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Livello A1 di inglese: grammatica e esercizi, Esercizi di Inglese

Regole ed esercizi di inglese per scuole superiori. Impara l’inglese con canzoni, film e serie tv. Divertiamoci!

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Scarica Livello A1 di inglese: grammatica e esercizi e più Esercizi in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! LIVELLO A1 - GRAMMATICA INGLESE ALFABETO INGLESE: LE 26 LETTERE E LA LORO PRONUNCIA LETTERE TRASCRIZIONE FONETICA PRONUNCIA ITALIANA A [ei] EI B [bi:] BI C [si:] SI D [di:] DI E [ i:] I F [ef] EF G [gi:] GI H [eic] EICH I [ai] AI J [gei] GEI K [kei] CHEI L [el] EL M [em] EM N [en] EN O [∂u] OU P [pi:] PI Q [kju:] CHIU R [a:/ar] A/AR S [es] ES T [ti:] TI U [ju:] IU V [vi:] VI W [d^blju:] DABLIU X [eks] ECS Y [wai] UAI Z [zed] ZED Due pronunce per /th/ Esistono due diversi simboli fonetici per th e sono i seguenti: 1. /θ/ - suono sordo, ovvero rappresenta un suono articolato senza la vibrazione delle corde vocali. 2. /ð/ - suono sonoro, l’emissione del suono comporta la vibrazione delle corde vocali. Ecco alcune parole che presentano questi suoni: /θ/ /ð/ thing this thought that three these think those thanks Il suono Schwa: ə Questo simbolo fonetico ha un nome particolare: Schwa ed è molto comune in inglese. Solitamente rappresenta la sillaba non accentata di una parola. Per rendere il suono schwa devi semplicemente aprire la bocca ed emettere il suono. Per esempio: about si legge /əˈbaʊt/ mother si legge /ˈmʌðə/ La lettera R La lettera r viene pronunciata raramente nel mezzo o alla fine di parola. L’unica occasione in cui viene pronunciata è quando è seguita da una vocale. right /raɪt/ - la r si pronuncia fork /fɔːk/ - non si pronuncia cooker /ˈkʊkə/ - non si pronuncia Eccezione 3: i sostantivi che finiscono con –y Per le parole inglesi che finiscono con la –y preceduta da una consonante, la –y diventa –i e si aggiunge es. Baby - Babies Lady - Ladies Party - Parties Eccezione 4: i sostantivi che finiscono con –f Le parole inglesi che finiscono con –f e –fe prevedono il plurale con –ves. Half - Halves Knife - Knives Life - Lives Eccezione 5: Sostantivi che hanno soltanto il singolare Advice Deer Fish Furniture Hair Information Sheep Eccezione 6: Sostantivi che hanno soltanto il plurale Goods Barracks Darts Scissors Trousers Tweezers Pliers Eccezione 7: Sostantivi che al plurale cambiano le vocali centrali Foot - Feet Man - Men Tooth - Teeth Woman - Women Eccezione 8: Sostantivi irregolari Child - Children Mouse - Mice Person - People Goose - Geese Louse - Lices ARTICOLO DETERMINATIVO E INDETERMINATIVO DETERMINATIVO: In inglese, tutti i sei articoli italiani, sono rappresentati da un unico articolo: "THE", sia al singolare che al plurale. Nota bene: si scrive T-H-E, ma la pronuncia può variare in base a 2 situazioni: 1. nel caso in cui la parola che segue cominci con una consonante, si pronuncia "dhe". The book si pronuncia "Dhe buuk". 2. se la parola comincia con una vocale, si pronuncia "dhi". The egg si pronuncia "Dhi eg". INDETERMINATIVO: In inglese abbiamo due articoli: 1. "A", per le parole che cominciano con una consonante, come nel caso di book, "a book"; 2. "An", per le parole che cominciano con vocale, come per esempio la stessa parola di prima, "an egg". Eccezione 1: lettera H La H in italiano non ha un suono, però in inglese sì, o meglio quasi sempre. Proprio perché la H rappresenta un suono nella lingua inglese, non è necessario mettere la N. "A HOTEL" è la traduzione corretta di "un hotel". Eccezione 2: Non Sound H (H muta) Tuttavia ci sono quattro parole importanti in cui la "H" non suona, la cosiddetta Non Sound H. Nello specifico si tratta di: 1. "Hour", che vuol dire "ora", si legge "auar"; 2. "Honest", che vuol dire "onesto" (oppure "onesta" a seconda del soggetto) e tutti i suoi composti, come "honestly", che significa "onestamente"; 3. "Honour", che vuol dire "onore"; 4. "Heir", una parola un po' meno usata, che significa "erede”. PRONOMI PERSONALI SOGGETTO Io I (scritto sempre in grande) I speak English. Tu You (si usa per dare anche del Lei) You are Italian. Egli, ella, esso He, she, it He is my brother. She is my sister. It is my dog. Noi We We are crazy. Voi You You play football. Essi They They live in England. I Pronomi Personali Soggetto in inglese, contrariamente all'italiano, sono sempre espressi, ed eccezione nei casi in cui frasi coordinate abbiano lo stesso soggetto o nel caso dell’imperativo: Esempi: She loves John and hates me = Lei ama John e odia me Go away! = Vai via! PRONOMI PERSONALI COMPLEMENTO Me Me, mi John kissed me. You Te, ti Caleb called you. Him Lo, gli She loves him. Her La, le He loves her. It Lo, gli, la, le I love it. Us Ce, ci Come with us. You Ve, vi See you later. Them Li, gli, le Nick met them at home. IL VERBO ESSERE: TO BE Il present simple si usa per esprimere fatti abitudinari, fatti veri e certezze. Forma estesa Forma contratta Forma negativa Forma negativa contratta Forma interrogativ a Forma interrogativ a negativa I am I’m I am not I’m not Am I? Aren’t I? You are You’re You are not You aren’t Are you? Aren’t you? He is She is It is He’s She’s It’s He is not She is not It is not He isn’t She isn’t It isn’t Is he? Is she? Is it? Isn’t he? Isn’t she? Isn’t it? We are We’re We are not We aren’t Are we? Aren’t we? You