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Riassunti testi esame orale con descrizione titolo, Schemi e mappe concettuali di Lingua Inglese

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Tipologia: Schemi e mappe concettuali


Caricato il 10/06/2022

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Scarica Riassunti testi esame orale con descrizione titolo e più Schemi e mappe concettuali in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano 1 Riassunti testi Inglese 3 Orale 2021-2022 Alibaba – Clicks to bricks ➢ Clicks online term, bricks refers to brick and mortar shops Alibaba is the Chinese equivalent of Amazon and they are not linked. The chairman bet that from 2015 to 2020 he will double the sales. Investors are a little skeptic because values of the share fell dramatically. He is not worried because both income and profit increased. The infrastructure surrounding logistic in china is low. Needs a lot of long term investments. His idea to invest in bricks and mortar and build up the infrastructure and distribution network. Another type of investments in Cloud computing, online finance transactions: Aliyun, ant finance and Alipay. By being the biggest e-commerce reseller he wants also to step into the European market boosting digital marketing and sales with Unilever (Alibaba in Europe) Marketing in the digital age – A brand new game ➢ 2 ways of reading it: a new game or a new game for brands Nowadays thanks to social media/network and the ability to gather easily informations from smart devices of every user advertising can be so-called “tailor made”. An example is BMW which made specific ads only to those users who’s profile could afford their car. This escalated after discrimination. Social media is also a solution to reduce the distance between ads and e-commerce and also give an online personality to brands. Brands are also looking for new ways of advertising to find a non saturated audience and get good benefits. The best solution for advertising and reaching everyone is to diversified portfolio so companies may not only invest into social marketing but continue with TV, and printed ads too. Fashion Retailing - Chicago Hope Uniqlo, an Asian brand of cloths wants to grow and become the world’s top fashion brand and decided to step in US market. It’s a real challenge because on one site there are Abercrombie and Gap who are closing stores and on the other hand Zara and H&M are cementing. Analyst suggested to downsize the American shops opening from 200 to 22 and boost online services. They also said that Uniqlo should open shops only in the most visited cities by Asian tourists because they know the brand and feel successful that they live in a country with excellent growth opportunities.. Primark, faster cheaper fashion It’s an Irish based company which sales low costs clothing retailer. Due to it’s the most seller store in UK since 2006 they started to open shops across Europe and sales increased significantly. In 2015 they want to enter in US market in major cities on the east coast. While Zara and H&M are well establish and they are leading fashion houses at the moment. Primark want to tap in this aspect because Abercrombie and Gap who are more expensive brands lost their market share and it seams it’s the time of fast fashion and Primark is a contender of fast fashion. The secret to keep the price low is to produce on a very big scale to get good advantages for raw materials, tiny margins on clothes and cut expense in marketing and relay on the “instagram effect” of fast fashion. Entering in US market of foreigners is not easy and a weak point for Primark might be to deal with the shipping and organisation of the e-commerce. However fast fashion creates more rubbish, the conditions of the factories were they produce are in countries where the laws are not so strict (like in Bangladesh a factory collapsed and made 1,00 of victims) but despite everything customers forget facts easily and Primark increased a lot their sales the following year Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano 2 The Motor trade- Death of a car salesman ➢ Title refer to tragedy of the Pulitzer Prize winner Arthur Miller: “death of a salesman” This article is explaining how customers prefer to buy online cars and this made hard life for all those intermediary businessman. In contrast house sales and renting business is still run by agents. To get rid of intermediary dealers will have as a consequence higher profits for makers and lower prices for customers. Studies has shown that buyers find going to a dealer bureaucratic and boring because they are already well informed on models, options, prices, know already car features and avoid test driving. Lexus and Toyota proposed haggle-free pricing, Tesla is selling directly to motorist although in some US state it’s still illegal but it might change soon because the trend is going in that direction and the laws are “old fashioned”. European brands still have a hybrid approach: online deposit and last transaction by a dealer. Nevertheless dealers try desperately to be in car business updated the self and nowadays are offering also finance, insurance, warranties, repairs and other services. The presence of such people grantees competition and for big investment customer will always prefer the non virtual shop. China’s Labour market- Shock and Absorbers This article reports that Chinese big companies operating in shipbuilding