonight? 6. This is John's book 7. Mr Tayler is my uncle 8. My mother is Mrs Smith 9. Reverend Martin is a good preacher. He's very kind! 10. The children's toys are all broken DISPENSA 20 1. I would like a cup of tea 2. I wish I could go to Rome 3. If you try hard you will succeed 4. I don't want to study english anymore! 5. Will you help me? 6. I wish I could eat these biscuits 7. I'm afraid it will be a long meeting 8. I won't be at work before eight 9. I have to get up early tomorrow morning 10. Jacob would rather have spaghetti for lunch Pagina di 8 50 DISPENSA 21 1. I would listen to this music for hours. It is so beautiful 2. John should call his colleague immediately 3. Would you like a glass of wine? 4. The Clintons would like a bigger house 5. If it is bad weather, I will not go out 6. I will always love you if you marry me 7. If I had more money, I would buy a new car 8. If I won a lottery, I would help the poor 9. If we were younger, I would travel around the world 10. If Mary studied more, she would get better marks DISPENSA 22 1. My brother is taller than me 2. My book is more interesting than yours 3. Italian food is better than junk food 4. Naples is less crowded than New York 5. Mary is as intelligent as Susan 6. I think Robert De Niro is the most fascinating actor 7. Susan is the most intelligent in the class 8. This is the least beautiful doll of my collection 9. January is the coldest month of the year 10. In my opinion Ferrari is the best in Europe DISPENSA 23 1. Which of the following parts of speech are adjectives not able to modify: adverbs 2. Adjectives that appear after linking verbs are known as: predicative adjectives 3. Which of the following types of adjectives are formed from two or more words and a hyphen: compound adjectives 4. Which of the following often have properties similar to adjectives: determiners 5. What is the name for an adjective used to describe someone or something with the highest degree of a certain quality: superlative adjectives 6. Which of the following is an example of an attributive adjective: a black dog 7. Which of the following is not an attributive adjective: Sarah is short 8. Attributive adjectives never follow a linking verb 9. Most adjectives that are never attributive begin with the letter A 10. Which sentence is traditionally considered to be more correct: the secretaries-general of the three countries are meeting today Pagina di 9 50 DISPENSA 28 1. An infinitive is: the most basic form of verb 2. Infinitives are used to express an action as a concept, rather than what is being done or performed by the subject of a clause: true 3. Infinitives can act as nouns: true 4. Intransitive verbs do not take direct objects: you will only find infinitives used as the objects of transitive verbs 5. When we use reported speech, we often use infinitives as the direct object: of a "reporting verb" to express what was said or asked in the past 6. Certain verbs do not make sense with only a direct object: especially when that direct object is a person 7. When infinitives are used as adjectives, they function in a similar way to relative clauses: always true 8. In elliptical sentences: a part of the sentence is omitted because it is implies 9. Gerunds and infinitives are both verb forms that can function as nouns: they are both often used as the objects of "main" verbs 10. A Gerund is: they are not used to form tenses of the verb or provide adjectival information DISPENSA 29 1. It's not important to learn vocabulary: false 2. Passive vocabulary is: something you don't know by meaning but know by context 3. Active vocabulary is: something you know and know how to use 4. A native speaker: always has more active vocabulary 5. Learn the roots of words: is one way to generally improve vocabulary 6. Improved vocabulary means: all of the above (improved reading comprehension/improved writing skills/improved confidence) 7. The larger your vocabulary, the easier it becomes to break away from old thought patterns and open new lines of reasoning: our words shape our thoughts 8. A good vocabulary is the single best predictor for career success: and usually comes before achievement 9. Reading materials that are unfamiliar to you won't help improve your vocabulary: false 10. Putting the vocabulary you learned into use is very important: true Pagina di 12 50 DISPENSA 30 1. Traditional view reading theory is focused on: on the printed form of a text 2. The "bottom-up" view of reading consists of: decoding a series of written symbols into their aural equivalents in the quest for making sense of the text 3. The "top-down" model is in direct opposition to the "bottom-up" model: true 4. Cognitively based views of reading comprehension emphasize: the interactive nature of reading and the constructive nature of comprehension 5. Scanning is: the technique you might use when reading a telephone directory 6. Reading goals can be: a selected subject area 7. Which among these is a way to improve reading: read materials you are interested in 8. In choosing a text: read the publisher's blurb at the back or inside sleeve for an overview of the content 9. Skimming is: the process of speedy reading for general meaning 10. To enlarge vocabulary: accumulating and using words at a daily basis DISPENSA 31 1. Listening