are You’re You are not You aren’t Are you? Aren’t you? They are They’re They are not They aren’t Are they? Aren’t they? RICORDA: Le forme estese sono molto più formali e vengono utilizzate maggiormente nell’inglese scritto, mentre le forme contratte hanno largo utilizzo nel parlato inglese. Le risposte brevi (“sì” e “no” italiani) vengono così formate: 1. Affermativa: Yes + pronome personale corrispondente al soggetto + verbo essere; 2. Negativa: No + pronome personale corrispondente al soggetto + verbo essere al negativo. PRESENT SIMPLE Il present simple si usa: 1. Per esprimere abitudini, azioni generalmente valide, azioni ripetute o situazioni immutevoli, emozioni e desideri. - I smoke (abitudine); - I work in London (situazione immutevole); - London is a large city (dichiarazione generalmente valida) 2. Per dare istruzioni o direzioni. You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left. 3. Per esprimere un impegno prefissato, presente o futuro. Your exam starts at 09.00 4. Per esprimere il futuro, dopo alcune congiunzioni: after, when, before, as soon as, until. He'll give it to you when you come next Saturday. Terza persona singolare: i verbi terminano sempre in -s: he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks. Le forme negative e interrogative usano il DO/DOES + il verbo alla forma base. He wants ice cream. Does he want strawberry? He does not want vanilla. I verbi che terminano in -y: alla terza persona la -y diventa -ies: fly --> flies, cry --> cries Eccezione: in caso di vocale prima della -y: play --> plays, pray --> prays Aggiungere -es ai verbi che terminano in:-ss, -x, -sh, -ch: he passes, she catches, he fixes, it pushes PREPOSIZIONI DI TEMPO ● ON: si usa per indicare un giorno, una parte specifica del giorno, una data, una festività, una ricorrenza particolare. Si usa con: - i giorni della settimana (on Sunday, on Monday morning); - le date (on 1st April); - le festività (on Christmas day); - davanti alla parola holiday (on holiday/ in vacanza); - davanti al sostantivo time (on time/in orario, puntuale ● AT: viene utilizzato davanti a: - gruppi di parole che indicano gruppi di pochi giorni o una festività (At Easter, at the weekend); - gli orari, in qualunque modo siano descritti (At lunch time, at 5 o’clock); - la parola night (at night). ● IN: si usa per: - i mesi ( I was born in October/ Sono nato ad Ottobre); - le stagioni ( in the summer/ d’ estate); - gli anni ed i secoli (I moved to Rome in 1978/ Mi sono trasferito a Roma nel 1978); - con morning, afternoon, evening (I get up early in the morning/ Mi alzo presto al mattino) - in vuol dire anche fra (I will start to work in ten minutes/ Comincerò a lavorare fra dieci minuti). ● BY: indica il termine entro il quale si compie un’azione (I must read this book by the next Sunday/Devo leggere questo libro entro Domenica prossima); ● AFTER/BEFORE/DURING: dopo, prima, durante I will come to your house after lunch/Verrò a casa tua dopo pranzo. I will start to work before lunch time/Inizierò a lavorare prima dell’ora di pranzo. During the winter/Durante l’inverno. ● FOR: indica la durata di un’azione (I have been living in Rome for five years/ Vivo a Roma da cinque anni); ● SINCE: descrive il momento in cui inizia l’azione (I have been living in Rome since 2013/ Vivo a Roma dal 2013) PREPOSIZIONI DI LUOGO Le preposizioni di luogo definiscono la posizione di un determinato soggetto, danno informazioni su specifiche collocazioni. ● IN viene tradotto con "dentro": there's some milk in the fridge (c'è del latte nel frigorifero). Ma viene anche usato anche con i luoghi all'aperto: I'm in New York (sono a New York); she is in the park (lei è nel parco). ● AT viene tradotto con "presso" e viene usato per indicare luoghi racchiusi tra mura: my sister is at home/school/the supermarket (mia sorella è a casa/scuola/supermarket). ● ON viene tradotto con "sopra": the bananas are on the table (le banane sono sul tavolo). ● UNDER viene tradotto con "sotto": The keys are under the table (le chiavi sono sotto il tavolo). ● BEHIND significa "dietro": Mary is sitting behind me (Mary è seduto dietro di me). ● NEAR viene tradotto con "vicino": Do you live near her (vivi vicino a lei?). ● BETWEEN viene tradotto con "tra" (tra due persone, cose, luoghi), mentre among viene tradotto tra (tra molte persone, cose, luoghi): I live between Lugano and Verona (vivo tra Lugano e Verona). ● IN FRONT OF viene tradotto con "davanti": Our restaurant is in front of the theatre (il nostro ristorante è davanti al teatro). ● NEXT TO viene tradotto con "a fianco", "accanto": I put the speakers next to the tv (ho messo gli altoparlanti accanto alla tv). AGGETTIVI POSSESSIVI Gli aggettivi possessivi indicano un possesso o una relazione di appartenenza tra un qualcuno o un qualcosa e un’altra persona, cosa o concetto, espresso dal nome cui si riferiscono. Cambiano solo a seconda della persona, il soggetto (il possessore). NOTA BENE: In inglese non si usa mai l’articolo con gli aggettivi possessivi. Aggettivo possessivo Traduzione My mio, mia, miei, mie Your tuo, tua, tuoi, tue His suo, sua, suoi, sue (di lui) Her suo, sua, suoi, sue (di lei) Its suo, sua, suoi, sue (di una cosa o un animale) Our nostro, nostra, nostri, nostre Your vostro, vostra, vostri, vostre Their loro Gli aggettivi “her” e “his” si declinano con il possessore, non