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Understanding Phrasal Verbs: A Guide with Exercises, Dispense di Inglese

An overview of phrasal verbs, their usage, and examples. It includes exercises to help learners practice using these verbs in context. Phrasal verbs are combinations of a main verb and a preposition or particle that alter the meaning of the verb.

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Scarica Understanding Phrasal Verbs: A Guide with Exercises e più Dispense in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! We often use verbs with the following words: ---------------------------- in on up away by about over round or around I out off down back through along forward ------ So you can say Look out I get on I take off I run away etc. These are phrasal verbs. We often use on/off/out etc. with verbs of movement. For example: get on drive off come back turn round 0 The bus was full. We couldn't get on. 0 A woman got into the car and drove off. C Sarah is leaving tomorrow and coming back on Saturday. '-- When I touched him on the shoulder, he turned round. But often the second word (on/off/out etc.) gives a special meaning to the verb. For example: break down Look out ' -.., 0 Sorry I'm late. The car broke down. (=the engine stopped working) Look out! There's a car coming. (= be careful) take off get on 0 c lt was my first flight. I was nervous as the plane took off. (=went into the air) How was the exam? How did you get on? (=How did you do?) get by 0 My French isn't very good, but it's enough to get by. (= manage) For more phrasal verbs, see Units 138-145. Sometimes a phrasal verb is followed by a preposition. For example: phrasal verb preposition run away from keep up with Look up at look forward to 0 c 0 u Why did you run away from me? You're walking too fast. I can't keep up with you. We Looked up at the plane as it flew above us. Are you Looking forward to your trip? Sometimes a phrasal verb has an object. Usually there are two possible positions for the object. So you can say: ,-----, I turned on the light. or I turned the light on. object object If the object is a pronoun (it/them/me/him etc.), only one position is possible: I turned it on. (not I turned on it) Some more examples: 0 { fill in this form? Can you f•tt th. f · ? 1 IS orm m . but They gave me a form and told me to fill it in. (not fill in it) Don t . 0 , { throw away this box. throw th1s box away. but I want to keep this box, so don't throw it away. (not throw away it) O 1 , . J take off my shoes. m going to l take my shoes off. but These shoes are uncomfortable. I'm going to take them off. (not take off them) O Don't { wake up the baby. wake the baby up. but The baby is asleep. Don't wake her up. (not wake up her) Phrasal verbs 2-9 -+ Units 138- 145 American English -+Appendix 7 Exercises Complete each sentence using a verb from A (in the correct form) + a word from B. You can use a word more than once. A fly look get sit go speak B away out 1 The bus was fulL We couldn,t g~t on .... by round down up on 2 I've been standing for the last two hours. I'm going to .... ........ ... ........ .... ........ .... for a bit. 3 A cat tried to catch the bird, but it ....................................................... just in time. 4 We were trapped in the building. We couldn,t ... ....... ........ ... .. .. ............. . 5 I can,t hear you very welL Can you .. .. ........ . ........................... a little? 6 'Do you speak Germant 'Not very well, but I can ....................... ......... .. 7 Everything has got so expensive. Prices have .... . .. ......................................... ....... a lot. 8 I thought there was somebody behind me, but when I ........ ..................... . . .. .. . .......... , there was nobody there. llillllilil' Complete the sentences using a word from A and a word from B. You can use a word more than once. A away back forward m up B at through to with 1 You're walking too fast. I can,t keep .... V.P ... N~ .. ..... you. 2 My holidays are nearly over. Next week nl be ..... ... . ..... . . ....... .............. ..... . work. 3 We went .................. ................ the top floor of the building to admire the view. 4 The meeting tomorrow is going to be difficult. I'm not looking .............. ........ .......... . ............ it. 5 There was a bank robbery last week. The robbers got .............................. ........................... £50,000. 6 I love to look ......... .. ..... .. ............. .. ................ the stars in the sky at night. 7 I was sitting in the kitchen when a bird flew ..... ..... .... .... .. . ..... ...... ... .. .. the open window. liillliil Complete the sentences using these phrasal verbs+ it/them/me: fill in get out give back switch on take off wake up L:ll tt . 1 They gave me a form and told me to ... 1.~ .. (%) ....... . 