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Inglese Magistrale LM-56 Unicusano (anche per English For Business), Prove d'esame di Lingua Inglese

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Scarica Inglese Magistrale LM-56 Unicusano (anche per English For Business) e più Prove d'esame in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! INGLESE ESAME 9/6 CFU LM-56 Unicusano Materia a scelta ……..are 20 people in my office.There …….the light and go to sleep’. switch off ….. your brother play the guitar?Does At the moment she ..................... him an email. is sending Are you hot? I …… open the window. will open As we left, it was raining .........heavily BEFORE YOU GO OUT TOMORROW, WATCH THE WEATHER ...... ON TV: Forecast BEFORE WE EAT CAN YOU HELP ME .... THE TABLE? : Lay BETWEEN THE TWO GARDENS WAS A......... WALL: Four foot high Can you.................... the window, please? open Can you ……. me £10 until Friday? Lend Choose the correct sentence: He’d never eaten a really good pizza until he went to Italy Choose the right verb form: I was sure I had seen her before Choose the correct sentence ….he will have the car he damaged repaired, won’t he? Choose the simple past of the verb “fail “ felt Choose the add one out: FOX Choose the appropriate compound word for the combination adjective-noun. greenhouse Compounds…..Sightsee DAVID LEFT SCHOOLA YEAR: Ago Do you ……much exercise? do FOOTBALL IS…….INTERESTING THAN TENNIS: More Frequency adverbs…..I usually finish work at half past five. Frequency adverbs .......... They always stay in the same hotel Frequency adverbs ......... She never works on Saturdays Frequency adverbs .... I am often at home in the evenings Frequency adverbs ......... I will always remember you Have you ever …… Indian food?Eaten Have you ever been to Paris? Yes, I ‘ve been there last summer. He answers the phone and talks to visitors. He’s a …….receptionist He drove the car into the ....... garage Her husband studied law, and is now a famous ............barrister He loves her and she loves him. They love ......... each other He is looking forward ................. on holiday next going He put the money in his ........ wallet He .......................swimming on Tuesdays.always goes He ……his homework after every lesson.Does He to be at the airport at 10.30. has He ……a photograph of her in front of the Kremlin…took He ……a photo of us in front of the Colosseum. took HE LOVES HER AND SHE LOVES HIM. THEY LOVE: Each other HE IS LOOKING FORWARD ....................... ON HOLIDAY NEXT WEEK: To going HER HOUSBAND STUDIED LOW, AND IS NOW A FAMOUS: Barrister His latest film isn’t ........................ his last good as HOW ….COFFE DO YOU DRINK IN A DAY?: Much How long ...................... Sandra? have you known HOW LONG …. FOR ME?: Have you been waiting How pasta do you eat in a week? much HURRY UP! WE HAVNT GOT……TIME: Much I always ................ coffee for breakfast.have I am younger ...................... my sister.than I am older ..................... my sister. than I CANT SEE YOU TOMORROW BECAUSE…..TENNIS: Im playing I can’t come with you. I… dinner with some friends.. Am Having I can speak ……… French I don’t think it ................... tomorrow. will rain I felt very yesterday when I failed an exam. Depressed I’m afraid I .......................... what you are saying. don’t understand I M AFRAID I ................ WITH YOU: Dont agree I’m bored. I don’t have ..................... to do. anything I ....................... work today. It’s a holiday. don’t have to I ................... at the moment because I’m on holiday. am not studying I….GET UP EARLY TOMORROW BECAUSE ITS SUNDAY: Dont’have to I ................... here since 8 this morning. have been I ……TO LONDON: Have never been I…….work today. It’s a public holiday. don’t have to I missed the bus. Can you ............................ for the night? put me up I played football for two hours yesterday. Today my legs are really ........ stiff I usually ……. a sandwich at lunchtime.Have I understood ....................... he said.almost everything I’ve been playing tennis.....................I was six years old. Since If you don’t feel well, you ...................... go home to bed. should If I ……time I’ll call her tomorrow. have IF YOU DONT PASS AN EXAM , YOU ...... IT: Fail Match the word “The Market Research department” with the right definition:It is responsible for finding out customers’ needs, market changes and the impact of competitors’ actions. It will report on these to the Marketing Director and this information will be used to help make decisions about: research and development of new products, pricing levels, sales strategies and promotion strategies Match the word “The Promotion department” with the right definition: It deals with organising the advertising for products. It arranges for advertisements to be produced. For example, adverts are filmed if they are to be on television, or designed if they are to be in newspapers. It also decides on the types of promotion that will be included in campaigns. It will have a marketing budget – a fixed amount of money to spend. It has to decide which types of advertising media will be the most effective to use because there will be a certain amount to spend Match the word “Mass market” with the right definition:It is where there is a very large number of sales of a product. Many people in the population will buy this product, for example aspirin, washing powder or soap. Products are designed to appeal to the whole market and therefore advertising and promotions are intended to appeal to most customers Match the word “Niche market” with the right definition:It is a small, usually specialised, segment of a much larger market. Its products are sold bysmall firms as they have too few sales for large firms to bother with Match the word “Market segment” with the right definition: It is when a market is broken down into sub- groups which share similar characteristics. For example, chocolates are eaten by young children, teenagers and adults of both sexes. Different brands of chocolates will appeal to these different groups of people. A marketing department will divide the whole market into different groups and categories Match the word “Receptionist” with the right definition: I am really the first person visitors see when they walk in through the door, so I have to look good, be polite and efficient, and pass them on to the right person. I answer the phone, issue visitors’ passes, organise meeting rooms and make sure that mail and other messages are distributed correctly. Match the word “Marketing assistant” with the right definition:I work as part of a team promoting the company’s products. We have a budget for advertising and promotion and we work with outside agencies to design effective promotional campaigns Match the word “Accountant” with the right definition: My main responsibilities are to keep financial records, make sure the company pays its taxesby the deadlines and supervise how funds are used. I deal with financial paperwork, and looking after budgeting and planning any future investment Match the word “Human resources administrator” with the right definition: I help to recruit new employees, keep staff records and reports, help to plan staff-training, and organiseteam-building activities. I also participate in evaluating the performance of junior members of staff Match the word “Logistics controller” with the right definition: My job involves ensuring that goods are transported to and from our factories and warehouses in an efficient and co-ordinated way. In other words, I’m responsible for goods arriving at their destination on time and in good condition Match the word “Democratic leadership” with the right definition: gets other employees involved in the decision-making process Match the word “Laissez-faire leadership” with the right definition: makes the broad objectives of the business known to employees, but then they are left to make their own decisions and organise their