con ciò che è posseduto: ● diciamo “Ellen and her brother” (usiamo l’aggettivo possessivo femminile) mentre in italiano diciamo “Elena e suo fratello” (usiamo l’aggettivo possessivo maschile); ● diciamo “James and his sister” (usiamo l’aggettivo possessivo maschile) mentre in italiano diciamo “Giacomo e sua sorella” (usiamo l’aggettivo possessivo femminile). Esercizi grammatica inglese - livello A1 Pronuncia inglese Scrivi i seguenti numeri in parole 45 2001 94 1951 67 830 389 1960 921 1492 42 19 56 1 770 555 638 1300 Guarda il video e ripassa. Se impari qualcosa di nuovo, scrivila: La famiglia Addams - Guarda il video per intero, concentrati sulla pronuncia. Riguardalo e scrivi le parole che non sai sul quaderno e traducile: Se vuoi, guarda il film in inglese, con sottotitoli in inglese. È su Netflix. Scrivi il plurale delle seguenti parole 1) lady —> ladies 2) gentleman —> gentlemen 3) scarf —> scarves 4) tooth —> teeth 5) box —> boxes 6) woman —> women 7) glass —> glasses 8) church —> churches 9) sister —> sisters 10) teacher —> teachers Guarda il video e ripassa. Se impari qualcosa di nuovo, scrivila: J_js8I Fai l’esercizio, scrivi le parole e la loro traduzione sul quaderno: Scrivi il plurale delle seguenti parole 1) There are many dangerous wild animals (animal) in Africa. 2) The garden is full of leaves (leaf). 3) Some men (man) are working in the street. 4) The thieves (thief) smashed the window. 5) There were some mice (mouse) near the school. 6) The Sheep (sheep) were well fed. 7) Go and wash your teeth (tooth). 8) In the eighties there were a lot of Restaurants (restaurant) here. 9) Where are the children (child)? 10) Here are some sandwiches (sandwich) for you. Prova a completare la frasi inserendo A o AN We drink a tea. I wear a uniform. They buy an apple. There is a bird. Italy is a European Country. You are an honest person. She’s An hairdresser. There’s A university in the town where I live. An American girl’s just arrived in my class. There’s A new desk in your room. He bought an umbrella at the shop. An old book was on your father’s desk. He left An hour ago. Ben’s got A cat and two dogs. There’s A chair next to the wardrobe. Friends - Guarda il video per intero, concentrati sulla pronuncia. Riguardalo e scrivi le parole che non sai sul quaderno e traducile: Sostituisci il nome scegliendo il pronome personale corretto My name is Tony. ______ am from Oxford. I Sally is a student. _______ studies web engineering. She Your name is Richard, ________ are from Bristol. You Mike and you speak a good English. Where are ________ from? You Mark is very tall. ________ is slim too. He My parents are going to Rome. ________ are coming back soon. They His dog has got a long tail. ________ is dark brown. It Louis and I are Australian. ________ are from Melbourne. They Leggi il testo e rispondi alle domande: Canzone: Stand by me - the Beatles Mentre ascolti la canzone, leggi il testo qui sotto e completalo When the night has come And the land is ………….. And the moon Is the only ………. we'll see No, I won't Be afraid No, I won't Be afraid Just as long As you stand Stand by me And darling, darling, stand by me Oh, now, now, stand by me Stand by me Stand by me If the ……… that we look upon Should tumble and ………. And the ……………... Should crumble to the sea I won't cry I won't cry No, I won't shed a ………. Just as long As you stand Stand by me And darling, darling stand by me Oh, stand by me Stand by me Stand by me Stand by me, yeah Whenever you're in …………… Won't you stand by me? Oh, now, now, stand by me Oh, stand by me Stand by me Stand by me Darling, darling, stand by me Stand by me Oh, stand by me Stand by me Stand by me NEG AREN’T INT ARE YOUR LEATHER BOOTS 8) He is working at the moment. NEG ISN’T WORKING INT IS HE WORKING 9) Mr. Brown is out of the office. NEG ISN’T INT IS MR BROWN OUT 10) Your jumper is red. NEG ISN’T INT IS YOUR JUMPER RED Shrek- Guarda il video per intero, concentrati sulla pronuncia. Riguardalo e scrivi le parole che non sai sul quaderno e traducile: Leggi il testo e fai l’esercizio: Dopo aver letto il testo, scrivi della tua famiglia. Coniuga il verbo avere e poi trasforma le frasi in forma negativa e interrogativa. I a great idea for a movie. Firefighters a dangerous job. He a new girlfriend but still contacts me. Help! I think my pool a leak in it! How to deal with someone who an answer for everything? It a button that says I'm feeling lucky. She a great sense of humor. They something I want. We a meeting today. You something in your eye. My sisters ten mangoes. Sunda and I long hair. Your friends a new car. We a lot of fun. It a new cage. Guarda il video e ripassa. Se impari qualcosa di nuovo, scrivila: Coniuga il verbo avere My teacher a new pen. These boys a new ball. The child a new toy. That man an old house. An elephant a long tail. You and I a green table. Those old men white hair. The soldiers short hair. A dog four legs. A monkey a long tail. I two eyes. He not a car. The policemen a good job. You a good friend. A giraffe a long neck. Trasforma queste frasi al plurale 1) There is a blue chair in my kitchen. 2) His red fish is very small. 3) The bear has a very big tooth. 4) The child is playing in his room. 5) Is there a pen in your bag? 6) The English boy is sitting by the window. 7) Here is a potato. 8) There is an apple in my fridge. 