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Caricato il 04/01/2022

carlottaav 🇮🇹



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Scarica OLIVER TWIST APPUNTI e più Temi in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! > OLIVER TWIST PLOT After his mother's death by childbirth, Oliver Twist is raised first in an orphanage and then in a parish hospice for the poor, only to be sent, at the age of nine, to work in a factory where together with his little companions he suffers from hunger and mistreatment. Having earned a reputation as an agitator, he is removed from the factory and, after an experience as a chimney sweep, is sent as an apprentice by a gravedigger named Sowerberry. Here Oliver does not have an easy time with the other apprentices and after colliding with the evil Noah Claypole, he flees to London in search of fortune. Here, tired and hungry, Oliver meets a young boy, Jack Dawkins, who introduces him to a group of thieves led by the Jewish Fagin and the violent Bill Sikes. Oliver realizes he has gotten into a bad turn when his friend Dawkins attempts a robbery of Mr. Brownlow, a socialite who mistakes Oliver for the mugger. Unjustly arrested, however, the protagonist is cleared and even welcomed into the home of Mr. Brownlow, who takes a liking to him and provides him with an education. However, one day, during an errand he is running on behalf of his new godfather, Oliver is kidnapped by Sikes and his fiancée, the prostitute Nancy, who forcibly bring him back to Fagin's services. The latter forces the protagonist to carry out a new theft at the Maylie house. However, the "blow" is unsuccessful: Oliver is wounded in the arm and is treated by Mrs. Maylie herself, moved by the boy's confession about his own misadventures. Meanvrhile, Fagin wants to get hold of Oilver again, and he gets help from Monks, who has discovered that Oliver is his half-brother and the illegitimate son of a sister of Mrs Maylie, and that he will inherit an interesting fortune. However Nancy, who is good-hearted and has overheard the criminal plan of Fagin and Monks, warns Mrs. Maylie and Lord Brownlow, who in the meantime has returned to watch over the protagonist. Discovered, Nancy is brutally killed by Bill Sikes. Monks, in an attempt to eliminate forever the clues that could reveal Oliver's true identity and thus steal part of the inheritance from him, comes into possession of a locket and a ring that Oliver's mother had given to old Sally who had witnessed on the verge of death. Mr. Brownlow manages to catch Monks on whose trail he had been put by Nancy; thus, the criminal plan of the Fagin gang begins to fall apart: the gang leader is arrested and sentenced to hang, while Sikes, fleeing over the rooftops of London, is also killed. Oliver thus discovers his true identity: he is the son of Agnes Fleming and Mr. Leeford and Monks is his half-brother. Furthermore, Mrs. Maylie is Oliver's aunt. Having received his share of the paternal inheritance (which Monks instead squanders in America, ending his days in prison) Oliver is adopted by Mr. Brownlow, and thus can begin his life as a bourgeois well integrated into society. OLIVER TWIST PLOT (breve) The work inaugurates the trend of the English social novel and, through Oliver Twist, Dickens tells the exploitation of child labor and social injustice. Oliver Twist grows up in an orphanage and starts working in a factory atthe age of 9, he earns a reputation as an agitator for asking for an extra ration of food. From this moment Oliver is removed from the factory and starts working for an undertaker but he does not have an easy life and decides to move to London. Oliver Twist decides to move to London, and here he meets a group of thieves led by violent Fagin and Bill. Oliver realizes he is in trouble when he is arrested for the theft of a member of society, Mr. Brownlow. However, Oliver is innocent and, once cleared, is welcomed into Mr. Brownlow's home. But Fagin and Bill kidnap Oliver with the help of the prostitute Nancy. THE END OF OLIVER TWIST Once back in the Fagin group, he forces Oliver Twist to rob the home of wealthy Mrs. Maylie. During the theft Oliver is injured and