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prisoners of geography book summary, Appunti di Geopolitica

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Scarica prisoners of geography book summary e più Appunti in PDF di Geopolitica solo su Docsity! PRISONERS OF GEOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION: The land we live on has always conditioned us, namely the geographical factor is important. Geopolitics deals with the relationship between international relations and geographical factors, including physical configuration, climate, demographic composition, cultural regions and access to natural resources, which have a significant impact on different aspects of civilization. Technology is strongly influenced by climate and political realities are influenced by physical realities. In summary: - Russia feels the political weight of the Arctic, which has a cold climate and prevents it from being a world power. - the United States is the superpower that dominates two oceans. - Europe has Great Plains navigable rivers connecting different regions. - Africa suffers from isolation. - The borders drawn in the Middle East and in India/Pakistan cause perennial instability because they ignore the physical and cultural differences of the regions; this in fact often causes conflicts. - Japan has no natural resources. - The Southern part of Latin America is cut off from trade, and the inland has physical barriers hampering her. RUSSIA Russia is vast, it develops around Moscow, the heart of the country. It stretches from the Arctic, across the Baltic region, the Carpathians, the Black Sea, the Caucasus, and the Caspian Sea to the Urals. 75% of its territory is in Asia, only 22% of the population lives in Asia. It is a land rich in resources: oil and natural gas. In many areas it is not suitable for cultivation, it is rich in forests (taiga) and has only two railways that cross it from west to east as well as few transport networks from north to south. It has only a port in temperate waters (Sevastopol in Crimea). Many states are connected with Russia from the economic point of view and have formed the Eurasian economic union. They are also members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), a military alliance with Russia. These two organisations are opposed to the member countries of NATO and the EU. Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova have been dominated by the Soviet Union but would like to join European organisations. However, Ukraine is strategically placed for Russia because having it as an ally would give Russia access to the Black Sea. Russia does not have easy access to maritime trade routes because Turkey controls the Bosphorus and Denmark and Norway control the North Sea. Russia has taken Crimea away from Ukraine but the European Union has imposed limited sanctions because Russia supplies the various European countries with energy sources (gas pipelines, oil). Russia felt justified in taking Crimea away from Ukraine because it believed that the citizens were ethnic Russians. Russia has an interest in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (NATO members) and even here it would justify action by saying that the Russian communities in those countries are discriminated against. Moldova is considered a possible buffer state, Russia already owns Transnistria and by expanding control it could have an outlet to the Black Sea, where it currently has only the port of Sevastopol (Crimea). Moldova depends on Russia for its energy needs, relations between the two countries are positive and Russia continues to import wine from the latter. The closer a country is to Moscow the greater its energy dependence. The Americans have recently started taking shale oil and selling the surplus to Europe as an alternative energy source: it is a liquefied gas that needs to be regasified. European countries are in fact equipping themselves along the coast for this process. The Russians therefore defend themselves by selling cheaper natural gas and planning the construction of new pipelines to the Southeast, in order to increase their sales in China, their alternative customer. Technology is used to overcome geographical constraints, it is an economic battle based on geography. Russia has little interest in Africa, where it should be facing the Chinese competition. On the contrary, Russia has good relations in Latin America with all countries that are not on good terms with the US. All Russian leaders have measured themselves against the country's geographical problems. CHINA: China has always been a terrestrial power but is organizing itself to become a maritime power as well. It is one of the most densely populated areas of the world, born around the yellow river the region is subject to frequent and devastating floods, it is also currently very polluted. Boundaries: - In the North we have the Gobi Desert (few habitable areas, few roads) - west plateau of Tibet and reaches as far as the Himalayas, China always has wanted to control Tibet; began building structures on the "roof of the world" (railways) that bring trade, tourism, modernity and Chinese settlers. Open contrast with the Tibetan independence movement. China paints the separatists as Islamic fundamentalists, tries to maintain buffer zones offering markets. Kazakhstan (silk road passage) could be a weak point in the Chinese line of defense, but it is far from Russia and the Kazakhs are unable to threaten China. - northeast border with Russia with mountainous, inhospitable and semi-populated territory and Manchuria with 100 million people; - to the south-east and south the sea and overlooking the Pacific and Indian Ocean, off Japan; To prove his maritime strength, in 1907 Roosevelt sent 16 battleships from his fleet to stop at 20 different ports around