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Lingua inglese mercatorum test domande 2023 4CFU L-LIN/12 banca dati inglese unimercatorum, Prove d'esame di Lingua Inglese

Lingua inglese mercatorum test domande 2023 4CFU L-LIN/12 banca dati inglese unimercatorum. Documento utile per lo svolgimento dell'esame scritto a risposta multipla (quiz).

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Scarica Lingua inglese mercatorum test domande 2023 4CFU L-LIN/12 banca dati inglese unimercatorum e più Prove d'esame in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! DOMANDE E RISPOSTE TEST D’ESAME DI “Lingua inglese” L-LIN/12 – 4 CFU FILE AGGIORNATO A capital latter always follows a period: True A capital letter is used: poper nouns A full stop is used to: end a clause complete idea A good starter: To begin with A linker is used to: Contrast A lot of ha: Un uso piú ampio rispetto a “many” A prepositional phrase is a phrase: That begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or a pronoun An apostrophe is use in: contacted forms An appositive is a word that renames, identifies, or gives more detail about: About a noun or pronoun that it follows in the sentence. An independent clause: can be short Apples … on trees.: grow Are you going to come? Are you playing football tonight? Attraverso quale meccanismo di formazione lessicale (word formation) si formano i termini "unfold" e "misadventure"?: Affixation Bob is .. handsome … him: as/as Bob was proud of … for his new job: Himself Can I borrow your red pen please? Characteristics of a subordinate clause: Cannot stand alone as a simple sentence Characteristics of an independent clause: Expresses a complete thought Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? : Mary is a nice girl, and I like her Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one?: Does she live in a house or in a flat? Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one?: How many languages do you speak? Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one?: Yesterday was hotter than today Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one?: She's taller than her brother Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one?: I'm the youngest in the class Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one?: Exercise 2 is the most difficult in the book Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one?: Are there many students in your class? Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one?: I'm going To The Post Office to buy some stamps Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one?: She's going to have a baby 'Come around meaning': To change one's mind about a thing and agree to something after some persuasion or time Completa in modo corretto la seguente frase: “We'll go by taxi....”: …if it rains Completa in modo corretto la seguente frase: “You would pass the esam....”: …if you studied harder Indicare in quale delle seguenti frasi la “Question Tag” è usata correttamente: It was a terrible experience, wasn't it? Indicare in quale frase utilizzeresti per offrire ad un ospite una tazza di caffè: Would you like a cup of coffee? Indicare per quale delle seguenti funzioni è usata in inglese la preposizione di tempo 'in': Indicare le stagioni Indicare qual è in inglese la preposizione di tempo usata in riferimento ai giorni della settimana: On Indicare quale delle seguenti affermazioni relative agli aggettivi possessivi in lingua inglese è falsa: Sono preceduti da un articolo Indicare quale delle seguenti espressioni avverbiali indica una maggiore frequenza rispetto alle altre: Twice an hour Is there ... milk in the fridge?: Any Italian food is .... than junk food: Better It's important to know the difference beyween a phase and clause to punctuare correctly: True Jacob ... rather have spaghetti for lunch: Would January is ... month of the year: The coldest John … his colleague immediately: Should call La forma affermativa contratta del verbo essere è solitamente usata: Ad un livello più informale di comunicazione La forma interrogativa della frase “Fiona was asleep” è: Was Fiona asleep? La frase “Jason has got a few friends in Boston” significa: Jason ha qualche amico a Boston La frase “Less and less people have a permanent job” significa: Sono sempre meno le persone con un posto fisso La frase ipotetica di secondo tipo (second conditional) viene