helps you become more aware of your surroundings: true 2. Listening is: intentional 3. To become a better student: one should improve listening skills 4. Classroom setting learning situation is: for students who are uncomfortable learning alone 5. Which is not a description of general listening skill: who are more interested in their own ideas and ensuring people understand that 6. Action-oriented listeners are: less patient for listening to the reasons behind the task 7. Content-oriented listener are: interested in the message itself 8. Consists of various sounds in an environment that interfere with a source's ability to hear: physical noise 9. Physical noise includes: barking dogs 10. Listening is a skill: that can be learned but takes effort and patience DISPENSA 32 1. When improving writing learning verbs is essential: true 2. If both sides of the phrase are singular: use a singular verb 3. If both sides are plural: use a plural verb 4. What does verb do to the language: it gives life to it 5. Use of verb by writers: all of the above (can affect believability to what they write/can affect they credibility/can say much of their intelligence and education) 6. What does consistency of verb use means: you cannot mix tenses 7. Knowing your writing weakness: will help you identify your points to improve 8. Reading writing of other writers: will give you knowledge of the different writing techniques 9. When writing: you have to be aware who your readers will be 10. A powerful headline means: uses power words or numbers to attract attention in busy social media Pagina di 13 50 DISPENSA 33 1. What is speaking: the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts 2. Native english-speaking implies: substituting vowels sounds of functions words with the vowel- sound schwa, using idioms and slang 3. Global english is: is pretty much perfect proper english 4. According to the lesson, native English speakers can sometimes try to maintain social power over english learners by: making strange facial expressions when they hear you speak english 5. Ways to improve speaking skills are: talk to yourself 6. One reason why some people find it difficult to speak english confidently: they don't like english 7. Global english will be the main language: globalized business and social networking for a very long time 8. Native english speakers cannot understand each other: true 9. If you know that you will be in a situation where you will be speaking english and are feeling nervous: organize your feelings during certain situations 10. Native english speakers: learned throughout daily life DISPENSA 34 1. Idioms are important part of a language: true 2. What do vocabulary and culture say about learning idiom: that they are intertwined and L2 speakers can gain more vocabulary through idioms 3. Idiomatic expression is considered to be one of the hallmarks of native-like proficiency because: part of the ongoing dynamic interaction between speaker writer and hearer reader within the discoursal context 4. Who said "if natural language had been designed by a logician, idioms would not exist": Johnson Laird 5. Why is it said that many idioms are also culturally embedded: because idioms' meanings are not motivated only by their lexical components, but also by the specific cultural and historical context in which they originated 6. The extent to which an idiom's meaning can be inferred from the meanings of its constituents, is referring to: semantic transparency 7. What makes learning idiom difficult to L2 learners: the unpredictability and arbitrariness of idioms and the cultural relativity of metaphoric expressions 8. Hit the nail in the head means: do or say something exactly right 9. Hit the hay means: go to bed 10. Cost an arm and a leg means: something expensive Pagina di 14 50 DISPENSA 39 1. Which of the following marks of punctuation is used with declarative sentences: period 2. Declarative sentences are used to express which of the following: that which is, was, or will be the case 3. What can negative interrogative sentences be used for: to ask literal questions 4. Negative interrogative sentences imply that the speaker expects a certain answer with what type of question: none of the above (tag questions/alternative questions/yes/no questions) 5. What is the most likely purpose of the following negative interrogative sentence "why wasn't I informed of this meeting earlier: as a literal question 6. We use imperative sentence to: give orders 7. Which of the following is not in the imperative mood: talking is not allowed 8. Which auxiliary verb can be used to construct an imperative sentence: do 9. Which of the following can be used to punctuate a secondary interjection: all of the above (a period/an exclamation point/a question mark) 10. When are single-word sentences most commonly used in english: conversations DISPENSA 40 1. What is the function of the subject of a sentence: to identify the person or thing performing an action 2. Which of the following must a clause always contain: none of the above (a modifier/a subject/a predicate) 3. Which of the following types of clauses can function alone as sentences: independent clauses 4. Which of the following types of sentences can be made of one independent clause and one dependent clause: complex