own work Match the word “Self-awareness” with the right definition: knowing one’s strengths, weaknesses, drives, values, and impact on others Match the word “Self-regulation” with the right definition: controlling or redirecting disruptive impulses and moods Match the word “Motivation” with the right definition: relishing achievement for its own sake Match the word “Empathy” with the right definition: understanding other people’s emotional makeup Match the word “Social skill” with the right definition: building rapport with others to move them in desired directions Match the word “Launch” with the right definition: Start selling for the first time Match the word “Ploys” with the right definition: Tactics/tricks Match the word “Hype” with the right definition: Publicise strongly Match the word “Hits” with the right definition: Visits to a website Match the word “Brand awareness” with the right definition: Knowledge that a certain brand exists Match the word “Market share” with the right definition: How much of the market is taken by a particular product Match the word “Investors” with the right definition: People who put money into something in order to make a profit or get an advantage Match the word “Lucrative” with the right definition: Producing a lot of money Match the word “Trademark” with the right definition: A name or a symbol which is put on a product to show that it is made by a particular producer and whichcannot be legally used by any other producer Match the word “Outlets” with the right definition: Shops that are owned by a particular company and that sell the goods which the company has produced Match the word “Supply Chain” with the right definition: The system of people and things that are involved in getting a product from the place where it is made to the person who buys it Match the word “Concept” with the right definition: An idea Match the word “Asset” with the right definition: Something valuable belonging to an organisation which can be used for the payment of debts Match the word “Liability” with the right definition: Debt Match the word “Tax” with the right definition: Money paid to the government, which is based on your income or profits Match the word “Costs” with the right definition: The money you need to spend to keep an organisation functioning Match the word “Credit” with the right definition: A method of paying for goods or services at a later time, usually paying interest as well as the original money Match the word “Venture capital” with the right definition: Investment from companies which specialise in high-risk new businesses Match the word “Producer goods” with the right definition: These are goods that are produced for other businesses to use. They are bought to help with the production process. Examples include lorries, machinery and components Match the word “Consumer goods” with the right definition: These are goods which are consumed by people. They can be goods that do not last long, such as food and cleaning materials. Some goods last a relatively long time and give enjoyment over a long time, suchas furniture and computers Match the word “Producer services” with the right definition: These are services that are produced to help other businesses. Examples include accounting, insuranceand advertising agencies Match the word “Consumer services” with the right definition : These are services that are produced for people. Examples include repairing cars, hairdressing and education Our office...................... every day …is not cleaned On Saturday I ……… a great film. Saw PARENTS ……. CHILDREN: Bring up Paul left work an hour ........ago PIZZA …..WITH FLOUR AND WATER: Is made Present Perfect vs Past Simple….. Did you see Alan last week? Present Perfect vs Past Simple Have you ever been to the United States? Present Perfect vs Past Simple Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty for many years. Present Perfect vs Past Simple When did they get married? Present Perfect vs Past Simple How long have you known her? Present Perfect vs Past Simple We haven’t seen them since 1998. Present Perfect vs Past Simple It’s two months since he last had that watch. Present Perfect vs Past Simple He has had that watch since Christmas. Present Perfect vs Past Simple Life was very different a hundred years ago. Present Perfect vs Past Simple Where have you been recently? Question tags….Peter works in a shop, doesn’t he? Question tags……. You are Italian, aren’t you? Question tags……. They can speak German, can’t they? Question tags……. It will be easy to do it, won’t it? Question tags……. I am right, aren’t I? Question tags……. We don’t go to the cinema once a week, do we? Question tags……. She isn’t from Argentina, is she? Question tags…….Your brother hasn’t got a scooter, has he? Question tags…….You usually drive to work, don’t you? Question tags…….They never come here, do they? Risotto......................with rice. is made Roger never does any work. He’s very .......lazy Simple Present vs Present Continuous….The café opens at 7.30 in the morning. Which word is an adjective? Nice Who is an “employee”? Someone who is paid to work for someone else WHAT ..........TO DO NEXT SUMMER?: Are you going ‘What’s the time?’ ‘sorry, I don’t have a …….watch WE COULDNT BUY ANY FOODS BECAUSE ….. THE SHOPS WERE OPEN: None of WE FLEW TO MILAN AND THEN ….TO VENICE: Drove We flew to Milan and then ................... to Venice. drove We …… to Milan and then drove to Venice .... flew We the match tomorrow. Do you want to come? are going We ...................To France last summer. :went WE WILL HAVE TO ……THE MEETING UNTIL NEXT TUESDAY: Put off We …… to Milan and then drove to Venice...flew Which bus should I .................. ? catch ‘What are you doing after university?’ ‘I’m not sure. I think I ............................ go abroad. Will WHAT DO YOU WANT……TONIGHT?: To do WHAT …ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON?: Are you going to do What …… tomorrow afternoon? are you going to do What....................... do on your birthday?would you like What time does your plane…. ? take off When….to Milan? did you go WHEN BUTTER IS MONTHS OLD, IT BECOMES…..: Rancid WHEN I ARRIVED THERE PAUL ……. ALREADY LEFT: Had When I arrived, they ……… TV… were watching When the traffic light is red, you ...................... stop. :must When you come to the party, ...................... a bottle of wine. Bring When you come to the meeting, ...................... Mary with you. bring When he ..................... school, he will look for a job. Leaves When she ……… university, she will try to find a job. leaves When you go to the party, I hope you will .......... have a good time Where..................Einstein born? was WHO S THAT GIRL WITH JHON?: Thats Rebecca Whose book is that? It’s ………his Yesterday I ....................up at seven o’clock. :woke YOU CAN BUY MEDICINE AT A: Chemist’s You pay to go into museums in Britain. They’re free. don’t have to … Tony when you were at the conference? Did you see B have you see Present and Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Translation Abide Abode Abode Stare Arise Arose Arisen Sgorgare Awake Awoke/awaked awoken/awaked Svegliare Be Was/Were Been Bear Bore born Sopportare Beat Beat beaten Battere Become Became become Diventare Begin Began begun Cominciare Bend Bent bent curvare, piegare Bet Bet/Betted bet/betted Scommettere Bid Bid bid fare un'offerta Bind Bound bound Legare Bite Bit bitten Mordere Bleed Bled bled Sanguinare Blow (OUT)- Blew blown Soffiare Break Broke broken Rompere Breed Bred bred Allevare Bring Brought brought Accompagnare Build Built built Costruire Burn Burnt/Burned Burnt/burned Bruciare Burst Burst burst Scoppiare Buy Bought bought Comprare Cast Cast cast lanciare (un dado) Catch Caught caught ottenere (prendere) Choose Chose chosen Scegliere Cling Clung clung Afferrare Come Came come Venire Cost Cost cost Costare Creep Crept crept Strisciare Cut Cut cut eliminare, tagliare Deal Dealt dealt gestire (trattare) Dig Dug dug Scavare Do Did done Fare