usata per indicare: Una condizione poco probabile La modalità deontica esprime: Un obbligo nei confronti del destinatario del messaggio La preposizione “from” esprime: Moto da luogo L'affermazione "I live in Rome" risponde alla domanda: Where do you live? L'affermazione "It's mine" risponde alla domanda: Whose umbrella is it? Last summer I …my holiday: Didn't like Last weekend they ... a party: Had Le variazioni ortografiche relative al Present progressive riguardano: Il verbo principale Look! Those cars …: Are going to crash Mary … but I'm not sure: Might come Mary is ... Susan: As intelligent as Mary ... the house at the moment: Is cleaning Mary …to the cinema with her friends: Went Mary…Susan are sisters: And May I ask you a question? Maybe Trump... the elections ! : Will not win Mom, can you give me ... money. I need to buy a new shirt: Some Mr Tayler is my uncle Much é generalmente usato: Con gli uncountable nouns My book is … interesting than yours: More My brother is … than me: Taller My car is …yours: faster than My mother is ... Smith: Mrs Naples is ... crowded than New York: Less Neither Anne nor Ted like swimming! Nel genitivo sassone il possessore: Può essere rappresentato da persone, animali o soggetti inanimati Nella frase ipotetica di primo tipo (first conditional) in lingua inglese, la frase principale è: Al futuro Nell'ambito della "word formation" (formazione lessicale), il fenomeno della conversione può implicare: Un cambiamento ortografico, fonologico e il passaggio da una categoria grammatica ad un'altra Nelle frasi affermative del verbo essere, gli avverbi di frequenza come 'often' e 'rarely' si collocano: Dopo il verbo essere Nelle risposte brevi, gli avverbi di frequenza come 'often' e 'rarely' si collocano: Prima dell' ausiliare 'do'/'does' Our car is white Our story is… interesting than yours: less Passive voice often contains helping words like: am, is, are, was and were, being, been, and be, have, has had, do, does, did, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must, can, and could Per esprimere un'azione pianificata nel futuro useremo: Il Present continuous con valore di futuro Please buy those apples!I would like ... : Some Poni al futuro la seguente frase: “I can't come to the meeting today”: I won't be able to come to the meeting tomorrow Punctuation Mark are: Very important Quale dei seguenti verbi viene usato per esprimere il passato del verbo dovere ("must"): Had to Ralph … his friend at the supermarket: Saw Reverend Martin is a good preacher.He's very kind! Rispetto all'italiano, la coniugazione verbale in lingua inglese risulta semplificata: Nella forma Shall we go for a pizza tonight She dances … : Beautifully She is … girl in the class: the most beautiful She speaks English .. : Fluently Si usa il simple past anziché il present perfect: Quando l'evento descritto nella frase non produce più effetti sul presente Some si usa: Sia per i countable nouns che per gli uncountable nouns Sometimes, a prepositional verb may be mistaken for a: Phrasal Verbs Susan goes to work ... bus: By Susan is ... in the class: The most intelligent Susan seems … : Drunk Tell me … you came home so late: Why The boy ... Is going to Milan is Jack: Who The bus to Eastmont Mall: Is a phrase The Clintons … a bigger house: Would like The intercity train ... at 4 p.m.: Arrives The man was walking … the river: Along The new pub is ... the bank and the supermarket: Between The office... at 9:00 a.m.: Opens The phone rang while I ...: Was cooking The plane ... off at 4:30 a.m.: Takes The soup tasted...: Good The students ... a power point for their French lesson: Were preparing The sun… early in the morning: rises The weather in London is usually horrible … January: In The … Toys are all broken: Children's There is …bread on the table: Some There isn't … cheese in the fridge: Much There's... sugar in my tea: Too much These books are hers These oranges are delicious They look … their friends: more fashionable than They usually... pizza with their family: Eat They.... any money: Haven't got This color is … theirs: darker than This is …doll of my collection: The least beautiful This is …book: My This is.... book: John's Those are Mary's children 'To be up to' meaning: To be in the midst of doing or planning To find the subject: Find who or what does the action Uses of comma: separate items in a list Using active