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Understanding Players in Digital Consumer Journey & Impact of Omnichannel Strategies - Pro, Dispense di Marketing

The various players involved in the consumer journey before the final purchase, including salespeople, marketing departments, payment services, and customer reviews. It also discusses the challenges and benefits of customer-centricity in the digital age and the emergence of omnichannel strategies. Companies are striving to provide seamless customer experiences across multiple channels, offering easy access to product information and customer service.

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Caricato il 09/01/2024

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Scarica Understanding Players in Digital Consumer Journey & Impact of Omnichannel Strategies - Pro e più Dispense in PDF di Marketing solo su Docsity! OMNICHANNEL MANAGEMENT lezione 1° 10-01 How do you buy products/ services? How do you relate with brands? We have different kind of approach to buy some products, like physical shop or e-commerce. There is different format, with the main goal is to give seamless experience for different product. Brand portfolio if we consider corporate brand, we have different brands inside one, that consent to be more effective for replay to different need of your consumer (Hanse group: Hanse, Fjord, Dahler, Sealine…), is possible to have a district with all the brands. -When I’m inside a shop center, my choose can be influence from different aspect (need, discount and so on) -In a platform like shop center (Zalando) is define GO-TO, where the consumer can have an interactive navigation. To create omnichannel experience is needed to select the property amount of offer need to the consumers, it means to understand the consumer need its necessary map the journey of your consumer. There are different inputs in of your consumers that give the needs to buy or not. There are different players before final consumer:  Salespeople  Expert /KOL/ advisor  Marketing department  Payment services  Customer reviews  UVOM (all people around your that influence your decision)  Distributor  Retail system Chain: PRODUCERWHOLESALESRETAILERCONSUMER This is the ecosystem, it’s necessary to know which player is interest in our chain to act BRIK-AND- MORTAR RETALING  traditional store that it’s physical. Department store (electronic devices…)Department stores are retail companies that occupy large facilities and carry broad assortments of goods organized by buy use, function, and brand. Full-line department stores carry both hard and soft lines of merchandise (e.g., Hudson’s Bay), whereas limited-line department stores carry upmarket soft lines mostly (e.g., Nordstrom). Special stores (store for all merchandise) There are specialty stores for all merchandise categories such as computers, accessories, and travel packages. Discount stores attract consumer with low prices or convenience solution (3x2) general merchandise discounters= General merchandise discounters are retail stores that offer a wide range of products at lower prices compared to traditional retail stores. They usually offer both branded and private-label products and cater to budget-conscious consumers. Examples of general merchandise discounters include Walmart, Dollar General, and Family Dollar. killer category= A "killer category" is a product or service category that is so important to a company's overall success that it becomes a "must-win" battle. This term is often used in the context of retail businesses, where companies compete to dominate certain product categories to drive growth and increase market share. For example, a company that sells electronics may consider the smartphone category to be a "killer category," as it generates significant revenue and drives customer traffic to their stores. Companies will often allocate significant resources, including marketing and product development, to win in these key categories. off price discounters= Off-price discounters are retail stores that offer a wide range of products at lower prices compared to traditional retail stores. These stores typically sell merchandise that is overstocked, discontinued, or seasonal items from other retailers, manufacturers, and wholesalers, at a discounted price. They usually offer both branded and private-label products and cater to budget-conscious consumers who are looking for good deals. Examples of off-price discounters include T.J. Maxx, Ross Stores, and Marshalls. warehouse club= Warehouse clubs are retail stores that sell a wide range of products, including groceries, electronics, home goods, and clothing, at bulk prices to members. Membership to these stores is usually offered for a fee, and members are able to purchase products at significant discounts compared to traditional retail stores. Warehouse clubs typically have large, warehouse- style stores with minimal displays and a focus on low prices. Examples of warehouse clubs include Costco, Sam's Club, and BJ's Wholesale Club. factory outlet stores = Factory outlet stores are retail stores that sell products directly from the manufacturer, often at discounted prices. These stores offer