Draw Drew drawn Tirare Dream Dreamt/Dreamed dreamt/dreamed Sognare Drink Drank drunk Bere Drive Drove driven Guidare Dwell Dwelt/Dwelled Dwelt/dwelled Dimorare Eat Ate eaten Mangiare Fall Fell fallen Cadere Feed Fed fed Nutrire Feel Felt felt Sentire Fight Fought fought Combattere Find Found found Trovare Flee Fled fled Fuggire Fling Flung flung lanciare (con forza) Fly Flew flown Volare Forbid Forbade forbidden Vietare Forget Forgot forgotten Dimenticare Forgive Forgave forgiven Perdonare Freeze Froze frozen Ghiacciare Get Got got ottenere, diventare Give Gave given Dare Go Went gone Andare Grind Ground ground Macinare Grow Grew grown produrre (coltivare) Hang Hung hung Appendere Have Had had Avere Hear Heard heard Udire Hide Hid hidden Nascondere Hit Hit hit percuotere, colpire Hold Held held Tenere Hurt Hurt hurt fare male Keep Kept kept Conservare Steal Stole stolen rubare Stick Stuck stuck appiccicare Sting Stung stung pungere Stink Stank stunk puzzare Stride Strode stridden avanzare a grandi passi Strike Struck struck colpire Strive Strove striven sforzarsi Swear Swore sworn giurare Sweep Swept swept spazzare Swell Swelled swollen/swelled gonfiare Swim Swam swum nuotare Swing Swung swung dondolare Take Took taken prendere Teach Taught taught insegnare Tear Tore torn lacerare Tell Told told dire, raccontare Think Thought thought pensare Throw Threw thrown gettare, slanciare Thrust Thrust thrust ficcare, forzare Tread Trod trodden calpestare Undergo Underwent undergone subire Under stand Understood understood capire Upset Upset Upset preoccupare Wake Woke/Waked woken/waked svegliarsi Wear Wore Worn indossare Weave Wove Woven tessere Weep Wept Wept piangere Win Won Won vincere Wind Wound Wound serpeggiare Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn ritirarsi Wring Wrung Wrung torcere Write Wrote Written scrivere PLANNING PIANIFICARE It involves selecting missions and objectives and the actions to achieve them. It requires decision-making, that is to say choosing future courses of action from among alternatives. Implica la selezione di missioni e obiettivi e le azioni per raggiungerli. Richiede il processo decisionale, vale a dire la scelta delle future lineed'azione tra le alternative. ORGANIZING ORGANIZZARE It is that part of management that involves establishing an intentional structure of roles for people. Intentional in that all tasks necessary to accomplish goals are assigned and assigned to people who can do them best. È quella parte della gestione che implica la creazione di una strutturaintenzionale di ruoli per le persone. Intenzionale in quanto tutte le attività necessarie per raggiungere gli obiettivi sono assegnate e assegnate a persone che possono realizzarle al meglio STAFFING ASSUMERE It involves filling, and keeping filled, the positions in the organization structure. Consiste nel ricoprire e mantenere occupati gli incarichi nella struttura organizzativa. CONTROLLING CONTROLLARE It is a never-ending task of management. Managers must try to measure and evaluate the work of all individuals and groups to make sure that they are on target and that events conform to plans. È un compito infinito di gestione. I manager devono cercare di misurare e valutare il lavoro di tutti gli individui e gruppi per assicurarsi chesiano sull'obiettivo e che gli eventi siano conformi ai piani. LEADING DIRIGERE /GUIDARE It is the influencing of people so that they will contribute to organization and group goals. È l'influenza delle persone affinché contribuiscano all'organizzazione eagli obiettivi del gruppo. COORDINATING COORDINARE It means “bringing together”, “bringing people in the organisation together”. It is the essence of manager-ship for achieving harmony among individual efforts toward the accomplishment of group goals. Significa “riunire”, “riunire le persone nell'organizzazione”. È l'essenza della gestione per raggiungere l'armonia tra gli sforziindividuali verso il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di gruppo. Managers require four main kinds of skills a) It is the ability to work with people; it is cooperative effort; it is teamwork. HUMAN b) It is the ability to serve the “big picture”. CONCEPTUAL c) It is the knowledge of and proficiency in activities involving methods, processes, andprocedures. TECHNICAL d) It is the ability to work out a practical solution to a problem and solve it in ways that willbenefit the enterprise. DESIGN 1 Why is it important to have good managers?  To motivate employees.  To give guidance and advice to employees they manage.  To inspire employees they manage to achieve more than they thought possible.  To keep costs under control.  To increase profitability of the business Management and leadership are often interchanged within the business world; however they are two very distinct skills. Manager Leader • Scheduling work • Delegating tasks • Use analytical data to support recommendations • Ensuring predictability • Co-ordinate effort • Co-ordinate resources • Give orders and instructions • Guide progress • Evaluate progress • Check task completion • Monitor budgets, tasks etc • Use analytical data to forecast trends • Monitoring progress • Appeal to rational thinking • Plan and prioritise steps to task achievement • Build teams • Provide feedback on performance • Motivating staff • Act as interface between team and outside • Explain goals, plan and roles • Inspiring people • Appeal to peoples’ emotions • Monitor feelings and morale • Create a ‘culture’ • Create a positive team feeling • Ensure effective induction • Provide development opportunities • Unleashing potential • Look ‘over the horizon’ • Take risks • Be a good role model In the 1930s, Kurt Lewin developed a leadership framework based on a leader’s decision-making behaviour. Lewin argued that there are three types of leaders. 1. Autocratic leadership b 2. Democratic leadership a 3. Laissez-faire leadership c 2 gets other employees involved in the decision-making process. Democratic leadership 3 is where the manager expects to be in charge of the business and to have their orders followed. Autocratic leadership 4 makes the broad objectives of the business known to employees, but then they are left tomake their own decisions and organise their own work. Laissez-faire leadership What makes a leader? By Daniel Goleman Every businessperson knows a story about a highly intelligent, highly skilled executive who was promoted into a leadership position only to fail at the 1job. And they also know a story about someone with solid - but not extraordinary - intellectual abilities and technical skills who was promoted into a similar position and then soared. Such anecdotes support the widespread belief that identifying individuals with the "right stuff" to be2leaders is more art than science. After all, the personal styles of superb leaders vary: Some leaders are subdued and analytical; others shout their manifestos from the mountaintops. And just as important, different situations call for different types of 3ledership. Most mergers need a sensitive negotiator at the helm, whereas many turnarounds require a more forceful authority. I have found, however, that the most effective leaders are alike in one crucial way: They all have a high degree of what has come to be known as 4emotional intelligence. It's not that IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and technical skills are irrelevant. They do matter, but mainly as "threshold capabilities";  satisfy customer needs in order to achieve sales of their goods or services. Customers want the right product, in the right place and at the right price. Failure to do this, or to do it less well than competitors, will lead to the failure of the business.  