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Organizational behavior, Esercizi di Sociologia Delle Organizzazioni

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Caricato il 20/09/2022

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Scarica Organizational behavior e più Esercizi in PDF di Sociologia Delle Organizzazioni solo su Docsity! 1 | INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Knowing the trade of organizational behavior and leadership will help you to succeed in your careers 1. Demonstrate the importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace . Interpersonal skills are nowadays very important because with them you as a manager are able to attract and keep high performing employees. By doing that you keep your employees, because a good place to work is also a good place for higher financial performance. The quality of workplace is also increasing, and therefore the job satisfaction increases, and the stress becomes less. It also fosters the awareness for social responsibility. 2. Define organizational behavior Organizational behavior studies the influence that individuals, groups, and structures have on behavior with organizations. We look what happens within the organization. Its goal is to apply that knowledge toward improving an organizations effectiveness by influencing absenteeism/presentism, employment turnover, productivity, human performance, and management. It focuses on motivation, leader behavior power, interpersonal communication, group structure and processes, attitude development & perception, change process, conflict negotiation, and organizational- and work design. Putting that all together you create a perfect workplace for many people. And satisfied employees mean a good work. 3. Show the value of systematic study of OB / why are we doing systematic study? Systematic studies are done to get away of “gut feeling” decisions. By doing systematic studies of OB you get information about a person’s behavior which assumes that behavior is not random. Systematic study helps to makes possible to predict behavior, examines relationships and bases conclusions on scientific evidence (so gathering data under controlled conditions). So, we have to look for causality and not for correlation. Systematic study is complemented by Evidence Based Management (bases decisions on the best available scientific evidence) and it is complemented by the use of big data (for developing theories of causality, define objectives,). By analyzing data on scientific evidence, data is gathered under control conditions and measured and interpreted in a reasonably rigorous manner. Designing studies is very important. We do not speculate about someone (for example a job applicant) but we are looking at data. We need to measure the right stuff!! Example: if you do a survey, you cannot only do questions by your gut feeling. But you have to know what you want to ask: brainstorm, do interviews, take all the results, find different components, solve those components, go to specialists and ask them how you can measure it. He will say no, but you have to make questions aiming for the same thing just slightly different. You go over all those questions. You get results back after giving the questions to a certain amount of people… probably you will be able to publish a paper if you do the survey many times with many questions. 4. Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB Psychology is about the science that seeks to measure and change the behavior of humans or animals. Social Psychology is an area of psychology that blends concepts from psychology and sociology to focus on the influence of people on one another. Making someone aware of changing their behavior. Sociology is the study of people in relation to their social environment. Anthropology is where it comes to the human beings and their behavior. As one can see it goes from a macro level to a micro level. In the organization we have to ask us, what we are studying; if we are studying individuals than we are probably going to the part of psychology, but if we are studying groups, we move to the part of social psychology, and so on… There are different levels going from individual level over group/team level to organization system level. It is also stuff like how an organization sets up in terms of design or working environment. in each of those levels, we look at what is the input and what is the process for the output. The questions on the group level are “who are the individuals that are combined in that group?”, the process is “how does the group perform, how they communicate?”, and the outcome is the performance. Is there just a correlation or a cause relationship? 5. Demonstrate why few absolutes apply to OB Each company has a lot of different employees which are from different cultures and villages (people are complex and diverse). Therefore, it is impossible to make simple and accurate generalizations. Each employee is individual/divers and has different mind sets. An example is that thumbs up in America means good and in Iran an insult, so you have to be careful what you say/do. So we cannot say something works in every company all over the world, therefore there are no absolutes in OB, because it is impossible to make accurate generalizations; the OB concept must reflect situational conditions (contingency variables). 6. Identify the challenges and opportunities managers have in applying OB concepts Challenges:  Responding to globalization – there are increased foreign assignments, the company needs to work with people from different cultures (different behavior), adapting to differing cultural and regulatory norms, …  Responding to Economic Pressures – good management can be the difference between survival and failure, but good management can be harder to apply in good economic times as in bas ones.  