the world. America avoided conflict until 1941, when it was attacked by Japan. In 1940 the British had ceded British naval bases to the Americans. In 1949 Washington leads NATO formation, some founding countries grant naval and air bases in the North Atlantic, Mediterranean and South Pacific. They become a superpower, acting if it is in their interest to put their units on alert to send signals of their presence. During the Cuban missile crisis, the USSR withdraws its missiles from Cuba, the US recently withdraws its missiles from Turkey: there is always a compromise. The Chinese also allow the Americans to control naval routes, but the Americans must not get too close to China (compromise). America has begun drilling the seabed (fracking) and could become energy self- sufficient, thus diminishing its strategic interest in the Gulf, where it is currently trying to manage the situation without deploying soldiers. WESTERN EUROPE: The European climate, thanks to the Gulf Stream, has safely ensured the amount of rain needed for cultivation and the soil suitable for ripening. In Europe, therefore, agricultural work was possible all year round, even in summer; in winter temperatures are so warm that work is possible, but also cold enough to eliminate the germs of the cultivations. The abundant harvests have enabled the food trade by allowing people to develop new technologies. Territory: there are no real deserts in Europe, the frozen expanses are only found in the far north and phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and floods are rare. Rivers are long and navigable and flow into seas and oceans whose coasts are rich in natural harbours to the west, north and south. Unlike the United States, a giant country with a universal language, Europe has developed over millennia and remains divided into geographical and linguistic regions; almost all European rivers do not meet and act as borders, each one representing a sphere of economic influence. This has allowed the formation of large urban centres on the banks of each river; a very important example is the Danube, the second longest river in Europe, which involves 18 countries and forms some natural borders, including those between Slovakia and Hungary, Croatia and Serbia, Serbia and Romania, and Romania and Bulgaria. It seems that for a long-time northern Europe was much richer and more industrialized than southern Europe and probably the Protestant religion also influenced this; however, the theories are still not provable. Surely one of the factors that best explains this difference between north- south at the European level but also at the national levels is the geographical location (e.g. arid plains, mountain ranges and short rivers that limit trade, a situation that unites Spain and Greece); France is the only country to be northern and southern at the same time. The most critical relationship within the European Union is certainly the one between France and Germany; the current EU was born to unite France and Germany to prevent them from striking each other. The union has led to a single currency for 19 of the 28 countries: the euro, except Denmark and the United Kingdom. The failure of the Union would also damage Germany economically: the third largest exporter of goods in the world. PERSONAL NOTE: As of 2020, the European Union has 27 Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. AND RELEASED THE UNITED KINGDOM IN SEPTEMBER 2019! AFRICA Some of the problems that make Africa less politically and technologically developed than Europe and North America are linked to territorial characteristics. Africa is a very large continent; the territory is characterized by Mediterranean coasts, coastal plains that reach as far as the Sahara desert, the largest sandy desert in the world. To south of the Sahara there is the region of the Sahel that goes from Gambia up to the Red Sea. The majority of the inhabitants are Muslim, south of the Sahel we find different religions. To the south of the Sahel the climate is temperate and the vegetation turns into jungle; towards the east coast there are the lakes of Uganda and Tanzania while to the west the deserts in Angola and Namibia. In South Africa the climate is Mediterranean. Because of the climate too hot Africa has always been the target of diseases such as malaria and yellow fever, is also one of the countries most affected by HIV mainly because of the presence of mosquitoes and tzè flies. Africa is characterized by wonderful beaches but bad natural ports, rivers are unsuitable for transport because they are full of waterfalls. The Nile, the longest river in the world, influences the economy of ten countries and could be the cause of revolt by Egypt against Ethiopia. Rivers in general arise in the mountains and descend to the valley with jumps that hinder navigation, an example is the Zambezi River, the fourth river in Africa. These physical characteristics, combined with the various linguistic differences, have made it difficult to maintain trade and consequently Africa's economic development. Africa was a destination for both Europeans and Arabs who, thanks to their technology, entered the territory and took everything they could find good, especially natural resources and people; slavery had already existed for a long time, the merchants of the Sahel used thousands of slaves to transport large quantities of precious goods, such as salt. They were mistreated and many were taken en masse on ships to be sold. The Africans are still prisoners of the political geography built by the Europeans. There are 56 African countries and civil wars still reign in many of them, for example Libya whose borders are the result of arbitrary borders drawn by foreigners on maps. Congo is an example of how the imposition of artificial borders can give rise to a