maintain customer loyalty by building customer relationships. Keeping close links with customers and finding out if products or services are continuing to meet their needs will helpto ensure the success of the business. If customers change their expectations of what they want from a good or service then the business should respond to meet these new needs. This will be identified by maintaining close relationships with customers. It is very important to keep existing customers (customer loyalty) and not just concentrate on attracting new ones.It is much cheaper to try to keep existing customers (for example, with loyalty cards) than trying to gain new customers.  gain information about customers to meet their changing needs and to establish a long- term relationship with them. This is one of the most important roles of the Marketing department today. Building a relationship with customers means that market research information can be used to understand why customers buy products and how they use them. This makes for better and more effective marketing.  anticipate changes in customer needs by identifying new trends in customer demand or gaps in the market so that businesses can produce goods or services which are not currently available. In order to maintain its market share and remain successful, a business may need to:  maintain good customer relationships – this has a key role in continuing to meet customer needs and it also provides market research information about customers. Marketing departments which become experts on customer needs will respond to these needs and maintain customer loyalty. It has been shown that it is often cheaper to keep existing customers than gain new ones.  keep improving its existing product – this is especially true if its competitors improve their products. By making the goods it sells very different from those produced by competitors the business will become well known for differentiated products. Apple is a good example of a company that reacts to increased competition by making even more advanced products.  bring out new products to keep customers’ interest – in their company rather than their competitors. This will help them to maintain, or even increase, their market share. An example of this would be Microsoft, which keeps on improving and developing its operatingsystems.  keep costs low to maintain competitiveness – as this should help keep low prices. 1. It is where there is a very large number of sales of a product. Many people in the population will buy this product, for example aspirin, washing powder or soap. Products are designed to appeal to the whole market and therefore advertising and promotions are intended to appeal to most customers. Mass market 2. It is a small, usually specialised, segment of a much larger market. Its products are sold by small firms as they have too few sales for large firms to bother with. Nichemarket It is when a market is broken down into sub-groups which share similar characteristics. For example, chocolates are eaten by young children, teenagers and adults of both sexes. Different brands of chocolates will appeal to these different groups of people. A marketingdepartment will divide the whole market into different groups and categories. Market segment  Product. This applies to the product itself, its design, quality and packaging.  Price. This is the price at which the product is sold. A comparison must be made with the prices of competitors’ products. Price should, in the long run, cover costs.  Place. This refers to the channels of distribution that are selected, that is to say, the method of getting the product to the market (the manufacturer will decide to sell their product to shopswho sell to the public, or to wholesalers, or direct to the consumers).  Promotion. This is how the product is advertised and promoted. a) How much of the market is taken by a particular product Market share b) Knowledge that a certain brand exists Brand awareness c) Publicise strongly Hype d) Tactics/tricks Ploys e) Visits to a website Hits f) Start selling for the first time Launch 1. A large amount of money used for starting a new business. Capital 2. A name or a symbol which is put on a product to show that it is made by a particularproducerand which cannot be legally used by any other producer. Trademark 3. People who put money into something in order to make a profit or get an advantage. Investors 4. Shops that are owned by a particular company and that sell the goods which the companyhasproduced. Outlets 5. An idea. Concept 6. Producing a lot of money. Lucrative 7. The activity of selling goods to the public, usually in small quantities. Retail 8. The system of people and things that are involved in getting a product from the placewhereit is made to the person who buys it. Supply chain 9. The total income that a company receives regularly. Gross revenue 10. Useful or valuable possessions. Resources a. Debt. Liability b. Money which is earned after paying the costs of producing and selling goods and services. Profit c. Money paid to the government, which is based on your income or profits. Tax d. Something valuable belonging to an organisation which can be used for the payment ofdebts. Asset e. A method of paying for goods or services at a later time, usually paying interest as well as theoriginal money. Credit f. The amount that a bank charges on money that it lends. Interest rate g. The money you need to spend to keep an organisation functioning. Costs h. The total amount of money received from sales of goods and services. Turnover i. Investment from companies which specialise in high-risk new businesses. Venture capital 1. These are goods which are consumed by people. They can be goods that do not last long, such as food and cleaning materials. Some goods last a relatively long time and give enjoyment over a long time, such as furniture and computers. Consumer goods 2. These are services that are produced for people. Examples include repairing cars, hairdressingand education. Consumer services 3. These are goods that are produced for other businesses to use. They are bought to help with the production process. Examples include lorries, machinery and components. Producer goods 4. These are services that are produced to help other businesses. Examples include accounting, insurance and advertising agencies. Producer services Defining the type of product the business is producing is important when deciding how the product will be developed and marketed. Producing the right product at the right price is an important part of the marketing mix.  The product needs to satisfy consumer wants and needs. If it does not then it will not sell.  The product also needs to be of right quality so the price is what consumers are willing to pay.  The costs of production must enable a price to be set that will produce a reasonable profit.  The design of the product is obviously very important. Not only does the quality needto be appropriate for the brand image (high price for high quality, cheaper price for lowerquality) but it also has to last a reasonable length of time. If the product is not reliable and breaks down, then it will get a bad reputation and is unlikely to sell well. Packaginghas to give protection to the product and it has to allow the product to be used easily. a. It is the unique name of a product that distinguishes it from other brands. Brand name b. It is when consumers keep buying the same brand again and again instead ofchoosing acompetitor’s brand. Brand loyalty c. It is an image or identity given to a product which gives it a personality of its own anddistinguishes it from its competitors’ brands. Brand image d. It is the physical container or wrapping for a product and it carries information about it onthelabels. It is also used for promotion and selling appeal. Packaging MODULE 3 The Past Tenses and Used to 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past simple or past continuous to complete the sentences. Sara fell asleep when she was doing (do) her homework. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining (shine) and the birds were singing (sing). My parents chose (choose) this school because it was (be) near our school. Thanks a lot for inviting me to your party. I really enjoyed (enjoy) myself. Some years ago I travelled (travel) to England with a friend. I saw (see) you in the park yesterday. You were sitting (sit) on the grass. I was walking (walk) along the road when I saw (see) him so I stopped (stop) and we had (have) a chat. It was warm, so I took (take) off my coat. I started (start) the job two years ago. Last week I visited (visit) one of our other sites. What were you doing (do) at this time yesterday? I was asleep. Did you go (you/go) last night? No, I was too tired. How fast were you driving (drive) when the accident happened happen). I saw you in town yesterday, but you didn’t see (not/see) me. You were looking (look) the other way. Last night I dropped (drop) a plate when I was doing (do) the washing up. Fortunately it didn’t break (not/break) 2 Complete the sentences with used to + a suitable verb. I don’t travel much now. I used to travel a lot, but I prefer to stay at home these days. I used to live in a small village, but now I live in New York. When you lived in London, did you use to go to the theatre very often? David use to spend a lot of money on clothes. These days he can’t afford it. She she used to be a vegetarian, but now she eats meat sometimes. MODULE 4 The Perfect Tenses: the Present and the Past 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present perfect or past simple. Did you see (you/see) Alan last week? Have you ever been (you/ever/be) to the United States? Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty (be) for many years. When did they get (they/get married)? How long have you known (you/know) her? We haven’t seen (not see) them since 1998. It’s two months since he last had (have) that watch. He has had (have) that watch since Christmas. Life was (be) very different a hundred years ago. Where have you been recently (you/be/recently) ? 2 Put the verb in the present perfect or the present perfect continuous. Since they were young, the children have enjoyed (enjoy) travelling by plane. I have never understood (never understand) why we have to pay so much tax. In recent years, Brazilian companies have been putting (put) a lot of money into developing advanced technology. It has been raining (rain) since I got up this morning. Henry has been living (live) in California for three years. 3) Underline the correct answer. Alice felt very pleased with herself. She had found/found what she was looking for. By the time I got back to the bathroom, the bath had overflowed/overflowed. I was just about to leave when I had remembered/remembered my briefcase. In a surprise move, the Prime Minister had resigned/resigned last night. She walked into the station only to find that the train had left/left. 4) Choose the past perfect continuous form of the verb if appropriate. If not use the past perfect. Sometimes both tenses are possible. I had seen(see) the view many times before, but it never failed to impress me. For years we hod been talking/had talked.(talk) about buying new carpets, and last weekend we finally went out and ordered some. My car was once again in the garage for repairs. This was the third time it had broken down (break down) since I got it. Before now we had always agreed (always agree) on where to go on holiday. The opposing sides in the war had been fighting/had fought (fight) since the president was overthrown. 5) Revision: Complete the story below by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct past tenses. More than one answer may be possible. It was a cold day. All Tim’s friends had.already arrived (1 arrive) at Victor’s house by the time he got (2 get) there. It had been raining(3 rain) hard for most of his journey, so he was (4 be) soaked. As soon as he walked.( 5 walk) through the door, Victor’s mother kindly took(6 take) his wet coat from him and laid(7 lay) it on a radiator to dry. Then she quickly went(8 go) back into the kitchen, as she was making.(9 make) their dinner. Tim wandered (10 wander) into the living room where his friends were sitting (11 sit) and chatting (12 chat), and handed (13 hand) over the computer game he had brought (14 bring) for them all to play. Tim had got.(15 get) it as a birthday present last month and was looking forward (16 look) forward to showing it off to his friends. They were(17 be) all amazed when they saw(18 see) it – it was (19 be) the very latest version! ‘Awesome – thanks, Tim!’ they all cried (20 cry). MODULE 5: EXERCISES FUTURE WILL Circle the correct option for each conversation. A: How’s Andrea these days? B: She ‘ll/’s going to have a baby. A: Have you got any plans for tonight? B: Yes, I meet/’m meeting Ryan at 9 0’clock. A: You look rather tired. B: Yes, I think I’m going/’ll go to bed early. A: What time do you have to go home? B: The timetable says the last bus leaves/is leaving at midnight. A: My computer has just crashed! B: Don’t worry. I’m going to/’ll fix it A: The score’s now England 0, Brazil 5! B: Brazil will/are going to win. 1 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. All the sentences are about the future. I will have finished (finish) it before you get back This time tomorrow I will be flying (fly) to New York She will probably come (probably/come) to see you tonight. Careful! That glass is going to (fall)! We will start (start) the meeting as soon as he arrives (arrive). I am/’m having (have) a party on Saturday. Would you like to come? I’ve bought this picture for Karen. Do you think she will like (like) it? We’re late. The film will already have started(already/start) by the time we get to the cinema. Next year they will have been married (be married) for 25 years. Get out of the building! It sounds like the generator Is going to(explode) If you’re ready, I ‘ll explain (explain) how the equipment operates. The next meeting of the committee is (be) on November 5th . The plane will be travelling (travel) at twice the speed of sound when it passes (pass) overhead. After the operation you wont’t be doing (do) any sport for a while. MODULE 8: EXERCISES The Passive Fill in the missing words with the words below to complete the rules for changing active to passive. subject participle object be past participle by Move the object to the beginning of the sentence. Replace the verb with the same tense of the verb be . Add the past participle of the verb. Add any words after the past participle. If you need to, move the subject to the end of the sentence. Connect it using the word by. For each sentence, complete the second one so that it means the same as the first. Use either an active or a passive construction. A great deal of pollution is caused by the motor car. The motor car causes a great deal of pollution. Children are often driven to school by their parents. Parents often drive their children to school. The streets near the school are filled with cars. Cars fill the streets near the school. Too many planes use the airport every day. The airport is used by too many planes every day. Catherine’s car was almost destroyed in the crash. The crash almost destroyed Catherine’s car. The trains were delayed by snow on the line. Snow on the line delayed the trains. They cancelled most of the flights because of the explosions. Most of the flights were cancelled because of the explosion Careless driving kills too many people. Too many people are killed by careless driving. The chairman is taken to work every day in a car. A car takes the chairman to work every day. Somebody stole Charlie’s bicycle last week. Charlie’s bicycle was stolen last week. A light meal was served during the flight. The cabin crew served a light meal during the flight Someone cleaned the windows at school yesterday. The windows at school were cleaned yesterday. You will be told the results as soon as we get them. We’ll tell you the results as soon as we get them The storm has destroyed most of the big trees. Most of the big trees have been destroyed by the storm. Someone must have left the door unlocked last night. The door must have been left unlocked last night. They’re fixing my dad’s car at the moment.My dad’s car is being fixed at the moment The letters are delivered to the office every morning. Someone delivers the letters to the office every morning. You mustn’t take drinks onto the school bus. Drinks mustn’t been taken onto the school bus. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Use the structure have something done. We’re having the house painted. (we/the house/paint) this week. When was the last time You had your hair cut (you/your hair/cut)? Do you have a newspaper delivered (you/a newspaper/deliver) to your house every day, or do you go out and buy one? We’ve had (we/fit) some new cupboards fitted in the kitchen recently. We need to We need to have this document translated (this document/translate) as soon as possible. Sarah has her car serviced (her car/service) once a year. MODULE 9:EXERCISES Collocations, Compounds, Phrasal Verbs and Idioms What do you call …? 1. A shelf for books A bookshelf 2. A train which carries goods A goods train 3. A test to detect drugs A drugs test 4. A case for putting pencils in A pencil case 5. A film lasting two hours A two-hour film 6. The pages of a book that lists the contents . The contents page 7. An expert in robotics A robotics expert 8. A shop which sell toys A toy shop 9. An essay which is four pages long A four-page essay 10. An issue of human rights A human rights issue Combine the words in these two lists to make ten compound nouns. air boy bread tooth tooth tooth play chair sea house man brush ground keeping man ache crumbs friend paste port airport - boyfriend - breadcrumbs -toothpaste -toothbrush -toothache -playground -chairman -seaman -housekeeping Which phrases go with the following verbs? Write the phrases on the correct lines below. Some phrases can go with more than one verb. 1. Do. do your homework your best you good better the washing-up some exercise an exam 2. Make. make a difference friends sure a noise a mess sense 3. Have. have a good time fun a break a shower a party an exam friends some exercise 4. take .take your time a break a photo an exam a shower some exercise your homework your time a good time fun a difference friends a break sure a photo your best a noise an exam a shower a party you good better a mess sense the washing-up some exercise Choose the verbs which go with each group of nouns. Some groups can go with more than one verb. pass spend miss go play cross save catch move change run 1. catch a cold, a bus 2. spend/save money, time 3. miss the bus, your friends 4. go shopping, away on holiday 5. pass/miss an exam 6. play volleyball, the piano 7. cross the road 8. move house 9. change your mind, your clothes 10. run a company, a computer program Use the particles to complete the phrasal verbs, according to the meanings given. across away by down into off out of over through up up with 1. Keep up with understand something that’s changing fast 2. Put off discourage 3. Pick up collect 4. Break down stop working 5. Come across find by chance 6. Fall through plans that fail 7. Get out of avoid doing something you don’t want to 8. Look into investigate, find out more 9. Pull over stop on the side of the road 10. Run away escape 11. Stand by support someone who’s in difficulty exciting disappointed MODULE 11 Adjectives, Adverbs and Exercises 1 Choose the correct word 1. I was disappointing/ 2. Are you interesting/ 3. The new project sounds with the film. I had expected it to be better. in football? /excited. I’m looking forward to working on it. 4. It’s embarrassing/embarrassed when you have to ask people for money. 5. I had never expected to get the job. I was really amazing/amazed when I was offered it. 6. She has really learnt very fast. She has made amazing/amazed progress. 7. Our holiday was too short. The time passed very quick/quickly. 8. Steve doesn’t take risks when he’s driving. He’s always careful/carefully. 9. Sue works continuous/continuously. She never seems to stop. 10. Rachel and Patrick are very happy/happily married. 11. I play tennis, but I’m not very good/well. 12. I tried hard/hardly to remember her name, but I couldn’t. 13. This coat is practically unused. I’ve hard/hardly worn it. 14. I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed early/earlier than usual. 15. It’s cold/colder today than it was yesterday 2 Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct position. 1. An unusual ring (gold) An unusual gold ring 2. An old house (beautiful)_ A beautiful old house 3. Black gloves (leather) Black leather gloves 4. An American film (old) An old American film 5. A long face (thin) A long thin face 6. Big clouds (black) Big black clouds 7. A sunny day (lovely) _ A lovely sunny day 8. An ugly dress (yellow) An ugly yellow dress 9. A wide avenue (long) A long wide avenue 10. A lovely restaurant (little) A lovely little restaurant 3 Write a new sentence with the same meaning using comparatives. 1. Jack is younger than he looks. Jack isn’t Jack isn’t as old as he looks 2. I didn’t spend as much money as you. You You spent more money than me 3. The station was nearer than I thought. The station wasn’t The station wasn’t as far as I thought 4. I go out less than I used to. I don’t I don’t go out as much as I used to/as often as I used to 5. I know them better than you do. You don’t You don’t know them as well as me/as I do 4 Complete the sentences using superlatives. 1. We stayed at The cheapest (cheap) hotel in town. 2. That’s The most boring boring) film I’ve ever seen. 3. Why does he always come to see me at The worst bad) possible time? 4. Which is ì The quickest (quick) – the bus or the train? 5. He’s The most patient patient) person I’ve ever met. interested MODULE 12 Conjunctions and prepositions: exercises 1 Underline the correct word in each sentence. 1. Although/Despite John’s help, Ben still couldn’t operate the camera. 2. So/Because that I don’t forget my books, I’ve put them on the hall table. 3. Although/Because it was raining, Sarah stayed at home. 4. Unless/If Jamie rings, tell him I’ll be back soon. 5. Because/Although he’s a friend, I’m going to help him. 6. Despite/If Karen’s there tonight, I’ll ask her. 2 Link the ideas in these sentences with the following words. So because as and although but despite however 1. I like going swimming and playing football. 2. although I have a long journey to school, I quite like travelling there on the bus. 3. My school has a great swimming pool but we don’t use it very often. 4. I thought I was doing well in maths. however ,my teacher says I need a bit more practice. 5. I’d like to go skateboarding everyday but it’s impossible during term time. 6. I went skateboarding yesterday despite the weather. 7. It was snowing yesterday, So our football match was cancelled. 8. I took my tennis racket because I wanted to play tennis after school. 9. I don’t enjoy running because it’s quite tiring. 10. My teacher’s quite strict, So we mustn’t forget our football boots on sports days! 3 Circle the correct word in each sentence. 1. In spite of/Although my favourite shop is out of town, it’s worth the trip. 2. I go there so/because it’s one of the biggest shops in the area. 3. The shop isn’t too expensive and/although I like the clothes they sell there. 4. I don’t like shopping on my own, so/but I often invite a friend to come with me. 5. I buy a lot of blue things although/because it’s my favourite colour. 6. Yellow doesn’t look good on me, because/so I never buy clothes that colour. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions of time. 1. Our next school holiday is in December. We break up on Monday 18th. 2. I often watch TV at the weekend if it’s cold. I don’t usually go out at night. 3. My favourite programme is at 6 o’clock onTuesdays. 4. I lived in Paris for five years, from 1970 to 1975. 5. Beethoven began his musical education at the age of five. 6. We never see our cat. During the day it sleeps, and it goes out at night. 7. I don’t usually go out in the evening, except on Monday evening, when I go to play basketball. 8. Generations of my family have lived in the same house since 1800. 