Managing Workforce Diversity – there is a high workforce diversity in companies, which means that organizations are becoming more heterogeneous mix of people (different gender, age, race, sexual orientation, …) 2 | WORKPLACE DIVERSITY (how to solve a case study?) 1. Describe the two major levels of workforce diversity and give examples of how workplace discrimination undermines diversity effectiveness. The two major levels of diversity are the surface-level diversity which includes the differences in age, race, gender, … (it is less significant over time), and the deep-level diversity, which includes differences in personality (e.g. big-five – openness to experience, conscientiousness extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) and values. It is very important and has a significant impact on groups over time. Unfair discrimination often happens at the workplace. Discrimination is when we are noting a difference between things which is not necessarily bad (it is one of the primary factors that prevent diversity). It is about people having certain stereotypes about groups of people and assumptions that everyone in a group is the same. Such discrimination can often be harmful to organizations and employees. If there would be a very diverse team in an organization, this could lead to an effective diversity management program and ultimately to a better organization. If one has a fear of being judged this could lead to lower performance / satisfaction, decreased motivation, more health issues… There are in addition many types of discrimination like discriminatory policies or practices (actions taken by representatives of the organization…), sexual harassment (unwanted sexual advantage…), intimidation (overt threats or bullying directed at members of specific groups of employees), mockery and insults (jokes or negative stereotypes), exclusion (of certain people from job opportunities), and incivility (disrespectful treatment…). But with recognizing diversity, opportunities can lead to an effective diversity management and so also to a better organization. 2. Identify the key biographical characteristics and describe how they are relevant to OB The key biographical characteristics are age, sex, race & ethnicity, and disability. They are all very important and relevant to OB. Age:  workforce is aging (more elderly people and fewer younger ones)  Decreasing performance in older workforce members  Reduced turnover intention, increased job satisfaction in professionals Sex/Gender:  differences between sexes  Women less likely to be promoted to supervisor, less likely to be assigned to challenging positions, face gender pay-gap and maternal wall bias Race:  racial minorities report higher levels of discrimination, individuals prefer colleagues of their race Disability:  less likely to be hired  regulations for people with disabilities, people with disabilities tend to get higher performance evaluation... 3. Define intellectual ability and demonstrate its relevance to OB Intellectual ability is the ability needed to perform mental activities. These intellectual abilities are very important in OB, because an employee could be dissatisfied with the job because he is frustrated by the limitations, since his abilities exceed those of the job. Therefore, it is very important to manage the employees’ abilities very well and the job specifications should be in line with the intellectual abilities of the employee. This leads to excellent working performance and max. job satisfaction. Examples are: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, identify visual differences and similarities, retain & recall past experiences, use logic, asses implications of an argument 4. Contrast intellectual and physical ability Intellectual ability is an individual’s capacity to perform the various tasks in a job. It is about:  Number aptitude (ability to speedy and accurate arithmetic)  Verbal comprehension (understand what is read or heard and the relationship of words)  Perceptual speed (identify visual similarities and differences quickly and accurately)  Inductive reasoning (identify a logical sequence in a problem and then solve the problem)  Deductive reasoning (use logic and assess the implications of an argument)  Spatial visualization (imagine how an object would look if its position in space were changed)  Memory (retain and recall past experiences) Physical ability: The Physical ability is based more on muscles and your body (Abilities that influence strength, endurance, flexibility, balance and coordination.), intellectual ability instead is based on your brain and how does this work. Intellectual abilities are everything that has to do with the power of a human’s brain. You are for example able to remember past things (IA) 5. Describe how organizations manage diversity effectively Implementing diversity in a company is a long way. It is about the programs by which managers make everyone more aware of and sensitive to the needs and differences of others. The second step is to implement the systematic analytical processes to understand the composition of your overall and team-level workforce. The third step is to make sure to target, attract, select, develop, and retain diverse employees. And at least you manage your team well. You will see, that in the beginning the productivity level won’t be high, but as soon as your diverse team is coordinated, you will get a sharp increase in productivity. So, you have to understand the organizations anti-discrimination- policies, share antidiscrimination policies with employees, challange stereotype beliefs to increase objectivity, consider the