products that are overstocked, discontinued, or previous-season merchandise from the manufacturer. Factory outlet stores are typically found in outlet centers or shopping malls, and offer a range of products, including clothing, electronics, home goods, and more. The products sold at factory outlets are often similar in quality to those sold in traditional retail stores, but at a lower price due to the lack of middlemen and overhead costs. Examples of factory outlet stores include Nike Factory Store, Coach Factory Outlet, and Levi's Outlet. Supermarkets, hypermarkets, conveniences stores and mom and pop shops Pope-up shop  they are created to be exclusive for temporary period to attract consumer (magnum che vende gelati) Digital ecosystem : Electronic Commerce, mobile commerce, social commerce, interactive commerce, vending machines.  Electronic Commerce Online stores to sell products and services to their customers worldwide  Mobile Commerce With the proliferation of smartphones, many retailers have invested in mobile commerce by launching mobile apps and creating mobile-friendly websites that allow consumers to shop easily from their smartphones 24/7 (amazon app) there are multinetwork that overlapping and fragmented each other. Need for alignment and coordination: Relations are more integrate and interactive in two ways Drifting completely change the secondhand markets (, generate a new market that is subsidiarity to the principal market (save money, to be sustainable …) the case of swatch at the same time crate speculation in the second hand compered to principal market. We have a critical mass of drifting because now the production watches the consumer second hand, and the companies are using this factor to manipulate the demand of customer and to retake them which different actions and trikes. Attention economy the currency is the attention of people on your brand and your behavior. It is changing the way how the people use channel market: are changing the way to interact and so on… The difference between the traditional and new approach Traditional linear approach it works very well with digitalization. Also, we must consider that we have a new media environment, it’s change communication approach, communication model, underlying principle (corporate/content), key metaphors, rules of communication, costs- content- production. In this model we mansion Crowd casting= stakeholders as participate produce of forward content about the organization. Differences between owned, paid and earned media in online setting Classification of social media Social Presence and media Richness - What’s next? Web 2.0 we will have ideological and technological shift in communication (different channel communication for your brand) What kind of consumer are using your platform, we have different connection overlapping between them. Challenge: managing and controlling the brand and its message Fragmented new Opportunity:  new ways to reach or engage stakeholders  Have conversation  Adopt an authentic voice  Tell or elaborate its story or messages Socioecological landscape Game changer for banding and consumer brand relations Command and control model  No longer about digitalization information consumption (need to reply fast)  Break from traditional message flows Relation and community-building  Now about fostering interactive  Democratizing nature of media Democratization of digitalization: more access of user, time spent, content curators and creators. More Technology Seles impact in all Omnichannel give the opportunities To transform a multichannel model to omnichannel it’s require: 1. a real time visibility of inventory across the supply  in the moment that the consumer is asking for something it’s necessarily have a real time strategy. More benefits for the rapidity. More good reputation. 2. A single view of consumer as he/she moves from one channel to another. We are studying in with the marketing which are. 3. Flexibility and readiness. When you are a customer, you need to be more satisfy and save your money. But you still have some paces. 4. An integrated marketing plan: sometimes happened that some online activity must be separated, because you assume that some of your customers prefer to use online channel more to the physical one. We know that this movement is fluid and very automatic. Happened customer make a comparison between amazon and Zalando. Having integration can help to save client. Multichannel is the merging of retail operation to enable customer sales through many channels it assumes that consumer choose a main way to connect with brand/product, physically of digitally. the fidelity program creates an exclusive experience for your customer. And you can obtain more client with this tool. Sephora is an example In omnichannel: a cross- channel strategy that organizations use to improve their user experience and drive better relationship with their customers across all points of contact. Rather than working in parallel, Channels and their supporting resources are designed and orchestrated to cooperate seamlessly. Consumers are likely to use multiple touchpoints at a time, and they can order what they want, when they want, on whatever device they