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Queen Elizabeth I. My people have loved..., Appunti di Inglese

My people have loved me from day one and welcomed me as a liberator and in all the years of my government has never deprived me of their support and dedication. I was born on September 7, 1533 in Greenwich and I am the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife Anne Boleyn. At the age of three, my mother was accused of incest, treason and witchcraft by her husband who beheaded her and I was declared unlawful. Despite this, at the age of 25, she was freed from...

Tipologia: Appunti


Caricato il 24/01/2022

Elyhope 🇮🇹

3 documenti

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Scarica Queen Elizabeth I. My people have loved... e più Appunti in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! Queen Elizabeth I Il mio popolo mi ha amata fin dal primo giorno e mi ha accolto come una liberatrice e in tutti gli anni del mio governo non mi ha mai privato del suo sostegno e della sua dedizione. Io sono nata il 7 settembre del 1533 a Greenwich e io sono la figlia di Enrico VIII e della sua seconda moglie Anna Bolena. Quando avevo tre anni, mia madre fu accusata di incesto, di tradimento e di stregoneria da suo marito che la fece decapitare ed io fui dichiarata illegittima. Nonostante ciò all’età di 25 anni, liberata dalla prigionia, io sono diventata regina del regno d'Inghilterra e d'Irlanda. Io vivo a Londra e abito nel castello di Windsor, nel quale sono nata e cresciuta. Io sono Queen Elizabeth I della dinastia Tudor e per me è un onore governare con impegno, dando tutta me stessa, il mio Paese. Io ho sposato il mio popolo, sebbene fossi innamorata di Robert, e per questo mi conoscete come la regina Vergine. Io sono sempre stata una donna decisa e con le idee chiare. Io amo la cultura, in particolare le lingue straniere. So parlare il latino, il greco, il francese e lo spagnolo. In oltre io amo il lusso, le feste e la vita mondana. Mi piace ballare e ascoltare la musica durante i banchetti a corte. Vi racconto un segreto: ballo tutte le sere! Mi sono anche innamorata follemente per ben due volte: la prima, di Robert, un uomo già sposato, e poi del corsaro Francis Drake. Non mi considero bella, ma i miei lineamenti sono raffinati. Io sono una donna elegante nell' aspetto e nell' abbigliamento. Mi piace stupire i miei sudditi e per questo indosso vestiti sfarzosi adornati con ricchi gioielli, ma nel privato io preferisco indossare vestaglie senza ornamenti. Lo so il mio guardaroba farebbe invidia a qualunque donna, ma la maggior parte dei miei abiti sono regali e le mie cameriere sistemano gli abiti vecchi cambiando le maniche o con ricami. ll vaiolo mi ha causato molte cicatrici sul viso, così ogni giorno le copro. Io sono anglicana come mio padre e non ho nulla contro i cattolici. Invece, la mia sorellastra Maria I vuole convertire, al cattolicesimo, con la forza, i puritani e gli anglicani. Per questo la chiamano la sanguinaria , infatti è una donna crudele e calcolatrice ed io sono mai andata molto d’accordo con lei. Sono sicura che in futuro tutto mi ricorderanno come una regina che ha fatto diventare grande il suo Paese. Non dimenticatemi. My people have loved me from day one and welcomed me as a liberator and in all the years of my government has never deprived me of their support and dedication. I was born on September 7, 1533 in Greenwich and I am the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife Anne Boleyn. At the age of three, my mother was accused of incest, treason and witchcraft by her husband who beheaded her and I was declared unlawful. Despite this, at the age of 25, she was freed from _______________________________________________________ My people loved me from day one and welcomed me as a liberator and in all the years of my government they have never deprived me of their support and dedication. I was born on September 7, 1533 in Greenwich and I am the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife Anne Boleyn. When I was three years old, my mother was accused of incest, treason and witchcraft by her husband who had her beheaded and I was declared illegitimate. Nevertheless, at the age of 25, I became queen of the kingdom of England and Ireland when I was freed from captivity. I live in London and live in Windsor Castle, where I was born and raised. I am Queen Elizabeth I of the Tudor dynasty and it is an honour for me to rule with commitment, giving all of myself, my country. I married my people, though I was in love with Robert, and for that you know me as the Queen Virgin. I have always been a determined and clear-minded woman. I love culture, particularly foreign languages. I can speak Latin, Greek, French and Spanish. In addition, I love luxury, parties and social life. I like to dance and listen to music during banquets at court. I'll tell you a secret: I dance every night! I've also fallen madly in love twice: the first time, with Robert, an already married man, and then with the corsair Francis Drake. I don't consider myself beautiful, but my features are refined. I'm an elegant woman in appearance and dress. I like to impress my subjects and for this reason I wear sumptuous clothes adorned with rich jewels, but in private I prefer to wear dressing gowns without ornaments. I know my wardrobe would make any woman envy me, but most of my clothes are gifts and my maids fix the old clothes by changing the sleeves or with embroidery. Smallpox has caused many scars on my face, so every day I cover them. I'm Anglican like my father, and I have nothing against Catholics. Instead, my half sister Maria I wants to convert the Puritans and Anglicans to Catholicism by force. That is why they call her the bloodthirsty one, in fact she is a cruel and calculating woman and I have never got along very well with her. I am sure that in the future everything will remember me as a queen who made her country great. Don't forget me.
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