employees capabilities before making decisions, seek to understand and respect the characteristics of everyone, evaluate what accomodations a person with disabilities will need 6. Describe how technology and AI (artificial intelligence) can help to manage diversity in the workforce. The correct management of diversity and inclusion through improved connectivity, employee training, the removal of bias, and the provision of employee support can be assisted through technology. Collectively, this benefits the overall wellbeing of employees, providing them with a safe and secure working environment. Using technology allows educators to refine teaching strategies and learning processes, and to be more inclusive of all types of learning styles. Technology effectively shrinks the world by sharing knowledge and experiences. This is easily observed in the multicultural and multilingual classroom represented today. By simulating intelligent behaviors, AI can help change the way we work and reduce trends and prejudices that undermine organizations' ability to recruit diversely and inclusively while unconscious in human thinking. 7. Discuss situations in which you have to experienced cognitive dissonance and how you dealt with it. For example when I was on walk with my dog and on that day I forgot my plastic bag, so my dog decided to do his business in front of the church and when I was at home I felt guilty and so I decided to go back with a plastic bag and cleaned up the thing. Day of the week: people tend to be in their best mood on the weekend Weather: no impact according to research (according to me the weather has an impact on the mood of people – good weather = good mood) Stress: increased stress worsens mood Social activities: physical … acitivties increase positive moods Sleep: a lack of sleep increases negative emotions and impairs decision making Sex: women show greater emotional expression, experience emotions more intensely, and display more frequent expressions of emotions. 9. Show the impact emotional labor has on employees . Emotional labor: we need to address amotions we have to and not what we want to – emotional dissonance. You are expected to be friendly and very happy to the customer. Even if we are not, so we need to overplay it. This is taking away power – deep acting. 10. Describe affective events theory and its applications Employees react emotionally to things that happen to them at work, and this reaction influences their job performance and satisfaction. Affective Events Theory (AET): explains how emotions and moods influence job performance and job satisfaction. Work events and their emotional reactions can be influenced by our personality or our mood. If I am a person with negative outlooks, I see daily hassles as more negative and daily uplifts as less positive. Therefore, the manager could create the job profiles with more daily uplifts instead of hassles to gain a higher job performance and satisfaction. 11. Contrast the evidence for and against the existence of emotional intelligence Pros: EI can anyone learn, it can help to reduce bullying (since it allows us to stay in better control of our emotions), making decisions becomes a lot faster (since emotional decisions are a lot easier to make than logical decisions), can be used in any environment, situation, and circumstances, … Cons: can be used to manipulate people, can be used for personal gain (if desires are self-serving), takes time to develop this skill, … 12. Identify strategies for emotion regulation and their likely effects Emotion regulation is when I am identifying and modifying the emotions I feel. If I am angry, I go a step back, understand why I am angry and try to find solutions. Effective emotion regulation techniques include acknowledging emotional responses to situations and venting. 13. Apply concepts about emotions and moods to specific OB issues. 4 | VALUES AND PERSONALITY 1. Describe personality, the way it is measured, and the factors that shape it. Personality is the sum of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others. Often described in terms of measurable traits that a person exhibits such as shy, aggressive, submissive, lazy… Often it is measured by using self-report surveys (often prone to error). Personality is shaped by heredity and the environment of one person. Mostly, genetics are more influential than parents. 2. Describe the Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI) personality framework, the Big Five model and describe their strengths and weaknesses. MBTI is the most widely used personality-assessment instrument in the world. Individuals are classified as: Extroverted (sociable and assertive) or introverted (quiet and shy) Sensing (practical and orderly) or intuitive (using unconscious processes) Thinking (using reason and logic) or feeling (values and emotions) Judging (order and structure) or perceiving (flexible and spontaneous) The classifications are combined into 16 personality types. The weaknesses of it are that the model forces a person into one type or another & when you retake the assessment, often different results are achieved. It is difficult to interpret, and results are often unrelated to job performance. Moreover, personalities change over time, so we cannot generalize them. And the tests can be faked by the person doing it. This theory helps us to understand our own personality better and to develop and build self- awareness and to help teams work better together. It helps in conflict resolution, career coaching, team development, decision making, … The big five model consists of traits, their relevance and affects. It is organized into five factors/dimensions and each of them includes multiple traits. Weakness: not explain all of human