2 I'm going to bed now. Can you ....................... .. ... ..... ..... ........ .. ............................ .. ........ .... ................. .............. .............. at 6.30? 3 l,ve got something in my eye and I can,t .... .... .. ........ .......................... . . ............................... ......... ...................................... . 4 I don't like it when people borrow things and don't . . .................................. ........................................ . ...................... ........ . 5 I want to use the hair dryer. How do I ..... . ..... ............................. .............................. ? 6 My shoes are dirty. I'd better ..... ..................... ... . ............................ ........... ...... . .... before going into the house. ••~ Use your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use a noun (this box etc.) or a pronoun (it/them etc.) +the word in brackets (away/up etc.). 1 Don,t throw ...... ~.~ ... th.~?. .... R.c?.X ... . I want to keep it. (away) 2 I don,t want this newspaper. You can throw ... ~ .. -~.~-- .' (away) 3 I borrowed these books from the library. I have to take .... .. .. ......... . ..... .... ............. .. ......... . tomorrow. (back) 4 We can turn ......................... ................................................... .... . Nobody is watching it. (off) 5 A: How did the vase get broken? a: I'm afraid I knocked ...................................................................... whi le I was cleaning. (over) 6 Shh! My mother is asleep. I don't want to wake ....... ..... .................... . (up) 7 lt's cold today. You should put .... .. ..... .. ........................................ if you're going out. (on) 8 lt was only a small fire. I was able to put ................ .. .. ................................................ easily. (out) 9 A: Is this hotel more expensive than when we stayed here last year? B: Yes, they've put ......... . (up) 10 lt's a bit dark in this room. Shall I turn ............................... ...... .......... ........ .. ....... ? (on) _. Additional exercises 37-41 (pages 323- 25) .. - Unit ·: .. 137.- . \'\'• ·- . 275 out= not burning, not shining go out put out a fire I a cigarette I a light turn out a light blow out a candle work out work out =do physical exercises C Suddenly all the lights in the building went out. C We managed to put the fire out. 0 I turned the lights out before leaving. C We don 't need the candle. You can blow it out. 0 Rachel works out at the gym three times a week. work out =develop, progress 0 Good luck for the future. I hope everything works out well for you. C A: Why did james leave the company? B: Things didn't work out. (=things didn't work out well) work out (for mathematical calcu lations) .= The total bill for three people is £84.60. That works out at £28.20 each. work something out =calculate, think about a problem and find the answer 0 345 x 76? I need to do this on paper. I can't work it out in my head. Other verbs + out carry out an order, an experiment, a survey, an investigation, a plan etc. = Soldiers are expected to carry out orders. :J An investigation into the accident will be carried out as soon as possible. fall out (with somebody) =stop being friends 0 They used to be very good friends. I'm surprised to hear that they have fallen out. CJ David fell out with his father and left home. find out that/what/when ... etc., find out about something =get information 0 The police never found out who committed the murder. CJ I just found out t hat it's Helen's birthday today. r' I checked a few websites to find out about hotels in t he town. give/ hand things out =give to each person ~ At the end of the lecture, the speaker gave out information sheets to the audience. point something out (to somebody) =draw attention to something 2 As we drove through the city, our guide pointed out all the sights. 0 I didn't realise I'd made a mistake until somebody pointed it out to me. run out (of something) = We ran out of petrol on the motorway. (=we used all our petrol) sort something out =find a solution to, put in order 0 There are a few problems we need to sort out. l' All these papers are mixed up. I'll have to sort them out. turn out to be ... , turn out good/nice etc. , turn out that ... 10 Nobody believed Paul at first, but he turned out to be right. (=it became clear in the end that he was right) :J The weather wasn't so good in the morning, but it turned out nice later. r= I thought they knew each other, but it turned out that they'd never met. try out a machine, a syst em, a new idea etc. =test it to see if it is OK '--' The company is trying out a new computer system at the moment. Phrasal verbs l (General points) -+ Unit 137 More verbs+ out-+ Unit 138 Exercises 8 Which words can go together? Choose from the list. a candle a cigarette a mess a mistake a new product an order I i11ht 1 turn out ··· ·-~---~·· ········ ·· · · ······· .... .. .. ........................ ........................ . 2 point out ............... .. ...................................... ......... ............... ............ . 5 put out ............... ... ................ ... .. .............. ........... ........ ....... .. ................ .......... .. 3 blow out .............. ................. ............................. ..................... .. . 6 try out ......... ................. ................................... .. ................... .. ........ ...... ........... . 4 carry out .. ...... ................. .................................. ... .......................... . 7 sort out ........ ....... .... ..................................................................................... .. a Complete the sentences using a verb +out. 1 The company is .... t.r.!:14.1.9 .... 9.tA.t. .... . a new computer system at the moment. 2 Steve is very fit. He does a lot of sport and .................................................................... regu larly. 3 The road will be closed for two days next week while building work is ....... ... .... .. ................................ ........ . 4 We didn't manage to discuss everything at the meeting. We ................. ......... .... ...... .. .. ... ... .. .. .. ............ of time. 5 You have to .... . .... .. ......... ....... .. ............... ........ the problem yourself. I can't do it for you. 6 I don't know what happened exactly. I need to .. .............. ............................ .................... ........ . 7 The new drug will be . .... . . ... .. .... . ... . .. on a small group of patients. 8 I thought the two books were the same until a friend of mine ........................................................................ the difference. 9 They got married a few years ago, but it didn't ............................................ .................. and they separated. 10 There was a power cut and all the lights .. .. ....................................................... . 11 We thought she was American at first, but she ....................... to be Swedish. 12 Sometimes it ... .. .... ....... .. . ... . cheaper to eat in a restaurant than to cook at home. 13 I haven't applied for the job yet. I want to ..................................................... more about the company first. 14 lt took the fire brigade two hours to ................ ....... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... . the fire. - For each picture, complete the sentence using a verb+ out. OJ earlier now They've .... .... O.tA..t. 9.f _. . ......... . The man with the beard is The weather has ............................... .. ..... P.~t.r.P.L ............................... -· ..... .. leaflets. SALLY her OJ'\!:j more. Sally and Kim are ............. .. ............. .. They've . .................. ............. ........... ......... . Lisa is trying to ................... ................ .. ............................ ........................ at the gym. - Complete the sentences. Each time use a verb+ out. 1 A: Was the fire serious? how .. .............................. ..................... ............ . B: No, we were able to ...... P.0.t ... ~ .. 90..~ ............... ......................... .. .............................................................................................. ............................ . 2 A: This recipe looks interesting. B: Yes, let's ...................................................... ...................... ...... .. ....... .. ................ ........................... .................................................. ................................ ........ . 3 A: How much money do I owe you exactly? s: just a moment. I'll have to ..... . ......... ... .. .. .... .... .. ... . .. ............................. ......................................................................................... . 4 A: What happened about your problem with your bank? B: lt's OK now. I went to see them and we .................................................. ........................ .. ............................................................ . _.Additional exercises 37-41 (pages 323-25) Unit '139 279 On and off for lights, machines etc. We say: the light is on I put the light on I Leave the light on etc. turn the light on/off or switch the light on/off 2 Shall I Leave the lights on or turn them off? C ' Is the heating on ?' 'No, I switched it off.' C We need some boiling water, so I'l l put the kettle on. Also put on some music I a CD etc. ...__) I haven't listened to this CD yet. Shall I put it on? (=shall I play it) On and off for events etc. go on = happen .