voice in content marketing helps to: brevity We are going out ... our friends: With We are... from the trip: Completely exhausted We can… go to the cinema … the theater: Either / or We... a letter now: Are reading We... for our holidays tomorrow morning: Are leaving What are the advantages of using passive voice: emphasizes the Action What color is your shirt? are you….the radio or shall i switch it off? Listening to as a child i…up in new york grew ATTRAVERSO QUALE MECCANISMO DI FORMAZIONE LESSICALE (WORD FORMATION) SI FORMANO I TERMINI “UNFOLD” E “MASADVENTURE”: Affixation bob is ....handsome....him as/as bob was proud of for his new job himself CHOOSING THE CORRECT SENTENCE. ONE SENTECE IS CORRECT. WHICH ONE? a. She’s going to have a baby CHOOSING THE CORRECT SENTENCE. ONE SENTECE IS CORRECT. WHICH ONE?""a. I’m going to the post office to buy some stamps" CHOOSING THE CORRECT SENTENCE. ONE SENTECE IS CORRECT. WHICH ONE?” "a. Exercise 2 is the most difficult in the book" CHOOSING THE CORRECT SENTENCE. ONE SENTECE IS CORRECT. WHICH ONE?” "a. She’s taller than her brother" CHOOSING THE CORRECT SENTENCE. ONE SENTECE IS CORRECT. WHICH ONE?” "b. Are there many students in your class?" CHOOSING THE CORRECT SENTENCE. ONE SENTECE IS CORRECT. WHICH ONE?” "b. How many leanguages do you speak?" CHOOSING THE CORRECT SENTENCE. ONE SENTECE IS CORRECT. WHICH ONE?” "b. I’m the youngest in the class" CHOOSING THE CORRECT SENTENCE. ONE SENTECE IS CORRECT. WHICH ONE?” "b. Mary is a nice girl, and I like her" CHOOSING THE CORRECT SENTENCE. ONE SENTECE IS CORRECT. WHICH ONE?” "b. Yesterday was hotter than today" CHOOSING THE CORRECT SENTENCE. ONE SENTECE IS CORRECT. WHICH ONE?” "c. Does she live in a house or in a flat?" Come around meaning: To change one’s mind about a thing and agree to something after some persuasion or time Come tradurresti la frase Kevin è il maggiore di tre figli? Kevin is the eldest of three sons COMPLETA IN MODO CORRETTO LA SEGUENTE FRASE “WE’LL GO BY TAXI”: c. It if rains COMPLETA IN MODO CORRETTO LA SEGUENTE FRASE “YOU WOULD PASS THE ESAM”: b. If you studied harded COMPLETA LA SEGUENTE FRASE "THE HOTEL RESTAURANT WAS…": b. On the second floor Completare: I was driving to the post office when i saw Giorgio Could you please go and get … chair from next door? Another DAVID…HIS HOMEWORK EVERY DAY:d. Has to do DELLA SETTIMANA: On Don’t use a question mark in: come here english is not .......... german as difficult than every day has to do David every day rose..housework does Example of a independent clause is: Henry walked home school Get over meaning: Both 1 and 2 give......his book! him have we got . . for the party? enough drinks have you left? any he drives. badly he told interesting story. us himself david . . . . .his homework his homework every day has to do hurry up!we haven't got. . time any i very well today don't feel i .... a delicious cake yesterday made i .... you if you marry me will always love i ........i could go to rome wish i ......a bad headache today. have got i work before eight won't be i friend at the market every day. see i .....a black cat running down the street saw i .....i could eat these biscuits wish i a cup of tea would i .....ride a bike when i was a little boy used to i ...born in new york: was 2 i homework every day do I …MY HOMEWORK EVERY DAY:” "Do” i am going ..naples now to i bought jacket a I bought a new jacket I can’t come to the meeting today..futuro..: i cut ......chopping the vegetables:myself i didn't...breakfast this morning have i don' study english anymore! want i homework almost finished i like spinach.i don't like carrots but i my opinion ferrari is. in europe the best i often........with my friends go out i remember the day we first met when I showed them how.. The computer to use I sostantivi non numerabili hanno solo la forma singolare (es. milk, non può essere messo un numero) I SOSTANTIVI NON NUMERABILI: hanno solo la forma singolare i think he is of all the least talented i think robert de niro is...fascinating actor the most i think they...the match .... will win i took my coat, wasn't cold although I will not be responsable…what happens for I WON’T BE ABLE TO COME to the meeting tomorrow i...a bad headache todayhave got i...a black cat running down the street Saw I...a delicious cake yesterday made work before eight won't be i...born in new york was i...could eat these