personality, it relies on self-report questionnaires to be measured, you cannot understand personal expressions specific to cultures, genders, or ages. Strength: you understand better the person’s behavior if you know their traits, you can improve interactions, you can predict patterns of behavior over a period of time, … 3. Identify the three traits of the Dark Triad Machiavellianism Pros: simple to understand and use, if I know my weaknesses I can “correct” them, it could be helpful by forming teams, a team can profit from different types of personalities, a way to understand your own personality, I can understand better the person next to me, it is generally always correct, easy to use in a company to “associate” people and understand very quickly how they might interact. Cons: people cannot perfectly fit in one group or another, few personality types, very depending on different circumstances, people tend to select the characteristics they like about themselves, personality depends on the situation, subjective assessment, it is to generalized. 5 | PERCEPTION AND (INDIVIDUAL) DECISION MAKING (how to tackle and present a use case) 1. Explain Perception and their influencing factors. Perception – a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment. Mood, emotions, … influence how we interpret something. The factors which are influencing the perception are: contextual factors/situations (environment around us), perceiver, and the target (could be the job/customer). The way we perceive something, often leads to our actions. Link between perception and decision making: When we get confronted with a problem, we have to make a decision. Perception influences: the awareness that a problem exists, Interpretation & valuation of information, Bias of analysis & conclusion 2. Describe the Attribution Theory. Suggests that perceivers try to “attribute” the observed behavior to a type of cause: Internal (behavior is believed to be under the personal control of the individual) or external (person is forced in to the behavior by outside events/causes). Factors of causation: distinctiveness – whether an individual displays different behavior in different situations. consensus – does everyone who faces a similar situation respond the same way. Does everybody behave the same in the same situation? consistency – if person respond the same way over time. Is somebody value driven or reliable to themselves? But his analysis lies also to attribution errors. This occurs when we underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate that of internal factors. Moreover, there is the problem of self- serving bias. This occurs when individuals overestimate their own influence and overestimate the external influences on their failures. Other shortcuts in judging others: Selective perception – filtering process based on interests, background and attitude. People refer only to arguments which helps them in their argumentation. Halo Effect: Drawing a general impression based on a single characteristic. We believe from one impression, that we know everything of the person. Contrast effect: Our reaction is influences by others we have recently encountered. In candidate selection, select somebody total different, then firstly looked for. Stereotyping: judging someone on the basis of the perception of the group to which they belong. 3. Differentiate between rational decision making and intuitive decision making. Inuitive Decision Making = A non-conscious process created out of distilled experience, Increases with experience and a powerful complement to rational analysis in decision making In the rational decision-making model, you need to have complete knowledge of the situation. All relevant options are known in an unbiased manner and the decision maker seeks the highest utility. But with this model you NEVER have complete information. You can get close to, but NEVER complete. This model takes too much time. So, you cannot apply this model in every-day-life. Simpler than the rational decision making, decision making under bounded rationality is composed of three steps: 1. Limited search for criteria and alternatives – familiar criteria and easily found alternatives 2. Limited review of alternatives – focus on alternatives, similar to those already in effect 3. Satisficing – selecting the first alternative that is “good enough” If you are running only a mid-size business, you would not seek for the best solution and best alternative -> use Bounded rationality model. Since the limited information-process capability of human makes it impossible to understand and include all the information necessary to optimize. Therefore, people seek for solutions which are satisfactory and sufficient, rather than optimal. Intuitive decision making – non-conscious process created out of distilled experience. It increases with experience and can be a powerful complement to rational analysis in decision making. This decision making is only correct, if the contextual factors stays the same. If they are changing, this statement doesn't work. 10. Which components would you include in the payment and incentive program for an external hired hotel manager vs. a restaurant chef at the same hotel? Hotel manager -> monetary assemble: business car, company phone, paid accommodation, insurance, get discounted rooms, paid weekend in a hotel of the same chain he/she is working for, end – year bonus for achieved goals (% of occupied rooms in 1 year). Not monetary assemble: stock at the end of the year, discount for recreational activities, development as incentive (e.g. leadership trainings or conference participation). Restaurant chef -> monetary assemble: insurance, paid accommodation, wage rase for quality improvement (if you gain a star) take home not used ingredients. Not monetary assemble: flexible working hours, day – off during the week/low – season, suppliers selection, setting own menu, discount for recreational activities, paid workshop with other chefs. 