9) Where’s the old woman? 10) The American lady is having tea with her friend. Scegli DO oppure DOES per completare ogni domanda. 1. ………… Grant live with his mother? 2. ……… learn Japanese? 3. ………...Martin and Clive ride their bikes to school? 4. …………..they work at home or in an office? 5. ………...Sharon's parrot live in a cage? 6. …… play the guitar? 7. ………...Billy wear white shirts? 8. ……....your teacher think you're a good student? Canzone: The Boy does nothing - Alesha Dixon Mentre ascolti la canzone, leggi il testo qui sotto e completalo I got a man with two left ……... And when he dances not to the beat I really think that he should know That his rhythm's go, go, go I got a man with two left feet And when he dances not to the beat I really think that he should know That his rhythm's go, go, go Does he ………….? Never ……….. Does he clean up? No, he never cleans up Does he brush up? Never …………… He does nothing, the boy does nothing! Does he wash up? Never wash up Does he clean up? No, he never cleans up Does he brush up? Never brushed up He does nothing, the boy does nothing! Hey boy, how you been? I got a …………… lines, where do I begin? And I, I been here, been there ……………. I saw you at the corner, my vibe kicked in And two ……………., I clock you Wearing tight jeans and a real nice suit You was smiling like you were just ……………….. I asked you for a dance, you said, "Yes please" Take a sip of dancing juice, everybody's onto you To the left and to the ………... Everybody hit the rhythm it's on tonight I'm gonna feel the beat within my ………. I ………. a man to take control Let the melody blow you all away Does he wash up? Never wash up Does he clean up? No, he never cleans up Does he brush up? Never brushed up He does nothing, the boy does nothing! Does he wash up? Qual è la risposta giusta? 1. Essi hanno una casa grande. ● They have a big house. ● They has a big house. ● They have big house. 2. Tua madre ha una automobile? ● Does your mother have a car? ● Does your mother has a car? ● Do your mother have a car? 3. Il ragazzo ha un gatto. ● The boy had a cat. ● The boy have a cat. ● The boy has a cat. 4. Il ragazzo non ha un gatto. ● The boy don't have a cat. ● The boy not have a cat. ● The boy doesn't have a cat. 5. Ieri abbiamo fatto una chiacchierata. ● We did a chat yesterday. ● We had a chat yesterday. ● We have a chat yesterday. 6. Hai una automobile? ● Have you got a car? ● Has you got a car? ● Do you have got a car? 7. Non ho una automobile. ● I don't have got a car. ● I haven't got a car. ● I doesn't have a car. 8. Ho una automobile. ● I have got a car. ● I has got a car. ● I got a car. Usa il present simple - The interview (libro semplificato) Chapter 2: Lost I think I ……... York well—until I ………. to find the office where I have my interview. Then I ………... that I don’t know the whole city: certainly not the business parks. There ……….. several of them, and they all look the same. When I find the one I want, it’s much bigger than I expect it to be. I ………... in circles for nearly half an hour, and still don’t find the building I’m looking for. It ………. a warm day, and my suit is too heavy. I’m tired and cross, and I want to turn round and ………. home. There are no people about who I can ask for directions. The business park is like a hot desert, and I’m thirsty. I haven’t brought anything to drink. I didn’t expect to need water. I ………... to see a camel at any moment. Suddenly I …………….. a scream. I ………………. towards the sound. When I …………... the corner, I …………. a woman lying on the ground. Missing words: to be, to hurry, to know, to walk, to expect, to hear, to try, to discover, to go, to turn, to find. Listen the second chapter here: inglese/esercizi-di-inglese-livello-elementare/libri-semplificati-inglese-the-interview- capitolo-2/ Inserisci le preposizioni di tempo corrette per ogni frase. Attenzione: a volte non c’è bisogno di inserirle. 1) The train to London leaves 5. 2) This shop is not open Saturdays. 3) what time do you usually get up? 4) this time tomorrow you will be holiday! 5) I’m going to Paris August. 6) They usually play football Sundays. 7) She always gets up 7. 8) You shouldn’t go out night. It’s so cold. 9) They’re going to have a baby April. 10) The church was built the third century. Guarda il video e ripassa. Se impari qualcosa di nuovo, scrivila: Inserisci la preposizione di tempo corretta. 1. I have lunch 2 o'clock 2. I always watch TV the afternoon. 3. I wake up 8.00. 4. I never work the weekends. 5. I see my family Christmas. 6. I go on holiday July. 7. I sometimes work Saturdays. 8. I go to bed 10 p.m. 9. I do my homework night. 10. I always read the afternoon. White Roses - Guarda il video per intero, concentrati sulla pronuncia. Riguardalo e scrivi le parole che non sai sul quaderno e traducile: Guarda il video e ripassa. Se impari qualcosa di nuovo, scrivila: Scrivi le preposizioni di luogo corrette per ogni frase. 1) Mary’s pens are (above/in) Mark’s bag 2) The white cat is (under/in) the brown chair 3) Put your skirt (in/above) the wardrobe. 4) Susan is (next to/on) her friend Sam 5) Put the book (on/in) the shelf 6) I’m often (in/at) home at the weekend 7) Hang your picture (in/on) the wall 8) There isn’t a computer (at/in) the room 9) She’s sitting (under/on) the sofa 10) There’s a chair (above/in) the corner Fai l’esercizio mettendo le preposizioni giuste. Completa l’esercizio con le preposizioni giuste. 