sentences 5. Where is the subject usually placed in a clause: before the main verb 6. When does a third-person verb conjugate differently to accommodate the subject: when the subject is singular, in the present simple tense 7. Which of the following has a clause with a subject that is a pronoun: everyone is being caught off guard by this new law 8. What role does the subject have in a clause or sentence that's in the passive voice: it is the person or thing that receives the action of the verb 9. Where does the predicate usually appear in a sentence: after the subject 10. What must the predicate always contain: a finite verb Pagina di 17 50 DISPENSA 41 1. Where does difference in individuals come from and communication in all its forms: culture 2. What does inner circle refer to: domestic controllable elements 3. What is no involved in outer circles: marketers decision 4. One size fits all type of marketing can work: never 5. The language component in an international marketing course shows: student both the obvious and subtle cultural differences that languages convey in marketing communications 6. Which of the following is an effect of globalization to the english language: the growing globalization has led to many business transactions and deals been done in english 7. In your understanding what is ESP: english for specific use like business, medicine, legal etc 8. Improving english skills implies: driving up salaries, which in turn give governments and individuals more money to invest in language training 9. What are the correlation found between english proficiency and the human development index: measure of education 10. Business leaders who understand which nations are positioning themselves for a smoother entry into the global marketplace will have a competitive advantage: true DISPENSA 42 1. To many, linguistic equality is a fact and a norm: true 2. Human rights organizations and international agreements, reject discrimination on the basis of language, what's your closest opinion: true but rejected as incompatible with important scientific and political doctrines 3. Which of the following words is a source of apparent conflict or inconsistency when applied to language: discrimination 4. Linguistic discrimination includes: individual's accent and size of vocabulary 5. Which of these is not an indication of the presence of language discrimination: when no language or nationality is required 6. When is it justifiable to require language in a job: when the employee needs to communicate with costumers, coworkers or supervisors who speak only english 7. What is jargon: special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand 8. The feminine style of language tends to be more emphatic, polite and focused on others. A masculine style of language tends to be more direct, forceful and impersonal, refers to: gender inferences 9. Considering your audience's gender, culture, and group is a characteristic of: think before you speak 10. Detonation means: definitions of the word that appear in dictionaries Pagina di 18 50 DISPENSA 43 1. Marketing mix refers to: ingredients that combine to capture and promote a brand or product's unique selling points those that differentiate it from its competitors 2. What does relationship marketing mean: commercial relationships between economic partners, service providers and customers 3. CRM stands for: customer relationship management 4. Which of these is a goal of relationship marketing: create strong even emotional customer connections to a brand 5. To what relationship marketing is based: customer experience management 6. What can CRM do: no track and act on customer needs 7. In order to implement an efficient relationship marketing strategy: the entire company has to change to become customer oriented 8. What should a mission statement do: needs to be customer oriented 9. You can divide a market into submarket by means of: geographically 10. How do you evaluate strategy effectiveness: established a set of key assumptions that form the foundation planning, re-evaluate previous assumptions based on the present realities DISPENSA 44 1. New economy implies: the transition from a manufacturing-based to a service-based economy 2. Hi-tech and the internet have not only changed how we communicate but also: changed the fundamental laws of economics 3. How has the knowledge explosion become possible: due to progress of science and technology 4. In the era of new economy: english may be taking over the speech economy of the planet 5. Which of the following would best describe social media: has become an important tool of communication 6. Why is it said that the new economy is based on knowledge: because of the meanings that was given to it 7. What does ICT mean: information and communications technology 8. In the major features of the new economy where does management use language: to produce reports, to make plans, to send memos, to conduct meetings 9. Is it true that the challenge of global poverty is more urgent than ever: yes 10. Why is it said that the future of work will no longer be defined by organizational structures: work will increasingly be about tasks, and how we organize ourselves around performing those tasks together Pagina di 19 50
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