6 | MOTIVATION 1. Describe the three key elements of motivation “The process that accounts for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining an organizational goal”. The key elements of motivation are  INTENSITY (the amount of effort put forth to meet the goal),  DIRECTION (efforts are channeled toward organizational goals), and  PERSISTENCE (how long the effort is maintained). 2. Evaluate the applicability of early theories of motivation They where used to identify WHAT people motivates 3. Discuss some early and contemporary theories of motivation Theories with certain limitations concerning their validity but are often used by managers: McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y (early): Theory X – people have an inherent dislike for work and will attempt to avoid it. Thus, they must be forced, controlled, or threatened with punishment. Theory Y – People view work as being as natural as rest or play. Thus, they will exercise self-direction and self-control if committed to objectives. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (early) Herzberg’s Two-Factor (motivation-hygiene) Theory (early): Hygiene Factors – vary between dissatisfied and not dissatisfied. If they are not there you are totally dissatisfied. But if they are there, you are not really satisfied… they are just there. They do not contribute to motivation, but with them being fulfilled, will hinder the appearance of it. Examples: if you come to a hotel and the room is not cleaned you are very upset, but if it is cleaned, you are not really satisfied… it is as it is. Motivation factors – Vary between satisfied and not satisfied. The level of satisfaction with the factors influences the level of motivation. Example: promotional activities, opportunities for personal growth, recognition, … McClelland’s theory of needs Three needs help to explain motivation:  Need for achievement (nAch): The drive to excel, to achieve in relationship to a set of standards, and to strive to succeed.  Need for power (nPow): The need to make others behave in a way in which they would not have behaved otherwise.  Need for affiliation (nAff): The desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships. Contemporary theories of motivation, which are focused on the process of motivation: Vroom’s Expectancy theory (contemporary): 3 Key Relationships: Effort-Performance: probability that effort leads to successful performance Performance- Reward: the belief that performance leads to desired outcome and Reward – Personal Goals: the attractiveness of organizational outcome (reward) to the individual Adam’s Equity Theory (contemporary): Employees weigh what they put into a job situation (input) against what they get from it (outcome). They compare their input-output ratio with the input-output ratio of relevant others. If employees than perceive inequity, they will make certain choices: 1. Change inputs 2. Change outcomes 3. Distort perceptions of self 4. Distort perceptions of others 5. Choose a different referent 6. Leave the field 4. Differentiate between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation There are two general types of motivation: Intrinsic Refers to internal motivations such as autonomy, mastery, and meaning or simply enjoying the job and comes from the inside. Extrinsic motivation refers to external motivational techniques such as money, rewards, recognition. It results from external or outside rewards. 5. Describe the job characteristics model and the way it motivates by changing the work environment The job characteristics model uses job design to make jobs better. Jobs are broken down into specific tasks, and employees receive authority to carry those tasks out. This autonomy gives employees more control over their work environment and increases their job satisfaction. Examines the characteristics of an activity that is carried out with the greatest possible motivation and job satisfaction. - intrinsic motivation is the most effective one - Employees want to be challenged, and preferably in a variety of ways. A task should therefore require different motor, mental and social skills wherever possible. The jobs are described in terms of five core dimensions:  Skill variety - Task significance - Task identity o All those tasks experienced meaningfulness of the work  Autonomy (how much do we really leave the person to decide? This gives employees trust) o Experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work  Feedback o Knowledge of the actual results of the work activities All those tasks together make high internal work motivation, high-quality work performance, high satisfaction with the work and low absenteeism and turnover. 7 | COMMUNICATION 1. Describe the communication process and formal and informal communication There are two parties. The sender and the receiver. Let’s start by the sender who is writing the message to be sent. He encodes the message, and it goes through a different channel directly to the receiver. He, as the name says, receives the message and decode it afterwards. He than gives feedback and it goes always this was. With a certain noise often the feedback is missing, for example when someone has problems with the internet connection. Formal channel: path follows the authority chain & messages relate to professional activities. Informal channel: spontaneous channels from individual choice & messages often personal or social. 