1) Your sunglasses are _______________ the table. 2) See you _______________ the Cinema Centrale. 3) I arrived _______________ the hotel yesterday. 4) The children are playing _______________ the street. 5) Their house is _______________ Main Street. 6) My mother was born _______________ Dublin. 7) She works _______________ the office. 8) My dog is _______________ the garden. 9) I am meeting my husband _______________ the theatre. 10) The poster of David Beckham is _______________ the wall. Usa il present simple e le preposizioni di luogo/tempo corrette - The interview (libro semplificato) Chapter 3: An accident A man ……... a red bicycle has collided with the woman. He ……….. at her: ‘You should be more careful, and look where you’re going.’ The woman ………... angry. ‘I was walking on the pavement. You should only ride your bicycle ……... the road. It’s your fault.’ The man ………. that he is in the wrong, and he ………. that he’s sorry; but he doesn’t wait to help her. He ………. on his bicycle and rides away. I ……….. to help the woman. She ………………… without much difficulty, but there’s a large cut ……... her leg. I have a clean handkerchief, and I wrap it round her leg. Her clothes ……... dirty, and so are mine. We look at one another, and laugh. ‘I ………. you’re not going somewhere important,’ she says. ‘You………. as bad as I do!’ ‘It doesn’t matter,’ I say, although it does. I look ……. my dirty clothes, and think ‘How can I go to the interview now?’ I’m already late. Inserisci il pronome possessivo 1. This is Mary's umbrella. It's . 2. This my pencil. It's . 3. That book belongs to those kids. That book is . 4. That belt belongs to Jane. That belt is . 5. Those shirts belong to him. Those shirts are . 6. My T-shirt is red. is red. 7. Is that brown sweater Andy's? Yes, it's . 8. There is a book on your desk. Is it ? 9. That money belongs to him. It is . 10. I have two cats. They are . Guarda il video, ripassa e poi fai gli esercizi alla fine del video: Riscrivi le frasi con il pronome possessivo 1. That t-shirt is my t-shirt. 2. This dog is Jack's. 3. Is this my dictionary or your dictionary? 4. Are those shoes Mary's ones? 5. This car is a present for Jack and Karen. 6. The white jeans are my mother's jeans. 7. Their exam and our exams were the same. 8. His present is better than my present. 9. This computer is his computer. 10. Our collection is more precious than their collection. Leggi il testo e rispondi al vero/falso - The interview (libro semplificato) Chapter 5: A Grand Entrance I walk into the building. It’s cool and quiet inside. There’s a very smart man in a blue uniform behind the reception desk. ‘I’ve come for an interview,’ I say; ‘but I’m a little late. I’m sorry.’ He smiles at me. ‘We’re running late, too. Don’t worry about it. You have time to have a coffee and clean yourself up. The Ladies is over there.’ He points to a door in the corner, and I go in and look at myself in the mirror. I’ve forgotten to put a comb into my bag, so I have to tidy my hair with my fingers. I look down at my suit. There’s nothing I can do to cover up the stains. When I go back, the receptionist shows me to the waiting room. He offers me coffee from a machine. It’s not very good, but I’m thirsty, and I need to calm down. There’s one other person in the waiting room. His suit is clean, and his hair is tidy. He looks at my dirty suit and smiles. Then he looks at his watch. Is he laughing at me? He goes back to the magazine he is reading. I decide not to stay. I stand up, ready to leave. Then a door opens, and somebody calls my name. Listen the fifth chapter here: di-inglese-livello-elementare/libri-semplificati-inglese-the-interview-capitolo-5/ 1. The man behind the reception desk is wearing a red uniform. TRUE OR FALSE false 2. The woman from our story is late because of what happened to her. TRUE OR FALSE true 3. The woman is combing her hair in the ladies toilet. TRUE OR FALSE false 4. The woman is very upset, so she takes a coffee to calm down. TRUE OR FALSE true 5. The other person in the waiting room looks like her. Dirty and messy. TRUE OR FALSE false 6. She decides to leave. TRUE OR FALSE true Indiana Jones - Guarda il video per intero, concentrati sulla pronuncia. Riguardalo e scrivi le parole che non sai sul quaderno e traducile: Leggi il testo e rispondi alle domande - The interview (libro semplificato) Chapter 6: The Interview There are three people sitting behind a table. They all smile at me. They ask me to sit down. ‘I’m sorry I’m late,’ I say. ‘It doesn’t matter. We’re late, too.’ One of them looks up at the clock on the wall. ‘We’re expecting our chief engineer, but it’s getting late, so we’ve decided to start.’ I feel better, and I forget about my dirty suit. They ask me several questions, and I can answer them all easily. ‘Thank you for coming. We have one other person to interview, so we can’t give you our decision today.’ I thank them, and get up to go. Suddenly the door opens, and a woman rushes in. She nearly knocks me over. ‘I’m sorry,’ she says. Then she sees me. ‘Oh, it’s you!’ It’s the woman I found in the street who had an accident. She smiles and introduces herself. ‘I’m the chief engineer. I’m sorry I missed your interview, but my colleagues will tell me all about you. Thank you again for helping me.’ When I get outside, I’m shaking. All I want to do is to see David. I call him on the telephone, and we decide to meet at a café in York. Listen the sixth chapter here: di-inglese-livello-elementare/libri-semplificati-inglese-the-interview-capitolo-6/ 1. How many people are doing the interview? There are 3 people doing the interview. 2. Beside the woman, who is also late for the interview? The chief engineer is also late. 3. When the doors open, who enters the room? The person who enters the room is the woman who the protagonist helped when she had the accident. 4. When the woman finishes the interview, who is going to meet at the café? She is going to see David. Inserisci il present continuous nella sua forma negativa 1. The Parliament Isn’t abolishing (not/abolish) the death penalty in those days. 2. They Are not building (not/build) a bridge next to my cousin’s house. 3. This choise Is not damaging (not/damage) his political career. 4. My company Isn’t financing (not/finance) many activities this year. 5. Tom Isn’t investing (not/invest) all his money in the company. 6. Kelly Isn’t pausing (not/pause) because she is sure about the answer. 7. Douglas Isn’t replacing (not/replace) his launch with snacks today. 8. Laura Isn’t screwing (not/screw) the lead of the jar. 9. They Aren’t taking (not/take) the plane to Paris. 10. Cyril Isn’t waking (not/wake) up at five o’clock this week. Inserisci il present continuous nella sua forma interrogativa 1. Is her heart Bleeding (bleed) for the baby? 2. Are you and Mike Collecting (collect) signatures for the referendum? 3. Aren’t you Suggesting (not/suggest) that I am lazy? 4. Is Kevin Disinfecting (disinfect) his computer now? 5. Is the bad weather Frustrating (frustrate) this rescue attempt? 6. Are these insects Killing (kill) thousands of trees? 7. Is Mum Sifting (sift) the flour? 8. Is Helen Suffering (suffer) from asthma? 9. Are Peter and Walter Hiking (hike) to the top of the mountain today? 10. Is Peter Winning (win) this race? Leggi il testo e metti gli aggettivi e i pronomi possessivi al posto giusto - The interview (libro semplificato) Chapter 7: In the Café David is waiting when I arrive at the café. He’s ordered coffee and sandwiches and ……. favourite cake. He laughs when he sees ….... ‘It must have been a difficult interview,’ he says. ‘You’re covered in blood and mud, and ………. skirt is torn.’ I tell him about ………. adventures, and how I met the chief engineer. When we have finished eating and drinking, he takes me home to ………. apartment, so that I can have a shower and change my clothes. Afterwards, we have a drink in a bar, walk in the evening sunshine, and then have dinner in ……... favourite restaurant. ‘I don’t expect to get the job,’ I say. ‘The other candidate was beautifully dressed, and …….. shoes were shiny. He looked very smart.’ ‘Clothes aren’t important,’ David says. ‘It’s what you know that counts. I’m sure you will get the job.’ ‘I really want to live in York,’ I tell ……... ‘It’s a lovely city, and the shops are very good.’ ‘I thought it was me you wanted!’ ‘It is,’ I say; ‘but a new dress is always a good thing, and I definitely need a new suit!’ Missing words: him, his, my, your, me, our, his, my Listen the seventh chapter here: inglese/esercizi-di-inglese-livello-elementare/libri-semplificati-inglese-the-interview- capitolo-7/ Inserisci il present continuous nella forma interrogativa negativa 1. Isn't his story Boring (bore) the students? 2. Isn’t Pete Coughing (cough) up blood? 3. Aren’t Karl and Jim Emptying (empty) their room? 4. Isn’t Laure Grining (grin) ear to ear? 5. Aren’t Mark and Pete Linking (link) the two computers? 6. Isn’t Reynold Painting (paint) a beautiful landscape? 7. Aren’t Mike and Roxanne Repairing (repair) the washing machine? 8. Isn’t Phil Smothering (smother) the fire because he wants to go to sleep? 9. Aren’t they Swimming (swim) a lot this period? 10. Isn’t Mike Trading (trade) his car for a motorbike? Inserisci le risposte brevi del present continuous 1. Is their present music blending traditional and modern styles? Yes, it is . 2. Are you cooperating with John? No, I am not . 3. Is her dress enchanting all the people this evening? Yes, It is . 4. Is Michelle grumbling about the food? Yes, She is . 5. Is Linda manipulating her husband with her charm? No, She is not . 6. Are they producing a film based on a true story? Yes, They are . 7. Is Tilly retiring to her study now? Yes, She is . 8. Is This ferry shipping To Naples? No, It isn’t . 9. Is Anita torturing all her prisoners? Yes, She is . 10. Are you wrapping the gifts to put under the Christmas tree? No, I’m not . Se vuoi esercitarti, qui ci sono altri esercizi da fare: continuous-esercizi.html Leggi il testo e sottolinea in rosso i pronomi personali e in blu gli aggettivi possessivi - The interview (libro semplificato) Chapter 8: No news! After two days I’m certain that I haven’t got the job. I look at my phone, but there’s no message. I try not to be disappointed. I look in the local newspaper for another job, but there’s nothing interesting. After a few days, David asks me when I’m going home to my own town. ‘Do you want me to go?’ I ask. Suddenly I’m afraid. Is he rejecting me too? ‘No, of course not. In fact, I’ll come with you. I believe there might be a letter for you at home. I don’t think they know my address.’ Of course! How stupid I am! We drive to my home in David’s car, which is new and red and very fast. I see a letter on the floor inside when I open the door. They are offering me the job! The letter is signed by the chief engineer. She says she’s looking forward to meeting me again. I’m very relieved. I feel as if I should find the man with the red bicycle, who knocked her over. He, more than anyone, deserves my thanks! Listen the eighth chapter here: inglese/esercizi-di-inglese-livello-elementare/libri-semplificati-inglese-the-interview- capitolo-8/ Rileggi la storia The Interview e fai un riassunto usando tutto quello che hai imparato nelle lezioni del livello A1 di inglese. Canali YouTube utili: ● Learn English with Tv Series: ● JoEnglish: ● Inglese a noi due: ● BBC Learning English: Usa la forma contratta del verbo essere 1) You are not my friend. YOU AREN’T MY FRIEND. 2) Are you sure you are not tired? ARE YOU SURE YOU AREN’T TIRED? 3) Susan is English. She is a student. SUSAN IS ENGLISH. SHE’S A STUDENT. 4) They are from Boston. They are not English. They are American. THEY AREN’T FROM BOSTON. THEY AREN’T ENGLISH. THEY’RE AMERICAN. 5) My father is an actor. His name is Eric. MY FATHER IS AN ACTOR. HIS NAME’S ERIC. 6) His name is James. He is a student. HIS NAME’S JAMES. HE’S STUDENT. 7) We are not in the same class. WE AREN’T IN THE SAME CLASS. 8) Is he French? No, he is not. He is English. IS HE FRENCH? NO, HE ISN’T. HE’S ENGLISH. 9) I am going to Ireland. I am very happy. I’M GOING TO IRELAND. I’M VERY HAPPY. 10) Your dog is out in the garden. He is very nice. YOUR DOG’S OUT THE GARDEN. HE’S VERY NICE. Usa la forma negativa e interrogativa del verbo essere 1) Sheila is listening to music in her room. NEG ISN’T LISTENING INT IS SHEILA LISTENING 2) My friends are working today. NEG AREN’T WORKING INT ARE MY FRIENDS WORKING 3) The children are playing tennis. NEG AREN’T PLAYING INT ARE THE CHILDREN PLAYING 4) Your brother’s friends are nice. NEG AREN’T NICE INT ARE YOUR BROTHER’S FRIENDS NICE 5) My doll is under her bed. NEG ISN’T INT IS MY DOLL UNDER 6) Her computer is new. NEG ISN’T INT IS HER COMPUTER NEW 7) Your leather boots are brown. NEG AREN’T INT ARE YOUR LEATHER BOOTS 8) He is working at the moment. NEG ISN’T WORKING INT IS HE WORKING 9) Mr. Brown is out of the office. NEG ISN’T INT IS MR BROWN OUT 10) Your jumper is red. NEG ISN’T INT IS YOUR JUMPER RED Coniuga il verbo avere e poi trasforma le frasi in forma negativa e interrogativa. I have a great idea for a movie. Firefighters have got a dangerous job. He has a new girlfriend but still contacts me. Help! I think my pool has a leak in it! How to deal with someone who has an answer for everything? It has a button that says I'm feeling lucky. She has a great sense of humor. They have got something I want. We have a meeting today. You have something in your eye. My sisters has got ten mangoes. Sunda and I have long hair. Your friends have got a new car. We have a lot of fun. It has a new cage. Coniuga il verbo avere My teacher has got a new pen. These boys have got a new ball. The child have got a new toy. That man has an old house. An elephant has got a long tail. You and I have a green table. Those old men have got white hair. The soldiers have short hair. A dog has four legs. A monkey has a long tail. I have got two eyes. The policemen have a good job. You have a good friend. A giraffe has got a long neck. Trasforma queste frasi al plurale 1) There is a blue chair in my kitchen. There aren’t blue chairs in my kitchen. 2) His redfish is very small. Their redfish are very small. 3) The bear has a very big tooth. The bears have very big teeth. 4) The child is playing in his room. The children are playing in their room. 5) Is there a pen in your bag? Are there any pens in your bag? 6) The English boy is sitting by the window. The English boys are sitting by the window. 7) Here is a potato. Here are some potatoes. 8) There is an apple in my fridge. There are some apples in my fridge. 9) Where’s the old woman? Where are the old women? 10) The American lady is having tea with her friend. The American ladies are having tea with their friends. Scegli DO oppure DOES per completare ogni domanda. 1. ………… Grant live with his mother? DOES 2. ……… learn Japanese? DO 3. ………...Martin and Clive ride their bikes to school? DO 4. …………..they work at home or in an office? DO 5. ………...Sharon's parrot live in a cage? DOES 6. …… play the guitar? DO 7. ………...Billy wear white shirts? DOES 8. ……....your teacher think you're a good student? DO Completa le seguenti frasi usando il verbo TO DO coniugato in base al senso della frase: ● My mother likes chocolate, but she................ like biscuits. DOESN’T ● What………...the children wear at your school? DO ● Lynn's father watches badminton on TV, but he…… judo. DOESN’T ● Where………….the Masons buy their fruit? DO ● ……. ....the cat like to sleep on the sofa? DOES ● Dogs love bones, but they……… cheese. DON’T ● Where………....Sam and Ben hide their CDs? DO ● We eat pizza, but we……… hamburgers. DON’T ● ………. Mrs Miller read magazines? DOES ● ….......the boys play cricket outside? DO Inserisci l'aggettivo possessivo. 11. She shares HER room with Kate. 12. We pay OUR studies. 13. Peter looks like HIS dad. 14. Mary and I go to work with HIS car. 15. Mike and you have to go to MY house. 16. Sheila’s parents live in THEIR house. 17. He's in HIS bedroom. 