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Guide e consigli

La grammatica inglese, Schemi e mappe concettuali di Lingua Inglese

Forme verbali, paradigmi, sostantivi, comparativi

Tipologia: Schemi e mappe concettuali


In vendita dal 02/01/2024

barbara-calvagna 🇮🇹

5 documenti

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Scarica La grammatica inglese e più Schemi e mappe concettuali in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! 1 Inglese I pronomi personali soggetto non possono essere sottintesi Present simple to be: Questo present simple si usa solo con il verbo essere o il verbo avere. Il verbo essere è un verbo principale, detto anche ausiliare ( verbo che accompagna un altro verbo ad esempio io sono stato). Nel present simple tutte le forme hanno la stessa forma tranne la terza persona singolare ( he is, she is, it is ) Forma affermativa Forma negativa Forma interrogativa Forma interrogativa negativa La forma contratta ( i am not ) viene usata per un registro formale quando si parla con qualcuno di più importante mentre la forma non contratta ( i’m not ) è più informale ad esempio quando parliamo con gli amici. I am I am not / I’m not Am i? Aren’t I? You are You are not / you aren’t Are you? Aren’t you? He is He is / he isn’t Is he? Isn’t he? She is She is not/ She isn’t Is she? Isn’t she? It is It is not / it isn’t Is it? Isn’t it? We are We are not/ Are we? Aren’t We? 2 We aren’t You are You are not/ you aren’t Are you? Aren’t you? They are They are not / They aren’t Are they? Aren’t they? Short answers si forma facendo yes/ no + soggetto + ausiliare Yes, he is No, he isn’t Yes, you are No, you aren’t present simple di tutti gli altri verbi È diverso: Forma affermativa Forma negativa Forma interrogativa SOGGETTO + VERBO (alla terza persona si mette la S) SOGGETTO + DO ( per tutte le persone) / DOES ( solo per la terza persona singolare: he, she, it) + NEGAZIONE + INFINITO SENZA TO. Questo non vuole la S perché ce l’ha già il DO. DO/ DOES + SOGGETTO + INFINITO SENZA TO I work I do not ( don’t) work Do i work? You work You do not ( don’t) work Do you work? He works He does not ( doesn’t) work Does he work? 5 2. Elephants ____eat______ leaves and grass. (eat) 3. David's father ____works______ in a hospital. (work) 4. The bank opens at 9.30 and ____closes______ at 4.30. (close) ( la banca, essa, terza persona singolare ) 5. Tom and Jim ____play______ football every day after school. (play) ( terza persona plurale, loro) 6. Mr Jones is a teacher. He _____teaches_____ History. (teach) 7. Our lessons ____start______ at 9.00 and ____finish____ at 3.30. (start / finish) ( le nostre lezioni quindi terza persona plurale) 8. My pen friend ____lives_____ in Japan. (live) 9. Mary and her brother ___watch____ cartoons every Sunday morning. (watch) 10. John ____tidies_____ his room every day. (tidy) Differenza tra present simple e present continuos: Present simple Present continuos - Indica un’azione abitudinaria - Indica un’azione che si sta verificando in questo momento o in corso di svolgimento - Non si mette ING - Si mette ING - Si usa il present simple per raccontare storie, trame di libri, orari di spettacoli, mezzi di trasporto, titoli di giornale. 6 - Io studio inglese—> generica - Sto studiando inglese—> ora Adverbs of frequency Always → sempre Usually→di solito Often → spesso Sometimes→qualche volta Rarely / seldom→raramente Hardy ever → quasi mai Never /ever→mai Never → Affermative I never go to Luca’s Interrogative Have you ever visited Rome Posizione: tra il soggetto e il verbo ( I NEVER GO) l’unica eccezione la fa il Verbo essere in cui l’avverbio si sequenza va messo dopo il verbo. Sei sempre in ritardo → You are always late How often→quanto spesso Present continues: SOGGETTO + VERBO ESSERE + VERBO ALL FORMA IN ING Con la forma negativa, invece, dobbiamo vedere se nella forma positiva c’è un’ausiliare e in quel caso lo dobbiamo negare. I am reading —> l’ausiliare è AM quindi dobbiamo negare