weak and divided state, devastated by civil war, and whose wealth of minerals condemns it to perpetual exploitation. Africa has always been the object of colonialism and in many countries French is spoken; King Leopold the Second of Belgium already used the Congo as his personal property from which he could find natural resources to enrich himself. One of the most disastrous events in the Congo was certainly the African World War where the Tutsis were killed; Burundi was also affected by numerous conflicts. Africa has been cursed and blessed in equal measure by its resources: blessed because it has natural riches in abundance, and cursed because foreigners have always plundered it. In more recent times, nation states have managed to appropriate a share of these riches, and today foreign countries come to invest rather than steal, but the population hardly ever benefits. Egypt could become a great power if it were not for the fact that there are very few trees in the territory and therefore no marinas could be built with which to export. Today the most powerful armed forces of all the Arab states thanks also to the Americans, but it is still confined by deserts, the sea and the peace treaty it has signed with Israel. It has to guard the Suez Canal through which most commercial traffic passes. Nigeria is the largest oil producer (in the south) which causes conflict and animosity with northern Nigeria. The Republic of South Africa is the second largest economy on the continent after Nigeria. It is China's first trading partner in Africa; thanks to its position it is one of the very few African countries to escape malaria and dangerous mosquitoes. It is full of natural wealth and its geographical location allows the transport system; it is also equipped with a railway network. Today Africa seems to be making progress: the rivers that previously hindered trade are used for electricity production, the arid land that did not allow cultivation hides minerals and oil that have enriched some countries. In almost all African countries poverty seems to have decreased and levels of assistance and destruction have increased. MIDDLE EAST The Middle East stretches from the Mediterranean Sea to the mountains of Iran, from the Black Sea to the shores of the Arabian Sea. It includes deserts, oases, snow-covered mountains, rivers, cities and coastal plains. it is very rich in natural resources: oil and natural gas. Most of the population lives on the outskirts of the desert. Ottoman Empire had divided the Middle East into administrative districts, the collapse of the empire led France and England to create an arbitrary division (Sykes-Picot 1916) by drawing lines on a map and forcibly creating "nation-states" young and fragile people who have united on the river's water supplies Indus, which currently India and Pakistan share AFGHANISTAN: India and Pakistan look for alliance in this country, Kabul (capital) must be enemy of the enemy. In 2001, Pakistan funded the Afghan Taliban who were hosting Foreign Fighters of al Qaeda, which have hit the United States. The Taliban are very close to the way of life of Pakistani Pashtuns (they live on the side of the border mountains between Pakistan and Afghanistan). In 2011, the U.S. discovered and killed Osama Bin Laden, leader of al Qaeda, in Pakistan: intensification of the American drone attacks on Pakistan and Afghanistan. In 2015, NATO leaves Afghanistan, only a small part of the army is left to prevent Kabul from falling into the hands to the Taliban. There's the heroin business in Afghanistan. NORTH KOREA AND JAPAN: NORTH KOREA: Very poor country led by a communist monarchy (Democratic People's Republic of Korea - DPRK) more similar to a Dictatorship, supported by SOUTH KOREA China: prosperous, trading country international, supported by the United States, does not promote reunification. the capital is Seoul. Korea in the 18th century, after domination occupations and looting (Mongols, Ming dynasty, Japanese), tries to isolate themselves. In the twentieth century the Japanese return a strong depression and that period still affects the relations between the two Korean states and Japan (which in the case of conflict today would support reunification). Korea is divided at the end of the second world war (Japan defeated), with an arbitrary choice of border (the 38th parallel): a north a Soviet communist regime and then Chinese, south a pro- American dictatorship (Republic of China). of Korea - ROK). In 1950 the U.S. pushed the troops north, reaching almost border with China, Chinese troops respond and the configuration of the two Koreas remains unchanged, with a demilitarized central part called DMZ. JAPAN: Island people. In the 14th century the Mongols tried to invade but failed. population is concentrated along the coastal plains in inland areas where it is possible to cultivate the rice, there are many rivers but they are not navigable. Three-quarters of the territory is uninhabited. Japanese are a seafaring people. They fought against the Chinese and Russians to oppose are the world's largest importers of natural gas and the third largest importer of oil. The shortage of natural resources led Japan to invade Indochina during the Second World War II to take possession of resources, the United States intervened with the atomic bombardments of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After the surrender of Japan the country was rebuilt and became a global economic power. Japan is investing heavily on the purchase of ships and aircraft and has established an air defence zone (identification zone mandatory for aeroplanes in transit). The birth rate is falling: the government is trying to reversing the trend through parties and meeting services for young couples. immigration is another possible solution, but it is not