18. She gave me HER car. 19. Peter thinks about HIS worries. 20. These are my cousins, and that is THEIR house. Inserisci l'aggettivo possessivo. 11. That is your sister! What is HER name? 12. Do you open YOUR eyes under water? 13. This is Mike’s car. It's HIS car. 14. That's Jane. What' s HER job? 15. My sister has got a cat.It's HES cat. 16. They are German. That's THEIR nationality. 17. We are wearing caps; OUR caps are green and yellow. 18. The children sometimes clean THEIR shoes. 19. My friends bring THEIR children to the playground on Saturdays. 20. They have got a telephone. This is THEIR telephone. Inserisci l'aggettivo possessivo. 11. We are from Rome. OUR house is very big. 12. Please keep YOUR dog under control! 13. Jane is at home. HER bike is in the garden. 14. That's Mrs. Jones. What' s HER job? 15. My brother has got a camera. HIS camera is new. 16. We are musicians. We sing to OUR fans. 17. She wants to know HER future. 18. The girl plays tennis. This is HER racket. 19. The men always bring THEIR wives to the party. 20. We have got a teacher. This is OUR teacher. Inserisci il pronome possessivo 11. This is Mary's umbrella. It's HERS . 12. This my pencil. It's MINE . 13. That book belongs to those kids. That book is THEIRS . 14. That belt belongs to Jane. That belt is HERS . 15. Those shirts belong to him. Those shirts are THEIRS . 16. My T-shirt is red. MINE is red. 17. Is that brown sweater Andy's? Yes, it's HIS . 18. There is a book on your desk. Is it YOURS ? 19. That money belongs to him. It is HIS . 20. I have two cats. They are MINE . Riscrivi le frasi con il pronome possessivo 11. That t-shirt is my t-shirt. THAT T SHIRT IS MINE. 12. This dog is Jack's. THIS DOG IS HIS. 13. Is this my dictionary or your dictionary? IS IT MINE OR YOURS? 14. Are those shoes Mary's ones? ARE THOSE SHOES HER? 15. This car is a present for Jack and Karen. THIS CAR IS A PRESENT FOR THEM. 16. The white jeans are my mother's jeans. THE WHITE JEANS ARE HERS. 17. Their exam and our exams were the same. THEIR EXAM AND OURS WERE THE SAME. 18. His present is better than my present. HIS PRESENT IS BETTER THAN MINE. 19. This computer is his computer. THIS COMPUTER IS HIS. 20. Our collection is more precious than their collection. OUR COLLECTION IS MORE PRECIOUS THAN THEIRS. Leggi il testo e rispondi al vero/falso - The interview (libro semplificato) Chapter 5: A Grand Entrance I walk into the building. It’s cool and quiet inside. There’s a very smart man in a blue uniform behind the reception desk. ‘I’ve come for an interview,’ I say; ‘but I’m a little late. I’m sorry.’ He smiles at me. ‘We’re running late, too. Don’t worry about it. You have time to have a coffee and clean yourself up. The Ladies is over there.’ He points to a door in the corner, and I go in and look at myself in the mirror. I’ve forgotten to put a comb into my bag, so I have to tidy my hair with my fingers. I look down at my suit. There’s nothing I can do to cover up the stains. When I go back, the receptionist shows me to the waiting room. He offers me coffee from a machine. It’s not very good, but I’m thirsty, and I need to calm down. There’s one other person in the waiting room. His suit is clean, and his hair is tidy. He looks at my dirty suit and smiles. Then he looks at his watch. Is he laughing at me? He goes back to the magazine he is reading. I decide not to stay. I stand up, ready to leave. Then a door opens, and somebody calls my name. Listen the fifth chapter here: di-inglese-livello-elementare/libri-semplificati-inglese-the-interview-capitolo-5/ 7. The man behind the reception desk is wearing a red uniform.' TRUE OR FALSE false 8. The woman from our story is late because of what happened to her. TRUE OR FALSE true 9. The woman is combing her hair in the ladies toilet. TRUE OR FALSE false 10. The woman is very upset, so she takes a coffee to calm down. TRUE OR FALSE true 11. The other person in the waiting room looks like her. Dirty and messy. TRUE OR FALSE false 12. She decides to leave. TRUE OR FALSE true Leggi il testo e rispondi alle domande - The interview (libro semplificato) Chapter 6: The Interview There are three people sitting behind a table. They all smile at me. They ask me to sit down. ‘I’m sorry I’m late,’ I say. ‘It doesn’t matter. We’re late, too.’ One of them looks up at the clock on the wall. ‘We’re expecting our chief engineer, but it’s getting late, so we’ve decided to start.’ I feel better, and I forget about my dirty suit. They ask me several questions, and I can answer them all easily. ‘Thank you for coming. We have one other person to interview, so we can’t give you our decision today.’ I thank them, and get up to go. Suddenly the door opens, and a woman rushes in. She nearly knocks me over. ‘I’m sorry,’ she says. Then she sees me. ‘Oh, it’s you!’ It’s the woman I found in the street who had an accident. She smiles and introduces herself. ‘I’m the chief engineer. I’m sorry I missed your interview, but my colleagues will tell me all about you. Thank you again for helping me.’ When I get outside, I’m shaking. All I want to do is to see David. I call him on the telephone, and we decide to meet at a café in York. Listen the sixth chapter here: di-inglese-livello-elementare/libri-semplificati-inglese-the-interview-capitolo-6/
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