biscuits wish i...i could go to rome wish a cup of tea would i…football tomorrow am playing i...i could go to rome wish a cup of tea would friend at the market every day.see homework every day do homework every day do i...ride a bike when i was a little boy used to i…to this music for hours. it is so beautiful. would listen i…very well today don't feel if you marry me will always love i' ll meet you.five o' clock: at i'm afraid it.... a long meeting will be I’m the class the youngest Identify the phrasal verb in the following sentence it appears to me that you have thoroughly up the case again: mucked up if i…more money, i . .a new car. had/would buy if i…money, i.a new house had/would buy if i...a lottery, i. ...the poor won/would help if, i... a new house had/would buy if i...more money, i...a new car. had/would buy if it is bad weather, i. ...out : will not go if mary. . . ..more, she .better marks studied/would get if susan. . . ...more, she .the exam studied/would pass 3 if we…younger, i… around the world were/ would travel if you arrive late, i …! will leave if you try hard you …succeed will if you want…sensible advice, go to jack some IL FUTURO CON “TO BE GOING TO” SI USA PER: Indicare l’intenzione di compiere un’azione futura Il futuro con TO BE GOING TO si usa per indicare l’intenzione di compiere un’azione futura Il meccanismo lessicale unfold e misadventure: affixation (affix=un, mis..) Il paradigma di un verbo irregolare è sempre composto da tre elementi IL PASSATO DEI VERBI REGOLARI: Si forma aggiungendo la desinenza -ed alla forma base del verbo Il PAST CONTINUOUS indica un’azione continuata nel passato (were/was+ing) Il PRESENT PERFECT si forma in base alla seguente struttura: SOGGETTO+ AUSILIARE+ PARTICIPIO PASSATO IL PRESENT PERFECT SI USA: Quando manca un preciso riferimento temporale Il PRESENT PROGRESSIVE viene normalmente usato in inglese per descrivere azioni di natura temporanea (+ in questo momento, azioni programmate nel futuro… TO BE+ ING) IL PRESENT PROGRESSIVE VIENE NORMALMENTE UTILIZZATO IN INGLESE PER DESCRIVERE: Azioni di natura temporanea Il SIMPLE PAST può tradursi in italiano con il passato remoto, passato prossimo o imperfetto IL SIMPLE PRESENT SI FORMA ALLA BASE CON LASEGUENTE STRUTTURA: Soggetto + ausiliare + participio passato IL SIMPLE PRESENT VIENE NORMALMENTE UTILIZZATO IN INGLESE PER DESCRIVERE: Azioni compiute con una determinata frequenza IL SUPERLATIVO DELL’ AGGGETTIVO “BAD” (CATTIVO) E’:d. Worst Il termine environment-friendly è composto da: sostantivo+avverbio IL VERBO " HAVE GOT”: si comporta come il verbo ausiliare IL VERBO CAN è USATO: Per esprimere un’abilità, una capacità, per fare una richiesta o chiedere un permesso IN INGLESE IL PASSATO REMOTO DEL VERBO "PARLARE" E’: Spoke IN INGLESE LA FORMAZIONE DEL SUPERLATIVO: Comporta variazioni morfologiche per gli aggettivi monosillabici e bisillabici IN LINGUA INGLESE LA FORMAZIONE DEL COMPARATIVO DI MAGGIORANZA: Comporta variazioni morfologiche per gli aggettivi monosillabici e bisillabici in my opinion ferrari europe the best In quale delle seguenti frasi la “question tag" è usata correttamente? It was a terrible experience, wasn t it? In the following passive-voice sentence, which group of words is the receiver of the action? The large monument was erected by construction crew last spring: the large monument IN UNA FRASE AL PASSATO, L'ESPRESSIONE "USED TO" (ES. I USED TO SMOKE A LOT 10 YEARS AGO) SERVE AD ESPRIMERE: Un'abitudine del passato che non corrisponde più al presente INDICA COME TRADURRESTI LA FRASE “KEVIN È IL MAGGIORE DEI TRE FIGLI”: Kevin is the lested of three sons INDICA TRA LE QUATTRO LA FRASE CORRETTA: Last month I went to Rom with them INDICARE ATTRAVERSO QUALE MECCANISMO DI FORMAZIONE LESSICALE (WORD FORMATION) SI FORMANO I TERMINI “UNFOLD” E “MASADVENTURE”: Affixation Indicare per quale delle seguenti funzioni è usata in inglese la preposizione in: stagioni INDICARE QUAL'E' IN INGLESE LA PREPOSIZIONE DI TEMPO USATA IN RIFERIMENTO AI GIORNI: On INDICARE QUAL’E’ LA FRASE CORRETTA: Last month, i went to Rome with them INDICARE QUALE DELLE SEGUENTI FRASI LA QUESTION TAG È USATA CORRETTAMENTE:It was a terrible experience, wasn’t it? INDICARE QUALE FRASE UTILIZZERESTI PER OFFRIRE AD UN OSPITE UNA TAZZA DI CAFFE’: Would you like a cup of coffee? INDICARE QUALI DELLE SEGUENTI AFFERMAZIONI RELATIVE AGLI AGGETTIVI