want, and have it delivered how they want. An omnichannel retail strategy provides an integrated and consistent shopping experience across different channels and devices. It required a smooth, positive experience for customers regardless of where and how they interact with brand omni means that you must be present where your customers are, no matter how they access the product. Successful omnichannel endeavor  Increased visibility of inventory  More options for fulfillment to reach more customers  Seamless shopping experience with greater customer service  More opportunities to engage customer and increase sales  Reduce returns The omnichannel is find the right mix, multichannel is find all channel for this reason nowadays is moving to omnichannel for the perfect mix that you need. To customize the interaction is necessary collect data, to understand the costumer Drop-shipping a customer order and the delivery going in three party of logistic or manufacturer and it can be an effective way for e-tailers to reduce inventory holding costs. Click- and – collect you can choose the product and pay in the store Curbside pick-up the customer places the order online or by phone to pick-up curbside at the retail. Reserve and collect is similar to click and collect but here the customer pays for the product after seeing it at a brick-and-mortar shop Delivery lockers the consumer opens a locker with a code provided after the purchase online Same-day delivery the order is in stock in a brick-and- mortar store or in a warehouse and the fulfillment happens in the same day of the order Order management systema technological system that handles all the order including the Free-return customer can handle the reverse logistics for free Crowdsource delivery is a way to deliver something with a private Shopping experiences are improved a lot with digital platform Build an aligned experience= you need to know customer profile and brand identity touchpoints refer to any point of interaction between a customer and a company. These interactions can occur across a variety of channels and can include experiences such as visiting a company's website, reading an email, calling a customer service line, or interacting with a product or service. Touchpoints play an important role in shaping the customer's perception of a company and can greatly impact customer satisfaction and loyalty. Marketers strive to create a consistent and positive experience across all touchpoints to build brand awareness, loyalty, and advocacy. Effective touchpoint management can also help companies identify and address pain points in the customer journey, thereby improving the overall customer experience. it’s the moment when something touches a product indirectly and direct and get in connection brand with consumer! Channel The channel is something to take interaction with your consumer Data collection and integration Business intelligence and technology can help align operations and experience by optimizing the sharing of data and insights across the buyer journey by enabling the retailers to collect, centralize, and publish data across channels in real time What do we need to do that?  Order management information across channels and visibility  Integration of consumer data and insights about supply, pricing, promotion, communication  Consumer data collection standards for all channels to gain holistic, actionable view of consumers The right channel mix is based on polarizing tendencies:  Online Stores Open Brick and Mortar Locations  Show-room  Buy Online, Pick Up In Store  Social selling  Virtual assistants  Contactless Transactions Wrap-up difference multi vs omni Lezione 24/01 Samsung have a differentiation of own portfolio Mobile, medical device, semiconductors What is channel marketing? it is multichannel How we can create an experience and sell more premium phone +1000€ What have more impact on sales smartphones on Gen Z The idea must be linked with a customer channel 8retailer telco, pure players, Samsung) Create a promotion/ experience/ event influencer camping to target Ganz and sell more flagship phones These technologies can help retailers get their customers better engaged with the brand throughout their online and offline shopping journey. Important when there is a implementation of new technologies mapping them, try to understand if it will be a opportunities Brands are now managed like high-tech ecosystems:  Dead-simple mobile app  Humanize service providers  Provide community ratings and reviews  Instant gratification, speed, and status updates  QR codes, Interactive windows, Augmented reality, Location-based services, Interactive kiosk  Store payment and preferences  Democratize access  Lean supply-chain  Demand-based price  Data insights and machine learning It is very difficult give to people the knowledge to use new technologies, for this reason it’s necessary a simplification for to work.