particularly appreciated by the population. LATIN AMERICA In Latin America, the culture of landed estates and bondage was established. of the serfdom, which created inequality. The colonialists aimed at the natural riches For the areas on the coast were more developed and connected to each other, the areas on the coast were more developed and There are, however, few natural harbours, which limits trade. commercial Boundaries: in the North United States (divided from Mexico by a desert area), in the South Cape Horn, West Pacific East Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea Atlantic Ocean. Inside the chain of the Andes cuts contact between east and west, the waters are a source of hydroelectric power. The Amazin is the second longest river in the world, navigable only in some places and not. the Amazonian rainforest is in danger, deforested to try to cultivate, but soil and climate are not suitable. There are 5 climate regions on the continent different. Latin American countries have in common the language (of Latin origin): in almost all of them there are speaks spanish, in brazil portuguese, in french geneana in french. the populations that there live They are a mixture of Europeans, Africans, indigenous tribes and mestizos (descendants of Europeans and Native Americans). In 1494 (Treaty of Tordesillas) European colonialists (Spain and Portugal) they draw arbitrary boundaries on maps to divide up territories before they even know them. at the beginning Nineteenth century begin the first movements for independence, civil wars or conflicts break out. the relationship between Bolivia and Chile is still delicate: Bolivia has reserves of natural gas. but doesn't sell them to Chile, Bolivia would like a piece of land on the coast in return, but Chile rejects: national pride and geographical requirements prevail over diplomatic compromise. Instead, Guatemala claims sovereignty over Belize and there are tensions. The population in the south resides mainly on the coasts, we speak of "populated edge", in Central America the populations are more evenly distributed. MEXICO: relies on the United States to maintain the safe and open routes, is a buffer zone often crossed illegally to reach the United States (the promised land). seeks to develop the oil industry and attract new In the 1970s, the United States and Nixon started the "war on drugs". were leaving Colombia for the USA: the maritime air routes and cartels were closed. drug routes have created land routes through Mexico. Mexican gangs have been infiltrated the police force with corruption and are part of the political elite and economic, act with intimidation, while the government pushes towards legality, there is risk of a civil war. PANAMA: In 1914 the channel controlled by the Americans was inaugurated. a fast passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Since 1999 the channel has been controlled from Panama to the Pacific. safeguarding the United States. China wants to import oil from Venezuela and is trying to create the Grand Canal of Nicaragua (would be controlled by China), which would bring 30,000 people to leave their homes to make room for the canal (it is financed by a private individual with whom the Chinese government says it has no agreement). This second channel will be larger and will be able to accommodate more ships by favoring the maritime power of China, which already has close trade relations with Brazil. Since 2011 the U.S. has been trying to economically tie Latin American countries to itself through trade pacts (NAFTA) the new multilateral agreements (CAFTA). South American countries military assistance, selling or donating weapons. BRAZIL: country strongly agricultural Thanks to effective reclamation works. the coast is characterized by the Great Escarpment (sheer cliff). on the ocean) and roads that are currently inadequate are needed to connect cities. 25% of Brazilians live in favelas. Brazil is part of the BRICS: a group of countries on the rise. economic and political. ARGENTINA: countries that have not been able to exploit its benefits. System educational is shoddy, unstable politics, inability to diversify the economy, society unjustly stratified. the "Vaca Muerta" from which the shale oil could be extracted, could meet Argentina's energy needs and give it a surplus to export, to do so large foreign investments are needed, but Argentina is not considered to be a favourable country for these operations. the Falkland Islands (British) are called the Malvinas by the Argentineans, the reconquest of these "Little Lost Sisters" is a national cause supported by almost all the countries of the South America. ARCTIC: Arctic word comes from the Greek arktikés, which means "close to the bear" referring to the constellation of the Big Dipper, whose last two stars point to the North Star. The Arctic Ocean measures 14 million square kilometers; it is almost as big as Russia and the Arctic Sea. one and a half times the United States. The continental shelves of this sea occupy in proportion, more space than all the others, and it is one of the reasons why it becomes of chile find a Sovereign Base Area Agreement. The Arctic region includes territories that are difficult to find a Sovereign Base Area Agreement. The Arctic region includes territories that are part of Canada, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. United States (Alaska). CLIMATE: land of extremes because for short periods of time, during the summer, the temperature can reach even at 26 degrees, but for long periods of winter it drops to minus 45 degrees. There are expanses of rocks carved by the frozen winds, spectacular fjords, polar deserts and even rivers. It is a place of great hostility and of great beauty that has been ascending
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