__ What's all that noise? What's going on? (=what's happening) call someth ing off =cancel it '-.J The open air concert had to be called off because of the weather. put something off, put off doing something =delay it The wedding has been put off until January. ,....., We can't put off making a decision. We have to decide now. On and off for clothes etc. put on clothes, glasses, make-up, a seat belt etc. \....) My hands were cold, so I put my gloves on. Also put on weight =get heavier '-' I've put on two kilograms in the last month. try on clothes (to see if they fit) ~ I tried on a jacket in the shop, but it didn't fit me very well. take off clothes, glasses etc. \._) lt was warm, so I took off my jacket. Off = away from a person or place be off (to a place) C Tomorrow I'm off to Paris I I'm off on holiday. (= I'm going to Paris I I'm goi ng on holiday) walk off I run off I drive off I ride off I go off (similar to walk away I run away etc.) ~ Diane got on her bike and rode off. 0 Mark left home at the age of 18 and went off to Canada. set off = start a journey L We set off very early to avoid the traffic. (= We left early) take off =leave the ground (for planes) L After a long delay t he plane fina lly took off. see somebody off =go with them to the airport/s tation to say goodbye ~ He len was going away. We went to the station with her to see her off. Phrasal verbs 1 (Genera l points) -+ Unit 137 More verbs+ on/off-+ Unit 141 Exercises Change the underlined words. Keep the same meaning, but use a verb+ on or off. 1 Did you hear the bomb explode? Did you hear the bomb ...... 99 .9.ff. .. ? 2 The meeting continued longer than I expected. The meeting ........................................ .. ..... ............. ............ longer than I expected. 3 We didn't stop to rest. We continued walking. We didn't stop to rest. We .................. ................. . .. .......................... . 4 I fell asleep while I was watching TV. I . . ...... ... ....... .... .... while I was watching TV. 5 Gary doesn't want to retire. He wants to continue working. Gary doesn 't want to retire. He wants to ......... oooo oo .. .. oo ....... oo .. oo ooo .. .. oo .. .. oo . .. oo ....... ...... ..... working. 6 The fire alarm rang in the middle of the night. The fire alarm ....... ...... .............. 00 .............. .......... .. 00 ... ... 00 ......... in the middle of the night. 7 Martin phones me continuously. lt 's very annoying. Martin . oo .... oo ... . oo ... oo ... .... ... oo .. oooo ... oo .. ooooo · oooo .. 000000 ... 00 .. 00 ............ oo ............ 00 .... . lt's very annoying. - Complete each sentence using a verb + on or off. 1 We can't 99.0000Q.tL .. spending money like this. We'll have nothing left soon. 2 .I was standing by the car when suddenly the alarm . oo .. ...... ........ . oo oo . .. .. ... ... .. oo ... .. .. oo oooooo .. .. .. . .. .. ...... oo .. . 3 l,m not ready to go home yet. I have a few things to .............. 00 ....... 00 .......... 00 .... .. . 00 ...... 0000 .00 ............ . 4 'Shall I stop the car here?' 'No, .. 00.... ... ...... . .... .................... .. . 00 ......... . 5 Bill paid too much for the car he bought. I think he was ... oo ................. ....... .... ....... ....... ............ . .. ..... .. . 6 'I E 0 0 h 0 0 ?' 'Y h I ll ' s mm a enJoying er course at un1vers1ty. es, s e s .......... 00 ....... 00............. . ..... ......... . .......... very we . 7 I was very tired at work today. I nearly ............ ..... ............. .................... .. ......... .......... ... at my desk a couple of times. 8 Ben was ...................... .................................................... by his boss for being late for work repeatedly. 9 I really like working with my colleagues. We all .... oo... ........ .. ........ 00.. .. . ............ ...... .. ....... really well together. 10 There was a very loud noise. lt sounded like a bomb .............................. ........................................... . 11 I ..................... ................................................... making the same mistake. lt's very frustrating. 12 I've just had a coffee break, and now I must .. ................ .. ............. .... ...................... with my work. 13 Peter is always trying to impress people. He's always ....... ....................................................... .. ......... .. . 14 We decided not to go to the concert. We were ............ .. .................................. 00 .. 00 ... 0000 ..... by the cost of tickets. - Complete the sentences. Use the following verbs {in the correct form) +on or off. Sometimes you will need other words as well: carry finish get get 1 A: How oo oo oo(¥.'~ .. .H 9.~ .. .. g~~.g .. on .... in your new job? s: Fine, thanks. lt's going very well. 2 A: Have you written the letter you had to write? go s: I've started it. I'll ...... .... ... ...... . ....... ........ . .................. in the morning. 