9. “How long are you staying here?” “ until the end of the month. Then I have to go home.” 10. I mustn’t forget my library books. I must take them back by the 24th. 11. I’m just going out to get a newspaper. If anyone rings, tell them I’ll be back in a few minutes. 12. Are you going away at Easter, or are you staying at home? 13. I met my husband in Wales. at the time, I was working in a travel agent’s. 5 6 Circle the correct word in each sentence. 1. I’ve been studying English for/since I was five. 2. My mobile rang while/during I was sitting on the bus. 3. I have to wait while/until my birthday to open my presents. 4. We looked at lots of objects from/since the 19th century. 5. I went out on my bike several times during/from the weekend. 6. It usually snows in my country throughout/from the whole winter. 7. I haven’t been to the seaside since/for several months – it’s been too cold. MODULE 15 What makes a leader? 1 Management and leadership are often interchanged within the business world; however they are two very distinct skills. Identify which of the following statements describe management behaviour and which describe leadership behaviour. Write one statement under each category. Manager Leader • Scheduling work • Delegating tasks • Use analytical data to support recommendations • Ensuring predictability • Co-ordinate effort • Co-ordinate resources • Give orders and instructions • Guide progress • Evaluate progress • Check task completion • Monitor budgets, tasks etc • Use analytical data to forecast trends • Monitoring progress • Appeal to rational thinking • Plan and prioritise steps to task achievement • Build teams • Provide feedback on performance • Motivating staffAct as interface between team and outside • • Explain goals, plan and roles • Inspiring people • Appeal to peoples’ emotions • Monitor feelings and morale • Create a ‘culture’ • Create a positive team feeling • Ensure effective induction • Provide development opportunities • Unleashing potential • Look ‘over the horizon’ • Take risks • Be a good role model In the 1930s, Kurt Lewin developed a leadership framework based on a leader’s decisionmaking behaviour. Lewin argued that there are three types of leaders. 2 Match each word with a definition. 1. Autocratic leadership B 2. Democratic leadership A 3. Laissez-faire leadership C a) gets other employees involved in the decision-making process. Democratic leadership b) is where the manager expects to be in charge of the business and to have their orders followed. autocratic leadership c) makes the broad objectives of the business known to employees, but then they are left to make their own decisions and organise their own work. Laissez-faire leadership Different business situations often require different leadership styles to be used. For example, a manager may use a democratic style to encourage employees to discuss a production problem and ask for their ideas on how to solve it. However, the same manager may be forced, at times, to use an autocratic style during a crisis. 3 Insert the following words in the gaps in the text below: training job emotional intelligence leadership leaders What makes a leader? By Daniel Goleman Every businessperson knows a story about a highly intelligent, highly skilled executive who was promoted into a leadership position only to fail at the 1 JOB. And they also know a story about someone with solid - but not extraordinary - intellectual abilities and technical skills who was promoted into a similar position and then soared. Such anecdotes support the widespread belief that identifying individuals with the "right stuff" to be 2 LEADERS is more art than science. After all, the personal styles of superb leaders vary: Some leaders are subdued and analytical; others shout their manifestos from the mountaintops. And just as important, different situations call for different types of 3 LEADERSHIP Most mergers need a sensitive negotiator at the helm, whereas many turnarounds require a more forceful authority. I have found, however, that the most effective leaders are alike in one crucial way: They all have a high degree of what has come to be known as 4 EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE It's not that IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and technical skills are irrelevant. They do matter, but mainly as "threshold capabilities"; that is, they are the entry-level requirements for executive positions. But my research, along with other recent studies, clearly shows that emotional intelligence is the sine qua non of leadership. Without it, a person can have the best 5 TRAINING in the world, an incisive, analytical mind, and an endless supply of smart ideas, but he still won't make a great leader. 4 What distinguishes great leaders from merely good ones? It isn’t IQ or technical skills, says Daniel Goleman. It’s emotional intelligence: a group of five skills that enable the best leaders to maximize their own and their followers’ performance. Match the words with the definitions. 1. Self-awareness C 2. Self-regulation E 3. Motivation D 4. Empathy A 5. Social skill B a) understanding other people’s emotional makeup Empathy b) building rapport with others to move them in desired directions Social skill c) knowing one’s strengths, weaknesses, drives, values, and impact on others Self-awareness d) relishing achievement for its own sake Motivation e) controlling or redirecting disruptive impulses and moods Self-regulation 5 Create a Leadership Acrostic. • L Loyal • E Empathetic • A Active • D Directing • E Encouraging • R Reflective • S Selfless • H Honest • I Innovative • P passionate MODULE 16 Jobs and the marketing department 1 Match the statements below with the jobs. 1. My main responsibilities are to keep financial records, make sure the company pays its taxes by the deadlines and supervise how funds are used. I deal with financial paperwork, and looking after budgeting and planning any future investment. Accountant 2. I help to recruit new employees, keep staff records and reports, help to plan staff-training, and organise team-building activities. I also participate in evaluating the performance of junior members of staff. Human resources administrator 3. I work as part of a team promoting the company’s products. We have a budget for advertising and promotion and we work with outside agencies to design effective promotional campaigns. Marketing assistant 4. I am really the first person visitors see when they walk in through the door, so I have to look good, be polite and efficient, and pass them on to the right person. I answer the phone, issue visitors’ passes, organise meeting rooms and make sure that mail and other messages are distributed correctly. Receptionist 5. My job involves ensuring that goods are transported to and from our factories and warehouses in an efficient and co-ordinated way. In other words, I’m responsible for goods arriving at their destination on time and in good condition. Logistics controller 2 Match these definitions with the following words. 1. To plan how much money you will spend on something. Budgeting 2. To persuade someone to work for a company or become a new member of an organisation. Recruit 3. Judging or calculating the quality, importance, amount or value of something. Evaluating 4. Encouraging the popularity or sale of something. Promoting 5. The act of putting money into something to make a profit. Investment 6. Money needed or available to spend on something. Funds 7. How well a person or a machine does a piece of work or an activity. Performance 8. Times or days by which something must be done. Deadlines 3 Match these words with their definitions. 