(app simple and intuitive ) What is in a consumer-brand relationship? Brands are everywhere and markets have reached full capacity: issues in retention, low switching cost, loyalty is volatile. Tech-mediated relations are intense and ever-increasing. Humanizations of services provider  simulate the capabilities to understand the customer need. I chatbot AI sono programmi che simulano conversazioni simili a quelle umane utilizzando l'elaborazione del linguaggio naturale (NLP). I chatbot AI stanno diventando sempre più preziosi per le organizzazioni quando si tratta di automatizzare processi aziendali come il servizio clienti, le vendite e le risorse umane. Match your target’s taste, be consistent with your brand aesthetics, think about gender, pick a name. Ratings and reviews important to create a sort of experience. It’s necessary to be in different channel. The reviews give a preventive experience for the new customer. (Customer Testimonials) Retailers can also consider indexing products based on prior ratings or written reviews from previous customers. In this way, customers can easily search for high-quality products that other customers endorse. Recent research has revealed that customer testimonials and reviews are highly related to conversion rates. Specifically, a product with 50 or more reviews can earn an average 4.6% increase in its conversion rate. It has also been observed that authentic product- specific reviews can drive search traffic and keyword rankings: 10 or more reviews of a product can result in a 15%-20% increase in its search traffic.5 Interactive windows and smart mirrors • Attract customer visually • Create an individual experience • Always open 24/7 in real-time • Mobile and gesture control (NintendoWii-like) • Data-collection enabled • Suggestions to customers • Increase basket Free or mobile check-out stores By accepting near field communication (NFC) based payment solutions, such as tap- enabled bank cards, mobile wallets, and other mobile payment solutions (e.g., Samsung Pay, Apple Pay, AliPay, and WeChat Pay), retailers can speed up the checkout process for their customers. In addition, many retailers such as Starbucks also incorporate their mobile apps with e-wallet and loyalty-points collection functionality, making the transactional process swift for their loyal customers. The aim of tech-enabled retail is to make the shopping experience frictionless = you can buy whenever you want from anywhere you are Unique selling proposition why your consumer has to more safe, you can base your campaign on the idea of welfare. Instant gratification, speed, and status people can test the same gratification of physical shop Access in a process have been faster soon as possible QR codes, interactive widows, In the omnichannel you integrate all products to the customer We are beyond the concept of loyalty Re-purchase over time: Re-purchase over time refers to the repeated purchasing of a product or service by a customer, either periodically or as needed. This behavior is an indicator of customer satisfaction and brand loyalty and is an important metric for businesses to measure. Companies aim to encourage re-purchasing through high-quality products and customer service, as well as marketing efforts to remind customers of their brand and products. Consumer-brand relationship: it is a complex socio-cultural phenomena trough which and in the frame of which a bond between consumer and their brands gets generated Interpersonal relations/ Anthropomorphic metaphor Brands as relationship partners, which are embedded in consumers life project Relational typologies:  Purpose-driven (not casual)  Time-orientation  Commitment and reciprocity  Context-based and stressors  Attitude toward adversities It is necessary that the relationship patterns have, liquid and flexible contest. So, consumer is moving in different market, different sector. From dyadic relations (Brand attachment, Brand love and passion, Brand hate, avoidance and dislike, Consumer-brand engagement) to…  CBR polygamy  High context  Mobility and liquid consumption  Post-human agents PARTICIPATORY CULTURE If we consider a brand happened that is necessary to hijack it in a new way. If people work with digital platform, it is efficient and introduce new value. (Sanremo, Fantasanremo) Contemporary consumers navigate in a world of communications that often requires technology for relationship formation and maintenance. TECHNOLOGY and consumer culture are interweaved one in the other as part of a universal ecology that implies consumer culture-technology embeddedness. Humans have always been integrated into an environment where brain, language, culture, and technology impact each other and where formed objects and the human beings who form them co-evolve in a complex and reciprocal process. The last miles are crucial for a company, the series of networks. Techno capitalism= An evolution of market capitalism that is rooted in rapid technological innovation grounded on corporate power and its exploitation of technological creativity (Suarez-Villa 2003, 390; Suarez-Villa 2009, 3) Techno capitalism has made connectivity rapidly evolve into a valuable economic resource as information was engineered and coded into algorithms (Van Dijk 2013, 4) (i.e. Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter corporations’ attempts to further their interests by increasingly influencing and monetizing consumers’ online social experiences.)  