2. Contrast downward, upward, and lateral communication 3. Compare and contrast formal small-group networks and the grapevine Chain: there is a given row that predicts who has to communicate to who (accurate, moderate speed) Wheel: everyone communicates to one person (accurate, high speed, low member satisfaction) All channel: everyone communiates to everyone (high speed, high member satisfaction) Grapevine = informal communication form (word of mouth) Emerges when the situation is important Ambiguity or anxiety exists 4. Contrast oral, written, and nonverbal communication Oral communication – This communication is very fast, you receive feedback directly, and it is simple to correct. But there exists the potential for distorted message when passed through a number of people. Written communication – includes any method that conveys written words or symbols. This communication has the longest lasting, and is not equal to each other (formal letter vs. SMS). Non-verbal communication – 20% of the messages are non-verbal, for example body language or how we interpret something. The meaning of this communication change with intonation, facial expression or physical distance. 5. Show how channel richness underlies the choice of communication channel If you have a broad channel to get in touch with customers, you have a wide choice of which communication channel to use. 6. Differentiate between automatic and controlled processing of persuasive messages Automatic processing is superficial consideration of evidence and information making use of heuristics. It takes little time and minimal effort, but it is easy to be fooled. Controlled processing is a detailed consideration of evidence and information relying on facts, figures, and logic. It requires effort and energy but, is less likely to be fooled. 7. Identify common barriers to effective communication Barriers to effective communication are  Filtering  Selective perception  Information overload  Emotions  Language  Silence  Communication apprehension  Lying 8. Show how to overcome the potential problems in cross-cultural communication. It is important that you know yourself. You need to foster a climate of mutual respect, fairness, and democracy. You have to learn the cultural context of each person and when in doubt, listen! State facts, not your interpretation, consider other person’s point of view and proactively maintain the identity of the group. Barriers are: Word cannotations, tone differences and perception differences To overcome them, you should consider the following points: Know yourself, when in doubt, listen, state facts, not your interpretation, … Three useful mindsets are:  Stay curious  explore what you do not understand  Cognitive complexity  see thought many perspectives  Empathy  understand and adapt to different cultural styles. 8 | GROUP BEHAVIOR AND TEAMWORK 1. Define group and identify the five stages of group development A group consists of two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who come together to achieve particular objectives. There are formal groups which are defined by the organization’s structure and informal groups (neither formally structure nor organizationally determined). The five stages of group development are: a) Forming: uncertainty about purpose, structure, and leadership b) Storming: Intragroup conflict as members resist constraints c) Norming: Group is cohesive with strong group identity d) Performing: Group fully functional and working toward goals e) Adjourning For temporary groups: breaking up Temporary groups usually do not follow the five-stage model, they follow a punctuated equilibrium model. The first meeting sets the group’s direction, after which period of inertia sets in until about half the group’s allotted time is used up. At that point, a transition initiates major changes, followed by a second period of inertia. The group’s last meeting is characterized by a much higher level of activity. 2. Discuss the properties of groups Role: The set of expected behaviour patterns that are attributed to occupy a position - Role perception (How are we supposed to act? Our view) 9 | LEADERSHIP AND TRUST 1. Contrast leadership and management Leadership is doing the right things; management is doing things right. - Peter Drucker Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or a set of goals. It can be formal or non-sanctioned, not all leaders are managers and nor all managers are leaders. Leaders inspire and create a vision. The work is people-oriented, and it appeals mostly to heart decisions (passion and emotions). The focus lies on leading people. Managers create plans and oversee day-to-day operations. The work is task-oriented, and the focus lies on managing work. They are risk-averse, and it appeals to head decisions (formal, rational method) 2. Summarize the conclusions of trait theories of leadership Traits can predict leadership. Traits do a better job predicting the emergence of leaders and the appearance of leadership than distinguishing between effective and ineffective leaders. Leadership focuses on personal qualities and characteristics. The first one is about character traits of leaders: the five-personality framework (cannot predict if someone is a good leader)  conscientiousness  from efficient/organized to easygoing/careless o they need to carry through what they are promising. o It is about the tendency to be organized and dependable  extraversion (most important)  from outgoing/energetic to solitary/reserved o tendency to seek the company of others and talk o image you are an extraverted owner, but you have introverted kids. They must find a different way to lead the hotel because of their character.  