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Configurazione e calcolo del tempo e costo di setup in base ai tipi di attributo, Appunti di Gestione Progetti

Come configurare e calcolare il tempo e il costo di setup in un sistema di produzione, in base ai diversi tipi di attributo associati alle operazioni e alle macchine. Vengono illustrate le sezioni di configurazione base e dettagliata, i campi rilevanti delle tabelle CYB_ATTRIBUTE e CYB_MACHINE_CONFIG, e le regole per il calcolo del tempo e del costo di setup. Vengono inoltre forniti esempi di configurazione per i diversi tipi di attributo, come 'From table', 'Discrete', 'Continuous', e 'Set Down / Set Up'.

Tipologia: Appunti


Caricato il 18/11/2021

nicola-bertanzon 🇮🇹

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Scarica Configurazione e calcolo del tempo e costo di setup in base ai tipi di attributo e più Appunti in PDF di Gestione Progetti solo su Docsity! 1 OPERATION ATTRIBUTES Operation attributes is the most detailed and complete way to configure setup management in the scheduling process. It is used only in FCS horizon. We discussed about other setup configurations in this section. The operations may require special preparations of the machines on which they are processed. These preparations can concern the support to mount the pieces in the machine, the change of color in use of a painting machine, etc. Each preparation brings the machine into a particular configuration. In CyberPlan, these configurations are called Attributes. In CyberPlan, you can manage three types of attributes: discrete, continuous and table values. Each type of attribute allows you to configure and compute setup time and cost in different ways, according to customer situation and needs. 1.1 Configuration The configuration consists of two sections: e Basic configuration, which is common for each attribute type e Detailed configuration, which depends on the attribute type. For each type you will find a dedicated section which explains the configuration. 1.1.1 Basic configuration 1. Configure workcenter setup type In order to consider operation attributes, set the field SETUP_TYPE of the table CYB_WORKCENTER to A-Attribute. 2. Define attributes The first step regards the definition of attributes in the CYB_ATTRIBUTE table. When an operation requires an attribute different from the one of the machine, the scheduler will consider the rules defined in this table to estimate cost and time to prepare the machine. Main fields are: ® TYPE: attributes can assume 3 different type of values: o From table: values defined in the table CYB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE o Discrete: string values defined in the CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE © Continuous: numeric values defined in the CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE DEFAULT_TIME: default setup time for the attribute DEFAULT_COST: default setup cost for the attribute *e COST_RULET1, COST_RULE2, COST_RULE3, TIME_RULE1, TIME_RULE?2, TIME_RULE3: See in rules paragraph 11.2 Attribute: table value configuration 3. Define attributes Now, for each attribute define the values it can assume in the table CYB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE. Relevant fields are: e CODE: value of the attribute * ATTRIBUTE: code of the attribute If you set the rule to Set Down / Set Up, define the following fields: SETUP_COST: setup cost for the attribute value SETUP_TIME: setup time for the attribute value TAKE_DOWN_COST: take down cost for the attribute value TAKE_DOWN_TIME: take down time for the attribute value If you set the rule to Dimension Diff or Dimension Increasing, define: * DIMENSION: field used for the calculation of setup time, it represents the value the attribute can assume operations: running the MRP, records of the table CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE will be generated by deriving them from the standard attributes. If you do not use CyberPlan MRP module, you have to populate directly the table CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE. Relevant fields of the CYB_STD_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE are: OPERATION: mandatory, operation ROUTING: mandatory, routing to which the operation belongs ATTRIBUTE: mandatory, attribute required by the operation e NUMBER: optional, numeric value to define if the attribute TYPE is continuous Relevant fields of the CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE are: OPERATION: mandatory, operation e ORDER: mandatory, order to which the operation belongs ATTRIBUTE: mandatory, attribute required by the operation e NUMBER: optional, numeric value to define if the attribute TYPE is continuous 1.1.4 Attribute: discrete value configuration 3. Machine configuration Define the attribute you want to consider for the machine in the CYB_MACHINE_CONFIG table. You can also set the initial status, in the field beginning with STARTING_STRING and the value of the attribute at the current simulation step in the field beginning with SIM_STRING, populated by the scheduler. Note: the machine must belong to the same workcenter on which the operations requiring an attribute are processed. 4. Set time and cost composition rules In the CYB_MACHINE you can choose the rule to calculate attributes cost and time of preparing a machine to process an operation (fields COST_ATTR_COMP_RULE and TIME_ATTR_COMP_RULE). There are two alternatives: e 0-Sum: default option, it considers the sum of operation's attribute value time/cost of the attribute associated with the machine. e 1-Max: it considers the maximum of operation’s attribute value time/cost of the attribute associated with the machine. 