series of networks are defining a new set of relationship and interactions among people, brands, global causes, and political movements . Channel mix Direct channel are the ones that companies sell thought personal contact between a firm and its. Most the brands are competing between each other. Indirect channels= you sell through third party intermediaries (agent, wholesalers, distributors, retailer, dealers). Attention economy is a marketing prospective assigning value according to something’s capacity to attract ‘eyeballs’ in a media-saturated, information- rich world.(insurance that check your car) Algorithmics culture is influencing the consumer decision inside our channel. evaluation, confrontation (Netflix film choose for you). The companies that are nowadays more digitalized, they want to be a strong player in at social level How can we cop this digital challenge? Basically it’s about interpreting contexts, cultures, UGC, algorithms... and offering contents and gateways that fit in... Omnichannel customers are avid users of retailer touchpoints. The more channels’ customers use, the more valuable they are: more channels The holy grail of personalization • AI and machine learning, natural language processing currently allows retailers to process huge amounts of unstructured customer data from online and in-store activity, social media, and all brand touchpoints • This data can help retailers understand customers’ needs, concerns, their current stage in the buying journey • Retailers can then leverage this understanding to deliver deeply targeted messaging and more personal interactions • offer multiple personalized touchpoints that enable customer to allocate their time and money according to their personal preferences • Customers receive offers that are targeted not just at customers like them, with brands targeting at the segment level with broad-based offers, but at them as an individual, with products, offers, and communications that are uniquely relevant to each customer with the benefit of increasing their baskets, value, and loyalty to your brand Frictionless commerce How digital technologies are blending product purchases seamlessly into consumers’ daily lives Purchases will be automatically initiated on behalf of consumers (with their advance consent) using real-time, integrated data from known preferences, past behaviors, sensors, and other sources As consumers become connected to everything, all the time, the node of commerce will be consumers themselves, rather than any distinguishable “channel” Threats for brands Frictionless commerce will test the emotional C-B bonds Consumers are disintermediated from traditional brand choices via search engine and online retailer algorithms that determine which products are presented to consumers, and in what sequence. Most consumers are at best passively loyal Passive loyalty convenience Algorithms replace consumer emotions as the prime force shaping purchase decisions. Consumers could forego their customary brand choices in exchange for the speed and convenience of whatever is offered by the self-interested, digitally empowered parties now taking control of consumer choice. Given that consumers are the node, marketing should listen rather than broadcast. Controlling the last mile means influencing decisions -Amazon Echo enabled with the Alexa voice service a human voice-controlled smart object -a device with its own existence, capable of communicating with other households to compare other consumers’ routines through data -a data gatherer, a student who learns by machine learning -a covert market researcher who provides Amazon with detailed information about how consumers are using Alexa in their homes Data insights and flexibility Predictive analytics for demand forecasting eliminates uncertainties in retail technology functions. It can be used for inventory management and building marketing plans. The retail tech leads to precise inventory calculation, order, allocation, and restock of the items. It is majorly used to target campaigns and make reasonable price decisions. Technology retailers use robots for inventory management, product delivery, and warehouse operations. These robots deliver items anywhere within the shortest route possible. Robots meet the customers, collect information & feedback. This retail technology operates as shopping assistants. It provides product recommendations to the customer. Data Science for Personalized Experience Technology in retail stores uses Data science to harness the power of data. It is used to analyze customer sentiments, implement A.R. and price optimization. The retail technology also checks sales requirements and stock availability. Product Filtering Pulling the right kind of products to be displayed on the web is not a simple task. Presenting too many products on the web may intimidate the site visitor and create friction. Retailers need to have proper filter functions to allow customers to view relevant goods based on filtering criteria such as brand name, size, color, and style. After all, it is inconvenient for customers to dig through the retailer’s website to locate their dream product to purchase, especially when accessing the site from their mobile devices that have limited screen