3 A: We took a taxi to the airport. lt cost £40. rip s: £40! Normally it cost s about £20. You ......... .. .................................................................... .. ........ . 4 A : Why were you late for work this morning? s: I overslept. My alarm dock didn't ............................................. .. ....................... ....... .. .............. . tell 5 A: How ................................................................................ in your interview? Do you think you'll get the job? s: I hope so. The interview was OK. 6 A: Did you stop playing tennis when it started to rain? s: No, we ........ oo .......................... oo. • .... ..... .. ............. • The rain wasn't very heavy. 7 A : Some chi ldren at the next table in the restaurant were behaving very badly. s: Why didn't their parents ............ .. .. ..... .............................. .. ................................... ... .. ? 8 A: Why does Paul want to leave his job? s: He .... ........... ................................................... ........ ... ............ his boss. ~ Additional exercises 37- 41 (pages 323- 25) -Unit ;~--··:·141 :: 283 Compare up and down: put something up (on a wall etc.) 0 I put a picture up on the wall. pick something up 0 There was a letter on the floor. I picked it up and looked at it. stand up 0 Alan stood up and walked out. turn something up ~ I can't hear the TV. Can you turn it up a bit? Knock down, cut down etc. take something down (from a wall etc.) C I didn't like the picture, so I took it down. put something down C I stopped writing and put down my pen. sit down I bend down I Lie down C I bent down t o tie my shoelace. turn something down C The oven is too hot. Turn it down t o 15 0 degrees. knock down a building, blow something down, cut someth ing down etc. 0 Some old houses were knocked down to make way for the new shopping centre. C Why did you cut down the tree in your garden? be knocked down (by a car etc.) (J A man was knocked down by a car and taken to hospital. burn down = be destroyed by fire 0 They were able to put out the fi re before the house burnt down. Down = getting less slow down = go more slowly 0 You're driving too fast. Slow down. calm (somebody) down =become calmer, make somebody calmer 0 Calm down. There's no point in getting angry. cut down (on something) =eat, drink or do something less often 0 I'm trying to cut down on coffee. I drink too much of it. Other verbs + down break down =stop working (for machines, cars, relationships etc.) 0 The car broke down and I had to phone for help. 0 Their marriage broke down after only a few months. dose down I shut down =stop doing business n There used to be a shop at the end of the street; it dosed down a few years ago. let somebody down = disappoint them because you didn't do what they hoped 0 You can always rely on Paul. He'll never let you down. turn somebody/something down = refuse an application, an offer etc. 0 I applied for several jobs, but I was turned down for all of them. '=-.; Rachel was offered the job, but she decided to turn it down. write something down = write something on paper because you may need the information Later 0 I can't remember Tim's address. I wrote it down, but I can't find it. Phrasal verbs 1 (General points) -+ Unit 137 More verbs+ up-+ Units 143- 144 Exercises •• For each picture, complete the sentences using a verb+ up or down. In most sentences you will need other words as well. before now before now 1 There used to be a tree next to the house, but we . Wt. ~ ... MY.JYI 2 There used to be some shelves on the wall, but I ..................................... . 3 The ceiling was so low, he couldn't ....................... ....... .. .... ............................................. straight. 4 She couldn't hear the radio very well, so she .... .. .. . .. ..... . . .... ..... . ... .. ................. .. 5 While they were waiting for the bus, they ................ ......... .. . on the ground. 6 A few trees .... . .. .. ... ..... ................ .... ............. .... in the storm last week. 7 We've got some new curtains, but we haven't ................ ...................... ................................................. yet. 8 Lisa dropped her keys, so she .. .... .. .. ....... .... . ..... .. ...... _ and ........................ ... . .. ........ .......... ................ . Complete the sentences. Use the following verbs (in the correct form) +down: calm Let take turn turn write 1 I don't like this picture on the wall. I'm going to ..... ... LC M.W.n... . ............................................... ................ . 2 The music is too loud. Can you ... . . ................. . .......................................................................... .............. .. .. ........................... ? 3 David was very angry. I tried to .. .. ..... ... .. .... . . .... ............ . .... . ................ . . . . .. . ... .... .. ...... ... ..... ........... .. ....... . 4 Sarah gave me her phone number. I ........... .................... ................ .. .. .. ............... on a piece of paper. 5 I promised I would help Anna. I don't want to .. ............ ............ ....... .. ........ ...... ......... _ ........... ..... . .............. . 6 I was offered the job, but I decided I didn't want it. So I ..................................................................................................... . •liili" Complete each sentence using a verb (in the correct form) +down. 1 I stopped writing and ptAt., M~YI my pen. 2 I was really angry. lt took me a long time to ..................... ...... .............. .. ..... .. ..................... . 3 The train ... . ...... ............ . . ... as it approached the station. 4 Sarah applied to study medicine at university, but she . ......... .... .. .. ....... ....... ............. ..... .. ... .. 5 Our car is very reliable. lt has never ..... .... . .. .. .................. ............... .. 6 I need to spend less money. I'm going to ..... .. . .................... ........ ....... . .. . ......... ........... on th ings I don't really need. 7 I didn't play very well. I felt that I had ...... .... . ... . ... ...... ............ the other players in the team. 8 The shop .. .. .............. ...... _ .. ........... .. ...................... because it was losing money. 9 This is a very ugly building. Many people would like it to ... ............ .......... ..... . .. ........ . 10 I can't understand why you ......... .. .. _ ........... _ ............ ....... .. ........... the chance of working abroad for a year. lt would have been a great experience for you. 11 A: Did you see the accident? What happened exactly? B: A man .......... .... ......... ....... by a car as he was crossing the road. 12 Peter got married when he was 20, but unfortunately the marriage . ..... . .. . . .. .......... .. . ............ . a few years later. _.Additional exercises 37- 41 (pages 323-25) 285 bring up a topic etc. =introduce it in a conversation 0 I don 't want to hear any more about this matter. Please don't bring it up again. come up =be introduced in a conversation 0 Some interesting points came up in our discussion yesterday. come up with an idea, a suggestion etc. =produce an idea C Sarah is very creative. She 's always coming up with new ideas. make something up =invent something that is not true c-; What Kevin told you about himself wasn't true. He made it all up. cheer up= be happier, cheer somebody up= make somebody feel happier '-- You look so sad! Cheer up! 0 Helen is depressed at the moment. What can we do to cheer her up? save up for something I to do something =save money to buy something Dan is saving up for a trip round the world. clear up =become bright (for weather) 0 lt was raining when I got up, but it cleared up later. blow up= explode, blow something up = destroy it with a bomb etc. \.....1 The engine caught fire and blew up. Cl The bridge was blown up during the war. tear something up = tear it into pieces r l I didn't read the letter. I just tore it up and threw it away. beat somebody up =hit someone repeatedly so that they are badly hurt 0 A friend of mine was attacked and beaten up a few days ago. He was badly hurt and had to go to hospital. break up I split up (with somebody) =separate ~ I'm surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have split up. They seemed very happy together. do up a coat, a shoelace, buttons etc. =fasten, tie etc. -: lt's quite cold. Do up your coat before you go out. do up a building, a room etc. =repair and improve it LJ The kitchen looks great now that it has been done up. look something up in a dictionary, encyclopaedia etc. 0 If you don't know the meaning of a word, you can look it up in a dictionary. put up with something = tolerate it ll We live on a busy road, so we have to put up with a lot of noise from the traffic. hold up a person, a plan etc. =delay \....) Don't wait for me. I don't want to hold you up. =' Plans to build a new factory have been held up because of the company's financia l problems. mix up people/ things, get people/things mixed up =you think one is the other 0 The two brothers look very similar. Many people mix them up. (or ... get them mixed up) Phrasa l verbs 1 (General po i nts) ~ Unit 137 American English ~Appendix 7 More verbs+ up~ Units 142- 143 Exercises •• Which goes with which? 