and coal mining to continue to survive in periods where the orders are few or none are withholding workers wages. The Chinese communist party is worried that it might ruin the polis reputation because In the past year the number of Chinese strikes doubled and the inflation of the currency increased. Another problem is that many jobs are for younger and educated people but the salary is too low compared to their current position in an state owned enterprises. According to numbers the unemployment increased just by 0,1% and the employment rate increased by 0,2%. This number are anaesthetised thanks to two shock absorbers: the first one is the household registration and the second one are the State-Owned-Enterprises SOE. When workers lose their job, go back in rural villages and are considered as agriculture workers not as unemployed and the SOE are domaining sectors like energy and transport and are obliged to maintain social stability and it’s quite impossible to be fired. As a consequence to keep the unemployment rate low, china is over hiring people at a cost of a lower productivity. This way can not be fix solution forever because it will collapse. A solution might be a less job competition and shifting to other sectors. Eco friendly detergents- Green Wash ➢ Title refers that Green wash means firstly to wash environmental friendly but also that there are many big companies that might say that their vision and mission is to be green but actually they do very little. Method, a company of cleaning product has decided to put in first place to be responsible and sustainable. Their goal is to be “green” inside and outside. Inside by using clean energy sources, recycled plastic bottles, the ingredient list of their chemicals is public and outside by urban revitalisation of Chicago’s poor areas. 15 years ago there was a very little trend of being environmental friendly and the was a huge different with normal brands such as SC Johnson and Procter & Gamble. The green products were badly packed, low demands and very expensive compared to others. Now chemistry, design and the growing demand and the also the entering of behemoths in this market, made this sector more competitive. Also EPA created a sort of green ingredient list and gave the possibility to gain the EPA safer choice label. To put this label on the product might appear Method as pretentious compared to rivals who don’t need to put. Nevertheless for customers the price makes a very big influence to choose one product rather another. Fighting counterfeit goods.. a tougher battle This article explains who big brands as Hermes, Tiffany, Kering are battling in court against counterfeit goods. Kering sued Alibaba for helping fakers to sell their counterfeit goods online on it’s website. Alibaba justified themselves explaining that there is a team helped by an algorithm who reports suspected illegal listing and takes it down immediately. To track down copycat sales on internet it’s getting more difficult because sites manage thousands of different website so persecutors oriented their investigation to auction websites, internet domain registries and payment processors. The rage of fake goods is spreading from software to medicine to car parts and detergents. It’s expanding rapidly and it’s their fault for significant losses for luxury brands. In the past years some brands managed to win come cases but America refuses to frees counterfeits bank account in china. The customer has a hard life because on one site he is genuine and seeking for discounted goods and on the other side he knows it’s a fake one but they fall into the swindles trap where they just steal credit card credentials. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano 5 Money Management - Ask the algorithm This article reports that also in the investment sectors computer can replace personal force. They are able to do the same job thanks to different algorithm and as a result this product can be offered easily to a larger number of clients not just millionaires. The annual fees are very little 0,25-1% instead from 1-3% and it’s has an easy access thanks to register and enter just through email and password. The interesting aspect that this process attract particularly young investor (under 35) with little amount of capital, which would be uneconomic for bankers, but doesn’t matter to the algorithm. It’s a way get the customer loyal, and grow together with his inheritance planning. The trend is changing and traditional bankers working with the newcomers, building basket of stock depending on investment themes, opening of automated wealth services, mixing new with old and sell computer diligence International Banking – Slings and arrows The concept of Silicon Valley companies that finance task has to be managed by tech companies is spreading around. New fintech should be specialised each in different task such as money transfer, advisory, loans. Each companies has to be highly regulated so that if one business might crash we avoid of another global crises. Startups represents now an alternative of banks that have now started investing in startups to monitor it closely, to face costs such as it systems, smart HQ ,staff. New technologies lowered entry barriers for newcomers that prefers investing their finance in tech companies rather than banks (2008). Banks do money in 3 ways and now they are all under attack o Interest margin o Charging for making payments ( fees c/c) o