space. The online shopping ecosystem • Website with owned e-commerce • Marketplaces • Social commerce • Conversational selling • Remote selling • Acommerce Social commerce A native shopping experiences on a social media platform that offers shoppers an even more seamless way to shop online. Instead of clicking through to a third-party website, users can make purchases right from the social media app or site. • Personalize the shopping experience • Shop in the destination app • Accessibility • Reach great number of users and potential consumers Conversational selling Conversational selling is the act of engaging customers and prospects through direct dialogue. This selling can take place via chatbot or a live company representative. The idea is that the sales process is centered on a conversation versus a pitch. • Live streaming hosted by Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) • AI and chatbot shopping assistant Speakers and Voice commands Voice commands allow customers to search and purchase products online. Retailers can also build their brand using voice search and virtual assistants. Customers can place orders, prepare shopping lists, and purchase the product. Remote selling Remote selling – or virtual selling – is a buying cycle where sales and post-sales communications take place between a customer and a sales associate in different physical locations. Octopus Seamless brand experience Samsung Octopus Tech and innovation – frictions Customer experience 8 at 14:00 SA324 CPM We are living in multipolicy contest hybrid shopping = mix experiences (69% of consumer requird a mix) The consumer wants the experience, usually online network offers the information for take a choose. Hybrid shopping means also that consumers learn about products in. different ways Learnbuy Shopping in store and online have the similar elements Intentional spending you select what you need Retailers and brand must constantly change technique. Consumer would like that brands meet their evolving Responding to this complexity with one-to-one relationship. Unpredictability vuca Pretty strong, complex path very difficult to manag PW Octopus energy group Launched in the UK in 2016 EnTeach pioneer with global scale Frist and foremost a green 5B dollars, From 2022 in Italy to improving and implement green energy Energy market it’s regulate and complicate. Steps: Production transmission distribution retail It’s moving in production The market was liberalized 2012 Switch ratio  17% of the costumer changed the supplier Ukraine gives a booster to change Generating prices growth a high volatility PUN Customer were already quite confused, solution switch are form online OIET Channel AS IS Channel dynamics : flat linear exponential Pcw= platform to start quickly. flat Field and teleseles linear Direct  exponential To be strategy How to win 1M of customers in the next 3 years ? Greener cheaper Guidelines  How to start  Brief  Be briefing  Planning the workflow  Analysis memos, notes -understand/brand/company connect/ competitive brands / comparable brands benchmarking  Brainstorming  Decision and choices  Creative strategy and action plan What happened in the energy market? Communication context (communication protocol) Who are the costumers Target— Demographic behavioral Primary data = interview, survey … Secondary data are all analyzed from a third party Comparable= kind of similar business (iliad) 3M: B2B market it is very tricky, Key-function is R&D 1.8billion Presence in all market possible as possible Present close to the customer Matirials , processing , capabilities, If we have technologies leveraged among different markets, it’s necessary to be interactive between market and technology. Distributor try to sell the stock of 3M product . It’s important divide market in two channel Key account  user Key account  small users The change happen quick and you need to change fast Dealer with counter In the B2B the client expected the same experience of private ones.--> before pandemic the 97% clients in B2B don’t want Customers: Have more access to information Can instantly comparison shop Expected that you know their need Expected urgent speed response Expect you to pick up where we left off list Improve our customer intimacy Customer journey = customer follow several phase : Multiple touchpoint awarenessevaluation 5 business model : Industrial/commercial Touch point map: it important to categorize and find Lead management completely change Seamless switch of channels Seles reps completely different, now he should help to understand the best solution for the client need Lead generation? Lead = protentional customer Lead generation= all users Lead management  it’s necessary to rethink it Campaign summary – NPI Campaign objectives: drive awareness and consideration of Campaign starts awareness/consideration/ purchase More visual awareness, try to give the impression that it’ s work B2B in the cosmetic sector they have 3 months for the timing. In the awareness you will be more absent Access= we need to understand how people can access to the product service and so on Connectivity= how we can connect them Techno-sociality= BEST
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