5. Define operations attributes This step regards the definition of attributes required by the operations; you can do ît in two ways. Table CYB_STD_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE links attributes values to standard operations: running the MRP, records of the table CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE will be generated by deriving them from the standard attributes. If you do not use CyberPlan MRP module, you have to populate directly the table CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE. Relevant fields of the CYB_STD_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE are: OPERATION: mandatory, operation ROUTING: mandatory, routing to which the operation belongs ATTRIBUTE: mandatory, attribute required by the operation e STRING: optional, numeric value to define if the attribute TYPE is continuous Relevant fields of the CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE are: OPERATION: mandatory, operation e ORDER: mandatory, order to which the operation belongs ATTRIBUTE: mandatory, attribute required by the operation STRING: optional, numeric value to define if the attribute TYPE is continuous 1.1.5 Scheduler computation Each operation will be scheduled according to the rule and the configuration defined in the previous section. Scheduler will populate fields SCH_SETUP and SCH_SETUP_COST of the CYB_OPERATION table. 1.2 Rules This section covers the description of the main rules which allow the calculation of the cost/time of the change in value of an attribute. They're defined on attributes. For each attribute, you can define 3 rules that specify how to calculate the cost/time of a change in its value: e Cost rules: COST_RULE1, COST_RULE2, COST_RULE3 e Time rules: TIME_RULE1, TIME_RULE2, TIME_RULE3 The rules are considered in sequence. The computation ends with the first rule that allows to calculate a valid cost/time. If no rule allows to determine the cost/change time, then the default cost/time defined in the field DEFAULT_COST and DEFAULT_TIME of the CYB_ATTRIBUTE table is taken. Rules depend on the attribute type. Following you a find a summary table with the rules implemented for each attribute type. Rules / Attriute type From Table Discrete Continuous Zero if no changes o o ® Set Down / Set Up 9 Dimension Diff ® ® Dimension Increasing 9 o © Setup Matrix It is equivalent to the From table case; it uses the field NUMBER of the table CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE instead of the field DIMENSION of the CYB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE. Dimension Increasing It is equivalent to the From table case; it uses the field NUMBER of the table CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE instead of the field DIMENSION of the CYB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE. 12.3 Rules for type: Discrete You can use discrete values when operations and machines require few attributes and attribute values can frequently change. Zero if no changes It is equivalent to the previous case; it uses the field STRING of the table CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE instead of the field DIMENSION of the CYB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE. 12.4 Examples In order to allow a more direct understanding of the topic, simple concrete examples will be adopted in the following explanation. You will find 3 examples, which show how to configure the setup basing on the attribute type. For each rule a numeric example is given, in order to help the understanding of the scheduler computation. 12.5 Example: two attributes with table values In this example we consider to produce items with 3 diameters and 3 colors, where the setup of the cutting machine changes depending on these attributes. For this reason, we create two attributes called “Diameter” and “Color” in the table CYB_ATTRIBUTE. For the Diameter we configure two rules: first, if two successive operations have the same diamter, the setup time/cost is 0; second, if there are any variation, the setup is calculated according to the takedown and the setup time/cost. For the color, the only rule defined set the setup time/cost to zero if two successive operations require the same color. A CYB_ATTRIBUTE q ea, c0 0 sla da Default time 7 UO RI LL PA 1 Color 0-From table 2 02:00 O-Zerolfilochanges -1-Undefined O-ZerolfNochanges -1-Undefined 2 Diameter — 0-From table 3 03:00 —O-Zerolfiiochanges 1-SetDown/SetUp O-ZerolfNochanges —1-SetDown/SetUp In the CYB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE we determine the three values that diameter and color can assume, with the relative setup and take down time/cost. For example, to prepare the cutting machine to process an item with a diameter of 15, the setup time is 6 hours and the setup cost is 6. The same values have been entered for the takedown time and cost. Pe AL RNITa a gala. ze s àa{ alam Re ie Freni Take Dow (ia RIU 1 13 Diamerer || d (04:00 4 (04:00 2 15 Diameter [|] 6 06:00 6 06:00 BI 16 Diameter [| 8 08:00 8 (08:00 4 Blue Color mm 1 01:30 1 01:30 5 Green Color mm 1 01:00 1 01:00 6 Red Color mm 1 01:00 1 01:00 For the configuration of the cutting machine, we set the attribute diameter with a today value of “15”. Furthermore, the setup type of the workcenter is A-Attribute. The time/cost composition rule is set to 0-Sum: this way, the setup time of passing from 15 to 16 is the sum of first valid rule of the two attributes. With the same logic works the setup cost calculation. Remember that the