agreeableness  friendly/compassionate to challenging/detached o measure of one’s trusting and helpful nature  neuroticism  secure/confident to sensitive/nervous o predisposition to psychological stress  openness  consistent/cautious to inventive/curious o degree of intellectual curiosity, creativity and a preference for novelty. All those traits do a better job predicting the emergence of leaders and the appearance of leadership than distinguishing between effective and ineffective leaders. 3. Identify the central tenets and main limitations of behavioral theories Limitations: We can determine leadership effectiveness by leaders behaviour and train people to be leaders - Behaviour can be taught – traits cannot - Leaders are trained – not born 4. Assess contingency theories of leadership by their level of support Contingency theory approach: “an effective leadership style depends on the situation”. The question behind that theory is: Are people more task oriented or people oriented? It is a model where you can score and in order to that you know what you are. The result of such a theory is that: if the situation changes, the person would not be able to change the study. This is a huge problem. 3 contingency theories: 5. Compare charismatic and transformational leadership Charismatic leadership is a kind of a heroic leadership, where followers observe certain behaviors. It is partially attributed to genetics and partially to training and experience. It is about being optimistic, passionately enthusiastic, communicating with body not just words, drawing other in/inspire others. Think about the Ukrainian leader now. He is that. He shows off well everywhere in his military clothes etc. (wie leader sind) You teach people to prepare for certain situations. They influence their followers by articulating an appealing vision, communicating a new set of values etc. Charisma is strongly correlated to high performance and satisfaction. - The dark sides are that some leaders use organizational resources for personal benefit - Some leaders remake companies in their own image - And allow self-interest and personal goals to override organization’s goals. - The worst are sects. The transformational leadership inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization. It tends to be more effective in smaller companies and works better when the leader directly interacts with followers. It can be learned! (Was leader tun) This type of leadership is effectively used in various job levels and disparate occupations. Effects on the organization are lower turnover, higher productivity, lower employee stress and burnout and higher employees’ satisfaction. (Because people like doing their job) // The most effective is rational persuasion with rational people, inspirational appeals and consultation. The least effective is pressure. Pressure maybe brings people to do something but will not increase performance. Example questions exam: 1. What is team efficacy? Team-efficacy constitutes the joint beliefs of team members in their team's capacity to mobilize team effort. If organizations wish to boost team-efficacy, they must build strong teams who have gained effective team behavior skills. Team-efficacy is positively related to team performance. Team efficiency refers to how much high-impact work your team can do—simply by removing workplace friction and distraction. It is also referred to as team performance, is a team’s capacity to achieve its goals and objectives. Team-efficacy influences the tasks that employees perform as a team. Team-efficacy constitutes the joint beliefs of team members in their team's capacity to mobilize team effort. If organizations wish to boost team-efficacy, they must build strong teams who have gained effective team behavior skills. 2. What can management do to increase team efficiency? To improve team efficiency and productivity you can try to diverse your team, be authentic, clarify each person’s role, communicate, make the daily workflow more efficient, … Highly effective teams are able to motivate each other and collaborate to solve problems, which leads to greater results. 3. What is self-efficacy? Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments. Self-efficacy reflects confidence in the ability to exert control over one's own motivation, behavior, and social environment. 4. Person-job fit vs. person-organization fit, which approach would you prefer? Why- 3 sentences max! Person-job (easier to measure, trough tests) fit is generally the most common, and involves a candidate’s suitability for tasks required to succeed in a specific job. This can include their skills, knowledge levels, and abilities. Meanwhile, person-organization fit refers to a match between an organization’s core values and culture and an individual’s beliefs and values. While person-job fit is important when hiring competent and capable employees, person- organization fit has been linked to reduced turnover, increased organizational commitment, and increased employee satisfaction. 5. For a new hotel which you will manage, you are supposed to higher three front desk managers and three back-office managers who will work together. Explain the criteria that you will use to evaluate candidates. They work all together. Front desk: Someone who is highly organized, detail-oriented and a great communicator. Other important qualities include having excellent phone skills and knowing how to be friendly while remaining professional." He/she should have a friendly attitude, ability to multitasking, team player, … Back office: Back office skills are administrative-based skills. They include data management and entry; projects and claims processing; market trends and behavior analysis; market research; and finance and accounting responsibilities. Additional back office skills tie to information technology (IT) and human resources.
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