questo I am not reading Am i not reading Anche qui ci sono delle particolarità ortografiche ovvero: - I verbi che finiscono in e : si toglie la E e si mette ING —> Dance —> dancing 7 - I verbi che finiscono con la y si mette semplicemente ING—> play —> playing - I monosillabi che terminano per consonante vengono raddoppiati —> swing —> swimming Esercizio —> camping 2.swim —> swimming 3. travel —> traveling ( si può scrivere anche con la doppia L) 4. walk —> walking 5. have —> having 6. write —> writing 7. cook —> cooking 8. shop —> shopping Esercizio n 2 NON DOBBIAMO DIMENTICARE DI METTERCI IL VERBO ESSERE 1 a. I ́m going on holiday. b. Where _____are you going____ ?` 2. a. He ́s cooking dinner. b. What __is he cooking___ ? 3. a. My sister is going to England. b. Who ____is going ( Who funge da soggetto) to England? 4. a. We aren ́t staying in a hotel. b. Where __Are you staying__? 10 2. 1. He always goes to work by car. Yesterday he Went to work by bus. 2. They always get up early. This morning they Got up late. 3. Bill often loses his key. He Lost one last Saturday. 4. I write a letter to Jane every week. Last week I Wrote two letters. 5. She meets her friends every evening. She Met them yesterday evening, too. 6. I usua ad two newspapers every day. I only Read a newspaper yesterday. 7. They come to my house every Friday. Last Friday they Came, too. 1. We usually go to the cinema on Sunday. We Went to the cinema last Sunday, too. 2. Tom always has a shower in the morning. Tom Had a shower this morning, too. 3. They buy a new car every year. Last year they Bought a new car, too. 4. I eat an orange every day. Yesterday I Ate two oranges. 5. We usually do our shopping on Monday. We Did our shopping last Monday, too. 6. Ann often takes photos. Last weekend she Took some photos. Past simple to be Forma affermativa Forma negativa Forma interrogativa Soggetto+ was/ were Soggetto + was/were not Was/ were + soggetto I was You were He was She was It was I was not You were not He was not She was not It was not Was i? Were you? Was he? Was she? Was it? 11 We were You were They were We were not You were not They were not Were it? Were you? Were they? Shorts answers Yes/ no + soggetto + ausiliare Were you at school yesterday? Yes we were No we weren’t Was she at the supermarket, yesterday? Yes she was No she wasn’t Past simple to have Forma affermativa Forma negativa Forma interrogativa Soggetto+ had Soggetto + didn’t have/ Didn’t had Did+soggetto+have I had You had He had She had It had We had You had They had I had not/ didn’t have You had not/ did have He had not/ didn’t have She had not/ didn’t have It had not/ didn’t have We had not/ didn’t have You had not/ didn’t have Did i have? Did you have? Did he have? Did she have? Did it have? Did it have? Did you have? Did they have? 12 They had not/ didn’t have Present perfect Forma affermativa Forma negativa Forma interrogativa Soggetto+ have/has+ participio passato Soggetto + have not/ has not + participio passato Have/has + soggetto+ participio passato Con i verbi regolari bisogna mettere ED mentre con i verbi irregolari bisogna utilizzare la terza colonna del paradigma Con i verbi regolari bisogna mettere ED mentre con i verbi irregolari bisogna utilizzare la terza colonna del paradigma Con i verbi regolari bisogna mettere ED mentre con i verbi irregolari bisogna utilizzare la terza colonna del paradigma I have broken You have broken He has broken She has broken It has broken We have broken You have broken They have broken I haven’t broken You haven’t broken He hasn’t broken She hasn’t broken It hasn’t broken We haven’t broken You haven’t broken They haven’t broken Have i broken? Have you broken? Has he broken? Has she broken? Has it broken? Have it broken? Have you broken? Have they broken? I have never read harry potter ( dato che never è negativo il verbo have deve rimanere alla forma positiva altrimenti sarebbe una doppia negazione)
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