Mrs. Maylie, moved by the story of the boy's misadventures, decides to cure him. Fagin doesn't give up and contacts thug Monks to kidnap him. Monks, however, discovers that he is her half-brother and niece of Mrs. Maylie and that therefore he will inherit a large fortune. Nancy uncovers the two's criminal plot and alerts Mr. Brownlow and Mrs. Maylie. For this Nancy will be killed but Mr. Brownlow captures Fagin, thus putting an end to his criminal plan. Oliver discovers that he is Mrs Maylie's nephew and can therefore inherit her fortune. Oliver Twist is also adopted by Mr. Brownlow and begins his life as a bourgeois. Oliver Twist è il titolo del secondo romanzo dello scrittore inglese Charles Dickens, opera in cui l'autore affronta temi sociali come la povertà, lo sfruttamento (exploitation) del lavoro minorile e la criminalità. ( child labor ) Pubblicato nel 1837 e ambientato (set) a Londra, Oliver Twist racconta (tels) le vicende dell'omonimo ragazzo orfano che a nove anni scappa dall'istituto in cui era cresciuto e si unisce a una gang di giovani criminali. OLIVER TWIST: UN GRANDE ROMANZO SOCIALE DI DICKENS Oliver Twist è un romanzo (novel) di forte condanna sociale verso la diffusione del crimine, il maltrattamento e lo sfruttamento dei bambini, l'immoralità delle istituzioni, in particolare gli ospizi di mendicità creati dalla Legge sui Poveri del 1834. Nell'Inghilterra vittoriana le classi aristocratiche non avevano bisogno di lavorare per vivere invece per la borghesia il duro lavoro era sinonimo di virtù morale e consideravano la povertà un peccato. Secondo la mentalità del tempo la disoccupazione deriva dalla pigrizia, idea sostenuta anche da Thomas Malthus nel suo saggio Essay on Population, in cui affermava che la carità era inutile perché incoraggia la pigrizia. Gli ospizi per poveri, che erano supportati dai fondi pubblici e dalle parrocchie, ospitavano gente senza lavoro e bambini orfani e abbandonati, le condizioni di vita in queste istituzioni erano terribili proprio per scoraggiare i poveri a entrarci. I mariti e le mogli erano separati tra loro e anche dai loro figli che erano costretti a lavorare duramente ed erano malnutriti. Oliver Twist, attraverso la cui storia Dickens descrive la crudeltà e l'ipocrisia dell'Inghilterra vittoriana, è un bambino buono che fugge dall’ospizio, ma dopo molte disavventure, scoprirà la sua vera identità e troverà la felicità. OLIVER TWIST TRAMA L’opera inaugura il filone del romanzo sociale inglese e, attraverso Oliver Twist, Dickens racconta lo sfruttamento del lavoro minorile e l'ingiustizia sociale. Oliver Twist cresce in un orfanotrofio e a soli 9 anni inizia a lavorare in fabbrica, si guadagna la fama di agitatore per aver chiesto una razione di cibo in più. Da questo momento Oliver viene allontanato dalla fabbrica e inizia a lavorare per un becchino ma non ha vita facile e decide di trasferirsi a Londra. Oliver Twist decide di trasferirsi a Londra, e qui incontra un gruppo di ladruncoli capitanato dai violenti Fagin e Bill. Oliver si rende conto di esser finito nei guai quando viene arrestato per un furto ai danni di un esponente della buona società, Mr. Brownlow. Oliver è però innocente e, una volta scagionato, viene accolto in casa di Mr. Brownlow. Ma Fagin e Bill rapiscono Oliver con l'aiuto della prostituta Nancy. OLIVER TWIST FINALE Una volta ritornato nel gruppo Fagin costringe Oliver Twist a rapinare l'abitazione della ricca signora Maylie. Durante il furto Oliver si ferisce e la signora Maylie, commossa dal racconto delle disavventure del ragazzo, decide di curarlo. Fagin non si arrende e contatta il delinquente Monks per rapirlo. Monks scopre però che è il suo fratellastro nonché nipote della signora Maylie e che quindi erediterà un grande patrimonio. Nancy scopre il piano criminale dei due e avvisa Mr. Brownlow e la signora Maylie. Per questo Nancy verrà uccisa ma Mr. Brownlow cattura Fagin, mettendo così fine al suo piano criminale. Oliver scopre di essere il nipote della signora Maylie e che può quindi ereditare la sua fortuna. Oliver Twist viene inoltre adottato da Mr. Brownlow e cominciare la sua vita da borghese.
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