1 I'm going to tear up 2 j ane came up with 3 Pau l is always making up 4 I think you should do up 5 I don't think you shou ld bring up 6 I'm saving up for 7 We had t o put up with a b c d e f g a new camera 1 f a lot of bad weather 2 your jacket 3 an interesting suggestion 4 excuses 5 the letter 6 that subject 7 ••~ Look at the pictures and complete the sent ences. You w iLL need two or three words each t ime. GJ this morning now AfvfY The weather was horrible this morning, but it's ... ~-~ .0.P ... now. Amy was late because she was ...... ........... ..... .................. .. ............. .... ... in t he traffic. Come otAt for o... mw.L wil¥1 tAS! They bought an old house and .............. . ................ . joe was really depressed. We took him out ................................. .......... ..... ..... ................. . it's rea lly nice now. for a meal to .. ...... .. .. ...... .. ................... ........ .... ................ ....... . ••~ Complete t he sentences using a verb (in the correct form)+ up. Sometimes you wiLL need other words as weLL. 1 S · t · tt COJYl e tAp · d · · t d ome m teres mg m a ers ......... . .. . m our tscusston yes er ay. 2 The ship ....... and sank. The cause of the explosion was never discovered. 3 Two men have been arrested after a man was ............... .. .............. ....... .................................. outs ide a restaurant last night. The injured man was taken to hospital. 4 'Is Robert still going out with Tina?' I No, they've ................................................ . 5 My hands were so cold, I found it hard to ............ ......... . ..................... ..... ..... .. my shoelaces. 6 I wish it would stop raining! I hope it ...... .... ...... ... .. .... .. ............... .......... ......... soon. 7 I wanted to phone Chris, but I dialled Laura's number by mistake. I got their phone numbers - Com p lete t he sentences using a ver b +up. You w iLL need o t her words as w eLL. 1 Don't wait for me. I don 't want to ..... h9.!4 .. ~Wlf.: ~P. .... . 2 I don't know what this word means. I'll have to . ....... ............................ ..... ............... ............ . 3 There's nothing we can do about the problem. We'll just have to ............. .. .................................................... it. 4 'Was that story true? ' 'No, I ..... .. ........ ... . ..... ... .. 5 I t hink we shou ld follow Tom's suggestion. Nobody has ...... ........ .. ........................ .. ........................ a better plan . 6 I hate this photo. I'm going to .... .......... ................. ....... ....... ........... ............ . ~ Unit ~ 144 7 I'm trying to spend less money at the moment. I'm ............................. .. .................................. a trip to Australia. ~Additional exercises 37- 41 (pages 323- 25) 289 Compare away and back: away = away from home 8 We're going away on holiday today. away = away from a place, a person etc. 0 The woman got into her car, started the engine and drove away. 0 I tried to take a picture of the bird, but it flew away. 0 I dropped the ticket and it blew away in the wind . 0 The police searched the house and took away a computer. In the same way you can say: walk away, run away, Look away etc. Other verbs + away get away =escape, leave with difficulty back = back home 0 We'll be back in three weeks. back= back to a place, a person etc. 0 A: I'm going out now. B: What time will you be back? C After eating at a restaurant, we walked back to our hotel. 0 I've still got Jane's keys. I forgot to give them back to her. 0 When you've finished with that book, can you put it back on the shelf? In the same way you can say: go back, come back, get back, take something back etc. C We tried to catch the thief, but she managed to get away. get away with something =do something wrong without being caught 0 I parked in a no-parking zone, but I got away with it. I didn't have to pay a fine. keep away (from ... ) =don't go near 0 Keep away from the edge of the pool. You might fall in . give something away =give it to somebody else because you don 't want it any more 0 'Did you sell your old computer?' 'No, I gave it away.' put something away =put it in the place where it is kept, usually out of sight 0 When the children had finished playing with their toys, they put them away. throw something away =put it in the rubbish 0 I kept the letter, but I threw away the envelope. Other verbs + back wave back I smile back I shout back I write back I hit somebody back 0 I waved to her and she waved back. call/phone/ring (somebody) back =return a phone call 0 I can't talk to you now. I'll call you back in ten minutes. get back to somebody = reply to them by phone etc. 0 I sent him an email, but he never got back to me. Look back (on something) = think about what happened in the past 0 My first job was in a travel agency. I didn't like it very much at the time but, Looking back on it, I learnt a lot and it was a very useful experience. pay back money, pay somebody back 0 If you borrow money, you have to pay it back. 0 Thanks for lending me the money. I'll pay you back next week. Phrasal verbs 1 (General points) -+Unit 137
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