POSSESSIVI IN LINGUA INGLESE E’ FALSA: Sono preceduti da un articolo INDICARE QUALI DELLE SEGUENTI ESPRESSIONI AVVERBIALI INDICA UNA MAGGIORE FREQUENZA RISPETTO ALLE ALTRE: twice and hour intelligent as mary is . . lazy her sister less/than is there. . milk in the fridge? any it's cheaper to travel by air in… economy class it’s important to know the difference between a phase and clause to punctuare correctly: True italian food is ..than junk food better jacob....rather have spaghetti for lunch would january is.... month of the year the coldest Jason has got a few friends in Boston significa: Jason ha qualche amico a Boston john and . . mother is french: mary's john. ..his colleague immediately should call 4 the red dress is susan's. it is . our the restaurant. 9. tonight. opens the soup tasted. . good the students ...a power point for their french lesson: were preparing the sun....early in the morning rises the train 8 o' clock leaves the twin towers were..... skyscrapers in the city the highest the weather in london is usually horrible. january: in the…chapter of the book was very boring first the…from London to Berlin is about 919 kilometers distance The…toys are all broken: children's there is ...bread on the table. some there is ...water in the bottle.: some there is....umbrella in the closet an there isn’t...cheese in the fridge much there were…people at the party, there was no room to move so many There’s… sugar in my tea too much they ...playing football at o' clock started they look…their friends: more fashionable than they usually…pizza with their family eat they......any money haven't got they...never to london. have/been they… london. have/been They…outdoors would rather work they...playing football at o' clock started this color is .....theirs darker than this is ..... book john's this is… doll of my collection the least beautiful this my this. . . .be a supermarket before. it be a restaurant: didn' t used to\used to To find the subject: Find who or what does the action Using active voice in content marketing helps to: brevity we are going out…our friends with we are…from the trip completely exhausted we can…go to the cinema… the theater: either\or we didn' hard at the collage use to We… for our holidays tomorrow morning are leaving we........ a letter now are reading we....a nice holiday last christmas had We…all at the party last night were We’ll go by taxi if it rains What are the advantages of using passive voice: emphasizes the Action What do preposition do that particles cannot do in phrasal verbs: Prepositional verbs have a literal meaning; phrasal verbs have an idiomatic meaning. what did the newspaper…about the accident? Say What is the primary difference between prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs: Prepositional verbs have a literal meaning; phrasal verbs have an idiomatic meaning. when i..., they were eating: arrived when she came in, i was watching When the subject of a sentence perform the action of the verb: The sentence is active when you…your destination, you tour guide will meet you at the airport reach When you write in passive voice, your content becomes drawn out and less exciting to read, describes: momentum which choice correctly converts the following active-voice sentence into the passive voice? You should congratulate your sister on her academic achievement: you sister should be congratulated on her academic achievement Which of the following is not a component of a phrasal verb: participle Which of the following sentences is in the active voice: you should always stretch your muscles before exercising 7 Which of the following sentences uses the passive voice?: this scraft was crocheted by my friend while i. . ..down the street, i . .my friend: was walking\met whose bag is.? it is.... this/hers Why do many writers write in passive voice: because it is the most common type of voice use used in academic writing would you like…another piece of cake? to have Yesterday was ...than today hotter yesterday you went to the cinema,. ? didn't you you ........the salad! needn't wash you ....not smoke in the office must You ...smoke in the office must not you like pizza,...?don't you You would pass the exam if you STUDIED harder you. . an aspirin if you have a headache should take YOU...AN ASPIRIN IF YOU HAVE A HEADACHE: Should take 8
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