Fees linked to operations (broker investments, international money transfer) Due to the fact that fintechs and banks are spreading also in emerging markets and bringing financial services to billions for their first time the core activity are the payments that are innovated. An example is the cryptocurrency Bitcoin that allows money transfer from one business to another avoiding third party-> banks. Peer to peer Lending – from the people, for the people After the financial crises of 2008 the trend of peer to peer credits increased significantly. The chain is much shorter, the borrowers are ranked and it is expanding rapidly thanks to the modern smart technologies. The most successful NewCo in one based in San Fransisco: assesses of creditworthiness and makes profit form arrangement fees with no 3rd party (bank) in between. This market is doubling the landings every nine months and will approach in the future also in small business, student loans with an higher percentage of capital are seen as a good credit rick on basis of high potential (HENRY:High Income Not Reach Yet). This market is not highly regulated and users are aware they may loose some money and get the money back only once the loan is paid. There are different methods: choose each borrower, lend to a basket of approved ones, some offer protection funds and the most important thing is that there is a blacklist of whose who default their loan. If credit peer to peer will survive the next crises, it would mean that also investment titans might step in reassuring better returns. The cost operations compared to banks are smaller. Banks at the moment might not step in because it’s to unsecured and to unregulated. The internet – reweaving the web ➢ Title refers to a book of Tim Berners Lee “weaving the web” 20 years after his book “Weaving the web” where the author was hoping about a positive influence and a web driven world in the future changed now his mind due to the increasing centralisation of internet where search engine and social network are dominating and having the monopole. Just smartphone are responsible of half of the online traffic and the cloud computing entities (Android, Apple, google..) are now gathering a quantity of personal data that arrived to influence our choices and behaviour. Another example is the rise of crypto currency like bitcoins. It’s a globally distributed database which works with many actors not a single one. Many platform for different tasks has been created: one is a collaborative cloud storage and stores data all over the world. Another platform register your online identity and protect you from sharing information of social media while another shares your social data without opening it. Community of different independent online shops has been created and there are apps that helps you to design contracts. The obstacle of the diffusion of this new technologies are : convenience, lawmakers might step in and put Barrie’s, reliable on freely availability to the public. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano 6 Chinese consumers – from noodles to poodles ➢ Title reference on Chinese food :noodles and poodles (dogmeat) Noodles’ sales are showing how the Chinese consumer classes has raised. In one year the noodles sales fell by 10 %. Also other goods were affected by recession: such as beer, ready to eat food and soft drinks due to the awareness of cheap brands. Chinese people are showing more interest on self care product like make up, skincare and trips abroad. Chinese customers are more aware of fresh and healthy products, doing more Sport like Yoga and the sales of functional drinks and yogurt and increasing although a lot of Chinese are lactose intolerant. China is changing and developing but we don’t have to forget old ones: we have to keep in mind that pet food sales increased but the annual dog meat festival still takes place. In conclusion CEOs are not worried about china’s future unless India will be on their side. The imperial CFO In big companies a new figure is stealing the attention from CEO who has to deal with stakeholders and control every part of the company and exercise their power. The new figure is CFO who has to deal with big investors and founders who has a role of overseeing corporate operations, decide appropriate strategies, allocate capital for certain projects. They have to act like strategist, auditors, directors and can check their work on tools such as computer data. They have the power to represent the company and discuss investors, stakeholders and directors and have influence in the board. After the financial crises companies understood how important is to cost-related infos. CFO last only 5 years, and todays chiefs are well trained and qualified and there is an higher number of women and their pay is owned buy their performance. India’s economy - Two stumbles forward, one back India’s problem is not to be attractive for foreigner investor but their own bureaucracy and that represents an obstacle for the companies to grow. For example it takes 40 steps to get permits to built a warehouse in Mumbai and it is expensive. The problem so it is in the government which owns banking and insurance sectors, hotels, airline if they don’t change the regulation of the economy they can’t move forward. 