machine must belong to the same workcenter of the operations previously configured. (ge ei Vo vi ici ca] tag ced da aa N pr reg] str ieg Machine QLL (614 CIA (e(s1- gatte alito) ife II pai TV TERT: INS] 1 Diameter Cutting machine Cutting 0.Sum A-Attribute 15 2 Color Cutting machine Cutting 0.Sum A-Attribute The last step regards the definition of the operations attributes. For this purpose, we filled the CYB_STD_OP_ATTRIBUTE table and runned the MRP; this way records of table CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE have been automatically generated. fe pi Rui: MAIO a eaagaczo0àì 1 20 #4 Diameter 13 i 20 #4 Color Red 3 20 #5 Diameter 15 4 20 #5 Color Green 5 20 e Diameter 16 6 20 #6 Color Red From the machine gantt we can analyse the output of the scheduler. The following example explains the calculation of the setup time; for the setup cost the behaviour is equivalent. logic works the setup cost calculation. Remember that the machine must belong to the same workcenter of the operations previously configured. Continuous attributes require a numeric value to be associated to the operations: this way the FCS scheduler can calculate the setup time and cost with the rule DimensionDiff You can do ît in the CYB_STD_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE or the CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE table. We filled in the CYB_STD_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE (as shown in the figure below) and runned the MRP. This way, records of CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE will be automatically generated. iS Pie E ATI e a.g;cceodd aaa Attribute Numeric val Lo] [Voi Altop iter tnt e 1 Diameter 8 20 o 4 o Diameter 12 20 a #5 a D) Diameter 20 20 U) #6 U) The machine gantt shows the graphical representation of the operations sequence. DIESISS OE e 8906) BBETA o | Q2 2017 Oth o 10? dith 12th 13Îh 0 ddth AS9h 16h d7th 18h 19h 20h Bi | | MAL LULU LE VALUTATI VITUZAI Lo item cers16 Pin setup time 03:00:00 Sch. setup time 12:00 Sch. setup cost 12 Sch. setup start 2017-03-16 08:00:00 È} Sch. setup end 2017-03-17 12:00:00 C::] ‘Working time 45:00 “Sch. work start 2017-03-17 13:00:00 È} Sch. work end 2017-03-27 09:00:00 C::] As you can see from the machine gantt, the second operation has a scheduled setup time of 12 hours, calculated as following: Color: Setup time = 2 Because the only rule of the Color attribute is Zero if no change and the initial status in undefined (field STARTING_NUMBER of table CYB_MACHINE_CONFIG is null), the setup time is equal to the value of the attribute defined in the field DEFAULT_TIME of the table CYB_ATTRIBUTE. Diameter: Setup time = 12 The rule used for the calculation is DimensionDiff, because the two successive operations have different diameters (13 and 16). The FCS scheduler will consider the field DIMENSION of the table CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE and the conversion factor defined in the table CYB_ATTRIBUTE. Setup time = [NUMBER(16) - NUMBER(13)]*UNIT_TIME_COEF = (20 - 8)*1 = 12 Because the computation rule is 7-Max, the schedueld setup time is equal to those calculated for the attribute diameter. 12.7 Example: an attribute with discrete values In this example we consider to produce items with 3 diameters and 3 colors, where the setup of the cutting machine changes depending on these attributes. For this reason, we create two attributes called “Diameter” and “Color” in the table CYB_ATTRIBUTE. The values for the attribute Diameter are defined in the table CYB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, while the color ones are discrete. For the Diameter we configure two rules: first, if two successive operations have the same diamter, the setup time/cost is 0; second, if there are any variation, the setup is calculated according to the values defined in the CYB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SU_MATRIX. For the color, the only rule defined set the setup time/cost to zero if two successive operations require the same color. Attribute values 13, 15, and 16 have been defined for the attribute Diameter. Because we defined the rule SetupMatrix, we need to determine the setup time and cost of passing from a source value to destination one in the table CYB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SU_MATRIX, as shown in the figure below. We set the flag SIMMETRIC true: this way, passing from diameter 13 to diameter 15 or viceversa has the same setup time and cost. EE ASTA [ca] ct aGaiico ce Ddia,èàùaa,gn From value To value Machine [2 (Ms fde,-18 ia et elia] iii pui vai 1 15 16 sacma2 1 01:00 (4 2 13 15 sacma2 2 02:00 ki 3 13 16 sacma2 4 04:00 i For the configuration of the cutting machine, we set the attribute diameter with a today value of “15”. Furthermore, the setup type of the workcenter is A-Attribute. The time/cost composition rule is set to 0-Sum: this way, the setup time of passing from 15 to 16 is the sum of first valid rule of the two attributes. With the same logic works the setup cost calculation. Discrete attributes require a string value to be associated to the operations, in order to calculate the setup time and cost. You can do it in the CYB_STD_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE or the CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE table. We filled in the CYB_STD_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE (as shown in the figure below) and runned the MRP. This way, records of CYB_OP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE will be automatically generated.
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