1. Staff C 2. Employee B 3. Member of staff A a) One person who works for a shop, a company. Member of staff b) Someone who is paid to work for someone else. Employee c) The group of people who work for an organisation. Staff The marketing department Most businesses, unless they are very small, will have a Marketing department. In a large public limited company, the Marketing Director will have people responsible for market research of new products, promotion (including promotions and advertising), distribution, pricing and sales. The bigger the company, the more people will be employed in the Marketing department. MODULE 17 The marketing mix The marketing mix is a term which is used to describe all the activities which go into marketing a product or service. The producer might need to find out through market research what customers want from the product, then they may change the product to produce what consumers want. Once this is achieved, the producer has to convince the consumers that their product is the one that they want and that it meets their needs better than any of their competitors’ products. Producers do this by branding their product. This involves giving a product a unique name and packaging. It is then advertised to make consumers believe that it is different to any of the competitors’ brands. The product has to be sold in places that reinforce the brand image. These activities are often summarised as the four Ps: • Product. This applies to the product itself, its design, quality and packaging. • Price. This is the price at which the product is sold. A comparison must be made with the prices of competitors’ products. Price should, in the long run, cover costs. • Place. This refers to the channels of distribution that are selected, that is to say, the method of getting the product to the market (the manufacturer will decide to sell their product to shops who sell to the public, or to wholesalers, or direct to the consumers). • Promotion. This is how the product is advertised and promoted. 1 Which promotional activities do you know? Each part of the marketing mix has to be considered carefully to make sure that it all fits together and one part doesn’t counteract with the other. For example, a high-priced perfume should be wrapped in expensive-looking packaging and advertised by elegant, stunning, glamorous women, but then it should not be sold in supermarkets. If it were, the ‘Place’ would not fit in with the other parts of the marketing mix. Four Ps’ questions for a successful product: • Product - Who will buy it? Who will be the target customers? Design? Packaging? • Price - High? Low? Competitors’ prices? • Place - Where will it be sold? • Promotion - How will potential customers know about it? Risposta Direct mail- Free sample or gifts -Leaflets and brochures - Point-of-sale display - Sponsorship - Television and radio advertising - Internet advertising - Website - Money-off vouchers - Social media -Word of mouth 2 Match these words with their definitions. a) How much of the market is taken by a particular product MARKET SHARE b) Knowledge that a certain brand exists BRAND AWARENESS c) Publicise strongly HYPE d) Tactics/tricks PLOYS e) Visits to a website HITS f) Start selling for the first time LAUNCH 3 Let’s reflect: Choose a product that you have bought. Is it a successful product? Why? Does it have a good design? Does it meet your needs? 4 Match these words with their definitions. 1. A large amount of money used for starting a new business. Capital 2. A name or a symbol which is put on a product to show that it is made by a particular producer and which cannot be legally used by any other producer. Trademark 3. People who put money into something in order to make a profit or get an advantage. Investors 4. Shops that are owned by a particular company and that sell the goods which the company has produced. Outlets 5. An idea. Concept 6. Producing a lot of money. Lucrative 7. The activity of selling goods to the public, usually in small quantities. Retail 8. The system of people and things that are involved in getting a product from the place where it is made to the person who buys it. Supply Chain 9. The total income that a company receives regularly. Gross revenue 10. Useful or valuable possessions. Resources 5 Match these financial terms with their definitions. a. Debt. LIABILITY b. Money which is earned after paying the costs of producing and selling goods and services. PROFIT c. Money paid to the government, which is based on your income or profits. TAX d. Something valuable belonging to an organisation which can be used for the payment of debts. ASSET e. A method of paying for goods or services at a later time, usually paying interest as well as the original money. CREDIT f. The amount that a bank charges on money that it lends. INTEREST RATE g. The money you need to spend to keep an organisation functioning. COSTS h. The total amount of money received from sales of goods and services. TURNOVER i. Investment from companies which specialise in high-risk new businesses. VENTURE CAPITAL The product itself is the most important element in the marketing mix; without it, the rest is pointless. Some businesses are product-oriented, that is, they develop a product and then try to decide who might buy it. Today most companies are market-oriented when developing new products. They spend a lot of money researching consumers’ buying habits, their likes and dislikes, to see if they can design a product which people will want to buy. After deciding the market segment for the product, the other parts of the marketing mix will be determined. Large companies often have a department which spends all its time developing new products. It also looks at competitors’ products to see what they are successfully selling. Being the first into the market with a new product (USP – Unique Selling Point) is a benefit for the business. There are several types of product. Some products are sold to consumers and some can be sold to other producers. In addition to goods, services are also sold to consumers and to other producers. 6 Products are usually grouped into types. Match the types with their definitions. 1. These are goods which are consumed by people. They can be goods that do not last long, such as food and cleaning materials. Some goods last a relatively long time and give enjoyment over a long time, such as furniture and computers. Consumer goods 2. These are services that are produced for people. Examples include repairing cars, hairdressing and education. Consumer services 3. These are goods that are produced for other businesses to use. They are bought to help with the production process. Examples include lorries, machinery and components. Producer goods 4. These are services that are produced to help other businesses. Examples include accounting, insurance and advertising agencies. Producer services Defining the type of product the business is producing is important when deciding how the product will be developed and marketed. Producing the right product at the right price is an important part of the marketing mix.  The product needs to satisfy consumer wants and needs. If it does not then it will not sell.  The product also needs to be of right quality so the price is what consumers are willing to pay.  The costs of production must enable a price to be set that will produce a reasonable profit.  The design of the product is obviously very important. Not only does the quality need to be appropriate for the brand image (high price for high quality, cheaper price for lower quality) but it also has to last a reasonable length of time. If the product is not reliable and breaks down, then it will get a bad reputation and is unlikely to sell well. Packaging has to give protection to the product and it has to allow the product to be used easily. Match the words with their definitions. a. It is the unique name of a product that distinguishes it from other brands. BRAND NAME b. It is when consumers keep buying the same brand again and again instead of choosing a competitor’s brand. BRAND LOYALTY c. It is an image or identity given to a product which gives it a personality of its own and distinguishes it from its competitors’ brands. BRAND IMAGE d. It is the physical container or wrapping for a product and it carries information about it on the labels. It is also used for promotion and selling appeal. PACKAGING
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