3D printing – print my ride ➢ Assonance with expression pimp my ride which means upgrade on my style my vehicle This article reports the new trend of customising car parts thanks to 3d printer. Toyota wants to offer a trailer car for customer with modest budget. People can choose through an online website on just one car models different features like panels, patterns, effect skins. This idea has already being sued by competitors but just for luxury brands such as Ferrari and Rolls Royce. Local motors is using this technique to match customers taste. 3D printer already made a big step into business because they are widely used: from aerospace industry to customise internal cabin fitting, to fixing car racing parts until to be able to print 75% of a minibus. Financial technology – on the move This article reports how credit loans and development of phone networks and all the services connected to them really help African people to change their life better upgrading to middle class. Mobile money has grown a lot but transactions fees are expensive. Also the number of indigents has increased significantly thanks to some reform. To apply for credits, there are 2 main financial investors. Ones provide you electricity through solar panels and the other one helps you to do money transfer via SIM card. However transaction fees are still too expensive (10 % charges) expect form Somaliland where there are free. The governments should support this innovative financial companies because as a return high about of taxes will be paid. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano 7 Asia’s Next tiger – Good afternoon, Vietnam ➢ Refers to the movie of good morning Vietnam! And also it’s a slang for saying that one country is exiting the period of post war reconstructions. It’s midnight=the war is taking place, good morining= rebuilt the country like 50-60 in italy This article reports how Vietnam is appealing towards foreigner investors such as Moreno that after 7 years he is still producing medical devices in Vietnam. There are several factors that lead to be now classified as a middle-income country which means that has almost reached Asia. Geography helps Vietnam thanks sea connection to the Chinese southern borders, where the manufacturing sector is settled, to be a valid competitor becks VN wages are lower. Young population is well skilled and got a general education. They benefit from trade deals with Europe and South Korea. On the other hand Vietnam ha su face with issues such a bank system full of debts that slowed the recovery and a supply network that needs huge investments. The ministry is workin a long term view where SOE companies will decrease and the private sector will be sustained. Free Exchange – problematic proposal This article reports the different views of American people on the free trade. On one side we have people against free trade such as Trump, the Republicans: because since 2000 due to the free trade the manufactory employment has decreased a lot and wages too. On the other hand during this period the. Shipping has been more efficient and that let companies to disperse the production chain between rich and developing countries (Apple). Despite all, America is well positioned because in the next 15 next they will raise their output and the opposition might be mitigated by a redistribution through trade adjustment assistance. Keep it un your hat – Beautiful minds, wasted This article lists pro and cons of vertically integrated companies such as Tesla, Apple or Ford to the new trend of outsourcing assets like to focus internally about core business and leave work to experts outside where thanks to globalisation better resources can be supplied anywhere. Some important keys to keep in mind are • Simplicity: customers prefer to pay more and have a well integrated product which means companies work more efficient if they do their own things • Choice: if the offer grows than you have to work on the loyalty of the client (amazon and Netflix produces their own to series • Speed: in the fashion is crucial and the last trends has to be provided items quickly to the stores (zara) • Geopolitical uncertainty and environmental worries: Nutella imports hazelnuts form Turkey and Ikea buys acres from Romania The solution can be find in between of doing things in the house and outsourcing them. Measuring companies – The watchers A new method, American mainly, to measure backwards business performance is to collect data form different sources: satellite images or hidden social media activities. This alternative data are expensive, take time to be analysed but some result has been published and the value of hedge founds has grown rapidly. Here there are some example: for Walmart this method was a applied by assuming the amount of daily revenues by looking at the cars parked outside; but this works also to estimate the size of oil stocks by measuring oil tanks shadow; or in countries like Russia and China to verify their official not accurate data. Four square was already doing something similar: they where analysing which shop that a person prefers more analysing the time that they where stopping by. Buttonwood – Back in Fashion The international monetary found reports that Russia and Brazil will start to grow and again back on track. The raw materials prices are stabilising, investors are gaining trust and optimism and are more keen to take risks. As a results the countries will develop. Unfortunately, according to studies, the fast growth of an emerging market is linked with a negative equity return.
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